Food and Agriculture Organization of t…

Geoserver WMS of the Compilation of Aquatic Species Distribution Maps of Interest to Fisheries

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Web Service, OGC Web Map Service 1.3.0
WMS, GEOSERVER, FIGIS, Fisheries, species, aquatic species distribution
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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Fishery and Aquaculture Department (unverified)

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FIGIS Focal point

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Fishery and Aquaculture Department

Postal address:
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Roma, Italy


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This GeoServer WMS provides all layers from the Compilation of Aquatic Species Distribution Maps of Interest to Fisheries.

Available map layers (882)

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Acipenser naccarii (Adriatic sturgeon) (SPECIES_DIST_AAA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Acipenser dabryanus (Yangtze sturgeon) (SPECIES_DIST_AAD)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Acipenser fulvescens (Lake sturgeon) (SPECIES_DIST_AAF)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Acipenser schrenckii (Amur sturgeon) (SPECIES_DIST_AAH)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Acipenser sinensis (Chinese sturgeon) (SPECIES_DIST_AAI)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Acipenser mikadoi (Sakhalin sturgeon) (SPECIES_DIST_AAK)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Acipenser medirostris (Green sturgeon) (SPECIES_DIST_AAM)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Acipenser nudiventris (Fringebarbel sturgeon) (SPECIES_DIST_AAN)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Acipenser oxyrinchus (Atlantic sturgeon) (SPECIES_DIST_AAO)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Acipenser brevirostrum (Shortnose sturgeon) (SPECIES_DIST_AAY)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Penaeus aztecus (Northern brown shrimp) (SPECIES_DIST_ABS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Aculeola nigra (Hooktooth dogfish) (SPECIES_DIST_ACN)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Pandalus montagui (Aesop shrimp) (SPECIES_DIST_AES)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Squatina squatina (Angelshark) (SPECIES_DIST_AGN)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Acetes japonicus (Akiami paste shrimp) (SPECIES_DIST_AKS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Thunnus alalunga (Albacore) (SPECIES_DIST_ALB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Theragra chalcogramma (Alaska pollock(=Walleye poll.)) (SPECIES_DIST_ALK)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Alopias vulpinus (Thresher) (SPECIES_DIST_ALV)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Engraulis anchoita (Argentine anchovy) (SPECIES_DIST_ANA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Engraulis capensis (Southern African anchovy) (SPECIES_DIST_ANC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Engraulis encrasicolus (European anchovy) (SPECIES_DIST_ANE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Lophius americanus (American angler) (SPECIES_DIST_ANG)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Apristurus manis (Ghost catshark) (SPECIES_DIST_APA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Acipenser baerii (Siberian sturgeon) (SPECIES_DIST_APB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Apristurus saldanha (Saldanha catshark) (SPECIES_DIST_APC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Acipenser stellatus (Starry sturgeon) (SPECIES_DIST_APE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Acipenser gueldenstaedtii (Danube sturgeon(=Osetr)) (SPECIES_DIST_APG)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Acipenser transmontanus (White sturgeon) (SPECIES_DIST_APN)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Apristurus profundorum (Deep-water catshark) (SPECIES_DIST_APP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Apristurus laurussonii (Iceland catshark) (SPECIES_DIST_APQ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Acipenser ruthenus (Sterlet sturgeon) (SPECIES_DIST_APR)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Penaeus duorarum (Northern pink shrimp) (SPECIES_DIST_APS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Acipenser sturio (Sturgeon) (SPECIES_DIST_APU)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Apristurus nasutus (Largenose catshark) (SPECIES_DIST_APW)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Apristurus microps (Smalleye catshark) (SPECIES_DIST_APX)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Aristeus antennatus (Blue and red shrimp) (SPECIES_DIST_ARA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Atheresthes stomias (Arrow-tooth flounder) (SPECIES_DIST_ARF)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Pleurogrammus azonus (Okhotsk atka mackerel) (SPECIES_DIST_ATK)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Paralichthys olivaceus (Bastard halibut) (SPECIES_DIST_BAH)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Bohadschia vitiensis (Brown sandfish) (SPECIES_DIST_BDV)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sarda chiliensis (Eastern Pacific bonito) (SPECIES_DIST_BEP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Thunnus obesus (Bigeye tuna) (SPECIES_DIST_BET)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Thunnus thynnus (Atlantic bluefin tuna) (SPECIES_DIST_BFT)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Trisopterus luscus (Pouting(=Bib)) (SPECIES_DIST_BIB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Selar crumenophthalmus (Bigeye scad) (SPECIES_DIST_BIS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Bathyraja spinosissima (Spiny skate) (SPECIES_DIST_BJS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Anadara granosa (Blood cockle) (SPECIES_DIST_BLC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Molva dypterygia (Blue ling) (SPECIES_DIST_BLI)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Auxis rochei (Bullet tuna) (SPECIES_DIST_BLT)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Pomatomus saltatrix (Bluefish) (SPECIES_DIST_BLU)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Ethmalosa fimbriata (Bonga shad) (SPECIES_DIST_BOA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Xiphopenaeus kroyeri (Atlantic seabob) (SPECIES_DIST_BOB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Boops boops (Bogue) (SPECIES_DIST_BOG)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sarda sarda (Atlantic bonito) (SPECIES_DIST_BON)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Brachioteuthis picta (Ornate arm squid) (SPECIES_DIST_BQP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Brachioteuthis riisei (Common arm squid) (SPECIES_DIST_BQR)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Brotula barbata (Bearded brotula) (SPECIES_DIST_BRD)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Pagrus caeruleostictus (Bluespotted seabream) (SPECIES_DIST_BSC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Aphanopus carbo (Black scabbardfish) (SPECIES_DIST_BSF)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Prionace glauca (Blue shark) (SPECIES_DIST_BSH)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Cetorhinus maximus (Basking shark) (SPECIES_DIST_BSK)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Dicentrarchus labrax (European seabass) (SPECIES_DIST_BSS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Acanthistius brasilianus (Argentine seabass) (SPECIES_DIST_BSZ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Alopias superciliosus (Bigeye thresher) (SPECIES_DIST_BTH)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Harpadon nehereus (Bombay-duck) (SPECIES_DIST_BUC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Makaira nigricans (Blue marlin) (SPECIES_DIST_BUM)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Psenopsis anomala (Pacific rudderfish) (SPECIES_DIST_BUP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Neoraja caerulea (Blue ray) (SPECIES_DIST_BVC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Bathyraja meridionalis (Dark-belly skate) (SPECIES_DIST_BYE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Bathyraja pallida (Pale ray) (SPECIES_DIST_BYP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Bathyraja richardsoni (Richardson's ray) (SPECIES_DIST_BYQ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Bathyraja brachyurops (Broadnose skate) (SPECIES_DIST_BZB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Bathyraja macloviana (Patagonian skate) (SPECIES_DIST_BZM)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Anarhichas lupus (Atlantic wolffish) (SPECIES_DIST_CAA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Mallotus villosus (Capelin) (SPECIES_DIST_CAP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Anarhichas minor (Spotted wolffish) (SPECIES_DIST_CAS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Carcharhinus altimus (Bignose shark) (SPECIES_DIST_CCA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Carcharhinus brevipinna (Spinner shark) (SPECIES_DIST_CCB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Carcharhinus leucas (Bull shark) (SPECIES_DIST_CCE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Carcharhinus limbatus (Blacktip shark) (SPECIES_DIST_CCL)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Carcharhinus acronotus (Blacknose shark) (SPECIES_DIST_CCN)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Carcharhinus isodon (Finetooth shark) (SPECIES_DIST_CCO)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Carcharhinus plumbeus (Sandbar shark) (SPECIES_DIST_CCP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Carcharhinus signatus (Night shark) (SPECIES_DIST_CCS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Carcharias taurus (Sand tiger shark) (SPECIES_DIST_CCT)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Centrophorus acus (Needle dogfish) (SPECIES_DIST_CEA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Centrophorus tessellatus (Mosaic gulper shark) (SPECIES_DIST_CEE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Centrophorus niaukang (Taiwan gulper shark) (SPECIES_DIST_CEK)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Centrophorus moluccensis (Smallfin gulper shark) (SPECIES_DIST_CEM)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Centrophorus harrissoni (Dumb gulper shark) (SPECIES_DIST_CEU)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Centroscyllium fabricii (Black dogfish) (SPECIES_DIST_CFB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Cirrhigaleus barbifer (Mandarin dogfish) (SPECIES_DIST_CHF)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Chinook(=Spring=King) salmon) (SPECIES_DIST_CHI)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Loligo reynaudi (Cape Hope squid) (SPECIES_DIST_CHO)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sardinops sagax (South American pilchard) (SPECIES_DIST_CHP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Heterocarpus reedi (Chilean nylon shrimp) (SPECIES_DIST_CHS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Oncorhynchus keta (Chum(=Keta=Dog) salmon) (SPECIES_DIST_CHU)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Cirrhigaleus asper (Roughskin spurdog) (SPECIES_DIST_CHZ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Trachurus murphyi (Chilean jack mackerel) (SPECIES_DIST_CJM)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Strangomera bentincki (Araucanian herring) (SPECIES_DIST_CKI)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Micropogonias furnieri (Whitemouth croaker) (SPECIES_DIST_CKM)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Umbrina canosai (Argentine croaker) (SPECIES_DIST_CKY)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Clupeonella cultriventris (Black and Caspian Sea sprat) (SPECIES_DIST_CLA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Spisula solidissima (Atlantic surf clam) (SPECIES_DIST_CLB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Mercenaria mercenaria (Northern quahog(=Hard clam)) (SPECIES_DIST_CLH)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Ruditapes philippinarum (Japanese carpet shell) (SPECIES_DIST_CLJ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Clarias anguillaris (Mudfish) (SPECIES_DIST_CLN)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Spisula polynyma (Stimpson's surf clam) (SPECIES_DIST_CLT)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Clarias gariepinus (North African catfish) (SPECIES_DIST_CLZ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Chimaera monstrosa (Rabbit fish) (SPECIES_DIST_CMO)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Neoharriotta pinnata (Sicklefin chimaera) (SPECIES_DIST_CNN)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Cerastoderma edule (Common edible cockle) (SPECIES_DIST_COC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod) (SPECIES_DIST_COD)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Conger conger (European conger) (SPECIES_DIST_COE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Oncorhynchus kisutch (Coho(=Silver) salmon) (SPECIES_DIST_COH)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Corallium rubrum (Sardinia coral) (SPECIES_DIST_COL)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Scomberomorus commerson (Narrow-barred Spanish mackerel) (SPECIES_DIST_COM)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Ctenacis fehlmanni (Harlequin catshark) (SPECIES_DIST_CPE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sardinops caeruleus (California pilchard) (SPECIES_DIST_CPI)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Centrophorus lusitanicus (Lowfin gulper shark) (SPECIES_DIST_CPL)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Callinectes sapidus (Blue crab) (SPECIES_DIST_CRB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Cancer pagurus (Edible crab) (SPECIES_DIST_CRE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Chionoecetes opilio (Queen crab) (SPECIES_DIST_CRQ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Larimichthys polyactis (Yellow croaker) (SPECIES_DIST_CRY)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Crangon crangon (Common shrimp) (SPECIES_DIST_CSH)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Apristurus brunneus (Brown catshark) (SPECIES_DIST_CSN)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Apristurus kampae (Longnose catshark) (SPECIES_DIST_CSZ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepia officinalis (Common cuttlefish) (SPECIES_DIST_CTC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Mustelus canis (Dusky smooth-hound) (SPECIES_DIST_CTI)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Genypterus maculatus (Black cusk-eel) (SPECIES_DIST_CUB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Genypterus chilensis (Red cusk-eel) (SPECIES_DIST_CUC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Apostichopus japonicus (Japanese sea cucumber) (SPECIES_DIST_CUJ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Genypterus blacodes (Pink cusk-eel) (SPECIES_DIST_CUS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepia hierredda (Giant African cuttlefish) (SPECIES_DIST_CVT)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Hydrolagus affinis (Smalleyed rabbitfish) (SPECIES_DIST_CYA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Centroscyllium granulatum (Granular dogfish) (SPECIES_DIST_CYG)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Hydrolagus mirabilis (Large-eyed rabbitfish) (SPECIES_DIST_CYH)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Centroscyllium kamoharai (Bareskin dogfish) (SPECIES_DIST_CYK)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Centroscyllium nigrum (Combtooth dogfish) (SPECIES_DIST_CYN)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Centroscymnus coelolepis (Portuguese dogfish) (SPECIES_DIST_CYO)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Centroscymnus crepidater (Longnose velvet dogfish) (SPECIES_DIST_CYP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Centroscyllium ritteri (Whitefin dogfish) (SPECIES_DIST_CYR)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Centroscyllium ornatum (Ornate dogfish) (SPECIES_DIST_CYT)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Centroscymnus owstoni (Roughskin dogfish) (SPECIES_DIST_CYW)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Limanda limanda (Common dab) (SPECIES_DIST_DAB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Deania calcea (Birdbeak dogfish) (SPECIES_DIST_DCA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Chimaera notafricana (Cape chimaera) (SPECIES_DIST_DDR)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Dentex angolensis (Angolan dentex) (SPECIES_DIST_DEA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Dentex dentex (Common dentex) (SPECIES_DIST_DEC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Dentex macrophthalmus (Large-eye dentex) (SPECIES_DIST_DEL)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Dentex maroccanus (Morocco dentex) (SPECIES_DIST_DEM)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Dentex canariensis (Canary dentex) (SPECIES_DIST_DEN)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Dentex gibbosus (Pink dentex) (SPECIES_DIST_DEP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Lepophidium negropinna (Specklefin cusk-eel) (SPECIES_DIST_DGQ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Squalus acanthias (Picked dogfish) (SPECIES_DIST_DGS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Dermochelys coriacea (Leatherback turtle) (SPECIES_DIST_DKK)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Dentex congoensis (Congo dentex) (SPECIES_DIST_DNC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Chirocentrus dorab (Dorab wolf-herring) (SPECIES_DIST_DOB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Konosirus punctatus (Dotted gizzard shad) (SPECIES_DIST_DOD)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Coryphaena hippurus (Common dolphinfish) (SPECIES_DIST_DOL)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Squalus megalops (Shortnose spurdog) (SPECIES_DIST_DOP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Muraenesox cinereus (Daggertooth pike conger) (SPECIES_DIST_DPC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Parapenaeus longirostris (Deep-water rose shrimp) (SPECIES_DIST_DPS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Zearaja chilensis (Yellownose skate) (SPECIES_DIST_DPV)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Cancer magister (Dungeness crab) (SPECIES_DIST_DUN)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Carcharhinus obscurus (Dusky shark) (SPECIES_DIST_DUS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Echinorhinus cookei (Prickly shark) (SPECIES_DIST_ECK)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepiadarium kochii (Koch's bottletail squid) (SPECIES_DIST_EDK)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Eledone moschata (Musky octopus) (SPECIES_DIST_EDT)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Eledone massyae (Combed octopus) (SPECIES_DIST_EDY)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepiadarium austrinum (Southern bottletail squid) (SPECIES_DIST_EDZ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Eleutheronema tridactylum (Threefinger threadfin) (SPECIES_DIST_EHT)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Pearsonothuria graeffei (Blackspotted sea cucumber) (SPECIES_DIST_EHV)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepia brevimana (Shortclub cuttlefish) (SPECIES_DIST_EIJ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Ilisha elongata (Elongate ilisha) (SPECIES_DIST_EIL)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepia apama (Giant Australian cuttlefish) (SPECIES_DIST_EIP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepia kobiensis (Kobi cuttlefish) (SPECIES_DIST_EIQ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepia lycidas (Kisslip cuttlefish) (SPECIES_DIST_EIY)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepia aculeata (Needle cuttlefish) (SPECIES_DIST_EJA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepia bertheloti (African cuttlefish) (SPECIES_DIST_EJB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepia madokai (Madokai's cuttlefish) (SPECIES_DIST_EJD)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepia elegans (Elegant cuttlefish) (SPECIES_DIST_EJE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepia braggi (Slender cuttlefish) (SPECIES_DIST_EJG)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepia prashadi (Hooded cuttlefish) (SPECIES_DIST_EJH)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepia esculenta (Golden cuttlefish) (SPECIES_DIST_EJK)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepia elobyana (Guinean cuttlefish) (SPECIES_DIST_EJL)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepia andreana (Andrea cuttlefish) (SPECIES_DIST_EJN)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepia arabica (Arabian cuttlefish) (SPECIES_DIST_EJR)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepia australis (Southern cuttlefish) (SPECIES_DIST_EJT)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepia latimanus (Broadclub cuttlefish) (SPECIES_DIST_EJX)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepia murrayi (Frog cuttlefish) (SPECIES_DIST_EJY)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni (Antarctic cranch squid) (SPECIES_DIST_EKH)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Anguilla anguilla (European eel) (SPECIES_DIST_ELE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Conger myriaster (Whitespotted conger) (SPECIES_DIST_ELS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Euprymna berryi (Humming-bird bobtail squid) (SPECIES_DIST_EMY)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Eledone cirrhosa (Horned octopus) (SPECIES_DIST_EOI)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Epinephelus costae (Goldblotch grouper) (SPECIES_DIST_EPK)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Etmopterus bigelowi (Blurred smooth lantern shark) (SPECIES_DIST_ETB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Etmopterus lucifer (Blackbelly lanternshark) (SPECIES_DIST_ETF)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Etmopterus brachyurus (Shorttail lanternshark) (SPECIES_DIST_ETH)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Etmopterus gracilispinis (Broadbanded lanternshark) (SPECIES_DIST_ETI)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Etmopterus unicolor (Brown lanternshark) (SPECIES_DIST_ETJ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Etmopterus splendidus (Splendid lanternshark) (SPECIES_DIST_ETK)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Etmopterus molleri (Mollers lantern shark) (SPECIES_DIST_ETL)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Etmopterus granulosus (Southern lanternshark(Lucifer)) (SPECIES_DIST_ETM)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Etmopterus hillianus (Carribean lanternshark) (SPECIES_DIST_ETN)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Etmopterus decacuspidatus (Combtoothed lanternshark) (SPECIES_DIST_ETO)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Etmopterus pusillus (Smooth lanternshark) (SPECIES_DIST_ETP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Etmopterus sentosus (Thorny lanternshark) (SPECIES_DIST_ETQ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Etmopterus princeps (Great lanternshark) (SPECIES_DIST_ETR)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Etmopterus polli (African lanternshark) (SPECIES_DIST_ETT)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Etmopterus bullisi (Lined lanternshark) (SPECIES_DIST_ETU)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Etmopterus villosus (Hawaiian lanternshark) (SPECIES_DIST_ETV)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Etmopterus virens (Green lanternshark) (SPECIES_DIST_ETW)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Etmopterus spinax (Velvet belly) (SPECIES_DIST_ETX)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Etmopterus schultzi (Fringfin lanternshark) (SPECIES_DIST_ETZ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Euprotomicrus bispinatus (Pygmy shark) (SPECIES_DIST_EUP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Euprotomicroides zantedeschia (Taillight shark) (SPECIES_DIST_EUZ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Euprymna morsei (Mimika bobtail squid) (SPECIES_DIST_EYQ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Euprymna tasmanica (Southern bobtail squid) (SPECIES_DIST_EYZ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepioloidea lineolata (Striped dumpling squid) (SPECIES_DIST_EZL)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Enteroctopus megalocyathus (Patagonian giant octopus) (SPECIES_DIST_EZM)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Carcharhinus falciformis (Silky shark) (SPECIES_DIST_FAL)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Abramis brama (Freshwater bream) (SPECIES_DIST_FBM)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Natator depressus (Flatback turtle) (SPECIES_DIST_FBT)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Lota lota (Burbot) (SPECIES_DIST_FBU)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Cyprinus carpio (Common carp) (SPECIES_DIST_FCP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Helostoma temminckii (Kissing gourami) (SPECIES_DIST_FGO)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Trichogaster pectoralis (Snakeskin gourami) (SPECIES_DIST_FGS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Filimanus heptadactyla (Sevenfinger threadfin) (SPECIES_DIST_FIH)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Platichthys flesus (European flounder) (SPECIES_DIST_FLE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Penaeus chinensis (Fleshy prawn) (SPECIES_DIST_FLP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Eleutheronema tetradactylum (Fourfinger threadfin) (SPECIES_DIST_FOT)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Perca fluviatilis (European perch) (SPECIES_DIST_FPE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Esox lucius (Northern pike) (SPECIES_DIST_FPI)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Stizostedion lucioperca (Pike-perch) (SPECIES_DIST_FPP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Auxis thazard (Frigate tuna) (SPECIES_DIST_FRI)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Channa striata (Striped snakehead) (SPECIES_DIST_FSS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Pholidoteuthis adami (Scaled squid) (SPECIES_DIST_FTD)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Hippoglossoides elassodon (Flathead sole) (SPECIES_DIST_FTS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Galeorhinus galeus (Tope shark) (SPECIES_DIST_GAG)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Galeoides decadactylus (Lesser African threadfin) (SPECIES_DIST_GAL)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Galeus murinus (Mouse catshark) (SPECIES_DIST_GAM)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Galeus polli (African sawtail catshark) (SPECIES_DIST_GAQ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Portunus trituberculatus (Gazami crab) (SPECIES_DIST_GAZ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Argonauta argo (Greater argonaut) (SPECIES_DIST_GGQ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Galeus atlanticus (Atlantic sawtail catshark) (SPECIES_DIST_GHA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Reinhardtius hippoglossoides (Greenland halibut) (SPECIES_DIST_GHL)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Lates calcarifer (Barramundi(=Giant seaperch)) (SPECIES_DIST_GIP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Dosidicus gigas (Jumbo flying squid) (SPECIES_DIST_GIS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Penaeus monodon (Giant tiger prawn) (SPECIES_DIST_GIT)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Ginglymostoma cirratum (Nurse shark) (SPECIES_DIST_GNC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Epinephelus aeneus (White grouper) (SPECIES_DIST_GPW)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Brachydeuterus auritus (Bigeye grunt) (SPECIES_DIST_GRB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Gadus ogac (Greenland cod) (SPECIES_DIST_GRC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Macruronus magellanicus (Blue grenadier) (SPECIES_DIST_GRN)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Somniosus microcephalus (Greenland shark) (SPECIES_DIST_GSK)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Pagrus auratus (Silver seabream) (SPECIES_DIST_GSU)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Gonatus kamtschaticus (Shortarm gonate squid) (SPECIES_DIST_GTD)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Gonatopsis borealis (Boreopacific gonate squid) (SPECIES_DIST_GTE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Galiteuthis armata (Armed cranch squid) (SPECIES_DIST_GTH)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Gonatus fabricii (Boreoatlantic gonate squid) (SPECIES_DIST_GTI)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Gonatus madokai (Madokai gonate squid) (SPECIES_DIST_GTJ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Gonatopsis makko (Mako gonate squid) (SPECIES_DIST_GTK)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Gonatus steenstrupi (Atlantic gonate squid) (SPECIES_DIST_GTP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Centrophorus granulosus (Gulper shark) (SPECIES_DIST_GUP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Centrophorus squamosus (Leafscale gulper shark) (SPECIES_DIST_GUQ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Scomberomorus guttatus (Indo-Pacific king mackerel) (SPECIES_DIST_GUT)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Centrophorus atromarginatus (Blackfin gulper shark) (SPECIES_DIST_GVA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Centrophorus isodon (Black gulper shark) (SPECIES_DIST_GVI)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Genypterus tigerinus (Rock ling) (SPECIES_DIST_GVT)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Melanogrammus aeglefinus (Haddock) (SPECIES_DIST_HAD)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Psettodes erumei (Indian halibut) (SPECIES_DIST_HAI)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Hippoglossus stenolepis (Pacific halibut) (SPECIES_DIST_HAP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Megalaspis cordyla (Torpedo scad) (SPECIES_DIST_HAS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Harriotta haeckeli (Smallspine spookfish) (SPECIES_DIST_HCH)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Harriotta raleighana (Pacific longnose chimaera) (SPECIES_DIST_HCR)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Heterodontus ramalheira (Whitespotted bullhead shark) (SPECIES_DIST_HEA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Heterodontus francisci (Horn shark) (SPECIES_DIST_HEF)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Heterodontus galeatus (Crested bullhead shark) (SPECIES_DIST_HEG)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Heterodontus japonicus (Japanese bullhead shark) (SPECIES_DIST_HEJ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Heterodontus portusjacksoni (Port Jackson shark) (SPECIES_DIST_HEK)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Heterodontus mexicanus (Mexican hornshark) (SPECIES_DIST_HEM)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Clupea pallasii (Pacific herring) (SPECIES_DIST_HEP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Heterodontus quoyi (Galapagos bullhead shark) (SPECIES_DIST_HEQ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Clupea harengus (Atlantic herring) (SPECIES_DIST_HER)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Heterodontus zebra (Zebra bullhead shark) (SPECIES_DIST_HEZ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Holothuria atra (Lollyfish) (SPECIES_DIST_HFA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Holothuria scabra (Sandfish) (SPECIES_DIST_HFC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Holothuria edulis (Pinkfish) (SPECIES_DIST_HFE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Holothuria fuscogilva (White teatfish) (SPECIES_DIST_HFF)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Holothuria impatiens (Bottleneck sea cucumber) (SPECIES_DIST_HFI)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Holothuria nobilis (Black teatfish) (SPECIES_DIST_HFN)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Holothuria leucospilota (White threads fish) (SPECIES_DIST_HFQ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Hexatrygon bickelli (Sixgill stingray) (SPECIES_DIST_HHB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Heteroteuthis dispar (Odd bobtail squid) (SPECIES_DIST_HHP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Holothuria coluber (Snakefish sea cucumber) (SPECIES_DIST_HHW)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Hilsa kelee (Kelee shad) (SPECIES_DIST_HIX)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Isostichopus badionotus (Four-sided sea cucumber) (SPECIES_DIST_HIZ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Merluccius polli (Benguela hake) (SPECIES_DIST_HKB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Merluccius merluccius (European hake) (SPECIES_DIST_HKE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Merluccius capensis (Shallow-water Cape hake) (SPECIES_DIST_HKK)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Merluccius senegalensis (Senegalese hake) (SPECIES_DIST_HKM)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Merluccius australis (Southern hake) (SPECIES_DIST_HKN)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Merluccius paradoxus (Deep-water Cape hake) (SPECIES_DIST_HKO)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Merluccius hubbsi (Argentine hake) (SPECIES_DIST_HKP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Merluccius bilinearis (Silver hake) (SPECIES_DIST_HKS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Thelenota anax (Amber fish) (SPECIES_DIST_HLX)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Trachurus capensis (Cape horse mackerel) (SPECIES_DIST_HMC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Trachurus declivis (Greenback horse mackerel) (SPECIES_DIST_HMG)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Trachurus mediterraneus (Mediterranean horse mackerel) (SPECIES_DIST_HMM)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Trachurus trecae (Cunene horse mackerel) (SPECIES_DIST_HMZ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Merluccius albidus (Offshore silver hake) (SPECIES_DIST_HOF)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Trachurus trachurus (Atlantic horse mackerel) (SPECIES_DIST_HOM)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Holohalaelurus punctatus (African spotted catshark) (SPECIES_DIST_HOP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Holohalaelurus regani (Izak catshark) (SPECIES_DIST_HOR)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Holothuria fuscopunctata (Elephant trunkfish) (SPECIES_DIST_HOZ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Histioteuthis bonnellii (Umbrella squid) (SPECIES_DIST_HQB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Hyaloteuthis pelagica (Glassy flying squid) (SPECIES_DIST_HQI)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Histioteuthis reversa (Reverse jewell squid) (SPECIES_DIST_HQS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Cheilinus undulatus (Humphead wrasse) (SPECIES_DIST_HVM)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Chlamydoselachus africana (African frilled shark) (SPECIES_DIST_HWR)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Chlamydoselachus anguineus (Frilled shark) (SPECIES_DIST_HXC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Hexanchus nakamurai (Bigeyed sixgill shark) (SPECIES_DIST_HXN)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Heptranchias perlo (Sharpnose sevengill shark) (SPECIES_DIST_HXT)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Heteroscymnoides marleyi (Longnose pygmy shark) (SPECIES_DIST_HYY)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Heteroteuthis weberi (Stumpy bobtail squid) (SPECIES_DIST_HZW)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepia omani (Oman cuttlefish) (SPECIES_DIST_IAA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepia recurvirostra (Curvespine cuttlefish) (SPECIES_DIST_IAE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepia pharaonis (Pharaoh cuttlefish) (SPECIES_DIST_IAH)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Metasepia tullbergi (Paintpot cuttlefish) (SPECIES_DIST_IAJ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepia longipes (Longarm cuttlefish) (SPECIES_DIST_IAL)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepia mestus (Reaper cuttlefish) (SPECIES_DIST_IAM)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepia trygonina (Trident cuttlefish) (SPECIES_DIST_IAN)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepia lorigera (Spider cuttlefish) (SPECIES_DIST_IAO)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepia opipara (Magnificent cuttlefish) (SPECIES_DIST_IAQ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepia orbignyana (Pink cuttlefish) (SPECIES_DIST_IAR)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepia savignyi (Broadback cuttlefish) (SPECIES_DIST_IAV)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Metasepia pfefferi (Flamboyant cuttlefish) (SPECIES_DIST_IAZ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Mordacia lapicida (Chilean lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_ICE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Eudontomyzon danfordi (Carpathian lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_ICJ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Ichthyomyzon bdellium (Ohio lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_IDE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Ichthyomyzon castaneus (Chestnut lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_IDG)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Ichthyomyzon fossor (Northern brook lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_IDH)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Ichthyomyzon gagei (Southern brook lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_IDI)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Ichthyomyzon greeleyi (Mountain brook lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_IDJ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Lampetra aepyptera (Least brook lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_IDK)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Lampetra ayresii (Western American river lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_IDL)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Lampetra planeri (European brook lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_IDN)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Lampetra richardsoni (Western brook lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_IDO)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Lethenteron kessleri (Siberian lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_IDQ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Lethenteron ninae (Western Transcaucasian lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_IDT)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Lethenteron reissneri (Far Eastern brook lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_IDU)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Lethenteron zanandreai (Lombardy brook lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_IDV)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepia bandensis (Stumpy cuttlefish) (SPECIES_DIST_IEB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepiella japonica (Japanese spineless cuttlefish) (SPECIES_DIST_IEJ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepiella ornata (Ornate cuttlefish) (SPECIES_DIST_IEO)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepia vermiculata (Patchwork cuttlefish) (SPECIES_DIST_IEV)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepiolina nipponensis (Japanese bobtail squid) (SPECIES_DIST_IIN)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Entosphenus folletti (Northern California lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_IJX)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Entosphenus hubbsi (Kern brook lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_IJY)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Entosphenus lethophagus (Pit-Klamath brook lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_IJZ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Entosphenus macrostomus (Vancouver lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_IKD)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Entosphenus minimus (Miller Lake lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_IKE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Entosphenus similis (Klamath lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_IKF)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Eudontomyzon hellenicus (Greek brook lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_IKJ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Eudontomyzon morii (Korean lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_IKL)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Lampetra lanceolata (Turkish brook lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_IKQ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Lampetra pacifica (Pacific brook lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_IKR)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Lethenteron alaskense (Alaskan brook lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_IKT)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Lethenteron appendix (American brook lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_IKU)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Tetrapleurodon geminis (Jacona lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_IKV)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Tetrapleurodon spadiceus (Chapala lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_IKW)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Ilisha africana (West African ilisha) (SPECIES_DIST_ILI)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepiella inermis (Spineless cuttlefish) (SPECIES_DIST_ILR)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepiola birostrata (Butterfly bobtail squid) (SPECIES_DIST_IOB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepiola affinis (Analogous bobtail squid) (SPECIES_DIST_IOF)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepiola intermedia (Intermediate bobtail squid) (SPECIES_DIST_IOI)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepiola ligulata (Tongue bobtail squid) (SPECIES_DIST_IOL)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepiola trirostrata (Knobby bobtail squid) (SPECIES_DIST_IOQ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepiola robusta (Robust bobtail squid) (SPECIES_DIST_IOR)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sardinella longiceps (Indian oil sardine) (SPECIES_DIST_IOS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepiola atlantica (Atlantic bobtail squid) (SPECIES_DIST_IOT)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepiola parva (Spotty bobtail squid) (SPECIES_DIST_IOZ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Semirossia tenera (Lesser shining bobtail squid) (SPECIES_DIST_IRE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Isistius brasiliensis (Cookie cutter shark) (SPECIES_DIST_ISB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Isistius plutodus (Largetooth cookiecutter shark) (SPECIES_DIST_ISP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepietta obscura (Mysterious bobtail squid) (SPECIES_DIST_ITB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepietta neglecta (Elegant bobtail squid) (SPECIES_DIST_ITG)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sepietta oweniana (Common bobtail squid) (SPECIES_DIST_ITW)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Lolliguncula brevis (Western Atlantic brief squid) (SPECIES_DIST_IUB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Lolliguncula panamensis (Panama brief squid) (SPECIES_DIST_IUJ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Illex oxygonius (Sharptail shortfin squid) (SPECIES_DIST_IXO)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Raja miraletus (Brown ray) (SPECIES_DIST_JAI)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Engraulis japonicus (Japanese anchovy) (SPECIES_DIST_JAN)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Stichopus chloronotus (Greenfish) (SPECIES_DIST_JCC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Isostichopus fuscus (Giant sea cucumber) (SPECIES_DIST_JCF)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Holothuria flavomaculata (Red snakefish) (SPECIES_DIST_JCI)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Holothuria whitmaei (SPECIES_DIST_JDG)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Dasyatis pastinaca (Common stingray) (SPECIES_DIST_JDP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Raja eglanteria (Clearnose skate) (SPECIES_DIST_JFE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Malacoraja kreffti (Krefft's ray) (SPECIES_DIST_JFT)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Raja maderensis (Madeiran ray) (SPECIES_DIST_JFY)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Trachurus japonicus (Japanese jack mackerel) (SPECIES_DIST_JJM)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Zeus faber (John dory) (SPECIES_DIST_JOD)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Astichopus multifidus (Furry sea cucumber) (SPECIES_DIST_JPN)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Australostichopus mollis (Brown mottled sea cucumber) (SPECIES_DIST_JPO)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Stichopus ocellatus (Ocellated sea cucumber) (SPECIES_DIST_JPT)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sardinella zunasi (Japanese sardinella) (SPECIES_DIST_JSS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Euthynnus affinis (Kawakawa) (SPECIES_DIST_KAW)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Genypterus capensis (Kingklip) (SPECIES_DIST_KCP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Scomberomorus cavalla (King mackerel) (SPECIES_DIST_KGM)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Euphausia superba (Antarctic krill) (SPECIES_DIST_KRI)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Cistopus indicus (Old woman octopus) (SPECIES_DIST_KTI)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Chiroteuthis veranyi (Long-armed squid) (SPECIES_DIST_KTV)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Actinopyga echinites (Deep-water redfish) (SPECIES_DIST_KUE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Bohadschia marmorata (Chalky cucumber) (SPECIES_DIST_KUH)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Stichopus horrens (Selenka's sea cucumber) (SPECIES_DIST_KUN)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Penaeus japonicus (Kuruma prawn) (SPECIES_DIST_KUP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Actinopyga miliaris (Hairy blackfish) (SPECIES_DIST_KUQ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Bohadschia argus (Leopard fish) (SPECIES_DIST_KUW)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Actinopyga mauritiana (Surf redfish) (SPECIES_DIST_KUY)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Chiloscyllium burmensis (Burmese bambooshark) (SPECIES_DIST_KYL)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Pleoticus muelleri (Argentine red shrimp) (SPECIES_DIST_LAA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Geotria australis (Pouched lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_LAE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Eudontomyzon mariae (Ukrainian brook lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_LAF)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Mordacia mordax (Australian lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_LAK)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Entosphenus tridentatus (Pacific lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_LAO)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Lampetra fluviatilis (River lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_LAR)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Petromyzon marinus (Sea lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_LAU)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Caspiomyzon wagneri (Caspian lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_LAW)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Ichthyomyzon unicuspis (Silver lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_LAY)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Homarus americanus (American lobster) (SPECIES_DIST_LBA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Homarus gammarus (European lobster) (SPECIES_DIST_LBE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Microstomus kitt (Lemon sole) (SPECIES_DIST_LEM)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Alluroteuthis antarcticus (Antarctic neosquid) (SPECIES_DIST_LHQ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Trichiurus lepturus (Largehead hairtail) (SPECIES_DIST_LHT)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Saurida tumbil (Greater lizardfish) (SPECIES_DIST_LIG)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Molva molva (Ling) (SPECIES_DIST_LIN)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Lepidochelys olivacea (Olive ridley turtle) (SPECIES_DIST_LKV)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Lepidochelys kempii (Kemp's ridley turtle) (SPECIES_DIST_LKY)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Isurus paucus (Longfin mako) (SPECIES_DIST_LMA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Lamna ditropis (Salmon shark) (SPECIES_DIST_LMD)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Mitsukurina owstoni (Goblin shark) (SPECIES_DIST_LMO)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Megachasma pelagios (Megamouth shark) (SPECIES_DIST_LMP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Laminaria japonica (Japanese kelp) (SPECIES_DIST_LNJ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Odontaspis ferox (Smalltooth sand tiger) (SPECIES_DIST_LOO)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Thunnus tonggol (Longtail tuna) (SPECIES_DIST_LOT)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Lepophidium brevibarbe (Shortbeard cusk-eel) (SPECIES_DIST_LPW)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Lethenteron camtschaticum (Arctic lamprey) (SPECIES_DIST_LSZ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Euthynnus alletteratus (Little tunny( skipj)) (SPECIES_DIST_LTA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Cyclopterus lumpus (Lumpfish(=Lumpsucker)) (SPECIES_DIST_LUM)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Larimichthys croceus (Large yellow croaker) (SPECIES_DIST_LYC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Scomber scombrus (Atlantic mackerel) (SPECIES_DIST_MAC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Scomber japonicus (Chub mackerel) (SPECIES_DIST_MAS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis (Megrim) (SPECIES_DIST_MEG)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Brevoortia tyrannus (Atlantic menhaden) (SPECIES_DIST_MHA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Brevoortia patronus (Gulf menhaden) (SPECIES_DIST_MHG)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Tetrapturus audax (Striped marlin) (SPECIES_DIST_MLS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Lophius piscatorius (Angler(=Monk)) (SPECIES_DIST_MON)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Pteromylaeus bovinus (Bull ray) (SPECIES_DIST_MPO)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Semirossia equalis (Greater shining bobtail squid) (SPECIES_DIST_MQI)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Rhinoptera bonasus (Cownose ray) (SPECIES_DIST_MRB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Macruronus capensis (Cape grenadier) (SPECIES_DIST_MRC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Merluccius angustimanus (Panama hake) (SPECIES_DIST_MRG)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Rhinoptera marginata (Lusitanian cownose ray) (SPECIES_DIST_MRM)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Aulacomya ater (Cholga mussel) (SPECIES_DIST_MSC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Mytilus galloprovincialis (Mediterranean mussel) (SPECIES_DIST_MSM)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Perna viridis (Green mussel) (SPECIES_DIST_MSV)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Scylla serrata (Indo-Pacific swamp crab) (SPECIES_DIST_MUD)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Mugil cephalus (Flathead grey mullet) (SPECIES_DIST_MUF)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Mullus surmuletus (Surmullet) (SPECIES_DIST_MUR)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Mytilus edulis (Blue mussel) (SPECIES_DIST_MUS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Mullus barbatus (Red mullet) (SPECIES_DIST_MUT)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Lophius vomerinus (Devil anglerfish) (SPECIES_DIST_MVO)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Eptatretus cirrhatus (Broadgilled hagfish) (SPECIES_DIST_MWC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Eptatretus burgeri (Inshore hagfish) (SPECIES_DIST_MYB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Myxine glutinosa (Hagfish) (SPECIES_DIST_MYG)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Myliobatis aquila (Common eagle ray) (SPECIES_DIST_MYL)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Paramyxine atami (Brown hagfish) (SPECIES_DIST_MYP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Eptatretus stoutii (Pacific hagfish) (SPECIES_DIST_MYU)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Nototodarus gouldi (Gould's flying squid) (SPECIES_DIST_NDG)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Nototodarus hawaiiensis (Hawaiian flying squid) (SPECIES_DIST_NDH)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Pseudophycis bachus (Red codling) (SPECIES_DIST_NEC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Neorossia caroli (Carol bobtail squid) (SPECIES_DIST_NEK)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Nephrops norvegicus (Norway lobster) (SPECIES_DIST_NEP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Negaprion brevirostris (Lemon shark) (SPECIES_DIST_NGB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Merluccius productus (North Pacific hake) (SPECIES_DIST_NHA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Ancistroteuthis lichtensteini (Angel squid) (SPECIES_DIST_NHL)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Taningia danae (Dana octopus squid) (SPECIES_DIST_NID)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Lates niloticus (Nile perch) (SPECIES_DIST_NIP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Ancistrocheirus lesueuri (Sharpear enope squid) (SPECIES_DIST_NKL)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Trisopterus esmarkii (Norway pout) (SPECIES_DIST_NOP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Engraulis mordax (Californian anchovy) (SPECIES_DIST_NPA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Scomberomorus niphonius (Japanese Spanish mackerel) (SPECIES_DIST_NPH)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Notorynchus cepedianus (Broadnose sevengill shark) (SPECIES_DIST_NTC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Nautilus pompilius (Emperor nautilus) (SPECIES_DIST_NUK)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Nautilus macromphalus (Bellybutton nautilus) (SPECIES_DIST_NUX)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Polydactylus sextarius (Blackspot threadfin) (SPECIES_DIST_OAX)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Heteroscyllium colcloughi (Bluegray carpetshark) (SPECIES_DIST_OBH)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Brachaelurus waddi (Blind shark) (SPECIES_DIST_OBW)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Octopus vulgaris (Common octopus) (SPECIES_DIST_OCC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Pteroctopus tetracirrhus (Fourhorn octopus) (SPECIES_DIST_OCJ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Octopus conispadiceus (Chestnut octopus) (SPECIES_DIST_OCQ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Carcharhinus longimanus (Oceanic whitetip shark) (SPECIES_DIST_OCS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Odontaspis noronhai (Bigeye sand tiger shark) (SPECIES_DIST_ODH)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Polydactylus opercularis (Yellow bobo) (SPECIES_DIST_ODP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Polydactylus plebeius (Striped threadfin) (SPECIES_DIST_ODS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sthenoteuthis pteropus (Orangeback flying squid) (SPECIES_DIST_OFE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Ommastrephes bartrami (Neon flying squid) (SPECIES_DIST_OFJ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Onykia ingens (Greater hooked squid) (SPECIES_DIST_OIJ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Austrorossia antillensis (Antilles bobtail squid) (SPECIES_DIST_OJA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Austrorossia bipapillata (Big-eyed bobtail squid) (SPECIES_DIST_OJB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Loligo duvauceli (Indian squid) (SPECIES_DIST_OJD)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Loligo edulis (Swordtip squid) (SPECIES_DIST_OJE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Austrorossia australis (Big bottom bobtail squid) (SPECIES_DIST_OJG)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Loligo chinensis (Mitre squid) (SPECIES_DIST_OJH)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Uroteuthis singhalensis (Long barrel squid) (SPECIES_DIST_OJN)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Rossia pacifica (North Pacific bobtail squid) (SPECIES_DIST_OJP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Rossia tortugaensis (Tortuga bobtail squid) (SPECIES_DIST_OJT)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Rossia bullisi (Bully bobtail squid) (SPECIES_DIST_OJU)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Ornithoteuthis antillarum (Atlantic bird squid) (SPECIES_DIST_OKA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Lolliguncula diomedeae (Dart squid) (SPECIES_DIST_OKD)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Octopus tetricus (Gloomy octopus) (SPECIES_DIST_OKE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Octopus tehuelchus (Tehuelche octopus) (SPECIES_DIST_OKH)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Ornithoteuthis volatilis (Shiny bird squid) (SPECIES_DIST_OKL)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Octopoteuthis sicula (Ruppell's octopus squid) (SPECIES_DIST_OKS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Polydactylus sexfilis (Sixfinger threadfin) (SPECIES_DIST_OLX)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Polynemus paradiseus (Paradise threadfin) (SPECIES_DIST_ONU)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Cirrhoscyllium expolitum (Barbelthroat carpetshark) (SPECIES_DIST_OPC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Parascyllium ferrugineum (Rusty carpetshark) (SPECIES_DIST_OPE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Cirrhoscyllium formosanum (Taiwan saddled carpetshark) (SPECIES_DIST_OPF)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Cirrhoscyllium japonicum (Saddle carpetshark) (SPECIES_DIST_OPJ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sebastes alutus (Pacific ocean perch) (SPECIES_DIST_OPP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Parascyllium variolatum (Necklace carpetshark) (SPECIES_DIST_OPV)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Parascyllium collare (Collared carpetshark) (SPECIES_DIST_OPY)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Octopus selene (Moon octopus) (SPECIES_DIST_OQN)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Octopus maya (Mexican four-eyed octopus) (SPECIES_DIST_OQY)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Chiloscyllium arabicum (Arabian carpetshark) (SPECIES_DIST_ORA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Chiloscyllium punctatum (Brownbanded bambooshark) (SPECIES_DIST_ORB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Eucrossorhinus dasypogon (Tasselled wobbegong) (SPECIES_DIST_ORE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Hemiscyllium freycineti (Indonesia speckled carpetshark) (SPECIES_DIST_ORF)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Chiloscyllium plagiosum (Whitespotted bambooshark) (SPECIES_DIST_ORH)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Chiloscyllium indicum (Slender bambooshark) (SPECIES_DIST_ORI)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Orectolobus japonicus (Japanese wobbegong) (SPECIES_DIST_ORJ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Hemiscyllium hallstromi (Papuan epaulette shark) (SPECIES_DIST_ORK)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Hemiscyllium ocellatum (Epaulette shark) (SPECIES_DIST_ORN)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Orectolobus ornatus (Ornate wobbegong) (SPECIES_DIST_ORO)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Hemiscyllium strahani (Hooded carpetshark) (SPECIES_DIST_ORQ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Chiloscyllium griseum (Grey bambooshark) (SPECIES_DIST_ORR)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sutorectus tentaculatus (Cobbler wobbegong) (SPECIES_DIST_ORS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Orectolobus maculatus (Spotted wobbegong) (SPECIES_DIST_ORT)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Orectolobus wardi (Northern wobbegong) (SPECIES_DIST_ORV)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Hemiscyllium trispeculare (Speckled carpetshark) (SPECIES_DIST_ORW)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Ginglymostoma brevicaudatum (Short-tail nurse shark) (SPECIES_DIST_ORX)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Hoplostethus atlanticus (Orange roughy) (SPECIES_DIST_ORY)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Nebrius ferrugineus (Tawny nurse shark) (SPECIES_DIST_ORZ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Stegostoma fasciatum (Zebra shark) (SPECIES_DIST_OSF)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Rondeletiola minor (Lentil bobtail squid) (SPECIES_DIST_OTO)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Octopus briareus (Caribbean reef octopus) (SPECIES_DIST_OTQ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Octopus burryi (Brownstriped octopus) (SPECIES_DIST_OTY)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Octopus aegina (Sandbird octopus) (SPECIES_DIST_OUJ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Alloteuthis africana (African squid) (SPECIES_DIST_OUK)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Alloteuthis subulata (European common squid) (SPECIES_DIST_OUL)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Alloteuthis media (Midsize squid) (SPECIES_DIST_OUM)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Ophidion holbrooki (Band cusk-eel) (SPECIES_DIST_OVK)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Oxynotus bruniensis (Prickly dogfish) (SPECIES_DIST_OXB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Oxynotus caribbaeus (Caribbean roughshark) (SPECIES_DIST_OXC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Oxynotus paradoxus (Sailfin roughshark) (SPECIES_DIST_OXN)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Oxynotus centrina (Angular roughshark) (SPECIES_DIST_OXY)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Oxynotus japonicus (Japanese roughshark) (SPECIES_DIST_OXZ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Crassostrea virginica (American cupped oyster) (SPECIES_DIST_OYA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Leptomelanosoma indicum (Indian threadfin) (SPECIES_DIST_OYD)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Crassostrea gigas (Pacific cupped oyster) (SPECIES_DIST_OYG)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Polydactylus approximans (Blue bobo) (SPECIES_DIST_OYO)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Pagellus bellottii (Red pandora) (SPECIES_DIST_PAR)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Ammodytes personatus (Pacific sandlance) (SPECIES_DIST_PAS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Penaeus merguiensis (Banana prawn) (SPECIES_DIST_PBA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Thunnus orientalis (Pacific bluefin tuna) (SPECIES_DIST_PBF)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Plecoglossus altivelis (Ayu sweetfish) (SPECIES_DIST_PCA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Gadus macrocephalus (Pacific cod) (SPECIES_DIST_PCO)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Eridacnis radcliffei (Pygmy ribbontail catshark) (SPECIES_DIST_PEA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Pellona ditchela (Indian pellona) (SPECIES_DIST_PEO)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Pentanemus quinquarius (Royal threadfin) (SPECIES_DIST_PET)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Merluccius gayi (South Pacific hake) (SPECIES_DIST_PHA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sardinops ocellatus (Southern African pilchard) (SPECIES_DIST_PIA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sardina pilchardus (European pilchard(=Sardine)) (SPECIES_DIST_PIL)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Pink(=Humpback) salmon) (SPECIES_DIST_PIN)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Hippoglossoides platessoides (Amer. plaice(=Long rough dab)) (SPECIES_DIST_PLA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Pleuronectes platessa (European plaice) (SPECIES_DIST_PLE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Penaeus brasiliensis (Redspotted shrimp) (SPECIES_DIST_PNB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Penaeus indicus (Indian white prawn) (SPECIES_DIST_PNI)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Penaeus stylirostris (Blue shrimp) (SPECIES_DIST_PNS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Penaeus schmitti (Southern white shrimp) (SPECIES_DIST_PNT)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Penaeus subtilis (Southern brown shrimp) (SPECIES_DIST_PNU)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Penaeus vannamei (Whiteleg shrimp) (SPECIES_DIST_PNV)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Parastromateus niger (Black pomfret) (SPECIES_DIST_POB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Boreogadus saida (Polar cod) (SPECIES_DIST_POC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Pollachius virens (Saithe(=Pollock)) (SPECIES_DIST_POK)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Pollachius pollachius (Pollack) (SPECIES_DIST_POL)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Lamna nasus (Porbeagle) (SPECIES_DIST_POR)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Micromesistius australis (Southern blue whiting) (SPECIES_DIST_POS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Pristiophorus cirratus (Longnose sawshark) (SPECIES_DIST_PPC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Pristiophorus schroederi (Bahamas sawshark) (SPECIES_DIST_PPH)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Pristiophorus japonicus (Japanese sawshark) (SPECIES_DIST_PPJ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Penaeus paulensis (Sao Paulo shrimp) (SPECIES_DIST_PPS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Pristiophorus nudipinnis (Shortnose sawshark) (SPECIES_DIST_PPU)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Pliotrema warreni (Sixgill sawshark) (SPECIES_DIST_PPW)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Pandalus borealis (Northern prawn) (SPECIES_DIST_PRA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (Giant river prawn) (SPECIES_DIST_PRF)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Pseudotolithus elongatus (Bobo croaker) (SPECIES_DIST_PSE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Psychroteuthis glacialis (Glacial squid) (SPECIES_DIST_PSG)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Pseudocarcharias kamoharai (Crocodile shark) (SPECIES_DIST_PSK)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Penaeus setiferus (Northern white shrimp) (SPECIES_DIST_PST)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Puntius gonionotus (Silver barb) (SPECIES_DIST_PTG)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Alopias pelagicus (Pelagic thresher) (SPECIES_DIST_PTH)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Pseudotriakis microdon (False catshark) (SPECIES_DIST_PTM)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Eleutheronema rhadinum (E. Asian fourfinger threadfin) (SPECIES_DIST_QRQ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Filimanus hexanema (Javanese threadfin) (SPECIES_DIST_QRR)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Filimanus perplexa (Splendid threadfin) (SPECIES_DIST_QRS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Filimanus sealei (Eightfinger threadfin) (SPECIES_DIST_QRT)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Filimanus similis (Indian sevenfinger threadfin) (SPECIES_DIST_QRU)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Filimanus xanthonema (Yellowthread threadfin) (SPECIES_DIST_QRW)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Parapolynemus verekeri (Dwarf paradise fish) (SPECIES_DIST_QRY)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Polydactylus bifurcus (Slender fivefinger threadfin) (SPECIES_DIST_QRZ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Polydactylus longipes (Long-limb threadfin) (SPECIES_DIST_QSF)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Polydactylus macrochir (King threadfin) (SPECIES_DIST_QSH)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Polydactylus macrophthalmus (River threadfin) (SPECIES_DIST_QSJ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Polydactylus malagasyensis (African blackspot threadfin) (SPECIES_DIST_QSK)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Polydactylus microstomus (Smallmouth threadfin) (SPECIES_DIST_QSQ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Polydactylus mullani (Arabian blackspot threadfin) (SPECIES_DIST_QSW)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Polydactylus multiradiatus (Australian threadfin) (SPECIES_DIST_QSY)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Polydactylus nigripinnis (Blackfin threadfin) (SPECIES_DIST_QSZ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Polydactylus octonemus (Atlantic threadfin) (SPECIES_DIST_QTB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Polydactylus oligodon (Littlescale threadfin) (SPECIES_DIST_QTC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Polydactylus persicus (Persian blackspot threadfin) (SPECIES_DIST_QTD)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Polydactylus siamensis (Largemouth striped threadfin) (SPECIES_DIST_QTF)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Polydactylus virginicus (Barbu) (SPECIES_DIST_QTG)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Polynemus aquilonaris (Northern paradise fish) (SPECIES_DIST_QTJ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Polynemus dubius (Eastern paradise fish) (SPECIES_DIST_QTK)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Polynemus hornadayi (Hornaday's paradise fish) (SPECIES_DIST_QTM)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Polynemus multifilis (Elegant paradise fish) (SPECIES_DIST_QTS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Polynemus kapuasensis (Kapuas elegant paradise fish) (SPECIES_DIST_QTW)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Squaliolus aliae (Smalleye pygmy shark) (SPECIES_DIST_QUA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Squalus blainville (Longnose spurdog) (SPECIES_DIST_QUB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Squalus cubensis (Cuban dogfish) (SPECIES_DIST_QUC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Squalus japonicus (Japanese spurdog) (SPECIES_DIST_QUJ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Squalus mitsukurii (Shortspine spurdog) (SPECIES_DIST_QUK)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Squaliolus laticaudus (Spined pygmy shark) (SPECIES_DIST_QUL)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Squalus melanurus (Blacktailed spurdog) (SPECIES_DIST_QUN)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Squalus rancureli (Cyrano spurdog) (SPECIES_DIST_QUR)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Squalus suckleyi (Spotted spiny dogfish) (SPECIES_DIST_QYW)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Rastrelliger brachysoma (Short mackerel) (SPECIES_DIST_RAB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Rastrelliger kanagurta (Indian mackerel) (SPECIES_DIST_RAG)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Dussumieria acuta (Rainbow sardine) (SPECIES_DIST_RAS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Rhinobatos cemiculus (Blackchin guitarfish) (SPECIES_DIST_RBC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Rhinobatos rhinobatos (Common guitarfish) (SPECIES_DIST_RBX)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Rhinochimaera pacifica (Pacific spookfish) (SPECIES_DIST_RCP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Rhinochimaera atlantica (Straightnose rabbitfish) (SPECIES_DIST_RCT)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Dasyatis centroura (Roughtail stingray) (SPECIES_DIST_RDC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Pagrus auriga (Redbanded seabream) (SPECIES_DIST_REA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sebastes mentella (Beaked redfish) (SPECIES_DIST_REB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sebastes marinus (Golden redfish) (SPECIES_DIST_REG)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sebastes fasciatus (Acadian redfish) (SPECIES_DIST_REN)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Lutjanus argentimaculatus (Mangrove red snapper) (SPECIES_DIST_RES)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Gymnura altavela (Spiny butterfly ray) (SPECIES_DIST_RGL)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Macrourus berglax (Roughhead grenadier) (SPECIES_DIST_RHG)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Rhincodon typus (Whale shark) (SPECIES_DIST_RHN)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Rhizoprionodon terraenovae (Atlantic sharpnose shark) (SPECIES_DIST_RHT)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Raja clavata (Thornback ray) (SPECIES_DIST_RJC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Raja microocellata (Small-eyed ray) (SPECIES_DIST_RJE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Raja brachyura (Blonde ray) (SPECIES_DIST_RJH)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Raja montagui (Spotted ray) (SPECIES_DIST_RJM)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Malacoraja spinacidermis (Soft skate) (SPECIES_DIST_RJP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Bathyraja spinicauda (Spinetail ray) (SPECIES_DIST_RJQ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Malacoraja senta (Smooth skate) (SPECIES_DIST_RJS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Raja undulata (Undulate ray) (SPECIES_DIST_RJU)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Spirula spirula (Ram's horn squid) (SPECIES_DIST_RKS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Manta birostris (Giant manta) (SPECIES_DIST_RMB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Mobula eregoodootenkee (Longhorned mobula) (SPECIES_DIST_RME)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Mobula hypostoma (Lesser devil ray) (SPECIES_DIST_RMH)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Mobula japonica (Spinetail mobula) (SPECIES_DIST_RMJ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Mobula kuhlii (Shortfin devil ray) (SPECIES_DIST_RMK)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Mobula mobular (Devil fish) (SPECIES_DIST_RMM)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Mobula rochebrunei (Lesser Guinean devil ray) (SPECIES_DIST_RMN)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Mobula thurstoni (Smoothtail mobula) (SPECIES_DIST_RMO)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Mobula tarapacana (Chilean devil ray) (SPECIES_DIST_RMT)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Mobula munkiana (Munk's devil ray) (SPECIES_DIST_RMU)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Coryphaenoides rupestris (Roundnose grenadier) (SPECIES_DIST_RNG)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Neoraja stehmanni (African pygmy skate) (SPECIES_DIST_RNS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Rossia macrosoma (Stout bobtail squid) (SPECIES_DIST_ROA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Lepidopsetta bilineata (Rock sole) (SPECIES_DIST_ROS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Anoxypristis cuspidata (Pointed sawfish) (SPECIES_DIST_RPA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Pristis clavata (Dwarf sawfish) (SPECIES_DIST_RPC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Pristis pectinata (Smalltooth sawfish) (SPECIES_DIST_RPP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Pristis pristis (Common sawfish) (SPECIES_DIST_RPR)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Pristis zijsron (Longcomb sawfish) (SPECIES_DIST_RPZ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Etrumeus teres (Red-eye round herring) (SPECIES_DIST_RRH)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Elagatis bipinnulata (Rainbow runner) (SPECIES_DIST_RRU)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Decapterus maruadsi (Japanese scad) (SPECIES_DIST_RSA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sicyonia brevirostris (Rock shrimp) (SPECIES_DIST_RSH)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Decapterus russelli (Indian scad) (SPECIES_DIST_RUS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sardinella aurita (Round sardinella) (SPECIES_DIST_SAA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Anoplopoma fimbria (Sablefish) (SPECIES_DIST_SAB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sardinella maderensis (Madeiran sardinella) (SPECIES_DIST_SAE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Eleginus gracilis (Saffron cod) (SPECIES_DIST_SAF)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sardinella gibbosa (Goldstripe sardinella) (SPECIES_DIST_SAG)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Salmo salar (Atlantic salmon) (SPECIES_DIST_SAL)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sardinella lemuru (Bali sardinella) (SPECIES_DIST_SAM)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Cololabis saira (Pacific saury) (SPECIES_DIST_SAP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Thunnus maccoyii (Southern bluefin tuna) (SPECIES_DIST_SBF)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sparus aurata (Gilthead seabream) (SPECIES_DIST_SBG)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Hexanchus griseus (Bluntnose sixgill shark) (SPECIES_DIST_SBL)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Placopecten magellanicus (American sea scallop) (SPECIES_DIST_SCA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Portunus pelagicus (Blue swimming crab) (SPECIES_DIST_SCD)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Pecten maximus (Great Atlantic scallop) (SPECIES_DIST_SCE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Dalatias licha (Kitefin shark) (SPECIES_DIST_SCK)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Deania histricosa (Rough longnose dogfish) (SPECIES_DIST_SDH)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Deania quadrispinosa (Longsnout dogfish) (SPECIES_DIST_SDQ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Mustelus asterias (Starry smooth-hound) (SPECIES_DIST_SDS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Deania profundorum (Arrowhead dogfish) (SPECIES_DIST_SDU)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Phoca groenlandica (Harp seal) (SPECIES_DIST_SEH)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Arctocephalus pusillus (South African fur seal) (SPECIES_DIST_SEK)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Phoca hispida (Ringed seal) (SPECIES_DIST_SER)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Cystophora cristata (Hooded seal) (SPECIES_DIST_SEZ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Istiophorus platypterus (Indo-Pacific sailfish) (SPECIES_DIST_SFA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Lepidopus caudatus (Silver scabbardfish) (SPECIES_DIST_SFS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Echinorhinus brucus (Bramble shark) (SPECIES_DIST_SHB)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Galeus melastomus (Blackmouth catshark) (SPECIES_DIST_SHO)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Pampus argenteus (Silver pomfret) (SPECIES_DIST_SIP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Katsuwonus pelamis (Skipjack tuna) (SPECIES_DIST_SKJ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Panulirus argus (Caribbean spiny lobster) (SPECIES_DIST_SLC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Isurus oxyrinchus (Shortfin mako) (SPECIES_DIST_SMA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Mustelus mustelus (Smooth-hound) (SPECIES_DIST_SMD)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Lutjanus purpureus (Southern red snapper) (SPECIES_DIST_SNC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Thyrsites atun (Snoek) (SPECIES_DIST_SNK)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Oncorhynchus nerka (Sockeye(=Red) salmon) (SPECIES_DIST_SOC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Solea solea (Common sole) (SPECIES_DIST_SOL)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Somniosus pacificus (Pacific sleeper shark) (SPECIES_DIST_SON)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Penaeus notialis (Southern pink shrimp) (SPECIES_DIST_SOP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Somniosus rostratus (Little sleeper shark) (SPECIES_DIST_SOR)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sphyrna tiburo (Bonnethead) (SPECIES_DIST_SPJ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sphyrna mokarran (Great hammerhead) (SPECIES_DIST_SPK)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sphyrna lewini (Scalloped hammerhead) (SPECIES_DIST_SPL)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sprattus sprattus (European sprat) (SPECIES_DIST_SPR)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Sphyrna zygaena (Smooth hammerhead) (SPECIES_DIST_SPZ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Illex argentinus (Argentine shortfin squid) (SPECIES_DIST_SQA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Todarodes sagittatus (European flying squid) (SPECIES_DIST_SQE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Loligo forbesi (Veined squid) (SPECIES_DIST_SQF)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Todarodes angolensis (Angolan flying squid) (SPECIES_DIST_SQG)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Illex illecebrosus (Northern shortfin squid) (SPECIES_DIST_SQI)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Todarodes pacificus (Japanese flying squid) (SPECIES_DIST_SQJ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Loligo pealei (Longfin squid) (SPECIES_DIST_SQL)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Illex coindetii (Broadtail shortfin squid) (SPECIES_DIST_SQM)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Loligo gahi (Patagonian squid) (SPECIES_DIST_SQP)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Loligo vulgaris (European squid) (SPECIES_DIST_SQR)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Martialia hyadesi (Sevenstar flying squid) (SPECIES_DIST_SQS)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Scomberomorus maculatus (Atlantic Spanish mackerel) (SPECIES_DIST_SSM)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Squatina aculeata (Sawback angelshark) (SPECIES_DIST_SUA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Squatina californica (Pacific angelshark) (SPECIES_DIST_SUC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Squatina dumeril (Sand devil) (SPECIES_DIST_SUD)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Squatina tergocellata (Ornate angelshark) (SPECIES_DIST_SUE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Squatina africana (African angelshark) (SPECIES_DIST_SUF)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Squatina argentina (Argentine angelshark) (SPECIES_DIST_SUG)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Squatina japonica (Japanese angelshark) (SPECIES_DIST_SUJ)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Squatina nebulosa (Clouded angelshark) (SPECIES_DIST_SUL)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Squatina tergocellatoides (Ocellated angelshark) (SPECIES_DIST_SUN)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Squatina formosa (Taiwan angleshark) (SPECIES_DIST_SUO)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Squatina oculata (Smoothback angelshark) (SPECIES_DIST_SUT)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Squatina australis (Australian angelshark) (SPECIES_DIST_SUU)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (Silver carp) (SPECIES_DIST_SVC)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Chamelea gallina (Striped venus) (SPECIES_DIST_SVE)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Diplodus sargus (White seabream) (SPECIES_DIST_SWA)

The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.

FAO aquatic species distribution map of Xiphias gladius (Swordfish) (SPECIES_DIST_SWO)