Salford City Council

Salford City Council INSPIRE Web Map Service

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Web Service, OGC Web Map Service 1.3.0
Access constraints
Public Sector End User Licence - INSPIRE
Supported languages
No INSPIRE Extended Capabilities (including service language support) given. See INSPIRE Technical Guidance - View Services for more information.
Data provider

Salford City Council (unverified)

Contact information:

Salford City Council

Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, M27 5DA Swinton, UK


Phone: 0161 793 2492

Service metadata
No INSPIRE Extended Capabilities (including service metadata) given. See INSPIRE Technical Guidance - View Services for more information.

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A compliant implementation of WMS plus most of the SLD extension (dynamic styling). Can also generate PDF, SVG, KML, GeoRSS

Available map layers (22)

Draft Local Plan Policies (z_draft_local_plan_policies)

Layer-Group type layer: z_draft_local_plan_policies

Highway Status Layers (z_hwy_status)

Layer-Group type layer: z_hwy_status

Article 4 Direction (ARTICLE4DIRECTION)

An Article 4 Direction withdraws automatic planning permission granted by the General Permitted Development Order. Salford has one Article 4 Direction which applies to certain properties in the Mines Rescue Conservation Area in Boothstown. It was made in October 1994 by Salford City Council in an attempt to safeguard the unaltered frontages of the original 1930s houses. The direction applies to land comprised of the front elevations of numbers 1 to 15 Orchard Avenue and the front and side elevations of numbers 308, 310 and 320 Ellenbrook Road. The effect of such a direction further removes permitted development rights for these properties and as such planning permission is required for the following works; alterations comprising replacement window frames and rainwater goods; any alteration to the roof; the erection or construction of a porch outside the external door; the provision within the garden of a hard-standing; the erection, construction, maintenance, improvement or alteration of a gate, fence, wall or other means of enclosure; the formation, laying out and construction of a means of vehicular access to Orchard Avenue or Ellenbrook Road.

City Airport Manchester Safeguarding Zone - developments attracting birds (CITYAIRPORT_SZ_ATTRACTBIRD)

Dataset showing an area of the city (known as a safeguarding zone) where the city council should consult with City Airport Manchester where development is likely to attract birds, such as proposals involving significant tree planting, minerals extraction or quarrying, waste disposal or management, reservoirs or other significant areas of water, land restoration schemes, sewage works, nature reserves of bird sanctuaries. The purpose of the safeguarding zone is to ensure that the operational integrity or safety of the airport may be assured.

City Airport Manchester Safeguarding Zone - buildings exceeding specified height (CITYAIRPORT_SZ_HEIGHT)

Dataset showing areas of the city (known as safeguarding zones) where the city council should consult with City Airport Manchester for the following: buildings, structures, erections and works. In some areas of the city, the city council should consult the Airport on all developments, whereas elsewhere the need for consultation is dependant on the height of a proposed development (greater than 15m, 45m or 90m). The purpose of the safeguarding zone is to ensure that the operational integrity or safety of the airport may be assured.

City Airport Manchester Safeguarding Zone - wind turbines (CITYAIRPORT_SZ_WINDTURBINE)

Dataset showing that the city council should consult with City Airport Manchester for any wind turbine development within 5km of the airports centroid. The purpose of the safeguarding zone is to ensure that the operational integrity or safety of the airport may be assured

Tree Preservation Orders (ENV_TPO)

Electric Vehicle Charging Points (EV_CHARGING_POINTS)

Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) secured funding from the Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV) to provide Electric Vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure across Greater Manchester, and the necessary back office management systems to operate the system. The Greater Manchester Electric Vehicle (GMEV) scheme was launched in June 2013 with approximately 200 charging bays available across Greater Manchester, in Salford there are 26 public charging bays. Further information on GMEV is available via

Salford Green Belt (GREEN_BELT)

Dataset showing the extent of Green Belt land in Salford as defined in the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan 2004 - 2016 (policy EN1). The unitary development plan (UDP) is a statutory document that sets out the council's planning policies that are used to guide development, conservation, regeneration and environmental improvement activity in Salford. The UDP and other adopted development plan documents comprise the development plan for the city. Decisions on planning applications must be made in line with the development plan, unless there are clear material considerations which dictate why this should not be the case. Green Belt is a protective planning policy designation set out in national planning policy (currently the National Planning Policy Framework).

Area covered by Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (LOCALFLOODRISKMANAGEMENT)

This is the area covered by the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy, which is the entirety of the city boundary.

Local Landscape Character Assessment Areas (LOCALLANDSCAPEASSESSMENT)

Different landscape character areas and sub areas as assessed under the 2007 Landscape Character Assessment consultation draft. These areas are not designated as such but the character assessment provides context for planning decisions and planning policy.

Locally listed heritage assets (LOCALLIST)

Manchester Airport Safeguarding Zone - buildings exceeding 90m in height (MANAIRPORT_SZ_90M_HEIGHT)

Dataset showing an area of the city (known as a safeguarding zone) where the city council should consult with Manchester Airport when development for buildings, structures, erections and works exceeding 90m in height are proposed. The purpose of the safeguarding zone is to ensure that the operational integrity or safety of the airport may be assured. The safeguarding zone is shown on the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan 2014-16 Policies saved beyond 21 June 2009 proposals map as Policy DEV7 (i).

Manchester Airport Safeguarding Zone - development likely to attract birds (MANAIRPORT_SZ_ATTRACTBIRDS)

Dataset showing an area of the city (known as a safeguarding zone) where the city council should consult with Manchester Airport where development is likely to attract birds, such as proposals involving significant tree planting, minerals extraction or quarrying, waste disposal or management, reservoirs or other significant areas of water, land restoration schemes, sewage works, nature reserves or bird sanctuaries. The purpose of the safeguarding zone is to ensure that the operational integrity or safety of the airport may be assured. The safeguarding zone is shown on the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan 2014-16 Policies saved beyond 21 June 2009 proposals map as Policy DEV7 (ii).

Manchester Airport Safeguarding Zone - wind turbines (MANAIRPORT_SZ_WINDTURBINE)

Dataset showing that the city council should consult with Manchester Airport for any wind turbine development within the city boundary. The purpose of the safeguarding zone is to ensure that the operational integrity or safety of the airport may be assured. The safeguarding zone is shown on the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan 2014-16 Policies saved beyond 21 June 2009 proposals map as Policy DEV7 (iii). The unitary development plan (UDP) is a statutory document that sets out the council's planning policies that are used to guide development, conservation, regeneration and environmental improvement activity in Salford. The UDP and other adopted development plan documents comprise the development plan for the city. Decisions on planning applications must be made in line with the development plan, unless there are clear material considerations which dictate why this should not be the case.

Minerals Safeguarding Areas in Salford (MINERALS_SAFEGUARDING)

Minerals Safeguarding Areas as defined under the Greater Manchester Joint Minerals Plan 2013. These mineral safeguarding areas are necessary for the operation of policy 8 of the Minerals Plan. They are designed to prevent minerals resources being needlessly sterilised by non-minerals development such as housing.

Section 106 Agreements (SECTION106)

Barton Strategic Regional Site (STRATEGIC_REGIONAL_SITE)

Dataset showing the extent of the Barton Strategic Regional Site, identified in the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan 2006 - 2016 as a key location potentially providing for employment development, a multi-modal freight interchange and/or a sports stadium (policy E1 - Strategic Regional Site, Barton). As at November 2013 the site had been partially developed to provide the Salford City Stadium with much of the remaining area with planning permission to provide a multi-modal freight interchange (Port Salford) along with associated transport infrastructure. The unitary development plan (UDP) is a statutory document that sets out the council's planning policies that are used to guide development, conservation, regeneration and environmental improvement activity in Salford. The UDP and other adopted development plan documents comprise the development plan for the city. Decisions on planning applications must be made in line with the development plan, unless there are clear material considerations which dictate why this should not be the case.

Town and Neighbourhood Centres (TOWN_AND_NEIGH_CENTRES)

Dataset of existing town and neighbourhood centres in Salford as defined in policy S1 of the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan 2004-16 Policies saved beyond 21 June 2009. The unitary development plan (UDP) is a statutory document that sets out the council's planning policies that are used to guide development, conservation, regeneration and environmental improvement activity in Salford. The UDP and other adopted development plan documents comprise the development plan for the city. Decisions on planning applications must be made in line with the development plan, unless there are clear material considerations which dictate why this should not be the case.

Conservation Areas (updated) (UDP) (UDP_CONSERVATION_AREAS_NEW)

Site of Biological Importance (updated) (UDP) (UDP_SBI_NEW)

Wildlife Corridors Areas of Search (WILDLIFE_CORRIDOR)

Wildlife corridors areas of search as defined in Salford UDP 2006. These areas are the areas within which UDP Policy EN9 operates. They are areas of search for wildlife corridors - land which enhances the ability of species to move through the city. The unitary development plan (UDP) is a statutory document that sets out the council's planning policies that are used to guide development, conservation, regeneration and environmental improvement activity in Salford. The UDP and other adopted development plan documents comprise the development plan for the city. Decisions on planning applications must be made in line with the development plan, unless there are clear material considerations which dictate why this should not be the case.

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