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Available map layers (7)

Canada Territorial Limits (1)

This dataset is one of the GeoBase series of products. It contains current International, Economic exclusion zone and inter-provincial / territorial boundaries of Canada, plus the corresponding geopolitical areas. The dataset contains three files: an administrative boundary file, an administrative areas file and a metadata file. The administrative boundary file is made of non-overlapping, topologically correct (connected) simple features, with no dangles. An administrative boundary is a line that bounds two adjacent administrative areas. In the dataset, an administrative boundary may be split into several smaller segments, due to changes in attribute information. The administrative areas file is made of adjacent (contiguous) polygons. The polygon boundaries exactly align with the corresponding features in the administrative boundary file. The delivery format for this dataset can be either GML ASCII or ESRI Shape file.

NWT Regions - Enriti Admin (2)

ENR and ITI have five administrative regions. Two are based on settled land claims: Inuvialuit Settlement Region and Gwich'in Settlement Area make up the Inuvik Region while the Sahtu Region is comprised of the Sahtu and Metis Settlement Area. The remaining three regions were essentially left as is until the remaining land claims have been settled. The North Slave Regional Boundary was to approximate what is estimated to be the Tlicho boundary, while the boundary between the Deh Cho and South Slave is the old federal boundary. In 2009, the community of Lutselk'e was added to the North Slave Administrative Region with the actual boundary to be determined later. In 2010 a boundary along the 62° W parallel of latitude from the Nunavut boundary was agreed to by ENR and Lutselk'e. In February of 2011, it was agreed by ENR DM and ADM-Operations that the western boundary of the 62° line would cross the islands at the bottom of the East Arm of Great Slave Lake and join the existing bounday at 113° W longitude It is possible that there are some residual territorial and federal regional boundaries that may still be used in specific situations.

Default (4)

Default (6)

Electoral Polling Division (8)

Part of the Elections NWT mandate is to provide maps to all the Deputy Returning Officers and for candidate use during the periodic NWT Elections. To create these maps requires accurate boundaries of each of the 19 Electoral Districts of the NWTt. Previous versions of the required maps had been created by Earth Tec of Edmonton in Autocad format. These maps were not very detailed and within communities did not include the complete extent of the Electoral DistrictUsing Schedule A from the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act of the GNWT, the legal descriptions were used to create each Electoral District. The existing legal descriptions were reviewed and issues are detailed in the supplemental information. The Chief Electoral Officer did not believe that these would affect any potential voters so they will be addressed as part of the Electoral Boundary Commission.At the very end of the project, the decision was made to also include digital polling division boundaries. These boundaries were based on a document: 2011 Polling Divisions_Descriptions and Keys_24 June 2011.docx provided by Elections NWT. The polling division descriptions were created by each Electoral District and were not consistent or clear. The Chief Electoral Officer had to make interpretations on some boundary locations. This dataset only includes boundaries but no attributes.NWTElectoralDistricts2011.shpNWTElectoralDistricts2011-AEA.shp Above shapefile projected to the NWT Albers Equal Area projection with areas calculated in sq. kms, acres and hectares

Electoral District (9)

Part of the Elections NWT mandate is to provide maps to all the Deputy Returning Officers and for candidate use during the periodic NWT Elections. To create these maps requires accurate boundaries of each of the 19 Electoral Districts of the NWTt. Previous versions of the required maps had been created by Earth Tec of Edmonton in Autocad format. These maps were not very detailed and within communities did not include the complete extent of the Electoral DistrictUsing Schedule A from the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act of the GNWT, the legal descriptions were used to create each Electoral District. The existing legal descriptions were reviewed and issues are detailed in the supplemental information. The Chief Electoral Officer did not believe that these would affect any potential voters so they will be addressed as part of the Electoral Boundary Commission.At the very end of the project, the decision was made to also include digital polling division boundaries. These boundaries were based on a document: 2011 Polling Divisions_Descriptions and Keys_24 June 2011.docx provided by Elections NWT. The polling division descriptions were created by each Electoral District and were not consistent or clear. The Chief Electoral Officer had to make interpretations on some boundary locations. This dataset only includes boundaries but no attributes.It was noted that Yellowknife, Hay River and Inuvik had street addresses as part of their community maps. Parcel and street number data as shapefiles was acquired from theCity of Yellowknife, Lot/parcel/block and street annotation was acquired from AECOM via the Town of Inuvik. The Earth Tech data was the best available for Hay River as it does not appear as though the Town of Hay River has any digital property related data.Hard copy version of the Hay River street addresses were compared to the Earth Tech data and there were not significant changes to the street names to update them. At the end of the project, an attempt was made to correct some street names where problems were known.Statistics NWT does have street addressing for all NWT Communities that do have street addresses. The data was reviewed, however attributes were not compatible with MACA attribute data.

Canadian Geopolitical Boundary (10)

The boundary line data was compiled from the Atlas of Canada 1,000,000 National Frameworks Data, Administrative Boundaries data. Attribute and geometry edits were made to the boundary line data to coordinate with the Canadian Geopolitical Boundaries data from the Canada Centre for Cadastral Management of Natural Resources Canada. The boundary lines were processed with the boundary points using an ETL (extract, transform and load) routine to output the boundary polygons, landmass polygons and ocean polygon.The Atlas of Canada National Scale Data 1:1,000,000 Series consists of boundary, coast, island, place name, railway, river, road, road ferry and waterbody data sets that were compiled to be used for atlas large scale (1:1,000,000 to 1:4,000,000) mapping. These data sets have been integrated so that their relative positions are cartographically correct. Any data outside of Canada included in the data sets is strictly to complete the context of the data.

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