Pacific Salmon Foundation |
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Pacific Salmon Foundation (unverified)
Contact information:
Terry Curran
Pacific Salmon Foundation
Phone: +1 (250) 656-4098
A compliant implementation of WMS 1.1.1 plus most of the SLD 1.0 extension (dynamic styling). Can also generate PDF, SVG, KML, GeoRSS
Haulouts_nopoint (Haulouts_nopoint)
A points layer used as transparent layer in the ShoreZone Leaflet layer. Needed to be a place-holder for the 'none' layer option.
ShoreZone Barnacle (psf:ShoreZone_BAR)
Layer-Group type layer: psf:ShoreZone_BAR
ShoreZone Blue Mussel (psf:ShoreZone_BMU)
Layer-Group type layer: psf:ShoreZone_BMU
ShoreZone Dark Brown Kelp (psf:ShoreZone_CHB)
Layer-Group type layer: psf:ShoreZone_CHB
ShoreZone Diatom (psf:ShoreZone_DIA)
Layer-Group type layer: psf:ShoreZone_DIA
ShoreZone Exposure (psf:ShoreZone_Exposure)
Layer-Group type layer: psf:ShoreZone_Exposure
ShoreZone Rockweed (psf:ShoreZone_FUC)
Layer-Group type layer: psf:ShoreZone_FUC
ShoreZone Bleached Red Algae (psf:ShoreZone_HAL)
Layer-Group type layer: psf:ShoreZone_HAL
ShoreZone Giant Kelp (psf:ShoreZone_MAC)
Layer-Group type layer: psf:ShoreZone_MAC
ShoreZone California Mussel (psf:ShoreZone_MUS)
Layer-Group type layer: psf:ShoreZone_MUS
ShoreZone Bull Kelp (psf:ShoreZone_NER)
Layer-Group type layer: psf:ShoreZone_NER
ShoreZone Oyster (psf:ShoreZone_OYS)
Layer-Group type layer: psf:ShoreZone_OYS
ShoreZone Oil Residence Index (psf:ShoreZone_OilResidency)
Layer-Group type layer: psf:ShoreZone_OilResidency
ShoreZone Red Algae (psf:ShoreZone_RED)
Layer-Group type layer: psf:ShoreZone_RED
ShoreZone Shoretype (psf:ShoreZone_RepType)
Layer-Group type layer: psf:ShoreZone_RepType
ShoreZone Salt Marsh (psf:ShoreZone_SAL)
Layer-Group type layer: psf:ShoreZone_SAL
ShoreZone Soft Brown Kelp (psf:ShoreZone_SBR)
Layer-Group type layer: psf:ShoreZone_SBR
ShoreZone Surfgrass (psf:ShoreZone_SUR)
Layer-Group type layer: psf:ShoreZone_SUR
ShoreZone Sediment Abundance (psf:ShoreZone_Sediment)
Layer-Group type layer: psf:ShoreZone_Sediment
ShoreZone Green Algae (psf:ShoreZone_ULV)
Layer-Group type layer: psf:ShoreZone_ULV
ShoreZone Urchin Barrens (psf:ShoreZone_URC)
Layer-Group type layer: psf:ShoreZone_URC
ShoeZone Survey Year (psf:ShoreZone_Year)
Layer-Group type layer: psf:ShoreZone_Year
ShoreZone Eelgrass (psf:ShoreZone_ZOS)
Layer-Group type layer: psf:ShoreZone_ZOS
ShoreZone Imagery (shorezone_imagery)
Layer-Group type layer: shorezone_imagery
Canada Base Map – Transportation (gn:CBMT)
Layer-Group type layer: gn:CBMT
ChinookSubYearlings (lltk:ChinookSubYearlings)
Sub-yearling catch of Chinook in the Salish Sea
National View (gn:National)
The National View is comprised of a set of layers from the Atlas of Canada National Scale Data 1:15,000,000. Features rendered from this set of layers includes: populated places, feature names, rivers, water bodies, coasts, railways, roads, road ferries and boundaries. The range of viewing scales for the National View is between 60,000,000 and 13,750,001.
Regional View (gn:Regional)
The Regional View is primarily comprised of a set of layers from the Atlas of Canada National Scale Data 1:1,000,000. Features rendered from this set of layers includes: populated places, feature names, rivers, water bodies, coasts, glaciers, protected areas, railways, roads, road ferries and boundaries. The range of viewing scales for the Regional View is between 2,750,000 and 550,001.
shorezone algae and kelp (psf:ShoreZone_algae_kelp)
Red, bleached red, green, dark brown algae, giant kelp, bull kelp and soft brown kelp
Sub-national View (gn:Sub_national)
The Sub-national View is primarily comprised of a set of layers from the Atlas of Canada National Scale Data 1:7,500,000. Features rendered from this set of layers includes: populated places, feature names, rivers, water bodies, coasts, glaciers, railways, roads, road ferries and boundaries. The range of viewing scales for the Sub-national View is between 13,750,000 and 2,750,001.
Sub-regional View (gn:Sub_regional)
The Sub-regional View is primarily comprised of a set of layers from the National Topographic Data Base (250,000), CanVec (50,000) and GeoBase. Features rendered from this set of layers includes: populated places, feature names, rivers, water bodies, coasts, glaciers, railways, roads, road ferries, built-up areas, vegetation, designated areas, elevation, landforms, water saturated soils, manmade structures, water features, power network, and boundaries. The range of view scales for the Sub-regional View is between 550,001 and 10,000.
algae Eisenia arborea (bcmca:algae_eisenia_arborea)
Observations of an algal species (Eisenia arborea) considered rare in BC.
algae Lithothrix aspergillum (bcmca:algae_lithothrix_aspergillum)
Observations of an algal species Lithothrix aspergillum (red algae) considered rare in BC, 2008.
algae Postelsia palmaeformis (bcmca:algae_postelsia_palmaeformis)
Observations of an algal species (Postelsia palmaeformis) with a limited distribution in BC
algae Pterygophora californica (bcmca:algae_pterygophora_californica)
Observations of an algal species (Pterygophora californica) with a limited distribution in BC.
algae Rhodolith spp (bcmca:algae_rhodolith_spp)
Observations of an algal species (Rhodolith spp.) considered rare in BC.
algae Stephanocystis geminata (bcmca:algae_stephanocystis_geminata)
Areal extent of Stephanocytis geminata algae (previously identified as Cystoseira geminata and Cystoseira spicigera)in BC.
bathymetry_JdeF_SoG_BarkleySnd (psf:bathy_bc_27m)
Bathymetry of Juan de Fuca Strait, Strait of Georgia, and Barkley Sound
bathy_bc_500m (dfo:bathy_bc_500m)
Bathymetry of offshore BC
bathy_bc_clipped_500m (dfo:bathy_bc_clipped)
Bathymetry at 5000m clipped by CHS HW coastline polygon
bathymetry_smooth_500m (ubc:bathymetry_500m)
Bathymetry in Burrard Inlet pbtained from UBC
2004 - 2007 Southern ShoreZone Imagery & video (psf:bc04)
ShoreZone Imagery and video for Southern Vancouver Island, the Gulf Islands, and Juan de Fuca Strait from 2004, 2006 and 2007 respectively.
2017 - 2018 Southern ShoreZone Imagery & Video (psf:bc14)
Howe Sound, Fraser River and Burrard Inlet ShoreZone imagery and video from 2017 and 2018
2014 - 2018 Northern ShoreZone Imagery & Video (psf:bc17)
ShoreZone imagery and video collected in northern BC from flights in 2014/15/18.
bc_ecosections (dfo:bc_ecosections)
Modified ecosystem approaches have been used in the development of the British Columbia Marine Ecosystem Classification (BCMEC) for the Pacific coast of Canada. The classification is hierarchical, and consists of four nested divisions based on physical properties and a fifth division based on current, depth, bottom substrate, bottom relief, and wave exposure. The fifth division—termed ecounits— was created at a considerably larger scale.
bc_gazetteer as of 2016Jan21 (dfo:bc_gazetteer_21jan2016)
The Gazetteer of British Columbia is a listing of all official geographical names in the province, extracted daily from the BC Geographical Names Information Service (BCGNIS), the master database of B.C. place names. 40,500+ names are in the Gazetteer of British Columbia (to January 2013).
bathymetry locator for CHS multibeam data (dfo:bdb_index)
Index to CHS bathymetric database. Useful for determining desired data files.
benthic samples in strait of georgia (dfo:benthicsamples)
Any monitoring program which aims to identify biological, geochemical and physical changes from existing conditions, and to separate natural from anthropogenic effects must start with a well-developed and understood baseline of conditions for the region of interest. This includes knowledge of inputs and cycling of organic material, particulates, contaminants, hydrographic conditions, major drivers in the natural system, and the scales of variability likely from extreme events. This was the primary goal of the first 10 years of the Strait of Georgia AMP. In addition, the 10-year AMP was designed to determine natural variability and scale of the Iona outfall footprint in terms of chemical, physical and biological indicators.
biology (crd:biology)
CRD staff monitor levels of contamination in storm drain pipes, creeks, harbours and the nearshore marine environment at over 500 locations.
birds feature count (bcmca:birds_featurecount)
Number of bcmca marine bird features used in the Marxan analysis that are found in each 2 km x 2km planning unit.
birds Marine bird survey effort (bcmca:birds_marinebirdsurveyeffort)
bcmca planning units that have seen survey effort for marine birds.
birds Semi-palmated plover nests (pts) (bcmca:birds_semipalmatedplovernests_pt)
Areal extents of Semi-Palmated Plover nesting.
bottom_grabs (dfo:bottom_grabs)
Bottom samples gathered by mechanical grab throughout the Strait of Georgia. Positions were obtained by GPS, and bottom material analyzed using a modified Folk Classifiaction system.
BC submarine canyons (dfo:canyon)
A spatial inventory of large undersea features in the northeast Pacific Ocean was created through the analysis of small scale bathymetric data using benthic position index and slope surface analyses. Names recorded in the Canadian Gazetteer of Undersea Feature Names were applied to the resultant data set. 175 seamount, hill, and ridge features were identified, 39 of which were named in the gazetteer. 57 canyon and valley features (13 named) were also identified on the continental slope, as were 25 trough, basin, and canyon features (10 named) on the continental shelf, and 48 trough, basin and canyon features (16 named) on the continental rise.
chemistry (crd:chemistry)
CRD staff monitor levels of contamination in storm drain pipes, creeks, harbours and the nearshore marine environment at over 500 locations.
citsci_stations (psf:citsci_stations)
Citizen Science Stations 2015-2017 determined initially from nominal locations, or failing that by logbook times, or finally by 'best likelihood' manual assignment.
coastline for bc - high water polygon (dfo:coastline)
A multi-resolution high water polygon assembled from 'best scale' charts. As such, it has higher definition in areas where it is needed.
coastline_bc_polyline (dfo:coastline_bc)
Coastline based on the shoreline table unit_lines, which in turn originated from chs
coastline_bc_hw_line (psf:coastline_bc_hw_line)
A high water coastline for BC, including all islands, produced by LGL in 2011, using hw material from "best scale" charts generated by Pete Wills of CHS Pacific.
coastline_bc_lw_line (psf:coastline_bc_lw_line)
A low water coastline produced by LGL in 2011, using lw material from "best scale" charts generated by Pete Wills of CHS Pacific. Where the lw line disappeared in the chart, the relevant portion of the hw line was used. The lw line is closed to seaward.
VanIsle foreshore polygon (psf:coastline_vanisle_foreshore_poly)
The foreshore polygon between the hw line and the lw line for Vancouver Island BC and a small potion of the Fraser River delta region.
VanIsle hw polygon (psf:coastline_vanisle_hw_poly)
The high water polygon bounded the hw line for Vancouver Island BC and a small potion of the Fraser River delta region.
Vanisle lw polygon (psf:coastline_vanisle_lw_poly)
The polygon bounded by lw line for Vancouver Island BC and a small potion of the Fraser River delta region.
commercial fishery - Crab (bcmca:commercialfish_crab)
Total effort (# traps and soak time) and total catch (calculated lbs and number of pieces) of a 4 km x 4 km grid in an undisclosed area. The dataset is comprised of an aggregate of only dungeness and specifically targets the 200-2004 fishing seasons. The dataset has been assembled directly from the Shellfish Stock Assessment harvest log database located at the Pacific Biological Station (PBS).
commercial fishery - geoduck (bcmca:commercialfish_geoduck)
Total effort (hours) and total catch (lbs) of Geoduck species caught in a 4 km x 4 km grid in an undisclosed area in the 2000-2005 fishing seasons. The Geoduck catch and effort grid dataset has been assembled directly from the Shellfish Stock Assessment harvest log database located at the Pacific Biological Station (PBS).
commercial fishery - green sea urchin (bcmca:commercialfish_greenseaurchin)
Estimated catch (pounds) for the green sea urchin commercial fishery (2000-2005) shown in 4km x 4km grid cells.
commercial fishery - groundfish trawl (bcmca:commercialfish_groundfishtrawl)
Total effort (hours) and total catch (kg) of an aggregate of all species of groundfish caught in a 4 km x 4 km grid useed in an undisclosed fishing area in the 1996-2004 fishing seasons.The Groundfish Trawl catch and effort grid dataset has been assembled directly from the Groundfish Stock Assessment harvest log database (PacHarvTrawl) located at the Pacific Biological Station(PBS).
commercial fishery - halibut (bcmca:commercialfish_halibut)
This data set represents the spatial distribution of the commercial halibut fishery within the International Pacific Halibut Commission's statistical areas for British Columbia and was provided by the IPHC. Aggregated catch information (sum of the landed weights and the average catch per unit effort (CPUE) in net pounds per standard 100-hook skate calculated from commercial fishing logbooks) from 1991-2006.
commercial fishery - herring roe - gillnet (bcmca:commercialfish_herringroe_gillnet)
Estimated catch (metric tonnes) for the roe herring commercial fishery by gillnet (1989-2008) shown by open areas.
commercial fishery - herring roe - seine (bcmca:commercialfish_herringroe_seine)
Estimated catch (metric tonnes) for the roe herring commercial fishery by seine (1989-2008) shown by open areas.
commercial fishery - humpback shrimp (bcmca:commercialfish_humpbackshrimp)
Estimated catch (pounds) for the humpback shrimp commercial fishery (1997-2004) shown in 10km x 10km grid cells.
commercial fishery - krill (bcmca:commercialfish_krill)
Estimated catch (pounds) for the commercial euphausiids (krill) fishery (2000-2004) shown in 10km x 10km grid cells.
commercial fishery - pink shrimp (bcmca:commercialfish_pinkshrimp)
Estimated catch (pounds) for the pink shrimp commercial fishery (1997-2004) shown in 10km x 10km grid cells.
commercial fishery - prawn (bcmca:commercialfish_prawn)
Estimated catch (pounds) for the commercial shrimp and prawn by trap fishery (2001-2004) shown in 4km x 4km grid cells.
commercial fishery - red sea urchin (bcmca:commercialfish_redseaurchin)
Total Effort (hr)and total Catch (lbs) of Red Urchins species caught in a 4 km x 4 km grid at an undisclosed fishing location in the 2000-2005 fishing seasons (Aug 1-July 31). The Red Urchin catch and effort grid dataset has been assembled directly from the Shellfish Data Units harvest log database located at the Pacific Biological Station(PBS).
commercial fishery - rockfish zn (bcmca:commercialfish_rockfishzn)
Estimated catch (kilograms) for the rockfish hook and line commercial fishery (1993-2004) shown in 4km x 4km grid cells. Inside and outside rockfish are two of seven commercial groundfish fisheries on the Pacific Coast.
commercial fishery - sablefish - longline (bcmca:commercialfish_sablefish_longline)
Estimated catch (kilograms) for the sablefish commercial fishery by longline (1996-2004) shown in 4km x 4km grid cells. Sablefish (by both gear types) is one of seven commercial groundfish fisheries on the Pacific Coast.
commercial fishery - sablefish - trap (bcmca:commercialfish_sablefish_trap)
Estimated catch (kilograms) for the sablefish commercial fishery by trap (1996-2004) shown in 4km x 4km grid cells. Sablefish (by both gear types) is one of seven commercial groundfish fisheries on the Pacific Coast.
commercial fishery - sardine catch (bcmca:commercialfish_sardines_catch)
Total estimated Catch (metric tonnes) of an aggregate of sardines using a 4 km x 4 km grid in an undisclosed fishing location in the 2001-2008 cumulative fishing seasons. The Sardine catch and presence grid dataset has been assembled directly from the Pelagics Data Unit -Sardine harvest log database located at the Pacific Biological Station (PBS).
commercial fishery - sardine presence (bcmca:commercialfish_sardines_presence)
Total estimated Catch (metric tonnes) of an aggregate of only Sardines caught using a 4 km x 4 km grid at an undisclosed fishing area during the 2001-2008 cumulative fishing seasons.The Sardine fishing presence grid dataset has been assembled directly from the Pelagics Data Unit -Sardine harvest log database located at the Pacific Biological Station (PBS).
commercial fishery - schedule 2 (bcmca:commercialfish_schedule2)
Estimated catch (kilograms) for the schedule II commercial fishery (1996-2004) shown in 4km x 4km grid cells. Lingcod and dogfish are part of Schedule II and are two of seven commercial groundfish fisheries on the Pacific Coast. Some rockfish are also caught as part of Schedule II.
commercial fishery - sea cucumber (bcmca:commercialfish_seacucumber)
Total Effor(hr)and total Catch(lbs) of Sea Cucumber species only using a 4 km x 4 km grid at an undisclosed fishing location during the 2000-2005 fishing seasons. The Sea Cucumber catch and effort grid dataset has been assembled directly from the Shellfish Data Units harvest log database located at the Pacific Biological Station(PBS).
commercial fishery - shrimp - trawl (bcmca:commercialfish_shrimptrawl)
Total Effort (troll hrs) and total Catch (lbs) of all shrimp species caught using a 4 km x 4 km grid in an undisclosed fishing location during the 1996-2004 fishing seasons..The Shrimp Trawl catch and effort grid dataset has been assembled directly from the Shellfish Stock Assessment harvest log database located at the Pacific Biological Station (PBS).
commercial fishery - sidestripe shrimp (bcmca:commercialfish_sidestripeshrimp)
Estimated catch (pounds) for the sidestripe shrimp commercial fishery (1997-2004) shown in 10km x 10km grid cells.
stations (crd:crd stations)
CRD staff monitor levels of contamination in storm drain pipes, creeks, harbours and the nearshore marine environment at over 500 locations.
ctd_do_chl_2015_2017 (psf:ctd_do_chl_2)
PSF Citizen Science ctd, do and chlorophyll dataset for 2015-2017. Reprocessed from raw data in Ocean Networks Canada archives Mar/2018 by R. Pawlowicz ( Salinity in TEOS-10 units. S(teos10)=S(psu)*1.004715.
ctd_do_chl_2018 (psf:ctd_do_chl_2018)
ctd, dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll derived from fluorescence, gathered through the years 2015-2017 in the Strait of Georgia. The associated stations and dates are included.
dem_ssea_27m (psf:dem_ssea_27m)
Layer-Group type layer: psf:dem_ssea_27m
dem_ssea_80m (psf:dem_ssea_80m)
DEM (bathymetry plus topography of USA lands) of Salish Sea at 80 metre resolution
dfo_bottle_data_2017 (dfo:dfo_bottle_data_2017)
Data from the 'bottle' folders in IOS Archive. Primary data is the nutrient data from water samples. Non-bottle CTD data is from the up-cast. The default latmin, lonmin, laatmax and lonmax parameters can be changed to encompass all readings performed by IOS globally - currently set to Vancouver Island. The first data row contains the count of the number of records in that field, as an indicator of fields to download.
dfo_bottle_header_nodata_2017 (dfo:dfo_bottle_header_2017)
List of stations, datetimes, vessel, PI, etc where bottle readings occurred. Oceanographic data is in the osd_bottle_data_2017 table.
dfo ctd cast information (sfc locations) (dfo:dfo_cast_info)
Water property cast locations via a profiling CTD
Endeavour Ridge vent zones (bcmca:dfo_endeavour_vent_zones)
The Endeavour MPA area is zoned through the Endeavour Hydrothermal Vents Marine Protected Area Management Plan (not through regulations) into four distinct areas corresponding to known vent fields at the time of designation with different management objectives. The date of designation of the Endeavour MPA is March 4, 2003.
ctd missions by dfo pacific (dfo:dfo_missions)
ctd missions by dfo pacific
dfo_sep_hatchery_facility (dfo:dfo_sep_hatchery_facility)
As well as latitude and longitude, the spreadsheet lists Project and Facility, where facility is the physical location. A project may have >1 facility associated with it, for example a hatchery and spawning channel or sea pens,
feature counts (bcmca:featurecount)
Layer-Group type layer: bcmca:featurecount
foragefish_embryo_evidence (psf:ff_embryo)
Layer-Group type layer: psf:ff_embryo
foragefish habitat suitability (psf:ff_habitat_suitability)
Layer-Group type layer: psf:ff_habitat_suitability
foragefish spawning beach monitoring (psf:ff_spawning_beach_monitoring)
Layer-Group type layer: psf:ff_spawning_beach_monitoring
foragefish spawning beach pt locations (psf:ff_spawning_beach_samples)
Point locations of beach samples, with egg information
fish - basking sharks historical abundance (bcmca:fish_baskingsharkshistoricalabund)
Historical abundance of Basking Sharks within the bcmca study area from 1948-1950.
fish - basking sharks recent captures and sightings (bcmca:fish_baskingsharksrecentcapturesandsightings)
The basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus) is the second largest fish in the world and yet is a filter feeder.
fish - herring spawn (bcmca:fish_herringspawn)
Herring spawn habitat and value of that habitat, presented as 2 km x 2 km planning units.
fish - invertebrates - featurecount (bcmca:fishinverts_featurecount)
Number of bcmca marine fish and invertebrate features used in the Marxan analysis that are found in each 2km x 2 km planning unit.
foragefish_all (psf:foragefish_all)
Layer-Group type layer: psf:foragefish_all
commercial groundfish catch (dfo:groundfishcatch)
The commercial catch data are the reported annual BC groundfish catch by by species, gear, and fishery for the Pacific Fishery Management Area (PFMA) in the Strait of Georgia (PFMAs 12 – 20, 28, 29). Fishery datasets include: Trawl and Trap (1954 to 1995), Trawl (1996 to March 2007), Line gears except trap (1986 to March 2006), Sablefish (1996 to March 2006), Trawl (April 2007 to Dec 2016) and Line gears (April 2006 to Dec 2016).
gsa_all (psf:gsa_all)
Friends of Cortes island biological and environmental data at time of sampling.
harmful phytoplankton (psf:harmful_phyto)
Water samples were taken at the surface (0m) and depths (5m, 10m, and 20m), preserved with Lugol's Iodine, 1mL was analyzed under light microscope using a Sedgewick-Rafter slide; for detailed Methods info contact Esenkulova at Biomass level was estimated subjectively on a 9 point scale from very low to very high (i.e.: 1 = very low; 1.5 = very low – low; 2 = low; 2.5 = low – moderate; 3 = moderate; 3.5 = moderate – high; 4 = high; 4.5 = high – very high; 5 = very high). Very low biomass usually corresponds to 1 – 2 cells mL-1, very high biomass corresponds to very thick bloom conditions. Harmful species that were not observed, hence columns removed: Gymnodinium mikimotoi, Chattonella marina, Pseudochattonella cf. verruculosa. Harmful species that can not be identified with high degree of accuracy with light microscopy/Lugols preserved samples, hence no data available: Cyanobacteria, Prymnesium spp., Chrysichromulina spp.
rmis hatchery and release locations (dfo:hatcheryreleaselocations)
Locations of salmonid hatchery and release locations. The locations include many coordinates for Canadian locations not available elsewhere. The most-complete listing uses the 'combined' version of lats and longs. These are a combination of local late and longs, supplemented by rmis lats and longs. Sometimes there are significant differences from these two constituent sources.
coastline for bc - high water line (psf:high water line)
From Shorezone dataset, and ultimately DFO-CHS
homog_wind_stns (ec:homog_wind_stns)
Layer-Group type layer: ec:homog_wind_stns
high water line derived from chs sources (dfo:hwl)
The high water line was developed by CHS from 'best scale' charts, and may have been modified by LGL Limited.
kelp -giant kelp - polygons (bcmca:kelp_giantkelp_polygons)
Areal extents of Giant Kelp (Macrocystis intergrifolia)
FOCI site locations (psf:level4)
Layer-Group type layer: psf:level4
lightstation surface temperature and salinity (dfo:lighthouse_ts)
Daily sea surface temperature and salinity observations have been carried out at several locations on the coast of British Columbia since the early part of the 20th century. Observations started at the Pacific Biological Station (Departure Bay) in 1914, 11 lighthouse stations were added in the mid-1930s and several more in the 1960s. The number of stations reporting at any given time has varied as sampling has been discontinued at some stations, and started or resumed at others. There are over 400,000 readings. The data is useful for general trends, but should not be combined with other data gathered by other more accurate equipment.
lighthouse_ts_simplified (dfo:lighthouse_ts_simplified)
Layer-Group type layer: dfo:lighthouse_ts_simplified
low water line derived from chs sources (dfo:lwl)
The low water line was developed by CHS from 'best scale' charts, and may have been modified by LGL Limited.
forage fish beach details examined by MABRRI (psf:mabrri_beaches)
Layer-Group type layer: psf:mabrri_beaches
mammals - california sea lion haulouts - ply (bcmca:mammals_californiasealionhaulouts_ply)
Areal extents of California Sea Lion haulouts along the BC coast.
mammals - california sea lion haulouts - pts (bcmca:mammals_californiasealionhaulouts_pt)
Point data locations of California Sea Lion haulouts on the coast of BC.
mammals - chlorophyll sample (bcmca:mammals_chlorophyll)
Areas of high chlorophyll concentration (Less than 30 mg/m3) on the BC coast.
mammals - feature count (bcmca:mammals_featurecount)
Number of bcmca marine mammal features used in the Marxan analysis that are found in each 2 km x 2 km planning unit.
mammals - harbour seal haulouts (bcmca:mammals_harboursealhaulouts)
Spatial distribution of harbour seal haulout sites.
mammals - steller sea lion haulouts - ply (bcmca:mammals_stellersealionhaulouts_ply)
Polygon data of areal extents of Steller Sea Lion haulouts on the BC coast.
mammals - steller sea lion haulouts - pts (bcmca:mammals_stellersealionhaulouts_pt)
Point data of areal extents of Steller Sea Lion haulouts on the BC coast.
mammals - steller sea lion rookeries - ply (bcmca:mammals_stellersealionrookeries_ply)
Polygon data of areal extents of Steller Sea Lion Breeding areas on the BC coast.
mammals - steller sea lion rookeries - pt (bcmca:mammals_stellersealionrookeries_pt)
Layer-Group type layer: bcmca:mammals_stellersealionrookeries_pt
marine_weather_stations (ec:marine_weather_stations)
Locations of weather stations (about 90) in Strait of Georgia, capable of providing temperature, pressure, wind speed and direction, dew point, relative humidity, wind chill and visibility. Data can be downloaded from Environment and Climate Change Canada, at hourly, daily and monthly intervals. Values for name, station ID, climate ID, WMO ID and Transport Canada ID are provided as available.
NatEarth_10m_rivers_lake_centerlines (gn:ne_10m_rivers_lake_centerlines)
rivers and lakes at 1:10 million scale
ne_10m_rivers_north_america (gn:ne_10m_rivers_north_america)
Rivers of North America at 1:10 million scale
Admin 0 – Breakaway, disputed areas (gn:ne_50m_boundary_da)
Disputed areas and breakaway regions From Kashmir to the Elemi Triangle, Northern Cyprus to Western Sahara.
Admin 0 – Boundary Lines (gn:ne_50m_boundary_lines_land)
Country boundaries on land and offshore.
Coastline-world, 1:50million (gn:ne_50m_coastline)
The 50 million coastline is a generalized version of the 10 million coastline achieved by automated and manual techniques. Ocean coastline, including major islands. Coastline is matched to land and water polygons. The Caspian Sea, which is technically a lake, is included. The ocean coastline, the foundation for building all of NEV, primarily derives from World Data Bank 2 with modest generalization applied via line simplification in Adobe Illustrator. The Antarctica coast derives from NASA Mosaic of Antarctica.
ctd profile information from NODC (psf:nodc_ctd_info)
CTD cast information from NODC data, consisting of depth, temperature and salinity, and often pressure. In later years, electrically-sensed oxygen and chlorophyll may be included.
Ship tracks from NODC data (psf:nodc_ship_tracks)
CTD sampling expeditions in the Salish Sea area by all ships, 1975 to present
oceanenergy - feature count (bcmca:oceanenergy_featurecount)
Number of bcmca ocean energy features that were used in the Marxan analysis that are found in each 2 km x 2 km planning unit.
oceanenergy - offshore petroleum tenures - exploratory wells (bcmca:oceanenergy_offshorepetroleumtenures_exploratorywells)
This dataset identifies the location of exploratory wells (generally drilled to test for the presence of oil and gas reserves) drilled off the coast of British Columbia. It should be noted that data derived from onshore wells (not included with these data) are also relevant to the evaluation of the offshore potential.
oceanenergy - offshore petroleum tenures - federal (bcmca:oceanenergy_offshorepetroleumtenures_federal)
Federal tenures issues for marine-based oil and gas exploration.
oceanenergy - offshore petroleum tenures - provincial (bcmca:oceanenergy_offshorepetroleumtenures_provincial)
Marine portion of provincial tenures issued for oil and gas exploration.
oceanenergy - oil and gas prospectivity (bcmca:oceanenergy_oilandgasprospectivity)
This data represents the relative subsurface hydrocarbon exploration potential of sedimentary basins along the British Columbia coast.
oceanenergy - tidal current power (bcmca:oceanenergy_tidalcurrentpower)
Estimated potential energy resources available in tidal flows in the Canadian Pacific EEZ. The data includes 92 sites in British Columbia with a potential mean power greater than 1 Mean Potential Power (MW).
oceanenergy - tidal energy areas (bcmca:oceanenergy_tidalenergyareas)
Combined areas of interest or promise for tidal energy development along the coast of BC.
oceanenergy - wave energy areas (bcmca:oceanenergy_waveenergyareas)
Combined areas of interest or promise for wave energy development along the coast of BC.
oceanenergy - wind energy (bcmca:oceanenergy_windenergy)
Mean annual wind energy potential (watts per square meter) at 30 meters above the Earth's surface on the coast of BC.
osd_ctd_2017 (dfo:osd_ctd_2017)
Water property casts via a profiling CTD always include castid, depth, pressure and temperature. It almost always includes salinity, sigma-t and sigma-Stp (density anomaly). It often includes oxygen and fluorescence. It may include PAR. Location is provided by extracting latitude and longitude from 'geog'. Other cast details such as investigator, platform, data and time, etc may be obtained from dfo_cast_info.
osd_ctd_latlong_2017 (dfo:osd_ctd_latlong_2017)
Layer-Group type layer: dfo:osd_ctd_latlong_2017
dfo ctd cast values in the salish sea only (dfo:osd_ctd_ssea)
Not just cast locations. Included are the depth, pressure, temperature, salinity, sigma-t, sigma-Stp, oxygen, fluorescence, transmissivity, and par values where available, as a function of position.
oyster (psf:oyster)
Layer-Group type layer: psf:oyster
pfma_v3g_2ew_3xyz_29abcde (dfo:pfma_v3g_2ew_3xyz_29abcde)
Pacific fishery management area version 3g, with consolidated areas LABELLED 2E,2W,3XY,3Z,29AB,29C,29D and 29E. Includes coastline.
pfma_v3g_area_0_to_142 (dfo:pfma_v3g_area0_to_142)
Pacific fishery management area version 3g, without consolidated subareas. Includes coastline.
physical - benthic classes (bcmca:physical_benthicclasses)
Classification of the sea floor based on landscape features, substrate, and depth.
physical - ecosections (bcmca:physical_ecosections)
This dataset identifies the 12 Provincial marine ecosections on Canada's Pacific Coast.
physical - feature count (bcmca:physical_featurecount)
Number of bcmca physical features used in the Marxan analysis that are found in each 2 km x 2 km planning unit.
physical - high rugosity (bcmca:physical_highrugosity)
Rugosity in British Columbia coastwide out to the limit of the Exclusive Economic Zone (200nm).
physical - hydothermal vents (bcmca:physical_hydothermalvents)
Identification of hydrothermal vents.
physical - oceanographic regions (bcmca:physical_oceanographicregions)
Upper ocean sub regions derived from expert knowledge, primary literature, satellite imagery, and oceanographic modelling.
physical - seamounts (bcmca:physical_seamounts)
Spatial extents of seamounts within the bcmca study area.
plants - feature count (bcmca:plants_featurecount)
Number of bcmca plant features used in the Marxan analysis that are found in each 2 km x 2 km planning unit.
rivers_bc_alb (gn:rivers_bc_alb)
Layer-Group type layer: gn:rivers_bc_alb
rmis basins in the Pacific Northwest (rmis:rmis_basins)
Layer-Group type layer: rmis:rmis_basins
rmis_locations_2019 (rmis:rmis_locations_2019)
Layer-Group type layer: rmis:rmis_locations_2019
rmis regions in the Pacific Northwest (rmis:rmis_regions)
Layer-Group type layer: rmis:rmis_regions
rmis_smolt_releases (rmis:rmis_releases)
Release data from publicly-available rmis website. Some positions may have errors.
salinity_annual (psf:s_an)
Layer-Group type layer: psf:s_an
salmon escapement in bc (dfo:salmonescapement)
This is the DFO NuSEDS database. SUBAREA has been augmented by polygon coordinates from the PFMA subarea. These are NOT the coordinates of the waterbody. There are 4.9 million records, for which accuracies are 42K (high), 247K (med), 181K (low) and 4.4 million (unknown).
BC Seamounts (dfo:seamount)
A spatial inventory of large undersea features in the northeast Pacific Ocean was created through the analysis of small scale bathymetric data using benthic position index and slope surface analyses. Names recorded in the Canadian Gazetteer of Undersea Feature Names were applied to the resultant data set. 175 seamount, hill, and ridge features were identified, 39 of which were named in the gazetteer. 57 canyon and valley features (13 named) were also identified on the continental slope, as were 25 trough, basin, and canyon features (10 named) on the continental shelf, and 48 trough, basin and canyon features (16 named) on the continental rise.
secchi_2015_2019 (psf:secchi_2015_2019)
Secchi water clarity measurements in the Strait of Georgia, 2015 to 2019. In the accompanying image, a time series of colour-coded secchi depths are plotted vertically in 3D versus latitude and longitude. BC Albers coordinates are also included for true x-y plotting.
shippingtrans - feature count (bcmca:shippingtrans_featurecount)
Layer-Group type layer: bcmca:shippingtrans_featurecount
shippingtrans - ferry routes (bcmca:shippingtrans_ferryroutes)
Twenty-five British Columbia Ferry Services Inc. (BC Ferries) routes, as well as twenty-one routes serviced by other ferry operators.
shippingtrans - pilotage areas (bcmca:shippingtrans_pilotageareas)
Areas within the Canadian Pacific EEZ where ships transiting to and from Canadian ports are required to carry a certified pilot. Data extend inland to cover all relevant inlets and have not been clipped to a particular coastline.
shippingtrans - tanker exclusion zone (bcmca:shippingtrans_tankerexclusionzone)
This dataset identifies the location of the Tanker Exclusion Zone off the coast of British Columbia.
shippingtrans - towboat reserves (bcmca:shippingtrans_towboatreserves)
Tow boat reserve locations along the coast of British Columbia. Towboat reserves are commonly used by tug and barge traffic under the direction of the Council of Marine Carriers (CMC). All reserves mapped continue to be used although sites in remote regions are used only intermittently. CMC has advised that all existing towboat reserves are required to maintain adequate safe harbours for current levels of commercial marine traffic (2006).
shorezone_biota (psf:shorezone_biota)
Layer-Group type layer: psf:shorezone_biota
shorezone_full (psf:shorezone_full)
ShoreZone is an aerial imaging, coastal habitat classification and mapping system used to inventory alongshore and across-shore geomorphological and biological attributes of the shoreline. The georeferenced, oblique, low altitude aerial imagery is acquired during the lowest tides of the year and then used to classify habitat attributes into a searchable database. This data is used for coastal planning, identification of vulnerable resources, oil spill response planning, habitat modeling, recreational planning and scientific research. The data provided in this dataset was collected during surveys taken between the late 1980s and 2007.
shorezone_red_algae (psf:shorezone_red_algae)
Layer-Group type layer: psf:shorezone_red_algae
weather hourly in sog, to mid-Feb 2018 data (BIG) (ec:sog hourly weather data)
Official Environment Canada hourly weather data for fourteen stations primarily in the Strait of Georgia, from earliest records to mid-February 2018. Where reported, variables include station ID, datetime, epoch (Linux time), temperature (degC), dew_point (degC), relative humidity (%), wind direction in tens of degrees, wind speed (kmh), visibility (km), pressure (kPa), humidity, wind_chill, and weather comments. This information is continuously gathered and publicly available from Environment Canada. It is provided here as a convenience.
sponge_reefs - hecate - 2008 update (bcmca:sponge_reefs_hecate_update_2008)
This vector digital data set delimits the distribution of sponge reefs in the Queen Charlotte Basin and indicates the continuous or incontinuous coverage of the seafloor by sponge reefs.
sportfishery - anadromous (bcmca:sportfish_anadromous)
This dataset identifies the location of sportfishing activities for anadromous fish along the coast of British Columbia.
sportfishery - crab (bcmca:sportfish_crab)
The British Columbia Marine Conservation Analysis (BCMCA) is a collaborative project assembling and analyzing spatial information about Canada's Pacific Ocean. The overall goal of the BCMCA is to identify marine areas of high conservation value and marine areas important to human use. Results of the project are intended to inform and help advance marine planning initiatives in BC by providing collaborative, peer-reviewed scientific analyses based on the best ecological and human use spatial data at scales relevant to a BC coast-wide analysis.
sportfishery - feature count (bcmca:sportfish_featurecount)
Layer-Group type layer: bcmca:sportfish_featurecount
sportfishery - groundfish (bcmca:sportfish_groundfish)
Groundfish sportfishing locations along the coast of British Columbia, 1993-2009
sportfishery - prawn and shrimp (bcmca:sportfish_prawnandshrimp)
This dataset identifies the location of sportfishing activities for prawn and shrimp along the coast of British Columbia.
salish sea plankton regions (dfo:ssea_regions_4plankton)
Regions in the Salish Sea determined by reference to zooplankton abundance.
steelhead catch bc (dfo:steelheadCatch)
Wild and hatchery Steelhead catch and release abundances in many Vancouver Island and some mainland rivers and creeks, 1967-2007.
tenures - feature count (bcmca:tenures_featurecount)
Layer-Group type layer: bcmca:tenures_featurecount
tourismrec - anchorages (bcmca:tourismrec_anchorages)
Location of anchorages and Council of BC Yacht Clubs Safe Boat Havens.
tourismrec -coastal campsites (bcmca:tourismrec_coastalcampsites)
This data represents the location of coastal British Columbia coastal campsites, kayak use sites and kayak staging areas.
tourismrec -dive sites (bcmca:tourismrec_divesites)
This data represents the location of scuba diving sites in coastal British Columbia
tourismrec -feature count (bcmca:tourismrec_featurecount)
Number of bcmca tourism and recreation features that were used in the Marxan analysis taht are found in each 2 km x 2 km planning unit.
tourismrec -kayak routes (bcmca:tourismrec_kayakroutes)
This data represents the location of coastal British Columbia marine kayaking routes.
tourismrec -marinas (bcmca:tourismrec_marinas)
This data represents the location of marinas and other facilities where power and sail boats can dock in coastal British Columbia. Included in this data are all marinas, coastal fuelling locations for pleasure boats, public wharves and small craft harbours, yacht clubs, fishing lodges and coastal ecotourism lodges with docks.
tourismrec -recreational boating routes (bcmca:tourismrec_recreationalboatingroutes)
This data represents the location of coastal British Columbia boating / recreational and pleasure craft cruising routes.
BC Submarine trough rise (dfo:trough_rise)
A spatial inventory of large undersea features in the northeast Pacific Ocean was created through the analysis of small scale bathymetric data using benthic position index and slope surface analyses. Names recorded in the Canadian Gazetteer of Undersea Feature Names were applied to the resultant data set. 175 seamount, hill, and ridge features were identified, 39 of which were named in the gazetteer. 57 canyon and valley features (13 named) were also identified on the continental slope, as were 25 trough, basin, and canyon features (10 named) on the continental shelf, and 48 trough, basin and canyon features (16 named) on the continental rise.
BC submarine trough shelf (dfo:trough_shelf)
A spatial inventory of large undersea features in the northeast Pacific Ocean was created through the analysis of small scale bathymetric data using benthic position index and slope surface analyses. Names recorded in the Canadian Gazetteer of Undersea Feature Names were applied to the resultant data set. 175 seamount, hill, and ridge features were identified, 39 of which were named in the gazetteer. 57 canyon and valley features (13 named) were also identified on the continental slope, as were 25 trough, basin, and canyon features (10 named) on the continental shelf, and 48 trough, basin and canyon features (16 named) on the continental rise.
unit_lines (psf:unit_lines)
Unit lines are fundamental to the Shorezone database. It was updated by Terry Curran (2019-11-21) to separate the phyident 01/10/0001/00 and geometry for Five Finger Island from that for Northwest Bay (phyident 01/10/0099/00 and corresponding geometry).
vascplants -dune vegetation (bcmca:vascplants_dunevegetation)
Dune vegetation is an assembly of species found in harsh, highly exposed and sparsely vegetated environments.
vascplants - eelgrass polygons (bcmca:vascplants_eelgrass_polygons)
Areal extents of Eelgrass Inhabited areas.
vascplants - priority eelgrass habitat (bcmca:vascplants_priorityeelgrasshabitat)
Eelgrass (Zostera marina) is a type of marine plant that occurs on fine sediment in the subtidal zone. This data layer shows habitat of importance to the lifecycle of herring, Great Blue Heron and Brant.
weather daily wiith gusts but no avg wind (ec:weather_daily)
Weather variables for selected SOG stations include min, max and average temperature, heat and cool degree-days, rain, snow total precipitation, snow on ground and maximum wind gust and direction. Data downloaded from EcCCC without change.
wind monthly for Canadian Climate Study locations (ec:wind monthly for cliimate studies)
A database of homogenized and long-term surface wind speeds (standard 10m level) has been specifically designed for climate change analyses over Canada. The data consist of homogenized monthly mean surface wind speeds for 156 stations across the country. Series start from 1953 or later and all the stations have at least 45 years of continuous observations. The original hourly surface wind speeds were extracted from the National Climate Data Archive of Environment Canada (element code is 076 at National Archives). This is monthly data - there is a separate record for seasonal and annual data.
wind seasonally and annually for Canadian Climate Study Locations (ec:wind seasonally and annually)
A database of homogenized and long-term surface wind speeds (standard 10m level) has been specifically designed for climate change analyses over Canada. The data consist of homogenized monthly mean surface wind speeds for 156 stations across the country. Series start from 1953 or later and all the stations have at least 45 years of continuous observations. The original hourly surface wind speeds were extracted from the National Climate Data Archive of Environment Canada (element code is 076 at National Archives). This contains the seasonal and annual winds - a separate records contains the average monthly wind values.
Daily wind in SOG (ec:wind_daily)
Data was calculated from the official ECCC hourly weather data, but has not been peer-reviewed. Daily winds at selected stations in SOG. Variables include average daily temperature and sd (degC), dew point (degC), rh (%), average air pressure and sd (kPa), visibility (km), wind min, max, average, sd, and TO direction, and eastward and northward wind components.
Blue Marble world image (gn:world)
Layer-Group type layer: gn:world
zooplankton total biomass (dfo:zooplankton total biomass)
Total biomass of zooplankton at that point in time
zooplankton_bc (dfo:zooplankton_bc)
Data downloaded from the Open Data website.
zooplankton sog 1990_2010 (dfo:zooplankton_sog)
A large fraction of the zooplankton data collected during the past 50 years from the Strait of Georgia has been compiled and archived. The full dataset is very heterogeneous and gappy. This dataset includes deep tows at mid-Strait deep-water locations, where vertical migratory zooplankton can be captured at all times of day and all seasons. Much of the biomass in all seasons consists of large crustaceans (copepods, euphausiids and amphipods with oceanic and subarctic zoogeographic affinities) that undergo strong diurnal or seasonal vertical migrations. Their interannual variability is very strong: about an order of magnitude within most zooplankton categories, and nearly two orders of magnitude for euphausiids, large copepods, and chaetognaths.
zooplankton_sog_2014_2017 (dfo:zooplankton_sog_2019)
Update of the SoG data, 2014-current, with abundance and biomass data table. Includes number of species, a station diversity and a station equitability.
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