[Unnamed layer] [Unnamed layer] [Unnamed layer]
Service health Now:
Web Service, ArcGIS MapServer 10.3
enviornment, conservation, parks, protection, environmental impact assessment, nature reserves
Access constraints
NWT Centre for Geomatics, 2016
Data provider


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ENV - Environment and conservation (environment)Environmental resources, protection, and conservation. For example, resources describing pollution, waste storage and treatment, environmental impact assessment, environmental risk, and nature reserves. The conservation data is current as of October 2013. The air quality and water quality data is of unknown date and accuracy. No updates in this dataset have been made since that time. The air quality and water quality data is of unknown date and accuracy. We are making all efforts to update conservation, protect areas and parks as soon as possible.

Available map layers (91)

Basic Conservation Areas (0)

Conservation Areas Basic Anno (1)

Established Protection (2)

Proposed Protection (3)

Conservation Management Consideration (4)

Water Only Area (5)

Established Protection (6)

National Park (7)

Naatsihchoh National Park Reserve (8)

Territorial Park (9)

CANOL Heritage Trail (10)

Territorial Park > 10000 ha (11)

Migratory Bird Sanctuary (12)

Thelon Wildlife Sanctuary (13)

Conservation Area Via Land Claim (14)

Pingo Canadian Landmark (15)

Saoyu ?ehdacho National Historic Site (16)

Area Protected - Subject to Periodic Review (17)

Sahtu Approved Land Use Plan (18)

Gwich'in Approved Land Use Plan (19)

Proposed Protection (20)

Parks Canada or NWT - PAS Proposal (21)

NWT - PAS Area Of Interest (22)

Draft Land Use Plan (23)

Dehcho Draft Land Use Plan (24)

Conservation Management Consideration (25)

Nagwichoonjik National Historic Site (26)

Mackenzie Bison Sanctuary (27)

Water Only Area (28)

Marine Protected Area (29)

Detailed Conservation Areas (30)

Conservation Areas Detailed Anno (31)

Permanent Surface/Subsurface Protection (32)

Permanent Surface Protection (33)

Parks Canada or NWT-PAS Proposal (34)

NWT-PAS Area of interest (35)

Water Only Area (36)

Conservation Management Consideration (37)

Established Surface/Subsurface Protection (38)

Area Permanently Protected (39)

National Park or Park Reserve (40)

Naatsihchoh National Park Reserve (41)

Thelon Wildlife Sanctuary (42)

Saoyu ?ehdacho National Historic Site (43)

Conservation Area Via Land Claim Agreement (44)

Area Protected - Subject to Periodic Review (45)

Sahtu Approved Land Use Plan (46)

Gwich'in Approved Land Use Plan (47)

Established Surface Protection (48)

Territorial Park (49)

CANOL Heritage Trail (50)

Pingo Canadian Landmark (51)

Conservation Area Via Land Claim Agreement (52)

Migratory Bird Sanctuary (53)

Territorial Park > 10000 ha (54)

Area Proposed for Protection (55)

NWT - PAS Proposal (56)

Proposed Protection Through NWT - PAS (57)

NWT- PAS AOI Protected Via Dehcho ILW (58)

NWT - PAS Area Of Interest (59)

Parks Canada Proposal (60)

Parks Canada Proposal (61)

Land Use Plan Conservation Proposal (62)

Dehcho Draft land Use Plan (63)

Dehcho LUP Protected Via Dehcho ILW (64)

Water Only Area (65)

Marine Protected Area (66)

Conservation Management Consideration (67)

Nagwichoonjik National Historic Site (68)

Mackenzie Bison Sanctuary (69)

Environment Air/Water Quality (70)

Air quality (0-10m scale) (71)

Water quality (0-10m scale) (72)

Permitted Human Development (73)

Gwichin Human Development Footprint Points (74)

ISR Human Development Footprint Points (75)

North and South Slave Human Development Footprint Points (76)

Sahtu Human Development Footprint Points (77)

Gwichin Human Development Footprint Lines (78)

ISR Human Development Footprint Lines (79)

North and South Slave Human Development Footprint Lines (80)

Sahtu Human Development Footprint Lines (81)

Gwichin Human Development Footprint Areas (82)

ISR Human Development Footprint Areas (83)

North and South Slave Human Development Footprint Areas (84)

Sahtu Human Development Footprint Areas (85)

Unvalidated Human Development (86)

Unvalidated Human Development Footprint Lines (North) (87)

Unvalidated Human Development Footprint Lines (South) (88)

Unvalidated Human Development Footprint Areas (North) (89)

Unvalidated Human Development Footprint Areas (South) (90)

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