Government of Canada; Natural Resource…

[Unnamed layer] [Unnamed layer] [Unnamed layer]
Service health Now:
Web Service, ArcGIS MapServer 10.3
Influenza, Flu, Virus, Infectious diseases, Communicable diseases, Contagious diseases, Epidemiology
Access constraints
Government of Canada; Public Health Agency of Canada; Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Branch; Centre for Immunization and Respiratory Infectious Diseases
Data provider

Government of Canada; Natural Resources Canada (unverified)

Contact information:

Government of Canada; Natural Resources Canada

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FluWatchers is an online health surveillance system. It helps monitor the spread of flu-like illness across Canada. FluWatchers relies on Canadians to volunteer 15 seconds of their time each week to answer 2 questions about their health. Sign up to be a Fluwatcher. Note: Only areas where there are five or more weekly reporters are included in the map. The reported rates of cough and fever are a reflection of the surveillance data available to FluWatch at the time of production. Delays in reporting of data may cause data to change retrospectively.

Available map layers (1)

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