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Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (unverified)
Contact information:
Dr. Kristine Asch
Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources
Stilleweg 2,
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-3324
Seabed geology of the sub-Quaternary compiled for the WP 4 of the EMODnet project (lithology, chronostratigraphy). The geology covers the greater North Sea, Baltic Sea, Celtic Sea and parts of the North Atlantic Ocean.
Seabed geology of the sub-Quaternary compiled for the WP 4 of the EMODnet project (lithology, chronostratigraphy). The geology covers the greater North Sea, Baltic Sea, Celtic Sea and parts of the North Atlantic Ocean.
BGR Emodnet Lithology (BGR_Emodnet_lith)
This map was derived and compiled from many larger scale data sources and has thus been generalized. It represents lithology of European off-shore areas at the scales of 1:1 million to 1:5 million, compiled from the contributions from the fourteen EMODnet1 project partners and large parts of the IGME 5000 GIS and database. The geological feature types are transferred after the requirements of the OneGeology-Europe project (1GE); the lithology was mapped into 1GE_Lithology. A considerable part of the 1GE lithology vocabulary was adopted into the INSPIRE lithology vocabulary.
BGR Emodnet Stratigraphy (BGR_Emodnet_age)
This map was derived and compiled from many larger scale data sources and has thus been generalized. It represents the chronostratigraphy (age) of European off-shore areas at the scales of 1:1 million to 1:5 million, compiled from the contributions from the fourteen EMODnet1 project partners and large parts of the IGME 5000 GIS and database. The geological feature types are transferred after the requirements of the OneGeology-Europe project (1GE); the stratigraphic units were mapped into 1GE_Stratigraphy according to the International Stratigraphic Chart (ICS, IUGS, 2009).
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