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Scientific Data
sea_water_salinity (vosaline)
Sea Water Salinity
sea_water_potential_temperature (votemper)
Sea Water Potential Temperature
northward_sea_water_velocity (vomecrty)
Northward Current Velocity in the Water Column
eastward_sea_water_velocity (vozocrtx)
Eastward Current Velocity in the Water Column
sea_surface_height_above_geoid (sossheig)
Sea surface height above geoid
sea_ice_area_fraction (iiceconc)
Sea ice area fraction
sea_ice_thickness (iicethic)
Sea ice thickness
northward_sea_ice_velocity (itmecrty)
Ice meridional velocity
eastward_sea_ice_velocity (itzocrtx)
Ice zonal velocity
ocean_mixed_layer_thickness (sokaraml)
Kara Mixed Layer Depth
sea_water_velocity (sea_water_velocity)
Automatically-generated vector field, composed of the fields eastward_sea_water_velocity and northward_sea_water_velocity
sea_ice_velocity (sea_ice_velocity)
Automatically-generated vector field, composed of the fields eastward_sea_ice_velocity and northward_sea_ice_velocity
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