Statistics Canada

Proportion of population using sustainable transportation by census subdivision, 2016

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Statistics Canada. 2018. 2016 Census of Population. Ottawa.
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Statistics Canada (unverified)

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Statistics Canada

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This service shows the proportion of commuters using sustainable transportation for Canada by 2016 census subdivision. The data is from the data table Main Mode of Commuting (10), Commuting Duration (7), Time Leaving for Work (7), Sex (3) and Age (5) for the Employed Labour Force Aged 15 Years and Over Having a Usual Place of Work or No Fixed Workplace Address, in Private Households of Canada, Provinces and Territories, Census Divisions and Census Subdivisions, 2016 Census - 25% Sample Data, Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 98-400-X2016324. 'Main mode of commuting' refers to the main mode of transportation a person uses to travel between his or her home and his or her place of work. 'Sustainable transportation' refers to persons using public transit (bus; subway or elevated rail; light rail, streetcar or commuter train; or passenger ferry) or active transport (walked or bicycle).

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