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The Virtual Kenya is a full transactional Web Feature Server.

Available map layers (413)

Locations of Proposed Small micro- Hydropower Sites in Kenya (geonode:ke_micro_hydro_proposed)

This dataset portrays locations of proposed small micro-hydropower sites in Kenya.

Busia Improved Water Source Coverage Polygons (geonode:improved_water_source_coverage_polygons)

No abstract provided

eedc_customer_points (geonode:eedc_customer_points)

No abstract provided

Catchment Lower Grand Falls (geonode:catchment_lower_grfalls_dslv)

No abstract provided

Pans, Dams in Kenya (geonode:pandamnkenya)

No abstract provided

Tana Flooding Region (geonode:_20021104tana225m250_region)

No abstract provided

Rivers in Mandera and Wajir Districts (geonode:mandwajiriv)

The rivers dataset was obtained by German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) in collaboration with Kenya Ministry of livestock development from Survey of Kenya in 1992.The data was converted into a GIS database by Department of Resource Surveys and Remote Sensing (DRSRS) in 1994. Most of the information related to spatial data was kept separately in word files. The information in word files was extracted and joined with spatial files by ILRI in the year 2011

Marsabit Proposed Water Development (geonode:marsabit_proposedwaterdevelopmentoptions)

The shapefile shows water development options that were proposed during the course of the mapping of the existing water sources. The proposed water development options were not subjected to a feasibility study and therefore needs to be used cautiously.

Water Points (geonode:water_points)

No abstract provided

Wajir Median Annual Rainfall (geonode:wajimr)

No abstract provided

Elgon Landform Soils (geonode:eleglad)

No abstract provided

Baringo Distribution of Pastoral Tribes (geonode:baritridist)

No abstract provided

Kenya Woodlots In Cropland (geonode:ke_woodlots_in_cropland)

No abstract provided

_1201 (geonode:_1201)

No abstract provided

partofhouseholdincomededicatedtowater (geonode:partofhouseholdincomededicatedtowater)

health_facilities (geonode:health_facilities)

No abstract provided

Marsabit Boreholes (geonode:marsabit_boreholes)

Shapefile shows spatial location of boreholes in Marsabit county. Boreholes coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to an ARC1960 datum and reading in UTM coordinates). Attribute data was gathered using data capture forms, key informant interviews, data collectors and corrections by district resource persons.

_1201_1 (geonode:_1201_1)

No abstract provided

Lake Victoria Flooding Region (geonode:_20021440805lvic064m2_58_region)

No abstract provided

West Pokot Elevation (geonode:wpokelev)

No abstract provided

Marsabit Boundary (geonode:marsbnd)

No abstract provided

spi_0703 (geonode:spi_0703)

No abstract provided

Marsabit Tankering (geonode:marsabit_tankering)

Shapefile shows spatial location of emergency water tankering points in Marsabit county, either ongoing or stopped. The coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to an ARC1960 datum and reading in UTM coordinates). Attribute data was gathered using data capture forms, key informant interviews, data collectors and corrections by district resource persons

spi_0702 (geonode:spi_0702)

No abstract provided

spi_0701 (geonode:spi_0701)

No abstract provided

Wajir Roof Catchments (geonode:wajir_roof_catchments)

Shapefile shows spatial location of roof catchments in Wajir county

Lake Turkana Flooding Region (geonode:_20020517lturkana064m250_region)

No abstract provided

Marsabit Sand Dams (geonode:marsabit_sanddams)

Shapefile shows spatial location of sand dams in Marsabit county. The coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to an ARC1960 datum and reading in UTM coordinates). Attribute data was gathered using data capture forms, key informant interviews, data collectors and corrections by district resource persons

Water Point Buffer: 5km (geonode:wtpbuffer5km)

No abstract provided

Kiambu Coverage Including Functionality Division Shape Polygons (geonode:kiambu_coverage_inc_functionality_division_shape_polygons)

No abstract provided

turkcnt (geonode:turkcnt)

No abstract provided

Marsabit Distance From Permanent Water Points (geonode:marsdpwp)

No abstract provided

Protected Areas in Kenya (geonode:ke_protected_areas)

The data originated from World Database on Protected Areas. (WDPA) through IUCN and UNEP/WCMC. A management protected area is defined by IUCN as “an area of land and/or sea especially dedicated to the protection and maintenance of biological diversity, and of natural and associated cultural resources, and managed through legal or other effective means". For more information refer to: United Nations Environment Programme/ World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP/WCMC)2006. 2006 World Database on Protected Areas.(WDPA) Cambridge, United Kingdom: IUCN and UNEP/WCMC

Kenya Numbers Zebra (geonode:ke_numbers_zebra)

This dataset portrays the spatial distribution of zebra numbers observed from low-altitude flights in Kenya from 1994 to 1996.

Garissa Proposed Water Development Options (geonode:garissa_proposedwaterdevelopmentoptions)

The shapefile shows water development options that were proposed during the course of the mapping of the existing water sources. The proposed water development options were not subjected to a feasibility study and therefore needs to be used cautiously.

Kenya Grevys Range (geonode:ke_grevys_range)

This dataset portrays the potential range of Grevy's zebra in Kenya.

Kajiado Water Point Ownership Points (geonode:kajiado_water_point_ownership_points)

No abstract provided

kenmamal (geonode:kenmamal)

No abstract provided

Turkana Lake Access Points (geonode:turkana_lake_access_points)

Shapefile shows spatial location of lake access points in Turkana county. Normally these have no infrastructure developed for water abstraction from the river. The coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to an ARC1960 datum and reading in UTM coordinates). Attribute data was gathered using data capture forms, key informant interviews, data collectors and corrections by district resource persons

Cliffs and Craters in Marsabit District (geonode:marsclf)

Cliffs and craters data for Baringo district was collected by German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) in collaboration with Kenya Ministry of livestock development in 1991.The data was converted into a GIS database by Department of Resource Surveys and Remote Sensing (DRSRS) in 1994. Most of the information related to spatial data was kept separately in word files. The information in word files was extracted and joined with spatial files by ILRI in the year 2011

proportionofpopulationusingacommunalyardtap (geonode:proportionofpopulationusingacommunalyardtap)

Kenya Poverty Data (geonode:kenpoverty99)

The data originated from poverty data. For more information refer to: Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), Ministry of Planning and National Development. 2003.Geographic Dimensions of Well-Being in Kenya: Where are the Poor? From Districts to Locations. Vol. I. Nairobi: CBS. Online at http://www.worldbank.org/research/povertymaps/kenya/volume_index.htmCentral Bureau of Statistics (CBS), Ministry of Planning and National Development. 2005. Geographic Dimensions of Well-Being in Kenya: Who and Where are the Poor? A Constituency Level Profile. Vol. II. Nairobi: CBS.

Kenya Grevys 1990s (geonode:ke_grevys_1990s)

This dataset portrays the number of observed Grevy's zebra in 1994-96 in Kenya.

masai_mara_agriculture_and_fenced_enclosures (geonode:masai_mara_agriculture_and_fenced_enclosures)

No abstract provided

ke_mangroves_undp_line (geonode:ke_mangroves_undp_line)

No abstract provided

Isiolo Median Rainfall First Rainy Season Long Rains (geonode:isiomr1lg)

No abstract provided

Kisumu Unimproved Water Source Type Polygons (geonode:kisumu_unimproved_water_source_type_polygons)

No abstract provided

Water Point Buffer: 30km (geonode:wtptbuffer30km)

No abstract provided

Busia Unimproved Water Source Points (geonode:unimproved_water_source_points)

No abstract provided

Kiambu Water Source Coverage Excluding Functionality Polygons (geonode:kiambu_water_source_coverage_exc_functionality_polygons)

No abstract provided

Moyale Boreholes (geonode:moyale_boreholes)

Shapefile shows spatial location of all water sources in Moyale county. The coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to WGS 84 and Decimal degrees). The data was later converted to UTM. Attribute data was gathered using secondary data, key informant interviews, data collectors and district resource persons.

spi_0803 (geonode:spi_0803)

No abstract provided

averagedailyconsumptionpercapitaforthissourcetankers (geonode:averagedailyconsumptionpercapitaforthissourcetankers)

Travel Time to Major Cities (geonode:travel_time)

Maps developed by the International Food Policy and Research Institute (IFPRI) on travel times were used to assess market access. Travel time was estimated based on the combination of different global spatial data layers which represent the time required to cross each single point. These dataset include: SRTM30 elevation, Slope in degrees (derived from SRTM30 elevation data), GLC2000 land cover, urban areas from GPW3-GRUMP, roads from VMAP0, Railways from VMAP0, rivers from WDBII, borders from VMAP0, major water bodies from GLWD layer 1, Major sea routes data, and "high seas" from GLC2000 (see Nelson, A. (2008) Travel time to major cities: A global map of Accessibility. Global Environment Monitoring Unit - Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Ispra Italy. Available athttp://www-tem.jrc.it/accessibility).

_1102_1 (geonode:_1102_1)

No abstract provided

Kenya Poverty 1999 KNBS Location Poverty (geonode:kenya_poverty1999_cbs_location_poverty_aggr)

No abstract provided

Cliffs and Craters in Mandera District (geonode:mandclf)

Cliffs and craters data for Baringo district was collected by German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) in collaboration with Kenya Ministry of livestock development in 1992.The data was converted into a GIS database by Department of Resource Surveys and Remote Sensing (DRSRS) in 1994. Most of the information related to spatial data was kept separately in word files. The information in word files was extracted and joined with spatial files by ILRI in the year 2011

Waterbodies in Kenya (geonode:ke_waterbodies)

This dataset portrays waterbodies in Kenya, from FAO's Africover dataset.

LAPSSET Proposed Port Cities (geonode:lapsset_proporsrtcities)

LAPSSET resort cities

_0102 (geonode:_0102)

No abstract provided

_0101 (geonode:_0101)

No abstract provided

Kenya Health Facilities (geonode:ke_healthf08)

No abstract provided

Samburu Proposed Water Developments (geonode:samburu_proposedwaterdevelop)

To map proposed water development options and overlay them on other resources; to show the relationship between the proposed sites and existing accessibility to water for humans; and the relationship between the proposed sites and existing accessibility to water for livestock and pasture

Wajir Boundary (geonode:wajibnd)

No abstract provided

averagecostofwaterkescubicmeter (geonode:averagecostofwaterkescubicmeter)

_1001 (geonode:_1001)

No abstract provided

Kenya Wildlife 1970_90 (geonode:ke_wildlife_1970_90)

This dataset portrays the change in wildlife density in Kenya's rangelands between 1977-78 and 1994-96.

Turkana Springs (geonode:turkana_springs)

Shapefile shows spatial location of springs in Turkana county. Springs coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to an ARC1960 datum and reading in UTM coordinates). Attribute data was gathered using data capture forms, key informant interviews, data collectors and corrections by district resource persons

_1203_1 (geonode:_1203_1)

No abstract provided

Building Footprints (geonode:b_completed_shapef_start_2_200913)

No abstract provided

VMAP Rivers No Pipeline (geonode:vmap_dcw_ke_rivers_no_pipeline)

No abstract provided

Kenya Mangroves (geonode:ke_mangroves)

This dataset portrays locations of mangroves on the eastern coast of Kenya.Its originators are World Resources Institute,Kenya Central Bureau of Statistics and International Livestock Research Institute

flushtoiletofhouseholdsserviced (geonode:flushtoiletofhouseholdsserviced)

spi_0903 (geonode:spi_0903)

No abstract provided

spi_0902 (geonode:spi_0902)

spi_0901 (geonode:spi_0901)

No abstract provided

Kiambu Unimproved Water Source Type Points (geonode:kiambu_unimproved_water_source_type_points)

No abstract provided

Urban Areas in Kenya (geonode:ke_urban)

This dataset portrays urban areas in Kenya, from FAO's Africover dataset.

Wildebeest Range (geonode:wildebeest_range)

This dataset portrays the spatial distribution of wildebeest numbers observed from low-altitude flights in Kenya from 1994 to 1996.

Samburu Distance to Water (geonode:sambdwp)

No abstract provided

affected_constituencies (geonode:affected_constituencies)

No abstract provided

_2_6mdepth_impact (geonode:_2_6mdepth_impact)

No abstract provided

Kenya Population Density1969 (geonode:kenpop1969)

Population density is the number of people per square kilometer. The data originated from Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), 1969 Population Census Report. It was converted into digital form at district level by ILRI using district boundaries for 1979 population census . For more information refer to: Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) Ministry of Finance and Planning, Kenya (1970). 1969 Population Census Report, Nairobi: CBS

Kenya Population Density 1962 (geonode:kenpop1962)

Population density is the number of people per square kilometer. The data originated from the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) in digital form. Population is represented in small dots (counts) where each dot represents two hundred people.

Marsabit Underground Tanks (geonode:marsabit_underground_tanks)

Shapefile shows spatial location of underground tanks in Marsabit county. The coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to an ARC1960 datum and reading in UTM coordinates). Attribute data was gathered using data capture forms, key informant interviews, data collectors and district resource persons

Kenya Hotels Lodges Campsites (geonode:ke_hotels_lodges_campsites)

This dataset portrays tourist accomodations in Kenya

wajicnt (geonode:wajicnt)

No abstract provided

Busia Coverage Including Functionality Division Shape Polygons (geonode:coverage_inc_functionality_division_shape_polygons)

No abstract provided

Samburu Elevation (geonode:sambelev)

No abstract provided

Kajiado Cost Recovery Polygons (geonode:kajiado_cost_recovery_polygons)

No abstract provided

Roads in Samburu District (geonode:sambrd)

The rivers dataset was acquired by German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) in collaboration with Kenya Ministry of livestock development from Survey of Kenya in 1991. The data was converted into a GIS database by Department of Resource Surveys and Remote Sensing (DRSRS) in 1994. Most of the information related to spatial data was kept separately in word files. The information in word files was extracted and joined with spatial files by ILRI in the year 2011

Wajir Wells (geonode:wajir_wells)

The shapefile shows spatial location of wells in Wajir county; created from X Y data stored in Ms Acess database. Wells coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to an ARC1960 datum and reading in UTM coordinates). Attribute data was gathered using data capture forms, key informant interviews, data collectors and corrections by district resource personsTo map wells, gather attributes like status, infrastructure and management for monitoring and planning development of new water sources vis a vis other resources like pasture.

ke_bareareas (geonode:ke_bareareas)

No abstract provided

Coastal Towns (geonode:coastal_towns)

No abstract provided

_1101 (geonode:_1101)

No abstract provided


Wajir Landform Soils (geonode:wajilad)

No abstract provided

_1202_1 (geonode:_1202_1)

No abstract provided

Garissa Schools (geonode:garissa_schools)

The shapefile shows the spatial distribution of Early Childhood Development (ECD) centres/nursery, primary, secondary and tertiary institutions in Garissa county. The coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to an ARC1960 datum and reading in UTM coordinates). Attribute data was gathered using secondary data, data capture forms, key informant interviews, data collectors and district resource persons

Kenya Crops Diversity (geonode:ke_crops_diversity)

This dataset portrays the average number of crops grown in croplands of central and western Kenya, 1997.Its originators are World Resources Institute,Kenya Central Bureau of Statistics,International Livestock Research Institute

Samburu 66% Reliability of Rainfall Second Rainy Season During Growing Period(mm) (geonode:sambre66r2mm)

No abstract provided

kwale_dr_20091001 (geonode:kwale_dr_20091001)

No abstract provided

informalitymeasuredastheoffsetfrom1973planplotratiostandard (geonode:informalitymeasuredastheoffsetfrom1973planplotratiostandard)

kwale_dr_20091003 (geonode:kwale_dr_20091003)

No abstract provided

Kisumu Water Point Ownership Polygons (geonode:kisumu_water_point_ownership_polygons)

No abstract provided

Mandera Springs (geonode:mandera_springs)

Shapefile shows spatial location of springs in Mandera county. Springs coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to an ARC1960 datum and reading in UTM coordinates). Attribute data was gathered using data capture forms, key informant interviews, data collectors and corrections by district resource persons

test3 (geonode:test3)

No abstract provided

turkana_wards_vulnerability (geonode:turkana_wards_vulnerability)

No abstract provided

Garissa Geology (geonode:garissa_geology)

The shapefile shows geologic units of Garissa county. The geologic units were derived from the geological map of Kenya of the scale of 1:1,000,000. The geology units are Holocene (Colluvial deposits, red soils, old surface), Holocene (Colluvial deposits, red soils, old surface), Miocene (Marls, limestones, sands), PD (Precambrian deposits) and Pliocene

Locations of Small Micro-Hydropower Sites in Kenya (geonode:ke_micro_hydro)

This dataset portrays locations of small micro-hydropower sites in Kenya.

Lake Victoria Flooding Region2 (geonode:_20021350810lvic064m2_56_region2)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

samburu_proposedshools (geonode:samburu_proposedshools)

No abstract provided

kwale_dr_20090101 (geonode:kwale_dr_20090101)

No abstract provided

Marsabit Elevation (geonode:marselev)

No abstract provided

kwale_dr_20090103 (geonode:kwale_dr_20090103)

No abstract provided

LAPSSET Subcorridor (geonode:lapsset_subcorridor)

Road network of the LAPSSET corridor.

_0201_1 (geonode:_0201_1)

No abstract provided

Average Cattle Density (geonode:av_cattle_density)

No abstract provided

Kenya Numbers Giraffe (geonode:ke_numbers_giraffe)

This dataset portrays the spatial distribution of giraffe numbers observed from low-altitude flights in Kenya from 1994 to 1996.

_1001_1 (geonode:_1001_1)

No abstract provided

proportionofpopulationusingshallowwells (geonode:proportionofpopulationusingshallowwells)

Samburu Roof Catchments (geonode:samburu_roof_catchments)

Shapefile shows spatial location of roof catchments in Samburu county. Roof catchment coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to an ARC1960 datum and reading in UTM coordinates). Attribute data was gathered using data capture forms, key informant interviews, data collectors and corrections by district resource persons

Kajiado Water Points Functionality (geonode:kajiado_water_points)

No abstract provided

Garissa River Abstractions (geonode:garissa_river_abstractions)

Shapefile shows spatial location of river abstraction points in Garissa county. The coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to an ARC1960 datum and reading in UTM coordinates). Attribute data was gathered using data capture forms, key informant interviews, data collectors and corrections by district resource persons

populationdensitycensus2009peoplepersqkm (geonode:populationdensitycensus2009peoplepersqkm)

Marsabit Roof Catchments (geonode:marsabit_roof_catchments)

Shapefile shows spatial location of roof catchments in Marsabit county. Roof catchment coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to an ARC1960 datum and reading in UTM coordinates). Attribute data was gathered using data capture forms, key informant interviews, data collectors and corrections by district resource persons

Samburu 66% Reliability of Rainfall First Rainy Season During Growing Period of Pastures(mm) (geonode:sambre66r1mm)

No abstract provided

hotels_lodges_campsites_proj (geonode:hotels_lodges_campsites_proj)

No abstract provided

Kenya Towns (geonode:kenya_towns)

The data originated from Surveys of Kenya (SoK) topographic maps at a scale of 1:50,000 for different years

wajir_geology (geonode:wajir_geology)

No abstract provided

_1mdepth_impact (geonode:_1mdepth_impact)

No abstract provided

constituencies_ne-join3_UTM_areas (geonode:constituencies_ne_join3_areas)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Kajiado Water Source Type Including Functionality Polygons (geonode:kajiado_water_source_type_inc_functionality_polygons)

No abstract provided

_0403 (geonode:_0403)

No abstract provided

_0402 (geonode:_0402)

No abstract provided

_0401 (geonode:_0401)

No abstract provided

Mandera Underground Tanks (geonode:mandera_underground_tanks)

Shapefile shows spatial location of dunderground tanks in Mandera county. The coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to an ARC1960 datum and reading in UTM coordinates). Attribute data was gathered using data capture forms, key informant interviews, data collectors and district resource persons

secondary_schools (geonode:secondary_schools)

No abstract provided

Kiambu Qualitative Field Assessments Points (geonode:kiambu_qualitative_field_assessments_points)

No abstract provided

Wajir Underground Tanks (geonode:wajir_underground_tanks)

Shapefile shows spatial location of dunderground tanks in Wajir county. The coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to an ARC1960 datum and reading in UTM coordinates). Attribute data was gathered using data capture forms, key informant interviews, data collectors and district resource persons

averagedailyconsumptionpercapitaforthissourceindividualtap (geonode:averagedailyconsumptionpercapitaforthissourceindividualtap)

Samburu Boundary (geonode:sambbnd)

No abstract provided

Kenya Important Bird Areas Status (geonode:ke_iba_status)

This dataset portrays Important Bird Areas (IBAs) and their status in Kenya, 2003-2004. The data depicts each IBA by a point in the center of its associated area. IBAs range from 1 hectare to more than 1 million hectares in size.

Moyale Wells (geonode:moyale_wells)

Shapefile shows spatial location of wells in Moyale county. The coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to WGS 84 and Decimal degrees). The data was later converted to UTM. Attribute data was gathered using secondary data, key informant interviews, data collectors and district resource persons.

Busia Qualitative Field Assesment Polygons (geonode:qualitative_field_assesment_polygons)

No abstract provided

Kajiado Coverage Including Functionality Division Polygons (geonode:kajiado_coverage_inc_functionality_division_shape_polygons)

No abstract provided

proportionofpopulationusingwaterkiosks (geonode:proportionofpopulationusingwaterkiosks)

Lake Victoria Flooding Region22 (geonode:_20021440805lvic064m2p_region22)


proportionofpopulationusingtankers (geonode:proportionofpopulationusingtankers)

West Pokot Median Annual Rainfall (geonode:wpokmr)

No abstract provided

Moyale Rock Catchments (geonode:moyale_rock_catchments)

Shapefile shows spatial location of rock catchments in Moyale county. The coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to WGS 84 and Decimal degrees). The data was later converted to UTM. Attribute data was gathered using secondary data, key informant interviews, data collectors and district resource persons.

Lake Victoria Flooding Region2 (geonode:_20021440805lvic064m2_58_region2)

No abstract provided

Kenya Mammals (geonode:ke_mammals)

This dataset portrays the predicted mammal diversity, or the total number of mammal species, in Kenya.

Marsabit Wells (geonode:marsabit_wells)

The shapefile shows spatial location of wells in Marsabit county; created from X Y data stored in Ms Acess database. Wells coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to an ARC1960 datum and reading in UTM coordinates). Attribute data was gathered using data capture forms, key informant interviews, data collectors and corrections by district resource persons

Kiambu Water Point Ownership Division Polygons (geonode:kiambu_water_point_ownership_division_shape_polygons)

No abstract provided

Size of Agricultural Crops in Kenya (geonode:ke_crops_size)

This dataset portrays size of agricultural fields in Kenya, taken from FAO's Africover dataset.

deep_gw_aquifers (geonode:deep_gw_aquifers)

No abstract provided

Ewaso Ng’iro Catchment Boundary (geonode:ewaso_catchment_boundary)

The Mati (1990) definition included the Ewaso Ng’iro upper catchment, the sub-catchments in Marsabit and the downstream plains and swamps in Isiolo and Garissa districts. The Ewaso-Ng’iro catchment is a landscape comprised of communal and trust lands, cattle ranches and private wildlife conservancies managed both by pastoralist communities and commercial enterprises.

Kisumu Unimproved Source Type Division Shape Polygons (geonode:kisumu_unimproved_source_type_division_shape_polygons)

No abstract provided

Kenya Hotel Beds Coast (geonode:ke_hotel_beds_coast)

This dataset portrays the capacity, or number of beds for major tourist hotels on the eastern coast of Kenya.

Kenya Hotels Lodges and Camps (geonode:hotels_lodges_campsites)

It was approximately placed by (ILRI/WRI based on MacMillanEducation Ltd.1993. Kenya Traveller’s Map, Third Edition London and Oxford: MacMillan Education Ltd.; United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)/ GRID-Nairobi.1998. Eastern Africa Coastal and Marine Resources Database. Nairobi: UNEP/GRID-Nairobi. Project description online at http://www.unep.org/eafatlas/dbke.htm; Republic of Kenya (RoK). 2003. Gazette Notice. 3976. The Hotels and Restaurants (Classification of Hotels and Restaurants) Regulations, 1988. Vol. CV, No. 62. Nairobi: RoK.) in 2007. Data for Laikipia, Samburu, Isiolo, Garissa and Marsabit districts was updated by ILRI in 2011 using information from Google earth.

kwale_dr_20090303 (geonode:kwale_dr_20090303)

No abstract provided

Kenya Nairobi Dams (geonode:ke_nairobi_dams)

Locations of water supplies serving Nairobi, Kenya

averagedailyconsumptionpercapitaforthissourceshallowwells (geonode:averagedailyconsumptionpercapitaforthissourceshallowwells)

kwale_dr_20090302 (geonode:kwale_dr_20090302)

No abstract provided

River Buffer: 5km (geonode:rivbuff5km)

No abstract provided

kwale_dr_20090301 (geonode:kwale_dr_20090301)

No abstract provided

Garissa Wells (geonode:garissa_wells)

The shapefile shows spatial location of wells in Garisa county; created from X Y data stored in Ms Acess database. Wells coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to an ARC1960 datum and reading in UTM coordinates). Attribute data was gathered using data capture forms, key informant interviews, data collectors and corrections by district resource persons

turkana_spi_2014_ond (geonode:turkana_spi_2014_ond)

No abstract provided

Samburu Contours (geonode:sambcnt)

No abstract provided

Wajir Proposed Water Developments (geonode:wajir_proposedwaterdevelop)

The shapefile shows water development options that were proposed during the course of the mapping of the existing water sources.

Large Hydropower Dams in Kenya (geonode:ke_hydropower_dams)

This dataset portrays locations of large hydropower dams in Kenya.

sde_DBO_Kenya_Railway_line (geonode:sde_dbo_kenya_railway_line_1)

Map showing the railway_line in Kenya

Large Scale irrigation in Kenya (geonode:ke_crops_irrig)

This dataset shows large-scale irrigation in Kenya, taken from FAO's Africover dataset.

pipedsewersystemcoverageofhouseholdsserviced (geonode:pipedsewersystemcoverageofhouseholdsserviced)

Moyale Springs (geonode:moyale_springs)

Shapefile shows spatial location of springs in Moyale county. The coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to WGS 84 and Decimal degrees). The data was later converted to UTM. Attribute data was gathered using secondary data, key informant interviews, data collectors and district resource persons.

_0402_1 (geonode:_0402_1)

No abstract provided

Marsabit Rock Catchments (geonode:marsabit_rock_catchments)

This shapefile is for general use only, and is not warranted for any particular use or pThe data was gathered using data capture forms, key informant interviews, data collectors and corrections by district resource persons.

primary_schools (geonode:primary_schools)

No abstract provided

Elevation Contours in Mandera District (geonode:mandcnt)

Elevation data for Mandera district was collected by German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) in collaboration with Kenya Ministry of livestock development in 1992. The data was converted into a GIS database by Department of Resource Surveys and Remote Sensing (DRSRS) in 1994. Most of the information related to spatial data was kept separately in word files. The information in word files was extracted and joined with spatial files by ILRI in the year 2011.

Samburu Springs (geonode:samburu_springs)

Shapefile shows spatial location of springs in Samburu county. Springs coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to an ARC1960 datum and reading in UTM coordinates). Attribute data was gathered using data capture forms, key informant interviews, data collectors and corrections by district resource persons

turkelev (geonode:turkelev)

No abstract provided

Basins Water Balance Lines (geonode:basins_water_balance_lines)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Turkana 66% Reliability of Rainfall First Rainy Season During Growing Period of Pastures Decades (geonode:turkre66rd1dec)

No abstract provided

_0203 (geonode:_0203)

No abstract provided

Kenya District Administrative Boundaries (geonode:ke_district_boundaries)

The data was acquired from CBS (Central Bureau of Statistics) and the Ministry of Planning and National Development, Kenya 2003Geographic Dimensions of Well-Being in Kenya: Where Are the Poor? From Districts to Location, Vol. 1. Nairobi: CBS. Online at http://www.worldbank.org/research/povertymaps/kenya/.

_0201 (geonode:_0201)

No abstract provided

Biomass Deviation Index, 2007 (geonode:eadev2007)

No abstract provided

Turkana Tankering (geonode:turkana_tankering)

Shapefile shows spatial location of emergency water tankering points in Turkana county, either ongoing or stopped.

Biomass Deviation Index, 2006 (geonode:eadev2006)

No abstract provided

Kenya Poverty Theoretical Investment (geonode:ke_poverty_theoretical_investment)

This dataset portrays the minimum amount of Kenyan Shillings needed per square kilometer per month to close the poverty gap (1999).

Biomass Deviation Index, 2005 (geonode:eadev2005)

No abstract provided

Samburu Underground Tanks (geonode:samburu_underground_tanks)

Shapefile shows spatial location of underground tanks in Samburu county. The coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to an ARC1960 datum and reading in UTM coordinates). Attribute data was gathered using data capture forms, key informant interviews, data collectors and district resource persons

residentialtypology (geonode:residentialtypology)

Biomass Deviation Index, 2003 (geonode:eadev2003)

No abstract provided

Biomass Deviation Index, 2002 (geonode:eadev2002)

No abstract provided

Biomass Deviation Index, 2000 (geonode:eadev2000)

No abstract provided

Elgon Boundary (geonode:elgebnd)

No abstract provided

Rivers in Baringo and Elgeyo Marakwet Districts (geonode:barielgeriv)

The rivers dataset was obtained by German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) in collaboration with Kenya Ministry of livestock development from Survey of Kenya in 1994. The data was converted into a GIS database by Department of Resource Surveys and Remote Sensing (DRSRS) in 1994. Most of the information related to spatial data was kept separately in word files. The information in word files was extracted and joined with spatial files by ILRI in the year 2011

Biomass Deviation Index, 2009 (geonode:eadev2009)

No abstract provided

Biomass Deviation Index, 2008 (geonode:eadev2008)

No abstract provided

kwale_dr_20090202 (geonode:kwale_dr_20090202)

No abstract provided

Cliffs and Craters in Samburu District (geonode:sambclf)

Cliffs and craters data for Baringo district was collected by German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) in collaboration with Kenya Ministry of livestock development in 1991.The data was converted into a GIS database by Department of Resource Surveys and Remote Sensing (DRSRS) in 1994. Most of the information related to spatial data was kept separately in word files. The information in word files was extracted and joined with spatial files by ILRI in the year 2011

_1002_1 (geonode:_1002_1)

No abstract provided

Rivers in Samburu District (geonode:sambriv)

The rivers dataset was obtainedby German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) in collaboration with Kenya Ministry of livestock development from Survey of Kenya in 1992.The data was converted into a GIS database by Department of Resource Surveys and Remote Sensing (DRSRS) in 1994. Most of the information related to spatial data was kept separately in word files. The information in word files was extracted and joined with spatial files by ILRI in the year 2011

Mandera Tankering (geonode:mandera_tankering)

Shapefile shows spatial location of emergency water tankering points in Mandera county, either ongoing or stopped. The coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to an ARC1960 datum and reading in UTM coordinates). Attribute data was gathered using data capture forms, key informant interviews, data collectors and corrections by district resource persons

Wajir Median Rainfall First Rain Season Long Rains (geonode:wajimr1lg)

No abstract provided

Marsabit Production Risks Due To Lack Of Rainfall (geonode:marsprorisk)

No abstract provided

Marsabit Springs (geonode:marsabit_springs)

Shapefile shows spatial location of springs in Marsabit county. Springs coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to an ARC1960 datum and reading in UTM coordinates). Attribute data was gathered using data capture forms, key informant interviews, data collectors and corrections by district resource persons

Lake Victoria Flooding Region2 (geonode:_20021330825lvic064m2_59_region2)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Biomass Deviation Index, 2010 (geonode:eadev2010)

No abstract provided

Majidata Slums (geonode:majidata_slums)

No abstract provided

_0303 (geonode:_0303)

No abstract provided

_0302 (geonode:_0302)

No abstract provided

averagedailyconsumptionpercapitaforthissourcecommunityyardtap (geonode:averagedailyconsumptionpercapitaforthissourcecommunityyardtap)

eedc_infrastructure_points (geonode:eedc_infrastructure_points)

No abstract provided

Kisumu Improved Water Source Type Points (geonode:kisumu_improved_water_source_type_points)

No abstract provided

Busia Water Source Coverage Excluding Functionality Points (geonode:water_source_coverage_excluding_functionality_points)

No abstract provided

wpokcnt (geonode:wpokcnt)

No abstract provided

Kisumu Coverage Including Functionality Division Shape Polygons (geonode:kisumu_coverage_inc_functionality_division_shape_polygons)

No abstract provided

Locations of Sand Beaches in Kenya (geonode:ke_sand_beaches)

This dataset portrays sand beaches in Kenya, from FAO's Africover dataset.

Turkana Proposed Water Developments (geonode:turkana_proposedwaterdevelop)

This shapefile is for general use only, and is not warranted for any particular use or purpose. There are possibilities of inaccuracies. WRI assumes no responsibility for errors in the information and does not guarantee that the data is free from errors or inaccuracies

Elevation contours in Elgeyo Marakwet District (geonode:elgecnt)

Elevation data for Elgeyo Marakwet district was collected by German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) in collaboration with Kenya Ministry of livestock development in 1994. The data was converted into a GIS database by Department of Resource Surveys and Remote Sensing (DRSRS) in 1994. Most of the information related to spatial data was kept separately in word files. The information in word files was extracted and joined with spatial files by ILRI in the year 2011.

Garissa Broad Geological Units (geonode:garissa_broadgeologicalunits)

The shapefile shows broad geological units, viz. the Crystalline Rocks (Precambrian) and Quaternary & Tertiary Deposits Undifferentiated

Lake Turkana Flooding Region (geonode:_20020517lturkana064m250_region2)

No abstract provided

Busia Unimproved Water Source Polygons (geonode:unimproved_water_source_type_polygons)

No abstract provided

Majidata Areas (geonode:majidata_areas)

No abstract provided

nairobi_test (geonode:nairobi_test)

No abstract provided

_0701_1 (geonode:_0701_1)

proportionofpopulationusingaindividualtap (geonode:proportionofpopulationusingaindividualtap)

spi_1003 (geonode:spi_1003)

Forest areas in Samburu district (geonode:sambfor)

Forest areas data was collected by German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) in collaboration with Kenya Ministry of livestock development in 1991. The data was converted into a GIS database by Department of Resource Surveys and Remote Sensing (DRSRS) in 1994. Most of the information related to spatial data was kept separately in word files. The information in word files was extracted and joined with spatial files by ILRI in the year 2011

spi_1002 (geonode:spi_1002)

spi_1001 (geonode:spi_1001)

Kenya Milk Surplus Deficit (geonode:ke_milk_surplus_deficit)

This dataset portrays areas of milk surplus and deficit in central and western Kenya, 1997. Calculations of milk production were done by assessing the number of dairy cattle in an administrative area, and extrapolating out liters of milk per area. Demand for milk was calculated by estimating the milk needs per person, and applying that number to the population density of each area. Areas with more milk produced than needed by the population are considered "surplus" areas, while those with more demand than can be met by current production are considered to be in "deficit." Many areas of the country produce more milk than they need locally. Hence, establishing good transportation and marketing systems for dairy could go a long way toward increasing the availability of milk in deficit areas.

Kajiado Water Source Type Excluding Functionality Polygons (geonode:kajiado_water_source_type_exc_functionality_polygons)

No abstract provided

Marsabit Range Condition (geonode:marsabit_rangecondition)

The shapefile shows areas of good, fair and poor range conditions in Marsabit county. Good range condition in this context is considered to be areas with good vegetation ranging between 55-60% vegetation cover; fair range conditions ranges from 40-50% vegetation cover; and poor range condition are interpreted to rate from 20-35% vegetation cover

averagedailyconsumptionpercapitaforthissourceboreholes (geonode:averagedailyconsumptionpercapitaforthissource)

Kisumu Qualitative In Field Assessment Points (geonode:kisumu_qualitative_in_field_assessment_points)

No abstract provided

Wajir 66%_Reliability of Rainfall First Rainy Season During Growing Period of Pastures Decades (geonode:wajire66rd1dec)

No abstract provided

Forest Types in Kenya, 2000 (geonode:ke_forests)

This dataset portrays forest types in Kenya, from FAO's Africover dataset.

busia_county (geonode:busia_county)

No abstract provided

kwale_dr_20090402 (geonode:kwale_dr_20090402)

No abstract provided

kwale_dr_20090401 (geonode:kwale_dr_20090401)

No abstract provided

turkana_schools (geonode:turkana_schools)

No abstract provided

Moyale All Water Points (geonode:moyale_all_water_points)

Shapefile shows spatial location of all water sources in Moyale county. The coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to WGS 84 and Decimal degrees). The data was later converted to UTM. Attribute data was gathered using secondary data, key informant interviews, data collectors and district resource persons.

Ewaso Ngiro Water Tower (geonode:headw_ewaso_ngiro)

No abstract provided

turkana_geology (geonode:turkana_geology)

No abstract provided

Garissa Proposed Shools (geonode:garissa_proposedshools)

The shapefile shows institutions that were proposed during the course of the mapping exercise. The proposed institutions were not subjected to a feasibility study and therefore the data needs to be used cautiously.

Projected Rainfall in Northern Kenya 2000 (geonode:nk2000rnf)

The data was originally downloaded from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) data portal and re-processed using a spline interpolation algorithm of the anomalies and the current distribution of climates from the WorldClim database developed by Hijmans et al. (2005). For more information refer to: Jones et al, available at:http://futureclim.info

shillings (geonode:shillings)

No abstract provided

Garissa Underground Tanks (geonode:garissa_underground_tanks)

Shapefile shows spatial location of underground tanks in Garissa county. The coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to an ARC1960 datum and reading in UTM coordinates). Attribute data was gathered using data capture forms, key informant interviews, data collectors and district resource persons

samburu_health_facilities (geonode:samburu_health_facilities)

No abstract provided

Mara Routes (geonode:mara_routes)

No abstract provided

K.O.D.I Parcels With Title Deeds (geonode:parcels_with_title_deeds_1)

No abstract provided

Kenya Hotels Lodges and Camps (geonode:ke_hotels_lodges_camps)

It was approximately placed by (ILRI/WRI based on MacMillanEducation Ltd.1993. Kenya Traveller’s Map, Third Edition London and Oxford: MacMillan Education Ltd.; United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)/ GRID-Nairobi.1998. Eastern Africa Coastal and Marine Resources Database. Nairobi: UNEP/GRID-Nairobi. Project description online at http://www.unep.org/eafatlas/dbke.htm; Republic of Kenya (RoK). 2003. Gazette Notice. 3976. The Hotels and Restaurants (Classification of Hotels and Restaurants) Regulations, 1988. Vol. CV, No. 62. Nairobi: RoK.) in 2007. Data for Laikipia, Samburu, Isiolo, Garissa and Marsabit districts was updated by ILRI in 2011 using information from Google earth.

Kenya Water Balance (geonode:ke_water_balance)

This dataset portrays annual projected water balance by subdrainage area in Kenya for 2000 and 2010. The data was taken from the Kenya National Water Master Plan (1992), Table 4.7.2, and joined by sub-basin.

West Pokot 66% Reliability of Rainfall First Rainy Season During Growing Period of Pastures(mm) (geonode:wpokre66r1mm)

No abstract provided

spi_1102 (geonode:spi_1102)

spi_1101 (geonode:spi_1101)

Wajir Boreholes (geonode:wajir_boreholes)

Shapefile shows spatial location of boreholes in Wajir county.

proportionofpopulationusinghandcarts (geonode:proportionofpopulationusinghandcarts)

Roads in Baringo District (geonode:barird)

The rivers dataset was acquired by German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) in collaboration with Kenya Ministry of livestock development from Survey of Kenya in 1994. The data was converted into a GIS database by Department of Resource Surveys and Remote Sensing (DRSRS) in 1994. Most of the information related to spatial data was kept separately in word files. The information in word files was extracted and joined with spatial files by ILRI in the year 2011

Kenya Turtle Breeding Sites (geonode:ke_turtle_breeding_site)

This dataset portrays locations of turtle nesting and breeding sites on the eastern coast of Kenya.

Turkana 66% Reliability of Rainfall First Rainy Season During Growing Period of Pastures(mm) (geonode:turkre661mm)

No abstract provided

Elevation Contours in Isiolo District (geonode:isiocnt)

For inquiries contact Florence Landsberg, Research Associate. World Resources Institute WRI, Washington DC, UNITED STATES. Email: flandsberg@wri.org. TEl: +1 (202) 729-7693. Credits National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

kwale_dr_20090702 (geonode:kwale_dr_20090702)

No abstract provided

isiore66rd1dec (geonode:isiore66rd1dec)

No abstract provided

Samburu River Access Points (geonode:samburu_river_access_points)

Shapefile shows spatial location of river access points in Samburu county.

Garissa Boreholes (geonode:garissa_boreholes)

Shapefile shows spatial location of boreholes in Garisa county. Boreholes coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to an ARC1960 datum and reading in UTM coordinates). Attribute data was gathered using data capture forms, key informant interviews, data collectors and corrections by district resource persons

Kenya Numbers Wildebeest (geonode:ke_numbers_wildebeest)

This dataset portrays the spatial distribution of wildebeest numbers observed from low-altitude flights in Kenya from 1994 to 1996.

samburu_schools (geonode:samburu_schools)

No abstract provided

Kenya Numbers Buffalo (geonode:ke_numbers_buffalo)

This dataset portrays the spatial distribution of buffalo numbers observed in Kenya from 1994 to 1996.

averagedailyconsumptionpercapitaforthissourcehandcarts (geonode:averagedailyconsumptionpercapitaforthissourcehandcarts)

Kenya 1999 Population Density (geonode:ke_popd99lmb)

This dataset portrays Population Denisty, or the number of people per square kilometer in Kenya for 1999.

Kenya Numbers Elephant (geonode:ke_numbers_elephant)

This dataset portrays the spatial distribution of elephant numbers observed from low-altitude flights in Kenya from 1994 to 1996.

Mandera Proposed Water Development Options (geonode:mandera_proposedwaterdevelopmentoptions)

No abstract provided

Surface Drainage (geonode:surfacedrainage)

The dataset originated from Kenya Soils and Terrain (KENSOTER) database compiled by FAO and ISRIC in the year 2000.For more information refer to: http://www.isric.org/projects/soter-kenya-kensoter

Garissa Tankering (geonode:garissa_tankering)

Shapefile shows spatial location of emergency water tankering points in Garissa county, either ongoing or stopped. The coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to an ARC1960 datum and reading in UTM coordinates). Attribute data was gathered using data capture forms, key informant interviews, data collectors and corrections by district resource persons

Riftvalley Water Towers (geonode:headw_rift_valley)

No abstract provided

turkana_health_facilities (geonode:turkana_health_facilities)

No abstract provided

Tana Flooding Region (geonode:_20021109aqtana225m250_region)

No abstract provided

monthlyhouseholdincomepercapitakenyanshillings (geonode:monthlyhouseholdincomepercapitakenyanshillings)

Basins Water Balance (geonode:basins_water_balance)

No abstract provided

ke_poverty1999_cbs_location (geonode:ke_poverty1999_cbs_location)

No abstract provided

spi_1201 (geonode:spi_1201)

No abstract provided

Busia Unimproved Source Type Division Polygons (geonode:unimproved_source_type_division_polygons)

No abstract provided

Mandera River Access Points (geonode:mandera_river_access_points)

Shapefile shows spatial location of river access points in Mandera county. Normally these have no infrastructure developed for water abstraction from the river. The coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to an ARC1960 datum and reading in UTM coordinates). Attribute data was gathered using data capture forms, key informant interviews, data collectors and corrections by district resource persons

Ewaso Ngiro Roads (geonode:ewaso_ngiro_roads)

No abstract provided

Kisumu Water Source Coverage Excluding Functionality Polygons (geonode:kisumu_water_source_coverage_exc_functionality_polygons)

No abstract provided

Lake Victoria Flooding Region2 (geonode:_20021260820lvicf064m2_59_region2)

No abstract provided

Water Supplies Serving Mombasa, Kenya (geonode:ke_mombasa_dams)

This dataset portrays locations of water supplies serving Mombasa, Kenya.

Garissa River Access Points (geonode:garissa_river_access_points)

Shapefile shows spatial location of river access points in Garissa county. Normally these have no infrastructure developed for water abstraction from the river. The coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to an ARC1960 datum and reading in UTM coordinates). Attribute data was gathered using data capture forms, key informant interviews, data collectors and corrections by district resource persons

kwale_dr_20090602 (geonode:kwale_dr_20090602)

No abstract provided

Lake Victoria Flooding Region (geonode:_20020513kenya064m250_region2)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

kwale_dr_20090601 (geonode:kwale_dr_20090601)

No abstract provided

Dairy Cattle Density 2005 (geonode:dairy_cattle_density_2005)

No abstract provided

spi_0103 (geonode:spi_0103)

No abstract provided

spi_0101 (geonode:spi_0101)

No abstract provided

averagedailyconsumptionpercapitaforthissourceboreholes (geonode:averagedailyconsumptionpercapitaforthissourceboreholes)

constituencies_ne-join3_lines (geonode:constituencies_ne_join3_lines)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Kiambu Unimproved Water Source Type (geonode:kiambu_unimproved_water_source_type)

No abstract provided

Rivers in Isiolo District (geonode:isioriv)

The rivers dataset was obtained by German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) in collaboration with Kenya Ministry of livestock development from Survey of Kenya in 1993. The data was converted into a GIS database by Department of Resource Surveys and Remote Sensing (DRSRS) in 1994. Most of the information related to spatial data was kept separately in word files. The information in word files was extracted and joined with spatial files by ILRI in the year 2011

Samburu Wells (geonode:samburu_wells)

The shapefile shows spatial location of wells in Samburu county; created from X Y data stored in Ms Acess database

Tree Plantations in Kenya (geonode:ke_tree_plantations)

This dataset portrays locations of tree plantations in Kenya, from FAO's Africover dataset.

Turkana Wells (geonode:turkana_wells)

The shapefile shows spatial location of wells in Turkana county; created from X Y data stored in Ms Acess database

Lakes Kenya Flooding Region2 (geonode:_20031380810kenya099k_48_region2)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Coral Reefs in Kenya (geonode:ke_coral_reefs)

This dataset portrays coral reefs on the eastern coast of Kenya.

pipedwatercoverageofhouseholdsserviced (geonode:pipedwatercoverageofhouseholdsserviced)

turkana_proposedschools (geonode:turkana_proposedschools)

No abstract provided

proportionofpopulationusingboreholes (geonode:proportionofpopulationusingboreholes)

Kenya Water Basins (geonode:ke_water_basins)

This dataset portrays river basins and sub-basins (catchments and sub-catchments) in Kenya.

Dugong Sites And Dolphin Schools (geonode:dugong_sites_and_dolphin_schools)

No abstract provided

Samburu Sand Dams (geonode:samburu_sanddam)

Shapefile shows spatial location of sand dams in Samburu county. The coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to an ARC1960 datum and reading in UTM coordinates). Attribute data was gathered using data capture forms, key informant interviews, data collectors and corrections by district resource persons

Nzoia Flooding Region (geonode:_20032410815nzoia221m2_34_region)

No abstract provided

Kenya Numbers Wildebeest Kitengela (geonode:ke_numbers_wildebeest_kitengela)

This dataset portrays number of wildebeest observed in 1977-78 and 1994-96 in the Athi-Kapiti Plains, Kenya. Note: This data shows numbers of wildebeest observed during the wet season by low-altitude flights. The data was then aggregated to 5km grid cells by number observed.

kwale_dr_20090903 (geonode:kwale_dr_20090903)

No abstract provided

Moyale Sand Dams (geonode:moyale_sanddam)

Shapefile shows spatial location of Sand dam in Moyale county. The coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to WGS 84 and Decimal degrees). The data was later converted to UTM. Attribute data was gathered using secondary data, key informant interviews, data collectors and district resource persons.

Lake Victoria Flooding Region2 (geonode:_20021440805lvic064m2p_region2)

No abstract provided

dwellingownershipofowners (geonode:dwellingownershipofowners)

Average Water Consumption of Livestock and Wildlife by Sub-basin in Kenya, 1994-96 (geonode:ke_water_consumption_wildlife_livestock)

This dataset portrays average water consumption of livestock and wildlife by sub-basin in Kenya, 1994-96

landusegreybackground (geonode:landusegreybackground)

spi_0202 (geonode:spi_0202)

No abstract provided

Wajir Springs (geonode:wajir_springs)

Shapefile shows spatial location of springs in Wajir county

Busia Improved Water Source Coverage Points (geonode:improved_water_source_coverage_points)

No abstract provided

raods (geonode:raods)

No abstract provided

Mandera Rock Catchments (geonode:mandera_rock_catchments)

Shapefile shows spatial location of rock catchments in Mandera county. The coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to an ARC1960 datum and reading in UTM coordinates). Attribute data was gathered using data capture forms, key informant interviews, data collectors and corrections by district resource persons

spi_0303 (geonode:spi_0303)

No abstract provided

Busia Qualitative Field Assesment Points (geonode:qualitative_field_assesment_points)

No abstract provided

Biomass Forage Index, 2008 (geonode:eafor2008)

No abstract provided

Biomass Forage Index, 2009 (geonode:eafor2009)

No abstract provided

Busia Water Source Type Division Shape Polygons (geonode:water_source_type_division_shape_polygons)

No abstract provided

Biomass Forage Index, 2005 (geonode:eafor2005)

No abstract provided

Mandera Geology (geonode:mandera_geology)

The shapefile shows the major geologiocal strata of Mandera county viz. Undifferentiated Quaternary and Tertiary Deposits, Marehan Series, Mandera Series and Daua Limestone Series and Crystalline Rock (Precambrian Basement)

Biomass Forage Index, 2006 (geonode:eafor2006)

No abstract provided

Biomass Forage Index, 2007 (geonode:eafor2007)

No abstract provided

Biomass Forage Index, 2000 (geonode:eafor2000)

No abstract provided

Wajir Elevation (geonode:wajielev)

No abstract provided

Biomass Forage Index, 2001 (geonode:eafor2001)

No abstract provided

Biomass Forage Index, 2003 (geonode:eafor2003)

No abstract provided

Marsabit Ecoclimate (geonode:marsecocl)

No abstract provided

kwale_dr_20090803 (geonode:kwale_dr_20090803)

No abstract provided

kwale_dr_20090802 (geonode:kwale_dr_20090802)

No abstract provided

kwale_dr_20090801 (geonode:kwale_dr_20090801)

No abstract provided

Samburu River Abstractions (geonode:samburu_river_abstractions)

Shapefile shows spatial location of river abstraction points in Samburu county. The coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to an ARC1960 datum and reading in UTM coordinates). Attribute data was gathered using data capture forms, key informant interviews, data collectors and corrections by district resource persons

Kenya Crops Intensity (geonode:ke_crops_intensity)

This dataset portrays percent of land under cutivation in Kenya, taken from FAO's Africover dataset.

Geomorphology / Landform and Lithology in Kenya (geonode:ke_lfm)

The landform and lithology has been produced from visual interpretation of digitally enhanced LANDSAT TM images acquired mainly in the year 1995. The landform classes have been developed using the ITC (International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation) and SOTER (Soil and Terrain Database) methods. Lithology was produced in four classes, while landform was developed into fifteen classes. For more information refer to: http://www.africover.org/system/metadata.php?metadataid=141

piped_water_coverage (geonode:piped_water_coverage)

No abstract provided

spi_0302 (geonode:spi_0302)

No abstract provided

Mandera Roof Catchments (geonode:mandera_roof_catchments)

Shapefile shows spatial location of roof catchments in Mandera county. Roof catchment coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to an ARC1960 datum and reading in UTM coordinates). Attribute data was gathered using data capture forms, key informant interviews, data collectors and corrections by district resource persons

ZonesDissolve (wps:ZonesDissolve)

Samburu Median Annual Rainfall (geonode:sambmr)

No abstract provided

Kenya Wildlife 1970 (geonode:ke_wildlife_1970)

This dataset portrays wildlife density in Kenya's rangelands for 1977-78.

Samburu Rock Catchments (geonode:samburu_rock_catchments)

Shapefile shows spatial location of rock catchments in Samburu county. The coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to an ARC1960 datum and reading in UTM coordinates). Attribute data was gathered using data capture forms, key informant interviews, data collectors and corrections by district resource persons

Lake Victoria Kenya Flooding Region2 (geonode:_20031201115kenya099ma2_53_region2)

No abstract provided

Major Roads in Kenya (geonode:ke_major_roads)

This dataset shows major roads in Kenya.

spi_0402 (geonode:spi_0402)

No abstract provided

spi_0403 (geonode:spi_0403)

No abstract provided

anza_suburbs (geonode:anza_suburbs)

No abstract provided

ke_crops1977 (geonode:ke_crops1977)

No abstract provided

Isiolo Median Annual Rainfall (geonode:isiomr)

No abstract provided

Mandera Wells (geonode:mandera_wells)

This shapefile is for general use only, and is not warranted for any particular use or purpose. There are possibilities of inaccuracies. WRI, the author, the creator and the distributor of this dataset assumes no responsibility for errors in the information and does not guarantee that the data is free from errors or inaccuracies.

sde_DBO_Kenya_Railway_line (geonode:sde_dbo_kenya_railway_line)

Map showing the railway_line in Kenya

West Tanzania Flooding Region (geonode:_20030330820wtanzaniah_region2)

No abstract provided

Constituency Lines (geonode:constituency_lines_wo_ocean)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Kenya Sable Antelope Sites (geonode:ke_sable_antelope_sites)

This dataset portrays locations of sable antelope sites on the eastern coast of Kenya.

spi_0401 (geonode:spi_0401)

No abstract provided

Wajir Range Condition (geonode:wajir_rangecondition)

The shapefile shows areas of good, fair and poor range conditions in Wajir county. Good range condition in this context is considered to be areas with good vegetation ranging between 55-60% vegetation cover; fair range conditions ranges from 40-50% vegetation cover; and poor range condition are interpreted to rate from 20-35% vegetation cover

EEDC Customers (geonode:eedc_demo)

No abstract provided

Kiambu Water Point Ownership Polygons (geonode:kiambu_water_point_ownership_polygons)

No abstract provided

roads (geonode:roads)

No abstract provided

Garissa Health Facilities (geonode:garissa_health_facilities)

The shapefile shows the spatial distribution of health facilities (health posts, dispensaries, health centres & hospitals) in Garissa county. The coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to an ARC1960 datum and reading in UTM coordinates). Attribute data was gathered using secondary data, data capture forms, key informant interviews, data collectors and district resource persons

Livestock Density in Kenya's Rangelands, 1994-1996 (geonode:ke_livestock_1990)

This dataset portrays livestock density in Kenya's rangelands for 1994-96.

Baringo Countors (geonode:baricnt)

Elevation data for Baringo district was collected by German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) in collaboration with Kenya Ministry of livestock development in 1994. The data was converted into a GIS database by Department of Resource Surveys and Remote Sensing (DRSRS) in 1994. Most of the information related to spatial data was kept separately in word files. The information in word files was extracted and joined with spatial files by ILRI in the year 2011.

Mandera Distance To Seasonal Water (geonode:manddswp)

No abstract provided

Kenya Tana Flooding Region (geonode:_20031240800kentana099m2_k_region)

No abstract provided

Kenya Proposed Irrigation (geonode:ke_proposed_irrigation)

This dataset portrays proposed large-scale irrigation schemes in Kenya.

Wajir Rock Catchments (geonode:wajir_rock_catchments)

Shapefile shows spatial location of rock catchments in Wajir county. The coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to an ARC1960 datum and reading in UTM coordinates). Attribute data was gathered using data capture forms, key informant interviews, data collectors and corrections by district resource persons

spi_0503 (geonode:spi_0503)

No abstract provided

Kenya Wildlife 1990 (geonode:ke_wildlife_1990)

This dataset portrays wildlife density in Kenya's rangelands for 1994-96.

spi_0501 (geonode:spi_0501)

averagedailyconsumptionpercapitaforthissourcewaterkiosks (geonode:averagedailyconsumptionpercapitaforthissourcewaterkiosks)

Kiambu Improved Water Source Type Points (geonode:kiambu_improved_water_source_type_points)

No abstract provided

Mandera Elevation (geonode:mandelev)

No abstract provided

Key Airstrips in Kenya (geonode:ke_key_airstrips)

This data originates from National Imagery and Mapping Agency of the United States (NIMA). 1997. VMAP_1V10 - Vector Map Level 0 (Digital Chart of the World). Washington, DC: NIMA. Data for Laikipia, Samburu, Isiolo, Garissa and Marsabit districts was updated by ILRI in 2011 using information from Kenya Airports Authority

Wajir 66% Reliability of Rainfall First Rainy Season During Growing Period of Pastures(mm) (geonode:wajire66r1mm)

No abstract provided

Turkana Boreholes (geonode:turkana_boreholes)

Shapefile shows spatial location of boreholes in Turkana county. Boreholes coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to an ARC1960 datum and reading in UTM coordinates). Attribute data was gathered using data capture forms, key informant interviews, data collectors and corrections by district resource persons

Constituency GINI in Kenya (geonode:constituency_gini)

The data for poverty rate for rural locations and urban sublocations for 1999 originated from Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), Ministry of Planning and National Development. 2003. Geographic Dimensions of Well-Being in Kenya: Where are the Poor? From Districts to Locations. Vol. I. Nairobi: CBS. Online at http://www.worldbank.org/research/povertymaps/kenya/volume_index.htm. Poverty rate for constituencies in 1999 originated from Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), Ministry of Planning and National Development. 2005. Geographic Dimensions of Well-Being in Kenya: Who and Where are the Poor?A Constituency Level Profile. Vol. II.Nairobi: CBS.

Kenya Floodplains (geonode:ke_floodplains)

This dataset portrays floodplains and valley bottoms in Kenya, extracted from FAO's Africover landform dataset.Its originators are World Resources Institute,Kenya Central Bureau of Statistics and International Livestock Research Institute

Kenya Flooding Region (geonode:_20031380810kenya099k_48_region)

No abstract provided

ke_agriculture (geonode:ke_agriculture)

No abstract provided

Ewaso Ngiro Rivers (geonode:ewaso_ngiro_rivers)

No abstract provided

Kenya Wetlands (geonode:ke_wetlands)

This dataset portrays wetlands areas in Kenya, from FAO's Africover dataset.

Kajiado Unimproved Water Source Type Polygons (geonode:kajiado_unimproved_water_source_type_polygons)

No abstract provided

Kenya Crops Foodshare (geonode:ke_crops_foodshare)

No abstract provided

Projected Rainfall in Northern Kenya, 2030 (geonode:nk2030rnf)

The data was originally downloaded from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) data portal and re-processed using a spline interpolation algorithm of the anomalies and the current distribution of climates from the WorldClim database developed by Hijmans et al. (2005). For more information refer to: Jones et al, available at:http://futureclim.info

Kiambu Water Point Functionality (geonode:kiambu_water_points)

No abstract provided

Kisumu Qualitative In Field Assessment Polygons (geonode:kisumu_qualitative_in_field_assessment_polygons)

No abstract provided

Rainfall Stations in Kenya (geonode:ken_rainstations)

Rainfall stations are those which measure and record daily rainfall only. The data was acquired by ILRI in the year 2006 from climatological database – Kenya Meteorological Department. For more information refer to: http://www.meteo.go.ke/data/

Wajir Salinity of Ground Water (geonode:wajir_salinityofgroundwater)

No abstract provided

testcontour (geonode:testcontour)

Samburu Tankering (geonode:samburu_tankering)

Shapefile shows spatial location of emergency water tankering points in Samburu county, either ongoing or stopped. The coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to an ARC1960 datum and reading in UTM coordinates). Attribute data was gathered using data capture forms, key informant interviews, data collectors and corrections by district resource persons

Kiambu Unimproved Source Type Division Polygons (geonode:kiambu_unimproved_source_type_division_shape_polygons)

No abstract provided

Garissa Roof Catchments (geonode:garissa_roof_catchments)

Shapefile shows spatial location of roof catchments in Garissa. Roof catchment coordinates were gathered using handheld GPS receivers (set to an ARC1960 datum and reading in UTM coordinates). Attribute data was gathered using data capture forms, key informant interviews, data collectors and corrections by district resource persons

Kajiado Cost Recovery (geonode:kajiado_cost_recovery)

No abstract provided

spi_0603 (geonode:spi_0603)

No abstract provided

spi_0602 (geonode:spi_0602)

No abstract provided

spi_0601 (geonode:spi_0601)

No abstract provided

Mandera Boreholes (geonode:mandera_boreholes)

No abstract provided

Savannah and Grassland in Kenya (geonode:ke_rangeland)

This dataset portrays areas of savanna and grassland in Kenya, from FAO's Africover dataset.

Cherangani Riftvalley Water Tower (geonode:headw_cherangani_rift_val)

No abstract provided

Wajir 66% Reliabilty of Rainfall Second Rainy Season During Growing Period of Pastures(mm) (geonode:wajire66r2mm)

No abstract provided

averagedailyconsumptionofwaterpercapitalpcd (geonode:averagedailyconsumptionofwaterpercapitalpcd)

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