Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

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Web Service, OGC Web Map Service 1.3.0
Grain elevators, Grains, Railways, Agriculture, lang-en
Access constraints
© Government of Canada (2015). Data are subject to the Government of Canada Open Data Licence Agreement: The terms of this Agreement govern your use and reproduction of the data instead of the copyright reproduction statements found in Important Notices on the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada website.
Supported languages
No INSPIRE Extended Capabilities (including service language support) given. See INSPIRE Technical Guidance - View Services for more information.
Data provider

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (unverified)

Contact information:


Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada



Service metadata
No INSPIRE Extended Capabilities (including service metadata) given. See INSPIRE Technical Guidance - View Services for more information.

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The Grain Elevators in Canada dataset maps the list of grain elevators in Canada as provided by the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC). The elevators have been located as much as possible to an actual location rather than generalizing to the station name centroid. Additionally car spot information from CN, CP and the grain companies has been added where this has been published. This dataset attempts to provide a temporal and geographical extent of the grain elevators in Canada. For more information, visit:

Available map layers (1)

Grain Elevators in Canada (0)

Grain Elevators in Canada

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