[unknown data provider]

OpenGeo Demo Web Map Service

ne:ne maps:dark maps:dark
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Web Service, OGC Web Map Service 1.3.0
geoserver, wms
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Supported languages
No INSPIRE Extended Capabilities (including service language support) given. See INSPIRE Technical Guidance - View Services for more information.
Data provider

unknown (unverified)

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Service metadata
No INSPIRE Extended Capabilities (including service metadata) given. See INSPIRE Technical Guidance - View Services for more information.

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Available map layers (72)

Dark Base Map (maps:dark)

Layer-Group type layer: maps:dark

Natural Earth Base Map (ne:ne)

Base map composed of data from http://www.naturalearthdata.com.

osm:osm (osm:osm)

Layer-Group type layer: osm:osm

Tasmania Base Map (topp:tasmania)

Base map consisting of layers from Tasmania, taken from the vanilla GeoServer configuration.

North America sample imagery (nurc:Img_Sample)

Natural Earth 1 (ne:NE1_HR_LC_SR_W_DR)

With Shaded Relief, Water, and Drainages. Coloring based on land cover.

OB_LR_ti_ov (maps:OB_LR_ti_ov)

National Administrative Boundaries (osm:admin_01234)

Administrative boundary levels 0 through 4 including national borders as well as provincial/state boundaries.

Regional Administrative Boundaries (osm:admin_5678)

Administrative boundary levels 5 through 8 including county and municipality boundaries.

Other Administrative Boundaries (osm:admin_other)

Administrative boundary levels 9 and 10 including neighbourhoods.

archsites (og:archsites)

bluemarble (nasa:bluemarble)

bugsites (og:bugsites)

Buildings (osm:buildings)

Residential buildings.

Buildings (osm:buildings_lz)

Non-residential buildings including supermarkets, places of worship, and railway stations.

Urban Areas (osm:builtup_area)

Urban or "built-up" regions.

Glaciers (osm:glaciers_text)

Glacier names.

Highway Casing (osm:highway_area_casing)

Highway case lines.

Highway Fill (osm:highway_area_fill)

Fill lines for highways.

Landcover (osm:landcover)

Area land cover features representing physical material of the earth such as grass, trees, and water.

Cutlines (osm:landcover_line)

Forest cut lines.

landuse (maps:landuse)

Landuse (osm:landuse_overlay)

Human uses of land including military and nature reserves.

Minor Road Casing (osm:minor_roads_casing)

Minor road case lines.

Minor Road Fill (osm:minor_roads_fill)

Fill lines for minor roads.

natural (maps:natural)

Country Boundary Lines (ne:ne_10m_admin_0_boundary_lines_land)

Country boundaries on land and offshore.

Countries (ne:ne_10m_admin_0_countries)

The 247 countries in the world.

State Boundaries (ne:ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces_lines_shp)

Internal administrative boundaries.

ne_10m_lakes (maps:ne_10m_lakes)

ne_10m_land (maps:ne_10m_land)

Populated Places (osm:ne_10m_populated_places)

Natural Earth 1:10m populated places.

Populated Places (ne:ne_10m_populated_places)

City and town points, from Tokyo to Wasilla, Cairo to Kandahar.

Roads (ne:ne_10m_roads)

Basic roads from CEC North America Environmental Atlas.

Roads North America (ne:ne_10m_roads_north_america)

Basic roads from CEC North America Environmental Atlas.

ne_10m_wgs84_bounding_box (maps:ne_10m_wgs84_bounding_box)

Land Boundaries (osm:ne_110m_admin_0_boundary_lines_land)

Natural Earth 1:100m land boundary lines.

ne_50m_admin_0_countries (maps:ne_50m_admin_0_countries)

ne_50m_land (maps:ne_50m_land)

National Elevation Dataset (usgs:ned)

Elevation from 1/3 arc second NED.

National Landcover Dataset (usgs:nlcd)

Ocean (maps:ocean)

parks (maps:parks)

Capital Cities (osm:placenames_capital)

Place names for capital cities and towns.

Countries and States (osm:placenames_large)

Large scale place names for countries and states.

Cities (osm:placenames_medium)

Medium scale place names for cities and towns.

placenames-small (osm:placenames_small)

Small scale place names for villages and suburbs.

Barriers (osm:polygon_barrier)

On the ground physical structures that block or impede movement.

Coastlines (osm:processed_p)


restricted (og:restricted)

Roads (osm:roads)

OpenStreetMap roads.

roads (og:roads)

Road Names (osm:roads_text_name)

Road names.

Road Reference Names (osm:roads_text_ref)

Reference names for highways, exists, routes, etc...

Road Reference Names Large (osm:roads_text_ref_low_zoom)

Large scale reference names for highways, exists, routes, etc...

World (osm:shoreline_300)

World polygons.

Sporting Grounds (osm:sports_grounds)

Sporting facilities such as stadiums, pitches, and tracks.

USA Population (topp:states)

2000 census data for United States.

streams (og:streams)

Tasmania Cities (topp:tasmania_cities)

Cities in Tasmania.

Tasmania Roads (topp:tasmania_roads)

Primary Tasmania roads.

Tasmania State Boundaries (topp:tasmania_state_boundaries)

Tasmania state boundaries.

Tasmania Water Bodies (topp:tasmania_water_bodies)

Tasmania water bodies

Census Tracts (usgs:tracts)

Water Area (osm:water_areas)

Area water features such as lakes, reservoir, and basins.

Wetlands (osm:water_areas_overlay)

Wetlands and marshes.

Water Lines (osm:water_lines)

Linear water features such as rivers, streams, and canals.

Water Line Casing (osm:water_lines_casing)

Linear water feature case lines.

Rivers (osm:water_lines_low_zoom)


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