EURAC Research

GeoServer Web Map Service

BaseData:Basemap_East basedata:Basemap_East basedata:Basemap_East
Service health Now:
Web Service, OGC Web Map Service 1.3.0
Access constraints
Supported languages
No INSPIRE Extended Capabilities (including service language support) given. See INSPIRE Technical Guidance - View Services for more information.
Data provider

EURAC Research (unverified)

Contact information:

Armin Costa

EURAC Research

Drususstrasse / Viale Druso 1, 39100 Bozen / Bolzano, Italy


Phone: +39 0471 055 933

Service metadata
No INSPIRE Extended Capabilities (including service metadata) given. See INSPIRE Technical Guidance - View Services for more information.

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A compliant implementation of WMS 1.1.1 plus most of the SLD 1.0 extension (dynamic styling). Can also generate PDF, SVG, KML, GeoRSS

Available map layers (220)

Basemap East (basedata:Basemap_East)

Grundkarte Est

Basemap Nord (basedata:Basemap_Nord)

Grundkarte Nord

Basemap West (basedata:Basemap_West)

Grundkarte Ovest

Corine (basedata:Corine)

Layer-Group type layer: basedata:Corine

Deposits_DO (basedata:Deposits_DO)


Deposits_vetta (basedata:Deposits_vetta)


Natural Vegetation (basedata:NaturalVegetation)

Natural Vegetation



Grundkarte_Lotto-Est_A10000IA (basedata:A10000IA)

GlacierCadastre_named (basedata:AA1997_NAMEN_utm)

QuaternaryDeposits_Anterselva (basedata:Anterselva)

QuaternaryDeposits_Appiano_linee (basedata:Appiano_linee)

QuaternaryDeposits_Appiano_poly (basedata:Appiano_poly)

Bezirksgemeinschaften (basedata:Bezirksgemeinschaften)

Corine00 (basedata:Corine00_utm)

Corine90 (basedata:Corine90_ut)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Nord-Sud_DB_TOPO_F1 (basedata:DB_TOPO_F1)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Nord-Sud_DB_TOPO_F2 (basedata:DB_TOPO_F2)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Nord-Sud_DB_TOPO_F3 (basedata:DB_TOPO_F3)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Nord-Sud_DB_TOPO_F4 (basedata:DB_TOPO_F4)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Nord-Sud_DB_TOPO_F5 (basedata:DB_TOPO_F5)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Nord-Sud_DB_TOPO_F6 (basedata:DB_TOPO_F6)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Nord-Sud_DB_TOPO_L1 (basedata:DB_TOPO_L1)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Nord-Sud_DB_TOPO_L2 (basedata:DB_TOPO_L2)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Nord-Sud_DB_TOPO_L3 (basedata:DB_TOPO_L3)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Nord-Sud_DB_TOPO_L5 (basedata:DB_TOPO_L5)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Nord-Sud_DB_TOPO_L6 (basedata:DB_TOPO_L6)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Nord-Sud_DB_TOPO_L7 (basedata:DB_TOPO_L7)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Nord-Sud_DB_TOPO_L9 (basedata:DB_TOPO_L9)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Nord-Sud_DB_TOPO_P10 (basedata:DB_TOPO_P10)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Nord-Sud_DB_TOPO_P2 (basedata:DB_TOPO_P2)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Nord-Sud_DB_TOPO_P3 (basedata:DB_TOPO_P3)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Nord-Sud_DB_TOPO_P6 (basedata:DB_TOPO_P6)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Nord-Sud_DB_TOPO_P7 (basedata:DB_TOPO_P7)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Nord-Sud_DB_TOPO_P9 (basedata:DB_TOPO_P9)

Elevation Model Carpathian Project Area (carpathianproject:DEM_carpathian_project_area_SRTM)

Elevation Model Carpathian Project Area (Source: SRTM)

DO_linee (basedata:DO_linee)

DO_poly (basedata:DO_poly)

Dislocazioni_ST (basedata:Dislocazioni)

Dobbiaco (basedata:Dobbiaco)


Very high resolution RapidEye – Forest change 2009-2010 Event map



Very high resolution RapidEye – Forest change 2011-2012


Very high resolution RapidEye – Forest change 2012-2013 Event map


Low resolution MODIS – larch pest infestations maps - 2001 (EUFODOS_INTERNAL:EUFODOS_SOUTH_TYROL_LARCH_PESTS_INFESTATION_2001)

Low resolution MODIS – larch pest infestations maps - 2002 (EUFODOS_INTERNAL:EUFODOS_SOUTH_TYROL_LARCH_PESTS_INFESTATION_2002)

Low resolution MODIS – larch pest infestations maps - 2003 (EUFODOS_INTERNAL:EUFODOS_SOUTH_TYROL_LARCH_PESTS_INFESTATION_2003)

Low resolution MODIS – larch pest infestations maps - 2004 (EUFODOS_INTERNAL:EUFODOS_SOUTH_TYROL_LARCH_PESTS_INFESTATION_2004)

Low resolution MODIS – larch pest infestations maps - 2005 (EUFODOS_INTERNAL:EUFODOS_SOUTH_TYROL_LARCH_PESTS_INFESTATION_2005)

Low resolution MODIS – larch pest infestations maps - 2006 (EUFODOS_INTERNAL:EUFODOS_SOUTH_TYROL_LARCH_PESTS_INFESTATION_2006)

Low resolution MODIS – larch pest infestations maps - 2007 (EUFODOS_INTERNAL:EUFODOS_SOUTH_TYROL_LARCH_PESTS_INFESTATION_2007)

Low resolution MODIS – larch pest infestations maps - 2008 (EUFODOS_INTERNAL:EUFODOS_SOUTH_TYROL_LARCH_PESTS_INFESTATION_2008)

Low resolution MODIS – larch pest infestations maps - 2009 (EUFODOS_INTERNAL:EUFODOS_SOUTH_TYROL_LARCH_PESTS_INFESTATION_2009)

Low resolution MODIS – larch pest infestations maps - 2010 (EUFODOS_INTERNAL:EUFODOS_SOUTH_TYROL_LARCH_PESTS_INFESTATION_2010)

Low resolution MODIS – larch pest infestations maps - 2011 (EUFODOS_INTERNAL:EUFODOS_SOUTH_TYROL_LARCH_PESTS_INFESTATION_2011)

Very high resolution Landsat – windfall event map (EUFODOS_INTERNAL:EUFODOS_SOUTH_TYROL_WINDFALL_LANDSAT_2011)

Very high resolution RapidEye – windfall event map (EUFODOS_INTERNAL:EUFODOS_SOUTH_TYROL_WINDFALL_RAPIDEYE_2011)

Drought Pattern - scPDSI (EUFODOS_EURAC:EUFODOS_SOUTH_TYROL_drought_pattern_scPDSI)

Drought Pattern – scPDSI is an indirect validation product of corresponding layer Drought Pattern which depicts a spatial pattern of forest decline in South Tyrol between 2001 and 2011. The layer was based on a time series of MODIS 16-day NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) standard product, subjected to EOF transformation. Yearly scores of a resulting temporal pattern (eigenvector) were next correlated with time-series of scPDSI yearly means calculated for 29 meteorological stations. The product presents correlation value between two aforementioned time series, which should be interpreted as a measure of drought impact. Geographic Reference System: UTM zone 32 Format: shape-file (point layer) Status On going: Data is continually being updated




Shadows calculated for Southtyrol at 25m resolution EURAC_RADBEAM_P_southtyrol


Serie temporale (2004-2013) dell'irraggiamento solare annuale medio sulle principali aree urbane dell'Alto Adige, in Wh/m². Le superfici inclinate sono state ottenute mediante un Modello Digitale della Superficie (Digital Surface Model, DSM) avente risoluzione di 0.5m. Il modello digitale della superficie è stato ottenuto dai dati raccolti in seguito ad una campagna condotta nell'autunno del 2013 utilizzando un laser scan. In questo modello si tiene conto sia delle montagne (far shading) sia degli ostacoli (near shading) circostanti. Gli aspetti relativi alla climatologia sono stati calcolati usando il valore medio dell'indice delle nuvole fornito da Meteosat (processato utilizzando l'algoritmo Meteoswiss heliomont [1]) tra il 2004 e il 2013 con una risoluzione temporale di 15 minuti. I valori di Aerosol e vapor acqueo derivano dal dataset MACC[2]. Per il calcolo della irradianza in totale assenza di nuvole si è utilizzato il modello Specmagic [3]. Questi dati sono stati calcolati nell'ambito del progetto EFRE Programme Interreg IV ITA-AUT finanziato dall'Alto Adige [4]. [1]; [2]; [3] Mueller, R., Behrendt, T., Hammer, A., and Kemper, A.: A New Algorithm for the Satellite-Based Retrieval of Solar Surface Irradiance in Spectral Bands, Remote Sensing, 4, 622–647, 2012; [4]


Serie temporale (2004-2013) dell'irraggiamento solare annuale medio in Alto Adige, in Wh/m². Le superfici inclinate sono state ottenute mediante un Modello Digitale del Terreno (Digital Terrain Model, DTM) avente risoluzione di 25 m. Il modello digitale del terreno è stato ottenuto dai dati raccolti in seguito ad una campagna condotta nell'autunno del 2006 utilizzando un laser scan. In questo modello si tiene conto sia delle montagne (far shading) sia degli ostacoli (near shading) circostanti. Gli aspetti relativi alla climatologia sono stati calcolati usando il valore medio dell'indice delle nuvole fornito da Meteosat (processato utilizzando l'algoritmo Meteoswiss heliomont [1]) tra il 2004 e il 2013 con una risoluzione temporale di 15 minuti. I valori di Aerosol e vapor acqueo derivano dal dataset MACC[2]. Per il calcolo della irradianza in totale assenza di nuvole si è utilizzato il modello Specmagic [3]. Questi dati sono stati calcolati nell'ambito del progetto EFRE Programme Interreg IV ITA-AUT finanziato dall'Alto Adige [4]. [1]; [2]; [3] Mueller, R., Behrendt, T., Hammer, A., and Kemper, A.: A New Algorithm for the Satellite-Based Retrieval of Solar Surface Irradiance in Spectral Bands, Remote Sensing, 4, 622–647, 2012; [4]


EURAC RGB timeseries layer

EURAC_RGB_P.alps (satellite_images:EURAC_RGB_P.alps)

MODIS true colour RGB satellite image of the day Letzte Bildaufnahme der MODIS Sensoren (Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) der beiden NASA Satelliten AQUA und TERRA welche von der EURAC Satellitenempfangsstation auf dem Rittner Horn empfangen werden. Die Satelliten liefern 2 bis 3 mal täglich Daten vom Alpen Raum und werden in "near real time" im EURAC Rechenzentrum bearbeitet um ein "true colour" RGB Bild zu erzeugen.

EURAC_RGB_P.alps.H.2012.1203.1210 (processor:EURAC_RGB_P.alps.H.2012.1203.1210)

EURAC_RGB_P.alps.H.2013.1010.1217 (processor:EURAC_RGB_P.alps.H.2013.1010.1217)

EURAC_RGB_P.alps.H.2013.1015.1235 (processor:EURAC_RGB_P.alps.H.2013.1015.1235)

EURAC_RGB_P.alps.H.2013.1015.1235TEST (processor:EURAC_RGB_P.alps.H.2013.1015.1235TEST)

EURAC_RGB_P.carpathians.H.2013.0216.1008 (EURAC_RGB_P:EURAC_RGB_P.carpathians.H.2013.0216.1008)

EURAC_RGB_P.carpathians.H.2013.0216.1152 (EURAC_RGB_P:EURAC_RGB_P.carpathians.H.2013.0216.1152)

EURAC_RGB_P.carpathians.H.2013.0219.0902 (EURAC_RGB_P:EURAC_RGB_P.carpathians.H.2013.0219.0902)

EURAC_RGB_P.lebanon.H.2013.0219.0902 (EURAC_RGB_P:EURAC_RGB_P.lebanon.H.2013.0219.0902)

EURAC_RGB_P.morocco.H.2013.0216.1331 (EURAC_RGB_P:EURAC_RGB_P.morocco.H.2013.0216.1331)

EURAC_RGB_P_carpathians (EURAC_RGB_P:EURAC_RGB_P_carpathians)

MODIS RGB from the EURAC Receiving Station over the Carpathian region


EURAC_SNOW_COMPOSITE_P_CM1 timeseries layer with the file naming convention _MOD_CM-SNW1_-AA.tif




EURAC_SNOW_P timeseries layer


Serie temporale (2004-2013) della durata media del soleggiamento annuale (eliofania) su un singolo pixel espressa in ore, "h". Le superfici inclinate sono state ottenute mediante un Modello Digitale della Superficie (Digital Surface Model, DSM) avente risoluzione di 0.5m. Il modello digitale della superficie è stato ottenuto dai dati raccolti in seguito ad una campagna condotta nell'autunno del 2013 utilizzando un laser scan. In questo modello si tiene conto sia delle montagne (far shading) sia degli ostacoli (near shading) circostanti. Questi dati sono stati calcolati nell'ambito del progetto EFRE Programme Interreg IV ITA-AUT finanziato dall'Alto Adige [1]. [1]


Serie temporale (2004-2013) della durata media del soleggiamento annuale (eliofania) su un singolo pixel espressa in ore, "h". Le superfici inclinate sono state ottenute mediante un Modello Digitale del Terreno (Digital Terrain Model, DTM) avente risoluzione di 25 m. Il modello digitale del terreno è stato ottenuto dai dati raccolti in seguito ad una campagna condotta nell'autunno del 2006 utilizzando un laser scan. In questo modello si tiene conto sia delle montagne (far shading) sia degli ostacoli (near shading) circostanti. Questi dati sono stati calcolati nell'ambito del progetto EFRE Programme Interreg IV ITA-AUT finanziato dall'Alto Adige [1]. [1]

solar PV electric energy yield CdTe overallMonthlyMean_Oct(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:E_yield_200410_201210_cdte)

solar PV electric energy yield pcSi overallMonthlyMean_Oct(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:E_yield_200410_201210_pcsi)


solar PV electric energy yield CdTe overallMonthlyMean_Nov(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:E_yield_200411_201211_cdte)


solar PV electric energy yield pcSi overallMonthlyMean_Nov(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:E_yield_200411_201211_pcsi)


solar PV electric energy yield CdTe overallMonthlyMean_Dec(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:E_yield_200412_201212_cdte)


solar PV electric energy yield pcSi overallMonthlyMean_Dec(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:E_yield_200412_201212_pcsi)


solar PV electric energy yield CdTe overallMonthlyMean_Jan(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:E_yield_20041_20121_cdte)


solar PV electric energy yield pcSi overallMonthlyMean_Jan(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:E_yield_20041_20121_pcsi)


solar PV electric energy yield CdTe overallMonthlyMean_Feb(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:E_yield_20042_20122_cdte)


solar PV electric energy yield pcSi overallMonthlyMean_Feb(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:E_yield_20042_20122_pcsi)


solar PV electric energy yield CdTe overallMonthlyMean_Mar(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:E_yield_20043_20123_cdte)


solar PV electric energy yield pcSi overallMonthlyMean_Mar(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:E_yield_20043_20123_pcsi)


solar PV electric energy yield CdTe overallMonthlyMean_Apr(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:E_yield_20044_20124_cdte)


solar PV electric energy yield pcSi overallMonthlyMean_Apr(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:E_yield_20044_20124_pcsi)


solar PV electric energy yield CdTe overallMonthlyMean_May(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:E_yield_20045_20125_cdte)


solar PV electric energy yield pcSi overallMonthlyMean_May(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:E_yield_20045_20125_pcsi)


solar PV electric energy yield CdTe overallMonthlyMean_Jun(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:E_yield_20046_20126_cdte)


solar PV electric energy yield pcSi overallMonthlyMean_Jun(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:E_yield_20046_20126_pcsi)


solar PV electric energy yield CdTe overallMonthlyMean_Jul(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:E_yield_20047_20127_cdte)


solar PV electric energy yield pcSi overallMonthlyMean_Jul(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:E_yield_20047_20127_pcsi)


solar PV electric energy yield CdTe overallMonthlyMean_Aug(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:E_yield_20048_20128_cdte)


solar PV electric energy yield pcSi overallMonthlyMean_Aug(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:E_yield_20048_20128_pcsi)


solar PV electric energy yield CdTe overallMonthlyMean_Sep(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:E_yield_20049_20129_cdte)


solar PV electric energy yield pcSi overallMonthlyMean_Sep(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:E_yield_20049_20129_pcsi)


solar PV electric energy yield CdTe overallYearlyMean_(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:E_yield_2004_2012_cdte_overallYearlyMean)

PV electric energy yield pcSi overallYearlyMean (2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:E_yield_2004_2012_pcsi_overallYearlyMean)

PV ALPS: Photovoltaik-Jährliche Ertragsprognose in den Jahren 2004 bis 2012

Grundkarte_Lotto-Est_F01000IA (basedata:F01000IA)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Ovest_F01000LA (basedata:F01000LA)

Grundkarte_Lotto-Est_F02000IA (basedata:F02000IA)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Ovest_F02000LA (basedata:F02000LA)

Grundkarte_Lotto-Est_F03000IA (basedata:F03000IA)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Ovest_F03000LA (basedata:F03000LA)

Grundkarte_Lotto-Est_F04000IA (basedata:F04000IA)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Ovest_F04000LA (basedata:F04000LA)

Grundkarte_Lotto-Est_F05000IA (basedata:F05000IA)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Ovest_F05000LA (basedata:F05000LA)

Grundkarte_Lotto-Est_F06000IA (basedata:F06000IA)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Ovest_F06000LA (basedata:F06000LA)

Forest change map 2009-2010 (EUFODOS_EURAC:FOREST_CHANGE_MAP_2009-2010)

The high-resolution forest change map was generated for the region South Tyrol in the scope of the EUFODOS project. The product provides binary information on yearly forest changes starting from 2009-2010 and shows changes related to events of both natural (e.g. storm events, avalanches) and human (e.g. land use changes) nature. A bi-temporal change detection (CD) approach was applied within the GEOLAND forest mask to address two main issues: 1) map known and reported changes in the South Tyrolean forests that are yet to be mapped; 2) Identify and map unknown forest damages. The CD is based on RapidEye imagery collected on a yearly basis for the summer period. Service Area: The CD product was developed for the province of South Tyrol (7400km2). The coverage of the CD product, is however, dependent on the existence of cloud cover and on the availability of imagery for filling the gaps. For this reason, the area covered within each year varies. The available area per year is considered and represented in the final product. Mapping Classes and Definition: Four thematic classes: -1: No Data (area outside the borders of South Tyrol). 0: No change (area within the GEOLAND forest mask where no changes were detected), 1: Changes (area within the GEOLAND forest mask where changes were detected) 2: Data gaps (area excluded from the change detection due to the presence of clouds) Update Frequency: on demand & yearly Geographic Reference System: UTM zone 32 Spatial Representation: Geo-referenced thematic raster and vector data Spatial resolution: 6.5 m by 6.5 m Minimum Mapping Unit: 0.1 ha (24 RapidEye pixels) Format: Thematic raster layer (TIFF-Format) Metadata: INSPIRE compliant metadata as Annex to the product

Forest change map 2010-2011 (EUFODOS_EURAC:FOREST_CHANGE_MAP_2010-2011)

The high-resolution forest change product was generated for the region South Tyrol in the scope of the EUFODOS project. The product provides binary information on yearly forest changes starting from 2009-2010 and shows changes related to events of both natural (e.g. storm events, avalanches) and human (e.g. land use changes) nature. A bi-temporal change detection (CD) approach was applied within the GEOLAND forest mask to address two main issues: 1) map known and reported changes in the South Tyrolean forests that are yet to be mapped; 2) Identify and map unknown forest damages. The CD is based on RapidEye imagery collected on a yearly basis for the summer period. Service Area: The CD product was developed for the province of South Tyrol (7400km2). The coverage of the CD product, is however, dependent on the existence of cloud cover and on the availability of imagery for filling the gaps. For this reason, the area covered within each year varies. The available area per year is considered and represented in the final product. Mapping Classes and Definition: Four thematic classes: -1: No Data (area outside the borders of South Tyrol). 0: No change (area within the GEOLAND forest mask where no changes were detected), 1: Changes (area within the GEOLAND forest mask where changes were detected) 2: Data gaps (area excluded from the change detection due to the presence of clouds) Update Frequency: on demand & yearly Geographic Reference System: UTM zone 32 Spatial Representation: Geo-referenced thematic raster and vector data Spatial resolution: 6.5 m by 6.5 m Minimum Mapping Unit: 0.1 ha (24 RapidEye pixels) Format: Thematic raster layer (TIFF-Format) Metadata: INSPIRE compliant metadata as Annex to the product

Forest change map 2011-2012 (EUFODOS_EURAC:FOREST_CHANGE_MAP_2011-2012)

The high-resolution forest change product was generated for the region of South Tyrol in the scope of the EUFODOS project. The product provides binary information on yearly forest changes starting from 2009-2010 revealing changes related to events of both natural (e.g. storm events, avalanches) and human (e.g. land use changes) nature. A bi-temporal change detection (CD) approach was applied within the GEOLAND forest mask to address two main issues: 1) map known and reported changes in the South Tyrolean forests that are yet to be mapped; 2) Identify and map unknown forest damages. The CD is based on RapidEye imagery collected on a yearly basis for the summer period. Service Area: The CD product was developed for the province of South Tyrol (7400km2). The coverage of the CD product, is however, dependent on the existence of cloud cover and on the availability of imagery for filling the gaps. For this reason, the area covered within each year varies. The available area per year is considered and represented in the final product. Mapping Classes and Definition: Four thematic classes: -1: No Data (area outside the borders of South Tyrol). 0: No change (area within the GEOLAND forest mask were no changes were detected), 1: Changes (area within the GEOLAND forest mask were changes were detected) 2: Data gaps (area excluded from the change detection due to the presence of clouds) Update Frequency: on demand & yearly Geographic Reference System: UTM zone 32 Spatial Representation: Geo-referenced thematic raster and vector data Spatial resolution: 6.5 m by 6.5 m Minimum Mapping Unit: 0.1 ha (24 RapidEye pixels) Format: Thematic raster layer (TIFF-Format) Metadata: INSPIRE compliant metadata as Annex to the product

Forest change map 2012-2013 (EUFODOS_EURAC:FOREST_CHANGE_MAP_2012-2013)

The high-resolution forest change product was generated for the region South Tyrol in the scope of the EUFODOS project. The product provides binary information on yearly forest changes starting from 2009-2010 and shows changes related to events of both natural (e.g. storm events, avalanches) and human (e.g. land use changes) nature. A bi-temporal change detection (CD) approach was applied within the GEOLAND forest mask to address two main issues: 1) map known and reported changes in the South Tyrolean forests that are yet to be mapped; 2) Identify and map unknown forest damages. The CD is based on RapidEye imagery collected on a yearly basis for the summer period. Service Area: The CD product was developed for the province of South Tyrol (7400km2). The coverage of the CD product, is however, dependent on the existence of cloud cover and on the availability of imagery for filling the gaps. For this reason, the area covered within each year varies. The available area per year is considered and represented in the final product. Mapping Classes and Definition: Four thematic classes: -1: No Data (area outside the borders of South Tyrol). 0: No change (area within the GEOLAND forest mask where no changes were detected), 1: Changes (area within the GEOLAND forest mask where changes were detected) 2: Data gaps (area excluded from the change detection due to the presence of clouds) Update Frequency: on demand & yearly Geographic Reference System: UTM zone 32 Spatial Representation: Geo-referenced thematic raster and vector data Spatial resolution: 6.5 m by 6.5 m Minimum Mapping Unit: 0.1 ha (24 RapidEye pixels) Format: Thematic raster layer (TIFF-Format) Metadata: INSPIRE compliant metadata as Annex to the product

GEOLOGICAL MAP ALPINE REGION -- TODO: Add correct projection!!!! (basedata:GeoEinheit)

Geological Map of Alpine region with extended borders.

GeoLafis (basedata:GeoLafis_2010)

Geologie_ST (basedata:Geologie_ST)

INTpnt_OTHERS_Kar_area_utm34n_WDPA (carpathianproject:INTpnt_OTHERS_Kar_area_utm34n_WDPA)

solar irradiance overallMonthlyMean_Oct(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:I_glo_200410_201210)


solar irradiance overallMonthlyMean_Nov(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:I_glo_200411_201211)


solar irradiance overallMonthlyMean_Dec(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:I_glo_200412_201212)


solar irradiance overallMonthlyMean_Jan(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:I_glo_20041_20121)


solar irradiance overallMonthlyMean_Feb(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:I_glo_20042_20122)


solar irradiance overallMonthlyMean_Mar(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:I_glo_20043_20123)


solar irradiance overallMonthlyMean_Apr(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:I_glo_20044_20124)


solar irradiance overallMonthlyMean_May(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:I_glo_20045_20125)


solar irradiance overallMonthlyMean_Jun(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:I_glo_20046_20126)


solar irradiance overallMonthlyMean_Jul(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:I_glo_20047_20127)


solar irradiance overallMonthlyMean_Aug(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:I_glo_20048_20128)


solar irradiance overallMonthlyMean_Sep(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:I_glo_20049_20129)


solar irradiance overallYearlyMean_(2004-12) (PVALPS_EURAC:I_glo_2004_2012_overallYearlyMean)


UNESCO World heritage sites (carpathianproject:Kar_C_heritage_sites_wcpa_utm34N)

UNESCO world heritage sites in the Carpathian Project area.

Grundkarte_Lotto-Est_L01000IA (basedata:L01000IA)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Ovest_L01000LA (basedata:L01000LA)

Grundkarte_Lotto-Est_L02000IA (basedata:L02000IA)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Ovest_L02000LA (basedata:L02000LA)

Grundkarte_Lotto-Est_L03000IA (basedata:L03000IA)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Ovest_L03000LA (basedata:L03000LA)

Grundkarte_Lotto-Est_L05000IA (basedata:L05000IA)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Ovest_L05000LA (basedata:L05000LA)

Grundkarte_Lotto-Est_L06000IA (basedata:L06000IA)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Ovest_L06000LA (basedata:L06000LA)

Grundkarte_Lotto-Est_L07000IA (basedata:L07000IA)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Ovest_L07000LA (basedata:L07000LA)

Grundkarte_Lotto-Est_L09000IA (basedata:L09000IA)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Ovest_L09000LA (basedata:L09000LA)

Natural Reserves (basedata:Landschaftsschutzgebiete)

Mezzo_unico (basedata:Mezzo_unico)

NPP_VSCM_L2.12184125533.SNOWCOVER (level2:NPP_VSCM_L2.12184125533.SNOWCOVER)

NPP_VSCM_L2.12191122337.SNOWCOVER (level2:NPP_VSCM_L2.12191122337.SNOWCOVER)

NPP_VSCM_L2.12194095016.SNOWCOVER (level2:NPP_VSCM_L2.12194095016.SNOWCOVER)

NUTS2 administrative areas (carpathianproject:NUTS2_carpathian_area)

NUTS 2 Administrative units / Statistical units for the Carpathian Project Area

NUTS3 for Alpine region (basedata:NUTS3_Grenzen)

NUTS3 for Alpine region

NUTS3 administrative areas (carpathianproject:NUTS3_carpathian_area)

NUTS3 Administrative Boundaries Carpathian Project Area

Nationalpark (basedata:Nationalpark_Naturparke)

Grundkarte_Lotto-Est_P02000IA (basedata:P02000IA)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Ovest_P02000LA (basedata:P02000LA)

Grundkarte_Lotto-Est_P03000IA (basedata:P03000IA)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Ovest_P03000LA (basedata:P03000LA)

Grundkarte_Lotto-Est_P06000IA (basedata:P06000IA)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Ovest_P06000LA (basedata:P06000LA)

Grundkarte_Lotto-Est_P07000IA (basedata:P07000IA)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Ovest_P07000LA (basedata:P07000LA)

Grundkarte_Lotto-Est_P09000IA (basedata:P09000IA)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Ovest_P09000LA (basedata:P09000LA)

Grundkarte_Lotto-Est_P10000IA (basedata:P10000IA)

Grundkarte_07_Lotto-Ovest_P10000LA (basedata:P10000LA)

Inhabitants per km2 (NUTS3) (carpathianproject:Population_Development_NUTS3_)

Radarsat_20100501_SMCMap (HiResAlp:Radarsat_20100501_SMCMap)

Reakart_2001 (basedata:Reakart_2001)

Relief_carpathian_project_area_SRTM (carpathianproject:Relief_carpathian_project_area_SRTM)

South Tyrol NUTS3 (basedata:ST_UTM_zone32)

South Tyrol NUTS3

Seen-Gewaesserguete (basedata:Seen-Gewaesserguete)

Skipisten_2005_UTM (basedata:Skipisten_2005_UTM)


South Tyrol Hydro Stations (basedata:South_Tyrol_Hydro_Stations)

South Tyrol Hydro Stations

Natural color (true color) (SENTINEL2:TRUE_COLOR)

Based on bands 4,3,2

Natural color (true color) (SENTINEL:TRUE_COLOR)

Based on bands 4,3,2

Tourism_Intensity_2005_NUTS2 (carpathianproject:Tourism_Intensity_2005_NUTS2)

This layer shows the number of tourists per 1000 inhabitants in the Carpathian Project Area per NUTS2 region.

Vetta_linee (basedata:Vetta_linee)

Vetta_poly (basedata:Vetta_poly)

vegetation_1991 (basedata:a_ve_ak_UTM)

bluemarble_jpeg_small (basedata:bluemarble_jpeg_small)

bluemarble_jpeg_small_new (basedata:bluemarble_jpeg_small_new)

Carpathian Project Area (carpathianproject:carpathian_project_area)

Bolzano-Bozen districts (basedata:circoscr_UTM)

Bolzano-Bozen districts



dgm_20m_ (basedata:dgm_20m_)

fiumi_utm (basedata:fiumi_utm)


Forest Cover Map 2012 (EUFODOS_EURAC:forest_cover_map_2012)

The high-resolution tree type map was generated for the region South Tyrol in the scope of the EUFODOS project. The product provides information on the coniferous and broadleaf tree cover distribution derived from multi-temporal, high resolution RapidEye images for 2012. A machine learning classification method (Support Vector Machine) was used to distinguish between coniferous, broadleaf and non-forest based on reference data retrieved from the GEOLAND P-EL-05 layer (forest type). Service Area: The tree type product provides a full coverage of the province of South Tyrol (7400km2). Mapping Classes and Definition: Thematic classes: 0 - No Data 1 - Broadleaf Forest 2 - Coniferous Forest 3 - No Forest Update Frequency: 5 - years Geographic Reference System: UTM zone 32 Spatial Representation: Geo-referenced thematic raster and vector data Spatial resolution: 6.5 m by 6.5 m Minimum Mapping Unit: 0.05 ha (12 RapidEye pixels) Format: Thematic raster layer (TIFF-Format) Metadata: INSPIRE compliant metadata as Annex to the product

geo_inq (basedata:geo_inq)

haltestellen_180705 (basedata:haltestellen_180705)

Main Lakes (carpathianproject:kar_C_lakes_esri_utm34N_)

Main Lakes in the Carpathian Project Area

Major towns (carpathianproject:kar_towns_studyArea_esri)

Large settlements within the Carpathian Project Area

linee_inq (basedata:linee_inq)

merano_06_2008 (basedata:merano_06_2008)

mte_Cavallino (basedata:mte_Cavallino)

oldE_yield_2004_2012_pcsi_overallYearlyMean (PVALPS_EURAC:oldE_yield_2004_2012_pcsi_overallYearlyMean)

PotentialSettlementArea (basedata:potdsg_utm)

rabbi_poli_UTM (basedata:rabbi_poli_UTM)

rad_global_Bressanone_1m_10_0.25_1 (satellite_images:rad_global_Bressanone_1m_10_0.25_1)

Solar radiation Bressanone doy 1

Realine (Reakart) (basedata:realine_ut)

Main Rivers (carpathianproject:rivers_KEO)

Main Rivers in the Carpathian Project area (UNEP)

Main Roads (carpathianproject:roads_KEO)

Main Roads in the Carpathian Project Area (UNEP Grid, KEO)

sentinel2A_RGB_raw (timeseries:sentinel2A_RGB_raw)

Grassland_2007 (basedata:sitisuolo_2007)

Solar radiation overallYearlyMean_2004_2012 (PVALPS_EURAC:solar_radiation_overallYearlyMean_2004_2012)

vegetation carbonat (basedata:veg_carbonat_UTM)

vegetation silikat (basedata:veg_silikat_UTM)

South Tyrol Cadastre parcels (basedata:vz01_utm)

Wood Types South Tyrol (basedata:waldtypen)

bluemarble_jpeg_small_new1 (basedata:world)

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