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ReSC (unverified)
Contact information:
Guy Griffiths
Phone: 0118-3785217
sea_water_temperature (CCi-SST/analysed_sst)
analysed sea surface temperature
sea_water_temperature standard_error (CCi-SST/analysis_error)
estimated error standard deviation of analysed_sst
sea_ice_area_fraction (CCi-SST/sea_ice_fraction)
sea ice area fraction
sea_ice_area_fraction standard_error (CCi-SST/sea_ice_fraction_error)
sea ice area fraction error estimate
sea/land/lake/ice field composite mask (CCi-SST/mask)
sea/land/lake/ice field composite mask
sea_surface_temperature (OSTIA/analysed_sst)
analysed sea surface temperature
error estimate from the analysis (OSTIA/analysis_error)
estimated error standard deviation of analysed_sst
sea_ice_area_fraction (OSTIA/sea_ice_fraction)
sea ice fraction
mask (OSTIA/mask)
sea/land/lake/ice field composite mask
sea_water_temperature (AATSR/sst_depth)
sea surface temperature
time of sst observation (AATSR/time_offset)
time of sst observation
sea_surface_skin_temperature (AATSR/sst_skin)
sea surface temperature
sea_surface_subskin_temperature (AATSR/sst_subskin)
sea surface temperature
estimated retrieval error sst of sst (AATSR/analysis_error)
estimated retrieval error sst of sst
bit mask (AATSR/mask)
bit mask
Ice concentration (NEMO/iiceconc)
Ice concentration
Non-solar flux over ice (NEMO/iicenflx)
Non-solar flux over ice
Solar flux over ice (NEMO/iicesflx)
Solar flux over ice
Ice thickness (NEMO/iicethic)
Ice thickness
Flux at ice base (NEMO/ioceflxb)
Flux at ice base
Snow thickness (NEMO/isnowthi)
Snow thickness
Ice meridional current (NEMO/itmecrty)
Ice meridional current
Ice zonal current (NEMO/itzocrtx)
Ice zonal current
Evaporation minus precipitation (NEMO/so_evmpr)
Evaporation minus precipitation
Solar heat flux (NEMO/so_shflx)
Solar heat flux
Total heat flux (NEMO/so_thflx)
Total heat flux
Kara Mixed Layer Depth (NEMO/sokaraml)
Kara Mixed Layer Depth
Mixed Layer Depth 0.01 (NEMO/somxl010)
Mixed Layer Depth 0.01
Sea Surface Height (NEMO/sossheig)
Sea Surface Height
concentration/dilution water flux (NEMO/sowaflcd)
concentration/dilution water flux
Salinity (NEMO/vosaline)
Temperature (NEMO/votemper)
Meridional wind stress (NEMO/somewind)
Meridional wind stress
Meridional Current (NEMO/vomecrty)
Meridional Current
Zonal Current (NEMO/vozocrtx)
Zonal Current
Zonal wind stress (NEMO/sozowind)
Zonal wind stress
wind stress (NEMO/wind stress)
Automatically-generated vector field, composed of the fields Zonal wind stress and Meridional wind stress
Current (NEMO/Current)
Automatically-generated vector field, composed of the fields Zonal Current and Meridional Current
sea_water_salinity (NCOF_FOAM_ONE/SALTY)
sea_water_potential_temperature (NCOF_FOAM_ONE/TMP)
sea_ice_concentration (NCOF_FOAM_ONE/ICEC)
Ice concentration (ice=1;no ice=0)
sea_ice_thickness (NCOF_FOAM_ONE/ICETK)
ice thickness
ocean_mixed_layer_thickness (NCOF_FOAM_ONE/M)
Mixed layer depth
eastward_sea_water_velocity (NCOF_FOAM_ONE/U)
u-component of current
northward_sea_water_velocity (NCOF_FOAM_ONE/V)
v-component of current
sea_water_velocity (NCOF_FOAM_ONE/sea_water_velocity)
Automatically-generated vector field, composed of the fields eastward_sea_water_velocity and northward_sea_water_velocity
eastward_sea_water_velocity (NCOF_IRISH/un)
Eastward Current Velocity in the Water Column
northward_sea_water_velocity (NCOF_IRISH/vn)
Northward Current Velocity in the Water Column
sea_surface_height_above_sea_level (NCOF_IRISH/sse)
Surface Elevation (Mean Sea Level Datum) of Water Column
sea_water_temperature (NCOF_IRISH/sst)
Temperature of the Water Column
unknown01 (NCOF_IRISH/unknown01)
unknown02 (NCOF_IRISH/unknown02)
sea_water_velocity (NCOF_IRISH/sea_water_velocity)
Automatically-generated vector field, composed of the fields eastward_sea_water_velocity and northward_sea_water_velocity
sea_water_potential_temperature (NCOF_MRCS/POT)
sea_water_salinity (NCOF_MRCS/SALTY)
eastward_sea_water_velocity (NCOF_MRCS/UOGRD)
u-component of current
northward_sea_water_velocity (NCOF_MRCS/VOGRD)
v-component of current
sea_water_velocity (NCOF_MRCS/sea_water_velocity)
Automatically-generated vector field, composed of the fields eastward_sea_water_velocity and northward_sea_water_velocity
MTCI Level 3 (PHAVEOS/mtci_l3)
MTCI Level 3
MTCI Level 4 (PHAVEOS/mtci_l4)
MTCI Level 4
fAPAR Level 3 (PHAVEOS/fapar_l3)
fAPAR Level 3
Leaf Area Index Level 3 (PHAVEOS/lai_l3)
Leaf Area Index Level 3
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