Norwegian Petroleum Directorate

nsaAll nsaAll nsaAll
Service health Now:
Web Service, OGC Web Map Service 1.3.0
APA open, awards in predefined areas, sub areas, områder, oljeleting, exploration, blokk, kvadrant, block, quadrant, stratigrafi, stratigrafiske områder, seismikk område, seismic areas, norwegian continental shelf, norsk kontinental sokkel, norway, norge, wms, map, kart, hydrocarbon occurences, hydrokarbon forekomster, oil resources, olje ressurser, fields, felter, discoveries, funn, production licences, produksjons lisenser, production licenses, wellbores, brønner, faults and boundaries, geologi, geology, gas resources, gass ressurser, gas, gass, installations, installasjoner, facilities, seismic aquisition, seismikk tillatelser, planlagt seismikk, planned seismic, pipelines, rørledninger, active exploration wells, aktive letebrønner
Access constraints
Publications using this maps must include, source: NPD mm.yyyy or kilde: OD mm.åååå
Supported languages
No INSPIRE Extended Capabilities (including service language support) given. See INSPIRE Technical Guidance - View Services for more information.
Data provider

Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (unverified)

Contact information:

Norwegian Petroleum Directorate

Postal address:
Postboks 600, 4003 Stavanger, Norway


Phone: + 47 51 87 60 00

Service metadata
No INSPIRE Extended Capabilities (including service metadata) given. See INSPIRE Technical Guidance - View Services for more information.

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European Datum 1950(ED50) is the de facto and de jure geographic coordinate reference system for petroleum industry licencing and operation on the Norwegian continental shelf. The basic input data to this wms service is defined in this Datum, transformations to Euref89 (WGS84) is done on the fly in the server. As the oficially agreed transformations is rather complex, we have choosen a seven parameter vector which gives the smallest overall error |dX| < 1.8m |dY|< 1.7m South of 62 deg N and |dX|< 6.0m |dY|< 2.6m north of 62 deg N.

Available map layers (43)

NPD FactMaps 2.0 (NPD)

European Datum 1950(ED50) is the de facto and de jure geographic coordinate reference system for petroleum industry licencing and operation on the Norwegian continental shelf. The basic input data to this wms service is defined in this Datum, transformations to Euref89 (WGS84) is done on the fly in the server. As the oficially agreed transformations is rather complex, we have choosen a seven parameter vector which gives the smallest overall error |dX| < 1.8m |dY|< 1.7m South of 62 deg N and |dX|< 6.0m |dY|< 2.6m north of 62 deg N.

Sub areas (nsaAll)

Quadrants (qadAll)

Blocks (blcAll)

Structural elements (steAll)

Faults and boundaries (fabAll)

Announced blocks (blcAnnouncementAll)

Production licence all (prlAll)

Historical production licenses (prlHistorical)

Current production licenses (prlCurrent)

Current production licenses, by operator (prlCurrentByOperator)

Area with stratigraphic licencing (prlCurrentStratigraphic)

Area Fee Exemption (afxAll)

Business Arrangement Area (baaAll)

APA open (apaOpenAll)

APA gross (apaGross)

Discoveries, all (dscAll)

Discoveries not included in fields (dscNotInclInFld)

Discoveries included in fields (dscInclInFld)

Field, status (fldByStatus)

Other surveys, cancelled (seaOtherCancelled)

Other surveys, paused (seaOtherPaused)

Other surveys, ongoing (seaOtherOngoing)

Other surveys, planned (seaOtherPlanned)

Other surveys, pending (seaOtherPending)

EM, cancelled (seaEMCancelled)

EM, paused (seaEMPaused)

EM, ongoing (seaEMOngoing)

EM, planned (seaEMPlanned)

EM, pending (seaEMPending)

Seismic surveys, cancelled (seaSeisCancelled)

Seismic surveys, paused (seaSeisPaused)

Seismic surveys, ongoing (seaSeisOngoing)

Seismic surveys, planned (seaSeisPlanned)

Seismic surveys, pending (seaSeisPending)

Active exploration wellbores (wlbExplorationActive)

Wellbores, exploration (wlbExploration)

Wellbores, exploration (labels) (wlbExploration_lbl)

Wellbores, development (wlbDevelopment)

Wellbores, development (labels) (wlbDevelopment_lbl)

Pipelines (pplAll)

Facilities, fixed (fclFixed)

About the NPD FactMaps 2.0 WMS (About_this_WMS)

Data updated: 06.04.2021 10:00

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