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The "Canada's First Fall Frost Normals (1981-2010)" dataset contains the Mean and Median First Fall Frost Julian day calculated from the ANUSPLIN gridded data set using the date range from January 1, 1981 - December 31, 2010. The dataset also includes the Mean and Median Frost Free Period (given as a count of calendar days). For the purposes of this dataset a Frost Free day is defined as a day where the minimum daily temperature is greater than 0.0 Celsius. For more information, visit: https://open.canada.ca/data/en/dataset/c293739c-4e16-4384-bff8-e3fdaddc5e5f
Mean First Fall Frost in Julian Day (0)
Median First Fall Frost in Julian Day (1)
Median Frost Free Period in Days (2)
Mean Frost Free Period in Days (3)
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