CIESIN, Columbia University

GeoServer Web Map Service

cartographic:national-boundaries cartographic:national-boundaries cartographic:national-boundaries
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A compliant implementation of WMS plus most of the SLD extension (dynamic styling). Can also generate PDF, SVG, KML, GeoRSS

Available map layers (339)

cartographic:national-boundaries (cartographic:national-boundaries)

Layer-Group type layer: cartographic:national-boundaries

Global Labels (cartographic:00-global-labels)

National Boundaries Medium Scale (cartographic:00-gpw-v3-national-admin-boundaries)

National Boundaries Medium Scale represents medium resolution administrative boundaries for 231 world countries. This data was derived by the GPWv3 project and has been designed be visible at scales between 20 Arc Minutes and 2 Arc Minutes.

National Boundaries Small Scale (cartographic:00-gpw-v3-national-admin-boundaries_generalized)

National Boundaries Small Scale represent low resolution generalized administrative boundaries for 231 world countries. This data was derived through the generalization of GPWv3 National Boundaries and designed to be viewed at scales smaller than 20 Arc Minutes

National Boundaries Large Scale (cartographic:00-grump-v1-national-admin-boundaries)

National Boundaries Large Scale represents high resolution administrative boundaries for 231 world countries. This data was derived by the GRUMP Beta project and has been designed be visible at scales larger than 2 Arc Minutes.

Global Agricultural Lands: Croplands, 2000 (aglands:aglands-croplands-2000)

The Global Agricultural Lands: Croplands, 2000 map layer displays the proportion of land areas used for the cultivation of food in the year 2000, derived from MODIS and SPOT satellite data. See more information at:

Global Agricultural Lands: Pastures, 2000 (aglands:aglands-pastures-2000)

The Global Agricultural Lands: Pastures, 2000 map layer displays the proportion of land areas used to support grazing animals in the year 2000, derived from MODIS and SPOT satellite data. See more information at:

Anthropogenic Biomes v1 (anthromes:anthromes-anthropogenic-biomes-world-v1)

The Anthropogenic Biomes v1 map layer displays globally-significant ecological patterns within the terrestrial biosphere caused by sustained direct human interaction with ecosystems, including agriculture, urbanization, forestry and other land use. See more information at:

Anthropogenic Biomes v2: 1700 (anthromes:anthromes-anthropogenic-biomes-world-v2-1700)

The Anthropogenic Biomes v2: 1700 map layer displays anthropogenic transformations within the terrestrial biosphere caused by sustained direct human interaction with ecosystems, including agriculture and urbanization c. 1700. See more information at:

Anthropogenic Biomes v2: 1800 (anthromes:anthromes-anthropogenic-biomes-world-v2-1800)

The Anthropogenic Biomes v2: 1800 map layer displays anthropogenic transformations within the terrestrial biosphere caused by sustained direct human interaction with ecosystems, including agriculture and urbanization c. 1800. See more information at

Anthropogenic Biomes v2: 1900 (anthromes:anthromes-anthropogenic-biomes-world-v2-1900)

The Anthropogenic Biomes v2: 1900 map layer displays anthropogenic transformations within the terrestrial biosphere caused by sustained direct human interaction with ecosystems, including agriculture and urbanization c. 1900. See more information at

Anthropogenic Biomes v2: 2000 (anthromes:anthromes-anthropogenic-biomes-world-v2-2000)

The Anthropogenic Biomes v2: 2000 map layer displays anthropogenic transformations within the terrestrial biosphere caused by sustained direct human interaction with ecosystems, including agriculture and urbanization c. 2000. See more information at

Crop Climate: Maize, Rice, and Wheat (crop-climate:crop-climate-effects-climate-global-food-production)

Effects of Climate Change on Global Food Production from SRES Emissions and Socioeconomic Scenarios, v1 (1970-2080): Maize, Rice, and Wheat displays the potential implications of climate change on staple crop production yields. See more information at

Energy: Nuclear Power Plant Locations (energy:energy-pop-exposure-nuclear-plants-locations_plants)

Population Exposure Estimates in Proximity to Nuclear Power Plants, Locations, v1 (1956-2012) displays locations of nuclear power plants. See more information at

Environmental Performance Index 2010 (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2010)

Environmental Performance Index, 2010 Release (1994-2009) displays the total EPI which ranks 163 countries on environmental performance based on 25 indicators grouped within 10 policy categories. See more information at

EPI 2010: Agriculture (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2010_agriculture)

Environmental Performance Index, 2010 Release (1994-2009): Agriculture displays the indicators within the agriculture policy category of EPI. See more information at

EPI 2010: Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2010_air-pollution-effects-on-ecosystems)

Environmental Performance Index, 2010 Release (1994-2009): Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems displays the indicators within the air pollution effects on ecosystems policy category of EPI. policy category of EPI. See more information at

EPI 2010: Air Pollution Effects on Human Health (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2010_air-pollution-effects-on-human-health)

Environmental Performance Index, 2010 Release (1994-2009): Air Pollution Effects on Human Health displays the indicators within the air pollution effects on human health policy category of EPI. See more information at

EPI 2010: Biodiversity and Habitat (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2010_biodiversity-and-habitat)

Environmental Performance Index, 2010 Release (1994-2009): Biodiversity and Habitat displays the indicators within the biodiversity and habitat policy category of EPI. See more information at

EPI 2010: Climate Change (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2010_climate-change)

Environmental Performance Index, 2010 Release (1994-2009): Climate Change displays the indicators within the climate change policy category of EPI. See more information at

EPI 2010: Environmental Burden of Disease (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2010_environmental-burden-of-disease)

Environmental Performance Index, 2010 Release (1994- 2009): Environmental Burden of Disease displays the indicators within the environmental burden of disease policy category of EPI. See more information at

EPI 2010: Fisheries (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2010_fisheries)

Environmental Performance Index, 2010 Release (1994- 2009): Fisheries displays the indicators within the fisheries policy category of EPI. See more information at

EPI 2010: Forestry (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2010_forestry)

Environmental Performance Index, 2010 Release (1994-2009): Forestry displays the indicators within the forestry policy category of EPI. See more information at

EPI 2010: Water Effects on Ecosystems (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2010_water-effects-on-ecosystems)

Environmental Performance Index, 2010 Release (1994-2009): Water Effects on Ecosystems displays the indicators within the water effects on ecosystems policy category of EPI. See more information at

EPI 2010: Water Effects on Human Health (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2010_water-effects-on-human-health)

Environmental Performance Index, 2010 Release (1994-2009): Water Effects on Human Health displays the indicators within the water effects on human health policy category of EPI. See more information at

Environmental Performance Index 2014 (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2014)

Environmental Performance Index, 2014 Release (2002-2011) displays the 2014 EPI ranks from 178 countries on 20 performance indicators in the following 9 policy categories: health impacts, air quality, water and sanitation, water resources, agriculture, forests, fisheries, biodiversity and habitat, and climate and energy. See more information at

EPI 2014: Environmental Health Objective (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2014_eh)

Environmental Performance Index, 2014 Release (2002-2011): Environmental Health Objective, displays the environmental health scores that are based on three constituent policy categories: health impacts, air quality, and water and sanitation. See more information at

EPI 2014: Environmental Health Objective - Air Quality (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2014_eh-air-quality)

Environmental Performance Index, 2014 Release (2002-2011): Environmental Health Objective - Air Quality, displays the 2014 EPI environmental health objective air quality category that includes the following indicators: household air quality, air pollution and exposure to PM2.5 and air pollution PM2.5 exceedance. See more information at

EPI 2014: Environmental Health Objective - Health Impacts (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2014_eh-health-impacts)

Environmental Performance Index, 2014 Release (2002-2011): Environmental Health Objective - Health Impacts, displays the 2014 EPI environmental health objective, health impacts category that includes the child mortality indicator. See more information at

EPI 2014: Environmental Health Objective - Water and Sanitation (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2014_eh-water-and-sanitation)

Environmental Performance Index, 2014 Release (2002-2011): Environmental Health Objective - Water and Sanitation, displays the 2014 EPI environmental health objective, water and sanitation category that includes the following indicators: access to drinking water and access to sanitation. See more information at

EPI 2014: Ecosystem Vitality Objective (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2014_ev)

Environmental Performance Index, 2014 Release (2002-2011): Ecosystem Vitality Objective, displays ecosystem vitality scores that are based on six constituent policy categories: water resources, agriculture, forests, fisheries, biodiversity and habitat, and climate and energy. See more information at

EPI 2014: Ecosystem Vitality Objective - Agriculture (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2014_ev-agriculture)

Environmental Performance Index, 2014 Release (2002-2011): Ecosystem Vitality Objective - Agriculture, displays the 2014 EPI ecosystem vitality objective, agriculture category that includes the following indicators: pesticide regulation and agricultural subsidies. See more information at

EPI 2014: Ecosystem Vitality Objective - Biodiversity and Habitat (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2014_ev-biodiversity-and-habitat)

Environmental Performance Index, 2014 Release (2002-2011): Ecosystem Vitality Objective - Biodiversity and Habitat, displays the 2014 EPI ecosystem vitality objective, biodiversity and habitat category that includes the following indicators: critical habitat protection, marine protected areas, global biome protection and national biome protection. See more information at

EPI 2014: Ecosystem Vitality Objective - Climate and Energy (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2014_ev-climate-and-energy)

Environmental Performance Index, 2014 Release (2002-2011): Ecosystem Vitality Objective - Climate and Energy, displays the 2014 EPI ecosystem vitality objective, climate and energy category that includes the following indicators: trend in CO2 emissions per kWh, change of trend in carbon intensity and trend in carbon intensity. See more information at

EPI 2014: Ecosystem Vitality Objective - Fisheries (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2014_ev-fisheries)

Environmental Performance Index, 2014 Release (2002-2011): Ecosystem Vitality Objective - Fisheries, displays the 2014 EPI ecosystem vitality objective, fisheries category that includes the following indicators: fish stocks and coastal shelf fishing pressure. See more information at

EPI 2014: Ecosystem Vitality Objective - Forests (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2014_ev-forests)

Environmental Performance Index, 2014 Release (2002-2011): Ecosystem Vitality Objective - Forests, displays the 2014 EPI ecosystem vitality objective, forest category that includes the change in forest cover indicator. See more information at

EPI 2014: Ecosystem Vitality Objective - Water Resources (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2014_ev-water-resources)

Environmental Performance Index, 2014 Release (2002-2011): Ecosystem Vitality Objective - Water Resources, displays the 2014 EPI ecosystem vitality objective, water resources category that includes the wastewater treatment indicator. See more information at

EPI 2014: Ten-Year Percent Change (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2014_percent-change)

Environmental Performance Index, 2014 Release (2002-2011): Ten-Year Percent Change, displays the 10-year percent change in EPI scores for each country included in the 2014 EPI that shows the countries that are improving and declining. See more information at

EPI 2016 (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2016)

The EPI 2016 map layer is part of the 2016 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) data set. It displays the 2016 EPI ranks from 180 countries on 20 performance indicators in the following 9 policy categories: health impacts, air quality, water and sanitation, water resources, agriculture, forests, fisheries, biodiversity and habitat, and climate and energy. See more information at:

EPI 2016_Environmental Health Objective (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2016_eh)

The EPI 2016_Environmental Health Objective map layer is part of the 2016 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) data set. It displays the environmental health scores that are based on three constituent policy categories: health impacts, air quality, and water and sanitation. See more information at:

EPI 2016_Environmental Health Objective - Air Quality (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2016_eh-air-quality)

The EPI 2016_Environmental Health Objective - Air Quality map layer is part of the 2016 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) data set. It displays the 2016 EPI environmental health objective, air quality category that includes the following indicators: household air quality, air pollution average exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5), air pollution fine particulate matter (PM2.5) exceedance, and air pollution average exposure to nitrogen dioxide (NO2). See more information at:

EPI 2016_Environmental Health Objective - Health Impacts (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2016_eh-health-impacts)

The EPI 2016_Environmental Health Objective - Health Impacts is part of the 2016 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) data set. It displays the 2016 EPI environmental health objective, health impacts category that includes the environmental risk exposure indicator. See more information at:

EPI 2016_Environmental Health Objective - Water and Sanitation (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2016_eh-water-and-sanitation)

The EPI 2016_Environmental Health Objective - Water and Sanitation map layer is part of the 2016 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) data set. It displays the 2016 EPI environmental health objective, water and sanitation category that includes the following indicators: unsafe drinking water and unsafe sanitation. See more information at:

EPI 2016_Ecosystem Vitality Objective (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2016_ev)

The EPI 2016_Ecosystem Vitality Objective map layer is part of the 2016 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) data set. It displays ecosystem vitality scores that are based on six constituent policy categories: water resources, agriculture, forests, fisheries, biodiversity and habitat, and climate and energy. See more information at:

EPI 2016_Ecosystem Vitality Objective - Agriculture (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2016_ev-agriculture)

The EPI 2016_Ecosystem Vitality Objective - Agriculture map layer is part of the 2016 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) data set. It displays the 2016 EPI ecosystem vitality objective, agriculture category that includes the following indicators: nitrogen balance and nitrogen use efficiency. See more information at:

EPI 2016_Ecosystem Vitality Objective - Biodiversity and Habitat (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2016_ev-biodiversity-and-habitat)

The EPI 2016_Ecosystem Vitality Objective - Biodiversity and Habitat map layer is part of the 2016 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) data set. It displays the 2016 EPI ecosystem vitality objective, biodiversity and habitat category that includes the following indicators: marine protected areas, terrestrial biome protection (global and national), and species protection (global and national). See more information at:

EPI 2016_Ecosystem Vitality Objective - Climate and Energy (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2016_ev-climate-and-energy)

The EPI 2016_Ecosystem Vitality Objective - Climate and Energy map layer is part of the 2016 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) data set. It displays the 2016 EPI ecosystem vitality objective, climate and energy category that includes the following indicators: trend in carbon intensity per kWh and trend in carbon intensity. See more information at:

EPI 2016_Ecosystem Vitality Objective - Fisheries (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2016_ev-fisheries)

The EPI 2016_Ecosystem Vitality Objective - Fisheries map layer is part of the 2016 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) data set. It displays the 2016 EPI ecosystem vitality objective, fisheries category that includes the fish stocks indicator. See more information at:

EPI 2016_Ecosystem Vitality Objective - Forests (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2016_ev-forests)

The EPI 2016_Ecosystem Vitality Objective - Forests map layer is part of the 2016 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) data set. It displays the 2016 EPI ecosystem vitality objective, forest category that includes the change in forest cover indicator. See more information at:

EPI 2016_Ecosystem Vitality Objective - Water Resources (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2016_ev-water-resources)

The EPI 2016_Ecosystem Vitality Objective - Water Resources map layer is part of the 2016 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) data set. It displays the 2016 EPI ecosystem vitality objective, water resources category that includes the wastewater treatment indicator. See more information at:

EPI 2016_Ten-Year Percent Change (epi:epi-environmental-performance-index-2016_percent-change)

The EPI 2016_Ten-Year Percent Change map layer is part of the 2016 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) data set. It displays the 10-year percent change in EPI scores for each country included in the 2016 EPI, and whether countries are improving or declining. See more information at:

Environmental Sustainability Index 2005 (esi:esi-environmental-sustainability-index-2005)

Environmental Sustainability Index, 2005 Release (1980-2000) displays the total ESI which provides a composite profile of national environmental stewardship based on a compilation of 21 indicators. See more information at

ESI 2005: Air Quality (esi:esi-environmental-sustainability-index-2005_air-quality)

Environmental Sustainability Index, 2005 Release (1980-2000): Air Quality displays the air quality indicator of ESI. See more information at

ESI 2005: Biodiversity (esi:esi-environmental-sustainability-index-2005_biodiversity)

Environmental Sustainability Index, 2005 Release (1980-2000): Biodiversity displays the biodiversity indicator of ESI. See more information at

ESI 2005: Eco-Efficiency (esi:esi-environmental-sustainability-index-2005_eco-efficiency)

Environmental Sustainability Index, 2005 Release (1980-2000): Eco-Efficiency displays the eco-efficiency indicator of ESI. See more information at

ESI 2005: Environmental Governance (esi:esi-environmental-sustainability-index-2005_environ-governance)

Environmental Sustainability Index, 2005 Release (1980-2000): Environmental Governance displays the environmental governance indicator of ESI. See more information at

ESI 2005: Environmental Health (esi:esi-environmental-sustainability-index-2005_environ-health)

Environmental Sustainability Index, 2005 Release (1980-2000): Environmental Health displays the environmental health indicator of ESI. See more information at

ESI 2005: Greenhouse Gas Emissions (esi:esi-environmental-sustainability-index-2005_greenhouse-gas-emissions)

Environmental Sustainability Index, 2005 Release (1980-2000): Greenhouse Gas Emissions displays the greenhouse gas emissions indicator of ESI. See more information at

ESI 2005: Human Sustenance (esi:esi-environmental-sustainability-index-2005_human-sustenance)

Environmental Sustainability Index, 2005 Release (1980-2000): Human Sustenance displays the greenhouse gas emissions indicator of ESI. See more information at

ESI 2005: Land (esi:esi-environmental-sustainability-index-2005_land)

Environmental Sustainability Index, 2005 Release (1980-2000): Land displays the land indicator of ESI. See more information at

ESI 2005: Natural Disaster Vulnerability (esi:esi-environmental-sustainability-index-2005_nat-disaster-vulnerability)

Environmental Sustainability Index, 2005 Release (1980-2000): Natural Disaster Vulnerability displays the natural disaster vulnerability indicator of ESI. See more information at

ESI 2005: Natural Resource Management (esi:esi-environmental-sustainability-index-2005_nat-resource-mgmt)

Environmental Sustainability Index, 2005 Release (1980-2000): Natural Resource Management displays the natural resource management indicator of ESI. See more information at

ESI 2005: Participation in International Collaborations (esi:esi-environmental-sustainability-index-2005_particip-international-collaborate)

Environmental Sustainability Index, 2005 Release (1980-2000): Participation in International Collaborations displays the participation in international collaborations indicator of ESI. See more information at

ESI 2005: Private Sector Response (esi:esi-environmental-sustainability-index-2005_private-sector-response)

Environmental Sustainability Index, 2005 Release (1980-2000): Private Sector Response displays the private sector response indicator of ESI. See more information at

ESI 2005: Reduction of Air Pollution (esi:esi-environmental-sustainability-index-2005_reduce-air-pollution)

Environmental Sustainability Index, 2005 Release (1980-2000): Reduction of Air Pollution displays the reduction of air pollution indicator of ESI. See more information at

ESI 2005: Reduction of Ecosystem Stress (esi:esi-environmental-sustainability-index-2005_reduce-ecosystem-stress)

Environmental Sustainability Index, 2005 Release (1980-2000): Reduction of Ecosystem Stress displays the reduction of ecosystem stress indicator of ESI. See more information at

ESI 2005: Reduction of Population Pressure (esi:esi-environmental-sustainability-index-2005_reduce-pop-press)

Environmental Sustainability Index, 2005 Release (1980-2000): Reduction of Population Pressure displays the reduction of population pressure indicator of ESI. See more information at

ESI 2005: Reduction of Trans-Environmental Pressure (esi:esi-environmental-sustainability-index-2005_reduce-trans-environ-press)

Environmental Sustainability Index, 2005 Release (1980-2000): Reduction of Trans-Environmental Pressure displays the reduction of trans-environmental pressure indicator of ESI. See more information at

ESI 2005: Reduction of Waste and Consumption Pressure (esi:esi-environmental-sustainability-index-2005_reduce-waste-consump-press)

Environmental Sustainability Index, 2005 Release (1980-2000): Reduction of Waste and Consumption Pressure displays the reduction of waste and consumption pressure indicator of ESI. See more information at

ESI 2005: Reduction of Water Stress (esi:esi-environmental-sustainability-index-2005_reduce-water-stress)

Environmental Sustainability Index, 2005 Release (1980-2000): Reduction of Water Stress displays the reduction of water stress indicator of ESI. See more information at

ESI 2005: Science and Technology (esi:esi-environmental-sustainability-index-2005_science-tech)

Environmental Sustainability Index, 2005 Release (1980-2000): Science and Technology displays the science and technology indicator of ESI. See more information at

ESI 2005: Water Quality (esi:esi-environmental-sustainability-index-2005_water-quality)

Environmental Sustainability Index, 2005 Release (1980-2000): Water Quality displays the water quality indicator of ESI. See more information at

ESI 2005: Water Quantity (esi:esi-environmental-sustainability-index-2005_water-quantity)

Environmental Sustainability Index, 2005 Release (1980-2000): Water Quantity displays the water quantity indicator of ESI. See more information at

ESRI Administrative Boundaries - Level 1 (cartographic:esri-administrative-boundaries_level-1)

Nitrogen Fertilizer Application (ferman-v1:ferman-v1-nitrogen-fertilizer-application)

Nitrogen Fertilizer Application, v1 (1994-2001) displays the amount of nitrogen fertilizer nutrients applied to croplands. See more information at

Nitrogen in Manure Production (ferman-v1:ferman-v1-nitrogen-in-manure-production)

Nitrogen in Manure Production, v1 (1994-2001) displays the amount of nitrogen manure produced and present on the landscape. See more information at

Phosphorus Fertilizer Application (ferman-v1:ferman-v1-phosphorus-fertilizer-application)

Phosphorus Fertilizer Application, v1 (1994-2001) displays the amount of phosphorus fertilizer nutrients applied to croplands. See more information at

Phosphorus in Manure Production (ferman-v1:ferman-v1-phosphorus-in-manure-production)

Phosphorus in Manure Production, v1 (1994-2001) displays the amount of phosphorous in manure produced and present on the landscape. See more information at

GPW v3: Centroids (gpw-v3:gpw-v3-centroids)

Centroids, v3 (1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015) displays centroids based on the 399,781 input administrative units used in GPWv3. See more information at

GPW v3: Coastlines (gpw-v3:gpw-v3-coastlines)

Coastlines, v3 (2000) displays coastlines derived from the GPWv3 land area grid and designed for cartographic use with the GPWv3 population raster data sets. See more information at

GPW v3: Geographic Unit Area (gpw-v3:gpw-v3-land-geographic-unit-area)

Land and Geographic Unit Area Grids, v3 (1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015) displays the geographic unit area grid which indicates the size of the input unit(s) from which population count and density grids are derived. See more information at

GPW v3: Population Count Future Estimates 2005 (gpw-v3:gpw-v3-population-count-future-estimates_2005)

Population Count Grid Future Estimates, v3 (2005, 2010, 2015): [2005] displays extrapolated population count per 2.5 arc-minute grid cell for 2005 based on a combination of subnational growth rates from census dates and national growth rates from United Nations statistics. All of the grids have been adjusted to match United Nations national level population estimates. See more information at

GPW v3: Population Count Future Estimates 2010 (gpw-v3:gpw-v3-population-count-future-estimates_2010)

Population Count Grid Future Estimates, v3 (2005, 2010, 2015): [2010] displays extrapolated population count per 2.5 arc-minute grid cell for 2010 based on a combination of subnational growth rates from census dates and national growth rates from United Nations statistics. All of the grids have been adjusted to match United Nations national level population estimates. See more information at

GPW v3: Population Count Future Estimates 2015 (gpw-v3:gpw-v3-population-count-future-estimates_2015)

Population Count Grid Future Estimates, v3 (2005, 2010, 2015): [2015] displays extrapolated population count per 2.5 arc-minute grid cell for 2015 based on a combination of subnational growth rates from census dates and national growth rates from United Nations statistics. All of the grids have been adjusted to match United Nations national level population estimates. See more information at

GPW v3: Population Count 1990 (gpw-v3:gpw-v3-population-count_1990)

Population Count Grid, v3 (1990, 1995, 2000): [1990] displays estimates of the number of persons per 2.5 arc-minute grid cell for the year 1990. See more information at

GPW v3: Population Count 1995 (gpw-v3:gpw-v3-population-count_1995)

Population Count Grid, v3 (1990, 1995, 2000): [1995] displays estimates of the number of persons per 2.5 arc-minute grid cell for the year 1995. See more information at

GPW v3: Population Count 2000 (gpw-v3:gpw-v3-population-count_2000)

Population Count Grid, v3 (1990, 1995, 2000): [2000] displays estimates of the number of persons per 2.5 arc-minute grid cell for the year 2000. See more information at

GPW v3: Population Density Future Estimates 2005 (gpw-v3:gpw-v3-population-density-future-estimates_2005)

Population Density Grid Future Estimates, v3 (2005, 2010, 2015): [2005] displays extrapolated estimates of the number of persons per square kilometer for the year 2005 based on a combination of subnational growth rates from census dates and national growth rates from United Nations statistics. See more information at

GPW v3: Population Density Future Estimates 2010 (gpw-v3:gpw-v3-population-density-future-estimates_2010)

Population Density Grid Future Estimates, v3 (2005, 2010, 2015): [2010] displays extrapolated estimates of the number of persons per square kilometer for the year 2010 based on a combination of subnational growth rates from census dates and national growth rates from United Nations statistics. See more information at

GPW v3: Population Density Future Estimates 2015 (gpw-v3:gpw-v3-population-density-future-estimates_2015)

Population Density Grid Future Estimates, v3 (2005, 2010, 2015): [2015] displays extrapolated estimates of the number of persons per square kilometer for the year 2015 based on a combination of subnational growth rates from census dates and national growth rates from United Nations statistics. See more information at

GPW v3: Population Density 1990 (gpw-v3:gpw-v3-population-density_1990)

Population Density Grid, v3 (1990, 1995, 2000): (1990, 1995, 2000): [1990] displays the number of persons per square kilometer for the year 1990. See more information at

GPW v3: Population Density 1995 (gpw-v3:gpw-v3-population-density_1995)

Population Density Grid, v3 (1990, 1995, 2000): (1990, 1995, 2000): [1995] displays the number of persons per square kilometer for the year 1995. See more information at

GPW v3: Population Density 2000 (gpw-v3:gpw-v3-population-density_2000)

Population Density Grid, v3 (1990, 1995, 2000): (1990, 1995, 2000): [2000] displays the number of persons per square kilometer for the year 2000. See more information at

GPWv4: Data Quality Indicators - Data Context (gpw-v4:gpw-v4-data-quality-indicators_data-context)

Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Data Quality Indicators - Data Context displays categorized pixels with estimated 0 population based on information provided in the census documents. See more information at:

GPWv4: Data Quality Indicators - Mean Administrative Unit Area (gpw-v4:gpw-v4-data-quality-indicators_mean-administrative-unit-area)

Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Data Quality Indicators - Mean Administrative Unit Area grid displays a quantitative surface that indicates the size of the input units in square kilometers from which population count and density grids are derived. See more information at:

GPWv4: Data Quality Indicators - Water Mask (gpw-v4:gpw-v4-data-quality-indicators_water-mask)

Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Data Quality Indicators - Water Mask displays pixels that are completely water and/or ice (Total Water Pixels) and pixels that also contain land (Partial Water Pixels). See more information at:

GPWv4: Land Area (gpw-v4:gpw-v4-land-water-area_land)

Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Land and Water Area - Land Area displays the land area (without permanent ice and water) of a pixel in square kilometers. See more information at:

GPWv4: Water Area (gpw-v4:gpw-v4-land-water-area_water)

Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Land and Water Area - Water Area displays estimates of the water area (including permanent ice and water) per pixel in square kilometers. See more information at:

GPWv4: National Identifier Grid (gpw-v4:gpw-v4-national-identifier-grid)

Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): National Identifier Grid displays the raster representation of nation-states in GPWv4. See more information at:

GPWv4: UN-Adjusted Population Count - 2000 (gpw-v4:gpw-v4-population-count-adjusted-to-2015-unwpp-country-totals_2000)

Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Population Count Adjusted to Match 2015 Revision of UN WPP (United Nations World Population Prospects) Country Totals displays human population estimates for the year 2000 but adjusted to UN country totals, represented by number of persons in each grid cell. See more information at:

GPWv4: UN-Adjusted Population Count - 2005 (gpw-v4:gpw-v4-population-count-adjusted-to-2015-unwpp-country-totals_2005)

Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Population Count Adjusted to Match 2015 Revision of UN WPP (United Nations World Population Prospects) Country Totals displays human population estimates for the year 2005 but adjusted to UN country totals, represented by number of persons in each grid cell. See more information at:

GPWv4: UN-Adjusted Population Count - 2010 (gpw-v4:gpw-v4-population-count-adjusted-to-2015-unwpp-country-totals_2010)

Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Population Count Adjusted to Match 2015 Revision of UN WPP (United Nations World Population Prospects) Country Totals displays human population estimates for the year 2010 but adjusted to UN country totals, represented by number of persons in each grid cell. See more information at:

GPWv4: UN-Adjusted Population Count - 2015 (gpw-v4:gpw-v4-population-count-adjusted-to-2015-unwpp-country-totals_2015)

Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Population Count Adjusted to Match 2015 Revision of UN WPP (United Nations World Population Prospects) Country Totals displays human population estimates for the year 2015 but adjusted to UN country totals, represented by number of persons in each grid cell. See more information at:

GPWv4: UN-Adjusted Population Count - 2020 (gpw-v4:gpw-v4-population-count-adjusted-to-2015-unwpp-country-totals_2020)

Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Population Count Adjusted to Match 2015 Revision of UN WPP (United Nations World Population Prospects) Country Totals displays human population estimates for the year 2020 but adjusted to UN country totals, represented by number of persons in each grid cell. See more information at:

GPWv4: Population Count - 2000 (gpw-v4:gpw-v4-population-count_2000)

Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Population Count displays human population estimates for the year 2000 represented by number of persons in each 30 arc-second (~1 km) grid cell. See more information at:

GPWv4: Population Count - 2005 (gpw-v4:gpw-v4-population-count_2005)

Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Population Count displays human population estimates for the year 2005 represented by number of persons in each 30 arc-second (~1 km) grid cell. See more information at:

GPWv4: Population Count - 2010 (gpw-v4:gpw-v4-population-count_2010)

Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Population Count displays human population estimates for the year 2010 represented by number of persons in each 30 arc-second (~1 km) grid cell. See more information at:

GPWv4: Population Count - 2015 (gpw-v4:gpw-v4-population-count_2015)

Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Population Count displays human population estimates for the year 2015 represented by number of persons in each 30 arc-second (~1 km) grid cell. See more information at:

GPWv4: Population Count - 2020 (gpw-v4:gpw-v4-population-count_2020)

Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Population Count displays human population estimates for the year 2020 represented by number of persons in each 30 arc-second (~1 km) grid cell. See more information at:

GPWv4: UN-Adjusted Population Density - 2000 (gpw-v4:gpw-v4-population-density-adjusted-to-2015-unwpp-country-totals_2000)

Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Population Density Adjusted to Match 2015 Revision of UN WPP (United Nations World Population Prospects) Country Totals displays human population estimates represented by number of persons per square kilometer in each grid cell for the year 2000, derived by dividing the United Nations adjusted population count grids by land area grids. See more information at:

GPWv4: UN-Adjusted Population Density - 2005 (gpw-v4:gpw-v4-population-density-adjusted-to-2015-unwpp-country-totals_2005)

Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Population Density Adjusted to Match 2015 Revision of UN WPP (United Nations World Population Prospects) Country Totals displays human population estimates represented by number of persons per square kilometer in each grid cell for the year 2005, derived by dividing the United Nations adjusted population count grids by land area grids. See more information at:

GPWv4: UN-Adjusted Population Density - 2010 (gpw-v4:gpw-v4-population-density-adjusted-to-2015-unwpp-country-totals_2010)

Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Population Density Adjusted to Match 2015 Revision of UN WPP (United Nations World Population Prospects) Country Totals displays human population estimates represented by number of persons per square kilometer in each grid cell for the year 2010, derived by dividing the United Nations adjusted population count grids by land area grids. See more information at:

GPWv4: UN-Adjusted Population Density - 2015 (gpw-v4:gpw-v4-population-density-adjusted-to-2015-unwpp-country-totals_2015)

Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Population Density Adjusted to Match 2015 Revision of UN WPP (United Nations World Population Prospects) Country Totals displays human population estimates represented by number of persons per square kilometer in each grid cell for the year 2015, derived by dividing the United Nations adjusted population count grids by land area grids. See more information at:

GPWv4: UN-Adjusted Population Density - 2020 (gpw-v4:gpw-v4-population-density-adjusted-to-2015-unwpp-country-totals_2020)

Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Population Density Adjusted to Match 2015 Revision of UN WPP (United Nations World Population Prospects) Country Totals displays human population estimates represented by number of persons per square kilometer in each grid cell for the year 2020, derived by dividing the United Nations adjusted population count grids by land area grids. See more information at:

GPWv4: Population Density - 2000 (gpw-v4:gpw-v4-population-density_2000)

Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Population Density displays human population density estimates represented by number of persons per square kilometer in each grid cell for the year 2000, derived by dividing the population count grids by land area grids. See more information at:

GPWv4: Population Density - 2005 (gpw-v4:gpw-v4-population-density_2005)

Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Population Density displays human population density estimates represented by number of persons per square kilometer in each grid cell for the year 2005, derived by dividing the population count grids by land area grids. See more information at:

GPWv4: Population Density - 2010 (gpw-v4:gpw-v4-population-density_2010)

Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Population Density displays human population density estimates represented by number of persons per square kilometer in each grid cell for the year 2010, derived by dividing the population count grids by land area grids. See more information at:

GPWv4: Population Density - 2015 (gpw-v4:gpw-v4-population-density_2015)

Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Population Density displays human population density estimates represented by number of persons per square kilometer in each grid cell for the year 2015, derived by dividing the population count grids by land area grids. See more information at:

GPWv4: Population Density - 2020 (gpw-v4:gpw-v4-population-density_2020)

Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Population Density displays human population density estimates represented by number of persons per square kilometer in each grid cell for the year 2020, derived by dividing the population count grids by land area grids. See more information at:

Global Reservoir and Dam Database: Dams (grand-v1:grand-v1-dams-rev01)

Dams, v1.01 (2011) displays dams that were geospatially referenced and assigned to polygons depicting reservoir outlines at high spatial resolution. See more information at

Global Reservoir and Dam Database: Reservoirs (grand-v1:grand-v1-reservoirs-rev01)

Reservoirs, v1.01 (2011) displays reservoirs that were delineated from high spatial resolution satellite imagery available as polygon shape files. See more information at

GRUMP v1: Mean Geographic Unit Area (grump-v1:grump-v1-land-geographic-unit-area)

Land and Geographic Unit Area Grids, v1 (1990) displays the mean geographic unit area grid which indicates the size of the input unit(s) from which population count and density grids are derived. See more information at

GRUMP v1: Population Count 1990 (grump-v1:grump-v1-population-count_1990)

Population Count Grid, v1 (1990, 1995, 2000): [1990] displays estimates of the number of persons per 30 arc-minute grid cell for the year 1990. See more information at

GRUMP v1: Population Count 1995 (grump-v1:grump-v1-population-count_1995)

Population Count Grid, v1 (1990, 1995, 2000): [1995] displays estimates of the number of persons per 30 arc-minute grid cell for the year 1995. See more information at

GRUMP v1: Population Count 2000 (grump-v1:grump-v1-population-count_2000)

Population Count Grid, v1 (1990, 1995, 2000): [2000] displays estimates of the number of persons per 30 arc-minute grid cell for the year 2000. See more information at

GRUMP v1: Population Density 1990 (grump-v1:grump-v1-population-density_1990)

Population Density Grid, v1 (1990, 1995, 2000): [1990] displays the number of persons per square kilometer for the year 1990. See more information at

GRUMP v1: Population Density 1995 (grump-v1:grump-v1-population-density_1995)

Population Density Grid, v1 (1990, 1995, 2000): [1995] displays the number of persons per square kilometer for the year 1995. See more information at

GRUMP v1: Population Density 2000 (grump-v1:grump-v1-population-density_2000)

Population Density Grid, v1 (1990, 1995, 2000): [2000] displays the number of persons per square kilometer for the year 2000. See more information at

GRUMP v1 Population Density 2010 (grump-v1:grump-v1-population-density_2010)

GRUMP v1: Settlement Points (grump-v1:grump-v1-settlement-points)

Settlement Points, v1 (1990, 1995, 2000) displays populated places with population estimates. See more information at

GRUMP v1: Urban Extents (grump-v1:grump-v1-urban-extents)

Urban Extents Grid, v1 (1995) displays raster representation of urban areas based on a combination of population counts, settlement points, and the presence of Nighttime Lights. See more information at

Change in Average Annual Chlorophyll-a Concentration from 1998-2000 to 2005-2007 (%) (icwq:icwq-change-in-chlorophyll-a-concentration-1998-2007)

Change in Chlorophyll-a Concentration, v1 (1998-2007): Change in Average Annual Chlorophyll-a Concentration (%) displays the percent change in the average annual chlorophyll-a concentration from 1998-2000 to 2005-2007. See more information at

India Annual Winter Cropped Area_2001 (india:india-india-annual-winter-cropped-area-2001-2016_2001)

The India Annual Winter Cropped Area_2001 map layer is part of the India Annual Winter Cropped Area, 2001-2016 data set. It displays the percent area of winter crops in India for the year 2001. See more information at:

India Annual Winter Cropped Area_2016 (india:india-india-annual-winter-cropped-area-2001-2016_2016)

The India Annual Winter Cropped Area_2016 map layer is part of the India Annual Winter Cropped Area, 2001-2016 data set. It displays the percent area of winter crops in India for the year 2016. See more information at:

India Village-Level_Female Literates Gujarat 1991 (india:india-india-village-level-geospatial-socio-econ-1991-2001_female-literates-gj-1991)

The India Village-Level_Female Literates Gujarat 1991 map layer is part of the India Village-Level Geospatial Socio-Economic Data Set: 1991, 2001. It displays female literates for the year 1991 in the state of Gujarat. See more information at:

India Village-Level_Female Literates Gujarat 2001 (india:india-india-village-level-geospatial-socio-econ-1991-2001_female-literates-gj-2001)

The India Village-Level_Female Literates Gujarat 2001 map layer is part of the India Village-Level Geospatial Socio-Economic Data Set: 1991, 2001. It displays female literates for the year 2001 in the state of Gujarat. See more information at:

India Village-Level_Male Agricultural Laborers Maharashtra 1991 (india:india-india-village-level-geospatial-socio-econ-1991-2001_male-agricultural-laborers-mh-1991)

The India Village-Level_Male Agricultural Laborers Maharashtra 1991 map layer is part of the India Village-Level Geospatial Socio-Economic Data Set: 1991, 2001. It displays male agricultural laborers for the year 1991 in the state of Maharashtra. See more information at:

India Village-Level_Male Agricultural Laborers Maharashtra 2001 (india:india-india-village-level-geospatial-socio-econ-1991-2001_male-agricultural-laborers-mh-2001)

The India Village-Level_Male Agricultural Laborers Maharashtra 2001 map layer is part of the India Village-Level Geospatial Socio-Economic Data Set: 1991, 2001. It displays male agricultural laborers for the year 2001 in the state of Maharashtra. See more information at:

India Village-Level_Male Cultivators Gujarat 1991 (india:india-india-village-level-geospatial-socio-econ-1991-2001_male-cultivators-gj-1991)

The India Village-Level_Male Cultivators Gujarat 1991 map layer is part of the India Village-Level Geospatial Socio-Economic Data Set: 1991, 2001. It displays male cultivators for the year 1991 in the state of Gujarat. See more information at:

India Village-Level_Male Cultivators Gujarat 2001 (india:india-india-village-level-geospatial-socio-econ-1991-2001_male-cultivators-gj-2001)

The India Village-Level_Male Cultivators Gujarat 2001 map layer is part of the India Village-Level Geospatial Socio-Economic Data Set: 1991, 2001. It displays male cultivators for the year 2001 in the state of Gujarat. See more information at:

India Village-Level_Total Population Maharashtra 1991 (india:india-india-village-level-geospatial-socio-econ-1991-2001_total-population-mh-1991)

The India Village-Level_Total Population Maharashtra 1991 map layer is part of the India Village-Level Geospatial Socio-Economic Data Set: 1991, 2001. It displays total population for the year 1991 in the state of Maharashtra. See more information at:

India Village-Level_Total Population Maharashtra 2001 (india:india-india-village-level-geospatial-socio-econ-1991-2001_total-population-mh-2001)

The India Village-Level_Total Population Maharashtra 2001 map layer is part of the India Village-Level Geospatial Socio-Economic Data Set: 1991, 2001. It displays total population for the year 2001 in the state of Maharashtra. See more information at:

Observed Climate Change Impacts (ipcc:ipcc-ar4-observed-climate-impacts)

Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) Observed Climate Change Impacts, v1 (1970-2004) displays statistical significance of observed responses to climate change in the physical, terrestrial, biological systems, and marine-ecosystems. See more information at

Climate Change Vulnerability Scenarios 2005, 2050, 2100 (ipcc:ipcc-synthetic-vulnerability-climate-2005-2050-2100)

Synthetic Assessment of Global Distribution of Vulnerability to Climate Change, v1 (2005, 2050, 2100) displays 11 scenarios of climate change vulnerability based on the Vulnerability-Resilience Indicator Model (VRIM). See more information at

Ramsar: Centroids (All Sites) (lecz:lecz-slr-impacts-ramsar-wetlands_centroids)

Sea Level Rise Impacts on Ramsar Wetlands of International Importance, v1 (2000-2010): Centroids displays all coastal Ramsar site locations at risk to inundation as a consequence of sea level rise. See more information at

Ramsar: Polygons (Sites with Defined Bounds) (lecz:lecz-slr-impacts-ramsar-wetlands_polygons)

Sea Level Rise Impacts on Ramsar Wetlands of International Importance, v1 (2000-2010): Polygons displays Ramsar site boundaries with or without risk to inundation as a consequence of sea level rise. See more information at

Urban Rural Extents in the 10m Low Elevation Zone (lecz:lecz-urban-rural-population-land-area-estimates-v2_urban-rural-zones-10m)

Urban-Rural Population and Land Area Estimates, v2 (1990, 2000, 2010, 2100) displays estimates of national-level aggregations of territorial extent and population size in the 10 meter low elevation zones. See more information at

Probabilities of Urban Expansion to 2030 (lulc:lulc-global-grid-prob-urban-expansion-2030)

Global Grid of Probabilities of Urban Expansion to 2030 displays forecasts of land-cover change from 2000 to 2030. See more information at:

Global Mangrove Forests Distribution, 2000 (lulc:lulc-global-mangrove-forests-distribution-2000)

Percentage of Population in Proximity to the Coast (nagdc:nagdc-population-landscape-climate-estimates-v3_coastal-proximity-2010)

Population, Landscape, And Climate Estimates (PLACE), v3 (1990, 2000, 2010): Population in Proximity to the Coast (%) displays percentage of national-level aggregations of territorial extent and population size by coastal proximity. See more information at

Cyclone Hazard Frequency and Distribution (ndh:ndh-cyclone-hazard-frequency-distribution)

Global Cyclone Hazard Frequency and Distribution, v1 (1980-2000) displays frequency of cyclones based on more than 1,600 storm tracks for the period 1 January 1980 through 31 December 2000 for the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. See more information at

Cyclone Mortality Risks and Distribution (ndh:ndh-cyclone-mortality-risks-distribution)

Global Cyclone Mortality Risks and Distribution, v1 (2000) displays cyclone mortality loss estimates. See more information at

Cyclone Proportional Economic Loss Risk Deciles (ndh:ndh-cyclone-proportional-economic-loss-risk-deciles)

Global Cyclone Proportional Economic Loss Risk Deciles, v1 (2000) displays cyclone hazard economic loss as proportions of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). See more information at

Cyclone Total Economic Loss Risk Deciles (ndh:ndh-cyclone-total-economic-loss-risk-deciles)

Global Cyclone Total Economic Loss Risk Deciles, v1 (2000) displays cyclone hazard total economic loss risks. See more information at

Drought Hazard Frequency and Distribution (ndh:ndh-drought-hazard-frequency-distribution)

Global Drought Hazard Frequency and Distribution, v1 (1980-2000) displays the precipitation deficit or surplus over a three month temporal window that is weighted by the magnitude of the seasonal cyclic variation in precipitation. See more information at

Drought Mortality Risks and Distribution (ndh:ndh-drought-mortality-risks-distribution)

Global Drought Mortality Risks and Distribution, v1 (2000) displays drought mortality loss estimates. See more information at

Drought Proportional Economic Loss Risk Deciles (ndh:ndh-drought-proportional-economic-loss-risk-deciles)

Global Drought Proportional Economic Loss Risk Deciles, v1 (2000) displays drought hazard economic loss as proportions of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). See more information at 101

Drought Total Economic Loss Risk Deciles (ndh:ndh-drought-total-economic-loss-risk-deciles)

Global Drought Total Economic Loss Risk Deciles, v1 (2000) displays drought hazard total economic loss risks. See more information at

Earthquake Hazard Distribution - Peak Ground Acceleration (ndh:ndh-earthquake-distribution-peak-ground-acceleration)

Global Earthquake Hazard Distribution - Peak Ground Acceleration, v1 (1976-2002) displays predicted localities where a 10 percent chance of exceeding a peak ground acceleration (pga) of 2 meters per second (approximately one-fifth of surface gravitational acceleration) exists. See more information at

Earthquake Hazard Frequency and Distribution (ndh:ndh-earthquake-frequency-distribution)

Global Earthquake Hazard Frequency and Distribution, v1 (1976-2002) displays the relative distribution and frequency of global earthquake hazard. See more information at

Earthquake Mortality Risks and Distribution (ndh:ndh-earthquake-mortality-risks-distribution)

Global Earthquake Mortality Risks and Distribution, v1 (2000) displays earthquake mortality loss estimates. See more information at

Earthquake Proportional Economic Loss Risk Deciles (ndh:ndh-earthquake-proportional-economic-loss-risk-deciles)

Global Earthquake Proportional Economic Loss Risk Deciles, v1 (2000) displays earthquake hazard economic loss as proportions of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). See more information at

Earthquake Total Economic Loss Risk Deciles (ndh:ndh-earthquake-total-economic-loss-risk-deciles)

Global Earthquake Total Economic Loss Risk Deciles, v1 (2000) displays earthquake hazard total economic loss risks. See more information at

Flood Hazard Frequency and Distribution (ndh:ndh-flood-hazard-frequency-distribution)

Global Flood Hazard Frequency and Distribution, v1 (1985-2003) displays the relative distribution and frequency of global flood hazard. See more information at

Flood Mortality Risks and Distribution (ndh:ndh-flood-mortality-risks-distribution)

Global Flood Mortality Risks and Distribution, v1 (2000) displays flood mortality loss estimates. See more information at

Flood Proportional Economic Loss Risk Deciles (ndh:ndh-flood-proportional-economic-loss-risk-deciles)

Global Flood Proportional Economic Loss Risk Deciles, v1 (2000) displays flood hazard economic loss as proportions of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). See more information at

Flood Total Economic Loss Risk Deciles (ndh:ndh-flood-total-economic-loss-risk-deciles)

Global Flood Total Economic Loss Risk Deciles, v1 (2000) displays flood hazard total economic loss risks. See more information at

Landslide Hazard Distribution (ndh:ndh-landslide-hazard-distribution)

Global Landslide Hazard Distribution, v1 (2000) displays the relative distribution and frequency of landslide and snow avalanche hazards. See more information at

Landslide Mortality Risks and Distribution (ndh:ndh-landslide-mortality-risks-distribution)

Global Landslide Mortality Risks and Distribution, v1 (2000) displays landslide mortality loss estimates. See more information at

Landslide Proportional Economic Loss Risk Deciles (ndh:ndh-landslide-proportional-economic-loss-risk-deciles)

Global Landslide Proportional Economic Loss Risk Deciles, v1 (2000) displays landslide hazard economic loss as proportions of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). See more information at

Landslide Total Economic Loss Risk Deciles (ndh:ndh-landslide-total-economic-loss-risk-deciles)

Global Landslide Total Economic Loss Risk Deciles, v1 (2000) displays landslide hazard total economic loss risks. See more information at

Volcano Hazard Frequency and Distribution (ndh:ndh-volcano-hazard-frequency-distribution)

Global Volcano Hazard Frequency and Distribution, v1 (1979-2000) displays the relative distribution and frequency of global volcano hazard. See more information at

Volcano Mortality Risks and Distribution (ndh:ndh-volcano-mortality-risks-distribution)

Global Volcano Mortality Risks and Distribution, v1 (2000) displays volcano mortality loss estimates. See more information at

Volcano Proportional Economic Loss Risk Deciles (ndh:ndh-volcano-proportional-economic-loss-risk-deciles)

Global Volcano Proportional Economic Loss Risk Deciles, v1 (2000) displays volcano hazard economic loss as proportions of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). See more information at

Volcano Total Economic Loss Risk Deciles (ndh:ndh-volcano-total-economic-loss-risk-deciles)

Global Volcano Total Economic Loss Risk Deciles, v1 (2000) displays volcano hazard total economic loss risks. See more information at

Global Estimated Net Migration by Decade: 1970-1980 (popdynamics:popdynamics-global-est-net-migration-grids-1970-2000_1970-1980)

Global Estimated Net Migration by Decade: 1970–1980 displays estimates of net-migration (in-migration minus out-migration) per one kilometer grid cell for the decade 1970 to 1980. See more information at:

Global Estimated Net Migration by Decade: 1980-1990 (popdynamics:popdynamics-global-est-net-migration-grids-1970-2000_1980-1990)

Global Estimated Net Migration by Decade: 1980–1990 displays estimates of net-migration (in-migration minus out-migration) per one kilometer grid cell for the decade 1980 to 1990. See more information at:

Global Estimated Net Migration by Decade: 1990-2000 (popdynamics:popdynamics-global-est-net-migration-grids-1970-2000_1990-2000)

Global Estimated Net Migration by Decade: 1990–2000 displays estimates of net-migration (in-migration minus out-migration) per one kilometer grid cell for the decade 1990 to 2000. See more information at:

Global Population Count Estimates_1970 (popdynamics:popdynamics-global-pop-count-time-series-estimates_1970)

The Global Population Count Estimates_1970 map layer is part of the Global Population Count Grid Time Series Estimates data set. It displays estimated population count per one kilometer grid cell for the year 1970 and was calculated by back-casting SEDAC's Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project, Version 1 (GRUMPv1) population counts using History Database of the Global Environment, Version 3.1 (HYDEv3.1) subnational population growth rates. See more information at:

Global Population Count Estimates_1980 (popdynamics:popdynamics-global-pop-count-time-series-estimates_1980)

The Global Population Count Estimates_1980 map layer is part of the Global Population Count Grid Time Series Estimates data set. It displays estimated population count per one kilometer grid cell for the year 1980 and was calculated by back-casting SEDAC's Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project, Version 1 (GRUMPv1) population counts using History Database of the Global Environment, Version 3.1 (HYDEv3.1) subnational population growth rates. See more information at:

Global Population Count Estimates_1990 (popdynamics:popdynamics-global-pop-count-time-series-estimates_1990)

The Global Population Count Estimates_1990 map layer is part of the Global Population Count Grid Time Series Estimates data set. It displays estimated population count per one kilometer grid cell for the year 1990 and was calculated by back-casting SEDAC's Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project, Version 1 (GRUMPv1) population counts using History Database of the Global Environment, Version 3.1 (HYDEv3.1) subnational population growth rates. See more information at:

Global Population Count Estimates_2000 (popdynamics:popdynamics-global-pop-count-time-series-estimates_2000)

The Global Population Count Estimates_2000 map layer is part of the Global Population Count Grid Time Series Estimates data set. It displays estimated population count per one kilometer grid cell for the year 2000 and was calculated by back-casting SEDAC's Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project, Version 1 (GRUMPv1) population counts using History Database of the Global Environment, Version 3.1 (HYDEv3.1) subnational population growth rates. See more information at:

Global Population Density Estimates_1970 (popdynamics:popdynamics-global-pop-density-time-series-estimates_1970)

The Global Population Density Estimates_1970 map layer is part of Global Population Density Grid Time Series Estimates data set. It displays estimated population density per one kilometer grid cell for the year 1970 and was calculated by back-casting SEDAC's Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project, Version 1 (GRUMPv1) population counts using History Database of the Global Environment, Version 3.1 (HYDEv3.1) subnational population growth rates. See more information at:

Global Population Density Estimates_1980 (popdynamics:popdynamics-global-pop-density-time-series-estimates_1980)

The Global Population Density Estimates_1980 map layer is part of Global Population Density Grid Time Series Estimates data set. It displays estimated population density per one kilometer grid cell for the year 1980 and was calculated by back-casting SEDAC's Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project, Version 1 (GRUMPv1) population counts using History Database of the Global Environment, Version 3.1 (HYDEv3.1) subnational population growth rates. See more information at:

Global Population Density Estimates_1990 (popdynamics:popdynamics-global-pop-density-time-series-estimates_1990)

The Global Population Density Estimates_1990 map layer is part of Global Population Density Grid Time Series Estimates data set. It displays estimated population density per one kilometer grid cell for the year 1990 and was calculated by back-casting SEDAC's Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project, Version 1 (GRUMPv1) population counts using History Database of the Global Environment, Version 3.1 (HYDEv3.1) subnational population growth rates. See more information at:

Global Population Density Estimates_2000 (popdynamics:popdynamics-global-pop-density-time-series-estimates_2000)

The Global Population Density Estimates_2000 map layer is part of Global Population Density Grid Time Series Estimates data set. It displays estimated population density per one kilometer grid cell for the year 2000 and was calculated by back-casting SEDAC's Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project, Version 1 (GRUMPv1) population counts using History Database of the Global Environment, Version 3.1 (HYDEv3.1) subnational population growth rates. See more information at:

Subnational Infant Mortality Rates 2000 (povmap:povmap-global-subnational-infant-mortality-rates_2000)

Global Subnational Infant Mortality Rates, v1 (2000) displays estimates of infant mortality rates for the year 2000. See more information at

Subnational Prevalence of Child Malnutrition: Underweight Children (%) (povmap:povmap-global-subnational-prevalence-child-malnutrition)

Global Subnational Prevalence of Child Malnutrition, v1 (1990-2002) displays estimates of the percentage of underweight children. See more information at 130

Ground-Level NO2 from GOME, SCIAMACHY and GOME-2, 1996-1998 (sdei:sdei-global-3-year-running-mean-no2-gome-sciamachy-gome2_1996-1998)

The Global 3-Year Running Mean Ground-Level Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) Grids from GOME, SCIAMACHY and GOME-2_1996-1998 map layer is part of the Global 3-Year Running Mean Ground-Level Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) Grids from GOME, SCIAMACHY and GOME-2, 1996-2012 data set. It displays a three-year running mean grid of ground level Nitrogen Dioxide for the years 1996-1998 that were derived from Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME), SCanning Imaging Absorption SpectroMeter for Atmospheric CHartographY (SCIAMACHY) and Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2 (GOME-2) satellite retrievals. See more information at

Ground-Level NO2 from GOME, SCIAMACHY and GOME-2, 2010-2012 (sdei:sdei-global-3-year-running-mean-no2-gome-sciamachy-gome2_2010-2012)

The Global 3-Year Running Mean Ground-Level Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) Grids from GOME, SCIAMACHY and GOME-2_2010-2012 map layer is part of the Global 3-Year Running Mean Ground-Level Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) Grids from GOME, SCIAMACHY and GOME-2, 1996-2012 data set. It displays a three-year running mean grid of ground level Nitrogen Dioxide for the years 2010-2012 that were derived from Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME), SCanning Imaging Absorption SpectroMeter for Atmospheric CHartographY (SCIAMACHY) and Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2 (GOME-2) satellite retrievals. See more information at

Global Annual Average PM2.5: 2010 (sdei:sdei-global-annual-avg-pm2-5-2001-2010)

Global Annual Average PM2.5 Grids from MODIS and MISR Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD), v1 (2001-2010) displays the annual average of fine particulate matter (solid particles and liquid droplets) for 2010, derived MODIS and MISR satellite data. See more information at

SDEI: PM 2.5 Grids from MODIS, MISR and SeaWiFS, 2001-2010 (sdei:sdei-global-annual-avg-pm2-5-modis-misr-seawifs-aod-1998-2012_2001-2010)

Global Annual PM2.5 Grids from MODIS, MISR and SeaWiFS Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD), v1 (1998-2012): 2001-2010, represents a decadal mean concentration of fine particulate matter (solid particles and liquid droplets) that was derived from a combination of MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer), MISR (Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer) and SeaWIFS (Sea-Viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor) AOD satellite retrievals. See more information at

SDEI: PM 2.5 Grids from MODIS, MISR and SeaWiFS, 2010-2012 (sdei:sdei-global-annual-avg-pm2-5-modis-misr-seawifs-aod-1998-2012_2010-2012)

Global Annual PM2.5 Grids from MODIS, MISR and SeaWiFS Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD), v1 (1998-2012): 2010-2012 represents a series of three-year running mean grids of fine particulate matter (solid particles and liquid droplets) that were derived from a combination of MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer), MISR (Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer) and SeaWIFS (Sea-Viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor) AOD satellite retrievals. See more information at

PM2.5 Grids with GWR_2000 (sdei:sdei-global-annual-gwr-pm2-5-modis-misr-seawifs-aod_2000)

The PM2.5 Grids with GWR_2000 map layer is part of the Global Annual PM2.5 Grids from MODIS, MISR and SeaWiFS Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) with GWR, 1998-2016 data set. It displays the concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) with dust and sea-salt removed in micrograms per cubic meter in the year 2000. See more information at:

PM2.5 Grids with GWR_2005 (sdei:sdei-global-annual-gwr-pm2-5-modis-misr-seawifs-aod_2005)

The PM2.5 Grids with GWR_2005 map layer is part of the Global Annual PM2.5 Grids from MODIS, MISR and SeaWiFS Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) with GWR, 1998-2016 data set. It displays the concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) with dust and sea-salt removed in micrograms per cubic meter in the year 2005. See more information at:

PM2.5 Grids with GWR_2010 (sdei:sdei-global-annual-gwr-pm2-5-modis-misr-seawifs-aod_2010)

The PM2.5 Grids with GWR_2010 map layer is part of the Global Annual PM2.5 Grids from MODIS, MISR and SeaWiFS Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) with GWR, 1998-2016 data set. It displays the concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) with dust and sea-salt removed in micrograms per cubic meter in the year 2010. See more information at:

PM2.5 Grids with GWR_2015 (sdei:sdei-global-annual-gwr-pm2-5-modis-misr-seawifs-aod_2015)

The PM2.5 Grids with GWR_2015 map layer is part of the Global Annual PM2.5 Grids from MODIS, MISR and SeaWiFS Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) with GWR, 1998-2016 data set. It displays the concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) with dust and sea-salt removed in micrograms per cubic meter in the year 2015. See more information at:

LST: Summer Daytime Maximum Temperature (sdei:sdei-global-summer-lst-2013_day-max-global)

Global Summer Land Surface Temperature (LST) Grids, v1 (2013): Summer Daytime Maximum Temperature displays the maximum daytime land surface temperature (LST) in degrees Celsius during the peak summer months in the northern and southern hemispheres for the year 2013. For display purposes only, the data values in this map service have been multiplied by 100 and rounded to integers. See more information at

LST: Summer Nighttime Minimum Temperature (sdei:sdei-global-summer-lst-2013_night-min-global)

Global Summer Land Surface Temperature (LST) Grids, v1 (2013): Summer Nighttime Minimum Temperature displays the minimum nighttime land surface temperature (LST) in degrees Celsius during the peak summer months in the northern and southern hemispheres for the year 2013. For display purposes only, the data values in this map service have been multiplied by 100 and rounded to integers. See more information at

UHI: Summer Daytime Urban-Rural Temperature Difference (sdei:sdei-global-uhi-2013_daytdif)

Global Urban Heat Island (UHI) Data Set, v1 (2013): Summer Daytime Urban-Rural Temperature Difference displays the Summer daytime maximum temperature differences (degrees Celsius) between urban extents and 10km surrounding buffers. Summer is defined as July-August (Julian days 185-224) in the northern hemisphere and January-February (Julian days 001-040) in the southern hemisphere. See more information at

UHI: Average Summer Daytime Maximum Surface Temperature (sdei:sdei-global-uhi-2013_dayurbmean)

Global Urban Heat Island (UHI) Data Set, v1 (2013): Average Summer Daytime Maximum Surface Temperature displays the Summer daytime maximum temperature (degrees Celsius) during July-August (Julian days 185-224) in the northern hemisphere and January-February (Julian days 001-040) in the southern hemisphere averaged within urban extents defined by the GRUMPv1 data set. See more information at

UHI: Summer Nighttime Urban-Rural Temperature Difference (sdei:sdei-global-uhi-2013_nighttdif)

Global Urban Heat Island (UHI) Data Set, v1 (2013): Summer Nighttime Urban-Rural Temperature Difference displays the Summer nighttime minimum temperature differences (degrees Celsius) between urban extents and 10km surrounding buffers. Summer is defined as July-August (Julian days 185-224) in the northern hemisphere and January-February (Julian days 001-040) in the southern hemisphere. See more information at

UHI: Average Summer Nighttime Minimum Surface Temperature (sdei:sdei-global-uhi-2013_nighturbmean)

Global Urban Heat Island (UHI) Data Set, v1 (2013): Average Summer Nighttime Minimum Surface Temperature displays the Summer nighttime minimum temperature (degrees Celsius) during July-August (Julian days 185-224) in the northern hemisphere and January-February (Julian days 001-040) in the southern hemisphere averaged within urban boundaries defined by the GRUMPv1 urban extents data set. See more information at

UHI: Summer Daytime Urban-Rural Temperature Difference (other:sdei_daytdif)

Global Urban Heat Island (UHI) Data Set, v1 (2013): Summer Daytime Urban-Rural Temperature Difference displays the Summer daytime maximum temperature differences (degrees Celsius) between urban extents and 10km surrounding buffers. Summer is defined as July-August (Julian days 185-224) in the northern hemisphere and January-February (Julian days 001-040) in the southern hemisphere. See more information at

UHI: Average Summer Daytime Maximum Surface Temperature (other:sdei_dayurbmean)

Global Urban Heat Island (UHI) Data Set, v1 (2013): Average Summer Daytime Maximum Surface Temperature displays the Summer daytime maximum temperature (degrees Celsius) during July-August (Julian days 185-224) in the northern hemisphere and January-February (Julian days 001-040) in the southern hemisphere averaged within urban extents defined by the GRUMPv1 data set. See more information at

UHI: Summer Nighttime Urban-Rural Temperature Difference (other:sdei_nighttdif)

Global Urban Heat Island (UHI) Data Set, v1 (2013): Summer Nighttime Urban-Rural Temperature Difference displays the Summer nighttime minimum temperature differences (degrees Celsius) between urban extents and 10km surrounding buffers. Summer is defined as July-August (Julian days 185-224) in the northern hemisphere and January-February (Julian days 001-040) in the southern hemisphere. See more information at

UHI: Average Summer Nighttime Maximum Surface Temperature (other:sdei_nighturbmean)

Global Urban Heat Island (UHI) Data Set, v1 (2013): Average Summer Nighttime Minimum Surface Temperature displays the Summer nighttime minimum temperature (degrees Celsius) during July-August (Julian days 185-224) in the northern hemisphere and January-February (Julian days 001-040) in the southern hemisphere averaged within urban boundaries defined by the GRUMPv1 urban extents data set. See more information at

Species: Global Amphibian Richness Grids - All Species (species:species-global-amphibian-richness-2015_all-species)

Global Amphibian Richness Grids, 2015 Release_All Species represents the richness grid of All Amphibians and is part of the Gridded Species Distribution collection, which consists of the global distribution of amphibians and mammals. See more information at

Species: Global Amphibian Richness Grids - All Threats (species:species-global-amphibian-richness-2015_all-threats)

Global Amphibian Richness Grids, 2015 Release_All Threats represents the richness grid of Amphibians across All Threat Categories and is part of the Gridded Species Distribution collection, which consists of the global distribution of amphibians and mammals. See more information at

Species: Global Amphibian Richness Grids - Critically Endangered (species:species-global-amphibian-richness-2015_critically-endangered)

Global Amphibian Richness Grids, 2015 Release_Critically Endangered represents the richness grid of Amphibians in the Critically Endangered category and is part of the Gridded Species Distribution collection, which consists of the global distribution of amphibians and mammals. See more information at

Species: Global Amphibian Richness Grids - Endangered (species:species-global-amphibian-richness-2015_endangered)

Global Amphibian Richness Grids, 2015 Release_Endangered represents the richness grid of Amphibians in the Endangered category and is part of the Gridded Species Distribution collection, which consists of the global distribution of amphibians and mammals. See more information at

Species: Global Amphibian Richness Grids - Vulnerable (species:species-global-amphibian-richness-2015_vulnerable)

Global Amphibian Richness Grids, 2015 Release_Vulnerable represents the richness grid of Amphibians in the Vulnerable category and is part of the Gridded Species Distribution collection, which consists of the global distribution of amphibians and mammals. See more information at

Species: Global Mammal Richness Grids - All Species (species:species-global-mammal-richness-2015_all-species)

Global Mammal Richness Grids, 2015 Release_All Species represents the richness grid of All Mammals and is part of the Gridded Species Distribution collection, which consists of the global distribution of amphibians and mammals. See more information at

Species: Global Mammal Richness Grids - All Threats (species:species-global-mammal-richness-2015_all-threats)

Global Mammal Richness Grids, 2015 Release_All Threats represents the richness grid of Mammals across All Threat Categories and is part of the Gridded Species Distribution collection, which consists of the global distribution of amphibians and mammals. See more information at

Species: Global Mammal Richness Grids - Critically Endangered (species:species-global-mammal-richness-2015_critically-endangered)

Global Mammal Richness Grids, 2015 Release_Critically Endangered represents the richness grid of Mammals in the Critically Endangered category and is part of the Gridded Species Distribution collection, which consists of the global distribution of amphibians and mammals. See more information at

Species: Global Mammal Richness Grids - Endangered (species:species-global-mammal-richness-2015_endangered)

Global Mammal Richness Grids, 2015 Release_Endangered represents the richness grid of Mammals in the Endangered category and is part of the Gridded Species Distribution collection, which consists of the global distribution of amphibians and mammals. See more information at

Species: Global Mammal Richness Grids - Vulnerable (species:species-global-mammal-richness-2015_vulnerable)

Global Mammal Richness Grids, 2015 Release_Vulnerable represents the richness grid of Mammals in the Vulnerable category and is part of the Gridded Species Distribution collection, which consists of the global distribution of amphibians and mammals. See more information at

Global SRTM Elevation above sea-level at 1km resolution (other:srtm-elevation-above-sea-level_1km)

ATSDR Hazardous Waste Sites on National Priorities List (superfund:superfund-atsdr-hazardous-waste-site-ciesin-mod-v2)

ATSDR Hazardous Waste Site Polygon Data with CIESIN Modifications, v2 (2010) displays georeferenced data for 1,572 National Priorities List (NPL) Superfund sites. See more information at

ATSDR Hazardous Waste Sites (superfund:superfund-atsdr-hazardous-waste-site-v2)

ATSDR Hazardous Waste Site Polygon Data, v2 (2010) displays 2,080 polygons for selected hazardous waste sites that were compiled on May 26, 2010. See more information at

U.S. EPA National Priorities List Sites (superfund:superfund-epa-national-priorities-list-ciesin-mod-v2)

U.S. EPA National Priorities List Sites with CIESIN Modifications, v2 (2014) displays 1,747 sites that are proposed, currently on, or deleted from the Final NPL as of February 27, 2014. See more information at

Dar es Salaam Land Use and Informal Settlement: 1982 (urbanspatial:urbanspatial-dar-es-salaam-luse_1982)

Dar es Salaam Land Use and Informal Settlement Data Set (1982, 1992, 1998, 2002): 1982 displays the urban land use and informal settlement areas for the year 1982. See more information at

Dar es Salaam Land Use and Informal Settlement: 1992 (urbanspatial:urbanspatial-dar-es-salaam-luse_1992)

Dar es Salaam Land Use and Informal Settlement Data Set (1982, 1992, 1998, 2002): 1992 displays the urban land use and informal settlement areas for the year 1992. See more information at

Dar es Salaam Land Use and Informal Settlement: 1998 (urbanspatial:urbanspatial-dar-es-salaam-luse_1998)

Dar es Salaam Land Use and Informal Settlement Data Set (1982, 1992, 1998, 2002): 1998 displays the urban land use and informal settlement areas for the year 1998. See more information at

Dar es Salaam Land Use and Informal Settlement: 2002 (urbanspatial:urbanspatial-dar-es-salaam-luse_2002)

Dar es Salaam Land Use and Informal Settlement Data Set (1982, 1992, 1998, 2002): 2002 displays the urban land use and informal settlement areas for the year 2002. See more information at

SF1 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Housing Units Density (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000-msa_housingunitsf1density-2000)

Summary File 1: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Housing Units Density displays housing units density in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: One Person Housing Units (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000-msa_pct1personhousing-2000)

Summary File 1: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): One Person Housing Units (%) displays percentage of one person housing units in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Population that is Asian American (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000-msa_pctasian-2000)

Summary File 1: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Population that is Asian American (%) displays percentage of population that is Asian American in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Population that is Black (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000-msa_pctblack-2000)

Summary File 1: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Population that is Black (%) displays percentage of population that is Black in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Female Headed Households with Children under 18 Years of Age (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000-msa_pctfemaleheadhousing-2000)

Summary File 1: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Female Headed Households with Children under 18 Years of Age (%) displays percentage female headed households with children under 18 years of age in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Population Ethnically Hispanic or Latino (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000-msa_pcthispanic-2000)

Summary File 1: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Population Ethnically Hispanic or Latino (%) displays percentage of population ethnically Hispanic or Latino in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Population Native American, American Indian, or Alaska Native (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000-msa_pctnativeamerican-2000)

Summary File 1: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Population Native American, American Indian, or Alaska Native (%) displays percentage of population that is native american, american indian, or alaska native in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Population Non-Hispanic Black (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000-msa_pctnonhispblack-2000)

Summary File 1: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Population Non-Hispanic Black (%) displays percentage of population that is Non-Hispanic Black in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Population Non-Hispanic White (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000-msa_pctnonhispwhite-2000)

Summary File 1: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Population Non-Hispanic White (%) displays percentage of population that is Non-Hispanic White in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Occupied Housing Units (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000-msa_pctoccupiedhousingsf1-2000)

Summary File 1: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Occupied Housing Units (%) displays percentage of occupied housing units in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Owner Occupied Housing Units (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000-msa_pctownerhousing-2000)

Summary File 1: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Owner Occupied Housing Units (%) displays percentage of owner occupied housing units in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Population that is Pacific Islander or Hawaiian Native (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000-msa_pctpacificisland-2000)

Summary File 1: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Population that is Pacific Islander or Hawaiian Native (%) displays percentage of population that is Pacific Islander or Hawaiian native in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Population 18 to 24 Years Old (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000-msa_pctpop18to24-2000)

Summary File 1: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Population 18 to 24 Years Old (%) displays percentage of population 18 to 24 years old in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Population 1 to 4 Years Old (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000-msa_pctpop1to4-2000)

Summary File 1: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Population 1 to 4 Years Old (%) displays percentage of population 1 to 4 years old in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Population 25 to 64 Years Old (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000-msa_pctpop25to64-2000)

Summary File 1: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Population 25 to 64 Years Old (%) displays percentage of population 25 to 64 years old in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Population 5 to 17 Years Old (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000-msa_pctpop5to17-2000)

Summary File 1: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Population 5 to 17 Years Old (%) displays percentage of population 5 to 17 years old in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Population 65 to 79 Years Old (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000-msa_pctpop65to79-2000)

Summary File 1: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Population 65 to 79 Years Old (%) displays percentage of population 65 to 79 years old in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Population 80 Years of Age and Older (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000-msa_pctpop80andup-2000)

Summary File 1: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Population 80 Years of Age and Older (%) displays percentage of population 80 years of age and older in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Population Under 1 Year of Age (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000-msa_pctpopunder1-2000)

Summary File 1: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Population Under 1 Year of Age (%) displays percentage of population under 1 year of age in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Vacant or Seasonal Housing Units (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000-msa_pctvacanthousing-2000)

Summary File 1: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Vacant or Seasonal Housing Units (%) displays percentage vacant or seasonal housing units in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Population that is White (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000-msa_pctwhite-2000)

Summary File 1: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Population that is White (%) displays percentage of population that is White in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Population Density (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000-msa_popsf1density-2000)

Summary File 1: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Population Density displays percentage of population per square kilometer in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000: Housing Units Density (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000_usa-housingunitsf1density-2000)

Summary File 1, v1 (2000): Housing Units Density displays number of housing units per square kilometer in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000: One Person Housing Units (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000_usa-pct1personhousing-2000)

Summary File 1, v1 (2000): Percent One Person Housing Units displays percentage of households with only one occupant in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000: Population Asian American (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000_usa-pctasian-2000)

Summary File 1, v1 (2000): Population Asian American (%) displays percentage of people who are Asian American in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000: Population Black or African American (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000_usa-pctblack-2000)

Summary File 1, v1 (2000): Population Black or African American (%) displays percentage of people who are Black or African American in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000: Female Headed Households with Children under 18 Years of Age (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000_usa-pctfemaleheadhousing-2000)

Summary File 1, v1 (2000): Female Headed Households with Children under 18 Years of Age (%) displays percentage of female headed households with children under 18 years old in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000: Population Ethnically Hispanic or Latino (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000_usa-pcthispanic-2000)

Summary File 1, v1 (2000): Population Ethnically Hispanic or Latino (%) displays percentage of people who are Hispanic or Latino in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000: Population American Indian & Alaska Native (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000_usa-pctnativeamerican-2000)

Summary File 1, v1 (2000): Percent of Population that is Native American, American Indian, or Alaska Native (%) displays percentage of people who are American Indian and/or Alaska Native in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000: Population Non-Hispanic Black (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000_usa-pctnonhispblack-2000)

Summary File 1, v1 (2000): Percent of Population that is Non-Hispanic Black (%) displays percentage of population that is Non-Hispanic Black in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000: Population Non-Hispanic White (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000_usa-pctnonhispwhite-2000)

Summary File 1, v1 (2000): Percent of Population that is Non-Hispanic White (%) displays percentage of population that is Non-Hispanic White in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000: Occupied Housing Units (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000_usa-pctoccupiedhousingsf1-2000)

Summary File 1, v1 (2000): Percent Occupied Housing Units (%) displays percentage occupied housing units in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000: Owner Occupied Housing Units (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000_usa-pctownerhousing-2000)

Summary File 1, v1 (2000): Percent Owner Occupied Housing Units (%) displays percentage owner occupied housing units in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000: Population Pacific Islander or Hawaiian Native (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000_usa-pctpacificisland-2000)

Summary File 1, v1 (2000): Population Pacific Islander or Hawaiian Native (%) displays percentage of population that is pacific islander or hawaiian native in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000: Population 18 to 24 Years Old (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000_usa-pctpop18to24-2000)

Summary File 1, v1 (2000): Population 18 to 24 Years Old (%) displays percentage of population 18 to 24 years old in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000: Population 1 to 4 Years Old (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000_usa-pctpop1to4-2000)

Summary File 1, v1 (2000): Population 1 to 4 Years Old (%) displays percentage of population 1 to 4 years old in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000: Population 25 to 64 Years Old (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000_usa-pctpop25to64-2000)

Summary File 1, v1 (2000): Population 25 to 64 Years Old (%) displays percentage of population 25 to 64 years old in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000: Population 5 to 17 Years Old (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000_usa-pctpop5to17-2000)

Summary File 1, v1 (2000): Population 5 to 17 Years Old (%) displays percentage of population 5 to 17 years old in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000: Population 65 to 79 Years Old (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000_usa-pctpop65to79-2000)

Summary File 1, v1 (2000): Population 65 to 79 Years Old (%) displays percentage of population 65 to 79 years old in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000: Population 80 Years of Age and Older (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000_usa-pctpop80andup-2000)

Summary File 1, v1 (2000): Population 80 Years of Age and Older (%) displays percentage of population 80 years of age and older in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000: Population Under 1 Year of Age (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000_usa-pctpopunder1-2000)

Summary File 1, v1 (2000): Population Under 1 Year of Age (%) displays percentage of population under 1 year of age in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000: Vacant or Seasonal Housing Units (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000_usa-pctvacanthousing-2000)

Summary File 1, v1 (2000): Vacant or Seasonal Housing Units (%) displays percentage vacant or seasonal housing units in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000: Population that is White (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000_usa-pctwhite-2000)

Summary File 1, v1 (2000): Population that is White (%) displays percentage of population that is white in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2000: Population Density (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2000_usa-popsf1density-2000)

Summary File 1, v1 (2000): Population Density displays percentage of people per square kilometer in the United States in 2000 in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2010_Population Ages 18 to 24 (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2010_a18to24-pct-2010)

The SF1 2010_Population Ages 18 to 24 (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 1), 2010 data set. It displays percentage of people ages 18 to 24 in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2010_Population Ages 1 to 4 (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2010_a1to4-pct-2010)

The SF1 2010_Population Ages 1 to 4 (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 1), 2010 data set. It displays percentage of people ages 1 to 4 in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2010_Population Age 25 to 64 (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2010_a25to64-pct-2010)

The SF1 2010_Population Age 25 to 64 (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 1), 2010 data set. It displays percentage of people ages 25 to 64 in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2010_Population Ages 5 to 17 (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2010_a5to17-pct-2010)

The SF1 2010_Population Ages 5 to 17 (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 1), 2010 data set. It displays percentage of people ages 5 to 17 in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2010_Population Age 65 to 79 (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2010_a65to79-pct-2010)

The SF1 2010_Population Age 65 to 79 (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 1), 2010 data set. It displays percentage of people ages 65 to 79 in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2010_American Indian and Alaska Native Alone (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2010_amind-pct-2010)

The SF1 2010_American Indian and Alaska Native Alone (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 1), 2010 data set. It displays percentage of people who are American Indian and Alaska Native alone in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2010_Population Age 80 and Older (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2010_aov80-pct)

The SF1 2010_Population Age 80 and Older (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 1), 2010 data set. It displays percentage of people age 80 and older in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2010_Asian Alone (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2010_asian-pct-2010)

The SF1 2010_Asian Alone (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 1), 2010 data set. It displays percentage of people who are Asian alone in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2010_Population Under Age 1 (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2010_aund1-pct-2010)

The SF1 2010_Population Under Age 1 (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 1), 2010 data set. It displays percentage of people under age 1 in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2010_Black or African American Alone (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2010_black-pct-2010)

The SF1 2010_Black or African American Alone (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 1), 2010 data set. It displays percentage of people who are Black or African American alone in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2010_Female Headed Households with Related Children (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2010_fem-pct-2010)

The SF1 2010_Female Headed Households with Related Children (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 1), 2010 data set. It displays percentage of female headed households with related children under age 18 in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2010_Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2010_hawpi-pct-2010)

The SF1 2010_Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 1), 2010 data set. It displays percentage of people who are Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2010_Households Density (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2010_hh-dens-2010)

The SF1 2010_Households Density map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 1), 2010 data set. It displays number of households per square kilometer in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2010_Population in Households (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2010_hhp-pct-2010)

The SF1 2010_Population in Households (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 1), 2010 data set. It displays percentage of households in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2010_One-Person Housing Units (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2010_hu1p-pct-2010)

The SF1 2010_One-Person Housing Units (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 1), 2010 data set. It displays percentage of households with only one occupant in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2010_Non-Hispanic Black (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2010_nhblack-pct-2010)

The SF1 2010_Non-Hispanic Black (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 1), 2010 data set. It displays percentage of people who are Non-Hispanic Black in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2010_Non-Hispanic (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2010_nhisp-pct-2010)

The SF1 2010_Non-Hispanic (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 1), 2010 data set. It displays percentage of people who are Non-Hispanic in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2010_Non-Hispanic White (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2010_nhwhite-pct-2010)

The SF1 2010_Non-Hispanic White (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 1), 2010 data set. It displays percentage of people who are Non-Hispanic White in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2010_Occupied Housing Units (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2010_occ-pct-2010)

The SF1 2010_Occupied Housing Units (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 1), 2010 data set. It displays percentage of occupied housing units in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2010_Some Other Race Alone (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2010_other-pct-2010)

The SF1 2010_Some Other Race Alone (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 1), 2010 data set. It displays percentage of people who are some other race alone in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2010_Owner-Occupied Housing Units (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2010_own-pct-2010)

The SF1 2010_Owner-Occupied Housing Units (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 1), 2010 data set. It displays percentage of owner occupied housing units in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2010_Population Age 25 and Older (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2010_p25-pct-2010)

The SF1 2010_Population Age 25 and Older (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 1), 2010 data set. It displays percentage of people age 25 and older in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2010_Population Count (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2010_pop-count-2010)

The SF1 2010_Population Count map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 1), 2010 data set. It displays human population estimates for the year 2010 in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2010_Population Density (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2010_pop-dens-2010)

The SF1 2010_Population Density map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 1), 2010 data set. It displays percentage of people per square kilometer in the United States in 2010 in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2010_Vacant Housing Units (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2010_sea-pct-2010)

The SF1 2010_Vacant Housing Units (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 1), 2010 data set. It displays percentage of vacant housing units, for seasonal or recreational use, in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2010_Two or More Races (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2010_twomore-pct-2010)

The SF1 2010_Two or More Races (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 1), 2010 data set. It displays percentage of people who are two or more races in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2010_Population Under Age 25 (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2010_und25-pct-2010)

The SF1 2010_Population Under Age 25 (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 1), 2010 data set. It displays percentage of people under age 25 in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2010_White Alone (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2010_white-pct-2010)

The SF1 2010_White Alone (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 1), 2010 data set. It displays percentage of people who are White alone in the United States. See more information at

SF1 2010_Women of Childbearing Age (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file1-2010_womchild-pct)

The SF1 2010_Women of Childbearing Age (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 1), 2010 data set. It displays percentage of women of childbearing age (ages 15 to 49) in the United States. See more information at

SF3 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Household Density (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file3-2000-msa_householdsdensity-2000)

Summary File 3: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Household Density displays household density in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF3 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Housing Units Density (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file3-2000-msa_housingunitsf3density-2000)

Summary File 3: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Housing Units Density displays housing units density in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF3 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Population with a Bachelor's Degree or Higher (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file3-2000-msa_pcteducationbahigher-2000)

Summary File 3: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Population with a Bachelor's Degree or Higher (%) displays percentage of population with a bachelor's degree or higher in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF3 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Population with a High School Diploma or Higher (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file3-2000-msa_pcteducationhshigher-2000)

Summary File 3: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Population with a High School Diploma or Higher (%) displays percentage of population with a high school diploma or higher in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF3 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Population that is Foreign Born (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file3-2000-msa_pctforeign-2000)

Summary File 3: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Population that is Foreign Born (%) displays percentage of population that is foreign born in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF3 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Households that are Linguistically Isolated (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file3-2000-msa_pcthouseholdlinguisticisolation-2000)

Summary File 3: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Households that are Linguistically Isolated (%) displays percentage of households that are linguistically isolated in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF3 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Housing Units Built Bewteen 1950 and 1969 (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file3-2000-msa_pcthousingbuilt50to69-2000)

Summary File 3: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Housing Units Built Bewteen 1950 and 1969 (%) displays percentage of housing units built bewteen 1950 and 1969 in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF3 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Housing Units Built Between 1970 and 1989 (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file3-2000-msa_pcthousingbuilt70to89-2000)

Summary File 3: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Housing Units Built Between 1970 and 1989 (%) displays percentage of housing units built between 1970 and 1989 in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF3 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Housing Units Built Between 1990 and 2000 (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file3-2000-msa_pcthousingbuilt90to00-2000)

Summary File 3: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Housing Units Built Between 1990 and 2000 (%) displays percentage of housing units built bewteen 1990 and 2000 in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF3 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Housing Units Built Before 1950 (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file3-2000-msa_pcthousingbuiltbefore50-2000)

Summary File 3: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Housing Units Built Before 1950 (%) displays percentage of housing units built before 1950 in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF3 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Occupied Housing Units Without a Car (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file3-2000-msa_pctoccupiedhousingnocar-2000)

Summary File 3: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Occupied Housing Units Without a Car (%) displays percentage of occupied housing units without a car in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF3 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Occupied Housing Units (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file3-2000-msa_pctoccupiedhousingsf3-2000)

Summary File 3: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Occupied Housing Units (%) displays percentage of occupied housing units in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF3 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Population Aged 25 Years and Older (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file3-2000-msa_pctpop25andover-2000)

Summary File 3: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Population Aged 25 Years and Older (%) displays percentage of population aged 25 years and older in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF3 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Population Below the 200 Percent Poverty Level (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file3-2000-msa_pctpopbelow200pctpovlevel-2000)

Summary File 3: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Population Below the 200 Percent Poverty Level (%) displays percentage of population below the 200 percentage poverty level in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF3 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Population Below the 50 Percent Poverty Level (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file3-2000-msa_pctpopbelow50pctpovlevel-2000)

Summary File 3: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Population Below the 50 Percent Poverty Level (%) displays percentage of population below the 50 percentage poverty level in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF3 2000, Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Population Below the Poverty Level (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file3-2000-msa_pctpopbelowpovlevel-2000)

Summary File 3: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000): Population Below the Poverty Level (%) displays percentage of population below the poverty level in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at

SF3 2000 MSA_Population where Poverty Level is Determined (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file3-2000-msa_pctpoppovleveldetermined-2000)

The SF3 2000 MSA_Population where Poverty Level is Determined (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 3), 2000: Metropolitan Statistical Areas data set. It displays percentage of population where poverty level is determined in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at:

SF3 2000 MSA_Population Density (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file3-2000-msa_popsf3density-2000)

The SF3 2000 MSA_Population Density map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 3), 2000: Metropolitan Statistical Areas data set. It displays population density in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at:

SF3 2000_Household Density (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file3-2000_usa-householdsdensity-2000)

The SF3 2000_Household Density map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 3), 2000 data set. It displays the number of household per square kilometer in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at:

SF3 2000 MSA_Housing Units Density (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file3-2000_usa-housingunitsf3density-2000)

The SF3 2000 MSA_Housing Units Density map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 3), 2000: Metropolitan Statistical Areas data set. It displays housing units density in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the United States. See more information at:

SF3 2000_Population Bachelor's Degree or Higher (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file3-2000_usa-pcteducationbahigher-2000)

The SF3 2000_Population Bachelor's Degree or Higher (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 3), 2000 data set. It displays percentage of population with a bachelor's degree or higher in the United States. See more information at:

SF3 2000_Population High School Diploma or Higher (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file3-2000_usa-pcteducationhshigher-2000)

The SF3 2000_Population High School Diploma or Higher (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 3), 2000 data set. It displays percentage of population with a high school diploma or higher in the United States. See more information at:

SF3 2000_Population Foreign Born (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file3-2000_usa-pctforeign-2000)

The SF3 2000_Population Foreign Born (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 3), 2000 data set. It displays percentage of population that is foreign born in the United States. See more information at:

SF3 2000_Households Linguistically Isolated (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file3-2000_usa-pcthouseholdlinguisticisolation-2000)

The SF3 2000_Households Linguistically Isolated (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 3), 2000 data set. It displays percentage of households that are linguistically isolated in the United States. See more information at:

SF3 2000_Housing Units Built Between 1950 and 1969 (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file3-2000_usa-pcthousingbuilt50to69-2000)

The SF3 2000_Housing Units Built Between 1950 and 1969 (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 3), 2000 data set. It displays percentage of housing units built between 1950 and 1969 in the United States. See more information at:

SF3 2000_Housing Units Built Between 1970 and 1989 (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file3-2000_usa-pcthousingbuilt70to89-2000)

The SF3 2000_Housing Units Built Between 1970 and 1989 (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 3), 2000 data set. It displays percentage of housing units built between 1970 and 1989 in the United States. See more information at:

SF3 2000_Housing Units Built Between 1990 and 2000 (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file3-2000_usa-pcthousingbuilt90to00-2000)

The SF3 2000_Housing Units Built Between 1990 and 2000 (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 3), 2000 data set. It displays percentage of housing units built between 1990 and 2000 in the United States. See more information at:

SF3 2000_Housing Units Built Before 1950 (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file3-2000_usa-pcthousingbuiltbefore50-2000)

The SF3 2000_Housing Units Built Before 1950 (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 3), 2000 data set. It displays percentage of housing units built before 1950 in the United States. See more information at:

SF3 2000_Occupied Housing Units Without a Car (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file3-2000_usa-pctoccupiedhousingnocar-2000)

The SF3 2000_Occupied Housing Units Without a Car (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 3), 2000 data set. It displays percentage of occupied housing units without a car in the United States. See more information at:

SF3 2000_Occupied Housing Units (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file3-2000_usa-pctoccupiedhousingsf3-2000)

The SF3 2000_Occupied Housing Units (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 3), 2000 data set. It displays percentage of occupied housing units in the United States. See more information at:

SF3 2000_Population Aged 25 Years and Older (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file3-2000_usa-pctpop25andover-2000)

The SF3 2000_Population Aged 25 Years and Older (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 3), 2000 data set. It displays percentage of population aged 25 years and older in the United States. See more information at:

SF3 2000_Population Below the 200 Percent Poverty Level (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file3-2000_usa-pctpopbelow200pctpovlevel-2000)

The SF3 2000_Population Below the 200 Percent Poverty Level (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 3), 2000 data set. It displays percentage of population below the 200 percent poverty level in the United States. See more information at:

SF3 2000_Population Below the 50 Percent Poverty Level (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file3-2000_usa-pctpopbelow50pctpovlevel-2000)

The SF3 2000_Population Below the 50 Percent Poverty Level (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 3), 2000 data set. It displays percentage of population below the 50 percent poverty level in the United States. See more information at:

SF3 2000_Population Below the Poverty Level (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file3-2000_usa-pctpopbelowpovlevel-2000)

The SF3 2000_Population Below the Poverty Level (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 3), 2000 data set. It displays percentage of population below the poverty level in the United States. See more information at:

SF3 2000_Population where Poverty Level is Determined (%) (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file3-2000_usa-pctpoppovleveldetermined-2000)

The SF3 2000_Population where Poverty Level is Determined (%) map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 3), 2000 data set. It displays percentage of population where poverty level is determined in the United States. See more information at:

SF3 2000_Population Density (usgrid:usgrid-summary-file3-2000_usa-popsf3density-2000)

The SF3 2000_Population Density map layer is part of the U.S. Census Grids (Summary File 3), 2000 data set. It displays population density in the United States. See more information at:

World Database of Protected Areas (other:wcmc-world-database-of-protected-areas)

This protected areas mask is a modified version of the World Database of Protected Areas (WDPA) Annual Release 2007 (web-download version), December 2007.The WDPA is a joint product of UNEP and IUCN, prepared by UNEP-WCMC, supported by IUCN WCPA and working with Governments, the Secretariats of MEAs and collaborating NGOs. The protected areas mask was created from national and international protected areas in the WDPA, excluding historical, archaeological, or cultural sites. The centroids of protected areas without boundary information were buffered according to the size of the protected area, and these buffered points were then merged with the protected areas with boundary information (polygons).

Wildareas: Human Footprint v2 (wildareas-v2:wildareas-v2-human-footprint-geographic)

The Wildareas: Human Footprint v2 map layer is part of the Last of the Wild Project, Version 2, 2005 (LWP-2): Global Human Footprint Dataset (Geographic) data set. It displays percentage of the relative human influence in every biome on the land’s surface. See more information at:

Wildareas: Human Influence Index v2 (wildareas-v2:wildareas-v2-human-influence-index-geographic)

The Wildareas: Human Influence Index v2 map layer is part of the Last of the Wild Project, Version 2, 2005 (LWP-2): Global Human Influence Index (HII) Dataset (Geographic) data set. It displays the Human Influence Index (HII) measuring direct human influence on terrestrial ecosystems using population pressure (population density), land use and infrastructure (built-up areas, nighttime lights, land use/land cover), and human access (coastlines, roads, railroads, navigable rivers) data sets. See more information at:::

Wildareas: Last of the Wild v2 (wildareas-v2:wildareas-v2-last-of-the-wild-geographic)

The Wildareas: Last of the Wild v2 map layer is part of the Last of the Wild Project, Version 2, 2005 (LWP-2): Last of the Wild Dataset (Geographic) data set. It displays the least human influenced or wild areas of major terrestrial biomes based on the Human Footprint Index data set. See more information at:

Terrestrial Biomes from WWF (other:wwf-terrestrial-biomes)

This layer depicts the 16 terrestrial biomes used in the 2007 NRMI Natural Resource Management Index (NRMI). The biomes are derived from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) ecoregions layer.

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