Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) |
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Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (unverified)
Contact information:
Jeroen Ticheler
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla,
Phone: +39-06 57051
FAO GeoNetwork OGC Web Map Server (GNW)
Potential livestock wastes and agricultural by-products as feed and fertilizer input (livestock_wastes_feed_fertilizer_input)
Areas in which livestock wastes and supplementary food such as agricultural by-products could contribute to the establishment of pond culture systems such as integrated agriculture-aquaculture farming. Livestock population was used as a surrogate for manure. Livestock populations for cattle, goats, sheep and pigs in the form of animal/km2 were obtained from U.S. Army CERL and CRSSA, Cook College, Rutgers University. Data on crops were derived from the Global Land Cover Characteristics database. To consider the combined suitability of livestock wastes and crops it was considered that livestock manure was more important compared to crops because African small-scale fish farmers usually employ manure and by-products are used only as a supplement.
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