Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Gove… |
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Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Government of Canada (unverified)
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Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Government of Canada
The National Ecological Framework for Canada (v2.2) provides a consistent, national spatial framework that allows various ecosystems to be described, monitored and reported on. It provides standard ecological units that allow different jurisdictions and disciplines to use common communication and reporting, and a common ground to report on the state of the environment and the sustainability of ecosystems in Canada. The framework was developed between 1991 and 1999 by the Ecosystems Science Directorate, Environment Canada and the Center for Land and Biological Resources Research, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Over 100 federal and provincial agencies, non-governmental organizations and private sector companies contributed to its development. For more information, visit:
Ecodistricts (0)
Terrestrial Ecodistricts of Canada (1)
Elevation (m) by Ecodistrict (2)
Total Land and Water Area (ha) by Ecodistrict (3)
Land and Water Area (ha) by Province/Territory and Ecodistrict (4)
Land Cover by Ecodistrict (5)
Landform by Ecodistrict (6)
Permafrost by Ecodistrict (7)
Surficial Geology by Ecodistrict (8)
Soil Development by Ecodistrict (9)
Soil Texture by Ecodistrict (10)
Surface Material by Ecodistrict (11)
Surface Form by Ecodistrict (12)
Ecoregions (13)
Terrestrial Ecoregions of Canada (14)
Elevation (m) by Ecoregion (15)
Total Land and Water Area (ha) by Ecoregion (16)
Land and Water Area (ha) by Province/Territory and Ecoregion (17)
Land Cover by Ecoregion (18)
Landform by Ecoregion (19)
Permafrost by Ecoregion (20)
Surficial Geology by Ecoregion (21)
Soil Development by Ecoregion (22)
Soil Texture by Ecoregion (23)
Surface Material by Ecoregion (24)
Surface Form by Ecoregion (25)
Ecoprovinces (26)
Terrestrial Ecoprovinces of Canada (27)
Elevation (m) by Ecoprovince (28)
Total Land and Water Area (ha) by Ecoprovince (29)
Land and Water Area (ha) by Province/Territory and Ecoprovince (30)
Land Cover by Ecoprovince (31)
Landform by Ecoprovince (32)
Permafrost by Ecoprovince (33)
Surficial Geology by Ecoprovince (34)
Soil Development by Ecoprovince (35)
Soil Texture by Ecoprovince (36)
Surface Material by Ecoprovince (37)
Surface Form by Ecoprovince (38)
Ecozone (39)
Terrestrial Ecozones of Canada (40)
Elevation (m) by Ecozone (41)
Total Land and Water Area (ha) by Ecozone (42)
Land and Water Area (ha) by Province/Territory and Ecozone (43)
Land Cover by Ecozone (44)
Landform by Ecozone (45)
Permafrost by Ecozone (46)
Surficial Geology by Ecozone (47)
Soil Development by Ecozone (48)
Soil Texture by Ecozone (49)
Surface Material by Ecozone (50)
Surface Form by Ecozone (51)
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