
Web Map Tile Service - GeoWebCache

acef-default:WA_OH_88_SEAGRASS_REPROJECTED_V2 acef-default:TRIAP_Franklin FutureReefMap:Reefmap_Sep_2014_Northbound
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Available map layers (214)

WA_Seagrass_oh_2006_reproj2 (acef-default:WA_Seagrass_oh_2006_reproj2)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 September 2013 Northbound (acef-default:Sept2013N)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 February 2014 Northbound (acef-default:Wakmatha_Feb_2014_Northbound)

Geomorphic Habitats of Australia (v2) (acef-default:Geomorphic_Habitats_of_Australia_(v2))

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 December 2012 Northbound (FutureReefMap:Reefmap_Dec_2012_Northbound)

NISB QLD 10KM (acef-default:NISB_QLD_10KM)

NISB NT June 2008 (acef-default:NISB_NT_June2008)

Natural Earth coastline (50m) (gn:ne_50m_coastline)

Cockburn Sound Seagrass 1972 (acef-default:habitat-pa_cso_1972_reprojected)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 October 2014 Northbound (FutureReefMap:Reefmap_Oct_2014_Northbound)

Structural characteristics of mangrove forests (acef-default:au_mangrove_StrucCha_reprojected)

IMCRA Mesoscale Bioregions (acef-default:imcra4_meso)

An inshore regionalisation of Australian waters derived from biological and physical data, including the distribution of demersal fishes, marine plants and invertebrates, sea floor geomorphology and sediments, and oceanographic data. The meso-scale regionalisation was compiled from information supplied to the Australian Government Department of the Environment and Heritage by the relevant State, Northern Territory and Commonwealth marine research and management agencies. The seaward extent for the meso-scale IMCRA coverage is defined by the 200m isobath except where this boundary extends beyond the Australian Exclusive Economic Zone (AEEZ).

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 May 2016 Southbound (FutureReefMap:Reefmap_May_2016_Southbound)

GBR: Dry reefs (GBRMPA) (ea-be:GBR_GBRMPA_GBR-dry-reef)

Major coral reef structures (as defined by the reef shoal edge) and tidal, drying or emergent reef areas within the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area.

Acid Sulfate Soils Tweed to Nerang (acef-default:Acid_Sulfate_Soils_Tweed_to_Nerang)

WA Oyster Harbour Seagrass 1988 (acef-default:WA_OH_88_V3)

Australian Seagrass distribution Polygons Dataset 2005 (acef-default:au_seagrass05py)

Australian Seagrass distribution Points Dataset 2005 (acef-default:au_seagrass05pt)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 June 2013 Northbound (acef-default:June2013Northbound)

Australian Protected Areas (CAPAD) 2012 (acef-default:capad_ext)

Acid Sulfate Soils Cairns (acef-default:Acid_Sulfate_Soils_Cairns)

Seagrass Dataset - CAMRIS (acef-default:Seagrass Dataset - CAMRIS)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 January 2015 Northbound (FutureReefMap:Reefmap_Jan_2015_Northbound)

NT Sea Bird Colonies Groups (acef-default:NTSeaBirdColoniesGroup)

NISB SA 10KM (acef-default:NISB_SA_10KM)

TRIAP Franklin 2008 (acef-default:TRIAP_Franklin)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 July 2016 Northbound (FutureReefMap:Reefmap_Jul_2016_Northbound)

Cockburn Sound Seagrass 1967 (acef-default:habitat-pa_cso_1967_reprojected)

Acid Sulfate Soils Beachmere (acef-default:Acid_Sulfate_Soils_Beachmere)

EEZ (npfwaterdevs:exclusive-economic-zone-eez-of-australia)

WA Wilson Inlet Site locations Seagrass 2008 (acef-default:WA_SiteLocations_wi_2008_gda94z50_reproj)

NT Alligator Rivers Region Billabongs Bird Count (acef-default:ARR_Megala_billabong_counts)

Coastalwatch Data (acef-default:coastalwatch_data_sites)

WA Stokes Inlet Ruppia Seagrass 2009 (acef-default:WA_Stokes_SAVsites_gda94_z51_reproj)

World: Cities (Natural Earth Data) (ea-be:World_NED_10m-cities)

This layer shows major towns and cities. World Cities and Towns derived from LANDSCAN data. Includes all admin-0 and many admin-1 capitals, major cities and towns, plus a sampling of smaller towns in sparsely inhabited regions. This dataset is part of the the Natural Earth Vector dataset available from

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 April 2014 Northbound (FutureReefMap:Reefmap_Apr_2014_Northbound)

10MAY13021231-M2AS-052741310060_01_P001 (acef-raster:10MAY13021231-M2AS-052741310060_01_P001)

Acid Sulfate Soils Pine Rivers (acef-default:Acid_Sulfate_Soils_Pine_Rivers)

Australian Protected Areas (CAPAD) 2014 - Terrestrial (acef-default:CAPAD_2014_terrestrial)

The Collaborative Australian Protected Areas Database (CAPAD) 2014 provides both spatial and text information about government, indigenous and privately protected areas for continental Australia. State and Territory conservation agencies supplied data current to 30 June 2014. This is the ninth version of the database, with previous versions released in 1997, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2012.

Seagrass Presence - ACEAS (acef-default:auSeagrass)

Directory of important wetlands (acef-default:Directory of important wetlands)

Seagrass threats in Australia - 2016 (acef-default:ACEAS_SeagrassThreats_2016)

This mapped dataset is a compilation of spatially explicit, nation‐wide threats to seagrass based on current pressures and projected future climate change pressures. In addition, the value of this mapped dataset can potentially extend to assess threats to other coastal habitats. Current threats in this mapped dataset include urban/agricultural runoff, industrial pollution, sediment resuspension, port infrastructure and dredging, shipping accidents, oil and gas accidents. Future threats in this mapped dataset include modelled increase in sea surface temperature for 2070, modelled increase in total annual rainfall for 2070 and modelled increase in sea level rise for 2070. All threats in this mapped dataset are given as a single ArcGIS polygon shapefile composed of 10 x 10 km coastal grid cells.

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 February 2013 Southbound (acef-default:reefmap_feb2013_southbound)

Commonwealth Marine Reserves Network 2014 (acef-default:commonwealth_marine_reserves_network)

Estuarine Macrophytes of NSW - Mangroves (acef-default:NSW_DPI_Estuarine_Macrophytes_Mangrove)

Seagrass Presence Absence WA (ACEAS) (acef-default:aceas_presabs_wa_reproj)

This seagrass habitat map was produced by the ACEAS Seagrass working group as part of the seagrass habitat risk modelling effort. The map identified seagrass presence based on 1) on the NISB (National Intertidal-Subtidal Benthic) Habitat Map created by the University of Tasmania for a partnership between the Department of Climate Change and the National Land and Water Resources Audit, 2) UNEP WCMC Seagrass map 2005, 3) publications/reports and 4) expert knowledge/personal observation.

GEODATA Coast 100k (acef-default:GEODATA Coast 100k)

nrm2014_clipped_mainland_GBR_all (acef-default:nrm2014_clipped_mainland_GBR_all)

Key Ecological Features (KEFs) (acef-default:national_key_ecological_features)

Australian Mangrove distribution 2011 (acef-default:au_usgs_mangroves2)

Acid Sulfate Soils Halifax (acef-default:Acid_Sulfate_Soils_Halifax)

Natural Earth breakaway, disputed areas (50m) (gn:ne_50m_boundary_da)

Australian estuaries (NLWRA) (acef-default:Australian estuaries (NLWRA))

WA Leschenault Estuary SAV Sample Locations Seagrass 2009 (acef-default:WA_Lesch_SAV_SampleLocations_reproj)

Cockburn Sound Seagrass 1995 (acef-default:habitat-pa_cso_1995_reprojected)

Seagrass Presence Absence QLD (ACEAS) (acef-default:aceas_presabs_qld_reproj)

This seagrass habitat map was produced by the ACEAS Seagrass working group as part of the seagrass habitat risk modelling effort. The map identified seagrass presence based on 1) on the NISB (National Intertidal-Subtidal Benthic) Habitat Map created by the University of Tasmania for a partnership between the Department of Climate Change and the National Land and Water Resources Audit, 2) UNEP WCMC Seagrass map 2005

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 December 2014 Southbound (FutureReefMap:Reefmap_Dec_2014_Southbound)

IMCRA Provincial Bioregions (acef-default:imcra4_pb)

A regionalisation of Australian waters (excluding waters adjacent to the Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands, and waters adjacent to the Australian Antarctic Territory) derived from deep-water demersal fish assemblages. A total of 41 onshelf and offshelf provincial bioregions were identified for IMCRA v4.0. Onshelf provincial bioregions are based on the 17 IMCRA v3.3 demersal provinces and biotones identified in 1997. Offshelf provincial bioregions were defined in 2004 as part of a program run by Geoscience Australia, CSIRO Marine Research and the National Oceans Office. They represent units that contain broad patterns in biodiversity, as represented by deep-water demersal fish assemblages, based on the assumption that the demersal fish distributions are a surrogate of marine faunal distributions. Below 2,000 m water depth, the boundaries of the benthic provincial bioregions are defined solely by the NMB (National Marine Bioregionalisation) geomorphic features data set. A total of 24 offshelf benthic provincial bioregions were defined on this basis, including 15 core bioregions representing areas of endemism, and 9 transition zones representing areas of faunal mixing. For IMCRA v4.0 the coastline was replaced with the national 100k coastline to provide greater consistency. The Australian EEZ limit was sourced from AMB v2. Based on a decision by the Bioregionalisation Working Group, the shelf break from IMCRA v3.3 was largely retained, although in some instances the shelf break from the NMB (National Marine Bioregionalisation) provincial bioregions was used.

Acid Sulfate Soils Corio Bay (acef-default:Acid_Sulfate_Soils_Corio_Bay)

Australian Coral reef distribution 2003 (acef-default:au_coral1km_v7_2003)

QLD: Landuse - Human use, Agriculture, Water (e-Atlas, DSITIA) (ea-be:QLD_eAtlas-DSITIA_Bright-earth-Landuse_1999-2012)

This layer shows the Queensland landuse current (DSITIA, QLUMP) as of July 2012 grouped into areas of Human Use, Agriculture and Water areas such as lakes and rivers. This grouping was developed so the layer could be used as part of the Bright Earth e-Atlas basemap to provide high resolution detail to this map. This dataset was prepared as part of the [[ | Bright Earth e-Atlas Basemap]] dataset collection.

WA Princess Royal Harbour Seagrass1996-2006 (acef-default:WA_PRH_19962006_SEAGRA3_reproj)

Bathymetry (200m, 1km, 2km, 4km, 5km, 7km) 1:10m (NE) (ea-be:World_NE_10m-bathymetry-200_1k_2k_4k_5k_7k_s)

This is a set of nested polygons at -200, -1,000, -2,000, -4,000, -5,000 and -7,000 meters. Created from SRTM Plus. This dataset was prepared as part of the [[ | Bright Earth e-Atlas Basemap]] dataset collection.

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 January 2014 Southbound (acef-default:Wakmatha_Jan_2014_Southbound)

SEQ level 1 catchment (acef-default:SEQ level 1 catchment)

Turbidity (MER) (acef-default:nsw_mer_wq6_turbidity)

World: Bright Blue Marble Next Gen 2004-04 (e-Atlas) (ea-be:World_e-Atlas_Bright-BMNG-200404)

This layer shows a 500m resolution image of the world derived from the Blue Marble Next Generation April 2004 image. This dataset was prepared as part of the [[ | Bright Earth e-Atlas Basemap]] dataset collection.

nrm2014_clipped_mainland_GBR (acef-default:nrm2014_clipped_mainland_GBR)

Coastalwatch Cameras (acef-default:coastalwatch)

Australian estuaries database - CAMRIS (acef-default:camris_estuaries)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 April 2013 Northbound (acef-default:April2013Northbound)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 April 2014 Southbound (FutureReefMap:Reefmap_Apr_2014_Southbound)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 February 2013 Northbound (acef-default:reefmap_feb2013_northbound)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 August 2014 Southbound (FutureReefMap:Reefmap_Aug_2014_Southbound)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 March 2013 Northbound (acef-default:reefmap_march2013_northbound)

Natural Resource Management (NRM) boundaries GBR 2014 (acef-default:nrm2014-gbr)

WA Oyster Harbour Seagrass 1996 (acef-default:WA_OH_96_Seagrass_V4_reproj)

NT Sea Bird Colonies Species (acef-default:NTSeaBirdColoniesSpecies3)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 May 2014 Northbound (FutureReefMap:Reefmap_May_2014_Northbound)

NISB TAS June 2008 (acef-default:NISB_TAS_June2008)

Acid Sulfate Soils Proserpine (acef-default:Acid_Sulfate_Soils_Proserpine)

Acid Sulfate Soils SEQ (acef-default:Acid_Sulfate_Soils_SEQ)

WA Wellstead estuary Seagrass 2009 (acef-default:WA_Wellstead_SAV_polygons_reproj)

Acid Sulfate Soils Bowen (acef-default:Acid_Sulfate_Soils_Bowen)

Worldview2 extents (acef-default:WV2_extents)

ACEF has acquired a series of satellite remote sensing products from the WorldView 2 satellite. This data can be made available by partnering with ACEF and CSIRO. Please get in touch if you are interested in finding out more. A lower resolution dataset (10m) will be made available for general viewing.

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 July 2016 Southbound (FutureReefMap:Reefmap_Jul_2016_Southbound)

SEQ Peri Urban Supersite Locations (acef-default:SEQPeriUrbanLocations_V6)

Seagrass Presence Absence TAS (ACEAS) (acef-default:aceas_presabs_tas_reproj)

This seagrass habitat map was produced by the ACEAS Seagrass working group as part of the seagrass habitat risk modelling effort. The map identified seagrass presence based on 1) on the NISB (National Intertidal-Subtidal Benthic) Habitat Map created by the University of Tasmania for a partnership between the Department of Climate Change and the National Land and Water Resources Audit, 2) UNEP WCMC Seagrass map 2005

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 March 2015 Northbound (FutureReefMap:Reefmap_Mar_2015_Northbound)

NISB WA 10KM (acef-default:NISB_WA_10KM)

WA Beaufort Seagrass 2009 (acef-default:WA_Beaufort_SAV_polygons_reproj)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 October 2013 Northbound (acef-default:Reefmap_Oct_2013_North)

WA Leschenault Estuary Seagrass 2009 (acef-default:WA_Lesch_SAV_polygons_reproj)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 May 2015 Southbound (FutureReefMap:Reefmap_May_2015_Southbound)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 May 2016 Northbound (FutureReefMap:Reefmap_May_2016_Northbound)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 July 2014 Southbound (FutureReefMap:Reefmap_Jul_2014_Southbound)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 November 2013 Southbound (acef-default:Reefmap_Nov_2013_South)

SEQ level 2 catchments - Logan (acef-default:SEQ level 2 catchments - Logan)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 June 2014 Northbound (FutureReefMap:Reefmap_Jun_2014_Northbound)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 October 2014 Southbound (FutureReefMap:Reefmap_Oct_2014_Southbound)

Great Barrier Reef Coast Marine Park (acef-default:Great Barrier Reef Coast Marine Park)

Gold Coast Broadwater Seagrass mapping 2005/08 (acef-default:au_seagrass_goldcoast08_reprojected)

Queensland Wetland Data Marine (acef-default:qldwetland_wetclassl_marine)

Estuarine Macrophytes of NSW - Saltmarshes (acef-default:NSW_DPI_Estuarine_Macrophytes_Saltmarsh)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 May 2013 Northbound (acef-default:May2013Northbound)

NISB WA June 2008 (acef-default:NISB_WA_June2008)

WA Hardy Inlet Seagrass 2008 (acef-default:WA_MAFRL_seagrass_gda94_z50_reproj3)

Queensland Wetland Data Palustrine (acef-default:qldwetland_wetclassl_palustrine)

Marine Planning Regions (acef-default:marine_region)

World: Hillshading - SRTM30-plus v8.0 (e-Atlas, UCSD) (ea-be:World_e-Atlas-UCSD_SRTM30-plus_v8_Hillshading)

This layer shows hillshading derived from the [[|SRTM30 PLUS v8.0]] Digital Elevation Model (DEM) dataset. This dataset was prepared as part of the [[ | Bright Earth e-Atlas Basemap]] dataset collection.

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 December 2013 Northbound (acef-default:Reefmap_Dec_2013_North)

NISB VIC 10KM (acef-default:NISB_VIC_10KM)

River Regions (BOM) (BOM-geofabric:ahgf_hrr_RiverRegion)

WA Oyster Harbour Seagrass 2006 (acef-default:WA_Seagrass_oh_2006_gda94_z50_reproj)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 June 2013 Southbound (acef-default:June2013Southbound)

Queensland Wetland Data Estuarine (acef-default:qldwetland_wetclassl_estuarine)

NISB NSW 10KM (acef-default:NISB_NSW_10KM)

Indigenous Protected Areas (IPA) 2014 (acef-default:ipa_declared_2014)

World: Ocean 1:1m (e-Atlas, VMap0, GA Coast100k) (ea-be:World_e-Atlas_VMap0-AU-Coast100k_Ocean-split_S)

This layer shows ocean areas based on a combination of VMap0 and Australian Coast100k (GeoScience Australia). This layer is designed to be used in conjuction with the World_e-Atlas_VMap0-AU-Coast100k_Coast-split layer. This dataset was prepared as part of the [[ | Bright Earth e-Atlas Basemap]] dataset collection.

Acid Sulfate Soils South Bribie (acef-default:Acid_Sulfate_Soils_South_Bribie)

Reefmap_Jun_2013_Southbound (FutureReefMap:Reefmap_Jun_2013_Southbound)

Natural Resource Management (NRM) boundaries 2014 (acef-default:nrm2014)

Queensland WildNet Waterbirds (acef-default:QLDWildNet)

WA Princess Royal Harbour Seagrass 2006 (acef-default:WA_Seagrass_prh_2006_gda94_z50_reproj)

NISB NSW June 2008 (acef-default:NISB_NSW_July_2008)

NSW Water Quality (acef-default:nsw_mer_wq6_all)

Australian Protected Areas (CAPAD) 2014 - Marine (acef-default:capad_marine_2014)

The Collaborative Australian Protected Areas Database (CAPAD) 2014 provides both spatial and text information about government, Indigenous and privately protected areas for continental Australia. State and Territory conservation agencies supplied data current to 30 June 2014. The terrestrial component of the database has been previously released in 1997, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008 2010 and 2012.

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 May 2015 Northbound (FutureReefMap:Reefmap_May_2015_Northbound)

National Waterbirds Survey (acef-default:NatWatBir)

Seagrass Presence Absence NSW (ACEAS) (acef-default:aceas_presabs_nsw_reproj)

This seagrass habitat map was produced by the ACEAS Seagrass working group as part of the seagrass habitat risk modelling effort. The map identified seagrass presence based on 1) on the NISB (National Intertidal-Subtidal Benthic) Habitat Map created by the University of Tasmania for a partnership between the Department of Climate Change and the National Land and Water Resources Audit, 2) UNEP WCMC Seagrass map 2005, 3) publications/reports and 4) expert knowledge/personal observation.

WA Walpole Nornalup Inlets SAV sites Seagrass 2009 (acef-default:WA_WalpNorn_SAVsites_z50_gda84_reproj)

Seagrass Presence Absence SA (ACEAS) (acef-default:aceas_presabs_sa_reproj)

This seagrass habitat map was produced by the ACEAS Seagrass working group as part of the seagrass habitat risk modelling effort. The map identified seagrass presence based on 1) on the NISB (National Intertidal-Subtidal Benthic) Habitat Map created by the University of Tasmania for a partnership between the Department of Climate Change and the National Land and Water Resources Audit, 2) UNEP WCMC Seagrass map 2005, 3) publications/reports

World: Bright Earth e-Atlas Basemap (ea-be:World_Bright-Earth-e-Atlas-basemap)

World: Bright Earth e-Atlas Basemap

NT Alligator Rivers Region Aerial Survey Raw Bird Count (acef-default:ARRAerialSurveyRaw3)

Marine Protected Areas Database (CAPAD) 2012 (acef-default:capad_marine_ext)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 September 2014 Southbound (FutureReefMap:Reefmap_Sep_2014_Southbound)

Marine Turtle Nesting Locations (acef-default:Marine Turtle Nesting Locations)

WA Irwin Inlet Seagrass 2009 (acef-default:WA_Irwin_SAV_Polygons2_reproj2)

Ph (MER) (acef-default:nsw_mer_wq6_ph)

Secchi depth (MER) (acef-default:nsw_mer_wq6_secchi_depth)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 July 2014 Northbound (FutureReefMap:Reefmap_Jul_2014_Northbound)

NISB - 50km Grid (acef-default:NISB_50KM)

Cockburn Sound Seagrass 1999 (acef-default:habitat_cso+owen_1999_reprojected)

WA Wilson Inlet Transect Points Seagrass 2007 (acef-default:WA_TransectPoints_wi_2007_gda94z50_reproj)

NT Waterbird Colonies Species (acef-default:NTWaterbirdColoniesSpecies)

WA Walpole Nornalup Inlets Seagrass 2009 (acef-default:WA_WalpNorn_SAV_polygons_reproj)

NISB SA June 2008 (acef-default:NISB_SA_June2008)

Temperature (MER) (acef-default:nsw_mer_wq6_temperature)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 March 2015 Southbound (FutureReefMap:Reefmap_Mar_2015_Southbound)

SEQ level 2 catchments (acef-default:SEQ level 2 catchments)

NISB QLD June 2008 (acef-default:NISB_QLD_June2008)

WA Swan Canning Seagrass 2011 (acef-default:WA_SC_SG_dist_reproj)

Estuarine Macrophytes of NSW - Seagrasses (acef-default:NSW_DPI_Estuarine_Macrophytes_Seagrass)

NISB TAS 10KM (acef-default:NISB_TAS_10KM)

Queensland Wetland Data Riverine (acef-default:qldwetland_wetclassl_riverine)

SEQ level 3 catchments (acef-default:SEQ level 3 catchments)

NISB VIC June 2008 (acef-default:NISB_VIC_June2008)

Gulf of Papua Bathymetry Hillshading (GA) (ea-be:TS_GA_Gulf-of-Papua-bathymetry-100m-2008_Hillshade)

This layer shows hillshading derived from the Gulf of Papua Bathymetry (GA) grid. The bathymetry grid covers the Gulf of Papua and northern Australia with a resolution of ~110m (0.001 degrees). This dataset uses new multibeam sonar surveys to add much needed detail to a region of the seabed where previously little was known. In shallow Australian waters, bathymetry derived from Landsat satellite imagery was used to supplement traditionally acquired bathymetric data. For onshore areas, Shuttle Radar Topography Mission data were used for topographic control. The hillshading was generated using ArcMap. The original bathymetry dataset is described in detail in: Daniell, J. J. (2008), Development of a bathymetric grid for the Gulf of Papua and adjacent areas: A note describing its development, J. Geophys. Res., 113, F01S15, [[|doi:10.1029/2006JF000673]] available under [[|Creative Commons Attribution license]] as outlined in [[metadata|]]

NT Waterbird Colonies Groups (acef-default:NTWaterbirdColoniesGroupGrouped)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 August 2014 Northbound (FutureReefMap:Reefmap_Aug_2014_Northbound)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 December 2012 Southbound (acef-default:reefmap_dec2012_southbound)

WA Stokes Inlet Seagrass 2009 (acef-default:WA_Stokes_SAV_polygons2_reproj)

WA Wilson Inlet Seagrass 2007 (acef-default:WA_Seagrass_wi_2007_gda94_z50_reproj)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 January 2015 Southbound (FutureReefMap:Reefmap_Jan_2015_Southbound)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 March 2016 Southbound (FutureReefMap:Reefmap_Mar_2016_Southbound)

Blue Marble world image (gn:world)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 May 2014 Southbound (FutureReefMap:Reefmap_May_2014_Southbound)

SEQ level 3 catchments - Logan-Albert (acef-default:SEQ level 3 catchments - Logan-Albert)

WA Wellstead estuary SAV sites Ruppia Seagrass 2009 (acef-default:WA_Wellstead_SAVSites_gda94_z50_reproj)

Seagrass Presence Absence VIC (ACEAS) (acef-default:aceas_presabs_vic_reproj)

This seagrass habitat map was produced by the ACEAS Seagrass working group as part of the seagrass habitat risk modelling effort. The map identified seagrass presence based on 1) on the NISB (National Intertidal-Subtidal Benthic) Habitat Map created by the University of Tasmania for a partnership between the Department of Climate Change and the National Land and Water Resources Audit, 2) UNEP WCMC Seagrass map 2005

Salinity (MER) (acef-default:nsw_mer_wq6_salinity)

Acid sulfate soils of the Narrows (acef-default:Acid_sulfate_soils_of_the_Narrows)

Acid Sulfate Soils Maryborough (acef-default:Acid_Sulfate_Soils_Maryborough)

WA Beaufort Ruppia Seagrass 2009 (acef-default:WA_Beaufort_SAVsites_gda94_z50_reproj)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 May 2013 Southbound (acef-default:May2013Southbound)

AU: Major Roads (CloudMade, OSM) (ea-be:AU_CloudMade-OSM_MajorRoads_Dec-2011)

This layer shows major roads for Australia, extracted from the OpenStreetMap project on December 2011. Copyright OpenStreetMap contributors, CC BY-SA This dataset was prepared as part of the [[ | Bright Earth e-Atlas Basemap]] dataset collection.

Acid Sulfate Soils Maroochy Caloundra (acef-default:Acid_Sulfate_Soils_Maroochy_Caloundra)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 March 2016 Northbound (FutureReefMap:Reefmap_Mar_2016_Northbound)

WA Wilson Inlet WilsonCoords Seagrass 2007 (acef-default:WA_WilsonCoords2007_reproj3)

Australian Coral reef distribution 2010 (acef-default:au_coralreef2010_reprojected4)

Australia Seagrass Risks (acef-default:australia_seagrass_risks)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 October 2013 Southbound (acef-default:Reefmap_Oct_2013_South)

NISB NT 10KM (acef-default:NISB_NT_10KM)

Seagrass Presence Absence NT (ACEAS) (acef-default:aceas_presabs_nt_reproj)

This seagrass habitat map was produced by the ACEAS Seagrass working group as part of the seagrass habitat risk modelling effort. The map identified seagrass presence based on 1) on the NISB (National Intertidal-Subtidal Benthic) Habitat Map created by the University of Tasmania for a partnership between the Department of Climate Change and the National Land and Water Resources Audit, 2) UNEP WCMC Seagrass map 2005

GBR: Hillshading - gbr100 v1.0 (JCU) (ea-be:GBR_JCU_Bathymetry-gbr100_Hillshade)

This is hillshading derived from the GBR_JCU_Bathymetry-gbr100 dataset at its full resolution. It was created using ArcMap. This dataset was prepared as part of the [[ | Bright Earth e-Atlas Basemap]] dataset collection.

WA Wilson Inlet Seagrass 2008 (acef-default:WA_Seagrass_wi_2008_gda94z50_reproj)

World: Coastline 1:1m (e-Atlas, VMap0, GA Coast100k) (ea-be:World_e-Atlas_VMap0-AU-Coast100k_Coast-split)

This layer shows coastline based on a combination of VMap0 and Australian Coast100k (GeoScience Australia). This dataset was prepared as part of the [[ | Bright Earth e-Atlas Basemap]] dataset collection.

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 December 2013 Southbound (acef-default:Reefmap_Dec_2013_South)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 June 2014 Southbound (FutureReefMap:Reefmap_Jun_2014_Southbound)

SEQ rivers (acef-default:SEQ rivers)

Reefmap_Jun_2013_Northbound (FutureReefMap:Reefmap_Jun_2013_Northbound)

World: Hillshading Low Res - SRTM30-plus v8.0 (e-Atlas, UCSD) (ea-be:World_e-Atlas-UCSD_SRTM30-plus_v8_Hillshading-lr)

This layer shows hillshading derived from a lower resolution smoothed version of the World_e-Atlas-UCSD_SRTM30-plus_v8.0. It is designed for use when displaying global maps. This dataset was prepared as part of the [[ | Bright Earth e-Atlas Basemap]] dataset collection.

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 March 2013 Southbound (acef-default:reefmap_march2013_southbound)

National Intertidal Subtidal Benthic (NISB) habitat classification (acef-default:NISB)

Islands of Australia (acef-default:Islands of Australia)

Pelagic fish food web linkages (acef-default:CSIRO_Griffiths_Pelagic_fish)

NT Alligator Rivers Region Bird Ground Counts (acef-default:ARRMargelaGroundCounts)

Cockburn Sound Seagrass 1982 (acef-default:habitat-pa_cso_1982_reprojected)

GBR administrative boundaries (acef-default:NRM_Marine231009)

NISB - 10km Grid (acef-default:NISB_10KM)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 August 2013 Northbound (acef-default:Aug2013N)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 April 2013 Southbound (acef-default:April2013Southbound)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 August 2013 Southbound (acef-default:Aug2013S)

Australian Mangrove distribution 1997 (acef-default:au_mangrove1997)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 November 2013 Northbound (acef-default:Reefmap_Nov_2013_North)

GBR Features: Reefs, Coastline (GBRMPA) (ea-be:GBR_GBRMPA_GBR-features)

This layer shows reefs, islands, Queensland mainland, cays and rock features.

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 February 2014 Southbound (acef-default:Wakmatha_Feb_2014_Southbound)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 September 2014 Northbound (FutureReefMap:Reefmap_Sep_2014_Northbound)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 December 2014 Northbound (FutureReefMap:Reefmap_Dec_2014_Northbound)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 July 2013 Southbound (acef-default:July2013S)

Acid Sulfate Soils Donnybrook (acef-default:Acid_Sulfate_Soils_Donnybrook)

WA Swan Canning Transect Seagrass 2011 (acef-default:WA_SC_Transects_reproj)

WA Wilson Inlet GPSpointsExtended Seagrass 2008 (acef-default:WA_Wilson2008_GPSpointsExtended_z50_gda94_reproj)

GBR Reefmap Underway fCO2 July 2013 Northbound (acef-default:July2013N)

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