[unknown data provider]

MSGCPP OGC archive service

height_at_cloud_top height_at_cloud_top height_at_cloud_top
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Web Service, OGC Web Map Service 1.3.0
view, infoMapAccessService, ADAGUCServer version 1.7, of Mar 3 2015 17:33:41
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No INSPIRE Extended Capabilities (including service language support) given. See INSPIRE Technical Guidance - View Services for more information.
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No INSPIRE Extended Capabilities (including service metadata) given. See INSPIRE Technical Guidance - View Services for more information.

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Available map layers (22)

Cloud top height (m) (height_at_cloud_top)

Cloud cover (flag) (cloud_area_fraction)

Cloud optical thickness (1) (atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_cloud)

Cloud top temperature (K) (air_temperature_at_cloud_top)

Cloud condensed water path (g m-2) (atmosphere_cloud_condensed_water_content)

Droplet number concentration of liquid clouds (cm-3) (number_concentration_of_cloud_liquid_water_particles_in_air_at_liquid_water_cloud_top)

Precipitation rate (mm hr-1) (lwe_precipitation_rate)

Surface downwelling shortwave radiation (W m-2) (surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air)

Surface diffuse downwelling shortwave radiation (W m-2) (surface_diffuse_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air)

Cloud phase (flag) (thermodynamic_phase_of_cloud_water_particles_at_cloud_top_defined_by_near_infrared_radiance)

Geometrical thickness of liquid clouds (m) (thickness_of_liquid_water_cloud)

Cloud droplet effective radius (um) (effective_radius_of_cloud_condensed_water_particles_at_cloud_top)

Baselayer (-) (baselayer)

Overlay (-) (overlay)

Solar zenith angle (deg) (solar_zenith_angle)

Platform zenith angle (deg) (platform_zenith_angle)

Relative azimuth angle (deg) (angle_of_rotation_from_solar_azimuth_to_platform_azimuth)

Latitude (deg) (lat)

Longitude (deg) (lon)

Time offset (s) (time_offset)

Mask (-) (mask)

High Ice Water Content (-) (hiwc)

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