[Unnamed layer] [Unnamed layer] [Unnamed layer]
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Baltic Sea, Biodiversity, Species, Protected Areas
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Available map layers (324)

Ecosystem components (BSII) (0)

Benthic species (1)

Charophyte distribution (2)

Fucus distribution (3)

Furcellaria lumbricalis distribution (4)

Mytilus distribution (5)

Zostera marina distribution (6)

Birds (7)

Breeding areas for birds (8)

Wintering areas for birds (9)

Broadscale habitats (10)

Circalittoral hard substrate (11)

Circalittoral mixed substrate (12)

Circalittoral mud (13)

Circalittoral sand (14)

Infralittoral hard substrate (15)

Infralittoral mixed substrate (16)

Infralittoral mud (17)

Infralittoral sand (18)

Fish (19)

Cod abundance (20)

Cod spawning area (21)

Herring abundance (22)

Perch recruitment area (23)

Pikeperch recruitment area (24)

Sprat abundance (25)

Mammals (26)

Grey seal distribution (27)

Harbour porpoise distribution (28)

Harbour seal distribution (29)

Ringed seal distribution (30)

Natura habitats (31)

Sandbanks (1110) (32)

Estuaries (1130) (33)

Mudflats and sandflats (1140) (34)

Coastal_lagoons_(1150).tif (35)

Large shallow inlets and bays (1160) (36)

Reefs (1170) (37)

Baltic Esker islands (1610) (38)

Submarine structures made by leaking gas (1180) (39)

Boreal Baltic islets and small islands (1620) (40)

Pelagic habitats (41)

Productive surface waters (42)

Availability of deep water habitat, based on occurrence of H2S (43)

Red List (44)

Benthic invertebrates (45)

Endangered (EN) (46)

Haploops tenuis (EN) (47)

Vulnerable (VU) (48)

Abra prismatica (VU) (49)

Atelecyclus rotundatus (VU) (50)

Clelandella miliaris (VU) (51)

Cliona celata (VU) (52)

Deshayesorchestia deshayesii (VU) (53)

Epitonium clathrus (VU) (54)

Euspira pallida (VU) (55)

Haploops tubicola (VU) (56)

Hippasteria phrygiana (VU) (57)

Hippolyte varians (VU) (58)

Macoma calcarea (VU) (59)

Modiolus modiolus (VU) (60)

Nucula nucleus (VU) (61)

Parvicardium hauniense (VU) (62)

Pelonaia corrugata (VU) (63)

Scrobicularia plana (VU) (64)

Solaster endeca (VU) (65)

Stomphia coccinea (VU) (66)

Near Threatened (NT) (67)

Alderia modesta (NT) (68)

Amauropsis islandica (NT) (69)

Boreotrophon truncatus (NT) (70)

Corophium multisetosum (NT) (71)

Corystes cassivelaunus (NT) (72)

Inachus dorsettensis (NT) (73)

Mya truncata (NT) (74)

Sabella pavonina (NT) (75)

Data Deficient (DD) (76)

Agrypnetes crassicornis (DD) (77)

Amphipholis squamata (DD) (78)

Cryptonatica affinis (DD) (79)

Ekmania barthii (DD) (80)

Epitonium clathratulum (DD) (81)

Epitonium turtonis (DD) (82)

Eurydice pulchra (DD) (83)

Gammarellus angulosus (DD) (84)

Gammarellus inaequicauda (DD) (85)

Inachus phalangium (DD) (86)

Lekanesphaera rugicauda (DD) (87)

Limnoria lignorum (DD) (88)

Macroplea pubipennis (DD) (89)

Myosotella myosotis (DD) (90)

Orchestia gammarellus (DD) (91)

Palaemonetes varians (DD) (92)

Pleurogonium rubicundum (DD) (93)

Roxania utriculus (DD) (94)

Skeneopsis planorbis (DD) (95)

Talitrus saltator (DD) (96)

Thia scutellata (DD) (97)

Upogebia stellata (DD) (98)

Vitreolina philippi (DD) (99)

Least Concern (LC) (100)

Macroplea mutica (LC) (101)

Monoporeia affinis (LC) (102)

Pontoporeia femorata (LC) (103)

Saduria entomon (LC) (104)

Birds (105)

Critically Endangered (CR) (106)

Charadrius alexandirinus (CR) (107)

Endangered (EN) (108)

Calidris alpina schinzii (EN) (109)

Larus melanocephalus (EN) (110)

Melanitta fusca (EN) (111)

Rissa tridactyla (EN) (112)

Xenus cinereus (EN) (113)

Vulnerable (VU) (114)

Arenaria interpres (VU) (115)

Aythya marila (VU) (116)

Hydroprogne caspia (VU) (117)

Larus fuscus fuscus (VU) (118)

Philomachus pugnax (VU) (119)

Podiceps auritus (VU) (120)

Somateria mollissima (VU) (121)

Near Threatened (NT) (122)

Cepphus grylle grylle (NT) (123)

Actitis hypoleucos (NT) (124)

Aythya fuligula (NT) (125)

Calidris temminckii (NT) (126)

Charadrius hiaticula hiaticula (NT) (127)

Limosa limosa (NT) (128)

Oenanthe oenanthe (NT) (129)

Tringa totanus (NT) (130)

Vanellus vanellus (NT) (131)

Least Concern (LC) (132)

Cepphus grylle arcticus (LC) (133)

Fishes (134)

Critically Endangered (CR) (135)

Anguilla anguilla (CR) (136)

Lamna nasus (CR) (137)

Squalus acanthias (CR) (138)

Thymallus thymallus (CR) (139)

Endangered (EN) (140)

Anarhichas lupus (EN) (141)

Coregonus maraena (EN) (142)

Molva molva (EN) (143)

Vulnerable (VU) (144)

Gadus morhua (VU) (145)

Galeorhinus galeus (VU) (146)

Petromyzon marinus (VU) (147)

Raja clavata (VU) (148)

Salmo salar (VU) (149)

Salmo trutta (VU) (150)

Merlangius merlangus (VU) (151)

Near Threatened (NT) (152)

Aspius aspius (NT) (153)

Cyclopterus lumpus (NT) (154)

Enchelyopus cimbrius (NT) (155)

Lampetra fluviatilis (NT) (156)

Lota lota (NT) (157)

Melanogrammus aeglefinus (NT) (158)

Merluccius merluccius (NT) (159)

Scophthalmus maximus (NT) (160)

Zoarces viviparus (NT) (161)

Data Deficient (DD) (162)

Lebetus guilleti (DD) (163)

Lebetus scorpioides (DD) (164)

Lesueurigobius friesii (DD) (165)

Lycodes gracilis (DD) (166)

Phrynorhombus norvegicus (DD) (167)

Pomatoschistus norvegicus (DD) (168)

Pomatoschistus pictus (DD) (169)

Zeugopterus punctatus (DD) (170)

Least Concern (LC) (171)

Alburnus alburnus (LC) (172)

Alosa fallax (LC) (173)

Amblyraja radiata (LC) (174)

Ammodytes marinus (LC) (175)

Ammodytes tobianus (LC) (176)

Clupea harengus (LC) (177)

Cobitis taenia (LC) (178)

Coregonus albula (LC) (179)

Cottus gobio (LC) (180)

Entelurus aequoreus (LC) (181)

Labrus bergylta (LC) (182)

Labrus mixtus (LC) (183)

Liparis liparis (LC) (184)

Liparis montagui (LC) (185)

Lumpenus lampretaeformis (LC) (186)

Myoxocephalus scorpius (LC) (187)

Nerophis lumbriciformis (LC) (188)

Nerophis ophidion (LC) (189)

Pelecus cultratus (LC) (190)

Phoxinus phoxinus (LC) (191)

Scyliorhinus canicula (LC) (192)

Spinachia spinachia (LC) (193)

Symphodus melops (LC) (194)

Syngnathus acus (LC) (195)

Syngnathus typhle (LC) (196)

Taurulus bubalis (LC) (197)

Triglopsis quadricornis (LC) (198)

Trachinus draco (LC) (199)

Marine mammals (200)

Lutra lutra (NT) grid (201)

Lutra lutra (NT) (202)

Phocoena phocoena (VU_CR) (203)

Pusa hispida botnica (VU) (204)

Phoca vitulina vitulina (VU_LC) (205)

Halichoerus grypus (LC) (206)

Macrophytes (207)

Endangered (EN) (208)

Hippuris tetraphylla (EN) (209)

Lamprothamnium papulosum (EN) (210)

Persicaria foliosa (EN) (211)

Vulnerable (VU) (212)

Alisma wahlenbergii (VU) (213)

Chara braunii (VU) (214)

Nitella hyalina (VU) (215)

Zostera noltii (VU) (216)

Near Threatened (NT) (217)

Chara horrida (NT) (218)

Crassula aquatica (NT) (219)

Nitellopsis obtusa (NT) (220)

Potamogeton friesii (NT) (221)

Data Deficient (DD) (222)

Botrytella reinboldii (DD) (223)

Delamarea attenuata (DD) (224)

Helminthora divaricata (DD) (225)

Myriocladia lovenii (DD) (226)

Rosenvingiella constricta (DD) (227)

Stypocaulon scoparium (DD) (228)

Least Concern (LC) (229)

Chara connivens (LC) (230)

Chara tomentosa (LC) (231)

Fucus serratus (LC) (232)

Fucus vesiculosus (LC) (233)

Furcellaria lumbricalis (LC) (234)

Zostera marina (LC) (235)

Biotopes (236)

Critically Endangered (CR) (237)

AA.M1Q2, AA.H1Q2 and AA.J1Q2 (CR) (238)

AB.H3L3 (CR) (239)

Endangered (EN) (240)

AA.D and AB.D (EN) (241)

AB.B1E4 (EN) (242)

AB.H1I2 (EN) (243)

AB.H2T1 (EN) (244)

AB.H3L5 (EN) (245)

AE.O5 (EN) (246)

Vulnerable (VU) (247)

AA.E1F1 and AB.E1F1 (VU) (248)

AA.G (VU) (249)

AB.J3L3 (VU) (250)

AC (VU) (251)

Near Threatened (NT) (252)

AA.A1H2, AB.A1H2, AA.M1H2 and AB.M1H2 (NT) (253)

AA.E1C4 (NT) (254)

AA.E3Y and AB.E3Y (NT) (255)

AA.H1A2 (NT) (256)

AA.H1B4, AA.I1B4, AA.J1B4 and AA.M1B4 (NT) (257)

AA.H1B5 and AA.J1B5 (NT) (258)

AA.H1B7, AA.I1B7, AA.J1B7 and AA.M1B7 (NT) (259)

AA.H3L3 (NT) (260)

AA.H3L6 (NT) (261)

AA.I3L10, AA.J3L10, AB.I3L10 and AB.J3L10 (NT) (262)

AA.I3L11, AB.I3L11, AA.J3L11 and AB.J3L11 (NT) (263)

AA.J3L3 (NT) (264)

AB.A1F1 and AB.M1F1 (NT) (265)

AB.A1G2 and AB.M1G2 (NT) (266)

AB.A1G3 and AB.M1G3 (NT) (267)

AB.A1G4 and AB.M1G4 (NT) (268)

AB.A1J and AB.M1J (NT) (269)

AB.H3N1 (NT) (270)

AB.H4U1 (NT) (271)

AB.J3L7 (NT) (272)

Biotope complexes (Habitat Directive Annex 1) (273)

1110 Sandbanks (VU) (274)

1130 Estuaries (CR) (275)

1140 Mudflats (VU) (276)

1150 Coastal lagoons (EN) (277)

1160 Large shallow inlets and bays (VU) (278)

1170 Reefs (VU) (279)

1180 Submarine structures made by leaking gases (EN) (280)

1610 Baltic esker islands (NT) (281)

1620 Boreal Baltic islets and small islands (NT) (282)

1650 Boreal Baltic narrow inlets (VU) (283)

Physical features (284)

Benthic marine landscapes (BALANCE) (285)

Ice cover (286)

Baltic Sea Ice minimum 1960 to 1964 (287)

Baltic Sea Ice minimum 2005 to 2009 (288)

Baltic Sea Ice maximum 1960 to 1964 (289)

Baltic Sea Ice maximum 2005 to 2009 (290)

Modelled photic zone polygon (EUSeaMap) (291)

Modelled photic zone (BALANCE) (292)

Modelled bottom salinity (BALANCE) (293)

Modelled bottom current (BALANCE) (294)

Modelled growth season bottom temp (BALANCE) (295)

Seabed sediments (BALANCE) (296)

Seabed sediment polygon (BALANCE) (297)

Seabed slope (BALANCE) (298)

Protected areas (299)


Natura 2000 sites (301)

Baltic Sea fisheries closure (302)

Cod fisheries closures (303)

Ramsar sites (304)

UNESCO sites (305)

Harbour porpoise (306)

SAMBAH summer management border for the Baltic Proper population of harbour porpoises (307)

SAMBAH probability of detection of harbour porpoises May – Oct (308)

SAMBAH probability of detection of harbour porpoises Nov – Apr (309)

Harbour porpoise bycatch (310)

Harbour porpoise effort sightings (311)

Harbour porpoise hunted or killed (312)

Harbour porpoise incidental sightings (313)

Harbour porpoise strandings (314)

Harbour porpoise sightings type unknown (315)

Salmon rivers (SALAR) (316)

Dams (SALAR) (317)

Green list rivers (SALAR) (318)

Yellow list rivers (SALAR) (319)

Red list rivers (SALAR) (320)

Salmon rivers (SALAR) (321)

Nonpassable dams (SALAR) (322)

Partly passable dams (SALAR) (323)

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