geOrchestra PSC

geOrchestra Web Map Service

dem:altitude dem:altitude dem:altitude
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Web Service, OGC Web Map Service 1.3.0
GEORCHESTRA, InfoMapAccessService
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Fair use : bulk download prohibited; Referer http header is mandatory; heavy traffic websites, please set up your own cache; clearly display data and service attributions.
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geOrchestra PSC (unverified)

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geOrchestra PSC

geOrchestra PSC



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Service metadata

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geOrchestra WMS+SLD. geOrchestra is an interoperable, modular and opensource spatial data infrastructure. This service comes with no warranty. It is used for demos and interoperability tests. If it suit your needs, feel free to use it.

Available map layers (28)

Altitude : color and shaded relief (dem:altitude)

Altitude map derived from a 3" DEM (90m on equator) covering latitudes from -90S to +60N. Jarvis A., H.I. Reuter, A. Nelson, E. Guevara, 2008, Hole-filled seamless SRTM data V4, International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), available from

boundaries : shorelines (GSHSS) (gshhs:GSHHS_l_L1)

The GSHHG is a high-resolution geography data set, amalgamated from two databases in the public domain: World Vector Shorelines (WVS) and CIA World Data Bank II (WDBII). The former is the basis for shorelines while the latter is the basis for lakes, although there are instances where differences in coastline representations necessitated adding WDBII islands to GSHHG. The WDBII source also provides all political borders and rivers. GSHHG data have undergone extensive processing and should be free of internal inconsistencies such as erratic points and crossing segments. The shorelines are constructed entirely from hierarchically arranged closed polygons. GSHHG combines the older GSHHS shoreline database with WDBII rivers and borders, available for file download in either ESRI shapefile format or in a native binary format. The GSHHG geography data come in five different resolutions: crude(c), low(l), intermediate(i), high(h), and full(f). Shorelines are further organized into 4 hierarchical levels: boundary between land and ocean (L1), boundary between lake and land (L2), boundary between island-in-lake and lake (L3), and boundary between pond-in-island and island (L4). The primary GSHHG web site ( contains additional information.

GSHHS_l_L2 (gshhs:GSHHS_l_L2)

administrable vector layer (ci:adminVectorLayer)

Anonymous can read this layer ROLE_EL_TEST can administer this layer

Equipements utiles et importants (amenity) (osm:amenity)

Pour marquer les équipements utiles et importants.

armoires (pmauduit_test:armoires-fo)

Recensement des armoires de réseau de fibres optiques sur la métropole Chambérienne. Le déploiement horizontal de la métropole est assuré par Orange. Le relevé a eu lieu en mai 2015 dans le cadre de l'enrichissement des données du projet OpenStreetMap.

Frontières (boundary) (osm:boundary)

Les frontières marquent le bord d'un territoire, principalement politique, mais aussi d'autres zones administratives.

Origin of the HTTP clients (geor:clients)

The layer was created on 2014-12-01 from data exported by with the current server's logs

Countries (geor_loc:countries)

Countries names and boundaries from Natural Earth. This feeds the recenter on referential function. Do not use in maps.

editable vector layer (ci:editableVectorLayer)

anonymous can read this layer ROLE_EL_TEST can edit this layer

forbiddenVectorLayer (ci:forbiddenVectorLayer)

USER et Anonyme canot read. ROLE_EL_TEST can read

boundaries : administrative areas (GADM) (gadm:gadm_for_countries)

GADM is a spatial database of the location of the world's administrative areas (or adminstrative boundaries) for use in GIS and similar software. Administrative areas in this database are countries and lower level subdivisions such as provinces, departments, bibhag, bundeslander, daerah istimewa, fivondronana, krong, landsvæðun, opština, sous-préfectures, counties, and thana. GADM describes where these administrative areas are (the "spatial features"), and for each area it provides some attributes, such as the name and variant names. The current version is 2.0 (January 2012)

Routes (highway, railway) (osm:highway)

Routes, chemins, sentiers, chemins de fer

Altitude : shaded relief (dem:hillshading)

Shaded relief from CGIAR DEM 3" resolution. Process mixes gdaldem hillshade and slope.

Usage des sols (landuse) (osm:landuse)

Identification des sols concernés par l'activité humaine. Ceci exclut donc les zones naturelles sauvages mais vise par exemple les zones de production agricole (ou sylvestre), les pâturages, les zones urbaines, militaires, pour le loisirs ou le transport.

menhir (geor:menhir)

test d'authentification

menhirs (geor:menhirs)

Earth at night 2012 (nasa:night_2012)

This new global view and animation of Earth's city lights is a composite assembled from data acquired by the Suomi NPP satellite. The data was acquired over nine days in April 2012 and 13 days in October 2012. It took 312 orbits to get a clear shot of every parcel of Earth's land surface and islands. This new data was then mapped over existing Blue Marble imagery of Earth to provide a realistic view of the planet.

Ocean Bottom (dem:oceanbottom)

Blended depth colors and relief shading of the ocean bottom derived from CleanTOPO2 data. The ocean color extends beneath land areas as a flat tint—mask it with the 10m Natural Earth vector shoreline, or a shoreline from another data source.

Place (place) (osm:place)

Places comprennent villes, villages, hameaux, voisinage, lieux-dits...

protected vector layer (ci:protectedVectorLayer)

anonymous cannot read this layer USER can read this layer

Voies ferrées (railway) (osm:railway)

Toute forme de transport utilisant des rails en métal, incluant les lignes principales, métros, anciennes lignes et tramways.

Savoie (savoie:savoie)

geOrchestra SDI instances (geor:sdi)

geOrchestra SDI across the world. The geOrchestra project aims to develop a customizable, interoperable and free Spatial Data Infrastructure, based on the best map components available.

Altitude : digital elevation model (dem:srtm)

DEM 3" resolution (90m on equator) covering latitudes from -90S to +60N. Jarvis A., H.I. Reuter, A. Nelson, E. Guevara, 2008, Hole-filled seamless SRTM data V4, International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), available from

toilettes_publiques (pmauduit_test:toilettes_publiques)

True Marble (unearthedoutdoors:truemarble)

A 250m res. global image composited from LandSat7 (1999-2002). True Marble by Unearthed Outdoors, LLC is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

unprotected vector layer (ci:unprotectedVectorLayer)

anonymous can read this layer

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