Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

[Unnamed layer] [Unnamed layer] [Unnamed layer]
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Agriculture statistics, farming, lang-en
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Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Statistics Canada, Government of Canada
Data provider

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (unverified)

Contact information:

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

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The Census of Agriculture is disseminated by Statistics Canada's standard geographic units (boundaries). Since these census units do not reflect or correspond with biophysical landscape units (such as ecological regions, soil landscapes or drainage areas), Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, in collaboration with Statistics Canada's Agriculture Division, have developed a process for interpolating (reallocating or proportioning) Census of Agriculture information from census polygon-based units to biophysical polygon-based units. In the "Interpolated census of agriculture", suppression confidentiality procedures were applied by Statistics Canada to the custom tabulations to prevent the possibility of associating statistical data with any specific identifiable agricultural operation or individual. Confidentiality flags are denoted where "-1" appears in data cell. This indicates information has been suppressed by Statistics Canada to protect confidentiality. Null values/cells simply indicate no data is reported. For more information, visit:

Available map layers (142)

Ecostratification Units (0)

Ecozones (1)

Production (2)

Production variables by Ecozones from 2006 (3)

Production variables by Ecozones from 2001 (4)

Production variables by Ecozones from 1996 (5)

Production variables by Ecozones from 1991 (6)

Production variables by Ecozones from 1986 (7)

Production variables by Ecozones from 1981 (8)

Production variables by Ecozones from 1976 (9)

Production variables by Ecozones from 1971 (10)

Business (11)

Business variables by Ecozones from 2006 (12)

Business variables by Ecozones from 2001 (13)

Business variables by Ecozones from 1996 (14)

Business variables by Ecozones from 1991 (15)

Business variables by Ecozones from 1986 (16)

Business variables by Ecozones from 1981 (17)

Business variables by Ecozones from 1976 (18)

Business variables by Ecozones from 1971 (19)

Ecoregions (20)

Production (21)

Production variables by Ecoregions from 2006 (22)

Production variables by Ecoregions from 2001 (23)

Production variables by Ecoregions from 1996 (24)

Production variables by Ecoregions from 1991 (25)

Production variables by Ecoregions from 1986 (26)

Production variables by Ecoregions from 1981 (27)

Production variables by Ecoregions from 1976 (28)

Production variables by Ecoregions from 1971 (29)

Business (30)

Business variables by Ecoregions from 2006 (31)

Business variables by Ecoregions from 2001 (32)

Business variables by Ecoregions from 1996 (33)

Business variables by Ecoregions from 1991 (34)

Business variables by Ecoregions from 1986 (35)

Business variables by Ecoregions from 1981 (36)

Business variables by Ecoregions from 1976 (37)

Business variables by Ecoregions from 1971 (38)

Ecodistricts (39)

Production Data (40)

Production variables by Ecodistricts from 2006 (41)

Production variables by Ecodistricts from 2001 (42)

Production variables by Ecodistricts from 1996 (43)

Production variables by Ecodistricts from 1991 (44)

Production variables by Ecodistricts from 1986 (45)

Production variables by Ecodistricts from 1981 (46)

Production variables by Ecodistricts from 1976 (47)

Production variables by Ecodistricts from 1971 (48)

Business Data (49)

Business variables by Ecodistricts from 2006 (50)

Business variables by Ecodistricts from 2001 (51)

Business variables by Ecodistricts from 1996 (52)

Business variables by Ecodistricts from 1991 (53)

Business variables by Ecodistricts from 1986 (54)

Business variables by Ecodistricts from 1981 (55)

Business variables by Ecodistricts from 1976 (56)

Business variables by Ecodistricts from 1971 (57)

Hydrological Units (58)

Major Drainage Area (mda) (59)

Production (60)

Production variables by MDA v5 from 2006 (61)

Production variables by MDA v5 from 2001 (62)

Production variables by MDA v5 from 1996 (63)

Production variables by MDA v5 from 1991 (64)

Production variables by MDA v5 from 1986 (65)

Production variables by MDA v5 from 1981 (66)

Production variables by MDA v5 from 1976 (67)

Production variables by MDA v5 from 1971 (68)

Business (69)

Business variables by MDA v5 from 2006 (70)

Business variables by MDA v5 from 2001 (71)

Business variables by MDA v5 from 1996 (72)

Business variables by MDA v5 from 1991 (73)

Business variables by MDA v5 from 1986 (74)

Business variables by MDA v5 from 1981 (75)

Business variables by MDA v5 from 1976 (76)

Business variables by MDA v5 from 1971 (77)

Fundemental Drainage Area (fda) (78)

Business variables by FDA v6 from 2011 (79)

Production variables by FDA v6 from 2011 (80)

Business variables by FDA v5 from 2006 (81)

Production variables by FDA v5 from 2006 (82)

Sub Drainage Area (sda) (83)

Production (84)

Production variables by SDA v5 from 2006 (85)

Production variables by SDA v5 from 2001 (86)

Production variables by SDA v5 from 1996 (87)

Production variables by SDA v5 from 1991 (88)

Production variables by SDA v5 from 1986 (89)

Production variables by SDA v5 from 1981 (90)

Production variables by SDA v5 from 1976 (91)

Production variables by SDA v5 from 1971 (92)

Business (93)

Business variables by SDA v5 from 2006 (94)

Business variables by SDA v5 from 2001 (95)

Business variables by SDA v5 from 1996 (96)

Business variables by SDA v5 from 1991 (97)

Business variables by SDA v5 from 1986 (98)

Business variables by SDA v5 from 1981 (99)

Business variables by SDA v5 from 1976 (100)

Business variables by SDA v5 from 1971 (101)

Sub-sub Drainage Area (ssda) (102)

Production (103)

Production variables by SSDA v5 from 2006 (104)

Production variables by SSDA v5 from 2001 (105)

Production variables by SSDA v5 from 1996 (106)

Production variables by SSDA v5 from 1991 (107)

Production variables by SSDA v5 from 1986 (108)

Production variables by SSDA v5 from 1981 (109)

Production variables by SSDA v5 from 1976 (110)

Production variables by SSDA v5 from 1971 (111)

Business (112)

Business variables by SSDA v5 from 2006 (113)

Business variables by SSDA v5 from 2001 (114)

Business variables by SSDA v5 from 1996 (115)

Business variables by SSDA v5 from 1991 (116)

Business variables by SSDA v5 from 1986 (117)

Business variables by SSDA v5 from 1981 (118)

Business variables by SSDA v5 from 1976 (119)

Business variables by SSDA v5 from 1971 (120)

Soil Landscapes of Canada Polygons (121)

Production (122)

Production variables by SLC v3.2 from 2011 (123)

Production variables by SLC v3 from 2006 (124)

Production variables by SLC v3 from 2001 (125)

Production variables by SLC v3 from 1996 (126)

Production variables by SLC v3 from 1991 (127)

Production variables by SLC v3 from 1986 (128)

Production variables by SLC v3 from 1981 (129)

Production variables by SLC v3 from 1976 (130)

Production variables by SLC v3 from 1971 (131)

Business (132)

Buisness variables by SLC v3.2 from 2011 (133)

Buisness variables by SLC v3 from 2006 (134)

Buisness variables by SLC v3 from 2001 (135)

Buisness variables by SLC v3 from 1996 (136)

Buisness variables by SLC v3 from 1991 (137)

Buisness variables by SLC v3 from 1986 (138)

Buisness variables by SLC v3 from 1981 (139)

Buisness variables by SLC v3 from 1976 (140)

Buisness variables by SLC v3 from 1971 (141)

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