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Available map layers (620)

Afghanistan:District Accessibility for WFP and Partners Staff as of 05 May 2019 (geonode:afg_wfp_access_20190505)

Accessibility information by WFP Operation/Security Units, May 05, 2019

Colombia - Third Level Admin Boundaries (geonode:col_third_level_admin_boundaries)

This layer provides the Third Level Admin Boundaries from Colombia, this was made for the "National Administrative Department of Statistics" (DANE)

Afghanistan WFP Office Location (geonode:afg_wfp_office_location_mar2015_1)

WFP Afghanistan Office location, sources WFP Area/Sub Offices.

ICA Mali, 2014 - Drought Risk, 2008-2013 (geonode:mli_ica_adm2_droughtrisk_geonode_jun2014)

This layer contains information about the drought risk - by second-level administrative area - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Mali in 2014. Data source: HQ VAM Analysis of NDVI data, 2008-2013. The main indicators used for the analysis were the maximum number of poor growing seasons observed in the time window of interest and the vegetation growth rate compared to the long-term average. Cette couche contient informations regard le risque de sècheresse – par unité administrative de deuxième niveau – estimée pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Mali en 2014. Source des données: HQ VAM Analyse des données NDVI, 2008-2013. Les indicateurs principaux utilisé pour l'analyse étaient le nombre maximale de saisons qui ont connu un déficit hydrique (mauvaises saisons de croissance) et le niveau de croissance de la végétation par rapport à la moyenne à long terme

Ecuador_OSM_Julio 2019 (geonode:_01_provincias)

No abstract provided

ICA Sudan, 2018 - Drought Risk, 1982-2017 (geonode:sdn_ica_droughtrisk_geonode_20180201)

This layer contains information about the drought risk - by second-level administrative area - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Sudan in 2018. Data source: HQ VAM Analysis of Chirps Rainfall Estimates (RFE), 1982-2017. The main indicators used for the analysis were the number of poor growing seasons observed in the time window of interest and the inter-annual rainfall variability.

existing_stockpile_1 (geonode:existing_stockpile_1)

No abstract provided

ICA Armenia, 2016 & 2017 - Mudflow Risk, 2012 (geonode:arm_ica_mudflowrisk_geonode_20171002)

This layer contains information about the mudflow risk estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Armenia in 2016. The results are still valid for the purposes of the ICA update performed in 2017. Data source: Armenia Hydrometeorological Monitoring Service, 2012. The key indicators used for the analysis are the percentage of mudflow affected area and the overall level of mudflow risk

ICA Zimbabwe, 2015 - Recurrence of Food Insecurity, 2009-2013 (geonode:zwe_ica_firecurrence_geonode_20150330)

This layer contains information about the recurrence of food insecurity calculated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Zimbabwe in 2015. Data source: ZIMVAC 2009-2013, Fewsnet 2009-2013. The key indicator used for the analysis was the recurrence of food insecurity among 20% or above of the population. The 20% threshold was set in order to represent 1 or more out of 5 households/people from the total district population as food insecure.

DRC, First-level administrative boundaries (geonode:cod_admbnda_adm1_rgc_20170711)

This layer contains the first-level administrative boundaries (provinces) for DRC, validated by the Inter-Agency Information Management Working Group on July 26th, 2017.

ICA Burkina Faso, 2018 - Total Population, 2018 (geonode:bfa_ica_population_geonode_20180712)

This layer contains information about the estimated population figures - by first-level administrative area - estimated for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Burkina Faso in 2018. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data source: WFP Burkina Faso CO, 2018. Cette couche contient informations regard la distribution de la population – par unité administrative de deuxième niveau – estimée pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Burkina Faso en 2018. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données: PAM Bureau du Pays, 2018.

ICA Burkina Faso, 2018 - Land Degradation, 2001-2012 (geonode:bfa_ica_landdegradation_geonode_20180712)

This layer contains information about the land degradation phenomenon - by first-level administrative area - observed for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Burkina Faso in 2018. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data sources: HQ OSEP GIS Analyse des données NASA MODIS 2001-2012, WorldClim 1970-2000, FAO et NASA SRTM Digital Elevation Model. The main indicators used for the analysis were the average ecological changes observed between 2001 and 2012 and the percentage of erosion-prone surface. Cette couche contient les données necessaires pour determiner le niveau de dégradation des terres – par unité administrative de deuxième niveau – observé pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Burkina Faso en 2018. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données: HQ OSEP GIS Analyse des données NASA MODIS 2001-2012, WorldClim 1970-2000, FAO et NASA SRTM Digital Elevation Model. Les indicateurs principaux utilisés pour l'analyse étaient les changements moyens de couverture du sol observés entre 2001 et 2012 et la pourcentage de surface ayant une propension à l'érosion significative.

shp (geonode:shp)

No abstract provided

Location of partners as of Feb. 5, 2019 (geonode:partners)

This layer contains an abstract of the partners that have been identified for the LEO.

ICA Somalia, 2018 - Prevalence of Global Acute Malnutrition, 2012-2017 (geonode:som_ica_malnutrition_dec2018)

This layer contains information about the malnutrition levels - by livelihood zone - used for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Somaliain 2018. Data source: Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit - Somalia (FSNAU), 2012-2017. The main indicator used for the analysis were the median Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) rate levels - classified by the thresholds suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO) - and the maximum frequency above critical GAM rates.

ICA Tajikistan, 2015 - Natural Shocks Risk, 1998-2011 (geonode:tjk_nhr_naturalshocksrisk_geonode_20150215)

This layer contains information about the natural shocks risk (floods, mudflows and droughts) estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Tajikistan in 2015. Data source: Committee of Emergency Situations and Civil Defense (CoES CD), 1998-2011.

Evaluation Coverage Norms 2017 (geonode:world_evaluation_coverage_norms_2017)

No abstract provided

Global WFP Refugee and IDP Camps (geonode:wld_poi_refugee_idp_camps_wfp)

DEPRECATED - THIS LAYER IS NOT UPDATED ANYMORE. This layer contains information regarding the location of the Refugees Camps and IDPs Camps currently open and involved in WFP Operations. Additional information such as the type of camp, the population of refugees in the camp, the existence of nearby warehouse etc. are included. Data Sources: mainly UNHCR and IOM The layer is updated as deemed necessary.

ICA Eswatini, 2019 - Natural shocks hazard (geonode:swz_ica_adm2_nshazard_20190930)

This layer contains information about the severity of natural hazards (floods and droughts) estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed in Eswatini in 2019. Data sources: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013, HQ VAM Analysis of CHIRPS Rainfall Estimates (RFE) 1981-2018.

ICA Burundi, 2014 - Rapid On-Set Shocks Risk (geonode:bdi_nhr_rapidonsetshocks_geonode_20150212)

This layer contains information about the rapid on-set shocks risk (floods and landslides) - by livelihood zone - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Burundi between 2014 and 2015. Data source: Stratégie Nationale de Prévention des Risques et de Gestion des Catastrophes – Plan d’Action National 2012-2015, UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2009. Cette couche contient informations regard le risque de chocs de déclanchement rapide (inondations et glissements de terrain) - par zones de moyens d'existence - estimé pendant l'Analyse Integrée de Contexte (AIC) executé au Burundi entre 2014 et 2015. Source des données: Stratégie Nationale de Prévention des Risques et de Gestion des Catastrophes – Plan d’Action National 2012-2015, UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2009.

ICA Malawi, 2014 - Drought Risk, 2004-2013 (geonode:mwi_nhr_droughtrisk_geonode_20140612)

This layer contains information about the drought risk estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Malawi in 2014. Data source: Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning and Development, 2004-2013. The key indicator used for the analysis was the number of occurrences, triangulated with a 19-years and 5-years rainfall trend analysis to better understand the recent and long-term exposure to droughts.

RBP WFP ACR Countries 2019 (geonode:rbp_wfp_acrcountries_2019_1)

No abstract provided

Availability: Self-sufficiency of wheat, National Statistics Committee 2014 (geonode:wheat_self_sufficiency_2)

No abstract provided

trayectoria_iota (geonode:trayectoria_iota)

ICA Honduras, 2017 - Economic Fragility, 2011 (geonode:hnd_ica_povertyrecurrence_geonode_may2017)

This layer contains information about the economic fragility levels - by second-level administrative area - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Honduras in 2017. Data source: Evaluación de la vulnerabilidad a nivel municipal en Honduras, IHCIT-PNUD-UNAH, 2011. It should be noted that, in absence of food insecurity data that satisfy the ICA technical minimum requirements in terms of spatial and temporal coverage, economic fragility has been used as a proxy. The main indicator used for the analysis was the recurrence of the fragility economic index, a parameter built using information about poverty, market prices, percentage of population in distress, percentage of steep terrain (slope above 30%) and subject to deforestation, percentage of houses with dirt roofs, average number of people per family and percentage of economically active population currently unemployed,

ICA Mali, 2014 - Flood Risk, 2011 (geonode:mli_ica_adm2_floodrisk_geonode_jun2014)

This layer contains information about the flood risk - by second-level administrative area - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Mali in 2014. Data sources: UNEP/UNISDR GAR, 2011. The main indicators used for the analysis were the percentage of district surface at flood risk and the maximum expected frequency of flood events with a 100-year return period. Cette couche contient informations regard le risque d’inondations – par unité administrative de deuxième niveau – estimée pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Mali en 2014. Source des données : UNEP/UNISDR GAR, 2011. Les indicateurs principaux utilisées pour l’analyse étaient la pourcentage de surface a risuqe d’inondation et l’attente maximale attendue des inondations.

ICA Mauritania, 2017 - Projected Population, 2016 (geonode:mrt_ica_prjpopulation_geonode_20181022)

This layer contains information about the projected population figures - by first-level administrative area - estimated for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Mauritania in 2017. Data source: WFP Mauritania Country Office, 2016. The main indicator used for the analysis was the projected population figures for 2016. Cette couche contient informations regard le nombre de personne projeté - par unité administrative première niveau - utilisé par l'Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Mauritanie en 2017. Source des données: WFP Bureau du Pays, 2016. L'indicateur principale utilisé pour l'analyse était le la population projetée en 2016 par unité administrative de deuxième niveau.

Afghanistan: Prevalence of Wasting( Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM)) (geonode:afg_wfp_gam_20191112)

Data sources: NNS 2013, SMART (2015 - 2019) & MOPH

ICA Mali, 2017 - Land Degradation, 2001-2012 (geonode:mli_ica_landdegradation_geonode_20170606)

This layer contains information about the land degradation phenomenon - by second-level administrative area - observed for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Mali in 2017. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data sources: HQ OSEP GIS Analyse des données NASA MODIS 2001-2012, WorldClim 1970-2000, FAO et NASA SRTM Digital Elevation Model. The main indicators used for the analysis were the average ecological changes observed between 2001 and 2012 and the percentage of erosion-prone surface. Cette couche contient les données necessaires pour determiner le niveau de dégradation des terres – par unité administrative de deuxième niveau – observé pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Mali en 2017. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données: HQ OSEP GIS Analyse des données NASA MODIS 2001-2012, WorldClim 1970-2000, FAO et NASA SRTM Digital Elevation Model. Les indicateurs principaux utilisés pour l'analyse étaient les changements moyens de couverture du sol observés entre 2001 et 2012 et la pourcentage de surface ayant une propension à l'érosion significative.

ICA Chad, 2017 - Landslide Risk, 2013 (geonode:tcd_ica_landsliderisk_geonode_mar2017)

This layer contains information about the landslide hazard estimated - by second-level administrative area - during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Chad in 2017. Data source: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013. The main indicators used for the analysis were the percentage of department surface at landslide hazard, the maximum expected frequency of landslide events. Cette couche contient informations regard le risque des glissements de terraine - par unité administrative de deuxième niveau - estimé pendant l'Analyse Integrée de Contexte (AIC) exécuté en Tchad en 2017. Sources des données: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013. Les indicateurs principales utilisés pour l'analyse étaient la pourcentage de surface à risque des glissements de terraine et l'attente maximale attendue des glissements de terraine.

Utilization: Level of female population educational attainment, National Demographic and Health Survey 2012 (geonode:proportion_female)

No abstract provided

ICA Ecuador, 2018 - Landslide Hazard, 2011 (geonode:ecu_ica_landsliderisk_geonode_jul2018)

This layer contains information about the landslide hazard - by second-level administrative area - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Ecuador in 2018. Data source: Secretaría Nacional de Gestión de Riesgos y SUN MOUNTAIN, 2011. The methodology used to estimate the landslide hazard included parameters such as the terrain slope, the land cover and final use, the soil texture and depth and the maximum expected rainfall on a daily and yearly basis. The classifications of these parameters have been combined into a final qualitative score. The main indicators used for the purposes of the analysis were the percentage of surface area at landslide hazard and the most recurrent landslide hazard class - according to SGR - by second-level administrative area.

Yemen Governorates (geonode:yem_adm1_polygon)

Source: Geoenabler

ICA Afghanistan, 2016 - Landslide Risk, 2013 (geonode:afg_ica_landsliderisk_geonode_20160617)

This layer contains information about the landslide risk estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Afghanistan in 2016. Data source: UNEP/UNISDR Global Assessment of Risk (GAR), 2013. The key indicators used for the analysis were the percentage of surface area affected by landslide risk and the maximum expected frequency of landslide events.

ICA Democratic Republic of Congo, 2017 - Natural Shock Hazard (geonode:cod_ica_regional_naturalshockhazard_geonode_20170516)

This layer contains information about the combined natural shock (floods and landslides) hazard estimated - by second-level administrative area - during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Democratic Republic of Congo in 2017. The analysis was performed in three hot-spot provinces in the north-east part of the country (Ituri, Nord-Kivu and Sud-Kivu) because of the recent conflict outbreak and increasing food insecurity levels. Data source: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013, EMDAT 1990-2016. Cette couche contient informations regard le risque des chocs naturals combinés (inondations, et glissements de terrain) - par unité administrative de deuxième niveau - estimé pendant l'Analyse Integrée de Contexte (AIC) executé en République Démocratique du Congo en 2017. L'analyse a été executée dans trois provinces critiques dans le secteur nord-est du pays (Ituri, Nord-Kivu et Sud-Kivu) en raison du récent déclenchement des conflits et des croissants niveaux d'insécurité alimentaire. Source des données: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013, EMDAT 1990-2016.

ICA Philippines, 2014 - Average Landslide Risk, 2014 (geonode:phl_ica_landsliderisk_geonode_mar2014)

This layer contains information about the average landslide risk - by second-level administrative area - used for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in the Philippines in 2014. Data source: National Household Targeting System and Mines and Geosciences Bureau. The main indicator used for the analysis was the average flandslide risk by barangay reaggregated by province level.

Global International Boundaries - Standard UNGIS (geonode:wld_bnd_admin0_l_unmap_2019)

Worldwide geospatial database consisting of country and geographic name information on a global scale. The data is designed for the production of cartographic documents and maps, including their dissemination via public electronic networks, for the Secretariat of the United Nations, as set forth in the Administrative Instruction of the Secretary-General of the United Nations concerning. Source: UNmap The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted line represents approximately the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir agreed upon by India and Pakistan. The final status of Jammu and Kashmir has not yet been agreed upon by the parties. Final boundary between the Republic of Sudan and the Republic of South Sudan has not yet been determined. Final status of the Abyei area is not yet determined. A dispute exists between the Governments of Argentina and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning sovereignty over the Falkland Islands (Malvinas).

RBJ WFP ACR Countries 2019 (geonode:rbj_wfp_acrcountries_2019_shp)

No abstract provided

ICA Jordan, 2019 - ICA Categories & Areas (geonode:jor_ica_categories_areas_20190722)

This layer contains information about the final classification deriving from the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Jordan in 2019, showing the areas of convergence between recurrence of food insecurity and propensity to natural shocks (floods and droughts).

ICA Sierra Leone, 2017 - Flood Risk, 2013 (geonode:sle_ica_floodhazard_geonode_20170517)

This layer contains information about the flood risk estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Sierra Leone in 2017. Data source: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013, EMDAT 1996-2015. The main indicators used for the analysis were the percentage of district surface at flood risk and the historical frequency of flood events.

Central Jabal Mara UNHAS (geonode:sdn_poi_cjm_unhas_wfp)

Central Jabal Mara UNHAS

Egypt WFP Activities 2 (ACR 2018) (geonode:egy_wfp_acrcountries_points_wfp_2018)

This layer is used to edit the data which are displayed in the Egypt interactive map of the ACR 2018 web platform.

ICA Ecuador, 2018 - ICA Categories & Areas (geonode:ecu_ica_categories_areas_geonode_jul2018)

This layer contains information about the final categorization resulting from the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed in Ecuador in 2018, showing the areas of convergence of high levels of poverty incidence - used as a proxy for food insecurity - and major propensity to natural shocks (floods, landslides and droughts).

ICA Tajikistan, 2015 - Recurrence of Food insecurity, 2008-2012 (geonode:tjk_wfp_firecurrence_geonode_20150215)

This layer contains information about the food insecurity level estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Tajikistan in 2015. Data source: WFP FSMS surveys, 2008-2012. The data were originally collected by livelihood zone and afterwards proportionally re-attributed to the districts falling within or across the zones. The key indicators used for the analysis were the recurrence above the 20% threshold - the difference between the average food security value for the area and the national average - , the average against national average and the variability/stability.

Indonesia, admin4 boundary 2017 (geonode:idn_bnd_adm4_2017_bps_a)

Administrative boundaries from admin0 (country) to admin4 (village), contains admin code (pcode) using Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS - Statistics Indonesia) standard and Sistem Informasi Administrasi Kependudukan (SIAK - Population Administration Information System) standard from Kemendagri (Ministry of Home Affairs). The data originally available as ArcGIS REST Services from various government GIS portal, accessed through QGIS REST interface. Example workflow: https://issues.qgis.org/projects/qgis/wiki/Arcgis_rest

ICA Afghanistan, 2016 - Rapid On-Set Shocks Risk (geonode:afg_ica_rapidonsetshocks_geonode_20160617)

This layer contains information about the risk of rapid on-set shocks (floods and landslides) estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Afghanistan in 2016. Data source: NATO Global Hazard Model 2009, UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013.

Cambodia Admin Boundaries Level 3 (Communes) (geonode:khm_adm3_un)

This layer contains information about administrative boundaries level 3 (Communes) in Cambodia. Data Source: Department of Geography of the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction and WFP GeoEnabler Project.

ICA Niger, 2018 - Most Predominant Livelihood Zones, 2011 (geonode:ner_ica_predlhz_geonode_may2018)

This layer contains information about the most predominant livelihood zones - by second-level administrative area - identified during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Niger between 2017 and 2018. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data source: Fewsnet, 2011. Cette couche contient informations regard les zones de moyens d’existence prédominant – par unité administrative de deuxième niveau – identifiées pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Niger entre 2017 et 2018. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données: Fewsnet, 2011.

darfur_idps_refugees_2020_db91 (geonode:darfur_idps_refugees_2020_db91)

Malawi, Drought Risk, June 2014 (geonode:mwi_ica_npgs_20170531)

This layer contains information about the drought risk in Malawi, as analysed by the ICA. The key indicator used for the analysis was the number of poor growing seasons in the period between 2004 and 2013. Source: Malawi CO VAM, MEPED & DoDMA

Colombia - Second Level Admin Boundaries (geonode:col_second_level_admin_boundaries)

This layer provides the Second Level Admin Boundaries from Colombia, this was made for the "National Administrative Department of Statistics" (DANE)

ICA Lesotho, 2015 - Land Degradation, 2001-2012 (geonode:lso_phy_landdegradation_geonode_20150731)

This layer contains information about the land degradation phenomenon observed during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Lesotho in 2015. Data source: NASA MODIS 2001-2012. The key indicator used for the analysis was the average ecological changes observed between 2001 and 2012 through remotely sensed data. It should be noted that the land degradation analysis consisted of an erosion propensity estimation, but given the low percentages of province surface erosion-prone, the map was not included in the final report.

ICA Burkina Faso, 2018 - Natural Shock Risk (geonode:bfa_ica_naturalshockrisk_geonode_20180712)

This layer contains information about the natural shock risk (floods and droughts) estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed in Burkina Faso in 2018. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD), the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data sources: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013, HQ VAM Analysis of CHIRPS Rainfall Estimates (RFE) 1981-2015. Cette couche contient informations regard le risque des chocs naturels (inondations et sècheresse) estimé pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Burkina Faso en 2018. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données : UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013, HQ VAM Analyse des données CHIRPS d’estimation des precipitations 1981-2015.

Distribution Points Schools Tajikistan (geonode:tjk_distrpointsgbao)

No abstract provided

ICA Mozambique, 2017 - Estimated Numbers of Food Insecure People, 2006-2013 (geonode:moz_wfp_estimatedfipeople_geonode_20170623)

This layer contains information about the estimates of food insecure population for long-term planning and the additional food insecure people in case of a major shock. Data source: SETSAN 2006-2009-2013.

ICA Armenia, 2017 - Food Insecurity Recurrence & Variability, 2010-2015 (geonode:arm_ica_foodinsecurity_geonode_20171002)

This layer contains information about the food insecurity recurrence and variability estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Armenia in 2017. Data source: Integrated Living Condition Surveys (ILCS), 2010-2015. The key indicator used is the food security classification developed under the Comprehensive Food Security Vulnerability and Nutrition Analysis (CFSVNA), considering a 15% threshold since only severe food insecurity was used for the analysis.

global_bnd_adm1_06052020 (geonode:global_bnd_adm1_06052020)

No abstract provided

FFA Mozambique_Inhambane (geonode:mozambique_ffa_mozambique_gaza)

No abstract provided

Access, Poverty rate (geonode:kgz_bnd_adm3_fsa_bazarkorgon_13)

No abstract provided

Demography, Number of poor households (geonode:kgz_bnd_adm3_fsa_bazarkorgon_12)

No abstract provided

Demography, Number of households (geonode:kgz_bnd_adm3_fsa_bazarkorgon_11)

No abstract provided

Demography, Population (geonode:kgz_bnd_adm3_fsa_bazarkorgon_10)

No abstract provided

ICA Eswatini, 2019 - Land Degradation, 2001-2016 (geonode:swz_ica_adm2_landdegradation_20190930)

This layer contains information about the land degradation phenomenon - by second-level administrative area - observed for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Eswatini in 2019. Data sources: HQ OSE GIS Analysis of NASA MODIS 2001-2016, WorldClim 1970-2000, FAO and NASA SRTM Digital Elevation Model data. The main indicators used for the analysis were the average ecological changes observed between 2001-2006 and 2011-2016 and the percentage of erosion-prone surface.

ken_phy_livestock_crossborder_market (geonode:ken_phy_livestock_crossborder_market)

No abstract provided

Afghanistan: 5km Buffer from settlements - September 2019 (geonode:afg_wfp_5kmbuffer_20190908_geo_node)

Each cluster of settlements which fall under the control of one group (e.g. the eastern part of the district, the central valley in the district), a shaded ‘buffer’ will be generated, with a standardized radial distance of 5km, to help clearer visualization of areas of control.

ICA Mauritania, 2017 - Natural Shock Risk (geonode:mrt_ica_naturalshockrisk_geonode_20181022)

This layer contains information about the natural shock risk (floods and droughts) - by first-level administrative unit - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed in Mauritania in 2017. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD), the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data sources: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013, HQ VAM Analysis of CHIRPS Rainfall Estimates (RFE) 1981-2015. Cette couche contient informations regard le risque des chocs naturels (inondations et sècheresse) - par unité administrative de première niveau - estimé pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Mauritanie en 2017. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données : UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013, HQ VAM Analyse des données CHIRPS d’estimation des precipitations 1981-2015.

Availability, Net per capita vegetable production / Per capita normative consumption (geonode:kgz_bnd_adm3_fsa_bazarkorgon_16)

No abstract provided

Availability, Net vegetable production per capita per day (gram) (geonode:kgz_bnd_adm3_fsa_bazarkorgon_15)

No abstract provided

ICA Lesotho, 2015 - Predominant Livelihood Zones, 2014 (geonode:lso_ica_livelihoodzones_geonode_20150731)

This layer contains information about the predominant livelihood zone by province (Admin 1) identified during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Lesotho in 2015. Data source: Fewsnet, 2014.

Stability, Number Flood mudflow, landslide risk areas (geonode:kgz_bnd_adm3_fsa_bazarkorgon_14)

No abstract provided

ICA Zimbabwe, 2015 - Human Settlements, 2007 (geonode:zwe_pop_gd2007_settlements_geonode_20150330)

This layer contains information about the most relevant human settlements considered during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Zimbabwe in 2015. Data source: Global Discovery, 2007.

pak_edu_institute (geonode:pak_edu_institute)

No abstract provided

Global WFP IPC Phases (geonode:wld_wfp_ipc_phases)

This layer depicts information for Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) worldwide. The classification has six levels from 0 to 5 (none, minimal, stressed, crisis, emergency, famine). The data are updated as deemed necessary.

ICA Tanzania, 2015 - Land Degradation, 2001-2012 (geonode:tza_phy_landdegradation_geonode_20150824)

This layer contains information about the land degradation phenomenon - by first-level administrative area - observed for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Tanzania in 2015. Data sources: HQ OSEP GIS Analysis of NASA MODIS 2001-2012, WorldClim 1970-2000, FAO data and NASA SRTM Digital Elevation Model. The main indicators used for the analysis were the average ecological changes observed between 2001 and 2012 and the percentage of erosion-prone surface.

Afghanistan: District Accessibility for WFP and Partners Staff as of 18 August 2019 (geonode:afg_wfp_access_201900818)

Accessibility information by WFP Operation/Security Units,18 August 2019.

Global Airports (geonode:wld_trs_airports_wfp)

This layer contains airports locations. This dataset brings together various public sources such as OpenStreetMap or ourairports.com with WFP logistics information. It is updated regularly with inputs from WFP aviation unit but also from many partners through the Logistics Cluster and the Logistics Capacity Assessment (LCA: dlca.logcluster.org). The information is compiled at a global level by the Emergency and Preparedness Geospatial Information Unit at the World Food Programme Headquarters in Rome, Italy.This dataset is at a global scale and is updated country by country. The last update date can be retrieved from the data of the country of interest.Feel free to contribute to this dataset by contacting hq.gis@wfp.org.

ICA Haiti, 2017 - ICA Categories & Areas (geonode:hti_ica_categories_areas_geonode_20170417)

This layer contains information about the final classification resulting from the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Haiti in 2017, showing areas of convergence between high recurrence of food insecurity and propensity to natural shocks. Cette couche contient informations regard la classification finale resultée par l'Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) effectuée en Haiti en 2017, montrant les zones de convergence des niveaux élevés de récurrence d'insécurité alimentaire et propension aux chocs naturels.

ICA Armenia, 2016 - ICA Categories & Areas (geonode:arm_ica_areas_categories_20160708)

This layer contains information about the final classification deriving from the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Armenia in 2016, showing the areas of convergence between recurrence of food insecurity and propensity to natural shocks.

darfur_idps_refugees_2020_pc81 (geonode:darfur_idps_refugees_2020_pc81)

Afghanistan Border Crossing Points (geonode:afg_poi_bcp_wfp)

The data shared by HQ -GIS Unit and shared with WFP Afghanistan Security Focal point for the final update March 2015.

Modality (geonode:mozambique_modality)

No abstract provided

global_adm1_1 (geonode:global_adm1_1)

No abstract provided

Red Sea State FFE (geonode:sdn_poi_rs_ffe_wfp)

Red Sea State FFE 2018

ICA Niger, 2018 - Flood Risk, 2013 (geonode:ner_ica_floodrisk_geonode_may2018)

This layer contains information about the flood risk - by second-level administrative area - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Niger between 2017 and 2018. The analysis is the result of a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data sources: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013. The main indicators used for the analysis were the percentage of district surface at flood risk and the maximum expected frequency of flood events with a 100-year return period. Cette couche contient informations regard le risque d’inondations – par unité administrative de deuxième niveau – estimé pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Niger entre 2017 et 2018. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données : UNEP/UNISDR GAR, 2013. Les indicateurs principaux utilisées pour l’analyse étaient la pourcentage de surface a risuqe d’inondation et l’attente maximale attendue des inondations.

Entry Points Tajikistan (geonode:entry_points)

No abstract provided

Global Finance Services by Admnistrative boundaries level 1 (geonode:wld_adm1_financeunit_wfp)

Layer populated by Finance Unit. Data on beneficaries, Bank branches and ATM by admin level 1 - Reference Geometry: GAUL 2008

ICA Mozambique, 2017 - Land Degradation, 2001-2012 (geonode:moz_phy_deforestation_geonode_20160623)

This layer contains information about the land degradation phenomenon observed during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Mozambique in 2017. Data source: HQ OSEP GIS Analysis of NASA MODIS, 2001-2012. The main indicator used for the analysis was the percentage of district area that experienced deforestation in the time window examined.

ICA Lesotho, 2015 - Recurrence of Food Insecurity, 2010-2015 (geonode:lso_wfp_foodinsecurity_geonode_20170731)

This layer contains information about the food insecurity recurrence estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Lesotho in 2015. Data source: Lesotho Vulnerability Assessment Committee (LVAC) 2011-2015, Community and Household Surveillance (CHS) 2010-2015. The key indicator used for the analysis was the recurrence of food insecurity, with the threshold set to 20% of the province population.

Global Earthquakes Buffers - Last 14 Days (geonode:wld_nhrpub_adameqbuf14days_wfp)

This layer contains the buffer zones of earthquakes of the last 14 days. The layer its produced through ADAM and gets updated every five minutes. There are three distinguished buffers zones of 15km, 30km and 50km. In combination with the "Global Earthquakes Epicenters - Last 14 Days" layer we can represent the affected population on its of this buffer zone.

ICA South Sudan, 2016 - Recurrence of Malnutrition, 2010-2015 (geonode:ssd_ica_malnutrition_geonode_feb2016)

This layer contains information about the global acute malnutrition levels estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in South Sudan in 2016. Data source: Food Security Monitoring System (FSMS), 2010-2015. The threshold to determine the recurrence of global acute malnutrition was set at 15% (emergency level). It should be noted that Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) was used as a proxy to measure child malnutrition. The key indicators used for the analysis were the recurrence above the threshold, the average against national average and variability/stability.

Afghanistan Areas of control by settlement - May 2016 (geonode:afg_wfp_poi_ares_control)

Security issue by settlement

ICA Ecuador, 2018 - Volcanic Hazard (geonode:ecu_ica_peligro_volcanico_geonode_20180430)

This layer contains information the volcanic hazard identified and used for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Ecuador in 2018. Data sources: ...

ICA Chad, 2017 - Natural Shock Risk (geonode:tcd_ica_naturalshocksrisk_geonode_mar2017)

This layer contains information about the natural shock risk (floods and droughts) estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed in Chad in 2017. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD), the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data sources: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013, HQ VAM Analysis of CHIRPS Rainfall Estimates (RFE) 1981-2015. Cette couche contient informations regard le risque des chocs naturels (inondations et sècheresse) estimé pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Tchad en 2017. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données : UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013, HQ VAM Analyse des données CHIRPS d’estimation des precipitations 1981-2015.

Chad streets and pathways (geonode:tcd_trs_streets_osm)

This dataset is an extraction of streets and pathways from OpenStreetMap data made by WFP that follow UNSDIT standards. The data is updated in near-real time from OSM servers and include all latest updates. NOTE: this dataset doesn't include main roads that have been published on a separate dataset (Chad Road Network (main roads)).

ICA Armenia, 2017 - Natural Shocks Risk (geonode:arm_ica_naturalshocksrisk_geonode_20171002)

This layer contains information about the overall risk of natural shocks estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Armenia in 2017. Data source: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013, HQ VAM Analysis of CHIRPS RFE 1981-2015, Armenia HydroMeteorological Monitoring Service 2012.

Caseload FFA Moz (geonode:mozambique_caseload_ffa_moz_)

No abstract provided

Roadnetwork of Tajikistan CONOPS (geonode:tjk_trs_roadsconops_wfp)

Layer uploaded during SDI mission in Tajikistan for creation of interactive map.

ICA Democratic Republic of Congo, 2017 - Recurrence of Food Insecurity, 2012-2017 (geonode:cod_ica_regional_firecurrence_geonode_20170516)

This layer contains information about the recurrence of food insecurity - by second-level administrative area - observed during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Democratic Republic of Congo in 2017. The analysis was performed in three hot-spot provinces in the north-east part of the country (Ituri, Nord-Kivu and Sud-Kivu) because of the recent conflict outbreak and increasing food insecurity levels. Data source: IPC 2012-2017. The main indicator used for the analysis was the number of times that an IPC Phase 3 or above occurred per each district, classified using terciles (Low = 0-33%; Medium = 33-66%; High = 66-100%). Cette couche contient les données d'une analyse de tendance de la sécurité alimentaire - par unité administrative de deuxième niveau - employée pendant l'Analyse Integrée de Contexte (AIC) exécuté en République Démocratique du Congo en 2017. L'analyse a été executée dans trois provinces critiques dans le secteur nord-est du pays (Ituri, Nord-Kivu et Sud-Kivu) en raison du récent déclenchement des conflits et des croissants niveaux d'insécurité alimentaire. Source des données: IPC 2012-2017. L'indicateur principale utilisé pour l'analyse était le nombre de fois qu'il y a eu une phase IPC 3 ou supérieur en chaque cercle, classifiés par terciles (Faible = 0-33%; Moyen = 33-66%; Elevé = 66-100%).

Kyrgyzstan, School Meal Project, Targeted schools (1-6 Rounds) (geonode:kgz_smp_schools_16_1)

No abstract provided

ICA Philippines, 2014 - Flood Risk, 2014 (geonode:phl_ica_floodrisk_geonode_mar2014)

This layer contains information about the average flood risk - by second-level administrative area - used for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in the Philippines in 2014. Data source: National Household Targeting System and Mines and Geosciences Bureau. The main indicator used for the analysis was the average flood risk by barangay reaggregated by province level.

Geoenabler Admin 1 (geonode:geoenabler_adm1)

As of October 2019

ICA Burundi, 2014 - Recurrence of Food Insecurity, 2009-2014 (geonode:bdi_wfp_firecurrence_geonode_20150212)

This layer contains information about the recurrence of food insecurity observed during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Burundi between 2014 and 2015. Data source: Food Security Monitoring System (FSMS) 2009-2013, Comprehensive Food Security and Vulnerability Analysis (CFSVA-SMART) 2014. The key indicator used for the analysis was the Food Consumption Score (FCS) with a threshold set to 30%. Cette couche contient les données d'une analyse de tendance de la sécurité alimentaire - par zones de moyens d'existence - employée pendant l'Analyse Integrée de Contexte (AIC) executée au Burundi entre 2014 et 2015. Source des données: FSMS 2009-2013, CFSVA-SMART 2014. L'indicateur principale utilisé pour l'analyse était le score de consommation alimentaire des ménages, avec un seuil de 30% des ménages enquêtés.

ICA Malawi, 2014 - Predominant Livelihood Zones, 2009 (geonode:mwi_phy_predlhz_geonode_20140612)

This layer contains information about the predominant livelihood zones - by district level - identified during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Malawi in 2014. Data source: Malawi Vulnerability Assessment Committee (MVAC), 2009.

Afghanistan: Area of Control for WFP Offices Coverage - September 2019 (geonode:afg_wfp_areasc_20190908_geo_node)

Areas of control by settlement have been provided by WFP Afghanistan Security Unit and Access Team from the Area and Sub-Office - September 2019

ICA Burkina Faso, 2018 - Estimated Numbers of Food Insecure People, 2014-2018 (geonode:bfa_ica_estimatedfipeople_geonode_20180712)

This layer contains information about the numbers of food insecure people - by first-level administrative unit - estimated for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Burkina Faso in 2018. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data source: Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (MASA) 2014, EPA 2015-2017, Emergency Food Security Analysis (EFSA) 2018. The main indicators used for the analysis were the percentage of food insecure population for long-term planning and the additional population figures in case of a major shock. Cette couche contient informations regard les nombres de personnes exposées à l'insécurité alimentaire - par unité administrative de première niveau - employées pendant l'Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Burkina Faso en 2018. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données: Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (MASA) 2014, EPA 2015-2017, Emergency Food Security Analysis (EFSA) 2018. Les indicateurs principaux utilisés pour l'analyse étaient la pourcentage de population exposée à l'insécurité alimentaire pour la planification à long-terme et le nombre de personnes supplémentaires en cas de choc.

sudan_final (geonode:sudan_final)

No abstract provided

ICA Senegal, 2017 - Prevalence of Global Acute Malnutrition, 2010-2015 (geonode:sen_ica_malnutrition_geonode_20170508)

This layer contains information about the malnutrition levels - by first-level administrative unit - used for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Senegal in 2017. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data sources: Analyse Globale de la Vulnérabilité, de la Sécurité Alimentaire et de la Nutrition (AGVSAN) 2010, Enquêtes Nationales sur la Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutrition (ENSAN) 2013, Standardized Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transitions (SMART), 2014-2015. The main indicator used for the analysis was the prevalence of Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM), classified according to the thresholds suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO). Cette couche contient informations regard les niveaux de malnutrition – par unité administrative de première niveau – observés pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Senegal en 2017. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données: Analyse Globale de la Vulnérabilité, de la Sécurité Alimentaire et de la Nutrition (AGVSAN) 2010, Enquêtes Nationales sur la Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutrition (ENSAN) 2013, Standardized Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transitions (SMART), 2014-2015. L’indicateur principale utilisé pour l’analyse était la prévalence de Malnutrition Aigüe Globale (MAG), avec un seuil d’alerte fixé à 10%, selon les normes et la gamme de valeurs classés de l’OMS 2006.

ICA Mali, 2017 - Estimated Numbers of Food Insecure People, 2013-2017 (geonode:mli_ica_estimatedfipeople_geonode_20170606)

This layer contains information about the numbers of food insecure people - by second-level administrative unit - estimated for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Mali in 2017. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data source: Enquête Nationale de la Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutritionnelle (ENSAN) 2014-2017, Emergency Food Security Analysis (EFSA) 2013. The main indicators used for the analysis were the percentage of food insecure population for long-term planning and the additional population figures in case of a major shock. Cette couche contient informations regard les nombres de personnes exposées à l'insécurité alimentaire - par unité administrative de deuxième niveau - employées pendant l'Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Mali en 2017. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données: Enquête Nationale de la Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutritionnelle (ENSAN) 2014-2017, Emergency Food Security Analysis (EFSA) 2013. Les indicateurs principaux utilisés pour l'analyse étaient la pourcentage de population exposée à l'insécurité alimentaire pour la planification à long-terme et le nombre de personnes supplémentaires en cas de choc.

ceta (geonode:ceta)

ICA Chad, 2017 - Estimates of Food Insecure People, 2011-2016 (geonode:tcd_ica_estimatedfipeople_geonode_mar2017)

This layer contains information about the numbers of food insecure people - by second-level administrative unit - estimated for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Chad in 2017. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data source: Enquête Nationale de la Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutritionnelle (ENSA), 2011-2016. The main indicators used for the analysis were the percentage of food insecure population for long-term planning and the additional population figures in case of a major shock. Cette couche contient informations regard les nombres de personnes exposées à l'insécurité alimentaire - par unité administrative de deuxième niveau - employées pendant l'Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Tchad en 2017. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données: Enquête Nationale de la Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutritionnelle (ENSA), 2011-2016. Les indicateurs principaux utilisés pour l'analyse étaient la pourcentage de population exposée à l'insécurité alimentaire pour la planification à long-terme et le nombre de personnes supplémentaires en cas de choc.

ICA Zimbabwe, 2015 - Prevalence of Stunting, 2010 (geonode:zwe_wfp_areas_stunting_geonode_20150330)

This layer contains information about the malnutrition levels observed during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Zimbabwe in 2015. Data source: National Nutrition Survey (NNS), 2010. The key indicator used for the analysis was the prevalence of stunting in children aged under 5 years. The prevalence of wasting was not used as a malnutrition indicator for the purposes of this analysis because it was found within acceptable limits (GAM < 2.4%) all over the country.

ICA Eswatini, 2019 - Recurrence of food insecurity, 2011-2019 (geonode:swz_ica_adm2_firecurrence_20190930)

This layer contains information about the food security trend analysis - by second-level administrative unit - used for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Eswatini in 2019. Data source: Eswatini Vulnerability Assessment and Analysis coordinated by the Eswatini Vulnerability Assessment Committee and the Central Statistics Office, 2011-2019. The key indicators used for the purposes of the analysis were the Food Consumption Score (FSC) and the Coping Strategy Index (CSI), with a threshold set at 20% because national average of food insecurity, throughout the available rounds, was found to be 18.75%.

Yemen Districts centroids (geonode:yem_adm2_point)

Source: Geoenabler

Utilization: Prevalence of chronic malnutrition among children under five years old, National Demographic and Health Survey 2012 (geonode:chronic_malnutrition)

No abstract provided

darfur_idps_refugees_2020_t7xe (geonode:darfur_idps_refugees_2020_t7xe)

ICA Dominican Republic, 2017 - Recurrence of Food Insecurity, 2002-2010 (geonode:dom_wfp_firecurrence_geonode_20170412)

This layer contains information about the recurrence of food insecurity estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Dominican Republic in 2017. Data source: Oficina Nacional de Estadistica (ONE), 2002-2010. The key indicator used for the analysis was the percentage of population - by municipality - whose monthly income is below the poverty threshold, which according to CEPAL, 2014 is 17.4% and that for the purposes of this analysis has been rounded up to 20%.

ICA Afghanistan, 2016 - ICA Categories & Areas (geonode:afg_ica_areas_categories_geonode_20160617)

This layer contains information about the final classification deriving from the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Afghanistan in 2016, showing the areas of convergence between recurrence of food insecurity and propensity to natural shocks.

ICA Chad, 2017 - Land Degradation, 2001-2012 (geonode:tcd_ica_landdegradation_geonode_mar2017)

This layer contains information about the land degradation phenomenon - by second-level administrative area - observed for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Chad in 2017. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data sources: HQ OSEP GIS Analysis of NASA MODIS 2001-2012, WorldClim 1970-2000, FAO data and NASA SRTM Digital Elevation Model. The main indicators used for the analysis were the average ecological changes observed between 2001 and 2012 and the percentage of erosion-prone surface. Cette couche contient les données necessaires pour determiner le niveau de dégradation des terres – par unité administrative de deuxième niveau – observé pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Tchad en 2017. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données: HQ OSEP GIS Analyse des données NASA MODIS 2001-2012, WorldClim 1970-2000, FAO et NASA SRTM Digital Elevation Model. Les indicateurs principaux utilisés pour l'analyse étaient les changements moyens de couverture du sol observés entre 2001 et 2012 et la pourcentage de surface ayant une propension à l'érosion significative.

ICA Syrian Arab Republic, 2020 - Most Dominant Land Cover Classes, 2018 (geonode:syr_ica_mostpredlcc_geonode_20200305)

This layer contains information about the two most dominant land cover classes - by second-level administrative unit - observed during the update of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in the Syrian Arab Republic in 2020. Data source: NASA MODIS, 2018.

ICA Tajikistan, 2015 - Predominant Livelihood Zones, 2011 (geonode:tjk_phy_predlhz_geonode_20150215)

This layer contains information about the predominant livelihood zones - by district level - elaborated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Tajikistan in 2015. Data source: HQ OSEP GIS Analysis of Fewsnet, 2011.

ICA Niger, 2018 - Prevalence of Global Acute Malnutrition, 2016 (geonode:ner_ica_malnutrition_geonode_may2018)

This layer contains information about the malnutrition levels - by first-level administrative unit - used for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Niger between 2017 and 2018. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data source: Standardized Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transitions (SMART), 2016. The main indicator used for the analysis was the prevalence of Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM), with a threshold set to 10% according to the guidelines suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO). Cette couche contient informations regard les niveaux de malnutrition – par unité administrative de première niveau – observés pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Niger entre 2017 et 2018. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. L’indicateur principale utilisé pour l’analyse était la prévalence de Malnutrition Aigüe Globale (MAG), avec un seuil d’alerte fixé à 10%, selon les normes et la gamme de valeurs classés de l’OMS 2006.

ICA Tajikistan, 2015 - ICA Categories & Areas (geonode:tjk_ica_categories_areas_geonode_20150215)

This layer contains information about the final categorization resulting from the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Tajikistan in 2015, showing the areas of convergence between high levels of food insecurity and high propensity to natural shocks.

ICA Tanzania, 2015 - Recurrence of Food Insecurity, 2010-2014 (geonode:tza_wfp_firecurrence_geonode_20150824)

This layer contains information about the recurrence of food insecurity observed during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Tanzania in 2015 by first-level administrative area. Data source: Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives (MAFC), 2010-2014. The key indicator used for the analysis was the percentage of food insecure population, with a threshold set to 20% considering the analysis of historical data from the Comprehensive Food Security and Vulnerability Analysis (CFSVA) done in 2005 and 2010 and updated in 2012. It should be noted that the food security assessments were performed covering only the districts identified by early warning indicators (production forecasts) as experiencing significant crop loss of above 30% of normal production due to drought and other factors - meaning that uncategorized districts are actually food secure.

tr01_wfp_acrcountries_2019 (geonode:tr01_wfp_acrcountries_2019)

No abstract provided

FFA Mozambique_Nampula (geonode:mozambique_ffa_mozambique_nampula)

No abstract provided

Utilization: Proportion of children under two years old fed with IYCF practices, National Demographic and Health Survey 2012 (geonode:proportion_child)

No abstract provided

Cultivated land for crops - Tajikistan Vulnerability & Resilience Atlas, 2019 (geonode:tjk_agricland_cultivatedforcrop)

This layer shows the size of cultivated land used for food crops at district level in Tajikistan (2016)

Global Layers with INFORM Attributes (2019) (geonode:wfp_bnd_inform2019)

This dataset links the INFORM 2019 Index for Global Open Source Risk Assessment for Humanitarian Crisis and Disaster linked with WFP Global administrative boundaries. The INFORM methodology is based on Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction which is done in collaboration with various UN agencies and International organisation. For more information on the INFORM methodology, please visit this site (http://www.inform-index.org/).

ICA Niger, 2018 - ICA Categories & Areas (geonode:ner_ica_categories_areas_geonode_may2018)

This layer contains information about the final categorization resulting from the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed in Niger between 2017 and 2018, showing the areas of convergence of high levels of food insecurity recurrence and major propensity to natural shocks (floods and droughts). The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and HQ GIS unit and Programme division. Cette couche contient informations regard la classification finale résultant de l'Analyse Integrée de Contexte (AIC) executée en Niger entre 2017 et 2018, montrant les zones de convergence de niveaux elevés de récurrence d'insécurité alimentaire et propension aux chocs naturels (inondations et sècheresse). L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM.

Integrated Context Analysis: Categories of areas based on poverty and exposure to natural shocks, National Statistics Committee 2014, Ministry of Emergency Situations 2009, NDVI analysis by OMEP WFP 2012 (geonode:integrated_context_analysis_1)

No abstract provided

ICA Zimbabwe, 2015 - ICA Categories & Areas (geonode:zwe_ica_categories_areas_geonode_20150330)

This layer contains information about the final classification resulting from the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Zimbabwe in 2015, showing areas of convergence between high recurrence of food insecurity and propensity to natural shocks.

wld_eq_historical (geonode:wld_eq_historical)

ICA Mauritania, 2017 - Flood Risk, 2013 (geonode:mrt_ica_floodrisk_geonode_20181022)

This layer contains information about the flood risk - by first-level administrative area - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Mauritania in 2017. The analysis is the result of a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data sources: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013. The main indicators used for the analysis were the percentage of department surface at flood risk and the maximum expected frequency of flood events with a 100-year return period. Cette couche contient informations regard le risque d’inondations – par unité administrative de première niveau – estimé pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Mauritanie en 2017. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données : UNEP/UNISDR GAR, 2013. Les indicateurs principaux utilisées pour l’analyse étaient la pourcentage de surface a risque d’inondation et l’attente maximale attendue des inondations.

ICA Malawi, 2014 - Malnutrition, 2010 (geonode:mwi_wfp_malnutrition_geonode_20140612)

This layer contains information about the malnutrition levels estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Malawi in 2014. Data source: Demographic and Health Survey (DHS), 2010. The key indicators used for the analysis were the prevalence of stunting and Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) in children aged below 5 years.

pak_edu_institute_fata (geonode:pak_edu_institute_fata)

No abstract provided

Global Supply Routes (geonode:wld_trs_supplyroutes_wfp)

Global supply routes for Transportation of Food and Non Food Items - Roads, Railways, Waterway, Airways. This layer is built by linking origin/destination locations using the most direct route on main roads. In reality, the supply routes can divert from the ones displayed here depending on many local factors. The routes shown in this dataset are only indicative and have to be used as such. The dataset is made by the combination of various sources such as OpenStreetMap, GoogleMaps Digital Cartography,YahooMaps or from partners through the Logistics Cluster.

Central African Republic, Airstrip Network, November 2018 (geonode:caf_trs_airstripnetwork_wfp)

this layer contains information regarding the Airstrip Network in CAR as of November 2018. The info regarding the plane capacity and the status have been collected in the Country from Logistics Cluster IM.

DRC, Second-level administrative boundaries (geonode:cod_admbnda_adm2_rgc_20170711)

This layer contains the second-level administrative boundaries (districts) for DRC, validated by the IMWG on July 26th, 2017. 50 district units exist with the same name within the same province unit. They represent separate polygons for cities and their surrounding territories and are associated to unique pcodes.

Sudan Central Jabal Mara FFA (geonode:sdn_poi_cjm_ffa_wfp)

Central Darfur , Central Darfur Jabal Mara Food For Assets 2019

ICA Sudan, 2018 - Estimated Numbers of Food Insecure People, 2014-2017 (geonode:sdn_ica_adm1_estimatedfipeople_geonode_20180201)

This layer contains information about the numbers of food insecure people - by first-level administrative unit - estimated for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Mali in 2017. It should be noted that estimates of food insecure people were available only starting from 2014 onwards and, due to access constraints, some of the states were not covered by the survey. Data source: Integrated Phase Classification (IPC), 2014-2017. The main indicators used for the analysis were the percentage of food insecure population for long-term planning and the additional population figures in case of a major shock.

Perspectiva Climática Centroamérica - mjj2020 (geonode:mjj2020)

No abstract provided

Global Volcanoes USGS (geonode:wld_poi_volcanoes_usgs)

This layer contains volcano locations. It also includes information related to the altitude and the type of each volcano. The data are from the USGS and they are updated only as deemed necessary thus the "Eruption" and "Date of Eruption" attributes are not up to date.

ICA Syrian Arab Republic, 2020 - Drought Hazard, 1982-2019 (geonode:syr_ica_droughthazard_geonode_20200305)

This layer contains information about the drought hazard - by second-level administrative unit - estimated during the update of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in the Syrian Arab Republic in 2020. Data source: HQ VAM Analysis of Chirps Rainfall Estimates (RFE), 1982-2017, SYR CO Analysis of MODIS NDVI, 2000-2019. The main indicator used for the analysis was the number of poor growing seasons, both according to rainfall estimates and NDVI, observed in the last 5 years (using as benchmark a long-term average) and the percentage of interannual rainfall variability observed between 1982-2016.

Availability, Domestic production of wheat (geonode:kgz_bnd_adm3_fsa_bazarkorgon)

No abstract provided

ICA Burundi, 2014 - Flood Risk, 2012-2015 (geonode:bdi_nhr_floodrisk_geonode_20150212)

This layer contains information about the flood risk - by livelihood zone - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Burundi between 2014 and 2015. Data source: Strategie Nationale de Prévention des Risques et de Gestion des Catastrophes - Plan d'Action National, 2012-2015. The key indicator used for the analysis was a descriptive flood index, provided by the source with no information about the data and the methodology behind it. Cette couche contient informations regard le risque d'inondations - par zones de moyens d'existence - estimé pendant l'Analyse Integrée de Contexte (AIC) exécuté au Burundi entre 2014 et 2015. Sources des données: Strategie Nationale de Prévention des Risques et de Gestion des Catastrophes - Plan d'Action National, 2012-2015. L'indicateur principale utilisé pour l'analyse était un index des inondations, fourni par la source avec pas des informations regard les données utilisées ainsi que la méthodologie employée.

Sahel Food security and Nutrition priority Areas (geonode:sahel_fs_nut_priority_area_20180319)

No abstract provided

darfur_idps_refugees_2020_wgnu (geonode:darfur_idps_refugees_2020_wgnu)

ICA Dominican Republic, 2017 - Rapid On-Set Shocks Risk, 2011 (geonode:dom_nhr_rapidonsetshocks_geonode_20170412)

This layer contains information about the rapid on-set shocks risk (floods and landslides) estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Dominican Republic in 2017. Data source: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2011.

Global WFP Warehouses (geonode:wld_poi_warehouses_wfp)

This layer contains locations and additional information of WFP warehouses worldwide Any attributes which are blank or '0' had no data entered at the time of release. Its possible to contribute by giving your inputs at omep.gis@wfp.org.

Cambodia: Flood Extent in 2013 (geonode:khm_nhr_floods_copernicus_2013)

Flood extent in 2013

ICA Mali, 2014 - Estimated Numbers of Food Insecure People, 2013 (geonode:mli_ica_adm2_estimatedfipeople_geonode_jun2014)

This layer contains information about the numbers of food insecure people - by second-level administrative unit - estimated for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Mali in 2014. Data source: Emergency Food Security Analysis (EFSA) 2013. The main indicator used for the analysis was the food insecure population for long-term planning. Cette couche contient informations regard les nombres de personnes exposées à l'insécurité alimentaire - par unité administrative de deuxième niveau - employées pendant l'Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Mali en 2014. Source des données: Emergency Food Security Analysis (EFSA) 2013. L'indicateur principale utilisé pour l'analyse était la population exposée à l'insécurité alimentaire pour la planification à long-terme.

ICA Eswatini, 2019 - Estimates of food insecure people, 2011-2019 (geonode:swz_ica_adm2_estimatesfipeople_20190930)

This layer contains information about the numbers of food insecure people - by second-level administrative unit - estimated for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Eswatini in 2019. Data source: Eswatini Vulnerability Assessment and Analysis coordinated by the Eswatini Vulnerability Assessment Committee and the Central Statistics Office, 2011-2019. The main indicators used for the analysis were the percentage of food insecure population for long-term planning and the additional population figures in case of a major shock.

ICA Syrian Arab Republic, 2020 - Estimates of Food Insecure People, 2015-2019 (geonode:syr_ica_estimatedfipeople_geonode_20200305)

This layer contains information about the numbers of food insecure people - by second-level administrative unit - estimated for the purposes of the update of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in the Syrian Arab Republic in 2020. Data source: FSA-FSLA, 2015-2019. The main indicators used for the analysis were the percentage of food insecure population for long-term planning and the population at risk of food insecurity (people with a CARI score between 2.25 and 2.49, marginally food insecure).

ICA Afghanistan, 2016 - Land Degradation, 2001-2012 (geonode:afg_ica_landdegradation_geonode_20160617)

This layer contains information about the land degradation phenomenon observed calculated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Afghanistan in 2016. Data source: HQ OSEP GIS Analysis of NASA MODIS 2001-2012. The key indicators used for the analysis were the average ecological change and the surface area prone to erosion.

ICA Syrian Arab Republic, 2018 - Prevalence of Malnutrition, 2016 (geonode:syr_ica_malnutrition_20181204)

This layer contains information about the malnutrition levels - by first-level administrative unit - used for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in the Syrian Arab Republic between 2018 and 2019. Data source: Standardized Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transitions (SMART), 2016. The main indicators used for the analysis were the prevalence of Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) and stunting, with thresholds set according to the guidelines suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Utilization: Maternal mortality, Ministry of Health 2013 (geonode:maternal_mortality_1)

No abstract provided

ICA Sudan, 2018 - Prevalence of Malnutrition, 2013 (geonode:sdn_ica_malnutrition_geonode_20180201)

This layer contains information about the malnutrition levels - by second-level administrative unit - used for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Sudan in 2018. Data source: Simple Spatial Survey Method (S3M), 2013. The main indicators used for the analysis were the overall prevalences of stunting and wasting, with thresholds consistent with the guidelines suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO).

ICA South Sudan, 2016 - Flood Risk, 2011 (geonode:ssd_ica_floodrisk_geonode_feb2016)

This layer contains information about the flood risk - by second-level administrative area - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in South Sudan in 2016. Data sources: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2011. The main indicators used for the analysis were the percentage of district surface at flood risk and the maximum expected frequency of flood events with a 100-year return period.

Afghanistan Food Dispatch Locations (geonode:afg_wfp_loghubs)

WFP Logistics Network

gh_hsd_stations_availablets_jfv_22092020 (geonode:gh_hsd_stations_availablets_jfv_22092020_8ot8)

No abstract provided.

Global UNHAS Routes (geonode:wld_trs_unhasroutes_wfp)

This dataset contains the current UNHAS (United Nations Humanitarian Air Service) routes for passenger and cargo air transport services provided by WFP. The routes displayed are only the current ones with status= 'Open'.

ICA Ecuador, 2018 - Recurrence of Food Insecurity, 2001-2010 (geonode:ecu_ica_firecurrence_geonode_jul2018)

This layer contains information about the food insecurity levels estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Ecuador in 2018. Data source: Ecuador Population Census, 2001-2010. The food security component has been determined keeping into consideration the poverty incidence according to the unsatisfied basic needs and the land use, in terms of productive systems.

ICA Tajikistan, 2015 - Rural Population, 2013 (geonode:tjk_pop_ruralpopulation_geonode_20150215)

This layer contains information about the rural population - by district level - living in Tajikistan and mapped for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in 2015. Data source: WFP CO, 2013.

ICA Tajikistan, 2015 - Rapid On-Set Shocks Risk, 1998-2011 (geonode:tjk_nhr_rapidonsetshocksrisk_geonode_20150215)

This layer contains information about the rapid on-set shocks risk (floods & mudflows) estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Tajikistan in 2015. Data source: Committee of Emergency Situations and Civil Defense (CoES CD), 1998-2011.

Zambezia Mozambique 2015 flooding (geonode:radarsat_2015_flood)

This layer was taken from UNOSAT and shows the flood extent in Zambezia Mozambique for the 2015 flooding event using Radarsat 2.

ICA Mali, 2014 - Natural Shock Risk (geonode:mli_ica_adm2_naturalshockrisk_geonode_jun2014)

This layer contains information about the natural shock risk (floods, droughts and erosion) estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed in Mali in 2014. Data sources: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2011, HQ VAM Analysis of NDVI data, 2008-2013. Cette couche contient informations regard le risque des chocs naturels (inondations, sècheresse et érosion) estimé pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Mali en 2014. Source des données : UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013, HQ VAM Analyse des données NDVI, 2008-2013.

ICA Sudan, 2018 - Recurrence of Food Insecurity, 2010-2017 (geonode:sdn_ica_firecurrence_geonode_20180201)

This layer contains information about the food security trend analysis - by second-level administrative unit - used for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Sudan in 2018. Data source: Integrated Phase Classification (IPC), 2010-2017. The main indicator used for the analysis was the recurrence of IPC Phases 3 or above out of the number of available rounds.

Tajikistan Schools (geonode:tjk_schools_sm2018)

No abstract provided

Central Jabal Mara TSFP (geonode:sdn_poi_cjm_tsfp_wfp)

Central Darfur ,Central Jabal Mara TSFP Nutrition 2019

ICA Armenia, 2017 - ICA Categories & Areas (geonode:arm_ica_areas_categories_geonode_20171002)

This layer contains information about the final classification deriving from the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Armenia in 2017, showing the areas of convergence between recurrence of food insecurity and propensity to natural shocks.

ICA Philippines, 2014 - Tropical Storm (above Category 3) Occurrence, 2002-2012 (geonode:phl_ica_cycloneoccurrence_geonode_mar2014)

This layer contains information about the occurrence of tropical storms above Category 3 - according to the Saffir-Simpson scale and by second-level administrative area - used for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in the Philippines in 2014. Data source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) IBTrACS, 2002-2012. The main indicator used for the analysis was the number of times that a province was hit, in the time frame of interest, by a tropical storm above Category 3.

ICA Chad, 2017 - ICA-Coded Human Settlements (geonode:tcd_ica_humansettlements_geonode_mar2017)

This layer contains information about the main human settlements , codified by the ICA Categories of the relative department, used in the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Chad in 2017. Cette couche contient information regard les principaux établissements humains, codifiés selon les Catégories ICA du département relatif, utilisés pour l'Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Tchad en 2017.

ICA Syrian Arab Republic, 2020 - Land Degradation, 2001-2016 (geonode:syr_ica_landdegradation_geonode_20200305)

This layer contains information about the land degradation phenomenon - by second-level administrative area - observed for the purposes of the update of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in the Syrian Arab Republic in 2020. Data sources: HQ EMEG GIS Analysis of NASA MODIS 2001-2016, WorldClim 1970-2000, FAO and NASA SRTM Digital Elevation Model data. The main indicators used for the analysis were the average ecological changes observed between 2001-2006 and 2011-2016 and the percentage of erosion-prone surface. The analysis differs from the one produced for the first version of the ICA because the second-level administrative units changed.

Nigeria Road Network (main roads) (geonode:nga_trs_roads_osm)

This dataset is an extraction of roads from OpenStreetMap data made by WFP following UNSDI-T standards. The data is updated in near-real time from OSM servers and include all latest updates. NOTE: this dataset doesn't include streets that have been published on a separate dataset (Nigeria Road Network (streets)).

ICA Mali, 2017 - ICA Categories & Areas (geonode:mli_ica_categories_areas_geonode_20170606)

This layer contains information about the final categorization resulting from the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed in Mali in 2017, showing the areas of convergence of high levels of food insecurity recurrence and major propensity to natural shocks (floods and droughts). The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and HQ GIS unit and Programme division. Cette couche contient informations regard la classification finale résultant de l'Analyse Integrée de Contexte (AIC) executée en Mali en 2017, montrant les zones de convergence de niveaux elevés de récurrence d'insécurité alimentaire et propension aux chocs naturels (inondations et sècheresse). L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM.

ICA Pakistan, FATA, 2017 - Recurrence of Vulnerability to Food Insecurity, 2014-2017 (geonode:pak_fata_ica_firecurrence_geonode_apr2017)

This layer contains information about the risk of food insecurity, in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), according to the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed in Pakistan in 2017. In absence of MPI data for FATA and considering existing circumstances and the importance of evidence based information, a different dataset has been used Data source: WFP In-depth Food Security and Livelihood Assessments 2014 & 2017, Multi-Cluster Humanitarian Needs Assessment 2016 The key indicator used for the analysis was the composite food insecurity rate developed under the Consolidated Approach to Reporting on Indicators of Food Security (CARI), with the threshold set to 38%.

ICA Philippines, 2014 - Estimated Numbers of People living below the Poverty Line, 2012 (geonode:phl_ica_povertyaffectedpeople_geonode_mar2014)

This layer contains information about the estimated numbers of people living below the poverty line used for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in the Philippines in 2014. Data source: Philippines National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB), 2012.

Utilization: Number of medical practitioners per 10 000 people, Republican Medical Information Center of Ministry of Health 2013 (geonode:medical_partitioners)

No abstract provided

ICA Haiti, 2017 - Land Degradation, 2001-2012 (geonode:hti_phy_landdegradation_geonode_20170417)

This layer contains information about the land degradation phenomenon observed during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Haiti in 2017. Data source: NASA MODIS, 2001-2012. The key indicators used for the analysis were the average ecological changes observed between 2001 and 2012 and the percentage of erosion-prone surface. Cette couche contient les données necessaires pour déterminer le niveau de dégradation de terres observé pendant l'Analyse Integrée de Contexte (AIC) effectuée en Haiti en 2017. Source des données: NASA MODIS, 2001-2012. Les indicateurs principaux utilisés pour l'analyse étaient les changements moyens de couverture du sol observés entre 2001et 2012 et la pourcentage de surface ayant une propension à l'érosion significative.

ICA Afghanistan, 2019 - Recurrence of Total Food Insecurity, 2007-2018 (geonode:afg_ica_totalfirec_geonode_20190516)

This layer contains information about the recurrence of total food insecurity estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Afghanistan in 2019. Data source: National Risk and Vulnerability Assessment (NRVA) 2007/08, Afghanistan Living Condition Survey (ALCS) 2011/12, 2014 and 2017/18. To assess the food security trend, the threshold was set to 30% because very close to the national average according to the four assessments considered. The key indicator used for the analysis was the recurrence of food insecurity above the threshold.

United Nations Global International Boundary Dataset (geonode:global_adm0_un)

No abstract provided

kenya livestock tertiary markets (geonode:ken_phy_livestock_tertiarymarkets)

The shapefile was generated through digitisation of maps contained in the "Regional integration support Programme (RISP ii) continuation identification and mapping of key cross-border livestock routes and markets, services and priority transboundary animal diseases including zoonotics for regional and international trade" report by IGAD ICPALD.

ICA Senegal, 2017 - Flood Risk, 2013 (geonode:sen_ica_floodrisk_geonode_20170508)

This layer contains information about the flood risk - by second-level administrative area - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Senegal in 2017. The analysis is the result of a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data sources: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013. The main indicators used for the analysis were the percentage of department surface at flood risk and the maximum expected frequency of flood events with a 100-year return period. Cette couche contient informations regard le risque d’inondations – par unité administrative de deuxième niveau – estimée pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Senegal en 2017. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données : UNEP/UNISDR GAR, 2013. Les indicateurs principaux utilisées pour l’analyse étaient la pourcentage de surface à risque d’inondation et l’attente maximale attendue des inondations.

ICA Zimbabwe, 2015 - Food Insecure Population for Long-Term Planning, 2009-2013 (geonode:zwe_wfp_estimatedfipeople_geonode_20150330)

This layer contains information about the estimated figures and percentages - by district population - of food insecure population resulting from the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Zimbabwe in 2015. Data source: ZIMVAC, 2009-2013. The key indicators used for the analysis were figures and percentages of food insecure population, used for long-term planning

Sudan_Flood_2020 (geonode:sudan_flood_2020)

The data displays the flood detected areas using high resolution images, developed by RBC GIS Team, in order to estimate the number of affected population and crop lands as well within the floods area for further response and relief planing activities.

ICA Sudan, 2018 - Flood Risk, 2013 (geonode:sdn_ica_floodrisk_geonode_20180201)

This layer contains information about the flood risk - by second-level administrative area - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Sudan in 2018. Data sources: UNEP/UNISDR, GAR 2013. The main indicators used for the analysis were the percentage of district surface at flood risk and the maximum expected frequency of flood events with a 100-year return period.

ICA Dominican Republic, 2017 - Predominant Economic Activity, 2010 (geonode:dom_phy_maineconomicactivity_geonode_20170412)

This layer contains information about the most predominant economic activity - proxy for livelihood zones - identified and used during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Dominican Republic in 2017. Data source: Oficina Nacional de Estadistica (ONE), 2010.

ICA Senegal, 2017 - Recurrence of Food Insecurity, 2010-2017 (geonode:sen_ica_firecurrence_geonode_20170508)

This layer contains information about the food security trend analysis - by second-level administrative unit - used for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Senegal in 2017. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data source: Analyse Globale de la Vulnérabilité, de la Sécurité Alimentaire et de la Nutrition (AGVSAN) 2010, Enquêtes Nationales sur la Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutrition (ENSAN) 2013, Enquêtes Rurale sur la Sécurité Alimentaire et la Nutrition (ERASAN) 2014, Enquête Nationale sur la Sécurité Alimentaire au Sénégal (ENSAS) 2016, Sites Sentinelles 2017. The main indicator used for the analysis was the Food Consumption Score (FCS), with a threshold set to 20% considering that the national averages revolve around this number. Cette couche contient les données d’une analyse de tendance de la sécurité alimentaire – par unité administrative de deuxième niveau – employée pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Senegal en 2017. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données: Analyse Globale de la Vulnérabilité, de la Sécurité Alimentaire et de la Nutrition (AGVSAN) 2010, Enquêtes Nationales sur la Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutrition (ENSAN) 2013, Enquêtes Rurale sur la Sécurité Alimentaire et la Nutrition (ERASAN) 2014, Enquête Nationale sur la Sécurité Alimentaire au Sénégal (ENSAS) 2016, Sites Sentinelles 2017. L’indicateur principale utilisé pour l’analyse était le score de consommation alimentaire avec un seuil fixé à 20%, compte tenu du fait que les prévalences sont élevées et que les moyennes nationales tournent autour de ce seuil.

Afghanistan Zones covered by WFP Office (geonode:afg_wfp_officescoverage)

No abstract provided

Availability: Self-sufficiency of vegetables, National Statistics Committee 2014 (geonode:vegetable_self_sufficiency_1)

No abstract provided

ICA Jordan, 2019 - Drought hazard, 1980-2016 (geonode:jor_ica_droughthazard_20190722)

This layer contains information about the drought hazard estimated and used for the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Jordan in 2019. Data source: “CDI Validation summary report and drought vulnerability maps”, UNDP 2018. The key indicators used were natural factors related to exposure and a combination of natural and human-driven factors for the sensitivity. Adaptive capacity, on the other hand, has been based on the availability of resources, socio-economic indicators, legislation and capacity of relevant institutions and society.

Afghanistan District Boundaries (geonode:afg_bnd_admin2_cso)

No abstract provided

ICA Afghanistan, 2019 - Drought hazard, 2013-2018 (geonode:afg_ica_droughthazard_geonode_20190516)

This layer contains information about the drought hazard estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed in Afghanistan in 2019. Data source: HQ VAM Analysis of NDVI, NASA Terra MODIS 2013-2018. The key indicator used for the purposes of the analysis was the average number of poor growing seasons observed in the time frame of interest - by definition, in the context of this specific analysis, it is considered a poor growing season when the NDVI observed in the single year is significantly below (less than 85%) the long-term average, calculated over the last 18 years.

ICA Somalia, 2018 - Recurrence of Food Insecurity, 2012-2017 (geonode:som_ica_firecurrence_dec2018)

This layer contains information about the food security trend analysis - by livelihood zone - used for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Somalia in 2018. Data source: Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit - Somalia (FSNAU), 2012-2017 The main indicator used for the analysis were the recurrence of IPC, multiplied by severity in order to have a weighted score, and the proportion of population in phases 3 to 5, with a threshold set to 20%.

gh_riverbasins_jfv_16092020_b6nb (geonode:gh_riverbasins_jfv_16092020_b6nb)

Afghanistan Fleet Routes (geonode:afg_trs_supplyroutes_wfp)

This layer shows roads used to transport food in Afghanistan

ICA Pakistan, 2017 - Combined Hazard (Floods and Droughts) (geonode:pak_ica_naturalshocks_geonode_apr2017)

This layer contains information about the reclassification of the natural shocks risk (floods and drought) into a single combined score according to the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed in Pakistan in 2017.

Availability: Average annual vegetable yield, National Statistics Committee 2014 (geonode:average_annual_vegetable_yield_1)

No abstract provided

ICA Malawi, 2014 - Natural Shocks Risk (geonode:mwi_nhr_naturalshocksrisk_geonode_20140612)

This layer contains information about the combined natural shocks risk (floods and droughts) estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Malawi in 2014. Data source: Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA) 2000-2013, VAM - MEPED, Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning and Development 2004-2013.

trayectoria_eta (geonode:trayectoria_eta)

ICA Afghanistan, 2016 - Prevalence of Stunting, 2013 (geonode:afg_ica_nutrition_geonode_20160617)

This layer contains information about the malnutrition level estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Afghanistan in 2016. Data source: National Nutrition Survey (NNS), 2013. The key indicator used for the analysis was the prevalence of stunting, collected during the assessment by provincial (first-level administrative unit) level.

ICA Tanzania, 2015 - Landslide Risk, 2011 (geonode:tza_nhr_landsliderisk_geonode_20150824)

This layer contains information about the landslide risk estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Tanzania in 2015 by first-level administrative area. Data source: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2011. The key indicators used for the analysis were the maximum expected frequency of landslide events - with a 100-year return period - and the percentage of surface at landslide risk.

Access: Proportion of MBPF recipients, Ministry of Social Development (2014) (geonode:proportion_of_mbpf_recipient_2)

No abstract provided

Global Earthquakes Epicenters - Last 14 Days (geonode:wld_nhrpub_eq14days_usgs)

No abstract provided

ICA Eswatini, 2019 - Recurrence of prevalence of stunting, 2009-2018 (geonode:swz_ica_adm1_malnutrition_20190930)

This layer contains information about the recurrence of prevalence of stunting - by first-level administrative unit - used for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Eswatini in 2019. Data source: Eswatini Vulnerability Assessment and Analysis coordinated by the Eswatini Vulnerability Assessment Committee and the Central Statistics Office, 2009-2018. The key indicator used for the purposes of the analysis was the prevalence of stunting in children under the age of 5, with a threshold set at 20% because, according to the guidelines suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO), this is the break between the classes 'Medium' and 'High'.

Number of Livestock units - Tajikistan Vulnerability & Resilience Atlas, 2019 (geonode:tjk_livestock)

Number of livestock units. Proportion of cattle, cows, goats and sheep (2016). Layer is mapped to represent Number of Cattle heads per district.

ICA Syrian Arab Republic, 2018 - Drought Hazard, 1982-2016 (geonode:syr_ica_droughthazard_20181204)

This layer contains information about the drought hazard - by second-level administrative area - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in the Syrian Arab Republic between 2018 and 2019. Data source: HQ VAM Analysis of Chirps Rainfall Estimates (RFE), 1982-2016. The main indicator used for the analysis was the number of poor growing seasons observed between 2012 and 2016 (using as benchmark the 35-years average) and the percentage of interannual rainfall variability observed between 1982-2016.

Tajikistan CONOPS POI (geonode:poi_tajikistan_1)

No abstract provided

ICA Ecuador, 2018 - Natural Shock Hazard (geonode:ecu_ica_naturalshockrisk_geonode_jul2018)

This layer contains information about the combined natural shock (floods, landslides and droughts) hazard - by second-level administrative area - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Ecuador in 2018. Data source: Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganaderia y Pesca (MAGAP), Secretaria Nacional de Gestion de Riesgos (SGR).

ICA Syrian Arab Republic, 2020 - Severity of natural hazards (geonode:syr_ica_naturalshocks_geonode_20200305)

This layer contains information about the severity of natural hazards (floods and droughts) - by second-level administrative unit - estimated during the update of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed in the Syrian Arab Republic in 2020. Data sources: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013, HQ VAM Analysis of CHIRPS Rainfall Estimates (RFE) 1982-2016, SYR CO Analysis of MODIS NDVI, 2000-2019.

FFA Mozambique_Tete (geonode:mozambique_ffa_mozambique_tete)

No abstract provided

Access: Road availability, Ministry of Transportation and Communication 2013 (geonode:road_density_1)

No abstract provided

Darfur IDPs Camps 2018 (geonode:sdn_poi_df_idps_2018_wfp)

Darfur IDPs Camps 2018

ICA Armenia, 2016 & 2017 - Land Degradation, 2001-2012 (geonode:arm_ica_landdeg_admin2_geonode_20171002)

This layer contains information about the land degradation phenomenon calculated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Armenia in 2016. The results are still valid for the purposes of the ICA update performed in 2017. Data source: HQ OSEP GIS Analysis of NASA MODIS 2001-2012. The key indicators used for the analysis were the average ecological change observed in the reference period and the percentage of surface prone to erosion.

ICA Democratic Republic of Congo, 2017 - Land Degradation, 2001-2012 (geonode:cod_ica_regional_landdegradation_geonode_20170516)

This layer contains information about the land degradation phenomenon - by second-level administrative area - observed during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Democratic Republic of Congo in 2017. The analysis was performed in three hot-spot provinces in the north-east part of the country (Ituri, Nord-Kivu and Sud-Kivu) because of the recent conflict outbreak and increasing food insecurity levels. Data source: HQ OSEP GIS Analysis of NASA MODIS, 2001-2012 The main indicators used for the analysis were the average ecological change observed within the time window considered and the percentage of prone-erosion district surface. Cette couche contient les données necessaires pour déterminer le niveau de dégradation de terres - par unité administrative de deuxième niveau - observé pendant l'Analyse Integrée de Contexte (AIC) executée en République Démocratique du Congo en 2017. Source des données: HQ OSEP GIS Analyse de NASA MODIS, 2001-2012 Les indicateurs principaux utilisés pour l'analyse étaient les changements moyens de couverture du sol observés entre 2001 et 2012 et la pourcentage de surface ayant une propension à l'érosion significative.

ICA Malawi, 2014 - Recurrence of Food Insecurity, 2009-2013 (geonode:mwi_wfp_firecurrence_geonode_20140612)

This layer contains information about the recurrence of food insecurity observed during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Malawi in 2014. Data source: Comprehensive Food Security and Vulnerability Analysis (CFSVA) 2009, Integrated Household Survey (IHS) 2010-2011, urban and rural Emergency Food Security Assessment (EFSA) 2012-2013. The key indicator used for the analysis was the recurrence of Food Consumption Score (FCS) over the 30% threshold.

ICA Lesotho, 2015 - Human Settlements, 2007 (geonode:lso_poi_settlements_gd_categories_geonode_20170731)

This layer contains information about the main human settlements, codified with the ICA Category of their relative province, used during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Lesotho in 2015. Data source: Global Discovery, 2007.

Nepal District Boundary Layer (geonode:npl_bnd_admin2_2018)

This layer constitute of district boundary.There are 77 districts In federal structure of Nepal.

Cambodia Admin Boundaries Level 1 (Provinces) (geonode:khm_adm1_un)

This layer contains information about administrative boundaries level 1 (Provinces) in Cambodia. Data Source: Department of Geography of the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction

Cameroon streets and pathways (geonode:cmr_trs_streets_osm)

This dataset is an extraction of streets and pathways from OpenStreetMap data made by WFP that follow UNSDIT standards. The data is updated in near-real time from OSM servers and include all latest updates. NOTE: this dataset doesn't include main roads that have been published on a separate dataset (Cameroon Road Network (main roads)).

ICA Mozambique, 2017 - Cyclone Hazard, 1930-2000 (geonode:moz_nhr_cyclonehazard_geonode_20170623)

This layer contains information about the cyclone hazard estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Mozambique in 2017. Data source: Fewsnet, 1930-2000. The indicator used for the analysis was the average frequency of cyclone events.

gh_hsd_stations_unavailablets_jfv_22092020_vbhv (geonode:gh_hsd_stations_unavailablets_jfv_22092020_vbhv)

ICA Mali, 2017 - Prevalence of Global Acute Malnutrition, 2016 (geonode:mli_ica_malnutrition_geonode_20170606)

This layer contains information about the malnutrition levels - by first-level administrative unit - used for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Mali in 2017. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data source: Standardized Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transitions (SMART), 2016. The main indicator used for the analysis was the prevalence of Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM), with a threshold set to 10% according to the guidelines suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO). Cette couche contient informations regard les niveaux de malnutrition – par unité administrative de première niveau – observés pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Mali en 2017. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. L’indicateur principale utilisé pour l’analyse était la prévalence de Malnutrition Aigüe Globale (MAG), avec un seuil d’alerte fixé à 10%, selon les normes et la gamme de valeurs classés de l’OMS 2006.

Mozambique Drone Flight Plan (geonode:fielddata)

This data shows the Mozambique Licungo Drone project flight plan.

Afghanistan Percentage of Food Insecure Population Based on Combined Food Consumption Score and Coping Strategy Index by Province - ALCS 2013/14 (geonode:afg_wfp_fi_prov_alcs_2014)

ALCS 2013/14 (CSO

Chad Road Network (main roads) (geonode:tcd_trs_roads_osm)

This dataset is an extraction of roads from OpenStreetMap data made by WFP following UNSDI-T standards. The data is updated in near-real time from OSM servers and include all latest updates. NOTE: this dataset doesn't include streets nor pathways that have been published on a separate dataset (Chad streets and pathways).

ICA Somalia, 2018 - Combined Natural Shock Hazard (floods and droughts) (geonode:som_ica_drandflhazard_geonode_dec2018)

This layer contains information about the combined natural shock (floods and droughts) hazard estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Somalia in 2018. Data sources: FAO SWALIM 2002-2006 & 2017, CHIRPS 1998-2017, NDVI MODIS 1998-2017.

ICA Mozambique, 2017 - Cereal Production, 2002-2015 (geonode:moz_wfp_admin1_cerealproduction_geonode_20170623)

This layer contains information about the cereal production - by first-level administrative area - calculated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Mozambique in 2017. Data source: Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (MASA), 2002-2015. The indicator used for the analysis is the quantity of millet, rice, sorghum and cassava - expressed in tons.

Madagascar Road Network (main roads) (geonode:mdg_trs_roads_osm)

This dataset is an extraction of roads from OpenStreetMap data made by WFP following UNSDI-T standards. The data is updated in near-real time from OSM servers and include all latest updates. NOTE: this dataset doesn't include streets that have been published on a separate dataset (Madagascar Streets).

wld_nhrpub_adameqepic14days_wfp (geonode:wld_nhrpub_adameqepic14days_wfp_2222)

ICA Zimbabwe, 2015 - Predominant Livelihood Zones, 2012 (geonode:zwe_wfpco_livelihoodzones2012_geonode_20150330)

This layer contains information about the predominant livelihood zones identified during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Zimbabwe in 2015. Data source: Zimbabwe Country Office, 2012. The twenty-four main livelihood zones identified by the CO were reclassified into nine broad categories to make the visualization easier.

ICA Lesotho, 2015 - Flood Risk, 2013 (geonode:lso_nhr_floodrisk_geonode_20150731)

This layer contains information about the flood risk estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Lesotho in 2015. Data source: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013. The key indicator used for the analysis was the percentage of surface area at risk of flooding.

World - Country Labels (geonode:wld_poi_admin0_unmap_2019)

Worldwide Country names to be used with the Wrold International Boundaries layer (https://geonode.wfp.org/layers/geonode%3Awld_bnd_admin0_l_unmap_2019#more)

skai_test_haiti (geonode:skai_test_haiti)

Access: Recurrence of food insecurity, WFP HPSA 2014 (geonode:food_insecurity)

No abstract provided

ICA Lesotho, 2015 - Natural Shocks (geonode:lso_nhr_naturalshocksrisk_geonode_20150731)

This layer contains information about the combined natural shocks risk (floods and droughts) estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Lesotho in 2015. Data source: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013, HQ VAM Analysis of NDVI data, 1998-2013.

ICA Mauritania, 2017 - Most Predominant Livelihood Zones, 2013 (geonode:mrt_ica_predlhz_geonode_20181022)

This layer contains information about the most predominant livelihood zones - by first-level administrative area - identified during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Mauritania in 2017. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data source: Fewsnet, 2013. Cette couche contient informations regard les zones de moyens d’existence prédominant – par unité administrative de première niveau – identifiées pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Mauritanie en 2017. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données: Fewsnet, 2013.

Global Administrative Boundaries - Regions, Gaul 2015 (geonode:adm1_gaul_2015)

This layer contains regions of countries from GAUL 2015. The GAUL compiles and disseminates the best available information on administrative units for all the countries in the world, providing a contribution to the standardization of the spatial dataset representing administrative units.

Global administrative boundaries level 1 (geonode:_2020_global_adm1)

This dataset has been created by EME GIS unit using the best available datasets at country scale and merged together at a global scale. The data has been validated by WFP RBs and COs. It is the official WFP reference for administrative boundaries.

ICA Dominican Republic, 2017 - ICA Categories & Areas (geonode:dom_ica_categories_areas_geonode_20170420)

This layer contains information about the final classification resulting from the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Dominican Republic in 2017, showing areas of convergence between high levels of food insecurity recurrence and propensity to natural shocks.

Cambodia Admin Boundaries Level 2 (Districts) (geonode:khm_adm2_un)

This layer contains information about administrative boundaries level 2 (District) in Cambodia. Data Source: Department of Geography of the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction and WFP GeoEnabler Project.

Global administrative boundaries level 2 (geonode:_2020_global_adm2)

This dataset has been created by EME GIS unit using the best available datasets at country scale and merged together at a global scale. The data has been validated by WFP RBs and COs. It is the official WFP reference for administrative boundaries.

Active Tropical Storm Wind Buffers (geonode:wld_nhr_adamtsbufferscurrent_wfp)

This layer depicts active tropical storms. Each buffer has information related to the wind speed and the affected population at three distances from the tropical storm's track. The data come from GDACS (European Commission Joint Research Center) and further analysis is applied by the WFP OSEP GIS. The layer is updated automatically. If there are no active storms, no data are displayed (pink tiles).

Global administrative boundaries level 3 (geonode:_2020_global_adm3)

This dataset has been created by EME GIS unit using the best available datasets at country scale and merged together at a global scale. The data has been validated by WFP RBs and COs. It is the official WFP reference for administrative boundaries.

Global administrative boundaries level 4 (geonode:_2020_global_adm4)

This dataset has been created by EME GIS unit using the best available datasets at country scale and merged together at a global scale. The data has been validated by WFP RBs and COs. It is the official WFP reference for administrative boundaries.

ICA Armenia, 2016 - Estimated Numbers of Food Insecure People, 2010-2014 (geonode:arm_ica_estimatedfipeople_geonode_20160708)

This layer contains information about the estimates of food insecure population for long-term planning and the additional food insecure people in case of a major shock. Data source: Integrated Living Condition Surveys (ILCS) 2010-2014.

ICA Mali, 2017 - Most Predominant Livelihood Zones, 2014 (geonode:mli_ica_predlhz_geonode_20170606)

This layer contains information about the most predominant livelihood zones - by second-level administrative area - identified during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Mali in 2017. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data source: Fewsnet, 2014 Cette couche contient informations regard les zones de moyens d’existence prédominant – par unité administrative de deuxième niveau – identifiées pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Mali en 2017. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données: Fewsnet, 2014.

Implementation_Plan_Sudan_2020 (geonode:implementation_plan_sudan_2020)

WFP SUDAN Implementation plan for 2020: Includes all the beneficiaries ( IDPs, Refugees,Residence) under SOs activities and Sub Activities for 2020.

Average Beans production (MT) in Kenya: 2011-2014 (geonode:ken_phy_era_beanproduction_1)

The data shows beans production in Kenya over the period 2011 to 2014. The data was obtained from secondary sources (Economic Review of Agriculture and Abstracts) from the the Ministry of Agriculture and FAO in Kenya. The data details the yield (MT/Hectare), area harvested (Hectares) and production (MT). The data was obtained for supporting the analysis for the IGAD regional Atlas on Climate Risk and Food Security.

Global WFP Activities (ACR 2018) (geonode:wld_wfp_acrcountries_points_wfp_2018)

This layer is used to edit the data which are displayed in the interactive map of the ACR 2018 web platform.

ICA Sudan, 2018 - Natural Shock Risk (geonode:sdn_ica_naturalshockrisk_geonode_20180201)

This layer contains information about the natural shock risk (floods and droughts) estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed in Sudan in 2018. Data sources: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013, HQ VAM Analysis of CHIRPS Rainfall Estimates (RFE) 1982-2017.

south sudan access constraints shp for 20210129 (geonode:south_sudan_access_constraints_shp_20191122)

south sudan access constraints shp for 20210129

Madagascar streets and pathways (geonode:mdg_trs_streets_osm)

This dataset is an extraction of streets and pathways from OpenStreetMap data made by WFP that follow UNSDIT standards. The data is updated in near-real time from OSM servers and include all latest updates. NOTE: this dataset doesn't include main roads that have been published on a separate dataset (Madagascar Road Network (main roads)).

Global administrative boundaries, level 0 (Country) (geonode:_2020_global_adm0)

This dataset has been created by EME GIS unit using the best available datasets at country scale and merged together at a global scale. It is the official WFP reference for administrative boundaries.

ICA Tajikistan, 2015 - Flood Risk, 1998-2011 (geonode:tjk_nhr_floodfreq_geonode_20150215)

This layer contains information about the flood risk estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Tajikistan in 2015. Data source: Committee of Emergency Situations and Civil Defense (CoES CD), 1998-2011. The key indicator used for the analysis was the overall number of flood disasters.

Global Ports (geonode:wld_trs_ports_wfp)

This layer contains ports locations. This dataset brings together various public sources with WFP logistics information. It is updated regularly with inputs from WFP logistics but also from many partners through the Logistics Cluster and the Logistics Capacity Assessment (LCA: dlca.logcluster.org). The information is compiled at a global level by the Emergency and Preparedness Geospatial Information Unit at the World Food Programme (WFP) Headquarters in Rome, Italy. This dataset is at a global scale and is updated country by country. The last update date can be retrieved from the data of the country of interest. Feel free to contribute to this dataset by contacting hq.gis@wfp.org.

ICA Afghanistan, 2019 - Landslide hazard, 2013 (geonode:afg_ica_landslidehazard_geonode_20190516)

This layer contains information about the landslide hazard estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Afghanistan in 2019. Data source: UNEP/UNISDR Global Assessment of Risk (GAR), 2013. The key indicators used for the analysis were the percentage of surface area affected by landslide risk and the maximum expected frequency of landslide events.

ICA Chad, 2017 - ICA Categories & Areas (geonode:tcd_ica_categories_areas_geonode_mar2017)

This layer contains information about the final categorization resulting from the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed in Chad in 2017, showing the areas of convergence of high levels of food insecurity recurrence and major propensity to natural shocks (floods, droughts and landslides). The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and HQ GIS unit and Programme division. Cette couche contient informations regard la classification finale résultant de l'Analyse Integrée de Contexte (AIC) executée en Tchad en 2017, montrant les zones de convergence de niveaux elevés de récurrence d'insécurité alimentaire et propension aux chocs naturels (inondations, sècheresse et glissements de terrain). L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM.

ICA Sierra Leone, 2017 - Prevalence of Stunting, 2014 (geonode:sle_ica_malnutrition_geonode_20170517)

This layer contains information about the malnutrition status estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Sierra Leone in 2017. Data sources: Standardized Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transition (SMART), 2014. The main indicator used for the analysis was the prevalence of stunting in children aged below 5 years, classified according to the guidelines and thresholds suggested by the WHO. It should be noted that the data collection teams were unable to gather information for Bonthe and Kailahun districts because of restricted access caused by the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak.

Central African Republic, Bridges, February 2019 (geonode:caf_poi_bridgesstatus_lc_20190215)

This layer contains info on the status of bridges in C.A.R. The info are collected and updated by the Logistics Cluster IMO in Bangui.

ICA Burkina Faso, 2018 - Prevalence of Global Acute Malnutrition, 2016 (geonode:bfa_ica_malnutrition_geonode_20180712)

This layer contains information about the malnutrition levels - by first-level administrative unit - used for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Burkina Faso in 2018. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data source: Standardized Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transitions (SMART), 2013-2017 The main indicator used for the analysis was the prevalence of Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) and chronic Global Acute Malnutrition, with thresholds set according to the guidelines suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO). Cette couche contient informations regard les niveaux de malnutrition – par unité administrative de première niveau – observés pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Burkina Faso en 2018. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données: Standardized Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transitions (SMART), 2013-2017 Les indicateurs principaux utilisés pour l’analyse étaient la prévalence de Malnutrition Aigüe Globale (MAG) et de Malnutrition Aigüe Globale chronique, avec des seuils fixés selon les normes et la gamme de valeurs classés de l’OMS.

Availability: Domestic production of vegetables, National Statistics Committee 2014 (geonode:average_annual_vegetable_production_4)

No abstract provided

Access: Average daily per capita protein consumption, National Statistics Committee 2013 (geonode:protein_consumption)

No abstract provided

gh_hsd_stations_availablets_jfv_22092020 (geonode:gh_hsd_stations_availablets_jfv_22092020)

ICA Ecuador, 2018 - Drought Hazard, 2015 (geonode:ecu_ica_droughtrisk_geonode_jul2018)

This layer contains information about the drought hazard - by second-level administrative area - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Ecuador in 2018. Data source: Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganaderia, Acuacultura y Pesca (MAGAP), 2015. The methodology used to estimate the drought hazard included parameters such as the soil texture and ratio between the total precipitation and the average precipitation expected for a given region, whose classifications were combined into a final qualitative score. The main indicators used for the analysis were the percentage of surface at drought hazard and the most recurrent drought hazard class - according to MAGAP - by second-level administrative area.

ICA Afghanistan, 2019 - Estimates of Food Insecure People, 2007-2018 (geonode:afg_ica_estimatedfipeople_geonode_20190516)

This layer contains information about the number of food insecure people calculated out of the food security assessments used in the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Afghanistan in 2019. Data sources: The key indicators used for the purposes of the analysis were the percentage of food insecure people for long-term planning and the numbers of additional food insecure people in case of a major shock.

acled_incidents_syria (geonode:acled_incidents_syria)

ICA Senegal, 2017 - Projected Population, 2016 (geonode:sen_ica_population_geonode_20170508)

This layer contains information about the projected population figures - by second-level administrative area - estimated for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Senegal in 2017. Data source: WFP Senegal Country Office, 2016. The main indicator used for the analysis was the projected population figures for 2016. Cette couche contient informations regard le nombre de personne projeté - par unité administrative deuxième niveau - utilisé par l'Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Senegal en 2017. Source des données: WFP Bureau du Pays, 2016. L'indicateur principale utilisé pour l'analyse était le la population projetée en 2016 par unité administrative de deuxième niveau.

Yemen locations (geonode:yem_locations)

No abstract provided

CAR, Bacs de franchissement, December 2017 (geonode:caf_trs_bacs_wfp_20170809)

this layer contains information on 'bacs de franchissement' in CAR as of December 2017. The info have been collected in the Country from Logistics Cluster IM.

Cambodia WFP School Feeding Programme Locations (geonode:khm_wfp_beneficiarieslocation_wfp_2019)

This layer contains information about location of schools implementing school feeding in Cambodia. Data Source: WFP and Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport.

Sudan Central Jabal Mara GFD (geonode:sdn_poi_cjm_gfd_wfp)

Central Darfur , Central Jabal Mara General Food Distribution 2019

Availability: Domestic production of potatoes, National Statistics Committee 2014 (geonode:average_annual_potato_production_1)

No abstract provided

ICA Sierra Leone, 2017 - ICA Categories & Areas (geonode:sle_ica_categories_areas_geonode_20170517)

This layer contains information about the final categorization resulting from the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Sierra Leone in 2017. The final categorization shows areas of convergence between high recurrence of food insecurity and propensity to natural shocks

Mozambique, Survey data for Kenneth Cyclone (geonode:moz_poi_kennethsurvey_wfp)

This layer contains the data from this map: http://unwfp.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/dbf6b43380a74107975bf06b51985348

2020 Global Bnd Line (geonode:_2020_global_bnd_line)

This dataset has been created by EME GIS unit using the best available datasets at country scale and merged together at a global scale. The data has been validated by WFP RBs and COs. It is the official WFP reference for administrative boundaries. It also includes the official international boundaries published by UNMap. The data contains all line boundaries for all administrative levels and is meant to be used for cartographic purposes.

ICA South Sudan, 2016 - ICA Categories & Areas (geonode:ssd_ica_categories_areas_geonode_feb2016)

This layer contains information about the final categorization resulting from the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA), run in South Sudan in 2016, showing areas of convergence between high recurrence of food insecurity and high propensity to natural shocks (floods and droughts).

ICA Honduras, 2017 - ICA Categories & Areas (geonode:hnd_ica_categories_areas_geonode_may2017)

This layer contains information about the final classification resulting from the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Honduras in 2017, showing areas of convergence between high levels of economic fragility, used as a proxy for food insecurity, and propensity to natural shocks (floods, landslides and droughts).

Global Financial Services by Region (geonode:wld_bnd_admin1_gaul2015_finance_geonode)

Layer populated by Finance (Business Development Cash-Based Transfers (CBT) Branch). Data on beneficiaries (if available), Bank branches, ATM and Postal Branches by Region (administrative level one) - Reference Geometry: GAUL 2015

ICA South Sudan, 2016 - Most Predominant Livelihood Zones, 2008 (geonode:ssd_ica_predlhz_geonode_feb2016)

This layer contains information about the most predominant livelihood zones - by second-level administrative area - identified during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in South Sudan in 2016. Data source: Fewsnet, 2008.

ICA Tajikistan, 2015 - Mudflow Risk, 1998-2011 (geonode:tjk_nhr_mudflowfreq_geonode_20150215)

This layer contains information about the mudflow risk estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Tajikistan in 2015. Data source: Committee of Emergency Situations and Civil Defense (CoES CD), 1998-2011. The key indicator used for the analysis was the overall number of mudflow/flash flood disasters.

Global Earthquakes Epicenters - Last 14 Days (geonode:wld_nhrpub_adameqepic14days_wfp)

This layer contains earthquake epicenters of the last 14 days. The layer its produced through ADAM and gets updated every five minutes. Among other, it contains information related to the magnitude of the earthquake, the depth of the epicenter, the place, the nearest WFP facility and an estimate of the population affected in 15, 30 and 50 km radius.

ICA Burundi, 2014 - Livelihood Zones, 2009 (geonode:bdi_pop_livelihoodzones_geonode_20150212)

This layer contains the eight main livelihood zones identified and used during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Burundi between 2014 and 2015. Data source: FSMS, 2009. Cette couche contient les huit zones de moyens d'existence identifiées pendant l'Analyse Integrée de Contexte (AIC) executée au Burundi entre 2014 et 2015. Source des données: FSMS, 2009.

geocoding_result_5 (geonode:geocoding_result_5)

No abstract provided

Spatial Data Infrastructure - Roll out status (SDI) (geonode:world_spatial_data_infrastructure_ii)

No abstract provided

Global Stations (geonode:wld_trs_stations_wfp)

This layer contains information about train stations, bus stations and ferry terminals in some countries where WFP operates. The data are collected and reported either by the COs officers or other external sources (OSM data, Bing maps, Global Discovery etc.) Along with the location the dataset contains information related to the current status of each station/terminal (Open, Unknown), the size of the station etc. *IMPORTANT*: Note that the location precision and the date of the obstacles is described in the attribute table for each feature. Please use this information carefully and check that the information is up-to-date. Feel free to contribute to this dataset by contacting hq.gis@wfp.org.

ICA Dominican Republic, 2017 - Cyclone Risk, 2013 (geonode:dom_nhr_cyclonerisk_geonode_20170412)

This layer contains information about the cyclone risk estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Dominican Republic in 2017. Data source: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013. The key indicator used for the analysis was the maximum expected frequency of cyclone events by municipality.

FFA Mozambique_Manica (geonode:mozambique_ffa_mozambique_manica)

No abstract provided

Global WFP Facilities (geonode:wld_poi_facilities_wfp)

This layer contains the WFP Facilities such as Country Offices, Sub-Offices, Field Offices, Area Offices, Humanitarian Response Depots etc. Along with the location of the Facilities other information are provided such as WFP Region, status (open/closed), location precision etc. Any attributes which are blank or '0' had no data entered at the time of release. Its possible to contribute by giving your inputs at hq.gis@wfp.org.

ICA Tanzania, 2015 - Rapid On-Set Shocks Risk, 2011 (geonode:tza_nhr_rapidonsetshocksrisk_geonode_20150824)

This layer contains information about the rapid on-set shocks risk (floods and landslides) estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Tanzania in 2015. Data source: UNEP/UNISDR GAR, 2011. The two Low/Medium/High classifications for flood and landslide risk have been combined together and merged to yield a single risk classification.

ICA Lesotho, 2015 - Drought Risk, 1998-2013 (geonode:lso_nhr_droughtrisk_geonode_20150731)

This layer contains information about the drought risk estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Lesotho in 2015. Data source: HQ VAM Analysis of NDVI data, 1998-2013. The key indicator used for the analysis was the average number of drought events.

ICA Senegal, 2017 - Natural Shocks Risk (geonode:sen_ica_naturalshocksrisk_geonode_20170508)

This layer contains information about the natural shock risk (floods and droughts) estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed in Senegal in 2017. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD), the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data sources: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013, HQ VAM Analysis of CHIRPS Rainfall Estimates (RFE) 1981-2015. Cette couche contient informations regard le risque des chocs naturels (inondations et sècheresse) estimé pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Senegal en 2017. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données : UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013, HQ VAM Analyse des données CHIRPS d’estimation des precipitations 1981-2015.

Mozambique survey data (geonode:moz_poi_survey123_wfp)

Daily extract of Mozambique survey made by WFP to track access constraints

ICA Philippines, 2014 - Recurrence of Poverty Incidence, 2006-2012 (geonode:phl_ica_povertyrecurrence_geonode_mar2014)

This layer contains information about the recurrence of poverty incidence - by second-level administrative area - observed during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in the Philippines in 2014. Data sources: Philippines National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB), 2006-2012. It should be noted that, in absence of national food security information, poverty data has been used as a proxy to food insecurity - assuming that families below the poverty line are likely to be food insecure. Also, in the Philippines official methodology, the poverty line may be viewed as the minimum income required to meet food requirements as well as non-food basic needs. The main indicator used for the analysis was the recurrence of poverty incidence, with a threshold set to 30% of the families to represent 1 out of 3 people below the poverty line.

ICA Mozambique, 2017 - Flood Hazard, 1975-2012 (geonode:moz_nhr_floodhazard_geonode_20170623)

This layer contains information about the flood hazard estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Mozambique in 2017. Data source: Fewsnet 1975-2012, Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance (DRFI), 2012. The indicators used for the analysis were the percentage of flood extent and a qualitative classification of the district at high or very high flood risk. It should be noted that the analysis did not consider information about the flood frequency and that, in the last 5 years, flood patterns are changing and affecting the northern part of the country, which is not registering extreme flood events anymore.

ICA Afghanistan, 2016 & 2019 - Flood Hazard, 2009 (geonode:afg_ica_floodrisk_geonode_20160617)

This layer contains information about the flood risk estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Afghanistan in 2016. The results are still valid for the new ICA performed in 2019. Data source: NATO Global Hazard Model (GHM), 2009. The key indicators used for the analysis were the percentage of surface affected by flood risk and the maximum depth recorded during the flood events.

RBB WFP ACR Countries 2019 (geonode:rbb_wfp_acrcountries_2019)

No abstract provided

Availability: Average annual potato yield, National Statistics Committee 2014 (geonode:average_annual_potato_yield_1)

No abstract provided

First Level Admin Capitals Polygon (geonode:col_first_level_capital_r)

This layer provides the First Level Admin Capitals from Colombia, this was made for the "National Administrative Department of Statistics" (DANE)

Global Emergency Levels for OPWEB (geonode:csp_iso2_type_1)

No abstract provided

ICA Pakistan, 2017 - Drought Hazard, 1951-2010 (geonode:pak_ica_droughtrisk_geonode_apr2017)

This layer contains information about the drought risk estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed in Pakistan in 2017. Data source: National Drought Monitoring Centre of the Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD), 1951-2010. The key indicator used for the analysis was a drought hazard index based on SPI data.

ICA Armenia, 2016 - Food Insecurity Recurrence, 2010-2014 (geonode:arm_ica_foodinsecurity_geonode_20160708)

This layer contains information about the food insecurity recurrence and variability estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Armenia in 2016. Data source: Integrated Living Condition Surveys (ILCS), 2010-2014. The key indicator used is the food security classification developed under the Comprehensive Food Security Vulnerability and Nutrition Analysis (CFSVNA), considering a 15% threshold since only severe food insecurity was used for the analysis.

ICA Burkina Faso, 2018 - Flood Risk, 2013 (geonode:bfa_ica_floodrisk_geonode_20180712)

This layer contains information about the flood risk - by first-level administrative area - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Burkina Faso in 2018. The analysis is the result of a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data sources: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013. The main indicators used for the analysis were the percentage of district surface at flood risk and the maximum expected frequency of flood events with a 100-year return period. Cette couche contient informations regard le risque d’inondations – par unité administrative de première niveau – estimée pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Burkina Faso en 2018. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données : UNEP/UNISDR GAR, 2013. Les indicateurs principaux utilisées pour l’analyse étaient la pourcentage de surface a risuqe d’inondation et l’attente maximale attendue des inondations.

sdn_poi_nd_ffa_wfp (geonode:sdn_poi_nd_ffa_wfp)

No abstract provided

Afganistan Roads (geonode:afg_trs_roads_wfp)

This layers shows roads in Afghanistan

Active Tropical Storm Tracks (geonode:wld_nhr_adamtstrackscurrent_wfp)

This layer depicts active tropical storms. The track shows the estimated direction of the tropical storm's track. The data come from GDACS (European Commission Joint Research Center) and further analysis is applied by the WFP OSEP GIS. The layer is updated automatically. If there are no active storms, no data are displayed (pink tiles).

sen_ch_november_2017_phases (geonode:sen_ch_november_2017_phases)

No abstract provided

ICA Afghanistan, 2019 - Prevalence of Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM), 2018 (geonode:afg_ica_malnutrition_geonode_20190516)

This layer contains information about the malnutrition levels observed during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Afghanistan in 2019. Data source: Afghanistan Health Survey (AHS), 2018. The key indicator used for the purposes of the analysis was the prevalence of Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) in children below 5 years of age.

ICA Eswatini, 2019 - Drought hazard, 1981-2018 (geonode:swz_ica_adm2_droughthazard_20190930)

This layer contains information about the drought hazard - by second-level administrative area - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Eswatini in 2019. Data source: HQ VAM Analysis of CHIRPS Rainfall Estimates (RFE), 1981-2015. The main indicator used for the analysis was the number of poor growing seasons observed in the time window of interest.

nga_poi_ls_msus_mod (geonode:nga_poi_ls_msus_mod)

No abstract provided

FFA Mozambique_Inhambane (geonode:mozambique_ffa_mozambique_maputo)

No abstract provided

ICA Armenia, 2016 & 2017 - Flood Risk, 2013 (geonode:arm_ica_floodrisk_geonode_20171002)

This layer contains information about the flood risk estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Armenia in 2016. The results are still valid for the ICA update performed in 2017. Data source: UNEP/UNISDR Global Assessment of Risk (GAR) 2013. The key indicators used for the analysis are the percentage of flood affected surface and the maximum expected frequency of flood events (with a 100-years return time period).

World Humanitarian Topographic Layer (geonode:view_wld_grid_100ka1_wfp)

No abstract provided

Availability, Net per capita wheat production / Per capita normative consumption (geonode:kgz_bnd_adm3_fsa_bazarkorgon_2)

No abstract provided

Central African Republic, Bridges, January 2019 (geonode:caf_poi_bridgesstatus_lc_20190103)

this layer contains information regarding the status of the intervention on bridges in CAR as of January 2019. The info have been collected in the Country from Logistics Cluster IM.

Availability, Net wheat production per capita per day (gram) (geonode:kgz_bnd_adm3_fsa_bazarkorgon_1)

No abstract provided

ICA Haiti, 2017 - Drought Risk, 1998-2010 (geonode:hti_nhr_admin1_droughtrisk_geonode_20170417)

This layer contains information about the drought risk estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Haiti in 2017. Data source: MultiRisk Analysis using 1998-2010 data, realized by WFP with OCHA and CNIGS in 2014. This analysis is part of the "Analysis of Multiple Natural Hazards in Haiti (NATHAT)". The key indicator used for the analysis was the number of documented drought events recorded during the 20th century. Cette couche contient informations regard le risque de sècheresse estimé pendant l'Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) effectuée en Haiti en 2017. Source des données: Analyse Multi Risque, 1998-2010, realisée par le PAM avec OCHA et CNIGS en 2014. L'analyse fait partie du document "Analysis of Multiple Natural Hazards in Haiti (NATHAT)". L'indicateur principal utilisé pour l'analyse était le nombre de tempêtes/cyclones lequels ont eu lieu en le vingtième siècle.

Availability, Net potato production per capita per day (gram) (geonode:kgz_bnd_adm3_fsa_bazarkorgon_4)

No abstract provided

ICA Mali, 2014 - Food Insecurity and Malnutrition Trend, 2005-2013 (geonode:mli_ica_adm2_firecurrence_geonode_jun2014)

This layer contains information about the food insecurity and malnutrition trend observed during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Mali in 2014. Data sources: Comprehensive Food Security Vulnerability Analysis (CFSVA) 2005-2009, EBSAN 2007-2008, Emergency Food Security Assessment (EFSA) 2011-2013, Fewsnet, Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) 2006-2012/13, Standardized Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transition (SMART) 2011-2013, MIC 2010. The main indicators used for the analysis were, among others, the Fewsnet food security classification, the number of food security rounds where more than 30% of the households were found in conditions of food insecurity and the prevalence of Global Acute Malnutrition above 10%. Cette couche contient les données d’une analyse de tendance de la sécurité alimentaire et malnutrition – par unité administrative de deuxième niveau – employée pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Mali en 2014. Sources des données: Comprehensive Food Security Vulnerability Analysis (CFSVA) 2005-2009, EBSAN 2007-2008, Emergency Food Security Assessment (EFSA) 2011-2013, Fewsnet, Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) 2006-2012/13, Standardized Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transition (SMART) 2011-2013, MIC 2010. Les indicateurs principaux utilisés pour l’analyse étaient, parmi d'autres, la classification Fewsnet d'insécurité alimentaire, le nombre de sondages avec au-dessus de 30% des ménages en conditions d'insécurité alimentaire et la prévalence de Malnutrition Aïgue Globale (MAG).

ICA Mauritania, 2017 - Estimated Numbers of Food Insecure People, 2011-2015 (geonode:mrt_ica_estimatedfipeople_geonode_20181022)

This layer contains information about the numbers of food insecure people - by first-level administrative unit - estimated for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Mauritania in 2017. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data source: Food Security Monitoring System (FSMS), 2011-2015. The main indicators used for the analysis are the percentage of food insecure population for long-term planning, the most vulnerable food insecure people and the additional population figures in case of a major shock. Cette couche contient informations regard les nombres de personnes exposées à l'insécurité alimentaire - par unité administrative de première niveau - employées pendant l'Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Mauritanie en 2017. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données: Food Security Monitoring System (FSMS), 2011-2015. Les indicateurs principaux utilisés pour l'analyse étaient la pourcentage de population exposée à l'insécurité alimentaire pour la planification à long-terme, la population la plus vulnerable et le nombre de personnes supplémentaires en cas de choc.

sdn_poi_wcd_tsfp_wfp (geonode:sdn_poi_wcd_tsfp_wfp)

No abstract provided

Availability, Domestic production of potatoes (geonode:kgz_bnd_adm3_fsa_bazarkorgon_3)

No abstract provided

GLOFAS_Reporting_points (geonode:GLOFAS_Reporting_points)

Access: Poverty incidence excluding income from remittances, National Statistics Committee 2013 (geonode:poverty_incidence_exc)

No abstract provided

Global Country Strategic Plan by Admin 0 (geonode:csp_iso2_type)

CSP Data . Administrative Boundaries Source: Geoenabler

Availability, Domestic production of oil seeds (geonode:kgz_bnd_adm3_fsa_bazarkorgon_9)

No abstract provided

FFA Mozambique_Sofala (geonode:mozambique_ffa_mozambique_sofala)

No abstract provided

ICA Malawi, 2014 - Estimated Numbers of Food Insecure People, 2009-2013 (geonode:mwi_wfp_estimatedfipeople_geonode_20140612)

This layer contains information about the estimated numbers of food insecure people used in the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Malawi in 2014. Data source: Malawi Vulnerability Assessment Committee (MVAC) & Household Economic Analysis (HEA), 2009-2013. The key indicators used for the analysis were the food insecure population figures and percentages.

Availability, Domestic production of vegetables (geonode:kgz_bnd_adm3_fsa_bazarkorgon_6)

No abstract provided

Availability, Net per capita potato production / Per capita normative consumption (geonode:kgz_bnd_adm3_fsa_bazarkorgon_5)

No abstract provided

Availability, Domestic production of corn (geonode:kgz_bnd_adm3_fsa_bazarkorgon_8)

No abstract provided

ICA Syrian Arab Republic, 2020 - Prevalence of Global Acute Malnutrition, 2018 (geonode:syr_ica_malnutrition_geonode_20200305)

This layer contains information about the malnutrition levels - by first-level administrative unit - used for the purposes of update of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in the Syrian Arab Republic in 2020. Data source: World Health Organization (WHO), 2018. The main indicator used for the analysis was the prevalence of Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM), with thresholds set according to the guidelines suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Availability, Domestic production of barley (geonode:kgz_bnd_adm3_fsa_bazarkorgon_7)

No abstract provided

ICA Armenia, 2016 - Drought Risk, 2011-2015 (geonode:arm_ica_droughtrisk_geonode_20160708)

This layer contains information about the drought risk estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Armenia in 2016. Data source: HQ VAM Analysis of CHIRPS Rainfall Estimates, 2011-2015. The key indicators used for the analysis were the percentage of surface affected by drought risk and the overall number of poor growing seasons.

ICA Armenia, 2017 - Estimated Numbers of Food Insecure People, 2010-2015 (geonode:arm_ica_estimatedfipeople_geonode_20171002)

This layer contains information about the estimates of food insecure population for long-term planning and the additional food insecure people in case of a major shock. Data source: Integrated Living Condition Surveys (ILCS) 2010-2015.

Global Railways (geonode:wld_trs_railways_wfp)

This layer contains the railway network. This dataset brings together various sources such as OpenStreetMap, American Digital Cartography, Global Discovery, VAM data from different COs etc. It is updated regularly with inputs from WFP logistics but also from many partners through the Logistics Cluster and the Logistics Capacity Assessment (LCA: dlca.logcluster.org). The information is compiled at a global level by the Emergency and Preparedness Geospatial Information Unit at the World Food Programme (WFP) Headquarters in Rome, Italy. This dataset is at a global scale and is updated country by country. Feel free to contribute to this dataset by contacting hq.gis@wfp.org.

ICA Malawi, 2014 - ICA Categories & Areas (geonode:mwi_ica_categories_areas_geonode_20140612)

This layer contains information about the final categorization resulting from the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Malawi in 2014, showing areas of convergence between recurrence of food insecurity and high propensity to natural shocks.

ICA Sudan, 2018 - Most Predominant Livelihood Zones, 2014 (geonode:sdn_ica_predlhz_geonode_20180201)

This layer contains information about the most predominant livelihood zones - by second-level administrative area - identified during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Sudan in 2018. Data source: Fewsnet, 2011

ICA Eswatini, 2019 - ICA Categories & Areas (geonode:swz_ica_adm2_categories_areas_20190930)

This layer contains information about the final classification deriving from the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Eswatini in 2019, showing the areas of convergence between recurrence of food insecurity and propensity to natural shocks (floods and droughts).

ICA Sierra Leone, 2017 - Recently Food Insecure Population, 2015 (geonode:sle_ica_admin3_recentfoodinsecurity_geonode_20170517)

This layer contains information about the percentage of food insecure population - by third-level administrative unit - identified during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Sierra Leone in 2017. Data sources: Comprehensive Food Security and Vulnerability Analysis (CFSVA), 2015. The key indicator used for the analysis was the percentage of total food insecure people based on the Consolidated Approach for Reporting Indicators of food security (CARI). Specifically, for the purposes of the ICA, the chiefdoms with more than 70% of food insecure people have been mapped on top of the ICA Areas and Categories.

ICA Pakistan, 2017 - Flood Hazard, 1950-2015 (geonode:pak_ica_floodrisk_geonode_apr2017)

This layer contains information about the flood risk estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed in Pakistan in 2017. The indicator used was the number of flood events recorded between 1950 and 2015 and the severity by which they were affected by the super-flood in 2010. Source: National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA) for Pakistan.

ICA Tanzania, 2015 - Flood Risk, 2011 (geonode:tza_nhr_floodrisk_geonode_20150824)

This layer contains information about the flood risk estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Tanzania in 2015 by first-level administrative area. Data source: UNEP/UNISDR, 2011. The key indicators used for the analysis were the maximum expected frequency of flood events - with a 100-year return period - and the percentage of district surface exposed to flood risk.

Kyrgyzstan Landslide Risk (geonode:landslide)

No abstract provided

Afghanistan- Percentage of Food Insecure Population by District - ALCS 2016/17 (geonode:afg_wfp_alcs_dist_geonode)

District level food security data based on AFGHANISTAN LIVING CONDITIONS SURVEY (ALCS) 2016-17.

Darfur_IDPs_Refugees_Camps_Settlements_2020 (geonode:darfur_idps_refugees_2020)

The Data set displays IDPs and Refugees camps and settlements in Darfur Region.

ICA Burundi, 2014 - Drought Risk, 1999-2013 (geonode:bdi_nhr_droughtrisk_geonode_20150212)

This layer contains information about the drought risk - by livelihood zone - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Burundi between 2014 and 2015. Data source: HQ VAM Analysis of NDVI data, 1999-2013. The key indicator used for the analysis was the number of poor growing seasons during the time frame of interest. Cette couche contient informations regard le risque de sècheresse - par zones de moyens d'existence - estimé pendant l'Analyse Integrée de Contexte (AIC) executé au Burundi entre 2014 et 2015. Source des données: HQ VAM Analyse de NDVI données, 1999-2013. L'indicateur principale utilisé pour l'analyse était le nombre de saison qui ont connu un déficit hydrique (mauvaises saisons de croissance).

ICA Dominican Republic, 2017 - Natural Shocks Risk (geonode:dom_nhr_naturalshocksrisk_geonode_20170412)

This layer contains information about the combined natural shocks risk (floods, landslides, cyclones and droughts) estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Dominican Republic in 2017. Data source: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2011 & 2013, NASA MODIS 2000-2015.

ICA Afghanistan, 2019 - Land Degradation, 2001-2016 (geonode:afg_ica_landdegradation_geonode_20190516)

This layer contains information about the land degradation phenomenon - by second-level administrative area - observed for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Afghanistan in 2019. Data sources: HQ OSE GIS Analysis of NASA MODIS 2001-2016, WorldClim 1970-2000, FAO and NASA SRTM Digital Elevation Model data. The main indicators used for the analysis were the average ecological changes observed between 2001-2006 and 2011-2016 and the percentage of erosion-prone surface.

ICA Democratic Republic of Congo, 2017 - Inter-annual Rainfall Variability, 1981-2015 (geonode:cod_ica_regional_rainfallvariability_geonode_20170516)

This layer contains information about the interannual rainfall variability estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Democratic Republic of Congo in 2017. The analysis was performed in three hot-spot provinces in the north-east part of the country (Ituri, Nord-Kivu and Sud-Kivu) because of the recent conflict outbreak and increasing food insecurity levels. Data source: HQ VAM Analysis of CHIRPS Rainfall Estimates (RFE), 1981-2015. The main indicator used for the analysis was the maximum percentage of rainfall variability compared to the long-term average. Cette couche contient informations regard la variabilité interannulle des précipitations estimée pendant l'Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en République Démocratique du Congo en 2017. L'analyse a été executée dans trois provinces critiques dans le secteur nord-est du pays (Ituri, Nord-Kivu et Sud-Kivu) en raison du récent déclenchement des conflits et des croissants niveaux d'insécurité alimentaire. Source des donnés: HQ VAM Analyse de CHIRPS estimations des précipitations, 1981-2015. L'indicateur principal utilisé pour l'analyse était la pourcentage maxime de variabilité par rapport à la moyenne à long terme.

ICA Mali, 2017 - Recurrence of Food Insecurity, 2013-2017 (geonode:mli_ica_firecurrence_geonode_20170606)

This layer contains information about the food security trend analysis - by second-level administrative unit - used for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Mali in 2017. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data source: Enquête Nationale de la Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutritionnelle (ENSAN) 2014-2017, Emergency Food Security Analysis (EFSA) 2013. The main indicator used for the analysis was the CARI (Consolidated Approach to Reporting Indicators of Food Security) indicator, with a threshold - referring to moderately and severely food insecure households - set to 22.5%. Cette couche contient les données d’une analyse de tendance de la sécurité alimentaire – par unité administrative de deuxième niveau – employée pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Mali en 2017. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données: Enquête Nationale de la Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutritionnelle (ENSAN) 2014-2017, Emergency Food Security Analysis (EFSA) 2013. L’indicateur principale utilisé pour l’analyse était l’indicateur CARI (Consolidated Approach to Reporting Indicators of Food Security), avec un seuil – mesuré par le menages en insécurité alimentaire modérée et sévère – fixé à 22.5%.

Global Administrative Boundaries - Provinces, Gaul 2015 (geonode:admin_2_gaul_2015_old)

Provinces of countries from Gaul 2015. The GAUL compiles and disseminates the best available information on administrative units for all the countries in the world, providing a contribution to the standardization of the spatial dataset representing administrative units.

Afghanistan Conflict Hot spots Areas (geonode:afg_conflicthotspots_wikileaks)

Areas reporting conflict over past decade Public Sources including ACLED and WIKILEAKS

ssd_pop_foodinsecurity_fsms (geonode:ssd_pop_foodinsecurity_fsms)

No abstract provided

ICA Haiti, 2017 - Natural Shocks Risk, 1998-2010 (geonode:hti_nhr_naturalshocksrisk_geonode_20170417)

This layer contains information about the combined natural shocks risk (floods, landslides, cyclones and drought) estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Haiti in 2017. Data source: MultiRisk Analysis using 1998-2010 data, realized by WFP with OCHA and CNIGS in 2014. This analysis is part of the "Analysis of Multiple Natural Hazards in Haiti (NATHAT)". Cette couche contient informations regard le risque combiné des chocs naturels (inondations, glissements de terrain, cyclones et sècheresse) estimé pendant l'Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) effectuée en Haiti en 2017. Source des données: Analyse Multi Risque, 1998-2010, realisée par le PAM avec OCHA et CNIGS en 2014. L'analyse fait partie du document "Analysis of Multiple Natural Hazards in Haiti (NATHAT)".

lugares_poblados_final_spati (geonode:lugares_poblados_final_spati)

No abstract provided

ICA Armenia, 2016 - Natural Shocks Risk (geonode:arm_ica_naturalshocksrisk_geonode_20160708)

This layer contains information about the risk of natural shocks (floods, mudflows and droughts) estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Armenia in 2016. Data source: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013, Armenia Hydrometeorological Monitoring Service 2012, HQ VAM Analysis of CHIRPS RFE 2011-2015.

ICA Dominican Republic, 2017 - Land Degradation, 2001-2012 (geonode:dom_phy_landdegradation_geonode_20170420)

This layer contains information about the land degradation phenomenon observed during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Dominican Republic in 2017. Data source: NASA MODIS, 2001-2012. The key indicators used for the analysis were the average ecological changes observed between 2001 and 2012 and the percentage of erosion-prone surface.

ICA Sierra Leone, 2017 - Most Predominant Livelihood Zones, 2016 (geonode:sle_ica_predlhz_geonode_20170517)

This layer contains information about the most predominant livelihood zones - by second-level administrative unit - identified during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Sierra Leone in 2017. Data sources: Fewsnet, 2016.

administrative boundaries Venezuela - District (adm.3) (geonode:ven_admbnda_adm3_20180502)

The source of this information comes from the National Statistics Institute through the Humanitarian Data Exchange and OCHA FISS.

ICA Sierra Leone, 2017 - Recurrence of Food Insecurity, 2011-2017 (geonode:sle_ica_firecurrence_geonode_20170517)

This layer contains information about the recurrence of food insecurity observed during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Sierra Leone in 2017. Data souce: Comprehensive Food Security and Vulnerability Analysis (CFSVA) 2011-2015, Cadre Harmonise 2015-2017. It should be noted that two data sources, with different food security classification methodologies, have been used for the purposes of this analysis. The two main indicators used for the analysis were: - the poor Food Consumption Score, developed under the CFSVA, with a threshold set to 20% because it represents the national average according to the 2015 survey; - the number of times that an IPC Phase 3 or above was experienced in each district within the time window considered.

Honduras - Physical road access constraints, 16 December 2020 (geonode:hnd_trs_accessconstraints_20201129)

Physical road access constraints - as of 16 December 2020 - following TS IOTA.

ICA Tajikistan, 2015 - Land Degradation, 2001-2012 (geonode:tjk_phy_landdegradation_geonode_20150215)

This layer contains information about the land degradation phenomenon estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Tajikistan in 2015. Data source: NASA MODIS 2001-2012, FAO, NASA SRTM Digital Elevation Model (500m resolution). The key indicators used for the analysis were the average land cover change observed in the reference time frame and percentage of district area affected by erosion.

District Accessibility for WFP and WFP Partners - January 2016 (geonode:afg_wfp_access_20161801_1)

Accessibility information by WFP Operation/Security Units, January 15, 2016

vientos_iota (geonode:vientos_iota)

ICA Haiti, 2017 - Estimated Numbers of Food Insecure People, 2007-2016 (geonode:hti_wfp_estimatedfipeople_geonode_20170417)

This layer contains information about the food insecure population figures estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Haiti in 2017. Data source: 5 food security assessments, performed between 2007 and 2016, with the contribution of several organizations. Cette couche contient informations regard le nombre de personnes en situation d'insécurité alimentaire estimé pendant l'Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) effectuée en Haiti en 2017. Source des données: 5 enquêtes d'insécurité alimentaire, menées entre 2007 et 2016, par nombreuses organizations.

south_sudan_access_constraints_shp_20191122 (geonode:south_sudan_access_constraints_shp_201911221)

DRC Admin Boundaries Level 2 (geonode:cod_adm2_un)

This layer includes Administrative Boundaries Level 2 as per the standard structure of the GeoEnabler project.

Afghanistan Access Issues since September 2015 (geonode:afg_wfp_access_may2016)

Analysis of access constraints, accessibility & (when available) the predominant groups of control.

wld_eq_historical (prism:wld_eq_historical)

TEST WFP Activities 2017 for ACR mapping (geonode:pakistan)

this layer has been uploaded to test use of interactive mapping for CSP

World Location Data (geonode:wld_loc)

World Location Data 8th November 2019

ICA Dominican Republic, 2017 - Flood Risk, 2011 (geonode:dom_nhr_floodrisk_geonode_20170412)

This layer contains information about the flood risk estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Dominican Republic in 2017. Data source: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2011, flood vulnerability map by the Minister for the Environment, 1998. The key indicators used for the analysis were the maximum expected frequency of flood events and the percentage of flood affected area by municipality.

Global Obstacles (geonode:wld_trs_obstacles_wfp)

This dataset contains points of physical obstacles limiting the physical access of roads, railways or waterways. The locations contained are mainly reported by the Logistics Cluster IM officers, WFP staff or any other external sources. *IMPORTANT*: Note that the location precision and the date of the obstacles is described in the attribute table for each feature. Please use this information carefully and check that the information is up-to-date.

ICA South Sudan, 2016 - Drought Risk, 1998-2014 (geonode:ssd_ica_droughtrisk_geonode_feb2016)

This layer contains information about the drought risk - by second-level administrative area - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in South Sudan in 2016. Data source: HQ VAM Analysis of NDVI data, 1998-2014. The main indicators used for the analysis were the most prelevant number of poor growing seasons and the percentage of surface area affected by one or more poor growing seasons.

ICA Syrian Arab Republic, 2020 - Conflict Intensity, Nov 2019-Feb 2020 (geonode:syr_ica_conflict_geonode_20200305_1)

This layer contains information about the conflict intensity observed during the update of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in the Syrian Arab Republic in 2020. Data source: ACLED, 2019-2020. The key indicators used for the analysis were the number of security incidents - with related fatalities - recorded by Acled in the period between November 2019 and February 2020, and the number of security incidents - with related fatalities - involving IEDs.

ICA Mali, 2017 - Estimated Population Figures, 2015 (geonode:mli_ica_districtpop_geonode_20170606)

This layer contains information about the population figures - by second-level administrative area - estimated for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Mali in 2017. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data source: Landscan, 2015. Cette couche contient informations regard la distribution de la population – par unité administrative de deuxième niveau – estimée pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Mali en 2017. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données: Landscan, 2015.

Nigeria streets and pathways (geonode:nga_trs_streets_osm)

This dataset is an extraction of streets and pathways from OpenStreetMap data made by WFP that follows UNSDIT standards. The data is updated in near-real time from OSM servers and include all latest updates. NOTE: this dataset doesn't include main roads that have been published on a separate dataset (Nigeria Road Network (main roads)).

Papua New Guinea Admin Boundaries Level 3 (LLGs) (geonode:png_adm3_un)

This layer includes administrative boundaries level 3 as per the standard structure of the GeoEnabler project.

vientos_eta (geonode:vientos_eta)

ICA Afghanistan, 2016 - Estimated Numbers of Food Insecure People, 2007/08-2014 (geonode:afg_ica_estimatedfipeople_geonode_20160617)

This layer contains informaton about the estimated number of food insecure people for long-term planning deriving from the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Afghanistan in 2016. Data source: NRVA 2007/08, ALCS 2011/12, ALCS 2014.

moz_sec_conflicts_2016 (geonode:moz_sec_conflicts_2016)

No abstract provided

Colombia - First Level Admin Boundaries (geonode:col_first_level_admin_boundaries)

This layer provides the First Level Admin Boundaries from Colombia, this was made for the "National Administrative Department of Statistics" (DANE)

ICA Tanzania, 2015 - ICA-Coded Human Settlements (geonode:tza_pop_icacodedsettlements_geonode_20150824)

This layer contains information about the main human settlements , codified by the ICA Categories of the relative region, used in the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Tanzania in 2015.

Stability: Recurrence of mudflows, Ministry of Emergency Situations 2009 (geonode:recurrence_of_mudfloods)

No abstract provided

ICA Chad, 2017 - Most Predominant Livelihood Zones, 2011 (geonode:tcd_ica_predlhz_geonode_mar2017)

This layer contains information about the most predominant livelihood zones - by second-level administrative area - identified during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Chad in 2017. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data source: Fewsnet, 2011. Cette couche contient informations regard les zones de moyens d’existence prédominant – par unité administrative de deuxième niveau – identifiées pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Tchad en 2017. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données: Fewsnet, 2011.

ICA Haiti, 2017 - Cyclone Risk, 1998-2010 (geonode:hti_nhr_cyclonerisk_geonode_20170417)

This layer contains information about the cyclone risk estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Haiti in 2017. Data source: MultiRisk Analysis using 1998-2010 data, realized by WFP with OCHA and CNIGS in 2014. This analysis is part of the "Analysis of Multiple Natural Hazards in Haiti (NATHAT)". The key indicators used for the analysis was the cyclone hazard score; considering the technical expertise and knowledge of the experts involved in the ICA process at the CO, the Nord-Ouest department has been reclassified from Low to High due to the possible wind effects. Cette couche contient informations regard le risque de tempêtes/cyclones estimé pendant l'Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) effectuée en Haiti en 2017. Source des données: Analyse Multi Risque, 1998-2010, realisée par le PAM avec OCHA et CNIGS en 2014. L'analyse fait partie du document "Analysis of Multiple Natural Hazards in Haiti (NATHAT)". Compte tenu de l'expertise technique et de la conaissance du personnel au CO, le départment du Nord-Ouest a été reclassifié de faible à élevé en raison des possibles effets du vent.

ICA Jordan, 2019 - Flood hazard, 2019 (geonode:jor_ica_floodhazard_20190722)

This layer contains information about the flood hazard estimated and used for the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Jordan in 2019. Data source: WFP JOCO analysis of national rainfall intensity data from MWI (Ministry of Water and Irrigation) and 30m Digital Elevation Model (DEM) through the Watershed Modeling System (WMS). The main indicator used for the analysis was the normalized flood intensity, expressed as the ratio between the peak flow and the drainage area. For more information about the flood hazard analysis, please find the flood hazard map report at the following link: https://www.wfp.org/publications/2019-flood-hazard-map-jordan

ICA Niger, 2018 - Drought Risk, 1981-2015 (geonode:ner_ica_droughtrisk_geonode_may2018)

This layer contains information about the drought risk - by second-level administrative area - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Niger between 2017 and 2018. The analysis is a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD), the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data source: HQ VAM Analysis of Chirps Rainfall Estimates (RFE), 1981-2015. The main indicator used for the analysis was the number of poor growing seasons observed in the time window of interest. Cette couche contient informations regard le risque de sècheresse – par unité administrative de deuxième niveau – estimée pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Niger entre 2017 et 2018. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données: HQ VAM Analyse des données CHIRPS d’estimation des precipitations, 1981-2015. L'indicateur principale utilisé pour l'analyse était le nombre de saisons qui ont connu un déficit hydrique (mauvaises saisons de croissance).

Cambodia Population Living Flooding Areas (geonode:khm_pop_living_flood_poverty_adm3_wfp)

This layer contains information about total population and poor people living communes affected by flooding in 2013 in Cambodia. Data Source: LandScan population in 2015, Copernicus flood extent in 2013, IDPoor data of Ministry of Planning and Department of Geography of the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction.

Active Tropical Storm Nodes (geonode:wld_nhr_adamtsnodescurrent_wfp)

This layer depicts active tropical storms. Each node has information related to the wind speed of the storm at certain location. The nodes are categorized based on wind speed and past/future nodes. The data come from GDACS (European Commission Joint Research Center) and further analysis is applied by the WFP OSEP GIS. The layer is updated automatically. If there are no active storms, no data are displayed (pink tiles).

ICA Haiti, 2017 - Flood Risk, 1998-2010 (geonode:hti_nhr_floodrisk_geonode_20170417)

This layer contains information about the flood risk estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Haiti in 2017. Data source: MultiRisk Analysis using 1998-2010 data, realized by WFP with OCHA and CNIGS in 2014. This analysis is part of the "Analysis of Multiple Natural Hazards in Haiti (NATHAT)". The indicators used for the analysis were the surface of the flooded areas, flood frequency, flood depth, Digital Elevation Model (DEM), land typology (hydrogeology and geology) and drainage systems. Cette couche contient informations regard le risque d'inondations estimé pendant l'Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) effectuée en Haiti en 2017. Source des données: Analyse Multi Risque, 1998-2010, realisée par le PAM avec OCHA et CNIGS en 2014. L'analyse fait partie du document "Analysis of Multiple Natural Hazards in Haiti (NATHAT)". Les indicateurs principaux utilisés pour l'analyse étaient les zones d'inondations, la récurrence d'inondations, la profondeur des inondations, le Digital Elevation Model (DEM), la typologie du sol (hydrogéologie et géologie) et le réseau de drainage.

ICA Malawi, 2014 - Land Degradation, 1990-2010 (geonode:mwi_phy_vegetationloss_geonode_20140612)

This layer contains information about the land degradation phenomenon observed during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Malawi in 2014. Data source: European Space Agency, 1990-2010. Local land degradation data were not available for the purposes of this analysis, therefore a deforestation analysis was performed using remotely sensed land cover data. The key indicators used for the analysis were the percentage and the overall surface of vegetation cover loss.

ICA Zimbabwe, 2015 - Drought Risk, 1998-2013 (geonode:zwe_nhr_droughtrisk_geonode_20150330)

This layer contains information about the drought risk estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Zimbabwe in 2015. Data source: Water Requirement Satisfaction Index (WRSI) 2000-2013, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) 1998-2012. The key indicators used were the frequency of poor growing seasons and the recurrence of WRSI below the threshold, set to 59% (percentage of district area where poorer crop performance is a result of water stress conditions).

RBC WFP ACR Countries 2019 (geonode:rbc_wfp_acrcountries_2019)

No abstract provided

ICA Honduras, 2017 - Most Predominant Livelihood Zones, 2015 (geonode:hnd_ica_predlhz_geonode_may2017)

This layer contains information about the most predominant livelihood zones - by second-level administrative area - identified during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Honduras in 2017. Data source: Fewsnet, 2011.

ICA Somalia, 2018 - Flood Hazard, 2002-2006 & 2017 (geonode:som_ica_floodhazard_geonode_dec2018)

This layer contains information about the flood hazard - by livelihood zone - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Somalia in 2018. Data sources: FAO SWALIM, 2002-2006, 2017. The main indicators used for the analysis were the maximum flood frequency and the percentage of surface area at flood hazard by livelihood zone. Percentage of surface area at flood hazard: [Low] (≤ 4.3%); [Medium] (4.31-13.4%); [High] (> 13.4%). Maximum flood frequency: [Low] (0 events); [Medium] (1-4 events); [High] (5-8 events).

Less roll out status - Missions (geonode:wld_wfp_lessrollout_1_1)

This layer depicts the status of LESS roll out project around the world including actual and planned missions.

stockpile (geonode:stockpile)

No abstract provided

ICA Democratic Republic of Congo, 2017 - Most Predominant Livelihood Zones, 2016 (geonode:cod_ica_regional_predlhz_geonode_20170516)

This layer contains information about the most predominant livelihood zone - by second-level administrative area - identified during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Democratic Republic of Congo in 2017. The analysis was performed in three hot-spot provinces in the north-east part of the country (Ituri, Nord-Kivu and Sud-Kivu) because of the recent conflict outbreak and increasing food insecurity levels. Data source: Fewsnet, 2016. Cette couche contient informations regard le zones de moyens d'existence plus prédominant - par unité administrative de deuxième niveau - identifiés pendant l'Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en République Démocratique du Congo en 2017. L'analyse a été executée dans trois provinces critiques dans le secteur nord-est du pays (Ituri, Nord-Kivu et Sud-Kivu) en raison du récent déclenchement des conflits et des croissants niveaux d'insécurité alimentaire. Source des données: Fewsnet, 2016.

ICA Syrian Arab Republic, 2020 - Recurrence of food insecurity, 2015-2019 (geonode:syr_ica_firecurrence_geonode_20200305)

This layer contains information about the food security trend analysis - by second-level administrative unit - used for the purposes of the update of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in the Syrian Arab Republic in 2020. Data source: FSA-FSLA, 2015-2019. The main indicator used for the analysis was the CARI (Consolidated Approach to Reporting Indicators of Food Security) indicator, with a threshold - referring to moderately and severely food insecure households - set to 33%.

ICA Ecuador, 2018 - Flood Hazard, 2015 (geonode:ecu_ica_floodrisk_geonode_jul2018)

This layer contains information about the flood hazard - by second-level administrative area - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Ecuador in 2018. Data source: Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganaderia, Acuacultura y Pesca (MAGAP), 2015. The methodology used to estimate the flood hazard included parameters such as the soil texture, the terrain slope and the return period of the flood events, whose classifications have been combined into a final qualitative score. The main indicators used for the purposes of the analysis were the percentage of surface area at flood hazard and the most recurrent flood hazard class - according to MAGAP - by second-level administrative area.

ICA Senegal, 2017 - Estimated Numbers of Food Insecure People, 2010-2017 (geonode:sen_ica_estimatedfipeople_geonode_20170508)

This layer contains information about the numbers of food insecure people - by second-level administrative unit - estimated for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Senegal in 2017. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data source: Analyse Globale de la Vulnérabilité, de la Sécurité Alimentaire et de la Nutrition (AGVSAN) 2010, Enquêtes Nationales sur la Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutrition (ENSAN) 2013, Enquêtes Rurale sur la Sécurité Alimentaire et la Nutrition (ERASAN) 2014, Enquête Nationale sur la Sécurité Alimentaire au Sénégal (ENSAS) 2016, Sites Sentinelles 2017. The main indicators used for the analysis were the percentage of food insecure population for long-term planning and the additional population figures in case of a major shock. Cette couche contient informations regard les nombres de personnes exposées à l'insécurité alimentaire - par unité administrative de deuxième niveau - employées pendant l'Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Senegal en 2017. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données: Analyse Globale de la Vulnérabilité, de la Sécurité Alimentaire et de la Nutrition (AGVSAN) 2010, Enquêtes Nationales sur la Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutrition (ENSAN) 2013, Enquêtes Rurale sur la Sécurité Alimentaire et la Nutrition (ERASAN) 2014, Enquête Nationale sur la Sécurité Alimentaire au Sénégal (ENSAS) 2016, Sites Sentinelles 2017. Les indicateurs principaux utilisés pour l'analyse étaient la pourcentage de population exposée à l'insécurité alimentaire pour la planification à long-terme et le nombre de personnes supplémentaires en cas de choc.

Global Administrative Boundaries - Countries - MAR2020 (geonode:wld_bnd_adm0)

No abstract provided

rbd_ch_november_2017_SEN (geonode:rbd_ch_november_2017_phases_1)

No abstract provided

Indice de riesgo de victimización (geonode:uariv_irv_2015_wgs84)

El Índice de Riesgo Victimización apoya la implementación de acciones preventivas en materia de garantías de no repetición, a la luz del Plan Nacional de Atención y Reparación Integral a las Víctimas. Ser utilizado para comparar niveles de riesgo de victimización de los municipios del país. Servir como una herramienta complementaria de análisis en la toma de decisiones de política. Promover el desarrollo de políticas de prevención, ajustadas a los diferentes elementos generadores de riesgo de victimización por violaciones a los DD.HH o infracciones al DIH.

Malawi, Road Access Constraints, Cyclone Idai (geonode:mwi_trs_roadaccessconstraints_wfp)

This dataset is based on an extraction of OpenStreetMap. In addition, it contains access constraints status in the column "status" and is edited regularly with information received by partners.

Kyrgyzstan, School Meal Project, Targeted schools (1 - 6 rounds) (geonode:kgz_smp_schools_16)

No abstract provided

ICA Tanzania, 2015 - Prevalence of Stunting, 2014 (geonode:tza_wfp_malnutrition_geonode_20150824)

This layer contains information about the malnutrition status estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Tanzania in 2015. Data sources: National Nutrition Survey, 2014. The main indicator used for the analysis was the prevalence of stunting in children aged below 5 years, classified according to the guidelines and thresholds suggested by the WHO.

ICA Syrian Arab Republic, 2020 - Flood hazard, 2013 (geonode:syr_ica_floodhazard_geonode_20200305)

This layer contains information about the flood hazard - by second-level administrative unit - estimated during the update of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in the Syrian Arab Republic in 2020. Data sources: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013. The main indicators used for the analysis were the percentage of department surface at flood hazard and the maximum expected frequency of flood events with a 100-year return period.

ICA Senegal, 2017 - ICA Categories & Areas (geonode:sen_ica_categories_areas_geonode_20170508)

This layer contains information about the final categorization resulting from the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed in Senegal in 2017, showing the areas of convergence of high levels of food insecurity recurrence and major propensity to natural shocks (floods and droughts). The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and HQ GIS unit and Programme division. Cette couche contient informations regard la classification finale résultant de l'Analyse Integrée de Contexte (AIC) executée en Senegal en 2017, montrant les zones de convergence de niveaux elevés de récurrence d'insécurité alimentaire et propension aux chocs naturels (inondations et sècheresse). L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM.

Kyrgyzstan Land Degradation 2001-2016 (geonode:kyrgyzstan_boundaries)

Land Cover change 2001-2016; Erosion Propensity 2016. This layer contains information about the land degradation phenomenon - by second-level administrative area - Data sources, Land cover from HQ OSE GIS Analysis of NASA MODIS 2001-2016, Erosion analysis according to RUSLE equation considering: -WorldClim Rain 1970-2000, -FAO Global Soil map -NASA SRTM Digital Elevation Model data. -MODIS Land cover The main indicators used for the analysis were the average ecological changes observed between 2001-2006 and 2011-2016 and the percentage of erosion-prone surface.

Afghanistan: Area of Control for WFP Offices Coverage - June 2019 (geonode:afg_wfp_areasc_20190627_geo_node)

Areas of control by settlement have been provided by WFP Afghanistan Security Unit and Access Team from the Area and Sub-Office - June 2019

ICA Mauritania, 2017 - ICA Categories & Areas (geonode:mrt_ica_categories_areas_geonode_20181022)

This layer contains information about the final categorization resulting from the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed in Mauritania in 2017, showing the areas of convergence of high levels of food insecurity recurrence and major propensity to natural shocks (floods and droughts). The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and HQ GIS unit and Programme division. Cette couche contient informations regard la classification finale résultant de l'Analyse Integrée de Contexte (AIC) executée en Mauritanie en 2017, montrant les zones de convergence de niveaux elevés de récurrence d'insécurité alimentaire et propension aux chocs naturels (inondations et sècheresse). L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM.

pakistan_edu_institute_balochistan (geonode:pak_edu_institute_balochistan)

Education institutions in Balochistan

ICA Burundi, 2014 - Landslide Risk, 2009 (geonode:bdi_nhr_landsliderisk_geonode_20150212)

This layer contains information about the landslide risk - by livelihood zone - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Burundi between 2014 and 2015. Data source: UNEP/UNISDR Global Assessment of Risk (GAR), 2009. The key indicators used for the analysis were the maximum expected frequency of landslide events and the percentage of surface affected by landslide risk. Cette couche contient informations regard le risque de glissements de terrain - par zones de moyens d'existence - estimé pendant l'Analyse Integrée de Contexte (AIC) executée au Burundi entre 2014 et 2015. Source des données: UNEP/UNISDR GAR, 2009. Les indicateurs principales utilisés pour l'analyse étaient la fréquence maximale de glissements de terrain et la pourcentage de surface à risque de glissements de terrain.

Ethiopia woreda _2007 (geonode:woreda_ethiopia_2019_1)

This shapefile is developed for census.

ICA Jordan, 2019 - Natural shocks hazard (geonode:jor_ica_naturalshockshazard_20190722)

This layer contains information about the severity of the combined natural hazards (droughts and floods) used for the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Jordan in 2019. Data source: WFP JOCO analysis of national rainfall intensity data from MWI (Ministry of Water and Irrigation) and 30m Digital Elevation Model (DEM) through the Watershed Modeling System (WMS), “CDI Validation summary report and drought vulnerability maps”, UNDP 2018.

ICA Mozambique, 2017 - Recurrence of Food Insecurity, 2006-2016 (geonode:moz_wfp_firecurrence_geonode_20170623)

This layer contains information about the recurrence of food insecurity estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Mozambique in 2017. Data source: Food Security and Nutrition baseline data (SETSAN) 2006-2009-2013, Mozambique Vulnerability Assessment Committee (VAC) 2012-2016. The main indicator used for the analysis was, for both the assessments used, the Food Consumption Score (FCS), considering households with poor and borderline food insecurity and a threshold set to 20% given that this highlights areas where at least 1 out of 5 households is food insecure.

darfur_idps_refugees_2020_ip5f (geonode:darfur_idps_refugees_2020_ip5f)

ICA Armenia, 2016 & 2017 - Malnutrition, 2014 (geonode:arm_ica_nutrition_geonode_20171002)

This layer contains information about the nutrition levels estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Armenia in 2016. The results are still valid for the purposes of the ICA update performed in 2017. Data source: Integrated Living Condition Surveys (ILCS) 2014. The key indicators used for the analysis were the prevalence of stunting and overweight in children below 5 years of age, considering respectively a 20% and a 15% percent threshold.

ICA Syrian Arab Republic, 2018 - Natural Shock Hazard (geonode:syr_ica_natshockhazard_20181204)

This layer contains information about the natural shock hazard (floods and droughts) - by second-level administrative unit - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed in the Syrian Arab Republic between 2018 and 2019. Data sources: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013, HQ VAM Analysis of CHIRPS Rainfall Estimates (RFE) 1982-2016.

ICA Syrian Arab Republic, 2018 - ICA Categories & Areas (geonode:syr_ica_categories_areas_20181204)

This layer contains information about the final categorization resulting from the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed in the Syrian Arab Republic between 2018 and 2019, showing the areas of convergence of high levels of food insecurity recurrence and major propensity to natural shocks (floods and droughts).

ICA Pakistan, 2017 - ICA Categories & Areas (geonode:pak_ica_categories_areas_geonode_apr2017)

This layer contains information about the final categorization resulting from the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA), run in Pakistan in 2017, showing areas of convergence between high recurrence of food insecurity and high propensity to natural shocks.

RBN WFP ACR Countries 2019 (geonode:rbn_wfp_acrcountries_2019_1)

No abstract provided

ICA Ecuador, 2018 - Erosion Propensity, 2009-2017 (geonode:ecu_ica_landdegradation_geonode_jul2018)

This layer contains the information about the soil erosion propensity calculated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Ecuador in 2018. Data source: IEE Mapa de Sistemas Productivos, 2009-2017 (C Factor), NASA SRTM Digital Elevation Model 30m (LS Factor), Climatologies at High resolution for the Earth's Land Surface Areas (CHELSA), 1979-2013 (R Factor), Ministero de Agricultura, Ganaderia, Acuacultura y Pesca (MAGAP, K Factor). The main indicator used for the analysis was the percentage of erosion-prone surface by second-level administrative area.

ICA Malawi, 2014 - First-level Administrative Boundaries (geonode:mwi_bnd_admin1)

This layer contains the first-level administrative unit boundaries (provinces) for Malawi. Data source: WFP

ICA Malawi, 2014 - Second-level Administrative Boundaries (geonode:mwi_bnd_admin2)

This layer contains the second-level administrative unit boundaries (districts) for Malawi. Data source: WFP

ICA Pakistan, 2017 - Recurrence of Vulnerability to Food Insecurity, 2004-2014 (geonode:pak_ica_firecurrence_geonode_apr2017)

This layer contains information about the risk of food insecurity according to the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed in Pakistan in 2017. Given that no other food security outcome data was available at district level for the whole country, the analysis was carried out using poverty data as a proxy for vulnerability to food insecurity. Data source: UNDP, 2004/05 to 2005/06. The key indicator used for the analysis was the Multi-Dimensional Poverty Index (MPI), with the threshold set to 0.329 - average of all the district-level observations over 6 PSLM rounds. It should be noted that 33 districts in the country did not have MPI data available and are not covered by this specific analysis.

Afghanistan - Security Incidents with Fatalities, 30 Sep 2018-30 Mar 2018 (geonode:afg_acled_secincidents_collected_30sep2018_30mar2019)

This layer contains all the violent events (security incidents with fatalities) recorded in Afghanistan in the last 6 months (30 September 2018 through 30 March 2019). Data source: ACLED

DRC Admin Boundaries Level 1 (geonode:cod_adm1_un)

This layer includes administrative boundaries level 1 as per the standard structure of the GeoEnabler project. Admin1

Afghanistan: Areas of control by settlement - April 2019 (geonode:afg_wfp_areas_control_20190403)

Areas of control by settlement have been provided by WFP Afghanistan Security Unit and Access Team from the Area and Sub-Office - April 2019

ICA Zimbabwe, 2015 - Tree Cover Loss, 2000-2012 (geonode:zwe_phy_areas_treecoverloss_geonode_20150330)

This layer contains information about the overall tree cover loss estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Zimbabwe in 2015. In absence of land degradation data, a deforestation analysis was performed using remotely sensed data as a proxy. Data source: Hansen/UMD/Google/USGS/NASA, 2000-2012. The key indicators used for the analysis were the district surface affected by tree cover loss and the percentage value compared to the total district area.

farthest extent from the center of ETA (geonode:al292020_radii)

The working best track wind radii are the farthest extent from the center of 34-, 50-, and 64-knot winds in each quadrant over the life of a tropical cyclone. The working best track wind radii will generally not exactly match the radii contained in the tropical cyclone advisories. This is because all of the data in a working best track are subject to modification during the life cycle ofthe cyclone. (Note: The "working best track" represents the forecasters' best estimates of the location, intensity, and size of a tropical cyclone while the cyclone is ongoing. After the life cycle is complete, forecasters prepare a "final best track", using data that might not have been available operationally, and it is the final best track that represents NHC's official historical record for the cyclone.)

WFP Colombia Offices (geonode:wfp_col_offices)

This layer contains the Field Offices and Country Office locations for WFP Colombia

ICA Burkina Faso, 2018 - ICA Categories & Areas (geonode:bfa_ica_categories_areas_geonode_20180712)

This layer contains information about the final categorization resulting from the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed in Burkina Faso in 2018, showing the areas of convergence of high levels of food insecurity recurrence and major propensity to natural shocks (floods and droughts). The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and HQ GIS unit and Programme division. Cette couche contient informations regard la classification finale résultant de l'Analyse Integrée de Contexte (AIC) executée en Burkina Faso en 2018, montrant les zones de convergence de niveaux elevés de récurrence d'insécurité alimentaire et propension aux chocs naturels (inondations et sècheresse). L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM.

ICA Syrian Arab Republic, 2018 - Flood Hazard, 2013 (geonode:syr_ica_floodhazard_20181204)

This layer contains information about the flood hazard - by second-level administrative area - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in the Syrian Arab Republic between 2018 and 2019. Data sources: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013. The main indicators used for the analysis were the percentage of department surface at flood risk and the maximum expected frequency of flood events with a 100-year return period.

ICA Dominican Republic, 2017 - Landslide Risk, 2011 (geonode:dom_nhr_landsliderisk_geonode_20170412)

This layer contains information about the landslide risk estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Dominican Republic in 2017. Data source: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2011. The key indicators used for the analysis were the maximum expected frequency of landslide events and the percentage of landslide affected area.

ICA Zimbabwe, 2015 - Natural Shocks Risk (geonode:zwe_nhr_naturalshocksrisk_geonode_20150330)

This layer contains information about the natural shocks (floods and droughts) risk estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Zimbabwe in 2015. Data source: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013, WRSI 2000-2013, NDVI 1998-2012.

ICA Democratic Republic of Congo, 2017 - Landslide Hazard, 2013 (geonode:cod_ica_regional_landslidehazard_geonode_20170516)

This layer contains information about the landslide hazard estimated - by second-level administrative area - during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Democratic Republic of Congo in 2017. The analysis was performed in three hot-spot provinces in the north-east part of the country (Ituri, Nord-Kivu and Sud-Kivu) because of the recent conflict outbreak and increasing food insecurity levels. Data source: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013. The main indicators used for the analysis were the percentage of district surface at landslide hazard, the maximum expected frequency of landslide events. Cette couche contient informations regard le risque des glissements de terraine - par unité administrative de deuxième niveau - estimé pendant l'Analyse Integrée de Contexte (AIC) exécuté en République Démocratique du Congo en 2017. L'analyse a été executée dans trois provinces critiques dans le secteur nord-est du pays (Ituri, Nord-Kivu et Sud-Kivu) en raison du récent déclenchement des conflits et des croissants niveaux d'insécurité alimentaire. Sources des données: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013. Les indicateurs principales utilisés pour l'analyse étaient la pourcentage de surface à risque des glissements de terraine et l'attente maximale attendue des glissements de terraine.

td01_wfp_acrcountries_2019_shp_3 (geonode:td01_wfp_acrcountries_2019_shp_3)

No abstract provided

darfur (geonode:darfur)

Afghanistan Settlements by Area of Control January 2016 (geonode:afg_poi_areasofinfluence_wfp_1)

Information by WFP Operation/Security Units,

admin_2_gaul_2015 (geonode:admin_2_gaul_2015)

TEST ACR 2018 - WFP Activities in Pakistan (geonode:pakistan_1)

No abstract provided

Utilization: Proportion of population without access to improved water sources, National Demographic and Health Survey 2012 (geonode:proportion_households)

No abstract provided

ICA Pakistan, 2017 - Additional Hazards (geonode:pak_ica_additionalhazards_geonode_apr2017)

This layer contains information about the additional environmental hazards - landslides, Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) and earthquakes - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Pakistan in 2017. Data source: NDMA 1950-2015 (landslides and GLOF), NDMA 1905-2015 (earthquakes). The key indicators used for the analysis were 5-point scales of hazard levels ranging from very low to very high. It should be noted that these additional hazards represent aggravating factors that can provide further details to refine broad programmatic strategies, but are not to be considered as stand-alone maps. For the purpose of this analysis, only the high and very high hazards have been mapped on top of the ICA Areas (see the relative static maps for further details).

ICA Syrian Arab Republic, 2018 - Estimated Numbers of Food Insecure People, 2015-2018 (geonode:syr_ica_estimatedfipeople_20181204)

This layer contains information about the numbers of food insecure people - by second-level administrative unit - estimated for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in the Syrian Arab Republic between 2018 and 2019. Data source: FSA, FSLA-FSA and CFSAM-FSA, 2015-2018. The main indicators used for the analysis were the percentage of food insecure population for long-term planning and the population at risk of food insecurity.

Global Bridges (geonode:wld_trs_bridges_wfp)

This dataset contains location of bridges with information related to the current status of each bridge (Open, Closed, Damages, Restricted etc.). The bridges status are mainly reported by the Logistics Cluster IM officers, WFP staff or any other external sources (OSM data etc.) The layer contains a variety of information including the type of the bridge (Concrete, Steel, Wood etc.) and the precision of the registered location (Accurate, Approximate, Bad, Unknown). *IMPORTANT*: Note that the location precision and the date of the obstacles is described in the attribute table for each feature. Please use this information carefully and check that the information is up-to-date. Feel free to contribute to this dataset by contacting hq.gis@wfp.org.

Mozambique, Road Access Constraints, Cyclones Idai and Kenneth Response (geonode:moz_trs_roadaccessconstraints_wfp)

This dataset is based on an extraction of OpenStreetMap. In addition, it contains access constraints status in the column "status" and is edited regularly with information received by partners of the Logistics cluster in Mozambique. This dataset is the same as used on the Logistics Cluster Access Constraints map published here: https://logcluster.org/sector/cyclone-idai19

ICA Eswatini, 2019 - Flood hazard, 2013 (geonode:swz_ica_adm2_floodhazard_20190930)

This layer contains information about the flood hazard - by second-level administrative area - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Eswatini in 2019. Data sources: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013. The main indicators used for the analysis were the percentage of district surface at flood risk and the maximum expected frequency of flood events with a 100-year return period.

ICA Burundi, 2014 - Projected Population, 2013 (geonode:bdi_pop_projectedpopulation_geonode_20150212)

This layer contains information about the projected population for 2013 used in the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Burundi between 2014 and 2015. Data source: Burundi Census, 2008. Cette couche contient informations regard la population projetée en 2013 utilisée pendant l'Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée au Burundi entre 2014 et 2015. Source des données: Burundi Census, 2008

ICA Democratic Republic of Congo, 2017 - Recurrence of Food Insecurity, EFSA 2012-2018 (geonode:cod_ica_regional_firecurrence_efsalens_geonode_20170516)

This layer contains information about the recurrence of food insecurity - by second-level administrative area - resulting from the Emergency Food Security Assessments (EFSAs) used to integrate the food security analysis performed for the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Democratic Republic of Congo in 2017. The emergency assessments were performed in the hot-spot province of Sud-Kivu. Data source: Emergency Food Security Assessment (EFSA), 2012-2018. The main indicator used for the analysis was the recurrence of food insecurity conditions, using a threshold set to 20%. Cette couche contient les données d'une analyse de tendance de la sécurité alimentaire - par unité administrative de deuxième niveau - utilisée au fin de intégrer l'analyse employée pendant l'Analyse Integrée de Contexte (AIC) exécuté en République Démocratique du Congo en 2017. L'analyse additionelle a été executée dans trois dans la province de Sud-Kivu. Source des données: Emergency Food Security Assessment (EFSA), 2012-2018. L'indicateur principale utilisé pour l'analyse était la récurrence d'insécurité alimentaire, avec un seuil fixé à 20%.

ICA Syrian Arab Republic, 2020 - ICA Categories & Areas (geonode:syr_ica_categories_areas_geonode_20200305)

This layer contains information about the final categorization resulting from the update of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed in the Syrian Arab Republic in 2020, showing the areas of convergence of high levels of food insecurity recurrence and major propensity to natural shocks (floods and droughts).

ICA Chad, 2017 - Drought Risk, 1981-2015 (geonode:tcd_ica_droughtrisk_geonode_mar2017)

This layer contains information about the drought risk - by second-level administrative area - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Chad in 2017. The analysis is a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD), the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data source: HQ VAM Analysis of Chirps Rainfall Estimates (RFE), 1981-2015. The main indicator used for the analysis was the number of poor growing seasons observed in the time window of interest. Cette couche contient informations regard le risque de sècheresse – par unité administrative de deuxième niveau – estimée pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Tchad en 2017. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données: HQ VAM Analyse des données CHIRPS d’estimation des precipitations, 1981-2015. L'indicateur principale utilisé pour l'analyse était le nombre de saisons qui ont connu un déficit hydrique (mauvaises saisons de croissance).

ICA Afghanistan, 2019 - Recurrence of Severe and Very Severe Food Insecurity, 2007-2018 (geonode:afg_ica_severefirec_geonode_20190516)

This layer contains information about the recurrence of severe and very severe food insecurity estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Afghanistan in 2019. Data source: National Risk and Vulnerability Assessment (NRVA) 2007/08, Afghanistan Living Condition Survey (ALCS) 2011/12, 2014 and 2017/18. To assess the food security trend and considering an average national food insecurity close to 30%, the threshold was set to 10% to better identify the most vulnerable districts. The key indicator used for the analysis was the recurrence of severe and very severe food insecurity above the threshold.

ICA Mauritania, 2017 - Recurrence of Food Insecurity, 2011-2015 (geonode:mrt_ica_firecurrence_geonode_20181022)

This layer contains information about the food security trend analysis - by first-level administrative unit - used for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Mauritania in 2017. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data source: Food Security Monitoring System (FSMS), 2011-2015. The main indicator used for the analysis was the Food Consumption Score (FCS), with a threshold - referring to poor and borderline households - set to 20%. Cette couche contient les données d’une analyse de tendance de la sécurité alimentaire – par unité administrative de première niveau – employée pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Mauritanie en 2017. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données: Food Security Monitoring System (FSMS), 2011-2015. L’indicateur principale utilisé pour l’analyse était le score de consommation alimentaire faible et limite, avec un seuil fixé à 20%.

Global WFP Guesthouses (geonode:wld_poi_guesthouses_wfp)

Location of guesthouses for WFP employees. Source: Accommodation team.

Nepal State/Province Boundary (geonode:npl_bnd_admin1_2018_1)

This is a provincial boundary layer of Nepal. Province is the first level of country subdivisions. The source of data is the Department of Survey of Nepal. An Spatial adjustment is done to fit the layer with existing boundary layer of WFP for internal mapping purpose.

claudio (geonode:claudio)

Afghanistan: District Accessibility for WFP and Partners Staff as of 23 January 2019 (geonode:afg_wfp_access_20190123)

Accessibility information by WFP Operation/Security Units, January 23, 2019.

Availability: Domestic production of wheat, National Statistics Committee 2014 (geonode:average_annual_wheat_production_1)

No abstract provided

Integrated Context Analysis: Recurrence of poverty, National Statistics Committee 2013 (geonode:six_one_1)

No abstract provided

ICA Jordan, 2019 - Recurrence of food insecurity, 2010-2014 (geonode:jor_ica_firecurrence_20190722)

This layer contains information about the recurrence of food insecurity conditions observed and used for the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Jordan in 2019. Data source: Department of Statistics (DoS), 2010-2014. The key indicator used for the analysis was the Food Consumption Score (FCS), which aggregates household-level data on the diversity and frequency of food groups consumed over the previous seven days, then weighted according to the relative nutritional value of the consumed food groups. Given the values of food insecurity across the country (with a national, multi-year average of 4.6%), a threshold equal to 5% has been chosen to allow a better separation of severely affected areas from better-off geographical areas.

ICA Syrian Arab Republic, 2018 - Land Degradation, 2001-2016 (geonode:syr_ica_landdegradation_20181204)

This layer contains information about the land degradation phenomenon - by second-level administrative area - observed for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in the Syrian Arab Republic between 2018 and 2019. Data sources: HQ OSEP GIS Analysis of NASA MODIS 2001-2016, WorldClim 1970-2000, FAO and NASA SRTM Digital Elevation Model data. The main indicators used for the analysis were the average ecological changes observed between 2001-2006 and 2011-2016 and the percentage of erosion-prone surface.

ICA Jordan, 2019 - Land Degradation, 2001-2016 (geonode:jor_ica_landdegradation_20190722)

This layer contains information about the land degradation phenomenon - by second-level administrative area - observed for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Jordan in 2019. Data sources: HQ OSE GIS Analysis of NASA MODIS 2001-2016, WorldClim 1970-2000, FAO and NASA SRTM Digital Elevation Model data. The main indicators used for the analysis were the average ecological changes observed between 2001-2006 and 2011-2016 and the percentage of erosion-prone surface.

ICA Afghanistan, 2019 - Natural shock hazard (geonode:afg_ica_naturalhazards_geonode_20190516)

This layer contains information about the severity of natural hazards (floods, drought and landslides) estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed in Afghanistan in 2019. Data sources: GHM 2009, UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013, HQ VAM Analysis of NDVI, NASA Terra MODIS 2013-2018.

ICA Tanzania, 2015 - Drought Risk, 2010-2014 (geonode:tza_nhr_droughtrisk_geonode_20150824)

This layer contains information about the drought risk estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Tanzania in 2015 by first-level administrative area. Data source: HQ VAM Analysis of CHIRPS Rainfall Estimates (RFE), 2010-2014. The key indicators used for the analysis were the percentage of surface affected by poor growing seasons and the maximum number of poor growing seasons.

Global Earthquakes Buffers - Last 14 Days (geonode:wld_nhrpub_eqbuf14days_usgs)

No abstract provided

wld_ibtracs (prism:wld_ibtracs)

ICA Pakistan, FATA, 2017 - ICA Categories & Areas (geonode:pak_fata_ica_categories_areas_geonode_apr2017)

This layer contains information about the final categorization, in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), resulting from the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Pakistan in 2017, showing areas of convergence between high levels of food insecurity and propensity to natural shocks.

ICA South Sudan, 2016 - Recurrence of Food Insecurity, 2010-2015 (geonode:ssd_ica_firecurrence_geonode_feb2016)

This layer contains information about the food insecurity levels estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in South Sudan in 2016. Data source: Food Security Monitoring System (FSMS), 2010-2015. The food security threshold to determine the recurrence of food insecurity was set at 30% as only the best quantile had a value below 20% (which is the traditional mapping protocol) and that the value used was the sum of two categories (moderate and severe food insecurity). The key indicators used for the analysis were the recurrence above the threshold, the average against national average and variability/stability.

ICA Syrian Arab Republic, 2018 - Two Most Dominant Land Cover Classes, 2016 (geonode:syr_ica_mostpredlcc_20181204)

This layer contains information about the two most dominant land cover classes - by second-level administrative area - observed during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in the Syrian Arab Republic between 2018 and 2019. Data source: NASA MODIS, 2016.

gh_hsd_stations_quality_flagged_jfv_12102020_v02 (geonode:gh_hsd_stations_quality_flagged_jfv_12102020_v02)

wld_bnd_adm2_ge (geonode:wld_bnd_adm2_ge)

ICA South Sudan, 2016 - Land Degradation, 2010-2012 (geonode:ssd_ica_landdegradation_geonode_feb2016)

This layer contains information about the land degradation phenomenon observed during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed in South Sudan in 2016. Data source: Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD), 2010-2012. The main indicator used for the analysis was an average land degradation index, generated through a combination of factors such as land conformation, vegetation cover and quality, precipitation, soil type and erodibility, population density.

ICA Ecuador, 2018 - Frost Hazard, 2011 (geonode:ecu_ica_frostrisk_geonode_jul2018)

This layer contains information about the frost hazard - by second-level administrative area - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Ecuador in 2018. Data source: Secretaria Nacional de Gestion de Riesgos, 2011.

Nepal Road Network from OpenStreetMap (geonode:npl_trs_roads_osm)

Nepal Road Network updated daily from OpenStreetMap

Stability: Number of Poor Growing Seasons, Ministry of Emergency Situations 2009 (geonode:poor_growing)

No abstract provided

Stability: Floods and mudflow risk, Ministry of Emergency Situations 2009 (geonode:recurrence_of_floods_and_mudflows_1)

No abstract provided

Papua New Guinea Admin Boundaries Level 2 (Districts) (geonode:png_adm2_un)

This layer includes Administrative Boundaries Level 2 as per the standard structure of the GeoEnabler project.

ICA Chad, 2017 - Prevalence of Global Acute Malnutrition, 2017 (geonode:tcd_ica_malnutrition_geonode_mar2017)

This layer contains information about the malnutrition levels - by first-level administrative unit - used for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Chad in 2017. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data source: Standardized Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transitions (SMART), 2016. The main indicator used for the analysis was the prevalence of Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM), with a thresholds set according to the guidelines suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO). Cette couche contient informations regard les niveaux de malnutrition – par unité administrative de première niveau – observés pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Tchad en 2017. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données: Standardized Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transitions (SMART), 2016. L’indicateur principale utilisé pour l’analyse était la prévalence de Malnutrition Aigüe Globale (MAG), avec des seuils d’alerte fixés selon les normes et la gamme de valeurs classés de l’OMS 2006.

ICA Burkina Faso, 2018 - Most Predominant Livelihood Zones, 2009 (geonode:bfa_ica_predlhz_geonode_20180712)

This layer contains information about the most predominant livelihood zones - by first-level administrative area - identified during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Burkina Faso in 2018. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data source: Fewsnet, 2009. Cette couche contient informations regard les zones de moyens d’existence prédominant – par unité administrative de première niveau – identifiées pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Burkina Faso en 2018. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données: Fewsnet, 2009.

eswatini_ecology_zones (geonode:eswatini_ecology_zones)

RBD WFP ACR Countries 2019 (geonode:rbd_wfp_acrcountries_2019)

No abstract provided

ICA Burundi, 2014 - Land Degradation, 2011 (geonode:bdi_phy_landdegradation_geonode_20150212)

This layer contains information about the land degradation phenomenon - by livelihood zone - observed during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Burundi between 2014 and 2015. Data source: ICPAC & Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD), 2011. The key indicator used for the analysis was the percentage of surface affected by a high or very high level of degradation. Cette couche contient les données necessaires pour déterminer le niveau de dégradation de terres - par zones de moyens d'existence - observé pendant l'Analyse Integrée de Contexte (AIC) executée au Burundi entre 2014 et 2015. Source des données: ICPAC & RCMRD, 2011. L'indicateur principale utilisé pour l'analyse était la pourcentage de surface avec une dégradation elevée ou très elevée.

ICA Mozambique, 2017 - Prevalence of Stunting, 2013 (geonode:moz_wfp_admin1_malnutrition_geonode_20170623)

This layer contains information about the malnutrition levels - by first-level administrative unit - observed during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Mozambique in 2017. Data source: SETSAN, 2013. The key indicator used for the analysis was the prevalence of stunting in children aged under 5 years, classified according to the classification for assessing severity of malnutrition provided by the World Health Organization (WHO). It should be noted that the shapefile also includes the figures about the prevalence of wasting in children aged under 5 years, indicator which has not been considered in the final version of the Technical Paper.

Global Border Crossing Points (geonode:wld_poi_bcp_wfp)

This layer contains data about Global Border Crossing Points used for humanitarian operations. It provides information related to the current status of the crossing point (open/closed/unknown), WFP usage of the point, related RB etc. The layer is updated as deemed necessary.

FFA Mozambique_Zambezia (geonode:mozambique_ffa_mozambique_zambezia)

No abstract provided

Yemen boundaries (adm0) (geonode:yem_adm0_polygon)

Source: Geoenabler

ICA Pakistan, 2017 - Land Degradation, 1992-2015 (geonode:pak_ica_landdegradation_geonode_apr2017)

This layer contains information about the land degradation phenomenon observed during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Pakistan in 2017. Data source: ESA (300m resolution) 1992-2015, FAO (lithology), WorldClim (rainfall incidence), land cover (NASA MODIS) and slope length (NASA SRTM digital elevation model). The key indicators used for the analysis were the average ecological change and the percentage of surface prone to erosion. It should be noted that land degradation, according to the current ICA methodology, is not a stand-alone map but has to be considered as a lens that, overlaid on top of the ICA Areas, provide further information to refine broad programmatic strategies. The brown-green scheme has just been used for the layer preview because, for the purposes of this analysis, only negative values of ecological change and districts with a surface prone to erosion above 20% have been used for the final map (see "ICA Pakistan, 2017 - Land Degradation 1992-2015" static map for further details).

ICA Mozambique, 2017 - ICA Categories & Areas (geonode:moz_ica_areas_categories_geonode_20170723)

This layer contains information about the final classification resulting from the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Mozambique in 2017, showing areas of convergence between high recurrence of food insecurity and propensity to natural shocks. It should be noted that, although not being the official categorization included in the Technical Paper, the shapefile contains also the different ICA categorizations resulting from combining the natural shock hazard score with SETSAN and VAC classifications separately.

ICA Burkina Faso, 2018 - Recurrence of Food Insecurity, 2014-2018 (geonode:bfa_ica_firecurrence_geonode_20180712)

This layer contains information about the food security trend analysis - by first-level administrative unit - used for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Burkina Faso in 2018. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data source: Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (MASA) 2014, EPA 2015-2017 and Emergency Food Security Analysis (EFSA) 2018. The main indicator used for the analysis was the CARI (Consolidated Approach to Reporting Indicators of Food Security) indicator, with a threshold - referring to moderately and severely food insecure households - set to 15%. Cette couche contient les données d’une analyse de tendance de la sécurité alimentaire – par unité administrative de première niveau – employée pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Burkina Faso en 2018. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données: Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (MASA) 2014, EPA 2015-2017 and Emergency Food Security Analysis (EFSA) 2018. L’indicateur principale utilisé pour l’analyse était l’indicateur CARI (Consolidated Approach to Reporting Indicators of Food Security), avec un seuil – mesuré par le menages en insécurité alimentaire modérée et sévère – fixé à 15%.

Papua New Guinea Admin Boundaries Level 1 (Provinces) (geonode:png_adm1_un)

This layer includes administrative boundaries level 1 as per the standard structure of the GeoEnabler project. Admin1

ICA Mali, 2017 - Natural Shock Risk (geonode:mli_ica_naturalshocksrisk_geonode_20170606)

This layer contains information about the natural shock risk (floods and droughts) estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed in Mali in 2017. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD), the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data sources: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013, HQ VAM Analysis of CHIRPS Rainfall Estimates (RFE) 1981-2015. Cette couche contient informations regard le risque des chocs naturels (inondations et sècheresse) estimé pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Mali en 2017. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données : UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013, HQ VAM Analyse des données CHIRPS d’estimation des precipitations 1981-2015.

ICA Burundi, 2014 - Natural Shocks Risk (geonode:bdi_nhr_naturalshocksrisk_geonode_20150212)

This layer contains information about the combined natural shocks risk (flood, landslides and droughts) - by livelihood zone - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Burundi between 2014 and 2015. Data source: Stratégie Nationale de Prévention des Risques et de Gestion des Catastrophes – Plan d’Action National 2012-2015, UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2009, HQ VAM Analysis of NDVI data 1999-2013. Cette couche contient informations regard le risque des chocs naturals combinés (inondations, glissements de terrain et sècheresse) - par zones de moyens d'existence - estimé pendant l'Analyse Integrée de Contexte (AIC) executé au Burundi entre 2014 et 2015. Source des données: Stratégie Nationale de Prévention des Risques et de Gestion des Catastrophes – Plan d’Action National 2012-2015, UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2009, HQ VAM Analyse de NDVI données.

ICA Tanzania, 2015 - ICA Categories & Areas (geonode:tza_ica_categories_areas_geonode_20150824)

This layer contains information about the final classification resulting from the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Tanzania in 2015 by first-level administrative area.

ICA Somalia, 2018 - Land Degradation, 2010-2014 (geonode:som_ica_landdegradation_dec2018)

This layer contains information about the land degradation phenomenon - by livelihood zone - observed for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Somalia in 2018. Data sources: Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD) and IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC)/Monitoring of the Environment for Security in Africa (MESA), 2010-2014. The main indicators used for the analysis were the average level (severity) of degradation and the percentage of surface area under moderate to very high levels of degradation by livelihood zone. Average level of degradation: [Low] ( 3.44). Percentage of surface area under moderate to very high levels of degradation: [Low] ( 70%).

Stability: Land degradation, Ministry of Emergency Situations 2009 (geonode:drought_risk_1)

No abstract provided

ICA Mauritania, 2017 - Drought Risk, 1981-2015 (geonode:mrt_ica_droughtrisk_geonode_20181022)

This layer contains information about the drought risk - by first-level administrative area - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Mauritania in 2017. The analysis is a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD), the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data source: HQ VAM Analysis of NDVI data, 1981-2015. The main indicator used for the analysis was the number of poor growing seasons observed in the time window of interest. Cette couche contient informations regard le risque de sècheresse – par unité administrative de première niveau – estimée pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Mauritanie en 2017. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données: HQ VAM Analyse des données NDVI, 1981-2015. L'indicateur principale utilisé pour l'analyse était le nombre de saisons qui ont connu un déficit hydrique (mauvaises saisons de croissance).

wld_bnd_adm0_ge (geonode:wld_bnd_adm0_ge)

ICA Syrian Arab Republic, 2018 - Recurrence of Food Insecurity, 2015-2018 (geonode:syr_ica_firecurrence_20181204)

This layer contains information about the food security trend analysis - by second-level administrative unit - used for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in the Syrian Arab Republic between 2018 and 2019. Data source: FSA, FSLA-FSA and CFSAM-FSA, 2015-2018. The main indicator used for the analysis was the CARI (Consolidated Approach to Reporting Indicators of Food Security) indicator, with a threshold - referring to moderately and severely food insecure households - set to 30%.

gh_hsd_stations_for_bias_correction_jfv_12102020_v02 (geonode:gh_hsd_stations_for_bias_correction_jfv_12102020_v02)

Utilization: Level of male population educational attainment, National Demographic and Health Survey 2012 (geonode:proportion_male)

No abstract provided

Global Administrative Boundaries - Countries, Gaul 2015 (geonode:wld_bnd_adm0_gaul_2015_I)

Country boundaries from Gaul 2015. The GAUL compiles and disseminates the best available information on administrative units for all the countries in the world, providing a contribution to the standardization of the spatial dataset representing administrative units.

ICA Armenia, 2017 - Drought Risk, 1981-2015 (geonode:arm_ica_droughtrisk_geonode_20171002)

This layer contains information about the drought risk estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Armenia in 2017. Data source: HQ VAM Analysis of CHIRPS Rainfall Estimates, 1981-2015 (the time frame considered is considerably different compared to the one used in the 2016 ICA). The key indicator used is the number of poor growing seasons.

Stability: Recurrence of floods, Ministry of Emergency Situations 2009 (geonode:recurrence_of_floods)

No abstract provided

Global WFP Presence by Regional Bureaux (geonode:wld_bnd_presence_wfp)

This layer provides information for the WFP presence on different counties, as well as the distribution of countries by RB. Any attributes which are blank or '0' had no data entered at the time of release. Its possible to contribute by giving your inputs at omep.gis@wfp.org.

ICA Honduras, 2017 - Drought Risk, 2012-2017 (geonode:hnd_ica_droughtrisk_geonode_may2017)

This layer contains information about the drought risk - by second-level administrative area - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Honduras in 2017. Data sources: Comisión Permanente de Contingencias (COPECO), 2012-2017. The main indicator used for the analysis was the drought vulnerability index.

npl_municipality_hq_wfp (geonode:npl_municipality_hq_wfp)

No abstract provided

ICA South Sudan, 2016 - ICA-Coded Human Settlements (geonode:ssd_ica_mainsettlements_geonode_feb2016)

This layer contains information about the main human settlements , codified by the ICA Categories of the relative second-level administrative area, used in the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in South Sudan in 2016.

ICA South Sudan, 2016 - Natural Shock Risk (geonode:ssd_ica_naturalshockrisk_geonode_feb2016)

This layer contains information about the natural shock risk (floods and droughts) estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed in South Sudan in 2016. Data sources: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2011, HQ VAM Analysis of NDVI data, 1998-2012.

points de distribution de nourriture (geonode:fdp_project)

No abstract provided

Afghanistan Provinces and Districts Centers (geonode:afg_poi_districtprovincecenters_wfp)

No abstract provided

Utilization: Prevalence of acute malnutrition among children under five years old, National Demographic and Health Survey 2012 (geonode:acute_malnutrition)

No abstract provided

gh_hsd_stations_unavailablets_jfv_22092020 (geonode:gh_hsd_stations_unavailablets_jfv_22092020)

administrative boundaries Venezuela - Municipality (geonode:ven_admbnda_adm2_20180502)

The source of this information comes from the National Statistics Institute through the Humanitarian Data Exchange and OCHA FISS.

ICA Afghanistan, 2016 - Drought Risk, 2011-2015 (geonode:afg_ica_droughtrisk_geonode_20160617)

This layer contains information about the drought risk estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Afghanistan in 2016. Data source: HQ VAM Analysis of CHIRPS Rainfall Estimates (RFE), 2011-2015. The key indicator used for the analysis was the overall number of poor growing seasons.

ICA Eswatini, 2019 - Most predominant livelihood zones, 2016 (geonode:swz_ica_adm2_mostpredlhz_20190930)

This layer contains information about the most predominant livelihood zones - by second-level administrative area - identified during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Eswatini in 2019. Data source: Eswatini VAC Livelihood Baseline Update, 2016.

ICA Philippines, 2014 - ICA Categories & Focus Areas (geonode:phl_ica_focusareas_geonode_mar2014)

This layer contains information about the final classification resulting from the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in the Philippines in 2014, showing the areas of convergence between recurrence of poverty incidence and propensity to natural shocks (floods, tropical storms, landslides and tree cover change).

ICA Sudan, 2018 - ICA Categories & Areas (geonode:sdn_ica_categories_areas_geonode_20180201)

This layer contains information about the final categorization resulting from the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed in Sudan in 2018, showing the areas of convergence of high levels of food insecurity recurrence and major propensity to natural shocks (floods and droughts).

ICA Burundi, 2014 - Prevalence of Stunting, 2014 (geonode:bdi_wfp_malnutrition_geonode_20150212)

This layer contains information about the malnutrition status observed during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Burundi between 2014 and 2015. Data source: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), 2014. The key indicator used for the analysis was the prevalence of stunting in children below 5 years of age.

ICA Armenia, 2017 - Additional Hazards, 2012 (geonode:arm_ica_additionalhazards_geonode_20171002)

This layer contains information about the hail storm and frost risk estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Armenia in 2017. Data source: Armenia Hydrometeorological Monitoring Service, 2012. The key indicators used for the analysis were the number of hail storm days recorded per year and the overall level of frost risk.

ICA Mozambique, 2017 - Drought Hazard, 1981-2015 (geonode:moz_nhr_droughthazard_geonode_20170623)

This layer contains information about the drought hazard estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Mozambique in 2017. Data source: HQ VAM Analysis of CHIRPS Rainfall Estimates (RFE), 1981-2015, National Institute of Disaster Management (INGC). The indicators used for the analysis were the number of poor growing seasons and the drought hazard classification provided by INGC.

adm1 (geonode:adm1)

CETA_IDPs_Refugees_Camps and Settlements_2020 (geonode:ceta_idps_refugees_2020)

The CETA WFP Operational overview : Includes Kassala, Red Sea, Gadaref , Blue Nile and Korfodan Region ( South, West, North). The Data displays IDPs and Refugees camps and out of camps ( Settlements) in CETA Region

Crops production (2016) - Tajikistan Vulnerability & Resilience Atlas, 2019 (geonode:tjk_cropproduction)

This layer shows production (MT) of different crops (2016) in Tajikistan at district level. The crops include Grains, Cotton, Potatoes, Vegetables, Melons, Fruits and Grapes. Layer is mapped to represent Grains (cereals) production (MT)

ICA Malawi, 2014 - Flood Risk, 2000-2013 (geonode:mwi_nhr_floodrisk_geonode_20140612)

This layer contains information about the flood risk estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Malawi in 2014. Data source: Department of Disasters Management Affairs (DoDMA) 2000-2013, VAM - MEPED. The key indicator used for the analysis was the historical number of flood events.

ICA Tanzania, 2015 - Natural Shocks Risk (geonode:tza_nhr_naturalshocksrisk_geonode_20150824)

This layer contains information about the natural shocks risk (floods, landslides and droughts) estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Tanzania in 2015 by first-level administrative area. Data source: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013, HQ VAM Analysis of CHIRPS RFE 2010-2014.

Malawi, Flood Risk, June 2014 (geonode:mwi_ica_floodrisk_20170531)

This layer contains information about the flood risk in Malawi, as analysed by the ICA. The key indicator used for the analysis is the flood frequency between 2000 and 2013. Source: CO VAM Malawi - MEPED & DoDMA

ICA Burundi, 2014 - ICA Categories & Areas (geonode:bdi_ica_categories_areas_geonode_20150212)

This layer contains information about the final categorization resulting from the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Burundi between 2014 and 2015, showing areas of convergence between high levels of recurrence of food insecurity and propensity to natural shocks. Cette couche contient informations regard la classification finale résultant de l'Analyse Integrée de Contexte (AIC) executée au Burundi entre 2014 et 2015, montrant les zones de convergence de niveaux elevés de récurrence d'insécurité alimentaire et propension aux chocs naturels.

ICA Somalia, 2018 - Drought Hazard, 1998-2017 (geonode:som_ica_droughthazard_geonode_dec2018)

This layer contains information about the drought hazard - by livelihood zone - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Somalia in 2018. Data source: CHIRPS Rainfall Estimates 1998-2017, NDVI MODIS 1998-2017. The main indicators used for the analysis were the average number of meteorological - calculated from the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) - and agricultural - calculated relying on remotely sensed Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) - droughts by livelihood zone. Average number of SPI drought seasons: [Low] ( 3.83). Average number of NDVI poor growing seasons: [Low] ( 2.2).

sdn_poi_cjm_sm_wfp (geonode:sdn_poi_cjm_sm_wfp)

No abstract provided

ICA Mauritania, 2017 - Land Degradation, 2001-2012 (geonode:mrt_ica_landdegradation_geonode_20181022)

This layer contains information about the land degradation phenomenon - by first-level administrative area - observed for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Mauritania in 2017. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data sources: HQ OSEP GIS Analysis of NASA MODIS 2001-2013, WorldClim 1970-2000, FAO data and NASA SRTM Digital Elevation Model. The main indicators used for the analysis were the average ecological changes observed between 2001 and 2012 and the percentage of erosion-prone surface. Cette couche contient les données necessaires pour determiner le niveau de dégradation des terres – par unité administrative de première niveau – observé pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Mauritanie en 2017. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données: HQ OSEP GIS Analyse des données NASA MODIS 2001-2013, WorldClim 1970-2000, FAO et NASA SRTM Digital Elevation Model. Les indicateurs principaux utilisés pour l'analyse étaient les changements moyens de couverture du sol observés entre 2001 et 2012 et la pourcentage de surface ayant une propension à l'érosion significative.

ICA Honduras, 2017 - Natural Shock Risk (geonode:hnd_ica_naturalshockrisk_geonode_may2017)

This layer contains information about the natural shock (floods, landslides and droughts) risk - by second-level administrative area - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Honduras in 2017. Data sources: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2011, Comisión Permanente de Contingencias (COPECO) 2012-2017.

Yemen Districts (geonode:yem_adm2_polygon)

Source: Geoenabler

ICA Malawi, 2014 - Human Settlements, 2007 (geonode:mwi_pop_settlements_gd_geonode_20140612)

This layer contains information about the main human settlements, codified with the ICA Category of the relative province, used in the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Malawi in 2014. Data source: Global Discovery, 2007.

Colombia First Level Admin Capitals (geonode:col_first_level_capital)

This layer provides geospatial information from Colombia first level admin capitals

wld_nhrpub_adameqbuf14days_wfp (prism:wld_nhrpub_adameqbuf14days_wfp)

ICA Countries Centroids (geonode:ica_countries_centroids_short)

Centroids of the ICA countries (latest update)

ICA Afghanistan, 2016 - Natural Shocks Risk (geonode:afg_ica_naturalshocksrisk_geonode_20160617)

This layer contains information about the natural shocks risk (floods, droughts and landslides) estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Afghanistan in 2016. Data source: NATO GHM 2009, HQ VAM Analysis of CHIRPS RFE 2011-2015, UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013,

darfur_idps_refugees_2020_dozy (geonode:darfur_idps_refugees_2020_dozy)

ICA Afghanistan, 2016 - Food Insecurity Risk, 2007/08-2014 (geonode:afg_ica_filevel_geonode_20160617)

This layer contains information about the food insecurity levels estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Afghanistan in 2016. Data source: National Risk and Vulnerability Assessment (NRVA) 2007/08, Afghanistan Living Condition Survey (ALCS) 2011/12 and 2014. To assess the food security trend, the threshold was set to 30% because very close to the national average according to the three assessments considered. The key indicators used for the analysis were the recurrences above the threshold, the average against national average and variability/stability.

ICA Haiti, 2017 - Landslide Risk, 1998-2010 (geonode:hti_nhr_landsliderisk_geonode_20170417)

This layer contains information about the landslide risk estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Haiti in 2017. Data source: MultiRisk Analysis using 1998-2010 data, realized by WFP with OCHA and CNIGS in 2014. This analysis is part of the "Analysis of Multiple Natural Hazards in Haiti (NATHAT)". The indicators used for the analysis were slope deficit, instability, deformation, breaking and propagation potential and drainage systems. Cette couche contient informations regard le risque de glissements de terraine estimé pendant l'Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) effectuée en Haiti en 2017. Source des données: Analyse Multi Risque, 1998-2010, realisée par le PAM avec OCHA et CNIGS en 2014. L'analyse fait partie du document "Analysis of Multiple Natural Hazards in Haiti (NATHAT)". Les indicateurs principaux utilisés pour l'analyse étaient le déficit de pente, instabilité, déformation, rupture et propagation et la méthode de filtrage.

Integrated Context Analysis: Combined levels of natural shocks, Ministry of Emergency Situations 2009, WFP OMEP 2012 (geonode:six_two_1)

No abstract provided

ICA Senegal, 2017 - Most Predominant Livelihood Zones, 2015 (geonode:sen_ica_predlhz_geonode_20170508)

This layer contains information about the most predominant livelihood zones - by second-level administrative area - identified during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Senegal in 2017. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data source: Fewsnet, 2015. Cette couche contient informations regard les zones de moyens d’existence prédominant – par unité administrative de deuxième niveau – identifiées pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Senegal en 2017. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données: Fewsnet, 2015.

ICA Senegal, 2017 - Drought Risk, 1981-2015 (geonode:sen_ica_droughtrisk_geonode_20170508)

This layer contains information about the drought risk - by second-level administrative area - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Senegal in 2017. The analysis is a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD), the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data source: HQ VAM Analysis of Chirps Rainfall Estimates (RFE), 1981-2015. The main indicator used for the analysis was the maximum number of poor growing seasons observed in the time window of interest. Cette couche contient informations regard le risque de sècheresse – par unité administrative de deuxième niveau – estimée pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Senegal en 2017. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données: HQ VAM Analyse des données CHIRPS d’estimation des precipitations, 1981-2015. L'indicateur principale utilisé pour l'analyse était le nombre maximale de saisons qui ont connu un déficit hydrique (mauvaises saisons de croissance).

ICA Mali, 2017 - Drought Risk, 1981-2015 (geonode:mli_ica_droughtrisk_geonode_20170606)

This layer contains information about the drought risk - by second-level administrative area - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Mali in 2017. The analysis is a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD), the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data source: HQ VAM Analysis of Chirps Rainfall Estimates (RFE), 1981-2015. The main indicator used for the analysis was the number of poor growing seasons observed in the time window of interest. Cette couche contient informations regard le risque de sècheresse – par unité administrative de deuxième niveau – estimée pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Mali en 2017. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données: HQ VAM Analyse des données CHIRPS d’estimation des precipitations, 1981-2015. L'indicateur principale utilisé pour l'analyse était le nombre de saisons qui ont connu un déficit hydrique (mauvaises saisons de croissance).

wld_ibtracs (geonode:wld_ibtracs)

ICA Democratic Republic of Congo, 2017 - Flood Hazard, 2013 (geonode:cod_ica_regional_floodhazard_geonode_20170516)

This layer contains information about the flood hazard estimated - by second-level administrative area - during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Democratic Republic of Congo in 2017. The analysis was performed in three hot-spot provinces in the north-east part of the country (Ituri, Nord-Kivu and Sud-Kivu) because of the recent conflict outbreak and increasing food insecurity levels. Data source: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013, EMDAT 1990-2016. The main indicators used for the analysis were the percentage of district surface at flood hazard, the maximum expected frequency of flood events and the number of flood events recorded by EMDAT between 1990 and 2017. Cette couche contient informations regard le risque d'inondations - par unité administrative de deuxième niveau - estimé pendant l'Analyse Integrée de Contexte (AIC) exécuté en République Démocratique du Congo en 2017. L'analyse a été executée dans trois provinces critiques dans le secteur nord-est du pays (Ituri, Nord-Kivu et Sud-Kivu) en raison du récent déclenchement des conflits et des croissants niveaux d'insécurité alimentaire. Sources des données: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013. Les indicateurs principales utilisés pour l'analyse étaient la pourcentage de surface à risque d'inondation et la combination de l'attente maximale attendue des inondations selon UNEP/UNISDR et l'attente des inondations enregistrées par EMDAT entre 1990 et 2016.

ICA Afghanistan, 2019 - ICA Categories & Areas (geonode:afg_ica_categories_areas_geonode_20190516)

This layer contains information about the final classification deriving from the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Afghanistan in 2019, showing the areas of convergence between recurrence of total food insecurity and propensity to natural shocks (floods, landslides and drought).

ICA Chad, 2017 - Flood Risk, 2013 (geonode:tcd_ica_floodrisk_geonode_mar2017)

This layer contains information about the flood risk - by second-level administrative area - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Chad in 2017. The analysis is the result of a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data sources: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013. The main indicators used for the analysis were the percentage of department surface at flood risk and the maximum expected frequency of flood events with a 100-year return period. Cette couche contient informations regard le risque d’inondations – par unité administrative de deuxième niveau – estimé pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Tchad en 2017. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données : UNEP/UNISDR GAR, 2013. Les indicateurs principaux utilisées pour l’analyse étaient la pourcentage de surface a risque d’inondation et l’attente maximale attendue des inondations.

pak_edu_institute_punjab (geonode:pak_edu_institute_punjab)

No abstract provided

mgd_trs_roads_osm (geonode:mgd_trs_roads_osm)

ICA Mauritania, 2017 - Prevalence of Global Acute Malnutrition, 2011-2015 (geonode:mrt_ica_malnutrition_geonode_20181022)

This layer contains information about the malnutrition levels - by first-level administrative unit - used for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Mauritania i 2017. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data source: Food Security Monitoring System (FSMS) & Standardized Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transitions (SMART), 2011-2015. The main indicator used for the analysis was the average prevalence of Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM), classified according to the guidelines suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO). Cette couche contient informations regard les niveaux de malnutrition – par unité administrative de première niveau – observés pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Niger entre 2017 et 2018. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données: Food Security Monitoring System (FSMS) & Standardized Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transitions (SMART), 2011-2015. L’indicateur principale utilisé pour l’analyse était la prévalence moyenne de Malnutrition Aigüe Globale (MAG), classifiée selon les normes et la gamme de valeurs classés de l’OMS 2006.

gh_riverbasins_jfv_16092020 (geonode:gh_riverbasins_jfv_16092020)

Global Layer with Activity Types (geonode:world_global_layer_with_activity_types)

No abstract provided

ICA Chad, 2017 - Recurrence of Food Insecurity, 2011-2016 (geonode:tcd_ica_firecurrence_geonode_mar2017)

This layer contains information about the food security trend analysis - by second-level administrative unit - used for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Chad in 2017. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data source: Enquête Nationale de la Sécurité (ENSA), 2011-2016. The main indicator used for the analysis was the Food Consumption Score (FCS), with a threshold - referring to poor and borderline households - set to 20%. Cette couche contient les données d’une analyse de tendance de la sécurité alimentaire – par unité administrative de deuxième niveau – employée pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Tchad en 2017. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données: Enquête Nationale de la Sécurité (ENSA), 2011-2016 L’indicateur principale utilisé pour l’analyse était le score de consommation alimentaire faible et limite, avec un seuil fixé à 20%.

darfur_idps_refugees_2020_srtm (geonode:darfur_idps_refugees_2020_srtm)

ICA Haiti, 2017 - Rapid On-Set Shocks Risk, 1998-2010 (geonode:hti_nhr_floodlandslidecyclonerisk_geonode_20170417)

This layer contains information about the rapid on-set shocks risk (floods, landslides and cyclones) estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Haiti in 2017. Data source: MultiRisk Analysis using 1998-2010 data, realized by WFP with OCHA and CNIGS in 2014. This analysis is part of the "Analysis of Multiple Natural Hazards in Haiti (NATHAT)". Cette couche contient informations regard le risque de chocs de déclenchement rapide (inondations, glissements de terrain et cyclones) estimé pendant l'Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) effectuée en Haiti en 2017. Source des données: Analyse Multi Risque, 1998-2010, realisée par le PAM avec OCHA et CNIGS en 2014. L'analyse fait partie du document "Analysis of Multiple Natural Hazards in Haiti (NATHAT)".

ICA Sierra Leone, 2017 - Confirmed Ebola Cases, 2015 (geonode:sle_ica_evdcases_geonode_20170517)

This layer contains information about the confirmed number of ebola cases by district (second-level administrative unit) population identified for the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Sierra Leone in 2017. Data sources: World Health Organization (WHO), 2015.

ICA Mali, 2014 - ICA Categories & Areas (geonode:mli_ica_adm2_categories_areas_geonode_jun2014)

This layer contains information about the final categorization resulting from the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed in Mali in 2014, showing the areas of convergence of high levels of food insecurity and malnutrition and major propensity to natural shocks (floods, droughts and erosion). Cette couche contient informations regard la classification finale résultant de l'Analyse Integrée de Contexte (AIC) executée en Mali en 2014, montrant les zones de convergence de niveaux elevés d'insécurité alimentaire et malnutrition et propension aux chocs naturels (inondations, sècheresse et érosion).

Afghanistan: District Accessibility for WFP and Partners Staff as of 07 March 2019 (geonode:afg_wfp_access_20190307)

Accessibility information by WFP Operation/Security Units, March 07, 2019.

ICA Niger, 2018 - Recurrence of Food Insecurity, 2013-2017 (geonode:ner_ica_firecurrence_geonode_may2018)

This layer contains information about the food security trend analysis - by second-level administrative unit - used for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Niger between 2017 and 2018. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data source: Food Security Monitoring System (FSMS), 2013-2017. The main indicator used for the analysis was the Food Consumption Score (FCS), with a threshold - referring to poor and borderline households - set to 20%. Cette couche contient les données d’une analyse de tendance de la sécurité alimentaire – par unité administrative de deuxième niveau – employée pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Niger entre 2017 et 2018. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données: Food Security Monitoring System (FSMS), 2013-2017. L’indicateur principale utilisé pour l’analyse était le score de consommation alimentaire faible et limite, avec un seuil fixé à 20%.

ICA Senegal, 2017 - Land Degradation, 2001-2012 (geonode:sen_ica_landdegradation_geonode_20170508)

This layer contains information about the land degradation phenomenon - by second-level administrative area - observed for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Senegal in 2017. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data sources: HQ OSEP GIS Analyse des données NASA MODIS 2001-2012, WorldClim 1970-2000, FAO et NASA SRTM Digital Elevation Model. The main indicators used for the analysis were the average ecological changes observed between 2001 and 2012 and the percentage of erosion-prone surface. Cette couche contient les données necessaires pour determiner le niveau de dégradation des terres – par unité administrative de deuxième niveau – observé pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Senegal en 2017. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données: HQ OSEP GIS Analyse des données NASA MODIS 2001-2012, WorldClim 1970-2000, FAO et NASA SRTM Digital Elevation Model. Les indicateurs principaux utilisés pour l'analyse étaient les changements moyens de couverture du sol observés entre 2001 et 2012 et la pourcentage de surface ayant une propension à l'érosion significative.

ICA Somalia, 2018 - Natural Shock Hazard (geonode:som_ica_naturalshockhazard_geonode_dec2018)

This layer contains information about the natural shock hazard (floods, droughts and land degradation) - by livelihood zone - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed in Somalia in 2018. Data sources: FAO SWALIM 2002-2006 & 2017, CHIRPS 1998-2017, NDVI MODIS 1998-2017, Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD) and IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC)/Monitoring of the Environment for Security in Africa (MESA), 2010-2014.

ICA Niger, 2018 - Natural Shock Risk (geonode:ner_ica_naturalshocksrisk_geonode_may2018)

This layer contains information about the natural shock risk (floods and droughts) estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed in Niger between 2017 and 2018. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD), the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data sources: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013, HQ VAM Analysis of CHIRPS Rainfall Estimates (RFE) 1981-2015. Cette couche contient informations regard le risque des chocs naturels (inondations et sècheresse) estimé pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Niger entre 2017 et 2018. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données : UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013, HQ VAM Analyse des données CHIRPS d’estimation des precipitations 1981-2015.

ICA Tajikistan, 2015 - Drought Risk, 1998-2011 (geonode:tjk_nhr_droughtfreq_geonode_20150215)

This layer contains information about the drought risk estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Tajikistan in 2015. Data source: Committee of Emergency Situations and Civil Defense (CoES CD), 1998-2011. The key indicator used for the analysis is the overall number of drought disasters.

Cambodia Flood Extent in 2011 (geonode:khm_nhr_floods_unosat_2011)

Flood extent in 2011

ICA Lesotho, 2015 - ICA Categories & Areas (geonode:lso_ica_categories_areas_geonode_20150731)

This layer contains information about the final categorization deriving from the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Lesotho in 2015, showing areas of convergence between recurrence of food insecurity and propensity to natural shocks.

Afghanistan: District Accessibility for WFP and Partners Staff as of 09 July 2019 (geonode:afg_wfp_access_20190305)

Accessibility information by WFP Operation/Security Units, July 09, 2019

ICA Dominican Republic, 2017 - Drought Risk, 2000-2015 (geonode:dom_nhr_droughtrisk_geonode_20170412)

This layer contains information about the drought risk estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Dominican Republic in 2017. Data source: NASA MODIS, 2000-2015. The key indicator used for the analysis was ...

District (geonode:district)

Admin 2 level - District boundary of Punjab, Balochistan and KP

ICA Philippines, 2014 - Tree Cover Change, 2000-2010 (geonode:phl_ica_landcover_geonode_mar2014)

This layer contains information about the changes in tree cover density - by second-level administrative area - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in the Philippines in 2014. Data source: Landsat Vegetation Continuous Fields (VCF), 2000-2010. It should be noted that, in absence of livelihood data, land cover was used as a proxy for rural livelihoods. The main indicator used for the analysis was the average provincial trend of tree cover change in the last ten years.

ICA Lesotho, 2015 - Population Figures, 2011 (geonode:lso_pop_totalpopulation_geonode_20150731)

This layer contains information about the population figures by province (admin 1) used in the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Lesotho in 2015. Data source: Lesotho Bureau of Statistic, 2011.

Availability: Average annual wheat yield, National Statistics Committee 2014 (geonode:average_annual_wheat_yield_1)

No abstract provided

al292020_lin (geonode:al292020_lin)

ICA Burkina Faso, 2018 - Drought Risk, 1981-2015 (geonode:bfa_ica_droughtrisk_geonode_20180712)

This layer contains information about the drought risk - by first-level administrative area - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Burkina Faso in 2018. The analysis is a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD), the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data source: HQ VAM Analysis of Chirps Rainfall Estimates (RFE), 1981-2015. The main indicator used for the analysis was the number of poor growing seasons observed in the time window of interest. Cette couche contient informations regard le risque de sècheresse – par unité administrative de première niveau – estimée pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Burkina Faso en 2018. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données: HQ VAM Analyse des données CHIRPS d’estimation des precipitations, 1981-2015. L'indicateur principale utilisé pour l'analyse était le nombre de saisons qui ont connu un déficit hydrique (mauvaises saisons de croissance).

Yemen Population Estimates 2019 (geonode:yem_pop_popest2019_hnohrp_1)

A Population technical workgroup was formed in Sana’a (IOM, UNFPA, OCHA, NAMCHA and CSO ) and another one in Aden (IOM, OCHA, CSO, MOPIC including Executive Unit). IDP data flow figures (from district to district) were collected, cross checked between different sources (IOM DTM, NAMCHA, Executive unit) in cases multiple datasets for the same location were available. This resulted in a country-wide IDP movement database. The TWGs agreed to use this database to calculate the estimated population using the following formula : Estimated Population = CSO projected population( 2019) – IDPS who left the district + idps who came to the district All members in both workgroups agreed on the final results on 3 Dec 2018. The attached dataset represents the results of the work of both groups and will be used for 2019 HNO and HRP.

Yemen, Physical Access Constraints, 27 October 2020 (geonode:yem_trs_ac_wfp_20201027)

No abstract provided.

ICA Tanzania, 2015 - Most Predominant Livelihood Zones, 2008 (geonode:tza_phy_livelihoodzones_geonode_20150824)

This layer contains information about the most predominant livelihood zones - by first-level administrative area - identified during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Tanzania in 2015. Data source: Fewsnet, 2008.

DEV Project Locations (geonode:dev_loc_geonode)

No abstract provided

ICA Sudan, 2018 - Land Degradation, 2001-2013 (geonode:sdn_ica_landdegradation_geonode_20180201)

This layer contains information about the land degradation phenomenon - by second-level administrative area - observed for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Sudan in 2018. Data sources: HQ OSEP GIS Analysis of NASA MODIS 2001-2012, WorldClim 1970-2000, FAO and NASA SRTM Digital Elevation Model data. The main indicators used for the analysis were the average ecological changes observed between 2001-2005 and 2009-2013 and the percentage of erosion-prone surface.

ICA Zimbabwe, 2015 - Flood Risk, 2013 (geonode:zwe_nhr_floodrisk_geonode_20150330)

This layer contains information about the flood risk estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Zimbabwe in 2015. Data source: UNEP/UNISDR Global Assessment of Risk (GAR), 2013. The key indicator used was the percentage of flood affected areas.

Availability: Self-sufficiency of potatoes, National Statistics Committee 2014 (geonode:potato_self_sufficiency_1)

No abstract provided

Mozambique Drone Flight Plan (geonode:fdcp)

Mozambique Licungo Drone Project Field Data Collection Points

ICA Mali, 2017 - Flood Risk, 2013 (geonode:mli_ica_floodrisk_geonode_20170606)

This layer contains information about the flood risk - by second-level administrative area - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Mali in 2017. The analysis is the result of a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data sources: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013. The main indicators used for the analysis were the percentage of district surface at flood risk and the maximum expected frequency of flood events with a 100-year return period. Cette couche contient informations regard le risque d’inondations – par unité administrative de deuxième niveau – estimée pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Mali en 2017. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données : UNEP/UNISDR GAR, 2013. Les indicateurs principaux utilisées pour l’analyse étaient la pourcentage de surface a risuqe d’inondation et l’attente maximale attendue des inondations.

ICA Niger, 2018 - Land Degradation, 2001-2013 (geonode:ner_ica_landdegradation_geonode_may2018)

This layer contains information about the land degradation phenomenon - by second-level administrative area - observed for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Niger between 2017 and 2018. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data sources: HQ OSEP GIS Analysis of NASA MODIS 2001-2013, WorldClim 1970-2000, FAO data and NASA SRTM Digital Elevation Model. The main indicators used for the analysis were the average ecological changes observed between 2001 and 2012 and the percentage of erosion-prone surface. Cette couche contient les données necessaires pour determiner le niveau de dégradation des terres – par unité administrative de deuxième niveau – observé pendant l’Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Niger entre 2017 et 2018. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données: HQ OSEP GIS Analyse des données NASA MODIS 2001-2013, WorldClim 1970-2000, FAO et NASA SRTM Digital Elevation Model. Les indicateurs principaux utilisés pour l'analyse étaient les changements moyens de couverture du sol observés entre 2001 et 2012 et la pourcentage de surface ayant une propension à l'érosion significative.

ICA Sierra Leone, 2017 - Land Degradation, 2001-2012 (geonode:sle_ica_landdegradation_geonode_20170517)

This layer contains information about the land degradation phenomenon observed during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Sierra Leone in 2017. Data source: HQ OSEP GIS Analysis of NASA MODIS, 2001-2012. The main indicators used for the analysis were the average land cover change observed within the time frame considered and the percentage of district erosion-prone surface.

Somalia - Flood affected roads, 01 June 2020 (geonode:som_trs_accessconstraints_20200511)

No abstract provided

Afghanistan: 5km Buffer from settlements -June 2019 (geonode:afg_wfp_5kmbuffer_20190627_geo_node)

Each cluster of settlements which fall under the control of one group (e.g. the eastern part of the district, the central valley in the district), a shaded ‘buffer’ will be generated, with a standardized radial distance of 5km, to help clearer visualization of areas of control.

ICA Democratic Republic of Congo, 2017 - ICA Categories & Areas (geonode:cod_ica_regional_categories_areas_geonode_20170516)

This layer contains information about the final classification resulting from the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) - by second-level administrative area - run in Democratic Republic of Congo in 2017. The analysis was performed in three hot-spot provinces in the north-east part of the country (Ituri, Nord-Kivu and Sud-Kivu) because of the recent conflict outbreak and increasing food insecurity levels. The final categorization shows areas of convergence between high recurrence of food insecurity and propensity to natural shocks. Cette couche contient informations regard la classification finale résultant de l'Analyse Integrée de Contexte (AIC) executée en République Démocratique du Congo en 2017, montrant les zones de convergence de niveaux elevés de récurrence d'insécurité alimentaire et propension aux chocs naturels. L'analyse a été executée dans trois provinces critiques dans le secteur nord-est du pays (Ituri, Nord-Kivu et Sud-Kivu) en raison du récent déclenchement des conflits et des croissants niveaux d'insécurité alimentaire.

Central African Republic, Bridge, November 2017 (geonode:caf_poi_bridges_minusca_20171127)

this layer contains information regarding the status if the intervention on bridges on CAR as of November 2017. The info have been collected in the Country from Logistics Cluster IM.

ICA Mozambique, 2017 - Natural Shocks Hazard (geonode:moz_nhr_naturalshockhazard_geonode_20170623)

This layer contains information about the combined natural shock (floods, droughts and cyclones) hazard estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Mozambique in 2017. Data source: Fewsnet 1975-2012, DRFI 2012, INGC, HQ VAM Analysis of CHIRPS Rainfall Estimates (RFE) 1981-2015, Fewsnet 1930-2000.

ICA Niger, 2018 - Estimated Numbers of Food Insecure People, 2013-2017 (geonode:ner_ica_estimatedfipeople_geonode_may2018)

This layer contains information about the numbers of food insecure people - by second-level administrative unit - estimated for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Niger between 2017 and 2018. The analysis was a joint effort between the Regional Bureau in Dakar (RBD) and the HQ GIS Unit and Programme division. Data source: Food Security Monitoring System (FSMS), 2013-2017. The main indicators in the shapefile are the percentage of food insecure population for long-term planning, the most vulnerable food insecure people and the additional population figures in case of a major shock. Cette couche contient informations regard les nombres de personnes exposées à l'insécurité alimentaire - par unité administrative de deuxième niveau - employées pendant l'Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) executée en Niger entre 2017 et 2018. L’analyse a été executée grâce à la collaboration entre le Bureau Régional de Dakar (RBD), l’unité GIS et la division de Programme au quartier générale du PAM. Source des données: Food Security Monitoring System (FSMS), 2013-2017. Les indicateurs principaux utilisés pour l'analyse étaient la pourcentage de population exposée à l'insécurité alimentaire pour la planification à long-terme, la population la plus vulnerable et le nombre de personnes supplémentaires en cas de choc.

Access: Poverty incidence, National Statistics Committee 2013 (geonode:poverty_incidence_inc)

No abstract provided

ETC Services (geonode:wld_etc_services_wfp)

No abstract provided

Nepal Municipality Boundary (geonode:npl_bnd_admin3_2018)

Municipalities are local level unit under new federal structure in Nepal. However, for mapping purpose municipality layer falls under Admin level 3 for visualization purpose. This layer is generated by Department of Survey of Nepal, the name of the municipalities and rural municipalities are subjected to change.Therefore one may need to visit Survey Department at Kathmandu to get the updated information.

ICA Haiti, 2017 - Livelihood Zones, 2014 (geonode:hti_pop_livelihoodzones_fewsnet2014_geonode_20170417)

This layer contains the nine main livelihood zones identified and used during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Haiti in 2017. Data source: Fewsnet, 2014. Cette couche contient les huit zones de moyens d'existence identifiées et utilisées pendant l'Analyse Integrée de Contexte (AIC) effectuée en Haiti en 2017. Source des données: Fewsnet, 2014.

ICA Honduras, 2017 - Land Degradation, 2001-2012 (geonode:hnd_ica_landdegradation_geonode_may2017)

This layer contains information about the land degradation phenomenon - by second-level administrative area - observed for the purposes of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Honduras in 2017. Data sources: HQ OSEP GIS Analyse of NASA MODIS 2001-2012, WorldClim 1970-2000, FAO and NASA SRTM Digital Elevation Model data. The main indicators used for the analysis were the average ecological changes observed between 2001 and 2012 and the percentage of erosion-prone surface.

ken_nhr_floods_wfp_2018 (geonode:ken_nhr_floods_wfp_2018)

The layer shows counties that were affected by floods during the March-May long rains season in Kenya. The layer was generated from information sourced from NDMA, OCHA and WFP Kenya on areas affected and estimated number of people affected by range categories. The layer was generated by RBN VAM in June 2018 to showcase the effects of long rains seasons on socio-front.

ICA Chad, 2017 - Rapid On-Set Shock Risk, 2013 (geonode:tcd_ica_rapidonsetshocksrisk_geonode_mar2017)

This layer contains information about the rapid on-set shocks risk (floods and landslides) - by second-level administrative unit - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Niger in 2017. Data source: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013. Cette couche contient informations regard le risque de chocs de déclanchement rapide (inondations et glissements de terrain) - par unité administrative de deuxième niveau - estimé pendant l'Analyse Integrée de Contexte (AIC) executé en Tchad en 2017. Source des données: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013.

ADAM_Floods_events (geonode:ADAM_Floods_events)

Agriculture land & Irrigation proportion - Tajikistan Vulnerability & Resilience Atlas, 2019 (geonode:tjk_agricland_irrigated)

This layer shows the size of agriculture land with proportions of which is under irrigation at district level (2015) in Tajikistan

ICA Haiti, 2017 - Recurrence of Food Insecurity (geonode:hti_wfp_firecurrence_geonode_20170417)

This layer contains information about the recurrence of food insecurity estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Haiti in 2017. Data source: Data consolidated in WFP Haiti CO in 2017, originally collected as part of 5 food security assessments performed between 2007 and 2016, result of the collaboration of several organizations. The key indicator used for the analysis was the Food Consumption Score (FCS) with a threshold set to 20%, considering that this is the standard threshold used in the food insecurity classifications, IPC included. Cette couche contient informations regard la récurrence d'insécurité alimentaire estimée pendant l'Analyse Integrée du Contexte (AIC) effectuée en Haiti en 2017. Source des données: données consolidées par Bureau pays du PAM Haiti en 2017, initialement rassemblées à partir des 5 enquêtes d'insécurité alimentaire menées dans le pays, entre 2007 et 2016, par nombreuses organizations. L'indicateur principal utilisé pour l'analyse était le score de consommation alimentaire, avec un seuil d'insécurité alimentaire fixé à 20%, compte tenu du fait que c’est le seuil standard utilisé dans les classifications d'insécurité alimentaire, y compris l’IPC

tjk_stockpile_akah (geonode:tjk_stockpile_akah)

No abstract provided

ICA Honduras, 2017 - Landslide Risk, 2011 (geonode:hnd_ica_landsliderisk_geonode_may2017)

This layer contains information about the landslide risk - by second-level administrative area - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Honduras in 2017. Data source: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2011. The key indicators used for the analysis were the maximum expected frequency of landslide events and the percentage of landslide affected area by municipality.

Sudan_Khartoum_nutrition_centers_covid19_Emergency_Response (geonode:khartoum_nutrition_centers_covid19_response)

WFP Sudan 2020: Nutrition Emergency Response during COVID-19 Pandemic in Khartoum state.

Distances between cities in Tajikistan (geonode:distances_between_cities_in_tajikistan)

No abstract provided

Access: Proportion of the population consuming less than 2100 kcal per day (average of 2011-2013), National Statistics Committee 2013 (geonode:proppop_less2100kkal)

No abstract provided

south sudan access constraints shp for 20200807 (geonode:south_sudan_access_constraints_shp_20191122_old)

south sudan access constraints shp for 20200807

CMAM Surge Sites in District Umerkot, Pakistan (geonode:cmam_surge_site_1)

Location of CMAM Surge sites in district Umerkot, Sindh

ICA Tajikistan, 2015 - Human Settlements, 2007 (geonode:tjk_pop_settlements_gd_geonode_20150215)

This layer contains information about the geographical position (latitude and longitude) of the human settlements used during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Tajikistan in 2015. Data source: Global Discovery, 2007.

ICA Sierra Leone, 2017 - Landslide Risk, 2013 (geonode:sle_ica_landslidehazard_geonode_20170517)

This layer contains information about the landslide risk estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Sierra Leone in 2017. Data sources: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013. The main indicators used for the analysis were the maximum expected frequency of landslide events with a 100-year return period and the percentage of district surface at landslide risk.

global_adm0 (geonode:global_adm0_bk)

ICA Honduras, 2017 - Flood Risk, 2011 (geonode:hnd_ica_floodrisk_geonode_may2017)

This layer contains information about the flood risk - by second-level administrative area - estimated during the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Honduras in 2017. Data source: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2011. The key indicators used for the analysis were the maximum expected frequency of flood events and the percentage of flood affected area by municipality.

Tajikistan Administrative Boundaries Level 1, Gaul 2015 (geonode:tajikistan_tajikistan)

No abstract provided

Global Boundaries for WFP Activities (ACR 2018) (geonode:wld_wfp_acrcountries_wfp_2018)

this layer is used to displayed the second level administrative boundaries displayed in the interactive map of the ACR 2018 web platform.

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