North York Moors National Park Authority

North York Moors National Park INSPIRE Web Map Service

nym-s106_test nymnpa-article4 nym-s106_test
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North York Moors National Park Authority

The Old Vicarage, Bondgate, Helmsley, YO62 5BP York, UK


Phone: 01439 772700

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North York Moors National Park Authority INSPIRE WMS Service Use of this data is subject to the terms and conditions located at Crown copyright and database rights 2013 Ordnance Survey 100021930

Available map layers (30)

NYMNPA Article 4 (nymnpa-article4)

An Article 4 Direction is made by a Local Planning Authority and confirmed by the Government. It serves to restrict Permitted Development rights usually in Conservation Areas. The aim of an Article 4 Direction is to encourage the retention of high quality architectural features and to preserve and enhance the character and appearance of the built heritage. Enhanced planning controls are sometimes necessary because the designation of a Conservation Area only goes some way towards protecting the integrity of buildings and their character. Under the Town and Country Planning Act (General Permitted Development) Order 1995, permitted development rights enable property owners within a Conservation Area to undertake small-scale extensions and/or alterations without the need for planning permission. Where these rights are uncontrolled, unsympathetic alterations can erode the special interest of the Conservation Area. Article 4(1) Directions control changes to all elevations of a property whereas Article 4(2) Directions control changes to only "relevant" elevations of a property, these being elevations fronting a highway, including footpath, waterway or open space. As there may be some ambiguity regarding what constitutes an open space it is always advisable to check with a planning officer. Where an Article 4 object is only partly within the National Park, the whole area has been plotted for completeness. If part of the Article 4 falls outside of the National Park then the relevant Council should be contacted regarding planning or boundary enquiries.

NYMNPA Owned and Managed Car Parks (nymnpa-carparks)

Location of North York Moors National Park Authority managed and owned car parks. Areas are recorded as a polygon.

NYMNPA Conservation Areas (nymnpa-conservationareas)

Conservation Areas are areas of architectural or historic interest. They were first introduced in England in 1967 in recognition of the fact that the quality of historic areas depends not only on the quality of individual buildings but also on the historic layout of properties, the use of characteristic building materials, public spaces, trees, views between buildings and along streets. There are 42 designated Conservation Areas in the National Park. Reviews of Conservation Areas are carried out periodically. If significant change has occurred or if additional areas of special interest are identified, then changes to the boundaries of Conservation Areas may be proposed and consulted on. Conservation Areas are recorded as a polygon. Some Conservation Areas are only partly in the National Park, the District Council should be contacted for the areas of these CA not in the National Park.

NYMNPA Development Policy 18 - Retail Development (nymnpa-dp18)

The Core Strategy and Development Policies Proposals Maps identify the limits of the commercial area in the town of Helmsley and the villages of Thornton le Dale and Hutton le Hole. The commercial areas cover the main shop and office frontages and the policy seeks to restrict new shops and offices to sites within those areas.

NYMNPA Development Policy 23 - New Development and Transport (nymnpa-dp23)

The Core Strategy and Development Policies Proposals Maps identify the protected linear routes which are the disused railway lines in the National Park. The policy seeks to protect linear routes from new development which would be likely to prejudice their current use for recreation or future use.

NYMNPA Development Policy 4 - Conservation Areas (nymnpa-dp4)

The Core Strategy and Development Policies Proposals Maps identify the Conservation Areas in the National Park which are areas designated for their special architectural or historic interest under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. The policy seeks to ensure that new development in Conservation Areas preserves or enhances their character and appearance.

NYMNPA Hedgerow Notifications - Linears (nymnpa-hedgerow_linears)

Under the Hedgerows Regulations 1997 it is against the law to remove or destroy certain hedgerows without permission from the local planning authority. The local planning authority are also the enforcement body for offences created by the Regulations. Local planning authority permission is normally required before removing non domestic hedgerows. The authority will assess the importance of the hedgerow using criteria set out in the regulations. Important hedgerows will have a retention notice served. This dataset contains the removal and retention notices for North York Moors National Park Authority. This layer should be used in conjunctions with the Hedgerow Notifications Points layer.

NYMNPA Hedgerow Notifications - Points (nymnpa-hedgerow_points)

Under the Hedgerows Regulations 1997 it is against the law to remove or destroy certain hedgerows without permission from the local planning authority. The local planning authority are also the enforcement body for offences created by the Regulations. Local planning authority permission is normally required before removing non domestic hedgerows. The authority will assess the importance of the hedgerow using criteria set out in the regulations. Important hedgerows will have a retention notice served. This dataset contains the removal and retention notices for North York Moors National Park Authority. This layer should be used in conjunction with the Hedgerow Notifications Linears layer.

NYMNPA Helmsley Plan Community Facilities (nymnpa-helmsley_plan_community_facilities)

Sites allocated in the Helmsley Plan for Community Facilities. This is a joint plan created by North York Moors National Park Authority and Ryedale District Council and forms part of the National Park's Development Plan. Sites are recorded as a polygon.

NYMNPA Helmsley Plan Employment Allocation (nymnpa-helmsley_plan_employment_land)

Land allocated for employment facililiites as part of the Helmsley Plan. This is a joint plan created by North York Moors National Park Authority and Ryedale District Council and forms part of the National Park's Development Plan. Sites are recorded as a polygon.

NYMNPA Helmsley Plan Existing Commitment (nymnpa-helmsley_plan_existing_commitment)

Current commitment of residential development for Helmsley Plan. This is a joint plan created by North York Moors National Park Authority and Ryedale District Council and forms part of the National Park's Development Plan. Sites are recorded as a polygon.

NYMNPA Helmsley Plan Areas of Open Space (nymnpa-helmsley_plan_open_space)

Areas allocated for open space within Helmsley Plan. This is a joint plan created by North York Moors National Park Authority and Ryedale District Council and forms part of the National Park's Development Plan. Sites are recorded as a polygon.

NYMNPA Helmsley Plan Replacement Sports Field (nymnpa-helmsley_plan_replacement_sports_field)

Areas allocated for replacement sports field within Helmsley Plan. This is a joint plan created by North York Moors National Park Authority and Ryedale District Council and forms part of the National Park's Development Plan. Sites are recorded as a polygon.

NYMNPA Helmsley Plan Residential Allocatiion (nymnpa-helmsley_plan_residential_allocation)

Sites allocated in the Helmsley Plan for future housing use and development. This is a joint plan created by North York Moors National Park Authority and Ryedale District Council and forms part of the National Park's Development Plan. Sites are recorded as a polygon.

NYMNPA Land and Property Assets (nymnpa-landpropertyassets)

Areas of land owned/leased by the North York Moors National Park Authority. Digitised using Land Registry maps. Includes car parks, buildings and areas of land.

NYMNPA Landscape Character Areas (nymnpa-landscapecharareas)

The North York Moors Landscape Character Assessment was carried out by consultants with input from National Park staff and was completed in 2003. It identifies the main landscape types within the National Park, their key characteristics and potential positive and negative pressures. Each landscape type is subdivided into landscape character areas with a concise description of their local features. The Appraisal was adopted by the National Park Authority on 27th September 2004. There are two layers, the first contains the 52 landscape areas and the second the 8 landscape types and should be used together.

NYMNPA Landscape Character Types (nymnpa-landscapechartypes)

The North York Moors Landscape Character Assessment was carried out by consultants with input from National Park staff and was completed in 2003. It identifies the main landscape types within the National Park, their key characteristics and potential positive and negative pressures. Each landscape type is subdivided into landscape character areas with a concise description of their local features. The Appraisal was adopted by the National Park Authority on 27th September 2004. There are two layers, the first contains the 52 landscape areas and the second the 8 landscape types and should be used together.

NYMNPA Local Nature Reserve (nymnpa-lnr)

Farndale Local Nature Reserve was designated under Section 21 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 on 12/03/1956. Local Nature Reserves are places with wildlife or geology that are of special interest locally. Farndale is currently the only Local Nature Reserve in the North York Moors National Park.

NYMNPA National Park Boundary (nymnpa-npboundary)

National Parks are run by National Park Authorities for the purpose of conserving and enhancing the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage and to provide opportunities for the understanding and enjoyment of the Park by the public. North York Moors National Park was designated 28/11/1952. This is the boundary that the authority uses as it's planning area boundary and has been re-aligned to take account of Ordnance Survey's Positional Accuracy Improvement base mapping. Recorded as a single polygon.

NYMNPA Phase 1 Habitat Survey Areas 1989 (nymnpa-phase1areas)

The Phase 1 Habitat Classification and associated field survey technique provide a standardised system to record semi-natural vegetation and other wildlife habitats. The approach is designed to cover large areas of countryside relatively rapidly. It presents the user with a basic assessment of habitat type and potential importance for nature conservation. Each habitat type/feature is identified by way of a brief description of its defining features. It is then allocated a specific name, an alpha-numeric code, and unique mapping colour. There are 3 datasets which make up the Phase 1 Habitat Survey, habitat polygons, linear features and species target notes. The data was captured between 1987 and 1989.

NYMNPA Phase 1 Habitat Survey Linears 1989 (nymnpa-phase1linear)

The Phase 1 Habitat Classification and associated field survey technique provide a standardised system to record semi-natural vegetation and other wildlife habitats. The approach is designed to cover large areas of countryside relatively rapidly. It presents the user with a basic assessment of habitat type and potential importance for nature conservation. Each habitat type/feature is identified by way of a brief description of its defining features. It is then allocated a specific name, an alpha-numeric code, and unique mapping colour. There are 3 datasets which make up the Phase 1 Habitat Survey, habitat polygons, linear features and species target notes. The survey was carried out between 1987 and 1989.

NYMNPA Phase 1 Habitat Survey Target Notes 1989 (nymnpa-phase1tn)

The Phase 1 Habitat Classification and associated field survey technique provide a standardised system to record semi-natural vegetation and other wildlife habitats. The approach is designed to cover large areas of countryside relatively rapidly. It presents the user with a basic assessment of habitat type and potential importance for nature conservation. Each habitat type/feature is identified by way of a brief description of its defining features. It is then allocated a specific name, an alpha-numeric code, and unique mapping colour. There are 3 datasets which make up the Phase 1 Habitat Survey, habitat polygons, linear features and species target notes. The survey was carried out between 1987 and 1989.

NYMNPA Roadside Verges - Species Rich (nymnpa-road_side_verges)

Species rich roadside verges within the North York Moors National Park. Compiled from various surveys from 1985 onwards. Captured as a polylines and polygons.

NYMNPA Section 106 Agreements (nymnpa-s106)

Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 allows a local planning authority to enter into a legally binding agreement or planning obligation with a land developer over a related issue. This obligation is commonly referred to as a 'Section 106 Agreement'. This layer contains the majority of Section 106 Agreements from 1995 to present day, however there may be some missing. The layer may contain multiple objects per Agreement.

NYMNPA Section 3 Coast (nymnpa-section3coast)

Section 43 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended by Section 3 of the Wildlife and Countryside [Amendment] Act 1985) requires National Parks to publish maps of land particularly important to conserve. This includes mountain, moor and heath; woodland; and cliff and foreshore. Section 3 Coast. The Section 3 map shows a range of coastal habitats which are important for wildlife and landscape features. All unimproved land, such as coastal heath, scrub and natural grasslands, linking to coastal habitats and cliffs is included in this category, with woodlands being identified separately as Section 3 woodland. The seaward limit of definition has been taken as the low water mark.

NYMNPA Section 3 Moor and Heath (nymnpa-section3moor)

Section 43 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended by Section 3 of the Wildlife and Countryside [Amendment] Act 1985) requires National Parks to publish maps of land particularly important to conserve. This includes mountain, moor and heath; woodland; and cliff and foreshore. Section 3 Moor and Heath. The map shows those areas which are considered particularly important to conserve. The areas are included mainly on the basis of vegetation types but areas are also included for their natural beauty, archaeological resource or for recreational value. The conservation of the moorland is central to the National Park's fulfilment of its statutory duty to conserve and enhance the natural beauty of the North York Moors.

NYMNPA Section 3 Woodland (nymnpa-section3wood)

Section 43 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended by Section 3 of the Wildlife and Countryside [Amendment] Act 1985) requires National Parks to publish maps of land particularly important to conserve. This includes mountain, moor and heath; woodland; and cliff and foreshore. Section 3 Woodland. In the North York Moors, woodland covers 22% of the National Park but it varies considerably in type and scale. Coniferous plantation accounts for nearly three-quarters of the wooded area. The Section 3 Woodland map includes the following categories: all woodland defined as ancient semi-natural and ancient re-planted on the Provisional Ancient Woodland Inventories (published by the Nature Conservancy Council, now Natural England). Most re-planted woods will retain elements of the original woodland interest which may be of value or provide opportunities for restoration in the future; woodland which has a known high nature conservation interest, such as that identified in the National Park's Phase 1 and Phase 2 habitat surveys; semi-natural broadleaved woodland (ie woodland which has established itself by natural regeneration) except where it is in the process of colonising a more important habitat or where removal is preferred to restore another habitat; new native woodlands defined according to published guidelines (Forestry Commission Bulletin 112) where they are considered to have a high conservation value from the outset. (It is suggested that other newly established woodlands are not included until their landscape or nature conservation value can be demonstrated); any other area of woodland which is being specifically managed to enhance the woodland nature conservation interest; any broadleaf, conifer or mixed woodland which has a high landscape value which should be perpetuated; woodland which it is important to conserve for its recreational value, and hence the appreciation of natural beauty by the public.

NYMNPA Tree Preservation Orders - Trees (nymnpa-tpo)

A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is a legally enforceable order made by the Local Planning Authority, in this case the NPA, to protect trees and woodland in the interests of public amenity. The power to make a TPO is currently contained in the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and the Town and Country (Tree Preservation) (England) Regulations 2012. Wilful damage or destruction is prohibited. Work to a tree protected by a TPO is prohibited without prior permission from the Local Planning Authority (NPA), although there are a number of exceptions to this.

NYMNPA Tree Preservation Orders - Areas (nymnpa-tpo_areas)

A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is a legally enforceable order made by the Local Planning Authority, in this case the NPA, to protect trees and woodland in the interests of public amenity. The power to make a TPO is currently contained in the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and the Town and Country (Tree Preservation) (England) Regulations 2012. Wilful damage or destruction is prohibited. Work to a tree protected by a TPO is prohibited without prior permission from the Local Planning Authority (NPA), although there are a number of exceptions to this.

NYMNPA Helmsley Plan Development Boundary (nymnpa_helmsley_plan_area)

Helmsley Plan Proposals Map to identify land for new housing and employment use for the town between 2014 and 2027. This is a joint plan created by North York Moors National Park Authority and Ryedale District Council and forms part of the National Park's Development Plan. Sites are recorded as a polygon.

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