Prague city hall

Atlas of Prague's environment

ova_emistaczdrso2_09 ova_emistaczdrso2_09 ova_emistaczdrso2_09
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Prague city hall (unverified)

Contact information:

Jiří Stach

Prague city hall

Jungmanova, 11000 Praha 1, Czech republic


Phone: +420 236 00 3243

Service metadata

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The Atlas was developed by the Department of Informatics of the Prague City Hall as an outcome of the Prague Environmental information System (IOŽIP), which also contains the set of environmental thematic maps collected in a geographic information system (GIS - ŽIP).

Available map layers (103)

Emissions of sulphur dioxide generated by stationary sources, 2009 (ova_emistaczdrso2_09)

Emissions of carbon monoxide generated by stationary sources, 2009 (ova_emistaczdrco_09)

Emissions of nitrogen oxides generated by stationary sources, 2009 (ova_emistaczdrnox_09)

Solid emissions generated by stationary sources, 2009 (ova_emistaczdrpp_09)

Large air pollution sources - REZZO 1, 2009 (ova_r1palivo_09)

Medium air pollution sources - REZZO 2, 2009 (ova_r2palivo_09)

Balance of emissions generated by stationary sources in municipal districts, 2009 (ova_bilmcstaczdrcel_09)

Balance of emissions generated by stationary sources in municipal districts - REZZO 1, 2009 (ova_bilmcstaczdrr1_09)

Balance of emissions generated by stationary sources in municipal districts - REZZO 2, 2009 (ova_bilmcstaczdrr2_09)

Balance of emissions generated by stationary sources in municipal districts - REZZO 3, 2009 (ova_bilmcstaczdrr3_09)

Emissions of nitrogen oxides from line sources, 2010 (ova_emidopnox_10)

Emissions of carbon monoxide generated by traffic, 2010 (ova_emidopco_10)

Heavy metals concentration in air, 2008 (ovb_tezkovy1_08)

Concentration of pollution in air - average values , 2008 (ovb_konskod1_08)

Concentration of pollution in air - 95th percentile , 2008 (ovb_95kv1_08)

Dust fallout - average values, 2007 (ovb_prspad_07)

Atmosferic deposits, 2008 (ovb_atmodep_08)

Mobile air quality monitoring - SO2 - sulphur dioxide, 1996 (ovb_mobmerso2_96)

Mobile air quality monitoring - CO - Carbon monoxide, 1996 (ovb_mobmerco_96)

Mobile air quality monitoring - NO - nitric oxide, 1996 (ovb_mobmerno_96)

Mobile air quality monitoring - NO2 -nitrogen dioxide , 1996 (ovb_mobmerno2_96)

Mobile air quality monitoring - NOx - nitrogen oxides, 1996 (ovb_mobmernox_96)

Mobile air quality monitoring - O3 - ozon, 1996 (ovb_mobmero3_96)

Mobile air quality monitoring - IKO - index of quality, 1996 (ovb_mobmeriko_96)

Immission in reference points, 2010 (ov_imiseref_10)

Year average common air quality index, 2010 (ov_modpoleiko_10)

Model array of SPM concentration, 2010 (ov_modpolekoncpp_10)

Model array of SO2 concentration, 2010 (ov_modpolekoncso2_10)

Model array of NO2 concentration, 2010 (ov_modpolekoncno2_10)

Model array of NOx concentration, 2010 (ov_modpolekoncnox_10)

Model array of CO concentration, 2010 (ov_modpolekoncco_10)

Model array of BZN concentration, 2010 (ov_modpolekoncbzn_10)

Model array of FMA concentration, 2002 (ov_modpolekoncfma_02)

Level of pollution generated by traffic, 1998 (ovb_stupznec_99)

Emission map of NOx, 1998 (ovb_emisenox_99)

Emission map of CO, 1998 (ovb_emiseco_99)

Immission map of NOx, 1998 (ovb_imisenox_99)

Climate classification, 2008 (ov_klasklimatu_08)

Water quality in surface watercourses, 2008 (vod_kvalitavodpovtoc_08)

Limits of inundation area 2003 (vod_zatopcary)

Inundation areas (vod_zatopcary2)

Flooding depths (vod_hloubkmapy)

Land-Use plan (vod_uzemplan)

Soil contamination at regularly monitored sites, 2000 (kra_kontampuda_00)

Nature conservation and Landscape protection, 2011 (kra_chruz_11)

Vegetation map, 2005 (kra_vegetmapy)

Radon - related risks (kra_radonriziko_94)

Greenery in cadastral areas of Prague, 1995 (kra_zelenku_95)

Greenery classification by hight, 1995 (kra_vysclenzel_95)

Surface types by eco-characteristics, 1995 (kra_druhpovekochar_95)

Land-use by categories of Real estate register, 2008 (kra_druhpozkatnem_08)

Land- use by Digital Reference Map - colour, 2006 (pod_drmblok_06)

Collection of municipal waste in Prague, 2011 (odp_svozfirmy_11)

Collecting yards (odp_sberdvory_11)

Stationary collecting points for hazardous waste (odp_sbernebodpad_11)

Facilities for waste treatment, processing, reuse and disposal, 2009 (odp_zarizeni_09)

Strategy noise map (hlu_vhmad_akustika)

Calculated road traffic noise map for day - time (hlu_vhmad_ekola)

Calculated road traffic noise map for night - time (hlu_vhmad_env)

Calculated tramway traffic noise map for day - time (hlu_vhmtd)

Calculated tramway traffic noise map for night - time (hlu_vhmtd_noc)

Calculated road and tramway traffic noise map for day - time (hlu_vhmstad)

Calculated road and tramway traffic noise map for night - time (hlu_vhmstad_noc)

Population of municipal districts affected by noise, 2000 according to methodology of OECD (hlu_obyoecd_00)

Population of municipal districts affected by noise, 2000 according to legislation limits of the CR (hlu_obylegisl_00)

Population of municipal districts affected by noise - ratio of evalued and neglected inhabitants, 2000 (hlu_obyhodnoc_00)

Share of population of municipal districts affected by noise, 2000 according to methodology of OECD (hlu_obyoecdpod_00)

Share of population of municipal districts affected by noise, 2000 according to legislation limits of the CR (hlu_obylegislpod_00)

Population in city-planning districts affected by noise, 2000 (hlu_obyurb_00)

Calculated road and tramway traffic noise map of 2000, isophones (hlu_vhmad_linie)

Calculated road and tramway traffic noise map of 2000, areas (hlu_vhmad_plochy)

Level of acoustic power LW (dB) of noise per a unit of length of the sections (hlu_vhmad_vykon)

Average equivalent levels of acoustic pressure A LAeq (dB) of noise at facade of buildings along the sections (hlu_vhmad_tlak)

Map of the noise nuisance distribution, 1992-97 (hlu_mrhz_97)

Map of noise emission, 1998 (hlu_mhe_98)

Road traffic noise map (measurements 5-year interval) (hlu_autodop_96)

Area Road Traffic Noise Map in the District Prague 2, 1997 (hlu_autodopmodel_97)

Noise prevention barriers, 1999 (hlu_protihlubar_00)

Air traffic noise, 1993 (hlu_lethluk_93)

Automotive traffic intensity on selected road network, Prague 2008 (dod_intenzitadop_08)

Bicycle routes in Prague, 2005 (dod_cyklo_05)

Density and distribution of jobs, Prague 2001 (dod_ropid_hustota)

Commuting to Prague from the Central Bohemia Region to the location of workplace in the City of Prague (dod_ropid_pracujici)

Commuting to Prague from the Central Bohemia Region to the location of school in the City of Prague (dod_ropid_studenti)

Commuting to Prague from the Central Bohemia Region to the location of workplace or school in the City of Prague (dod_ropid_celkem)

Daily commuting to work or to school out of the administrative district of residence, Prague 2001 (dod_ropid_vyjizdka)

Analysis of transport relations; Commuting - outgoing to work or to school (dod_ropid_preprava)

Daily commuting to work or to school out of the municipality of permanent residence, Prague + Central Bohemia Region 2001 (dod_ropid_mimo_obec)

Time of daily commuting (walk); Modal split (selected means of transport) for commuting to work or to school, Prague 2001 (dod_ropid_modal_split)

Selected characteristics of the administrative districts (dod_ropid_charakteristiky)

Environmental impact assessment projects, 1992-2002 (eia)

IPPC – installations, which are subject to the Act No. 76/2002 Code on integrated pollution prevention and control (dod_ippc)

Den Země 2011 (dod_dz_11)

Organizace zabývající se ekologickou výchovou (dod_subjektevvo)

Population of municipal districts, 2008 (dod_obyvmc_08)

Increment and decrement of population in municipal districts, 2008 (dod_prirubytobyvmc_08)

Permanently inhabited houses and apartments in municipal districts Prague, 1991 (dod_domybytymc_91)

Administrative division of the City, 2009 (dod_sprclenmesta_00)

Prague relief (dod_vyspomer_97)

Ortophotomap (ortofoto2005)

Block map (blokovka2006)

Rastr (podklad_2006)


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