HM Government of GIbraltar

HM Government of Gibraltar GeoServer

AD_Address AD.Address AD_Address
Service health Now:
Web Service, OGC Web Map Service 1.3.0
WFS, WMS, GEOSERVER, infoMapAccessService
no conditions apply
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Supported languages
Data provider

HM Government of GIbraltar (unverified)

Contact information:

IT&LD Gis Coordinator

HM Government of GIbraltar

16 Library Street, Gibraltar, Gibraltar


Phone: 0035020044139

Service metadata

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A compliant implementation of WMS plus most of the SLD extension (dynamic styling). Can also generate PDF, SVG, KML, GeoRSS

Available map layers (23)

Addresses (AD_Address)

Location of properties based on address identifiers, usually by road name, house number, postal code. This data is digitized from; aerial photography flown during 2003/2004, ground surveys from 2008/2010 and digital plan

Addresses (AD_Address_old)

Location of properties based on address identifiers, usually by road name, house number, postal code. This data is digitized from; aerial photography flown during 2003/2004, ground surveys from 2008/2010 and digital plans.

Administrative unit (AU_AdministrativeUnit)

This boundary represents the shape of the coastline of Gibraltar. This is designed to provide a spatial reference to all other data pertaining to Gibraltar and adjacent spatial datasets but does not represent a legally defined boundary.

BR_Natura2000andEmeraldBio-geographicalRegions (BR_Natura2000andEmeraldBio-geographicalRegions)

The scope of the theme ‗Bio-geographical regions‘ falls under the more general scope of ‗biodiversity‘ which covers three of the themes listed under Annex III of the INSPIRE Directive: Bio-geographical regions, Habitat and biotopes, and Species distribution, all of which have a link to the Annex I theme on Protected sites. More specifically this theme deals with areas of ―relatively homogeneous ecological conditions with common characteristics”.

BU_buildingparts_vw (BU_buildingparts)

Considered as under scope of the theme Buildings are constructions above and/or underground which are intended or used for the shelter of humans, animals, things, the production of economic goods or the delivery of services and that refer to any structure permanently constructed or erected on its site.

Cadastral Parcel (CP_CadastralParcel)

These polygons of data have been digitised from aerial photography flown during 2003/2004, and ground surveys undertaken during 2008/2010 and digital plans. This data represents the areas defined by cadastral registers or equivalent. Release 2.

CP_cadastralparcel_r2_vw (CP_cadastralparcel_r2_vw)

EF_EnvironmentalMonitoringFacilities (EF_EnvironmentalMonitoringFacilities)

Location and operation of environmental monitoring facilities includes observation and measurement of emissions, of the state of environmental media and of other ecosystem parameters (biodiversity, ecological conditions of vegetation, etc.) by or on behalf of public authorities [Directive 2007/2/EC].

EL_contourline_vw (EL_Contourline)

Geologic Units (GE_GeologicUnit)

This data represents the Gibraltar geology characterised according to composition and structure. Includes bedrock, aquifers and Geomorphology.

Geographical Names (GN_GeographicalNames)

This data represents the names of areas, regions, localities, cities, suburbs, towns or settlements, or any geographical or topographical feature of public or historical interest. Release 2.

HB_habitat (HB_habitat)

Geographical areas characterised by specific ecological conditions, processes, structure, and (life support) functions that physically support the organisms that live there. Includes terrestrial, fresh water and marine areas distinguished by geographical, abiotic and biotic features, whether entirely natural or semi-natural. [Directive 2007/2/EC].

HY_Reporting_WFDCoastalwater (HY_Reporting_WFDCoastalwater)

This data has been digitised from aerial photography flown during 2003/2004, and ground surveys undertaken during 2008/2010 and digital plans. This data represents the hydrographic elements, including marine areas and all other water bodies and items related to them, including river basins and sub-basins. Where appropriate, according to the definitions set out in Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy (2) and in the form of networks.

WFD-Ground Water Body (HY_Reporting_WFDGroundWaterBody)

This data has been digitised from aerial photography flown during 2003/2004, and ground surveys undertaken during 2008/2010 and digital plans. This data represents the hydrographic elements, including marine areas and all other water bodies and items related to them, including river basins and sub-basins. Where appropriate, according to the definitions set out in Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy (2) and in the form of networks.

LandCoverSurfaces (LC_LandCoverSurfaces)

This data represents the physical and biological cover of the earth's surface including artificial surfaces, agricultural areas, forests, (semi-)natural

PD_populationdistribution (PD_populationdistribution)

Geographical distribution of people, including population characteristics and activity levels, aggregated by grid, region, administrative unit or other analytical unit [Directive 2007/2/EC].

PF_productionsite (PF_productionsite)

This theme comprises features related to production and industry, as well as entities related to describing summary information about the activities taking place in Production and Industrial Facilities, and the main environmental issues related to them (pollution prevention, waste management, risk).

Protected Site (PS_ProtectedSite)

These polygons of data have been digitised from aerial photography flown during 2003/2004, and ground surveys undertaken during 2008/2010 and digital plans. This data represents the areas designated or managed within a framework of international, Community and Member States' legislation to achieve specific conservation objectives.

SO_SoilObservedProfile (SO_SoilObservedProfile)

Soils and subsoil characterised according to depth, texture, structure and content of particles and organic material, stoniness, erosion, where appropriate mean slope and anticipated water storage capacity. [Directive 2007/2/EC]

SU_vectorstatisticalunits (SU_vectorstatisticalunits)

Units for dissemination or use of statistical information

TN_RoadTransportNetwork_RoadArea (TN_RoadTransportNetwork_RoadArea)

This data has been digitised from aerial photography flown during 2003/2004, and ground surveys undertaken during 2008/2010 and digital plans. This data represents the Road, rail, air and water transport networks and related infrastructure. Includes links between different networks. Also includes the trans-European transport network as defined in Decision No 1692/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 1996 on Community Guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network (1) and future revisions of that Decision.

unitaddress_for_geoportal (unitaddress_for_geoportal)

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