[unknown data provider]

Foundation.aerofacp_1m Foundation.aerofacp_1m Foundation.aerofacp_1m
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Web Service, OGC Web Map Tiling Service WMTS_1.0.0
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unknown (unverified)

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No INSPIRE Extended Capabilities (including service metadata) given. See INSPIRE Technical Guidance - View Services for more information.

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OGC-compliant web map tiling server (WMTS) by CubeWerx Inc.

Available map layers (14)

Depth Contours (Store.depthl_1m)

VRF Narrative Table for "Depth Contours": Depth contours (BE015) were derived from digital bathymetric data provided by Defense Mapping Agency. Depths are expressed in the following intervals: 200, 600, 1000. 2000, 4000, 6000, and 8000 meters.

Roads (Store.roadl_1m)

VRF Narrative Table for "Roads": The majority of data contained within the road line feature class was derived from the roads layer of Digital Chart of the World, edition 1, July 1992. All schematic road connectors added in urbanized areas for network connectivity were given an 'exs' (Existence Category attribute) value of '55' (Unexamined/ Unsurveyed). Where possible, road features were designated as primary or secondary routes by comparison with Operational Navigation Charts (ONC) map sources.

Global 30 Second Elevations (Store.gtopo30)

GTOPO30 is a global digital elevation model (DEM) resulting from a collaborative effort led by the staff at the U.S. Geological Survey's EROS Data Center in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Elevations in GTOPO30 are regularly spaced at 30-arc seconds (approximately 1 kilometer). GTOPO30 was developed to meet the needs of the geospatial data user community for regional and continental scale topographic data.

Railroads (Store.railrdl_1m)

Oceans/Seas (Store.oceansea_1m)

VRF Narrative Table for "Oceans/Seas": In coastal area, points of change from ocean/sea areas (BA040) to inland water areas (BH000) were taken from Digital Chart of the World, edition 1, July 1992.

Political Boundaries (Store.polbndl_1m)

Built-Up Areas (Store.builtupa_1m)

Water Courses (Store.watrcrsl_1m)

Global 2 Minute Elevations (Store.etopo2)

ETOPO2 was generated from a digital data base of land and sea-floor elevations on a 2-minute latitude/longitude grid. The data sources used to create the ETOPO2 data set were: Smith/Sandwell, GLOBE, DBDBV, IBCAO, and DBDB5

Inland Water Areas (Store.inwatera_1m)

VRF Narrative Table for "Inland Water Areas": In coastal area, points of change from ocean/sea areas (BA040) to inland water areas (BH000) were taken from Digital Chart of the World, edition 1, July 1992 except when it was determined that the point of change was implemented too far inland. In these cases, cartographic judgment was used to establish the point of change.

Airport Facility Points (Store.aerofacp_1m)

VPF Narrative Table for "Airport Facilities Points": Information on airports/airfields (GB005) was derived from the DAFIF (Digital Aeronautical Flight Information File) and TINT (Target Intelligence) in areas where such data was available. Each airfield's DAFIF reference number was placed in the 'na3' (classification name) attribute field. Only airfields which had at least one hard surface runway longer that 3,000 feet (910 meters) were collected.

Trees (Store.treesa_1m)

VRF Narrative Table for "Trees": This feature class includes all area forest/trees (EC030). Wooded areas are attributed as to predominant tree type (deciduous, evergreen, mixed or other) where possible. All features carrying the veg=999 (Other) attribute are "transitional" forests.

Coastlines (Store.coastl_1m)

VRF Narrative Table for "Coastlines": Coastline/shorelines (BA010) have been portrayed for coastal islands but not inland islands.

Combination Background (Store.combo)

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