City of Kingston, GIS Services Group

Service health Now:
Web Service, ArcGIS MapServer 10.0
Business, Industrial, Economic Development, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, KEDCO, Carto
Access constraints
Data provider

City of Kingston, GIS Services Group (unverified)

Contact information:

City of Kingston, GIS Services Group

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This service contains the locations of business and industrial parks within the City of Kingston, as well as available lots and open spaces. It also contains several additional layers designed to produce the required cartography for the City's Business Park story map.

Available map layers (28)

288k (0)

Highway Anno (288k) (1)

Freeway/Highway - 401 (Active) (2)

Business Park Anno (288k) (3)

288k (4)

City Boundary (288k) (5)

577k (6)

Highway Anno (577k) (7)

Freeway/Highway - 401 (Active) (8)

Business Park Anno (577k) (9)

577k (10)

City Boundary (577k) (11)

1155k (12)

Highway Anno (1155k) (13)

Freeway/Highway - 401 (Active) (14)

City Boundary (1155k) (15)

Business Park Anno (144k) (16)

144k (17)

City Boundary (18)

Business Park Labels (19)

City Area (Small) (20)

City Area (Full) (21)

Lots (22)

Available (23)

Subject to Option (24)

Sale In Progress (25)

Open Spaces (26)

Highway 401 (27)

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