Nature Conservation Agency of the Czec…

Habitat and biotope distribution in the Czech Republic

[Unnamed layer] [Unnamed layer] [Unnamed layer]
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Web Service, ArcGIS MapServer 10.9
Habitat, Biotope, nfoMapAccessService, INSPIRE
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© NCA CR (AOPK ČR), 2013
Data provider

Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic (unverified)

Contact information:

Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic

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Distribution of natural habitat types is a product of species and biotopes surveillance under the obligations of Article 17 of EU Habitats Directive (92/43/ EEC). The grid distribution of natural habitat types (EEA reference grid 1 x 1 km) from data of habitat reports 2013 is presented. For detailed description and commentary see CHOBOT K. (2016). Druhy a přírodní stanoviště. Hodnotící zprávy o stavu v České republice 2013. Agentura ochrany přírody a krajiny ČR & Ministerstvo životního prostředí, Praha. 226 str., ISBN 978-80-8076-20-9. Habitat classification and national interpretation manual see CHYTRÝ, M.; KUČERA, T.; KOČÍ, M. (eds.) et al. (2010). Katalog biotopů České republiky. 2.upr. a rozš. vyd. Praha: Agentura ochrany přírody a krajiny ČR. 445 s. ISBN 978-80-87457-03-0. © NCA CR (AOPK ČR), 2013

Available map layers (10)

Habitats Directive - Natural habitat types of community interest (Reports 2013) (0)

Coastal and halophytic habitats (1)

Coastal sand dunes and inland dunes (2)

Forests (3)

Freshwater habitats (4)

Natural and semi-natural grassland formations (5)

Raised bogs and mires and fens (6)

Rocky habitats and caves (7)

Sclerophyllous scrub (8)

Temperate heath and scrub (9)

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