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Scientific Data
NOAA/NSIDC Climate Data Record of Passive Microwave Monthly Southern Hemisphere Sea Ice Concentration (seaice_conc_monthly_cdr)
NOAA/NSIDC Climate Data Record of Passive Microwave Monthly Southern Hemisphere Sea Ice Concentration
Passive Microwave Monthly Southern Hemisphere Sea Ice Concentration Source Estimated Standard Deviation (stdev_of_seaice_conc_monthly_cdr)
Passive Microwave Monthly Southern Hemisphere Sea Ice Concentration Source Estimated Standard Deviation
Monthly Day of Snow Melt Onset Over Sea Ice (melt_onset_day_seaice_conc_monthly_cdr)
Monthly Day of Snow Melt Onset Over Sea Ice
sea_ice_area_fraction status_flag (qa_of_seaice_conc_monthly_cdr)
Passive Microwave Monthly Southern Hemisphere Sea Ice Concentration QC flags
Goddard Edited Climate Data Record of Passive Microwave Monthly Southern Hemisphere Sea Ice Concentration, Goddard Edited (goddard_merged_seaice_conc_monthly)
Goddard Edited Climate Data Record of Passive Microwave Monthly Southern Hemisphere Sea Ice Concentration, Goddard Edited
Passive Microwave Monthly Southern Hemisphere Sea Ice Concentration by NASA Team algorithm with Goddard QC (goddard_nt_seaice_conc_monthly)
Passive Microwave Monthly Southern Hemisphere Sea Ice Concentration by NASA Team algorithm with Goddard QC
Passive Microwave Monthly Southern Hemisphere Sea Ice Concentration by Bootstrap algorithm with Goddard QC (goddard_bt_seaice_conc_monthly)
Passive Microwave Monthly Southern Hemisphere Sea Ice Concentration by Bootstrap algorithm with Goddard QC
latitude (latitude)
longitude (longitude)
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