Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) |
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Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (unverified)
Contact information:
Jeroen Ticheler
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 1,
Phone: +39-06 57051
FAO GeoNetwork OGC Web Map Server (GNW)
Map 2.1: Rural population distribution - persons per pixel - 2000 (Map 2.1: Rural population distribution - persons per pixel - 2000)
Map 2.1: Rural population distribution - persons per pixel - 2000
Rural population distribution (persons per pixel), 2000 (rural_population_distribution_2000)
The dataset shows the distribution of rural people as person per pixel. It is contained in Food Insecurity, Poverty and Environment Global GIS Database (FGGD) and is presented in the Module 2 of the hardcopy atlas (FAO, 2006). For further detail on this dataset see
Country Boundaries (Country Boundaries)
Country Boundaries
Coastal and country boundaries of the world (country_bnd)
Country boundaries map derived from the country boundaries on the Digitized Soil Map of the World. Updated up to 2005.
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