Government of Canada, Environment and …

World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre (WOUDC)

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ozone, ultraviolet, uv, totalozone, ozonesonde, umkehr, gaw, wmo, spectral, stations, instruments
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No INSPIRE Extended Capabilities (including service language support) given. See INSPIRE Technical Guidance - View Services for more information.
Data provider

Government of Canada, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Meteorological Service of Canada, Monitoring and Data Services Directorate, Monitoring Strategies, Data Management (unverified)

Contact information:

World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre

Government of Canada, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Meteorological Service of Canada, Monitoring and Data Services Directorate, Monitoring Strategies, Data Management

4905 Dufferin Street, M3H 5T4 Toronto, Canada


Phone: None

Service metadata
No INSPIRE Extended Capabilities (including service metadata) given. See INSPIRE Technical Guidance - View Services for more information.

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The World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre (WOUDC) is one of six World Data Centres which are part of the Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) programme of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). WOUDC contains ozone and UV data measured by instruments located on ground-based, shipborne or airborne platforms. Data are subject to the WOUDC Data Policy (

Available map layers (43)

WAF data access metrics by instrument (summary) (woudc:metrics_waf_access_instrument_summary)

WAF data access metrics, by instrument, by year/month

WAF data access metrics by station (summary) (woudc:metrics_waf_access_station_summary)

WAF data access metrics, by station, by year/month

OWS data access metrics by station (summary) (woudc:metrics_ows_access_station_summary)

OWS data access metrics, by station, by year/month

Data contributions by contributor and network (woudc:metrics_data_distribution_contributor_network_summary)

Data distribution metrics, by contributor / dataset / station id, by year

Instruments (woudc:instruments)

Instruments measuring ozone and ultra-violet radiation data

Multiband (woudc:multiband)

Measurements include diffuse, spectral and total global radiation with several discrete, pass-band filters. Observations are made using various models of radiometers which compute direct irradiance with a nominal spectral resolution of 2-10nm at FWHM (Full width at half maximum).

Total Stations Reporting Per Year By Network (Instrument) (woudc:metrics_network_station_count)

Data distribution metrics stations, by network

Notifications (woudc:notifications)

Data centre notifications

Total Ozone - hourly observations (woudc:totalozoneobs)

A measurement of the total amount of atmospheric ozone in a given column from the surface to the edge of the atmosphere. Ground based instruments such as spectrophotometers and ozonemeters are used to measure results hourly.

Data contributions by station (woudc:metrics_data_distribution_station)

Data distribution metrics, by station, by year

Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC) data index (woudc:ndacc)

The international Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC) is composed of more than 70 high-quality, remote-sensing research stations for observing and understanding the physical and chemical state of the stratosphere and upper troposphere and for assessing the impact of stratosphere changes on the underlying troposphere and on global climate.

WAF data access metrics by instrument (woudc:metrics_waf_access_instrument)

WAF data access metrics, by instrument, by year/month

Ozonesonde (woudc:ozonesonde)

Vertically profiled ozone levels in the atmosphere defined by ballone-borne ozone instruments. Ozonesondes are lightweight, ozone-measuring modules suitable for launching on small balloons. These balloons ascend to the stratospheric and lower tropospheric layers of the atmosphere.

WAF data access metrics by dataset (woudc:metrics_waf_access_dataset)

WAF data access metrics, by dataset, by year/month

Data contributions by dataset (frequency) (woudc:metrics_data_distribution_dataset_frequency)

Data distribution metrics, by dataset, by year

Lidar (woudc:lidar)

Temperature and ozone density data above about 25km is lidar derived. Lidar is a technology that measures distances by laser targeting to create density maps. Temperature and density below 20-25km (maximum sonde height) is that given by the nearest in time Buffalo radiosonde. Between the maximum sonde height up to around 25km the temperature and density is estimated by interpolating between the sonde and lidar values.

FTP data access metrics by instrument (woudc:metrics_ftp_access_instrument)

FTP data access metrics, by instrument, by year/month

Data contributions by station (summary) (woudc:metrics_data_distribution_station_summary)

Data distribution metrics, by station, by year

Contributors (woudc:contributors)

Agencies/Institutions who have in the past or are currently contributing data to the WOUDC archive. The WOUDC acknowledges the commitment and dedication of those individuals who provide these data, on an ongoing basis, to this global data archive.

OWS data access metrics by instrument (summary) (woudc:metrics_ows_access_instrument_summary)

OWS data access metrics, by instrument, by year/month

Broadband (woudc:broadband)

Measurements of ultraviolet-A (UV-A), UV-B radiation and erythemally weighted UV radiation. The measurement technique utilizes colored glass optical filters to block the Sun’s visible spectra and a UV sensitive fluorescent phosphor to convert the UV light into visible light, which is then measured by a solid-state photodetector.

FTP data access metrics by station (woudc:metrics_ftp_access_station)

FTP data access metrics, by station, by year/month

Level 2.0 (woudc:umkehrn14-2)

Umkehr measurements are ozone profiles compiled using 14 N-values, measured with ultraviolet spectrophotometers of the ratio of zenith sky light intensities of two wavelengths in the solar ultraviolet range when the sun is near the horizon. Ozone profiles are derived from these measurements.

WAF data access metrics by dataset (summary) (woudc:metrics_waf_access_dataset_summary)

WAF data access metrics, by dataset, by year/month

OWS data access metrics by dataset (summary) (woudc:metrics_ows_access_dataset_summary)

OWS data access metrics, by dataset, by year/month

OWS data access metrics by station (woudc:metrics_ows_access_station)

OWS data access metrics, by station, by year/month

UmkehrN14 (Level 1.0) (woudc:umkehrn14-1)

Umkehr measurements are ozone profiles compiled using 14 N-values, measured with ultraviolet spectrophotometers of the ratio of zenith sky light intensities of two wavelengths in the solar ultraviolet range when the sun is near the horizon. Level 1 is raw Umkehr data which contains data collected at 14 zenith angles.

UV Index (hourly maximum) (woudc:uv_index_hourly)

Developed by Canadian scientists in 1992, the ultraviolet index or UV index measures the strength of sunburn-producing ultraviolet radiation at a given location and time. The index values are calculated from measurements made by ground-based spectometers, broad-band filter radiometer and multi-filter radiometer. UV index values can also be retrieved from satellite measurements of atmospheric ozone and cloud cover. The UV index is measured on a linear scale with higher values indicative of greater risk of sunburn on human skin. Mean noontime UV index values in summer range from 1 in the Arctic to about 12 over the subtropical latitudes. It can be as high as 26 over higher elevations in the tropics. Factors affecting the UV index are sun elevation, total amount of ozone in the atmosphere, cloud cover, reflection from snow cover and local pollution. Forecasts of UV index are now routinely made by various meteorological centres, and adopted as a standard indicator of UV radiation by the World Meteorological Organization and the World Health Organization.

WAF data access metrics by station (woudc:metrics_waf_access_station)

WAF data access metrics, by station, by year/month

OWS data access metrics by instrument (woudc:metrics_ows_access_instrument)

OWS data access metrics, by instrument, by year/month

Data contributions by dataset (woudc:metrics_data_distribution_dataset)

Data distribution metrics, by dataset, by year

Latest data submission times by contributor (woudc:metrics_data_contribution)

Latest data submission by contributor including elapsed time since last submission

Data contributions by dataset (summary) (woudc:metrics_data_distribution_dataset_summary)

Data distribution metrics, by dataset, by year

Total Ozone - daily observations (woudc:totalozone)

A measurement of the total amount of atmospheric ozone in a given column from the surface to the edge of the atmosphere. Ground based instruments such as spectrophotometers and ozonemeters are used to measure results daily.

Data contributions by contributor and network (frequency) (woudc:metrics_data_distribution_contributor_network_frequency)

Data distribution metrics, by contributor / dataset / station id, by year

data centre file index (woudc:filelist)

data centre file index

OWS data access metrics by dataset (woudc:metrics_ows_access_dataset)

OWS data access metrics, by dataset, by year/month

Stations (woudc:stations)

Stations observing ozone and ultra-violet radiation data

Spectral (woudc:spectral)

Similar to broad-band, Spectral measurements involves UV radiation measured with several discrete, pass-band filters with nominal spectral resolution of 2-10nm at FWHM (Full width at half maximum)

Data contributions by contributor (woudc:metrics_data_distribution_contributor)

Data distribution metrics, by contributor / dataset / station id, by year

FTP data access metrics by dataset (woudc:metrics_ftp_access_dataset)

FTP data access metrics, by dataset, by year/month

Rocketsonde (woudc:rocketsonde)

ROCOZ data campaigns designed to survey latitude and seasonal changes in ozone densities in the stratosphere and lower mesosphere. Further information can be found at

Data contributions by station (frequency) (woudc:metrics_data_distribution_station_frequency)

Data distribution metrics, by station, by year

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