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Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) (unverified)
Contact information:
Bart V.
Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ)
EMODnet Biology aims to provide a single access point to European marine biodiversity data and products by assembling individual datasets from various sources and processing them into interoperable data products for assessing the environmental state of ecosystems and sea basins. The project uses the data and metadata standards that have been used and developed under the ur-EMODnet prototype during EMODnet Phase I. To ensure interoperability, EMODnet Biology implements (and if necessary adapts) common standards defined by SeaDataNet, WoRMS (World Register of Marine Species), OBIS (Ocean Biogeographic Information System), INSPIRE, GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility) and the Lifewatch infrastructure. In addition, spatially distributed data products specifically relevant for Marine Strategy Framework Directive Descriptor 2 (non-indigenous species) are being created. This will rely on additional environmental information from other lots of EMODnet, e.g. on benthic habitat characteristics and water masses, to be used as co-factors in the gridding.
Seasonal chlorophyll values for 1980-2008 on a 1x1 degree grid (chlorophyll)
Extrapolated chlorophyll values for all seasons from 1980 to 2008 on a 1x1 degree grid for Europe, based on distinct surface chlorophyll data from Waterbase -Transitional, coastal and marine waters (European Environmental Agency). Waterbase is the generic name given to the EEA databases on the status and quality of Europe's rivers, lakes, groundwater bodies and transitional, coastal and marine waters, and on the quantity of Europe's water resources.
Seasonal chlorophyll point values for 1980-2008 (chlorophyllpoints)
Chlorophyll data points for all seasons from 1980 to 2008, based on chlorophyll data from Waterbase - Transitional, coastal and marine waters (European Environmental Agency). Waterbase is the generic name given to the EEA databases on the status and quality of Europe's rivers, lakes, groundwater bodies and transitional, coastal and marine waters, and on the quantity of Europe's water resources.
SAHFOS CPR standard areas (cprgrid)
CPR standard areas are pre-defined areas used historically within the Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey. They include standar areas form the Gretar North Sea and North Atlnaic Ocean
A 1x1 degree grid for the European Marine Waters (emodnet1x1grid)
A 1x1 degree grid was created for the spatial extent of the European Register of Marine Species (ERMS). The marine area within the scope of the ERMS includes the continental shelf seas of Europe as well as the Mediterranean shelf, Baltic Seas and deep-sea areas (26°N -> 90°N and 45°W -> 70°E).
Number of species and observations in EurOBIS per IHO Sea Area in the European Waters in 2011 (eurobis_stats_iho_erms)
For each IHO Sea Area in the European Marine Waters (clipped), statistics on species occurrence where calculated. Each area displays the total number of observations. The attribute table contains also information on the individual observations and the occurrence of species per group (mammalia, aves, reptilia, benthos, zooplankton, phytoplankton, macroalgae and plantae). The statistics were calculated using the EurOBIS database, in 2011.
A 3x3 degree grid for the European Marine Waters (grid)
A 3x3 degree grid was created for the spatial extent of the European Register of Marine Species (ERMS). The marine area within the scope of the ERMS includes the continental shelf seas of Europe as well as the Mediterranean shelf, Baltic Seas and deep-sea areas (26°N -> 90°N and 45°W -> 70°E).
JERICO_Bio_area (jerico_bio_area)
Areas where biological data was collected under the framework of the JERICO-Next project
JERICO_Bio_stations (jerico_bio_stations)
Points where biological data was collected under the framework of the JERICO-Next project
JERICO_Bio_transects (jerico_bio_transects)
Transects where biological data was collected under the framework of the JERICO-Next project
Project Mahi live track (test) (mahi_track)
Project Mahi is a project amongst four engineers with the goal to develop, build and launch an unmanned, autonomous vessel to cross the Atlantic Ocean. During the Atlantic crossing, the vessel will collect atmospheric and oceanographic data which will be sent via satellite connection to the Project Mahi website.
EMODnet reporting areas (reportingareas)
Annual means of the Phytoplankton Colour Index (1958-2006) in the North Atlantic and North Sea CPR standard areas (sahfos_colour)
Dataproduct created using the annual means of the Phytoplankton Colour Index from 1958-2006 measured with the Continuous Plankton Recorder. A mean value has been calculated per CPR standard regions. Analysis was performed on the North Atlantic Ocean and the Greater North Sea.
Total traverse copepods (< 2 mm) 1958-2006 (sahfos_deliverable2)
Total Eyecount copepods (copepods > 2 mm), Grid (sahfos_deliverable2_grid)
Annual mean abundance Diatoms 1958-2006 (sahfos_diatoms)
Dataproduct from the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) on the annual means of the abundance of Diatomsfrom 1958-2006. The data has been averaged per CPR standard region and includes areas of the North Atlantic Ocean and Greater North Sea.
Annual mean abundance Dinoflagellates 1958-2006 (sahfos_dinoflagellates)
Dataproduct from the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) on the annual means of the Dinoflagellate abundance from 1958-2006. The data has been averaged per CPR standard region and includes areas of the North Atlantic Ocean and Greater North Sea.
Time-series of 4 HAB taxa from 1958-2009 (sahfos_hab_timeseries)
Dataproduct on time-series for the North Sea of standardized anomalies of abundance of 4 HAB taxa (Dinophysis spp., Prorocentrum spp., Noctiluca spp. , Pseudo-nitzchia spp.) from 1958 – 2009. Data from the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR).
Annual anomalies of total copepod abundance per CPR-grid cell from the SAHFOS CPR Survey data for 1948-2005 (zooplankton_erased)
Dataproduct Annual anomalies of total copepod abundance per CPR Standard area from the SAHFOS CPR Survey data for 1948-2005.
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