Statistics Canada

Percentage of population with knowledge of English and French by census subdivision, 2016

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Statistics Canada. 2018. 2016 Census of Population. Ottawa.
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Statistics Canada (unverified)

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Statistics Canada

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This service shows the percentage of population, excluding institutional residents, with knowledge of English and French for Canada by 2016 census subdivision. The data is from the Census Profile, Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 98-316-X2016001. Knowledge of official languages refers to whether the person can conduct a conversation in English only, French only, in both languages or in neither language. For a child who has not yet learned to speak, this includes languages that the child is learning to speak at home. For additional information refer to 'Knowledge of official languages' in the 2016 Census Dictionary.

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Percentage of population with knowledge of English and French by census subdivision, 2016 (0)

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