urbis:LabeledStreetAxe urbis:LabeledStreetAxe urbis:LabeledStreetAxe
Service health Now:
Web Service, OGC Web Map Service 1.3.0
WFS, WMS, GEOSERVER, CIRB, infoMapAccessService
Access constraints
Supported languages
Data provider

CIRB (unverified)

Contact information:

Eric Auquière


Avenue des arts 21, 1000 Brussels, Belgium


Service metadata

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Web Map Service for the CIRB layers

Available map layers (29)

LabeledStreetAxe (urbis:LabeledStreetAxe)

Labeled StreetAxe for OSIRIS, bug fix for the juxtaposition of street name on building

Address points (urbis:URB_A_ADPT)

This layer is the localization of address points of the Brussels Region

Buildings (urbis:URB_A_BU)

This layer represents the buildings of the Brussels Region

Monitoring districts (urbis:URB_A_MD)

This layer reprensent the monitoring districts of the Brussels Region

Municipalities (urbis:URB_A_MU)

This layer represents the municipalities of the Brussels Region

Street axes (urbis:URB_A_MY_SA)

This layer represents the axes of the street of the Brussels Region

Street sections (urbis:URB_A_MY_SS)

This layer represents the street sections of the Brussels Region

Municipal zips (urbis:URB_A_MZ)

This layer is the zip of the municipality of the Brussels Region

Police districts (urbis:URB_A_POL)

This layer is the police districts of the Brussels Region

Region (urbis:URB_A_RE)

This layer is the Brussels Region

Statistical districts (urbis:URB_A_SD)

This layer represents the limit of the statistical districts of the Brussels Region

Street nodes (urbis:URB_A_SN)

This layer represents the street nodes. Each node is an intersection or an extremity of a street axe

Rail tracks (urbis:URB_M_RTLINE)

This layer represents the rails tracks.

UrbisMap shapes (urbis:URB_M_SHAPE)

This layer represents the shapes of UrbisMap.

Toponymy (urbis:URB_M_TONAME_LIN)

This layer represents the toponymy of public places.

Points of interest (urbis:URB_M_ZIPOINT)

This layer represents the point of zone of interest.

Urbis Topo Lines (urbis:URB_T_LINE)

This layer represents the topo lines.

Urbis Topo Points (urbis:URB_T_POINT)

This layer represents the topo points.

Street sides (urbis:URB_A_SI_POINT_VW)

Street sides

Urbis Base Map FR (urbisFR)

This layer represents the base map in french.

Urbis Base Map NL (urbisNL)

This layer represents the base map in dutch.

Ortho 2012 (urbis:ortho2012)

This layer is ortho 2012 in the Brussels region

Ortho 2009 (urbis:ortho2009)

This layer is ortho 2009 in the Brussels region

Ortho 2004 (urbis:ortho2004)

This layer is ortho 2004 in the Brussels region

Ortho 2014 (urbis:ortho2014)

This layer is ortho 2014 in the Brussels region

Urbis Base Map Gray FR (urbisFRGray)

This layer represents the gray base map in french.

Urbis Base Map Gray NL (urbisNLGray)

This layer represents the gray base map in dutch.

MuNeighbour (urbis:MuNeighbour)

Neighbour Municipalities

Highways (urbis:Highways)


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