NOAA Environmental Research Division

WMS for FNMOC Wind and Ekman Transport Data, 360x180, Monthly, from 6-hr Pressure

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Web Service, OGC Web Map Service 1.3.0
360x180, 6-hr, Atmosphere, Atmospheric Pressure, Atmospheric Pressure Measurements, Atmosphere, Atmospheric Pressure, Sea Level Pressure, Atmosphere, Atmospheric Pressure, Static Pressure, Atmosphere, Atmospheric Winds, Surface Winds, Atmosphere, Atmospheric Winds, Wind Stress, air, air_pressure, atmosphere, atmospheric, component, curl, currents, data, downward, east, east-west, eastward, ekman, erd, fnmoc, from, level, magnitude, measurements, monthly, msl, noaa, north, north-south, northward, pressure, reduced, sea, south, speed, static, stress, surface, surface_downward_eastward_stress, surface_downward_northward_stress, transport, west, wind, wind_speed, winds, x_wind, y_wind
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No INSPIRE Extended Capabilities (including service language support) given. See INSPIRE Technical Guidance - View Services for more information.
Data provider

NOAA Environmental Research Division (unverified)

Contact information:

Bob Simons

NOAA Environmental Research Division

1352 Lighthouse Ave., 93950 Pacific Grove, USA


Phone: 831-658-3205

Service metadata
No INSPIRE Extended Capabilities (including service metadata) given. See INSPIRE Technical Guidance - View Services for more information.

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Global monthly derived winds and Ekman transports can be obtained for any point on the ocean (Northern Hemisphere: 1967 - present, Southern Hemisphere: 1981 - present). ERD was established at the U.S. Navy Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC) to take advantage of the Navy's global oceanographic and meteorological databases. FNMOC produces operational forecasts of the state of the atmosphere and the ocean several times daily and maintains archives of several important parameters, such as sea level pressure and temperature. ERD derives a number of well-known environmental data and index products which are routinely distributed to researchers at many state and federal laboratories, as well as to academic and international researchers.

Available map layers (15)

Land (Land)

FNMOC Wind and Ekman Transport Data, 360x180, Monthly, from 6-hr Pressure - pmsl (erdlasFnWPr:pmsl)

FNMOC Wind and Ekman Transport Data, 360x180, Monthly, from 6-hr Pressure - u_mean (erdlasFnWPr:u_mean)

FNMOC Wind and Ekman Transport Data, 360x180, Monthly, from 6-hr Pressure - v_mean (erdlasFnWPr:v_mean)

FNMOC Wind and Ekman Transport Data, 360x180, Monthly, from 6-hr Pressure - uv_mag_mean (erdlasFnWPr:uv_mag_mean)

FNMOC Wind and Ekman Transport Data, 360x180, Monthly, from 6-hr Pressure - taux_mean (erdlasFnWPr:taux_mean)

FNMOC Wind and Ekman Transport Data, 360x180, Monthly, from 6-hr Pressure - tauy_mean (erdlasFnWPr:tauy_mean)

FNMOC Wind and Ekman Transport Data, 360x180, Monthly, from 6-hr Pressure - curl (erdlasFnWPr:curl)

FNMOC Wind and Ekman Transport Data, 360x180, Monthly, from 6-hr Pressure - ektrx (erdlasFnWPr:ektrx)

FNMOC Wind and Ekman Transport Data, 360x180, Monthly, from 6-hr Pressure - ektry (erdlasFnWPr:ektry)

LandMask (LandMask)

Coastlines (Coastlines)

Lakes and Rivers (LakesAndRivers)

National Boundaries (Nations)

State Boundaries (States)

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