Government of Canada; Natural Resource…

Service health Now:
Web Service, OGC Web Map Service 1.3.0
Snow cover,AVHRR,Canada
Access constraints
Licence du gouvernement ouvert - Canada (
Supported languages
No INSPIRE Extended Capabilities (including service language support) given. See INSPIRE Technical Guidance - View Services for more information.
Data provider

Government of Canada; Natural Resources Canada (unverified)

Contact information:

Government of Canada; Natural Resources Canada


Phone: 1 (800) 661 2638

Service metadata
No INSPIRE Extended Capabilities (including service metadata) given. See INSPIRE Technical Guidance - View Services for more information.

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The dataset time series presented by this web service corresponds to daily (subsampled to a monthly interval) snow cover percentage at 1km resolution grid over land areas of Canada from 2006-2010. The data are subsampled by 4km to reduce data volumes and considering the geolocation uncertainty of the input satellite imagery. The daily maps are generated by assimilation of daily cloud screened NOAA AVHRR satellite imagery and Canadian Meteorological Centre (CMC) snow depth analysis snow depth and density fields within an off-line version of the CMC daily snow depth model. The snow depth model is modified to include snowpack reflectance model and a surface radiative transfer scheme that relates vegetation and snowpack reflectance to top-of-canopy bi-directional reflectance. A logistic vegetation phenology model is used to parameterize temporal dynamics of canopy leaf area index. A per-pixel particle filter with a 30 day moving window is applied to assimilation observations corresponding to 1km resolution visible band directional reflectance and normalized difference vegetation index and 24km CMC daily snow depth and monthly snow density fields. The assimilation is forced using daily air temperature and precipitation fields. Validation of the datasets has been performed by comparison to MODIS snow cover maps and in-situ snow depth stations across Canada. Validation suggests similar accuracy to MODIS snow cover products over relatively flat terrain.The source data is accessible at

Available map layers (1)

AVHRR_snowcover_2006_2010_en (0)

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