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Available map layers (184)

Aristeus antennatus (Blue and red shrimp) spawners (geonode:aritants_0)

The map shows the area where adults of Aristeus antennatus concentrate (potential spawning areas). In the framework of MAREA-MEDISEH Project it was agreed to restrict modeling to the adult females fraction of the populations using the length-at-maturity calculated from MEDITS or landing data (DCF) as threshold length. Aggregation areas for adults have been assessed through habitat suitability modeling, relating abundance information from surveys with environmental variables.

OWF project position in the MNPGL (geonode:us_med_pnmgl_eoliennes_pt_wgs84)

Planned floating wind turbine position in the MNPGL. SOURCE: LEFG, RTE (2018)

Zoning map of the Marine Natural Park Gulf of Lion (geonode:ges_med_pnmgl_vocations_aamp_pol_l93)

Zoning map of the Marine Natural Park Gulf of Lion. SOURCES: Agence Française de la Biodiversité / PNMGL (2018)

Hydrocarbon extraction platform - Italy (geonode:hydrocarbon_extraction_platform)

Offshore infrastructures for the exploitation of the natural resources stored in the seabed. The platforms can be single well or connected to others of the same type to forming a cluster, or larger platforms. In the marine area of reference the platforms are classified in active, for production and to support production.

Arrival 2014 for RER (geonode:rer_arrivals)

Arrivals for the year 2014 in Emilia Romagna Region. Source: http://www.regione.emilia-romagna.it/urp/novita-editoriali/rapporto-annuale-sul-movimento-turistico-e-la-composizione-della-struttura-ricettiva-alberghiera-e-complementare-dell2019emilia-romagna

Galeus melastomus (Blackmouth catshark) recruits (geonode:galumelr_0)

The map shows the area where recruits of Galeus melastomusconcentrate (nursery areas). Recruits were considered as those specimens that have settled on the bottom, becoming available to the fishing gear in well-defined habitats at the end of their larval—pelagic stage and which remain in these habitats before dispersing or migrating. Due to the lack of specific studies on the dispersal behaviour of juveniles, it was assumed that the first separable modal component of the age group 0 was composed of specimens recently settled on the bottom sharing similar habitat preferences. Nursery areas have been assessed in the framework of MAREA-MEDISEH Project through habitat suitability modeling, relating abundance information from surveys with environmental variables.

LNG terminals in project (geonode:lng_2020)

Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) Terminals in project for 2020. The layer is not official and the position of the terminal are not exact.

Merluccius merluccius (European hake) recruits (geonode:merlmerr_0)

The map shows the area where recruits of XXXXX concentrate (nursery areas). Recruits were considered as those specimens that have settled on the bottom, becoming available to the fishing gear in well-defined habitats at the end of their larval—pelagic stage and which remain in these habitats before dispersing or migrating. Due to the lack of specific studies on the dispersal behaviour of juveniles, it was assumed that the first separable modal component of the age group 0 was composed of specimens recently settled on the bottom sharing similar habitat preferences. Nursery areas have been assessed in the framework of MAREA-MEDISEH Project through habitat suitability modeling, relating abundance information from surveys with environmental variables.

Aristaeomorpha foliacea (Giant red shrimp) - recruits (geonode:arisfolr_0)

The map shows the area where recruits of Aristaeomorpha foliacea concentrate (nursery areas). Recruits were considered as those specimens that have settled on the bottom, becoming available to the fishing gear in well-defined habitats at the end of their larval—pelagic stage and which remain in these habitats before dispersing or migrating. Due to the lack of specific studies on the dispersal behaviour of juveniles, it was assumed that the first separable modal component of the age group 0 was composed of specimens recently settled on the bottom sharing similar habitat preferences. Nursery areas have been assessed in the framework of MAREA-MEDISEH Project through habitat suitability modeling, relating abundance information from surveys with environmental variables.

National Marine Protected Areas (geonode:national_mpas_wgs84)

Please cite the dataset as follows: MAPAMED, the database on Sites of interest for the conservation of marine environment in the Mediterranean Sea. MedPAN, UNEP/MAP/RAC-SPA. May 2016 release.

Raja clavata (Thornback ray) recruits (geonode:rajaclar_0)

The map shows the area where recruits of Raja clavata concentrate (nursery areas). Recruits were considered as those specimens that have settled on the bottom, becoming available to the fishing gear in well-defined habitats at the end of their larval—pelagic stage and which remain in these habitats before dispersing or migrating. Due to the lack of specific studies on the dispersal behaviour of juveniles, it was assumed that the first separable modal component of the age group 0 was composed of specimens recently settled on the bottom sharing similar habitat preferences. Nursery areas have been assessed in the framework of MAREA-MEDISEH Project through habitat suitability modeling, relating abundance information from surveys with environmental variables.

Telecommunication cables for the Ionian Area (geonode:all_telecommunication_cables_fa2)

Telecommunication cables in the Greek part of the Ionian Sea. Data source: Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Hellenic Telecommunications Organization (OTE S.A.), www.cablemap.info)

Aquaculture farms in the Ionian sea (geonode:aquaculture_farms_ionian_sea)

This layer represents the areas of Aquaculture farms in the Ionian Sea. The entire area in Ionian Sea includes 8 areas for aquaculture development and 2 of them are within the spatial boundaries of the Greek part of FA2.

Area identified for the development of a pilot windfarm (geonode:us_med_eolien_zone_prop_leucate_pol_l93)

Area identified for the development of a pilot windfarm SOURCE: LEFG, RTE (2018)

Offshore Wind Farms in project (geonode:offshore_wind_farm_)

Positions of projects for Offshore Wind Farms in the Adriatic – Ionian Macroregion resulting from TheWindPower database (http://www.thewindpower.net/) and the 4 C-Offshore database (http://www.4coffshore.com/windfarms). (last visit: 7/10/2014).

Ports (geonode:port_pt_2013)

This dataset should be bibliographically referred to as the “GISCO Ports 2013 dataset”. It contains a pointfeature class with the location of 2440 pan-European ports, plus one attribute table and 3 domain tables. The ports are identified following the UN Locode list. The dataset is based on the list “Ports Estat 2010” from Eurostat. All ports are represented by a point location in PORT_PT_2013. Point coordinates and Locodes are derived from several input sources, including ports lists from EMSA, Lloyds, Norie’s Seaports of the World, the GISCO Ports 2010 dataset and the UN/LOCODE 2007 list. Attributes in PORT_AT_2013 include the port name, Locode Status Indicator, and reliability flags for the positional and Locode accuracy. Dataset coverage is global. The dataset has been created for cartographic purposes and for appropriate analysis. Port statistics can be geo-referenced to this high quality pan-European dataset, especially when based on UN Locode.

Hydrocarbon investigation blocks in Croatia (geonode:license_block2)

Map with information on Croatian investigation blocks in the Adriatic-Ionian Macroregion. http://www.azu.hr/en-us/Interactive-maps/Interactive-maps-offshore

Pagellus erythrinus (Common Pandora) spawners (geonode:pageerys_0)

The map shows the area where adults of Pagellus erythrinus concentrate (potential spawning areas). In the framework of MAREA-MEDISEH Project it was agreed to restrict modeling to the adult females fraction of the populations using the length-at-maturity calculated from MEDITS or landing data (DCF) as threshold length. Aggregation areas for adults have been assessed through habitat suitability modeling, relating abundance information from surveys with environmental variables.

Leisure boat anchoring intensity in Cap de Creus MPA (geonode:leisure_boating_cap_de_creuswgs84)

Leisure boat anchoring intensity in Cap de Creus MPA SOURCE: University of Girona

Mooring area - Friuli and Veneto (geonode:mooring_area_update)

Mooring areas for Veneto and Friuli region The feature has been retrieved from the Nautical Map n.38 and n.39

Small scale fishery (Loa 12-24) (geonode:ssc0121)

This map shows the distribution of the fishing pressure of small-scale fisheries for vessels belonging to the Loa range 12-24 m (Kavadas and Maina, PERSEUS Project). The classification of fishering effort is: 5 very low 4 low 3 medium 2 high 1 very high The method used is the Multi-criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) combined with GIS.

6 Nautical miles potential recreational fishing zones (geonode:_6nm_buffer_wwf4marinas)

6 Nautical miles potential recreational fishing zones in EU Mediterranean countries, plus Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina. SOURCE: WWF 2019

Location of main Mediterranean wetland areas (geonode:owfs_and_wetlands_areas)

Location of main Mediterranean wetland areas. SOURCE: Bray, L.; Reizopoulou, S.; Voukouvalas, E.; Soukissian, T.; Alomar, C.; Vázquez-Luis, M.; Deudero, S.; Attrill, M.; Hall-Spencer, J. Expected effects of offshore wind farms on mediterranean marine life. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2016, 4, 18. https://www.mdpi.com/2077-1312/4/1/18

Parapenaeus longirostris (Deep-water rose shrimp) recruits (geonode:papelonr_0)

The map shows the area where recruits of Parapenaeus longirostris concentrate (nursery areas). Recruits were considered as those specimens that have settled on the bottom, becoming available to the fishing gear in well-defined habitats at the end of their larval—pelagic stage and which remain in these habitats before dispersing or migrating. Due to the lack of specific studies on the dispersal behaviour of juveniles, it was assumed that the first separable modal component of the age group 0 was composed of specimens recently settled on the bottom sharing similar habitat preferences. Nursery areas have been assessed in the framework of MAREA-MEDISEH Project through habitat suitability modeling, relating abundance information from surveys with environmental variables.

Rete scientifica italiana di siti fissi per l'osservazione del mare – IFON (geonode:siti_ifon)

La rete scientifica italiana di siti fissi per l’osservazione del mare (IFON - Italian Fixed-point Observatory Network) consta di una consolidata infrastruttura (gestita da vari enti di ricerca italiani (CNR, OGS ed ENEA)) di 16 siti, comprendenti diversi tipi di struttura di monitoraggio (Boe, piattaforme, mede, mooring, sistemi profilanti)

Wave climate of the Adriatic Sea (geonode:adriatic_wave_height)

Significant wave height (Hs) of the Adriatic Sea as resulted by the numerical simulations of the present climate and the future scenario (http://www.nat-hazards-earth-syst-sci.net/12/2065/2012/nhess-12-2065-2012.html). The article present a study on expected wind wave severity changes in the Adriatic Sea for the period 2070–2099 and their impact on extremes. To do so, the phase-averaged spectral wave model SWAN is forced using wind fields computed by the high-resolution regional climate model COSMO-CLM, the climate version of the COSMO meteorological model downscaled from a global climate model running under the IPCC-A1B emission scenario. Namely, the adopted wind fields are given with a horizontal resolution of 14 km and 40 vertical levels, and they are prepared by the Italian Aerospace Research Centre (CIRA). Firstly, in order to infer the wave model accuracy in predicting seasonal variability and extreme events, SWAN results are validated against a control simulation, which covers the period 1965–1994. In particular, numerical predictions of the significant wave height Hs are compared against available in-situ data. Further, a statistical analysis is carried out to estimate changes on wave storms and extremes during the simulated periods (control and future scenario simulations). In particular, the generalized Pareto distribution is used to predict changes of storm peak Hs for frequent and rare storms in the Adriatic Sea. Finally, Borgman's theory is applied to estimate the spatial pattern of the expected maximum wave height Hmax during a storm, both for the present climate and that of the future scenario. Results show a future wave climate in the Adriatic Sea milder than the present climate, even though increases of wave severity can occur locally.

Illex coindetii (Broadtail shortfin squid) spawners (geonode:illecois_0)

The map shows the area where adults of Illex coindetii concentrate (potential spawning areas). In the framework of MAREA-MEDISEH Project it was agreed to restrict modeling to the adult females fraction of the populations using the length-at-maturity calculated from MEDITS or landing data (DCF) as threshold length. Aggregation areas for adults have been assessed through habitat suitability modeling, relating abundance information from surveys with environmental variables.

Solea solea (Common sole) spawners (geonode:solevuls_0)

The map shows the area where adults of Solea solea concentrate (potential spawning areas) in GSA 17. In the framework of MAREA-MEDISEH Project it was agreed to restrict modeling to the adult females fraction of the populations using the length-at-maturity calculated from MEDITS or landing data (DCF) as threshold length. Aggregation areas for adults have been assessed through habitat suitability modeling, relating abundance information from surveys with environmental variables. (http://mareaproject.net/contracts/5/reporting/)

Eledone cirrhosa (Horned octopus) spawners (geonode:eledcirs_0)

The map shows the area where adults of Eledone cirrhosa concentrate (potential spawning areas). In the framework of MAREA-MEDISEH Project it was agreed to restrict modeling to the adult females fraction of the populations using the length-at-maturity calculated from MEDITS or landing data (DCF) as threshold length. Aggregation areas for adults have been assessed through habitat suitability modeling, relating abundance information from surveys with environmental variables.

Mullus barbatus (Red mullet) recruits (geonode:mullbarr_0)

The map shows the area where recruits of Mullus barbatus concentrate (nursery areas). Recruits were considered as those specimens that have settled on the bottom, becoming available to the fishing gear in well-defined habitats at the end of their larval—pelagic stage and which remain in these habitats before dispersing or migrating. Due to the lack of specific studies on the dispersal behaviour of juveniles, it was assumed that the first separable modal component of the age group 0 was composed of specimens recently settled on the bottom sharing similar habitat preferences. Nursery areas have been assessed in the framework of MAREA-MEDISEH Project through habitat suitability modeling, relating abundance information from surveys with environmental variables.

N° of cruise vessels in North Mediterranean cruise ports in 2016 (EMODNet) (geonode:main_ports_cruise_traffic_mod_ismar_total)

N° of cruise vessels in North Mediterranean cruise ports in 2016 (EMODNet) SOURCE: EMODnet (2016) adapted by ISMAR (2018)

North Adriatic (IT) Tourism (Istat data) (geonode:dati_istat_cs_na)

Data of n.of beds and tourism statistics per municipality of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Veneto and Emilia-Romagna regions of Italy (2016)

Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) of Cabo De Gata (geonode:trafficseparationismar_wgs84)

Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) of Cabo De Gata (Spain). SOURCE: IMO (2006), Redrawn by CNR-ISMAR from Silber, G.K., Vanderlaan, A.S.M., Tejedor Arceredillo, A., Johnson, L., Taggart, .T., Brown, M.W., Bettridge, S., Sagarminaga, R., 2012. The role of the International Maritime Organization in reducing vessel threat to whales: Process, options, action and effectiveness, Marine Policy, Volume 36, Issue 6, 2012: 1221-1233 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0308597X12000528?via%3Dihub

Prohibited anchorage areas (geonode:moulage_interdit)

Prohibited anchorage areas. SOURCE: Arrete interprefectoral n: 07/2012

EBSA - Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (geonode:ebsa_air)

The EBSAs are special areas in the ocean that serve important purposes to support the healthy functioning of oceans and the many services that it provides. Scientific criteria for identifying EBSAs where defined in the ninth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 9): (1) Uniqueness or Rarity, (2) Special importance for life history stages of species, (3) Importance for threatened, endangered or declining species and/or habitats (4) Vulnerability, Fragility, Sensitivity, or Slow recovery, (5) Biological Productivity, (6) Biological Diversity (7) Naturalness. Please cite the dataset as follows: MAPAMED, the database on Sites of interest for the conservation of marine environment in the Mediterranean Sea. MedPAN, UNEP/MAP/RAC-SPA. May 2016 release.

Location of marinas in EU Mediterranean countries, plus Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina (geonode:marinas_med_wwfmerged_2019)

Location of marinas in EU Mediterranean countries, plus Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The identification of port facilities exclusively or partially occupied for leisure activities is not yet possible in the other Mediterranean countries. SOURCE: IFREMER revised by WWF France (2019)

New natural gas pipeline Italy-Greece (geonode:igi_poseidon)

The Poseidon project consists of a new offshore pipeline that will connect the Greek and Italian natural gas transportation systems. The layer IS NOT OFFICIAL, it shows the indicative path of the future pipeline. The Poseidon project will complete the natural gas corridor through Turkey, Greece and Italy (Interconnection Turkey Greece Italy "ITGI") allowing Italy and the rest of Europe to import natural gas from the Caspian Sea and the Middle East. Additional information at: http://www.igi-poseidon.com/English/pipeline.asp

Small scale fishery area (geonode:ssf_capdecreus)

Small scale fishery area in Cap de Creus MPA. SOURCE: University of Girona

Zone where the mooring of ships longer than 20 m is forbidden (geonode:batim30m)

Zone where the mooring of ships longer than 20 m is forbidden (depth <30 m). SOURCE: Rapport d’activité 2016 Syndicat Mixte – PARC MARIN DE LA CÔTE BLEUE

Overnight stays for 2014 in RER (geonode:rer_ons_1)

Overnight stays in 2014 for coastal municipalities of Emilia Romagna Region. Source: http://statistica.regione.emilia-romagna.it/entra-in-regione/documentazione/pubblicazioni/documenti_catalogati/turismo_2014

Posidonia oceanica (Neptune grass) (geonode:posshp_0)

Data from MEDISEH-MAREA project. Posidonia oceanica distribution across the Mediterranean. (More information at http://mareaproject.net/contracts/5/reporting/)

Adriplan Focus Areas (geonode:adriplan_focus_areas)

The layer shows the two focus areas of the Adriplan project. Site link: http://adriplan.eu/

Marina port capacity 2011 (geonode:med_marinas_density_nuts3)

Marina port capacity shown by number of moorings per km of coastline in EU countries. SOURCE: Elabopration by WWF from Dominique Billé and Christophe Lowezanin (2011): http://docplayer.net/11264740-Yachting-centres-in-the-mediterranean.html and European Environment Agency (2017) for NUTS

SPAMI - Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance (geonode:spamis_wgs84)

Through the Protocol concerning Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean (SPA/BD Protocol), the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention established the List of Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance (SPAMI's List) (http://www.rac-spa.org/spami). The list aims to promote cooperation in the management and conservation of natural areas and protection of threatened species and their habitats. The conservation of the natural heritage is then the basic aim that must characterize the SPAMIs. In detail the list may include the following sites: (1) are of importance for conserving the components of biological diversity in the Mediterranean; (2) contain ecosystems specific to the Mediterranean area or the habitats of endangered species; (3) are of special interest at the scientific, aesthetic, cultural or educational level. Please cite the dataset as follows: MAPAMED, the database on Sites of interest for the conservation of marine environment in the Mediterranean Sea. MedPAN, UNEP/MAP/RAC-SPA. May 2016 release.

Compartimento marittimo di Chioggia (geonode:compchioggia_1)

Chioggia Maritime Compartment

Adriplan countries (geonode:adriplan_countries)

Polygons of the states involved in ADRIPLAN project.

Sensitive Habitats in Cap de Creus (Spain) (geonode:habitats_creus_wgs84)

Sensitive Habitats in Cap de Creus (Spain) SOURCE: Cap de Creus MPA & CEAB-CSIC

Pair pelagic trawl fishery - 2013 (geonode:ptm_13)

Fishing effort (hours of activity) of Pair Pelagic Trawlers targeting small-pelagics has been assessed using Vessel Monitoring System (VMS), that is a collection system of fishing activity data in space and time. Each fishing vessel is equipped with a blue box that periodically sends signals (pings) containing data about position, speed and course of the vessel. Each signal sent by the blue box is a VMS ping. Values are divided in 5 classes: 5: very low; minimum value in 2013 for Adriatic area 4: low 3: medium 2: high 1: very high: maximun value in 2013 for Adriatic area

Scomber colias (Atlantic chum mackerel) spawners (geonode:sc_col_med_eg_pers_0)

Data from MEDISEH-MAREA project Persistent habitat map of chub mackerel (Scomber colias) eggs in the Mediterranean period 2006, 2008 and 2010 (http://mareaproject.net/contracts/5/reporting/)

PDM governance (geonode:governance3)

The Layers aggregate results from PORTODIMARE Governance

World Heritage Site (geonode:world_heritage_sites_wgs84)

World Heritage Sites from MAPAMED, the database on Sites of interest for the conservation of marine environment in the Mediterranean Sea. MedPAN, UNEP/MAP/RAC-SPA. November 2017 release.

GFCM Geographical Sub-Areas (geonode:alp_gsa_sett_2014)

The General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM), recognazing the need to compile data, monitor fisheries and assess fisheries resources in a georeferenced manner, established the Geographical Sub-Areas in the GFCM area.

Mediterranean Cetacean Migration Corridor (geonode:corredor)

SOURCE: http://web.unep.org/unepmap/key-development-barcelona-convention-mediterranean-cetacean-corridor-becomes-marine-protected-area Work in progress: To be updated!

Scuba diving buoys in Cap de Creus MPA (geonode:scuba_buoys_capdecreus)

Scuba diving buoys in Cap de Creus MPA. SOURCE: University of Girona

Legal status area (geonode:legalstatus_all)

Polygonal layer about the legal status of ADRIPLAN area.

Macro zone identified after consultation on localisation of OWF commercial projects (geonode:ef_macro_zone_synthese_med_s_finale)

Macro zone identified after consultation on localisation of OWF commercial projects. SOURCE: Cerema - Observatoire national de la mer et du littoral - Ministère en charge de l'environnement http://www.geolittoral.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/

Telecommunication Cables (schematic routes) - EMODNET HA (geonode:cables_schematic_20170801)

Abstract from http://www.emodnet-humanactivities.eu/search-results.php?dataname=Telecommunication+Cables+%28schematic+routes%29 The dataset on submarine telecom cables was created by Cogea in 2014 for the European Marine Observation and Data Network. The underlying data is property of Telegeography and is available online at https://github.com/telegeography/www.submarinecablemap.com. Compared with the previous version, this version of includes the gigabit per second values that come from the Cable System Database of the Packet Clearing House organization and are available online at https://prefix.pch.net/applications/cablesystem/. The database contains lines and points representing cables and related landing points. Cables are represented as stylised paths, as actual cable routes locations are not available in most cases. The dataset includes any cable that crosses the EU waters (Marine regions). Marine regions and subregions boudaries are defined in Article 4 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and available online at https://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/msfd-regions-and-subregions. Citation Title EMODnet Human Activities: Telecom cables (schematic routes) Publication date  2014-08-24 Revision date  2016-07-07 Creation date  2014-07-31

Galeus melastomus (Blackmouth catshark) spawners (geonode:galumels_0)

The map shows the area where adults of Galeus melastomus concentrate (potential spawning areas). In the framework of MAREA-MEDISEH Project it was agreed to restrict modeling to the adult females fraction of the populations using the length-at-maturity calculated from MEDITS or landing data (DCF) as threshold length. Aggregation areas for adults have been assessed through habitat suitability modeling, relating abundance information from surveys with environmental variables.

Regional planning (geonode:regional_planning)

The Maps of Planning consider four levels of planning. Each layer contains the plans related to the correspondent administrative level. The adminitrative levels considered are: 1 National 2 Regional 3 Counties/Provincial 4 Municipal. A futher layer was developed for Ports. The information associated to each plan are: Plan Title; Lead_Planning_Agency; Plan Scale; Status; Themes of Sectoral Plan; Themes of Spatial Plan.

Hydrocarbon routes (geonode:hidrocarbon_route)

Hydrocarbon routes: 1 and 2 nautical miles hydrocarboun routes (see figure 10 in https://pharos4mpas.interreg-med.eu/fileadmin/user_upload/Sites/Biodiversity_Protection/Projects/PHAROS4MPAs/MT_RECOMMENDATIONS_13june-min.pdf) SOURCE: Comité de Pilotage Natura 2000 du site Côte Bleue Marine (Réunion du 11 juillet 2012)

Aristaeomorpha foliacea (Giant red shrimp) - spawners (geonode:arisfols_0)

The map shows the area where adults of Aristaeomorpha foliacea concentrate (potential spawning areas). In the framework of MAREA-MEDISEH Project it was agreed to restrict modeling to the adult females fraction of the populations using the length-at-maturity calculated from MEDITS or landing data (DCF) as threshold length. Aggregation areas for adults have been assessed through habitat suitability modeling, relating abundance information from surveys with environmental variables.

Ports and harbours (geonode:ports_harbor)

Data on major ports and harbours in the Adriatic sea. Additional information: http://atlas.shape-ipaproject.eu/shape/getMetadata.php?LAYER=bs_port_and_harbour_pt

Merluccius merluccius (European hake) spawners (geonode:merlmers_0)

The map shows the area where adults of Merluccius merluccius concentrate (potential spawning areas). In the framework of MAREA-MEDISEH Project it was agreed to restrict modeling to the adult females fraction of the populations using the length-at-maturity calculated from MEDITS or landing data (DCF) as threshold length. Aggregation areas for adults have been assessed through habitat suitability modeling, relating abundance information from surveys with environmental variables.

Population 2011 RER (geonode:rer_population)

Resident population for coastal municipalities in Emilia Romagna Region for the year 2011. Source: http://dati.istat.it/

Schematich routes of the French ferry company La Méridionale in 2012 (geonode:transport_lignesmaritimes_dreal_l93)

Schematich routes of the French ferry company La Méridionale. SOURCE: DREAL (2012) - La Méridionale

Area attenzione RER (geonode:area_attenzione_m8b_2)

Area di attenzione per la tutela di Caretta caretta e Tursiops truncatus. (Misura 8 WP3 Fase 2 RITMARE)

IHO Sea Areas (geonode:world_seas)

World seas represents the boundaries for the major oceans and seas of the world. The source for the boundaries is the publication 'Limits of Oceans & Seas, Special Publication No. 23' published by the IHO in 1953. (http://ioc.unesco.org/oceanteacher/resourcekit/M3/Formats/Geography/OceansSeas.htm)

Mullus barbatus (Red mullet) spawners (geonode:mullbars_0)

The map shows the area where adults of Mullus barbatus concentrate (potential spawning areas). In the framework of MAREA-MEDISEH Project it was agreed to restrict modeling to the adult females fraction of the populations using the length-at-maturity calculated from MEDITS or landing data (DCF) as threshold length. Aggregation areas for adults have been assessed through habitat suitability modeling, relating abundance information from surveys with environmental variables.

Planned offshore wind farms inside or in the vicinity of MPAs (geonode:owf_gr_in_or_vicinity_mpas_v2)

Planned offshore wind farms inside or in the vicinity of MPAs. SOURCE: Greek Regulatory Authority for Energy (2017)

Non- EU Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas (geonode:national_mpas_no_eu_mapamed)

Non- EU Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas from MAPAMED, the database on Sites of interest for the conservation of marine environment in the Mediterranean Sea. MedPAN, UNEP/MAP/RAC-SPA. November 2017 release.

Planned energy cable Italy-Slovenia (geonode:cable_2020_1)

Planned Energy cable connection between Italy and Slovenia. This infrastructure is part of the PCI (Project of Common Interest) Italy – Slovenia interconnection between Salg areda (IT) and Divača - Bericevo reg ion (SI). The cable path is not official and only approximate. Commissioning date: 2022

UNESCO Biosphere Reserve (2017) (geonode:biosphere_reserves_wgs84)

UNESCO Biosphere Reserve from MAPAMED, the database on Sites of interest for the conservation of marine environment in the Mediterranean Sea. MedPAN, UNEP/MAP/RAC-SPA. November 2017 release.

Motorways of the Seas - European Atlas of the Sea (geonode:motorways_seas_4326)

Motorways of the Sea aims to promote green, viable, attractive and efficient sea-based transport links integrated in the entire transport chain. Their implementation should help to rebalance the EU transport system. The “motorways of the sea” concept aims at introducing new intermodal maritime-based logistics chains in Europe, which should bring about a structural change in our transport organisation within the next years to come. These chains will be more sustainable, and should be commercially more efficient, than road-only transport. Motorways of the sea will thus improve access to markets throughout Europe, and bring relief to our over-stretched European road system. For this purpose, fuller use will have to be made not only of our maritime transport resources, but also of our potential in rail and inland waterway, as part of an integrated transport chain. This is the Community added-value of motorways of the sea. The corridor affecting the Adriatic-Ionian macroregion is the Motorway of the Sea of south-east Europe (connecting the Adriatic Sea to the Ionian Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean, including Cyprus).

ADRIPLAN partners (geonode:adriplan_partners)

The layer shows the administrative location of Adriplan project partners. The ADRIPLAN consortium consists of a wide range of research institutes that are geographically situated in the Adriatic – Ionian Macroregion. They have a broad general expertise in the research themes included in the proposal, as well as specific expertise in the areas where they are located. See more information at: http://adriplan.eu/index.php/consortium/partners

EUSeaMap (2019) Broad-Scale Predictive Habitat Map - EUNIS classification - Mediterranean Sea (geonode:eusm2019_eunis_broadscalemodel_eusm_mediterranean)

Mediterranean section of the 2019 EUSeaMap broad-scale predictive model, produced by EMODnet Seabed Habitats. The extent of the mapped area includes the Mediterranean Sea, The map was produced using a "top-down" modelling approach using classified habitat descriptors to determine a final output habitat. Habitat descriptors differ per region but include: Biological zone Energy class Oxygen regime Salinity regime Seabed substrate Riverine input

Adriatic habitats (geonode:adriatic_habitats)

This layer is a predictive EUNIS seabed habitat map for the Adriatic Sea. It was performed within the framework of EMODnet Phase 2 Thematic Lot n° 3 (aka EUSeaMap2). It is a preliminary version which will be refined during the course of the project. You can find more information at the official website: http://www.emodnet-seabedhabitats.eu/

Artificial reef (Veneto - Friuli V. G.) (geonode:artificial_reef_v_fvg)

Extracted from: http://data.adriplan.eu/layers/geonode%3Aartificial_reef Artificial reefs are human-made underwater structure, typically built to promote marine life. Generally they can be considered as protected marine sites and nursery zones.In many cases artificial reefs were built thanks to the Project DOCUP PESCA Measure 3.1 "Protection and development of aquatic resources".

EU Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas (geonode:emodnet_ha_environment_cdda_v15_20180430_med)

Data derived from EMODNet HA 'Nationally Designated Areas', with 'Capo Testa - Punta Falcone' MPA added.

Italian Marine Protected Areas currently in the process of establishment (geonode:proposal_mpa)

Italian Marine Protected Areas currently in the process of establishment. There are 17 marine protected areas at different stages in the process of institution. The 3 areas pertaining the Adriatic and Ionian region are represented in the map. See more information at: http://www.minambiente.it/pagina/aree-marine-di-prossima-istituzione

Zone where navigation and mooring of all vessels > 500 UMS is forbidden (geonode:scandola_forbidden_area)

Zone where navigation and mooring of all vessels > 500 UMS is forbidden SOURCES: Prefect of Corsica decree n° 021/2017, SHOM (2017) adapted by ISMAR (201

Biologic Protection Zone (geonode:bs_biologic_protection_sea_zone_pl_1)

Marine protected areas relating to the protection of resources and livelihoods. In particular the Biologic Protection Zones have been created to act as a nursery and protection of fish species of commercial interest. Fishing of all kind of juveniles species, all year round, is forbidden in all The Biological Protection Zones. The exercise of all forms of professional, sporting and recreation fishing, including scuba diving, unless explicitly permitted, is also forbidden. For more details on which fishing gears are permitted in each zone, please visit the website of Italian Minister of Agriculture Food and Forestry Policies at https://www.politicheagricole.it/flex/cm/pages/ServeBLOB.php/L/IT/IDPagina/1262.

Illex coindetii (Broadtail shortfin squid) recruits (geonode:illecoir_0)

The map shows the area where recruits of Illex coindetii concentrate (nursery areas). Recruits were considered as those specimens that have settled on the bottom, becoming available to the fishing gear in well-defined habitats at the end of their larval—pelagic stage and which remain in these habitats before dispersing or migrating. Due to the lack of specific studies on the dispersal behaviour of juveniles, it was assumed that the first separable modal component of the age group 0 was composed of specimens recently settled on the bottom sharing similar habitat preferences. Nursery areas have been assessed in the framework of MAREA-MEDISEH Project through habitat suitability modeling, relating abundance information from surveys with environmental variables.

Fisheries Restricted Areas (FRAs) 2017 - OLD (geonode:fras_wgs84_1)

USE THIS LAYER http://data.adriplan.eu/layers/geonode%3Afras_2019_wgs84 Fisheries Restricted Areas (FRAs) from MAPAMED, the database on Sites of interest for the conservation of marine environment in the Mediterranean Sea. MedPAN, UNEP/MAP/RAC-SPA. November 2017 release. Fisheries Restricted Area (FRA) in the Jabuka/Pomo Pit in the Adriatic Sea has been added. Layer at: http://data.adriplan.eu/layers/geonode%3Avme_db_vme_gfcm_9

Supreme CaseStudy North Adriatic AREA (geonode:cs_na_tot2_2)

Area designed for Northern Adriatica Case Study - Project EASME SUPREME

Bathing waters rer (geonode:acq_baln_rer)

Polygons mapping of coastal bathing waters by means of the areas identified by the italian regions. The waters are classified according to the Legislative Decree no. 116/08 and Ministerial Decree 30/3/2010; bathing waters are subject to annual classification, based on the analytical results of the previous four years (2009-2012), according to the degrees of judgment (excellent, good;satisfactory, poor) Nella Regione Emilia-Romagna, per la stagione balneare 2017, sono state individuate 97 acque di balneazione, secondo quanto stabilito nella D.G.R. n. 458 del 10/04/2017 recante “Acque di balneazione: adempimenti relativi all´applicazione del D.Lgs. n.116/2008 e s.m.i. e del D.M. 30 marzo 2010 per la stagione balneare 2017 in Emilia-Romagna”. Il punto di monitoraggio è fissato all´interno di ciascuna acqua di balneazione, dove si prevede il maggior afflusso di bagnanti o il rischio più elevato di inquinamento. Nella stessa Delibera regionale sono state individuate le aree costiere permanentemente vietate alla balneazione, meglio descritte nella sezione “Zone vietate alla balneazione” sotto il menu Argomenti.

Offshore sand deposits (requests of concession) (geonode:offshore_sand_deposit)

The Adriatic studied sand deposits map with two layers: a)The potentially sand resources(offhore sand deposits); b) the dredged areas already expoited (offshore sand dredged). During the last decades the increasing amount of data acquired by ISMAR CNR provides unique opportunities to summarize knowledge of geology and shelf geomorphology with existing geotechnical and geophysical data that facilitate identification of sand resources. The volume of the entire potental fine sand available reservoir outcropping in the italian portion of the adriatic shelf seafloor has been extimated in ca. 270 x106 cubic metres. The amount of dredged material used costal nourishment in Adriatic since 1996 is 9.9 x106 cubic metres.

Aquaculture (Friuli Venezia Giulia - 2014) (geonode:shape_aquaculture_fvg)

Extracted from: http://data.adriplan.eu/layers/geonode%3Abs_marinefarm_pl_2 Marine areas relating to the bivalve molluscs breeding aquaculture (mainly Mithylus galloprovincialis), from SHAPE Project

Seabed habitat distribution in the Italian MSFD assessment areas. (geonode:habitat_ispra)

Seabed habitat distribution and extent in the North and South Adriatic Sea, and in the Ionian Sea, along the coasts of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Marche, Puglia, Calabria and Sicily regions provided by ISPRA (It). Data, obtained through merging of different sources, were elaborated in terms of habitat assignment in order to obtain a good fit between the habitat description and the requirements by the MSFD (i.e. Predominant habitat and Special habitat).

Eledone cirrhosa (Horned octopus) recruits (geonode:eledcirr_0)

The map shows the area where recruits of Eledone cirrhosa concentrate (nursery areas). Recruits were considered as those specimens that have settled on the bottom, becoming available to the fishing gear in well-defined habitats at the end of their larval—pelagic stage and which remain in these habitats before dispersing or migrating. Due to the lack of specific studies on the dispersal behaviour of juveniles, it was assumed that the first separable modal component of the age group 0 was composed of specimens recently settled on the bottom sharing similar habitat preferences. Nursery areas have been assessed in the framework of MAREA-MEDISEH Project through habitat suitability modeling, relating abundance information from surveys with environmental variables.

Italian Marine Waters (MSFD) (geonode:it_eu_marinewater)

This layer represents the Italian Marine Waters as reported under the MArine Strategy Framework Directive: http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/msfd8910/msfd4geo/envuyflfq/

CCH - Cetacean Critical Habitats (geonode:cch)

Critical Cetacean habitat refers to those parts of a cetaceans range, either a whole species or a particular population of that species, that are essential for day-to-day survival, as well as for maintaining a healthy population growth rate. Areas that are regularly used for feeding (including hunting), breeding (all aspects of courtship) and raising calves, as well as, sometimes, migrating, are part of critical habitat, especially if these areas are regularly used. 'Critical habitats' are areas such as spawning grounds, nursery grounds, or other areas harboring vulnerable life stages (Commission on Geosciences, Environment, and Resources, 2000). Critical habitat is identified under the US Endangered Species Act of 1973 but, to date, has mainly been applied to land-based endangered species. For more information on the areas go to www.cetaceanhabitat.org. Please cite the dataset as follows: MAPAMED, the database on Sites of interest for the conservation of marine environment in the Mediterranean Sea. MedPAN, UNEP/MAP/RAC-SPA. May 2016 release.

Offshore wind farm projects in the Ionian Sea (geonode:ofw_ionian_sea)

Areas of offshore wind farm projects in the Greek part of the Ionian Sea. Source: www.rae.gr

Around structure (geonode:around_structure)

Safety zone that comprehends installation and offshore infrastructures for the exploitation of the natural resources (polygon shape). In general anchoring, fishing, transit and any other maritime activities are restricted. The safety zone is needed to protect persons and vessels from the hazards associated with an oil spill from an accidental collision.

Portofino MPA zoning (geonode:pf_zonazionewgs84)

SOURCES: Povero P., Starnini R., Caviglia D., Venturini S., Massa F., Costa S. (2011). MACISTE-MPA, adapted by ISMAR (2019)

National planning (geonode:national_planning)

The Maps of Planning consider four levels of planning. Each layer contains the plans related to the correspondent administrative level. The adminitrative levels considered are: 1 National 2 Regional 3 Counties/Provincial 4 Municipal. A futher layer was developed for Ports. The information associated to each plan are: Plan Title; Lead_Planning_Agency; Plan Scale; Status; Themes of Sectoral Plan; Themes of Spatial Plan.

Trachurus mediterraneus (Mediterranean horse mackerel) recruits (geonode:trac_med_med_r_pers_0)

The map shows the area where recruits of Trachurus mediterraneus concentrate (nursery areas) in the Mediterranean Sea for the period 2003-2009 during early winter. Nursery areas have been assessed in the framework of MAREA-MEDISEH Project through habitat suitability modeling, relating abundance information from surveys with environmental variables. (http://mareaproject.net/contracts/5/reporting/)

Exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons - Greek part of FA2 (geonode:oil_areas_fa2_gr)

This layer represents the areas for exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbon in the Ionian Sea as they have been proposed in the 2nd International Licencing Round in 2014. The entire area in Ionian Sea includes 11 Block Areas around 65km2 each and 3 of them are within the spatial boundaries of the Greek part of FA2. The Licensing Round is subject to the Hydrocarbons Law and Presidentila Decree No127./1996 titled as "Lease terms of the right for exploration and exploitation of Hydrocarbons" as well as any other legislation.

Continental plateau (geonode:continental_plateau_200m)

Mediterranean continental plateau (Isobath < 200 m) SOURCE: derived by CNR- ISMAR from Emodnet Bathymetry (2016) EMODnet Bathymetry Consortium (2016): EMODnet Digital Bathymetry (DTM). http://doi.org/10.12770/c7b53704-999d-4721-b1a3-04ec60c87238

FAO Major Areas for Fishery Purposes (geonode:areas_fao)

FAO Major Fishing Areas for Statistical Purposes are arbitrary areas, the boundaries of which were determined in consultation with international fishery agencies on various considerations, including (i) the boundary of natural regions and the natural divisions of oceans and seas; (ii) the boundaries of adjacent statistical fisheries bodies already established in inter-governmental conventions and treaties; (iii) existing national practices; (iv) national boundaries; (v) the longitude and latitude grid system; (vi) the distribution of the aquatic fauna; and (vii) the distribution of the resources and the environmental conditions within an area. Complete metadata at: http://www.fao.org/geonetwork/srv/en/main.home?uuid=ac02a460-da52-11dc-9d70-0017f293bd28

Aquaculture (Veneto- new requests) (geonode:aquacultureveneto_newrequests)

New requests (last update June 2014) for aquaculture areas concessions in the sea (Veneto Region).

Archeological sites in the Gulf of Trieste (geonode:puntiarcheo)

Maps of terrestrial and marine archeological sites in the northern and eastern side of the Gulf of Trieste. Data were collected in the framework of Interreg III A/Phare CBC Italy – Slovenia Project “AltoAdriatico”, coordinated by Prof. R. Auriemma Dipartimento di Beni Culturali – Facoltà di Beni Culturali Università del Salento (Lecce). Project website: http://www2.units.it/adriatic/eng/?file=project.html

Hydrocarbon exploration permits in Montenegro (geonode:hydrocarbon_montenegro)

Decision on Defining Blocks for Award of Concession Contract for Production of Hydrocarbons in Offshore Montenegro; Official Gazette of Montenegro 42/12 of 31 July 2012

Hydrocarbon exploitation permits in Italy (active) (geonode:hydrocarbonexploitation_it_active_20150430)

Permits for hydrocarbon exploitation in Adriplan project area with active concession in 06-2015 (ADRIPLAN final conference). The polygons show the permits boundaries and indicate the reference date for permission value. Additional information available at page: http://unmig.sviluppoeconomico.gov.it/unmig/coltivazione/titolicoltivazione.asp

Main Ports Stats 2015-2016 (geonode:ports_stats_201516)

Emodnet Human Activities - Major ports This facility provides free access to GIS data on European ports, with statistics on total shipped goods (TOnx1000; 2016) and passegers (exluded cruises; 2015/2016) Full information and statistics here http://www.emodnet-humanactivities.eu/search-results.php?dataname=Main+Ports Abstract The geodatabase on maritime transport in EU main ports includes goods, passengers and vessels traffic in the EU and was created in 2014 by Eurofish and Cogea for the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). It is the result of the aggregation and harmonization of datasets provided to EUROSTAT by ports in EU Member States and Norway. EUROSTAT data have been related to GISCO's georeferenced ports. These datasets are updated on an annual basis where the most recent update includes annual data from 2014, 2015 and 2016 (where available). Goods and Passengers data are available from 2001 while vessel is maintained from 2006 onwards. Goods traffic data are reported in thousand tonnes by type of cargo and direction. Passengers traffic data are reported in thousand passengers (excluding cruise passengers) by direction and traffic type. Vessels traffic data are reported in unit and gross tonnage (thousand) of vessels by vessel size class and vessel type. Original data is reported quarterly by EUROSTAT, but has been aggregated on an annual basis to produce this dataset. Publication date  2017-05-03 Revision date  2017-03-17 Creation date  2014-05-01

Grid connection plan of the pilot wind farm (geonode:us_med_pnmgl_eolien_raccordt_ln_wgs84)


Sardina pilchardus (European pilchard) recruits (geonode:sard_pil_med_r_pers_jun_0)

The map shows the area where recruits of Sardina pilchardus concentrate (nursery areas). Nursery areas have been assessed in the framework of MAREA-MEDISEH Project through habitat suitability modeling, relating abundance information from surveys with environmental variables.

Linea di costa aggiornata al 2009 (geonode:linea_costa_2009)

Linea di costa digitalizzata sulle base delle ortofoto 2006. Risoluzione 1:2.000. Italian coastline digitised on the basis of 2006 imagery. Resolution 1: 2.000. more info: http://www.pcn.minambiente.it/geoportal/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7BC49FEE18-000C-4B37-B062-E76BCAD5104F%7D

Legal status line (geonode:legalstatus_line_1)

Layer about legal status of the ADRIPLAN area.

ADRIPLAN Adriatic-Ionian macroregion (geonode:aim)

The layer show the full area of interest for ADRIPLAN project: http://adriplan.eu

Maritime boundaries (geonode:mbeulsiv1)

Maritime boundaries are established through international conventions. These conventions list the coordinates of points which are the vertices of segments which, in turn, define the maritime boundaries. This layer therefore features the following elements: - The textual content of international conventions establishing maritime boundaries in Europe. Maritime boundaries featured in this layer include territorial waters, bi- or multi-lateral boundaries (e.g. in the North Sea) as well as contiguous and exclusive economic zones. Some fishing areas are also defined. - The coordinates of points listed in these conventions are vertices of maritime boundaries - The maritime boundaries themselves, defined as the segments which links the different points listed in the international conventions. This layer covers the coast and surrounding seas of EU-25 as well as the sea around Iceland and Greenland. Restrictions are those cases where no regulatory text exists within the UNCLOS till now. Data source: EEA - European Environment Agency (http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/maritime-boundaries)

Cruise Ports (Italy, 2015) (geonode:cruise_ports_it_2015)

GIS data on Italian Cruise ports with cruise vessels traffic data (in unit and gross tonnage thousands) for 2015. Original data is reported quarterly by EUROSTAT, but has been aggregated on an annual basis by EMODnet Human Activities (Full information and download here: http://www.emodnet-humanactivities.eu/search-results.php?dataname=Main+Ports ).

Contracting Parties of the Barcelona Convention (geonode:bcn_convention)

Contracting Parties (Countries) of the Barcelona Convention

mooringarea_sicily (geonode:mooringarea_sicily)

Mooring Area retrieved from Natical Maps .917 and 20

Sardina pilchardus (European pilchard) spawners (geonode:sard_pil_med_eg_pers_0)

Data from MEDISEH project. The map shows the area where spawners of Sardina pilchardus concentrate (spawning areas). Spawning areas have been assessed in the framework of MAREA-MEDISEH Project through habitat suitability modeling, relating abundance information from surveys with environmental variables.

Protected marine habitat Emilia Romagna (geonode:lb_protectedhabitatrer_pl)

Coastal and marine areas for the protection of biodiversity, fishing resources and the coastal/marine ecosystem in general.

Buoys for coast sightseeing boat tours (geonode:buoys_boattours_wgs84)

Buoys for coast sightseeing boat tours in Cap de Creus MPA. SOURCE: University of Girona

Compartimento marittimo di Chioggia (geonode:compmarechioggia2)

Chioggia Maritime Compartment

Suitable area for fixed OWF (geonode:zpp_shallow)

Suitable area for fixed OWF (water depth < 50 m and wind speeds*greater than 5m/sec at 80 m height above sea level) From MEDTRENDS 2015

Port Total cargo (million tonnes) (geonode:porttotalcargo2013)

No abstract provided

Aquaculture (Veneto - 2014) (geonode:shape_aquaculture_veneto)

Extracted from: http://data.adriplan.eu/layers/geonode%3Abs_marinefarm_pl_2 Marine areas relating to the bivalve molluscs breeding aquaculture (mainly Mithylus galloprovincialis), from SHAPE Project

Motorway of the sea - SHAPE (geonode:bs_motorway_sea_ln)

Adriatic Motor way of the sea. Not official data. The “motorways of the sea” concept aims at introducing new intermodal maritime-based logistics chains in Europe. http://atlas.shape-ipaproject.eu/shape/getMetadata.php?LAYER=bs_motorway_sea_ln

Sectors defined for recreational boating in Portofino MPA (geonode:portofinorecreationalboatingsectorswgs84)

Sectors defined for recreational boating in Portofino MPA. SOURCE: Venturini et al. (2018) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0308597X17306942?via%3Dihub

Fisheries Restricted Area (FRA) 'Jabuka/Pomo Pit' OLD (geonode:vme_db_vme_gfcm_9)

USE THIS LAYER http://data.adriplan.eu/layers/geonode%3Afras_2019_wgs84 Fisheries Restricted Area (FRA) in the Jabuka/Pomo Pit in the Adriatic Sea downloaded from http://www.fao.org/gfcm/data/maps/fras Recommendation GFCM/41/2017/3 on the establishment of a fisheries restricted area in the Jabuka/Pomo Pit in the Adriatic Sea: https://gfcm.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/CoC/EY-Z9FEx-41Ku3IM7UQgX9kBydhynal9CAOplqVZTEMnew

Recreational fisheries intensity (geonode:rf_cc_recreationalfisheries)

Recreational fisheries intensity SOURCE: University of Girona

Hydrocarbon research areas in Albania (geonode:albania_hydrocarbon_research)

The layer shows the albanian hydrocarbon research areas. Data presented in march 2015 from National Agency of Natural resources (AKBN) during the Albania Oil, Gas & Energy 2015 SUMMIT. The layer is not official

Windfarms projects (geonode:emodnet_ha_wind_farms_pt_20180123_med)

Windfarm projects in Mediterranenan Sea SOURCE: EMODNET Human activities (2017) https://www.emodnet-humanactivities.eu/search-results.php?dataname=Wind+Farms+%28Points%29, revised by WWF in 2019

Mean significant wave height (m) (geonode:mean_hs)

Mean significant wave height (m) computed over the Mediterranean Sea - mean by model data.

Proposed pipeline connection Venice port offshore (geonode:ambito_offshore_2013_diga_polyline)

Proposed connection pipeline between future Venice Terminal Offshore and the depot island.

EUSeaMap2 Broad-Scale Predictive Habitat Map - Mediterranean Sea (geonode:eunismedscale_4326)

This dataset comprises the final output (updated on 30 September 2016) of the broad-scale habitat map (EUSeaMap) created as part of the EMODnet Seabed Habitats (http://www.emodnet.eu/seabed-habitats). The map was produced using a "top-down" modelling approach using classified habitat descriptors to determine a final output habitat. Habitat descriptors differ per region but include: Biological zone, Energy class, Oxygen regime, Salinity regime, Seabed Substrate, Riverine input. More information and official metadata at: http://gis.ices.dk/geonetwork/srv/eng/catalog.search#/metadata/02a444c8-bd2d-4e15-8e69-806059103760

Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA) (geonode:pssas_wgs84)

Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA) from MAPAMED, the database on Sites of interest for the conservation of marine environment in the Mediterranean Sea. MedPAN, UNEP/MAP/RAC-SPA. November 2017 release.

Nephrops norvegicus (Norway lobster) spawners (geonode:nephnors_0)

The map shows the area where adults of Nephrops norvegicus concentrate (potential spawning areas). In the framework of MAREA-MEDISEH Project it was agreed to restrict modeling to the adult females fraction of the populations using the length-at-maturity calculated from MEDITS or landing data (DCF) as threshold length. Aggregation areas for adults have been assessed through habitat suitability modeling, relating abundance information from surveys with environmental variables.

Potential seabirds sites grid-Adriatic (geonode:seabirds_distribution_grid_adriatic)

Potential Seabirds sites grid in the Adriatic is a dataset developed by UNEP-MAP-RAC/SPA (2010), which considers the “pelagic distribution of Mediterranean seabird of conservation concern. Potential sites in open seas”. For more information see: UNEP-MAP-RAC/SPA. 2010. Report presenting a georeferenced compilation on bird important areas in the Mediterranean open seas. By Requena, S. and Carboneras, C. Ed. RAC/SPA, Tunis: 39pp. Link: https://www.cbd.int/doc/meetings/mar/ebsaws-2014-03/other/ebsaws-2014-03-submission-rac-spa-7-en.pdf

Provincial county planning (geonode:provincial_county_planning)

The Maps of Planning consider four levels of planning. Each layer contains the plans related to the correspondent administrative level. The adminitrative levels considered are: 1 National 2 Regional 3 Counties/Provincial 4 Municipal. A futher layer was developed for Ports. The information associated to each plan are: Plan Title; Lead_Planning_Agency; Plan Scale; Status; Themes of Sectoral Plan; Themes of Spatial Plan.

Ports planning (geonode:ports_planning)

The Layer of Planning consider four levels of planning. Each layer contains the plans related to the correspondent administrative level. The adminitrative levels considered are: 1 National 2 Regional 3 Counties/Provincial 4 Municipal. A further layer was developed for Ports. The information associated to each plan are: Plan Title; Lead_Planning_Agency; Plan Scale; Status; Themes of Sectoral Plan; Themes of Spatial Plan.

Coastal Erosion trends (geonode:erosion_trend)

Layer provided by European Environment Agency (EEA) about coastal erosion trends in Europe countries. Link to original data and metadata page: http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/geomorphology-geology-erosion-trends-and-coastal-defence-works#tab-gis-data

International Marine Park of the Bonifacio Strait (geonode:pmibb_wgs84)

International Marine Park of the Bonifacio Strait. From MAPAMED, the database on Sites of interest for the conservation of marine environment in the Mediterranean Sea. MedPAN, UNEP/MAP/RAC-SPA. November 2017 release.

Scomber scombrus (Atlantic mackerel) recruits (geonode:sc_sco_med_r_pers_0)

Persistent habitat map of juvenile mackerel (Scomber scomber) in the Mediterranean Sea for the early summer period 2001–2010. Nursery areas have been assessed in the framework of MAREA-MEDISEH Project through habitat suitability modeling, relating abundance information from surveys with environmental variables. (http://mareaproject.net/contracts/5/reporting/)

Northern Adriatic (geonode:northern_adriatic)

Northern adriatic biogeographic region according to Bianchi 2004.

Routes during exceptional weather conditions of the French ferry company La Méridionale in 2012 (geonode:meridionale_lignesmaritimes_meteo_l93)

Routes during exceptional weather conditions of the French ferry company La Méridionale in 2012. SOURCE: DREAL (2012) - La Méridionale

Hydrocarbon research permits in Italy (active) (geonode:hydrocarbonresearch_it_active_20150430)

Active permits in Italy for hydrocarbon research. Data from MISE reviewed 30-05-2015. Additional information: http://unmig.mise.gov.it/unmig/titoli/elenco.asp?tipo=IPM

Mariculture - Adriatic Sea (geonode:bs_marinefarm_pl_2)

Marine areas relating to the bivalve molluscs breeding, the shellfish breeding and open sea aquaculture. The longer farmed species are Mithylus galloprovincialis (mussels) and Tapes spp. (clams). Regarding fish species, the most common ones are Mugil cephalus and Anguilla Anguilla.

Access channels (Marseille and Fos-sur-Mer) (geonode:corridoi_navigazione)

Access channels (Marseille and Fos-sur-Mer). SOURCE: Arrete interprefectoral n: 07/2012

Coralligenous communities (model) (geonode:cormed50_0)

Data from MEDISEH-MAREA project. 100%: Known presence; 0%: Known absence; Other values: modeled logistic probability of occurrence for coralligenous formations. (http://mareaproject.net/contracts/5/reporting/)

Marine traffic corridor - Istria (HR) (geonode:marine_traffic_corridor_hr)

Shapefile contains data on Maritime traffic corridors (IMO) in Istria (HR), combining international waterway and inland waterway.

Aquaculture (Veneto - June 2014) (geonode:aquacultureveneto_june2014)

Current (last update June 2014) aquaculture areas concessions in the sea (Veneto Region).

Ramsar sites (geonode:ramsar_sites_wgs84)

The Convention on Wetlands, called the Ramsar Convention, is an intergovernmental treaty that provides the framework for national action and international cooperation for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources (http://www.ramsar.org/). Please cite the dataset as follows: MAPAMED, the database on Sites of interest for the conservation of marine environment in the Mediterranean Sea. MedPAN, UNEP/MAP/RAC-SPA. May 2016 release.

Small scale fishery (Low ≤12 m) (geonode:ssc12241)

This map shows the distribution of the fishing pressure of small-scale fisheries for vessels with Loa (length overall) ≤12 m (Kavadas and Maina, PERSEUS Project). On the basis of data available in the framework of ADRIAMED WG on Small-scale fisheries it is possible to assume that more than 90% of vessels have Loa ≤12 m. The classification of fishering effort is: 5 very low 4 low 3 medium 2 high 1 very high The method used is the Multi-criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) combined with GIS.

Engraulis encrasicolus (European anchovy) recruits (geonode:eng_en_med_r_pers_0)

Data from MEDISEH project

Natura 2000 sites (OLD) (geonode:natura2000_2015)

OLD VERSION. LATEST: http://data.adriplan.eu/layers/geonode%3Amed_natura2000_end2017_epsg3035_1 Natura 2000 is an ecological network composed of sites designated under the Birds Directive (Special Protection Areas, SPAs) and the Habitats Directive (Sites of Community Importance, SCIs, and Special Areas of Conservation, SACs).

Raja clavata (Thornback ray) spawners (geonode:rajaclas_0)

The map shows the area where adults of Raja clavata concentrate (potential spawning areas). In the framework of MAREA-MEDISEH Project it was agreed to restrict modeling to the adult females fraction of the populations using the length-at-maturity calculated from MEDITS or landing data (DCF) as threshold length. Aggregation areas for adults have been assessed through habitat suitability modeling, relating abundance information from surveys with environmental variables.

Anchorage areas (geonode:zonemoillage)

Anchorage areas. SOURCE: Arrete interprefectoral n: 07/2012

Municipal planning (geonode:municipal_planning)

The Maps of Planning consider four levels of planning. Each layer contains the plans related to the correspondent administrative level. The adminitrative levels considered are: 1 National 2 Regional 3 Counties/Provincial 4 Municipal. A futher layer was developed for Ports. The information associated to each plan are: Plan Title; Lead_Planning_Agency; Plan Scale; Status; Themes of Sectoral Plan; Themes of Spatial Plan.

National Protected Sites (geonode:nationalps2)

Protected sites at sea and until a distance inland from the coast of 15 km. Protected sites in this layer have a federal, national, state or regional designation: Marine Reserves, Marine Parks, Underwater Parks, Archeological sites, National Reserves, etc..

linea_costa_adrion (geonode:linea_costa_adrion)

File linea_costa_adrion File realizzzato per il Sea storm atlas del progetto IStorms Amedeo Fadini 29-30 ottobre 2018 Fonti Eurostat, Istat gadm.org Le geometrie di partenza sono prese dallo shapefile di Eurostat CNTR_BN_01M_2016_3035_COASTL.shp scala equivalente 1 milione La linea di costa, già divisa per stati, è stata spezzata lungo le regioni italiane e le counties (Županje) Croate, per un totale di 24 elementi Le lagune sono state tagliate fuori Le linee di costa delle Isole è stata fusa con la linea di costa della regione corrispondente. A ciascun elemento è assegnato un codice con le prime due lettere delal nazione e un progressivo in senso orario ATTENZIONE il file utilizza codifica UTF-8

Cruise anchoring zone in Portofino (geonode:nav_croc_pl4326)

Cruise anchoring zone in Portofino. SOURCES: Povero P., Starnini R., Caviglia D., Venturini S., Massa F., Costa S. (2011). MACISTE-MPA. https://portofino.macisteweb.com/webgis-maciste

Farms located in conservation areas (geonode:aquaculture_in_marine_protected_areas_pharos4mpas2019)

Fish and shell farms are located in conservation areas SOURCE: WWF (2019)

Routes from Gates to Anchoring (geonode:nav_croc_li4326)

Routes from Gates to Anchoring Zone/Point SOURCES: Povero P., Starnini R., Caviglia D., Venturini S., Massa F., Costa S. (2011). MACISTE-MPA. https://portofino.macisteweb.com/webgis-maciste

Venice port offshore - proposed location (geonode:porto_offshore)

Planning of a Venice Terminal Offshore, proposed location of the future Terminal Offshore: https://www.port.venice.it/en/the-offshore-terminal-and-the-development-of-porto-marghera.html

Pagellus erythrinus (Common Pandora) recruits (geonode:pageeryr_0)

The map shows the area where recruits of Pagellus erythrinus concentrate (nursery areas). Recruits were considered as those specimens that have settled on the bottom, becoming available to the fishing gear in well-defined habitats at the end of their larval—pelagic stage and which remain in these habitats before dispersing or migrating. Due to the lack of specific studies on the dispersal behaviour of juveniles, it was assumed that the first separable modal component of the age group 0 was composed of specimens recently settled on the bottom sharing similar habitat preferences. Nursery areas have been assessed in the framework of MAREA-MEDISEH Project through habitat suitability modeling, relating abundance information from surveys with environmental variables.

MSFD Region/Subregion boundaries (geonode:shape_file_mpa_assessment_areas)

The present layer compiles the marine regions and subregions listed in Article 4 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), together with other surrounding seas of Europe. The MSFD marine regions and subregions map was developed to support DG Environment and EU Member States in their implementation of the MSFD. It represents the current state of understanding of the marine regions and subregions and is subject to amendment in light of any new information which may be produced. Info: https://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/msfd-regions-and-subregions-1/technical-document/pdf Download: https://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/europe-seas

Marine Mammals sightings (EMODnet) (geonode:mammals_sightings)

Inventory of marine mammals sightings based on data from the period 1988-2000 (Adriatic Shipping Company) and from 2009-2011 (Morigenos activities, http://www.morigenos.org/) Data are available through EMODnet Biology (http://www.emodnet-biology.eu/)

Open marine areas in Italy (geonode:arre_marine_aperte)

Marine zones open to research of hydrocarbon natural resources stored in the seabed (latest update 31/08/2013). More information in the web-page: http://unmig.sviluppoeconomico.gov.it/unmig/cartografia/zone/zone.asp

SPAMI - Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance (2017) (geonode:spamis_wgs84_1)

MAPAMED, the database on Sites of interest for the conservation of marine environment in the Mediterranean Sea. MedPAN, UNEP/MAP/SPA-RAC. November 2017 release.

Maerl beds occurrence probabilities (MEDISEH) (geonode:mediseh_maerl3035)

Spatial distributions showing occurrence probabilities maërl beds across the Mediterranean Sea, as predicted using distribution modelling. Occurrence records for coralligenous outcrops and maërl beds across the Mediterranean basin were compiled as part of MEDISEH (Mediterranean Sensitive Habitats) project, which was financed by the European Commission under the MAREA Framework. Downloaded from http://www.vliz.be/en/imis?module=dataset&dasid=5103 See Martin et al. (2014). Coralligenous and maërl habitats: predictive modelling to identify their spatial distributions across the Mediterranean Sea. Scientific Reports volume 4, Article number: 5073 (2014) https://www.nature.com/articles/srep05073

Fisheries Restricted Areas (FRAs) 2019 (geonode:fras_2019_wgs84)

Fisheries Restricted Areas (FRAs) from MAPAMED, the database on Sites of interest for the conservation of marine environment in the Mediterranean Sea. MedPAN, UNEP/MAP/RAC-SPA. November 2017 release. Fisheries Restricted Area (FRA) in the Jabuka/Pomo Pit in the Adriatic Sea has been added by CNR ISMAR. Fisheries Restricted Area (FRA) in the Jabuka/Pomo Pit in the Adriatic Sea downloaded from http://www.fao.org/gfcm/data/maps/fras (Recommendation GFCM/41/2017/3 on the establishment of a fisheries restricted area in the Jabuka/Pomo Pit in the Adriatic Sea: https://gfcm.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/CoC/EY-Z9FEx-41Ku3IM7UQgX9kBydhynal9CAOplqVZTEMnew )

Parapenaeus longirostris (Deep-water rose shrimp) spawners (geonode:papelons_0)

The map shows the area where adults of Parapenaeus longirostris concentrate (potential spawning areas). In the framework of MAREA-MEDISEH Project it was agreed to restrict modeling to the adult females fraction of the populations using the length-at-maturity calculated from MEDITS or landing data (DCF) as threshold length. Aggregation areas for adults have been assessed through habitat suitability modeling, relating abundance information from surveys with environmental variables.

SOUNDSCAPE Study Area (geonode:adriatic_sndscp_1)

Study Area SOUNDSCAPE Project

Solea solea (Common sole) recruits (geonode:solevulr_0)

The map shows the area where recruits of XXXXX concentrate (nursery areas) in GSA 17. Recruits were considered as those specimens that have settled on the bottom, becoming available to the fishing gear in well-defined habitats at the end of their larval—pelagic stage and which remain in these habitats before dispersing or migrating. Due to the lack of specific studies on the dispersal behaviour of juveniles, it was assumed that the first separable modal component of the age group 0 was composed of specimens recently settled on the bottom sharing similar habitat preferences. Nursery areas have been assessed in the framework of MAREA-MEDISEH Project through habitat suitability modeling, relating abundance information from surveys with environmental variables. (http://mareaproject.net/contracts/5/reporting/)

Engraulis encrasicolus (European anchovy) spawners (geonode:eng_en_med_eg_pers_jun_0)

The map shows the area where spawners of Engraulis encrasicolus concentrate (spawning areas). Spawning areas have been assessed in the framework of MAREA-MEDISEH Project through habitat suitability modeling, relating abundance information from surveys with environmental variables.

Scomber colias (Atlantic chub mackerel) recruits (geonode:sc_col_med_r_pers_0)

Persistent habitat map of juvenile chub mackerel (Scomber colias) in the Mediterranean Sea for the period 2001–2010 Nursery areas have been assessed in the framework of MAREA-MEDISEH Project through habitat suitability modeling, relating abundance information from surveys with environmental variables. (http://mareaproject.net/contracts/5/reporting/)

Number of Hotel Establishments in 2015 for RER (geonode:rer_nofhotels_1)

Number of Hotel Establishments in 2015 for coastal municipalities of the Emilia Romagna Region. The dataset includes the total number of 5 to 1 star hotels and touristic residential accommodations. Source: http://statistica.regione.emilia-romagna.it/entra-in-regione/documentazione/pubblicazioni/documenti_catalogati/turismo_2015

Around underwater pipeline (geonode:around_underwater_pipeline)

Safety zone of radius 1/4 of nautical mile from underwater pipeline. In general anchoring and trwling are forbidden in order to avoid damages to sealines.

Mean superficial current speed (m/s) (geonode:mean_speed)

Mean superficial current speed (m/s) over the Adriatic Sea - mean by model data.

Proposed Trans Adriatic Pipeline route (geonode:tap)

Non officialTrans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) route. The Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) will transport Caspian natural gas to Europe. Connecting with the Trans Anatolian Pipeline (TANAP) at the Greek-Turkish border, TAP will cross Northern Greece, Albania and the Adriatic Sea before coming ashore in Southern Italy to connect to the Italian natural gas network. The project is currently in its implementation phase and is preparing for construction of the pipeline, which is planned to begin in 2016.

OWF Potential hotspot areas (geonode:owf_potential_areas_3857)

OWF Potential hotspot areas. SOURCE: Bray, L.; Reizopoulou, S.; Voukouvalas, E.; Soukissian, T.; Alomar, C.; Vázquez-Luis, M.; Deudero, S.; Attrill, M.; Hall-Spencer, J. Expected effects of offshore wind farms on mediterranean marine life. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2016, 4, 18. https://www.mdpi.com/2077-1312/4/1/18

SWM CaseStudy Sicily - Malta AREA (geonode:cases_sicilymaltac)

Designed area for Simwestmed Case Study "Strait of Sicily"

adriatic_sndscp (geonode:adriatic_sndscp)

No abstract provided

Trawling Ban Zone (Isobath > 1000 m) (geonode:no_trawling_under_1000m)

Deep-sea trawling ban area under 1000m (Isobath > 1000 m): a spatial regulations adopted by the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM). SOURCE: derived from Emodnet Bathymetry (2016)

porti (geonode:porti)

l dataset contiene dati sui principali porti italiani (351), compresa la geolocalizzazione e la codifica internazionale. Sono riportate le caratteristiche dei 58 porti di rilievo nazionale per competenza amministrativa più altri porti di rilevanza economica poichè trattano arrivi e partenze di navi con Gross Tonnage >= 300, per le quali i sistemi di gestione portuale e di controllo del traffico inviano informazioni di arrivo e partenza agli altri Stati europei, nell’ambito del sistema SafeSeaNet (http://www.emsa.europa.eu/ssn-main.html) Le informazioni sono state fornite dalle Capitanerie di Porto e dalle Autorità di Sistema Portuale.

Nephrops norvegicus (Norway lobster) recruits (geonode:nephnorr_0)

The map shows the area where recruits of Nephrops norvegicus concentrate (nursery areas). Recruits were considered as those specimens that have settled on the bottom, becoming available to the fishing gear in well-defined habitats at the end of their larval—pelagic stage and which remain in these habitats before dispersing or migrating. Due to the lack of specific studies on the dispersal behaviour of juveniles, it was assumed that the first separable modal component of the age group 0 was composed of specimens recently settled on the bottom sharing similar habitat preferences. Nursery areas have been assessed in the framework of MAREA-MEDISEH Project through habitat suitability modeling, relating abundance information from surveys with environmental variables.

Trachurus trachurus (Atlantic horse mackerel) recruits (geonode:trac_trac_med_r_pers_0)

The map shows the area where recruits of Trachurus trachurus concentrate (nursery areas) in the Mediterranean Sea for the period 2003-2009 during early winter. Nursery areas have been assessed in the framework of MAREA-MEDISEH Project through habitat suitability modeling, relating abundance information from surveys with environmental variables. (http://mareaproject.net/contracts/5/reporting/)

Suitable area for floating OWF (geonode:zpp_deep)

Suitable area for floating Offshore Wind Farms (water depth 50 to 200 m and wind speeds*greater than 5m/sec at 80 m height above sea level) From MEDTRENDS 2015 for PHAROS4MPAs

Zoning of Cap de Creus MPA (geonode:mpa_cap_de_creus_zoning_wgs84)

Zoning of Cap de Creus MPA SOURCE: Cap de Creus MPA

Offshore sand dredged (geonode:offshore_sand_dredged)

The Adriatic studied sand deposits map with two layers: a)The potentially sand resources(offhore sand deposits); b) the dredged areas already exploited (offshore sand dredged). During the last decades the increasing amount of data acquired by ISMAR CNR provides unique opportunities to summarize knowledge of geology and shelf geomorphology with existing geotechnical and geophysical data that facilitate identification of sand resources. The volume of the entire potental fine sand available reservoir outcropping in the italian portion of the adriatic shelf seafloor has been extimated in ca. 270 x106 cubic metres. The amount of dredged material used costal nourishment in Adriatic since 1996 is 9.9 x106 cubic metres.

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