Province of British Columbia

BCGov - Administrative Boundaries

Service health Now:
Web Service, OGC Web Map Service 1.3.0
British Columbia, BC, Canada, Administrative boundaries, districts, regions, parks
Access constraints
This legacy Web Map Services will no longer be maintained on an ongoing basis as of December 31, 2015. It will be removed from operations as of March 31, 2016. To see the latest in DataBC WMS services please go to
Supported languages
No INSPIRE Extended Capabilities (including service language support) given. See INSPIRE Technical Guidance - View Services for more information.
Data provider

Province of British Columbia (unverified)

Contact information:

DataBC Map Services

Province of British Columbia

PO Box 9406, Stn Prov Govt, V8W 9V1 Victoria, Canada


Service metadata
No INSPIRE Extended Capabilities (including service metadata) given. See INSPIRE Technical Guidance - View Services for more information.

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This legacy Web Map Services will no longer be maintained on an ongoing basis as of December 31, 2015. It will be removed from operations as of March 31, 2016. To see the latest in DataBC WMS services please go to

Available map layers (79)

BCGov - Administrative Boundaries (MS)

This legacy Web Map Services will no longer be maintained on an ongoing basis as of December 31, 2015. It will be removed from operations as of March 31, 2016. To see the latest in DataBC WMS services please go to

Agricultural Land Reserves - Lines (ALC_AGRI_LAND_RESERVE_LINES)

Agricultural Land Reserves - Colour Filled (ALC_AGRI_LAND_RESERVE_POLYS)

Regional Boundaries - Ministry of Environment (EADM_WLAP_REGION_BND_AREA)

Regional Boundaries - Ministry of Environment - Colour Filled (EADM_WLAP_REGION_BND_AREA_CF)

Regional Boundaries - Ministry of Transportation - Outlined (TADM_MOT_REGIONAL_BNDRY_POLY_O)

Regional Boundaries - Ministry of Transportation - Colour Themed (TADM_MOT_REGIONAL_BNDRY_POLY_C)

Provincial Electoral Districts - Outlined (PED_PROV_ELECTORAL_DIST_POLY_O)

Provincial Electoral Districts - Colour Themed (PED_PROV_ELECTORAL_DIST_POLY_C)

National Parks - Outlined (CLAB_NATIONAL_PARKS_O)

National Parks - Colour Filled (CLAB_NATIONAL_PARKS_C)

Indian Reserves - Outlined (CLAB_INDIAN_RESERVES_O)

Indian Reserves - Colour Filled (CLAB_INDIAN_RESERVES_C)

District Boundaries - MoT (TADM_MOT_DISTRICT_BNDRY_POLY_C)

Assessment Areas - Outlined (TA_ASSESSMENT_AREAS_O)

Assessment Areas - Colour Filled (TA_ASSESSMENT_AREAS_C)

Integrated Survey Areas - Outlined (TA_INTEGRATED_SURVEY_O)

Land Claim Settlement Areas - Outlined (TA_LAND_CLAIM_STLMNT_AREAS_O)

Land Claim Settlement Areas - Colour Filled (TA_LAND_CLAIM_STLMNT_AREAS_C)

Land Districts - Outlined (TA_LAND_DISTRICTS_O)

Land Districts - Colour Filled (TA_LAND_DISTRICTS_C)

Land Management Regions - Outlined (TA_LAND_MGMT_REGIONS_O)

Land Management Regions - Colour Themed (TA_LAND_MGMT_REGIONS_C)

School Districts - Outlined (TA_SCHOOL_DISTRICTS_O)

School Districts - Colour Themed (TA_SCHOOL_DISTRICTS_C)

Muskwa Kechika Management Area - Outlined (TA_MGMT_AREAS_SPATIAL_O)

Muskwa Kechika Management Area - Colour Filled (TA_MGMT_AREAS_SPATIAL_C)

Land Title Districts - Outlined (TA_LAND_TITLE_DISTRITS_O)

Land Title Districts - Colour Themed (TA_LAND_TITLE_DISTRITS_C)

Wildlife Management Areas - Colour Filled (TA_WILDLIFE_MGMT_AREAS_C)

First Nations Treaty Lands - Colour Themed (FNT_TREATY_LAND_CT)

First Nations Treaty Areas - Outlined (FNT_TREATY_AREA_O)

First Nations Treaty Lands - Outlined (FNT_TREATY_LAND_O)

Health Authority Boundaries - Colour Themed (BCHA_HEALTH_AUTHORITY_BNDRY_CT)

Health Service Delivery Areas (BCHA_HEALTH_SERV_DEL_AREA_CT)


Municipalities - Colour Filled (TA_MUNICIPALITIES_CF)

Municipalities - Outlined (TA_MUNICIPALITIES_O)

Provincial Electoral Districts - Outlined (PED_PROV_ELECTORAL_DIST_O)

Provincial Electoral Districts - Colour Filled (PED_PROV_ELECTORAL_DIST_CF)

Police Jurisdiction Boundaries (ADM_POLICE_JRSDCTN_BNDRY)

Regional Districts Tantalis - Colour Themed (TA_REGIONAL_DISTRICTS_CT)

Regional Districts Tantalis - Outlined (TA_REGIONAL_DISTRICTS_O)

Crown Tenure - Transfer of Administrative Control - Colour Themed (TA_INTEREST_PARCEL_TRANS_ADMIN_CONTROL_CT)

Crown Tenure - Transfer of Administrative Control - Outlined (TA_INTEREST_PARCEL_TRANS_ADMIN_CONTROL_O)

Census Consolidated Subdivisions (CEN_CENSUS_CONS_SUBDIVS)


Census Economic Regions (CEN_ECONOMIC_REGIONS)

Census Metropolitan Areas (CEN_CENSUS_METRO_AREAS)


Community Watersheds - Colour Filled (WLS_COMMUNITY_WS_PUB_CF)

Community Watersheds - Outlined (WLS_COMMUNITY_WS_PUB_O)

Trapline Boundaries - Colour Filled (WAA_TRAPLINE_AREA_C)

Trapline Boundaries - Outlined (WAA_TRAPLINE_AREA_O)

BC Timber Sale Areas - Colour Filled (BCTS_AREA_C)

BC Timber Sale Areas - Outlined (BCTS_AREA_O)


Tsunami Notification Zones for BC (ADM_TSUNAMI_NOTIFY_ZONE_CT)

Tsunami Notification Zones for BC - Outlined (ADM_TSUNAMI_NOTIFY_ZONE_O)

Tsunami Notification Zones for BC - Labels (ADM_TSUNAMI_NOTIFY_ZONE_LABEL)

Conservation Lands (CNSRVTN_LNDS)

Regional Boundaries - Ministry of Social Development (Regional_Boundaries___Ministry_of_Social_Development)

Parks and Protected Areas Sections - Outlined (Parks_and_Protected_Areas_Sections___Outlined)

Parks and Protected Areas Sections - Colour Filled (Parks_and_Protected_Areas_Sections___Colour_Filled)

Parks and Protected Areas Regions - Outlined (Parks_and_Protected_Areas_Regions___Outlined)

Parks and Protected Areas Regions - Colour Filled (Parks_and_Protected_Areas_Regions___Colour_Filled)

Indian Reserves including Band Names - Colour Filled (Indian_Reserves_including_Band_Names___Colour_Filled)

Indian Reserves including Band Names - Outlined (Indian_Reserves_including_Band_Names___Outlined)

Forest Administration - Designated Areas - Colour Filled (Forest_Administration___Designated_Areas___Colour_Filled)

Forest Administration - Designated Areas - Outlined (Forest_Administration___Designated_Areas___Outlined)

Catchment Areas - Employment Program of BC (Catchment_Areas___Employment_Program_of_BC)

Natural Resource Areas - Outlined (ADM_NR_AREA_O)

Natural Resource Areas - Colour Themed (ADM_NR_AREA_CT)

Natural Resource Regions - Outlined (ADM_NR_REGION_O)

Natural Resource Regions - Colour Themed (ADM_NR_REGION_CT)

Natural Resource Districts - Outlined (ADM_NR_DISTRICTS_O)

Natural Resource Regions - Colour Filled (ADM_NR_DISTRICTS)

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