NOAA Environmental Research Division

WMS for GFDL CM2.1, 20C3M, Monthly Atmospheric Forcing Data, 1860-2000, Run #5

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1860-2000, 20c3m, Atmosphere, Atmospheric Pressure, Atmospheric Pressure Measurements, Atmosphere, Atmospheric Pressure, Sea Level Pressure, Atmosphere, Atmospheric Pressure, Static Pressure, Atmosphere, Atmospheric Pressure, Surface Pressure, Atmosphere, Atmospheric Radiation, Heat Flux, Atmosphere, Atmospheric Radiation, Longwave Radiation, Atmosphere, Atmospheric Radiation, Radiative Flux, Atmosphere, Atmospheric Radiation, Shortwave Radiation, Atmosphere, Atmospheric Temperature, Air Temperature, Atmosphere, Atmospheric Temperature, Surface Air Temperature, Atmosphere, Atmospheric Water Vapor, Water Vapor, Atmosphere, Atmospheric Winds, Convection, Atmosphere, Atmospheric Winds, Surface Winds, Atmosphere, Atmospheric Winds, Wind Stress, Atmosphere, Clouds, Cloud Amount/Frequency, Atmosphere, Clouds, Cloud Liquid Water/Ice, Atmosphere, Precipitation, Precipitation Rate, Atmosphere, Precipitation, Snow, Land Surface, Land Temperature, Land Surface Temperature, Oceans, Ocean Heat Budget, Heat Flux, Oceans, Ocean Temperature, Water Temperature, Oceans, Salinity/Density, Salinity, air, air_pressure_at_sea_level, air_temperature, amount, area, assuming, atmosphere, atmosphere_cloud_condensed_water_content, atmosphere_cloud_ice_content, atmosphere_water_vapor_content, atmospheric, clear, clear-sky, cloud, cloud_area_fraction, clouds, cm2.1, column, condensed, content, convection, convective, convective_precipitation_flux, data, downward, downwelling, eastward, eastward_wind, flux, forcing, fraction, frequency, gfdl, heat, heat flux, hpa, ice, incident, incoming, integerated, land, level, liquid, longwave, measurements, meridional, meteorology, model, monthly, net, net_downward_radiative_flux_at_top_of_atmosphere_model, net_downward_shortwave_flux_in_air, net_downward_shortwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky, net_upward_longwave_flux_in_air, net_upward_longwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky, noaa, northward, northward_wind, ocean, oceans, outgoing, precipitable, precipitation, precipitation_flux, pressure, radiation, radiative, rate, reflected, run, sea, seawater, sensible, shortwave, skin, sky, snow, snowfall, snowfall_flux, speed, static, stress, surface, surface_air_pressure, surface_downward_eastward_stress, surface_downward_northward_stress, surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air, surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky, surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air, surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky, surface_temperature, surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux, surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_in_air, surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air, surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky, temperature, toa, toa_incoming_shortwave_flux, toa_outgoing_longwave_flux, toa_outgoing_longwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky, toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux, toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky, top, total, upward, upwelling, vapor, water, wind, winds, zonal
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NOAA Environmental Research Division (unverified)

Contact information:

Bob Simons

NOAA Environmental Research Division

1352 Lighthouse Ave., 93950 Pacific Grove, USA


Phone: 831-658-3205

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No INSPIRE Extended Capabilities (including service metadata) given. See INSPIRE Technical Guidance - View Services for more information.

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This is monthly atmospheric forcing data, 1860-2000, run #5, from the NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory's (GFDL) CM2.1 climate model, specifically: GFDL CM2.1, 20C3M (run5) climate of the 20th Century experiment (20C3M) output for IPCC AR4 and US CCSP. In 2004, a new family of GFDL climate models (the CM2.x family) was first used to conduct climate research. The GFDL CM2.x models have become the workhorse model for GFDL's climate research. They are being applied to topics focusing on decadal-to-centennial (deccen) time scale issues (including multi-century control experiments and climate change projections), as well as to seasonal-to-interannual (si) problems, such as El NiƱo research and experimental forecasts.

Available map layers (39)

Land (Land)

GFDL CM2.1, 20C3M, Monthly Atmospheric Forcing Data, 1860-2000, Run #5 - clivi (gfdlCM2120C3M5A:clivi)

GFDL CM2.1, 20C3M, Monthly Atmospheric Forcing Data, 1860-2000, Run #5 - clt (gfdlCM2120C3M5A:clt)

GFDL CM2.1, 20C3M, Monthly Atmospheric Forcing Data, 1860-2000, Run #5 - clwvi (gfdlCM2120C3M5A:clwvi)

GFDL CM2.1, 20C3M, Monthly Atmospheric Forcing Data, 1860-2000, Run #5 - hfss (gfdlCM2120C3M5A:hfss)

GFDL CM2.1, 20C3M, Monthly Atmospheric Forcing Data, 1860-2000, Run #5 - pr (gfdlCM2120C3M5A:pr)

GFDL CM2.1, 20C3M, Monthly Atmospheric Forcing Data, 1860-2000, Run #5 - prc (gfdlCM2120C3M5A:prc)

GFDL CM2.1, 20C3M, Monthly Atmospheric Forcing Data, 1860-2000, Run #5 - prsn (gfdlCM2120C3M5A:prsn)

GFDL CM2.1, 20C3M, Monthly Atmospheric Forcing Data, 1860-2000, Run #5 - prw (gfdlCM2120C3M5A:prw)

GFDL CM2.1, 20C3M, Monthly Atmospheric Forcing Data, 1860-2000, Run #5 - ps (gfdlCM2120C3M5A:ps)

GFDL CM2.1, 20C3M, Monthly Atmospheric Forcing Data, 1860-2000, Run #5 - psl (gfdlCM2120C3M5A:psl)

GFDL CM2.1, 20C3M, Monthly Atmospheric Forcing Data, 1860-2000, Run #5 - rlds (gfdlCM2120C3M5A:rlds)

GFDL CM2.1, 20C3M, Monthly Atmospheric Forcing Data, 1860-2000, Run #5 - rldscs (gfdlCM2120C3M5A:rldscs)

GFDL CM2.1, 20C3M, Monthly Atmospheric Forcing Data, 1860-2000, Run #5 - rlntp (gfdlCM2120C3M5A:rlntp)

GFDL CM2.1, 20C3M, Monthly Atmospheric Forcing Data, 1860-2000, Run #5 - rlntpcs (gfdlCM2120C3M5A:rlntpcs)

GFDL CM2.1, 20C3M, Monthly Atmospheric Forcing Data, 1860-2000, Run #5 - rlus (gfdlCM2120C3M5A:rlus)

GFDL CM2.1, 20C3M, Monthly Atmospheric Forcing Data, 1860-2000, Run #5 - rlut (gfdlCM2120C3M5A:rlut)

GFDL CM2.1, 20C3M, Monthly Atmospheric Forcing Data, 1860-2000, Run #5 - rlutcs (gfdlCM2120C3M5A:rlutcs)

GFDL CM2.1, 20C3M, Monthly Atmospheric Forcing Data, 1860-2000, Run #5 - rsds (gfdlCM2120C3M5A:rsds)

GFDL CM2.1, 20C3M, Monthly Atmospheric Forcing Data, 1860-2000, Run #5 - rsdscs (gfdlCM2120C3M5A:rsdscs)

GFDL CM2.1, 20C3M, Monthly Atmospheric Forcing Data, 1860-2000, Run #5 - rsdt (gfdlCM2120C3M5A:rsdt)

GFDL CM2.1, 20C3M, Monthly Atmospheric Forcing Data, 1860-2000, Run #5 - rsntp (gfdlCM2120C3M5A:rsntp)

GFDL CM2.1, 20C3M, Monthly Atmospheric Forcing Data, 1860-2000, Run #5 - rsntpcs (gfdlCM2120C3M5A:rsntpcs)

GFDL CM2.1, 20C3M, Monthly Atmospheric Forcing Data, 1860-2000, Run #5 - rsus (gfdlCM2120C3M5A:rsus)

GFDL CM2.1, 20C3M, Monthly Atmospheric Forcing Data, 1860-2000, Run #5 - rsuscs (gfdlCM2120C3M5A:rsuscs)

GFDL CM2.1, 20C3M, Monthly Atmospheric Forcing Data, 1860-2000, Run #5 - rsut (gfdlCM2120C3M5A:rsut)

GFDL CM2.1, 20C3M, Monthly Atmospheric Forcing Data, 1860-2000, Run #5 - rsutcs (gfdlCM2120C3M5A:rsutcs)

GFDL CM2.1, 20C3M, Monthly Atmospheric Forcing Data, 1860-2000, Run #5 - rtmt (gfdlCM2120C3M5A:rtmt)

GFDL CM2.1, 20C3M, Monthly Atmospheric Forcing Data, 1860-2000, Run #5 - tas (gfdlCM2120C3M5A:tas)

GFDL CM2.1, 20C3M, Monthly Atmospheric Forcing Data, 1860-2000, Run #5 - tauu (gfdlCM2120C3M5A:tauu)

GFDL CM2.1, 20C3M, Monthly Atmospheric Forcing Data, 1860-2000, Run #5 - tauv (gfdlCM2120C3M5A:tauv)

GFDL CM2.1, 20C3M, Monthly Atmospheric Forcing Data, 1860-2000, Run #5 - ts (gfdlCM2120C3M5A:ts)

GFDL CM2.1, 20C3M, Monthly Atmospheric Forcing Data, 1860-2000, Run #5 - uas (gfdlCM2120C3M5A:uas)

GFDL CM2.1, 20C3M, Monthly Atmospheric Forcing Data, 1860-2000, Run #5 - vas (gfdlCM2120C3M5A:vas)

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