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Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena (unverified)
Contact information:
Jonas Eberle
Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
Jena, Germany
This server is part of the Siberian Earth System Science Cluster (SIB-ESS-C) and provides OGC Web Feature Services (WFS) of derived data products originating either from joint research projects coordinated by Friedrich-Schiller-University, Dept. for Earth Observation or data being provided to us for publication on this server. In cases where the Friedrich-Schiller-University is not the creator of the data product, credit should be given to the original creator when using the data. Some datasets may be restricted to internal use.
Soil - Nitrogen Content (ialr:soil_nitrogen)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
ParaPolWald_ROI (sbsc:ParaPolWald_ROI)
Hydrology - Snow melt runoff (ialr:hyd_mlt_dd)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Lithology - Parrock (ialr:litho_parrock)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Agriculture Type (ialr:agricult_dd)
Generated from iiasa_landres_agric
Land degradation - Compaction (ialr:degrad_pc_cause)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Soil - Methane Production (ialr:soil_ch4)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Vegetation - Below Ground Living (kg/m²) (ialr:veg_below_phy)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Relief - Landform (ialr:relief_dd_Type)
Generated from iiasa_landres_relief
Soil - Topsoil Acidity (ialr:soil_ph)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Soil - FAO Soil Class (ialr:soil_fao_tname)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Biodiversity Sites (ialr:biodiv_dd)
Generated from IIASA Land Resources of Russia Data
Agriculture - Land Use and Development (ialr:agricult_lu_name)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Land Degradation - Loss of topsoil by wind (ialr:degrad_wtet_ext)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Biodiversity - Plants (ialr:biodiv_plants)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Soil - Organic Carbon 100cm (ialr:soil_mean0_100)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Land Productivity - Sugar Beet (ialr:landqual_sugar_beet)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Vegetation - Above Ground Living (kg/m²) (ialr:veg_abov_phy)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Clearcuts Database 2005 (sibf:logg_2005)
Generated from sibford_logg2005dd
Forest Enterprises Russia (ialr:forent93_dd)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Soil - Russian Soil Class (ialr:soil_rus_tname)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Agriculture - Cropland Development & Improvement (ialr:agricult_cropland)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Hydrology (ialr:hyd_wnd_dd)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Land Degradation - Stable under natural conditions (ialr:degrad_sn_ext)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Agriculture - Reclamation (ialr:agricult_reclamat)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Land Productivity - Grains (ialr:landqual_grains)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Water (iabs:water_dd)
Russian base data
IRIS Project ROI (iris:IRIS Project ROI)
Soil - WRB Soil Class (ialr:soil_wrb_tname)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Hydrology - Snow establishment (ialr:hyd_est_dd)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
admin_dd (iabs:admin_dd)
Biodiversity - Amphibians (ialr:biodiv_amphib)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Soil - Bulk Density (ialr:soil_bulk_d)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Soil - Total Available Water Capacity (ialr:soil_tawc)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Hydrology - Snow Destruction (ialr:hyd_des_dd)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Hydrology - Underground runoff (ialr:hyd_und_dd)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Land Degradation - Loss of topsoil by wind action (ialr:degrad_et_ext)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Soil - not Bulk (ialr:soil_not_bulk)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Soil - Drainage (ialr:soil_drainage)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Railway (iabs:rail_dd)
Russian base data
Vegetation- Ratio:Above/Below Ground (ialr:veg_ratio)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
SIBERIA2 Project Area (sib2:SIBERIA_2_ROI)
Land Degradation - Organic horizons disturbance (ialr:degrad_so_ext)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Forest Species (ialr:forest_dd)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Urban Area (iabs:urban_dd_Type)
Russian base data
Landscape (cavm:landscape_dd)
Generated from cavm_landscape
KC_Initiative_Phase_3_ROI (sbsc:KC_Initiative_Phase_3_ROI)
Vegetation (iabs:russbase_veg_dd_Type)
Russian base data
Vegetation - Subclasses Swamps (ialr:veg_subclasses_swamps)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Agriculture - Crop Rotations (ialr:agricult_crop_rotat)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Vegetation - Share of Early Succession (ialr:veg_anthrop)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Vegetation - Subclasses Alluvial (ialr:veg_subclasses_alluvial)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Land Degradation - Loss of topsoil by sheet erosion (ialr:degrad_wt_ext)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Agriculture - Cattle-Breeding Types (ialr:agricult_cattle)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Relief (ialr:relief_dd)
Generated from iiasa_landres_relief
Hydrology - Snow storage (ialr:hyd_sto_dd)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Biodiversity - Birds (ialr:biodiv_birds)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Hydrology - Freezing potential (ialr:hyd_frz_dd)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Pervomayskyi_Farm (kulunda:Pervomayskyi_Farm)
Bioclimate (cavm:bioclim)
Generated from cavm_bioclimate
wmo-russia-stations (gsod:wmo-russia-stations)
Land Degradation - Combination of plant + land (ialr:degrad_promea)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
wps_testsites_rog (sbsc:wps_testsites_rog)
Forest_DRAGON_2_ROI (sbsc:Forest_DRAGON_2_ROI)
Floristic Provinces (cavm:florprov_dd_Type)
Generated from cavm_florprov
Kulunda_Testsite (sbsc:Kulunda_Testsite)
Agriculture - Types of Husbandry (ialr:agricult_husbandry)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Hydrology - Runoff variation (ialr:hyd_rvar_dd)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Land Degradation - Terrain Deformation (ialr:degrad_ed_ext)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Vegetation - Subclasses Steppes (ialr:veg_subclasses_steppes)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Land Productivity - Sunflower (ialr:landqual_sunflower)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Soil Naturalness - Human Impact on Soil (ialr:soilnat_impact)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Cities (iabs:urb_pts_dd_Type)
Russian base data
Vegetation - Net Primary Production (ialr:veg_npp)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
International, national and regional protected areas (polygons) (iucn:iucn1to6_poly)
Agriculture - Additional Characteristics of Cattle-Breeding (ialr:agricult_cattle_add)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Roads (iabs:roads_dd_Type)
Russian base data
soil_dd_Type (ialr:soil_dd)
Generated from iiasa_landres_soil
Permafrost - Extent (ialr:perm_ext_dd)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Water Bodies 2003/3004 (sib2:sib2_wb200304)
SIBERIA2 Water Bodies Map created from Envisat ASAR Data of 2003/2004
Permafrost - Boundaries (ialr:perm_bnd_dd)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Vegetation - Paleogeographical Variants (ialr:veg_mix_pr)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Biodiversity - Nesting (ialr:biodiv_nesting)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
SibFORD Project Area (sibf:SibFORD_ROI)
Agriculture - Predominant Crops (ialr:agricult_pred_crop)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Vegetation - Above Ground Dead (kg/m²) (ialr:veg_ab_ded_phy)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Fire Disturbances 1992 - 2003 (sib2:sib2_dstb)
Russian base data
Permafrost - Ice Thickness (ialr:perm_ice_dd)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Soil - US Soil Class (ialr:soil_us_tname)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Land Productivity - Annual Grasses (ialr:landqual_annual_grad)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Probability of Forest Fire Ignition by Humans or Lightning (2002 - 2006) (sibf:lifi)
Generated from sibford_lifi
Substrate chemistry (cavm:chem_dd)
Substrate chemistry, CAVM - Alaska Geobotany Center
Wetland Ecosystem (ialr:wetlands_dd)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Lithology (ialr:litho_dd)
Generated from iiasa_landres_litho
Soil - Organic Carbon 30cm (ialr:soil_mean0_30)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Land Degradation (ialr:degrad_dd)
Generated from iiasa_landres_degrad
Clearcuts Database 2008 (sibf:logg_2008)
Generated from sibford_logg_2008
Soil - Cation Exchange Capacity (ialr:soil_cec)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Clearcuts Database 2007 (sibf:logg_2007)
Generated from sibford_logg_2007
Clearcuts Database 2006 (sibf:logg_2006)
Generated from sibford_logg_2006
Lithology - Texture (ialr:litho_texture)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Vegetation - Subclasses Tundra (ialr:veg_subclasses_tundra)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Hydrology - Total runoff (ialr:hyd_tot_dd)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Vegetation - Total Phytomass (kg/m²) (Abov_phyt + Below_phyt) (ialr:veg_tot_ha)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Biodiversity - Mammals (ialr:biodiv_mammals)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Permafrost - Temperature (ialr:perm_tmp_dd)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Soil- CO2 Respiration (ialr:soil_co2)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Vegetation (ialr:veg_dd)
Generated from iiasa_landres_veg
testgebiete (enviland2:testgebiete)
Hydrology - Temporal variability (ialr:hyd_var_dd)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
Vegetation - Below Ground Dead (kg/m²) (ialr:veg_bl_ded_phy)
IIASA Land Resources of Russia
International, national and regional protected areas (points) (iucn:iucn1to6_pts_dd)
DUE_Permafrost_Project_ROI (sbsc:DUE_Permafrost_Project_ROI)
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