
analytiikka:MML_taustakartta tre_oulu:Hirvineva_714_300-717_GK25_N2000 analytiikka:MML_taustakartta
Service health Now:
Web Service, OGC Web Map Service 1.3.0
Access constraints
The data in this service is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Supported languages
No INSPIRE Extended Capabilities (including service language support) given. See INSPIRE Technical Guidance - View Services for more information.
Data provider

Väylävirasto (unverified)

Contact information:





Service metadata
No INSPIRE Extended Capabilities (including service metadata) given. See INSPIRE Technical Guidance - View Services for more information.

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Väyläviraston hankkeiden avoimen datan julkaisu

Available map layers (94)

Maanmittauslaitoksen taustakartat (analytiikka:MML_taustakartta)

Maanmittauslaitoksen taustakarttasarja Kapsin rajapinnasta. Lisenssi: The data in this service is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Hirvineva, 714+300-717 GK25 N2000 (tre_oulu:Hirvineva_714_300-717_GK25_N2000)

Jyväskylä-Pieksämäki, GK25 375-385 (jkl-pks:JyPm_orto_GK27_N2000_375-385)

Jyväskylä-Pieksämäki, GK27 384-391 (jkl-pks:JyPm_orto_GK27_N2000_384-391)

Jyväskylä-Pieksämäki, GK27 391-398 (jkl-pks:JyPm_orto_GK27_N2000_391-398)

Jyväskylä-Pieksämäki, GK27 398-405 (jkl-pks:JyPm_orto_GK27_N2000_398-405)

Jyväskylä-Pieksämäki, GK27 405-411 (jkl-pks:JyPm_orto_GK27_N2000_405-411)

Jyväskylä-Pieksämäki, GK27 411-415 (jkl-pks:JyPm_orto_GK27_N2000_411-415)

Jyväskylä-Pieksämäki, GK27 415-420 (jkl-pks:JyPm_orto_GK27_N2000_415-420)

Jyväskylä-Pieksämäki, GK27 420-425 (jkl-pks:JyPm_orto_GK27_N2000_420-425)

Jyväskylä-Pieksämäki, GK27 425-429 (jkl-pks:JyPm_orto_GK27_N2000_425-429)

Jyväskylä-Pieksämäki, GK27 429-434 (jkl-pks:JyPm_orto_GK27_N2000_429-434)

Jyväskylä-Pieksämäki, GK27 434-441 (jkl-pks:JyPm_orto_GK27_N2000_434-441)

Jyväskylä-Pieksämäki, GK27 441-449 (jkl-pks:JyPm_orto_GK27_N2000_441-449)

Jyväskylä-Pieksämäki, GK27 449-458 (jkl-pks:JyPm_orto_GK27_N2000_449-458)

Kangas, 641-643+800 GK25 N2000 (tre_oulu:Kangas_641-643_800_GK25_N2000)

Lahessuo_220613 (oulu-kemi:Lahessuo_220613)

Lahessuo_220807 (oulu-kemi:Lahessuo_220807)

Lahessuo_220810 (oulu-kemi:Lahessuo_220810)

Lahessuo_220901 (oulu-kemi:Lahessuo_220901)

Liminka-Oulu, 724-753 GK25 (tre_oulu:Liminka-Oulu_724-753_GK25_N2000)

MML Aluemeren ulkoraja (analytiikka:MML_aluemerenulkoraja)

Lähde: Maanmittauslaitos. Lisenssi: The data in this service is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

MML Suoja-alueet (analytiikka:MML_suoja_alue)

Lähde: Maanmittauslaitos. Lisenssi: The data in this service is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Maksniemi_220610 (oulu-kemi:Maksniemi_220610)

Maksniemi_220726 (oulu-kemi:Maksniemi_220726)

Maksniemi_220826 (oulu-kemi:Maksniemi_220826)

Pieksämäen asema 2023-08-16 (pieksamaki_asema:Pieksamaen_asema_rajattu_2023-08-16_ortokuva_20mm_GK27)

Ruukki, 696-707 GK25 (tre_oulu:Ruukki_696-707_GK25_N2000)

Satamat (analytiikka:Satamat)

Aineisto kattaa Väyläviraston tuottaman INSPIRE-aineistossa julkaistut satamat

Tikkurila 2023-05-08 Asema (tikkurila_paallysrakenneurakka:TIK_2023-05-08_asema)

Tikkurila 2023-05-08 Hakkila (tikkurila_paallysrakenneurakka:TIK_2023-05-08_hakkila)

Tikkurila 2023-08-29 Asema (tikkurila_paallysrakenneurakka:TIK_2023-08-29_asema)

Tikkurila 2023-08-29 Hiekkaharju (tikkurila_paallysrakenneurakka:TIK_2023-08-29_hiekkah)

Tikkurila 2023-08-29 Koivukylä (tikkurila_paallysrakenneurakka:TIK_2023-08-29_koivuk)

Turku 2023-06-20 Heikkilä (tku_ratapiha:TKU_2023-06-20_heik)

Turku 2023-06-20 Lonttinen (tku_ratapiha:TKU_2023-06-20_lont)

Turku 2023-06-20 Ratapiha (tku_ratapiha:TKU_2023-06-20_ratap)

Turku 2023-10-25 Ratapiha (tku_ratapiha:TKU_2023-10-25)

Traficom_DeepWaterRoutePart_A (analytiikka:Traficom_DeepWaterRoutePart_A)

Aineiston tuottaja: Traficom. Lisenssi: The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency's hydrographic data license 1. General information The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (hereinafter the Licensor) as the holder of the incorporeal rights, has granted a license to use a copy of the data or part of it (hereinafter data) on the terms and conditions mentioned below. A Licensee is a natural or legal person, who uses the data covered by the license. The Licensee accepts the terms and conditions of this licence by receiving the data covered by the licence. This license agreement does not create a cooperation or business relationship between the Licensee and Licensor. 2. Terms and conditions of the licence 2.1. Right of use This licence grants a worldwide and free of charge parallel right of use. According to the terms and conditions of the licence, data received by the Licensor can for other than navigational purposes freely be: copied, distributed and published, modified and utilised non-commercially, combined with other products and, used as part of an application or service. Navigational purposes refer to all maritime operations, such as route planning, positioning, determining the best direction and ensuring the vessel's safe passage. 2.2. Duties and responsibilities of the License When distributing the data or an application including the data it, the Licensee should in a reasonable way, in the distribution media or application used, mention: the name of the Licensor, the data and the time of the data transfer (for example: contains information received from the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency’s nautical chart data base 06/2020) present a copy of this licence or a link to it, and omit the name of the Licensor in connection with the product or service, on the request of the Licensor. The Licensee must not in connection with the data that is being used indicate that the Licensor supports or recommends the the data use in question. 2.3 Duties and responsibilities of the Licensor The Licensor is responsible for ensuring that the Licensor has the right to transfer the rights to the data covered by this license. The data has been licensed "as is", and the Licensor shall not be held responsible for any errors or omissions in the data, or any inconsistencies or discontinuities between the vertical coordinate reference systems used therein, disclaims any warranty for the validity or up-to-date status of the data and shall be free from liability for direct or consequential damages arising from the use of data provided by the Licensor, and is not obliged to ensure the continuous availability of the data, nor to announce in advance the interruption or cessation of availability, and the licensor shall be free from liability for direct or consequential damages arising from any such interruption or cessation. 3. Jurisdiction Finnish law shall apply to this licence. 4. Amendments to this licence The Licensor may at any time change the terms and conditions of the license or apply a different license to the material. The terms and conditions in this license shall, however, still apply to such data that has been transferred prior to the amendments to the terms and conditions or the change of the license

Traficom_ENC_Layer (analytiikka:Traficom_ENC_Layer)

Tämä aineisto, jonka tekijä on Liikenne- ja viestintävirasto Traficom, on lisensoitu Creative Commons Nimeä 4.0 Kansainvälinen -käyttöluvalla - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.fi "Lähde: Traficom. Ei navigointikäyttöön. Ei täytä asianmukaisen merikartan vaatimuksia." Detta datamaterial producerat av Transport och kommunikationsverket är licensierat under en Creative Commons Erkännande 4.0 Internationell Licens - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ "Källa: Transport och kommunikationsverket. Får inte användas för navigationsändamål. Uppfyller inte fordringarna för lämpliga sjökort." This dataset produced by the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ "Source: Finnish Transport and Communications Agency. Not for navigational use. Does not meet the requirements for appropriate nautical charts."

Traficom_PilotBoardingPlace_P (analytiikka:Traficom_PilotBoardingPlace_P)

Aineiston tuottaja: Traficom. Lisenssi: The data in this service is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Traficom_PrecautionaryArea_A (analytiikka:Traficom_PrecautionaryArea_A)

Aineiston tuottaja: Traficom. Lisenssi: The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency's hydrographic data license 1. General information The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (hereinafter the Licensor) as the holder of the incorporeal rights, has granted a license to use a copy of the data or part of it (hereinafter data) on the terms and conditions mentioned below. A Licensee is a natural or legal person, who uses the data covered by the license. The Licensee accepts the terms and conditions of this licence by receiving the data covered by the licence. This license agreement does not create a cooperation or business relationship between the Licensee and Licensor. 2. Terms and conditions of the licence 2.1. Right of use This licence grants a worldwide and free of charge parallel right of use. According to the terms and conditions of the licence, data received by the Licensor can for other than navigational purposes freely be: copied, distributed and published, modified and utilised non-commercially, combined with other products and, used as part of an application or service. Navigational purposes refer to all maritime operations, such as route planning, positioning, determining the best direction and ensuring the vessel's safe passage. 2.2. Duties and responsibilities of the License When distributing the data or an application including the data it, the Licensee should in a reasonable way, in the distribution media or application used, mention: the name of the Licensor, the data and the time of the data transfer (for example: contains information received from the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency’s nautical chart data base 06/2020) present a copy of this licence or a link to it, and omit the name of the Licensor in connection with the product or service, on the request of the Licensor. The Licensee must not in connection with the data that is being used indicate that the Licensor supports or recommends the the data use in question. 2.3 Duties and responsibilities of the Licensor The Licensor is responsible for ensuring that the Licensor has the right to transfer the rights to the data covered by this license. The data has been licensed "as is", and the Licensor shall not be held responsible for any errors or omissions in the data, or any inconsistencies or discontinuities between the vertical coordinate reference systems used therein, disclaims any warranty for the validity or up-to-date status of the data and shall be free from liability for direct or consequential damages arising from the use of data provided by the Licensor, and is not obliged to ensure the continuous availability of the data, nor to announce in advance the interruption or cessation of availability, and the licensor shall be free from liability for direct or consequential damages arising from any such interruption or cessation. 3. Jurisdiction Finnish law shall apply to this licence. 4. Amendments to this licence The Licensor may at any time change the terms and conditions of the license or apply a different license to the material. The terms and conditions in this license shall, however, still apply to such data that has been transferred prior to the amendments to the terms and conditions or the change of the license

Traficom_Sounding_P (analytiikka:Traficom_Sounding_P)

Aineiston tuottaja: Traficom. Lisenssi: The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency's hydrographic data license 1. General information The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (hereinafter the Licensor) as the holder of the incorporeal rights, has granted a license to use a copy of the data or part of it (hereinafter data) on the terms and conditions mentioned below. A Licensee is a natural or legal person, who uses the data covered by the license. The Licensee accepts the terms and conditions of this licence by receiving the data covered by the licence. This license agreement does not create a cooperation or business relationship between the Licensee and Licensor. 2. Terms and conditions of the licence 2.1. Right of use This licence grants a worldwide and free of charge parallel right of use. According to the terms and conditions of the licence, data received by the Licensor can for other than navigational purposes freely be: copied, distributed and published, modified and utilised non-commercially, combined with other products and, used as part of an application or service. Navigational purposes refer to all maritime operations, such as route planning, positioning, determining the best direction and ensuring the vessel's safe passage. 2.2. Duties and responsibilities of the License When distributing the data or an application including the data it, the Licensee should in a reasonable way, in the distribution media or application used, mention: the name of the Licensor, the data and the time of the data transfer (for example: contains information received from the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency’s nautical chart data base 06/2020) present a copy of this licence or a link to it, and omit the name of the Licensor in connection with the product or service, on the request of the Licensor. The Licensee must not in connection with the data that is being used indicate that the Licensor supports or recommends the the data use in question. 2.3 Duties and responsibilities of the Licensor The Licensor is responsible for ensuring that the Licensor has the right to transfer the rights to the data covered by this license. The data has been licensed "as is", and the Licensor shall not be held responsible for any errors or omissions in the data, or any inconsistencies or discontinuities between the vertical coordinate reference systems used therein, disclaims any warranty for the validity or up-to-date status of the data and shall be free from liability for direct or consequential damages arising from the use of data provided by the Licensor, and is not obliged to ensure the continuous availability of the data, nor to announce in advance the interruption or cessation of availability, and the licensor shall be free from liability for direct or consequential damages arising from any such interruption or cessation. 3. Jurisdiction Finnish law shall apply to this licence. 4. Amendments to this licence The Licensor may at any time change the terms and conditions of the license or apply a different license to the material. The terms and conditions in this license shall, however, still apply to such data that has been transferred prior to the amendments to the terms and conditions or the change of the license

Traficom_TerritorialSeaArea_A (analytiikka:Traficom_TerritorialSeaArea_A)

Aineiston tuottaja: Traficom. Lisenssi: The data in this service is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Traficom_TrafficSeparationLine_L (analytiikka:Traficom_TrafficSeparationLine_L)

Aineiston tuottaja: Traficom. Lisenssi: The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency's hydrographic data license 1. General information The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (hereinafter the Licensor) as the holder of the incorporeal rights, has granted a license to use a copy of the data or part of it (hereinafter data) on the terms and conditions mentioned below. A Licensee is a natural or legal person, who uses the data covered by the license. The Licensee accepts the terms and conditions of this licence by receiving the data covered by the licence. This license agreement does not create a cooperation or business relationship between the Licensee and Licensor. 2. Terms and conditions of the licence 2.1. Right of use This licence grants a worldwide and free of charge parallel right of use. According to the terms and conditions of the licence, data received by the Licensor can for other than navigational purposes freely be: copied, distributed and published, modified and utilised non-commercially, combined with other products and, used as part of an application or service. Navigational purposes refer to all maritime operations, such as route planning, positioning, determining the best direction and ensuring the vessel's safe passage. 2.2. Duties and responsibilities of the License When distributing the data or an application including the data it, the Licensee should in a reasonable way, in the distribution media or application used, mention: the name of the Licensor, the data and the time of the data transfer (for example: contains information received from the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency’s nautical chart data base 06/2020) present a copy of this licence or a link to it, and omit the name of the Licensor in connection with the product or service, on the request of the Licensor. The Licensee must not in connection with the data that is being used indicate that the Licensor supports or recommends the the data use in question. 2.3 Duties and responsibilities of the Licensor The Licensor is responsible for ensuring that the Licensor has the right to transfer the rights to the data covered by this license. The data has been licensed "as is", and the Licensor shall not be held responsible for any errors or omissions in the data, or any inconsistencies or discontinuities between the vertical coordinate reference systems used therein, disclaims any warranty for the validity or up-to-date status of the data and shall be free from liability for direct or consequential damages arising from the use of data provided by the Licensor, and is not obliged to ensure the continuous availability of the data, nor to announce in advance the interruption or cessation of availability, and the licensor shall be free from liability for direct or consequential damages arising from any such interruption or cessation. 3. Jurisdiction Finnish law shall apply to this licence. 4. Amendments to this licence The Licensor may at any time change the terms and conditions of the license or apply a different license to the material. The terms and conditions in this license shall, however, still apply to such data that has been transferred prior to the amendments to the terms and conditions or the change of the license

Traficom_TrafficSeparationSchemeBoundary_L (analytiikka:Traficom_TrafficSeparationSchemeBoundary_L)

Aineiston tuottaja: Traficom. Lisenssi: The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency's hydrographic data license 1. General information The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (hereinafter the Licensor) as the holder of the incorporeal rights, has granted a license to use a copy of the data or part of it (hereinafter data) on the terms and conditions mentioned below. A Licensee is a natural or legal person, who uses the data covered by the license. The Licensee accepts the terms and conditions of this licence by receiving the data covered by the licence. This license agreement does not create a cooperation or business relationship between the Licensee and Licensor. 2. Terms and conditions of the licence 2.1. Right of use This licence grants a worldwide and free of charge parallel right of use. According to the terms and conditions of the licence, data received by the Licensor can for other than navigational purposes freely be: copied, distributed and published, modified and utilised non-commercially, combined with other products and, used as part of an application or service. Navigational purposes refer to all maritime operations, such as route planning, positioning, determining the best direction and ensuring the vessel's safe passage. 2.2. Duties and responsibilities of the License When distributing the data or an application including the data it, the Licensee should in a reasonable way, in the distribution media or application used, mention: the name of the Licensor, the data and the time of the data transfer (for example: contains information received from the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency’s nautical chart data base 06/2020) present a copy of this licence or a link to it, and omit the name of the Licensor in connection with the product or service, on the request of the Licensor. The Licensee must not in connection with the data that is being used indicate that the Licensor supports or recommends the the data use in question. 2.3 Duties and responsibilities of the Licensor The Licensor is responsible for ensuring that the Licensor has the right to transfer the rights to the data covered by this license. The data has been licensed "as is", and the Licensor shall not be held responsible for any errors or omissions in the data, or any inconsistencies or discontinuities between the vertical coordinate reference systems used therein, disclaims any warranty for the validity or up-to-date status of the data and shall be free from liability for direct or consequential damages arising from the use of data provided by the Licensor, and is not obliged to ensure the continuous availability of the data, nor to announce in advance the interruption or cessation of availability, and the licensor shall be free from liability for direct or consequential damages arising from any such interruption or cessation. 3. Jurisdiction Finnish law shall apply to this licence. 4. Amendments to this licence The Licensor may at any time change the terms and conditions of the license or apply a different license to the material. The terms and conditions in this license shall, however, still apply to such data that has been transferred prior to the amendments to the terms and conditions or the change of the license

Traficom_TrafficSeparationSchemeLanePart_A (analytiikka:Traficom_TrafficSeparationSchemeLanePart_A)

Aineiston tuottaja: Traficom. Lisenssi: The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency's hydrographic data license 1. General information The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (hereinafter the Licensor) as the holder of the incorporeal rights, has granted a license to use a copy of the data or part of it (hereinafter data) on the terms and conditions mentioned below. A Licensee is a natural or legal person, who uses the data covered by the license. The Licensee accepts the terms and conditions of this licence by receiving the data covered by the licence. This license agreement does not create a cooperation or business relationship between the Licensee and Licensor. 2. Terms and conditions of the licence 2.1. Right of use This licence grants a worldwide and free of charge parallel right of use. According to the terms and conditions of the licence, data received by the Licensor can for other than navigational purposes freely be: copied, distributed and published, modified and utilised non-commercially, combined with other products and, used as part of an application or service. Navigational purposes refer to all maritime operations, such as route planning, positioning, determining the best direction and ensuring the vessel's safe passage. 2.2. Duties and responsibilities of the License When distributing the data or an application including the data it, the Licensee should in a reasonable way, in the distribution media or application used, mention: the name of the Licensor, the data and the time of the data transfer (for example: contains information received from the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency’s nautical chart data base 06/2020) present a copy of this licence or a link to it, and omit the name of the Licensor in connection with the product or service, on the request of the Licensor. The Licensee must not in connection with the data that is being used indicate that the Licensor supports or recommends the the data use in question. 2.3 Duties and responsibilities of the Licensor The Licensor is responsible for ensuring that the Licensor has the right to transfer the rights to the data covered by this license. The data has been licensed "as is", and the Licensor shall not be held responsible for any errors or omissions in the data, or any inconsistencies or discontinuities between the vertical coordinate reference systems used therein, disclaims any warranty for the validity or up-to-date status of the data and shall be free from liability for direct or consequential damages arising from the use of data provided by the Licensor, and is not obliged to ensure the continuous availability of the data, nor to announce in advance the interruption or cessation of availability, and the licensor shall be free from liability for direct or consequential damages arising from any such interruption or cessation. 3. Jurisdiction Finnish law shall apply to this licence. 4. Amendments to this licence The Licensor may at any time change the terms and conditions of the license or apply a different license to the material. The terms and conditions in this license shall, however, still apply to such data that has been transferred prior to the amendments to the terms and conditions or the change of the license

Traficom_TrafficSeparationZone_A (analytiikka:Traficom_TrafficSeparationZone_A)

Aineiston tuottaja: Traficom. Lisenssi: The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency's hydrographic data license 1. General information The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (hereinafter the Licensor) as the holder of the incorporeal rights, has granted a license to use a copy of the data or part of it (hereinafter data) on the terms and conditions mentioned below. A Licensee is a natural or legal person, who uses the data covered by the license. The Licensee accepts the terms and conditions of this licence by receiving the data covered by the licence. This license agreement does not create a cooperation or business relationship between the Licensee and Licensor. 2. Terms and conditions of the licence 2.1. Right of use This licence grants a worldwide and free of charge parallel right of use. According to the terms and conditions of the licence, data received by the Licensor can for other than navigational purposes freely be: copied, distributed and published, modified and utilised non-commercially, combined with other products and, used as part of an application or service. Navigational purposes refer to all maritime operations, such as route planning, positioning, determining the best direction and ensuring the vessel's safe passage. 2.2. Duties and responsibilities of the License When distributing the data or an application including the data it, the Licensee should in a reasonable way, in the distribution media or application used, mention: the name of the Licensor, the data and the time of the data transfer (for example: contains information received from the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency’s nautical chart data base 06/2020) present a copy of this licence or a link to it, and omit the name of the Licensor in connection with the product or service, on the request of the Licensor. The Licensee must not in connection with the data that is being used indicate that the Licensor supports or recommends the the data use in question. 2.3 Duties and responsibilities of the Licensor The Licensor is responsible for ensuring that the Licensor has the right to transfer the rights to the data covered by this license. The data has been licensed "as is", and the Licensor shall not be held responsible for any errors or omissions in the data, or any inconsistencies or discontinuities between the vertical coordinate reference systems used therein, disclaims any warranty for the validity or up-to-date status of the data and shall be free from liability for direct or consequential damages arising from the use of data provided by the Licensor, and is not obliged to ensure the continuous availability of the data, nor to announce in advance the interruption or cessation of availability, and the licensor shall be free from liability for direct or consequential damages arising from any such interruption or cessation. 3. Jurisdiction Finnish law shall apply to this licence. 4. Amendments to this licence The Licensor may at any time change the terms and conditions of the license or apply a different license to the material. The terms and conditions in this license shall, however, still apply to such data that has been transferred prior to the amendments to the terms and conditions or the change of the license

Traficom_TwoWayRoutePart_A (analytiikka:Traficom_TwoWayRoutePart_A)

Aineiston tuottaja: Traficom. Lisenssi: The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency's hydrographic data license 1. General information The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (hereinafter the Licensor) as the holder of the incorporeal rights, has granted a license to use a copy of the data or part of it (hereinafter data) on the terms and conditions mentioned below. A Licensee is a natural or legal person, who uses the data covered by the license. The Licensee accepts the terms and conditions of this licence by receiving the data covered by the licence. This license agreement does not create a cooperation or business relationship between the Licensee and Licensor. 2. Terms and conditions of the licence 2.1. Right of use This licence grants a worldwide and free of charge parallel right of use. According to the terms and conditions of the licence, data received by the Licensor can for other than navigational purposes freely be: copied, distributed and published, modified and utilised non-commercially, combined with other products and, used as part of an application or service. Navigational purposes refer to all maritime operations, such as route planning, positioning, determining the best direction and ensuring the vessel's safe passage. 2.2. Duties and responsibilities of the License When distributing the data or an application including the data it, the Licensee should in a reasonable way, in the distribution media or application used, mention: the name of the Licensor, the data and the time of the data transfer (for example: contains information received from the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency’s nautical chart data base 06/2020) present a copy of this licence or a link to it, and omit the name of the Licensor in connection with the product or service, on the request of the Licensor. The Licensee must not in connection with the data that is being used indicate that the Licensor supports or recommends the the data use in question. 2.3 Duties and responsibilities of the Licensor The Licensor is responsible for ensuring that the Licensor has the right to transfer the rights to the data covered by this license. The data has been licensed "as is", and the Licensor shall not be held responsible for any errors or omissions in the data, or any inconsistencies or discontinuities between the vertical coordinate reference systems used therein, disclaims any warranty for the validity or up-to-date status of the data and shall be free from liability for direct or consequential damages arising from the use of data provided by the Licensor, and is not obliged to ensure the continuous availability of the data, nor to announce in advance the interruption or cessation of availability, and the licensor shall be free from liability for direct or consequential damages arising from any such interruption or cessation. 3. Jurisdiction Finnish law shall apply to this licence. 4. Amendments to this licence The Licensor may at any time change the terms and conditions of the license or apply a different license to the material. The terms and conditions in this license shall, however, still apply to such data that has been transferred prior to the amendments to the terms and conditions or the change of the license

Havsplanernas avgränsning (analytiikka:havsplaneomraden)

Sverige har tre havsplaner: Bottniska viken, Östersjön och Västerhavet. Beslut om havsplaner fattades av regeringen den 10 februari 2022. Du kan läsa om havsplanerna på Havs- och vattenmyndighetens webbplats: https://www.havochvatten.se/planering-forvaltning-ochsamverkan/havsplanering.html Datamängden omfattar plankartan för alla tre havsplaneområden och ska tolkas i skala mellan 1:700 000 och 1:1 000 000. Fri användning​ enligt CC0.

joera_210429 (joera:joera_210429)

joera_210622 (joera:joera_210622)

joera_210821 (joera:joera_210821)

joera_210927 (joera:joera_210927)

joera_211123 (joera:joera_211123)

joera_220421 (joera:joera_220421)

joera_220614 (joera:joera_220614)

joera_220902 (joera:joera_220902)

joera_230523 (joera:joera_230523)

joera_230711 (joera:joera_230711)

Huoltotiet (projektidata:lahdenpera_jamsa_huoltotiet)

Kiinteistörajat ja tunnukset (Lahdenperä-Jämsä) (projektidata:lahdenpera_jamsa_kiinteistot)

Meluesteet (projektidata:lahdenpera_jamsa_meluesteet)

Raidegeometria (projektidata:lahdenpera_jamsa_raidegeometria)

Rautatiealueen rajat (projektidata:lahdenpera_jamsa_rautatiealueen_rajat)

Sijoitusalueet (projektidata:lahdenpera_jamsa_sijoitusalueet)

Lahdenperä-Jämsä suunnitelmakartta (projektidata:lahdenpera_jamsa_suunnitelmakartta)

Lahdenperä-Jämsä suunnitelmakartan tekstit (projektidata:lahdenpera_jamsa_tekstit)

Muut tieyhteydet (projektidata:lahdenpera_jamsa_tiet_ras)

Lielahti-Lakiala 200 km/h suunnitelma (projektidata:lielahti_lakiala_200kmh)

Aineistossa on esitetty Lielahti-Lakiala ratahankkeen suunnitelmaluonnos, jossa nopeusrajoituksena on 200 km/h. Aineistossa on näkyvillä ratalinjaus sekä sillat.

Lielahti-Lakiala 250 km/h suunnitelma (projektidata:lielahti_lakiala_250kmh)

Aineistossa on esitetty Lielahti-Lakiala ratahankkeen suunnitelmaluonnos, jossa nopeusrajoituksena on 250 km/h. Aineistossa on näkyvillä ratalinjaus.

Lielahti-Lakiala, GK25 (tre_oulu:lielahti_lakiala_gk25)

Liikennemäärät 2022 (analytiikka:liikennemaarat_2022)

Aineiston tuottaja: Väylävirasto. Lisenssi: The data in this service is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Tasolla on esitetty vuoden 2022 keskiarvo teiden päivittäisistä liikennemääristä. Karttataso on julkaista Suomen Väylissä olevaa Liikennemäärät-teemakarttaa varten. Aineisto ei päivity.

Mittalinjat (projektidata:liminka_oulu_mittalinjat)

Rataverkko (moniraiteinen) (analytiikka:locationtracks)

Aineiston tuottaja: Väylävirasto. Lisenssi: The data in this service is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Taso sisältää rataverkon yleistämättömänä eli kulmapisteiden määrä on huomattavan suuri. Tästä johtuen taso toimii koko Suomen laajuisena hitaasti.

Merialuesuunnittelualueiden rajat (analytiikka:msp_raja)

Suomen merialuesuunnitelman 2030 suunnittelualueiden rajat. Lisätietoa: https://meriskenaariot.info/merialuesuunnitelma/suunnitelma-johdanto/ Lisenssi: The data in this service is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Päällysteiden kunto (analytiikka:paallysteiden_kunto)

Kartalla esitetään tiet, joiden kuntoluokka on erittäin huono, huono, tyydyttävä, hyvä tai erittäin hyvä. Päällysteiden kuntotiedot vastaavat loppuvuoden 2023 tilannetta ja aineistossa on mukana vuoden 2023 aikana kerätyt kuntotiedot sekä kesän 2023 aikana toteutetun päällystysohjelman tiedot.

Seuraavan 10:n päivän päällystystyöt (projektidata:paallystystyot_seuraavat_10paivaa)

Tasolla esitetään seuraavan kymmenen päivän aikana todennäköisesti käynnissä olevat päällystystyöt. Taso ei sisällä projektivelhon hankkeita. Aineisto päivittyy joka päivä.

Talvihoitoluokat 1.10.2024 (analytiikka:talvihoitoluokat_011024)

Aineiston tuottaja: Väylävirasto. Lisenssi: The data in this service is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Aineistossa on talvihoitoluokat tilannepäivämäärällä 1.10.2024. Aineisto on julkaistu Suomen Väylien teemakarttaa varten, jossa esitetty hoitoluokka-aineistoja jäädytetyllä tilannepäivämäärällä 1.10.2024.

Tapahtumat seuraavan 10:n päivän aikana (projektidata:tapahtumat_seuraavat_10paivaa)

Tasolla esitetään ne tapahtumat, jotka ovat seuraavan kymmenen päivän aikana. Aineisto päivittyy joka päivä.

Tieosoiteverkko (analytiikka:tieosoiteverkko)

Aineiston tuottaja: Väylävirasto. Lisenssi: The data in this service is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Toiminnallinen luokka (analytiikka:toiminnallinen_luokka)

Aineiston tuottaja: Väylävirasto. Lisenssi: The data in this service is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Kuvaa tien verkostollista asemaa eli roolia liikenteen välittäjänä ja alueiden yhdistäjänä. On tienumeroinnin ja viitoituksen perusta. Toiminnallisten luokkien kuvaus on lain liikennejärjestelmästä ja maanteistä 4 §:ssä. Toiminnallisista luokista päätetään LVM:n asetuksella. Uusien yhteyksien toiminnallinen luokka määritellään suunnittelun yhteydessä. Muutosehdotukset tulevat tyypillisesti alueilta. Tievelhon operaattori vastaa tiedon ylläpidosta. Kohdeluokka ei ole versioituva. Tieto kattaa tiet, lautat, rampit sekä kadut.

Turvalaitteet, Vaasa (projektidata_vesivaylahankkeet:turvalaitteet_digitoitu)

Kaikki Vaasan meriväylähankkeen turvalaitteet.

Harauskohteet, Vaasa (projektidata_vesivaylahankkeet:vaasa_harauskohde)

Vaasan vesiväylähankkeen harauskohteet.

Läjitysalueet, Vaasa (projektidata_vesivaylahankkeet:vaasa_lajitysalueet)

Vaasan meriväylähankkeen läjitysalueet.

Louhinnan alapinta, Vaasa (projektidata_vesivaylahankkeet:vaasa_louhinnan_alapinta)

Louhinnan alapinta Vaasan vesiväylähankkeella.

Navigointilinja, Vaasa (projektidata_vesivaylahankkeet:vaasa_navigointilinja)

Vaasan vesiväylähankkeen navigointilinja.

Poistetut turvalaitteet, Vaasa (projektidata_vesivaylahankkeet:vaasa_poistetut_turvalaitteet)

Ruoppausalueet, Vaasa (projektidata_vesivaylahankkeet:vaasa_ruoppausalueet)

Vaasan vesiväylähankkeen ruoppausalueet.

Siirretyt turvalaitteet, Vaasa (projektidata_vesivaylahankkeet:vaasa_siirretyt_turvalaitteet)

Työnaikaiset turvalaitteet, Vaasa (projektidata_vesivaylahankkeet:vaasa_tyonaikaiset_turvalaitteet)

Vaasan meriväylähankkeen työnaikaiset turvalaitteet.

Urakka-alueet, Vaasa (projektidata_vesivaylahankkeet:vaasa_urakka-alueet)

Vaasan vesiväylähankkeen urakka-alueet

Uudet turvalaitteet, Vaasa (projektidata_vesivaylahankkeet:vaasa_uudet_turvalaitteet)

Vahojärvi, GK25 (tre_oulu:vahojarvi_gk25)

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