OSPAR Secretariat

OSPAR ODIMS Web Feature Service

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OSPAR Secretariat (unverified)

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OSPAR Data Administrator

OSPAR Secretariat

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Phone: +44 (0)20 7430 5200

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No INSPIRE Extended Capabilities (including service metadata) given. See INSPIRE Technical Guidance - View Services for more information.

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This is the reference implementation of WFS 1.0.0 and WFS 1.1.0, supports all WFS operations including Transaction.

Available map layers (951)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Leucoraja Naevus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1983_11_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Lophius Budegassa (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1985_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2013 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2013_05_002)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 002]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence - Rajella Fyllae (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_2013_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise - 2020 (odims:ospar_underwater_noise_2020_01_001)

OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise Registry, managed at ICES. The data are collated nationally from registers of licenced events such as pile driving, controlled explosions from naval operations and other activities that release energy. This registry is specifically purposed with supporting OSPAR and HELCOM in providing information that will feed regional assessments, and in reporting by its contracting parties to MSFD descriptor 11.1.1 (Low and mid frequency impulsive noise). https://www.ices.dk/data/data-portals/Pages/impulsive-noise.aspx

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2013 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2013_05_001)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Anarhichas Minor (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1983_03_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2000 (odims:ospar_biota_2000_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2000 (odims:ospar_biota_2000_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 002]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2000 (odims:ospar_biota_2000_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota

OSPAR Liquid Discharges from Nuclear Installations - 2017 (odims:ospar_discharges_nuclear_2017_02_001)

Location of Nuclear Facilities in OSPAR countries discharging directly or indirectly to the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2011 (odims:ospar_seawater_2011_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Scorpaena Scrofa (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2017_07_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Myliobatis Aquila (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1999_04_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Concentration of Dissolved Oxygen - Accuracy Class Confidence - COMP4 (odims:ospar_dissolved_oxygen_acc_2020_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Sparus Aurata (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2013_03_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Marine Litter Beach Monitoring - 1km sampling units - 2020 (odims:ospar_marine_litter_2020_02_001)

Monitoring of litter on beaches in the OSPAR Maritime Area. Data and analysis tools available from: https://beachlitter.ospar.org/ [Version 001]

OSPAR Marine Mammals Thematic Assessment Units (odims:ospar_mm_ta_au_2023_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence - Hoplostethus Atlanticus (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_2007_03_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise 2017 (odims:ospar_underwater_noise_2017_01_001)

OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise Registry, managed at ICES. The data are collated nationally from registers of licenced events such as pile driving, controlled explosions from naval operations and other activities that release energy. This registry is specifically purposed with supporting OSPAR and HELCOM in providing information that will feed regional assessments, and in reporting by its contracting parties to MSFD descriptor 11.1.1 (Low and mid frequency impulsive noise). https://www.ices.dk/data/data-portals/Pages/impulsive-noise.aspx

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Synaphobranchus Kaupii (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2012_08_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Plastic Particles in Fulmar Stomachs 2005 (odims:ospar_plastic_fulmars_2005_01_001)

Locations of Fulmarus glacialis reporting, together with the birds sex, age and the numbers and mass of plastic particles found [Version 001]

IA2017 Seabed Litter - Sample Stations (odims:ospar_ia2017_seabed_litter_2017_02_001)

Intermediate Assessment 2017 - Seabed Litter Assessment Product - Monitoring of seafloor litter on the back of existing fish stock assessments.

IA2107 - Trends of Organotin in Sediments - Monitoring sites (odims:ospar_ia2017_organotin_sed_2017_01_001)

Trends of Organotin in Sediments in the Southern North Sea

OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Subsurface 2012 (odims:ospar_bottom_f_intensubsur_2012_02_002)

ICES response to OSPAR request to support the development of common and candidate OSPAR biodiversity indicators for benthic habitats: fishing intensity/pressure per gear type for subsurface abrasion, in OSPAR regions. [Version 002]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Alopias Vulpinus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2016_01_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Risk Map - Risk of Impact from Anthropogenic Impulsive Sound - Harbour Porpoise - Monthly Average, July 2015-2019 (odims:ospar_risk_map_2019_07_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Hydrolagus Mirabilis (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2012_05_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Regions (odims:ospar_regions_2017_01_002)

The OSPAR Region boundaries defining the extent of the OSPAR maritime area and the region divisions, in polygon form [Version 002]

OSPAR Regions (odims:ospar_regions_2017_01_003)

The OSPAR Region boundaries defining the extent of the OSPAR maritime area and the region divisions, in polygon form [Version 003]

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2011 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2011_01_002)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 002]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Salmo Trutta Trutta (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1986_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2011 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2011_01_001)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 001]

EMODnet Pipelines (odims:ospar_pipelines_2019_05_001)

These data are presented from the EMODnet Human Activities Web Feature Service. http://www.emodnet-humanactivities.eu Created in 2017 by Cogea for EMODnet. Actual routes of offshore pipelines are represented (where available).

OSPAR Recovery of Sensitive Fish Species Assessment Units (odims:ospar_recovery_sensitive_fish_au_2021_06_002)

OSPAR Probability of Hauls containing a Litter Item - Bay of Biscay - 2015 (odims:ospar_seabed_litter_probability_2015_08_001)

Smoothed map for the Bay of Biscay of the probability that hauls contain a litter item [Version 001]

Recovery of Sensitive Fish Species Assessment Units (odims:ospar_recovery_sensitive_fish_au_2021_06_001)

OSPAR Liquid Discharges from Nuclear Installations 2009 (odims:ospar_discharges_nuclear_2009_01_001)

Location of Nuclear Facilities in OSPAR countries discharging directly or indirectly to the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

OSPAR Probability of Hauls containing a Litter Item - Greater North Sea - 2018 (odims:ospar_seabed_litter_probability_2018_06_001)

Smoothed map for the Greater North Sea of the probability that hauls contain a litter item [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Tetronarce Nobiliana (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2018_02_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2008 (odims:ospar_seawater_2008_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater

OSPAR Fishing for Litter - 2015 (odims:ospar_fishing_litter_2015_01_001)

Locations of Harbours in the OSPAR area where participating fishing vessels deposit bags filled with litter recovered in hauls [Version 001]

OSPAR Heavy Metals in Biota and Sediment Assessment Units (odims:ospar_hm_biota_sediment_au_2022_06_002)

OSPAR Heavy Metals (Mercury, Cadmium and Lead) in Fish, Shellfish and Sediment - Assessment Units [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2008 (odims:ospar_seawater_2008_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 002]

OSPAR Heavy Metals in Biota and Sediment Assessment Units (odims:ospar_hm_biota_sediment_au_2022_06_001)

OSPAR Heavy Metals (Mercury, Cadmium and Lead) in Fish, Shellfish and Sediment - Assessment Units [Version 001]

OSPAR Marine Litter Beach Monitoring - 100m sampling units - 2017 (odims:ospar_marine_litter_2017_03_001)

Monitoring of litter on beaches in the OSPAR Maritime Area. Data and analysis tools available from: https://beachlitter.ospar.org/ [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Pollachius Virens (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2015_04_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Subsurface 2015 (odims:ospar_bottom_f_intensubsur_2015_01_002)

ICES response to OSPAR request to support the development of common and candidate OSPAR biodiversity indicators for benthic habitats: fishing intensity/pressure per gear type for subsurface abrasion, in OSPAR regions. [Version 002]

OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Surface 2013 (odims:ospar_bottom_f_intensur_2013_01_002)

ICES response to OSPAR request to support the development of common and candidate OSPAR biodiversity indicators for benthic habitats: fishing intensity/pressure per gear type for surface abrasion, in OSPAR regions. [Version 002]

OSPAR Dumping and Placement of Wastes or Other Matter at Sea 2021 (odims:ospar_dumping_at_sea_2021_01_001)

Locations of dumping or placement of waste or other matter activities [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2011 (odims:ospar_biota_2011_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 002]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2011 (odims:ospar_biota_2011_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2011 (odims:ospar_biota_2011_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Gadus Morhua (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2015_12_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Marine Munition Dumpsite Locations (odims:ospar_marine_dumpsites_2016_01_001)

Locations of marine munition dumpsites; chemical, conventional and unknown munitions in the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

OSPAR Beach Litter Trend per Survey Site (odims:ospar_beach_litter_trend_2022_08_001)

Trends in total count of Beach Litter for 83 OSPAR survey sites over the period 2015 - 2020 [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2008 (odims:ospar_seawater_2008_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2000 (odims:ospar_seawater_2000_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2008 (odims:ospar_biota_2008_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 002]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2000 (odims:ospar_seawater_2000_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 002]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Labrus Bergylta (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2015_07_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2008 (odims:ospar_biota_2008_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2000 (odims:ospar_seawater_2000_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2008 (odims:ospar_biota_2008_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 1995 (odims:ospar_seawater_1995_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 002]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2011 (odims:ospar_seawater_2011_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 1995 (odims:ospar_seawater_1995_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2011 (odims:ospar_seawater_2011_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 002]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2019 (odims:ospar_biota_2019_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2019 (odims:ospar_biota_2019_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 1995 (odims:ospar_seawater_1995_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 001]

OSPAR PAHs in Sediment - Monitoring Sites (odims:ospar_pah_sediment_sites_2022_06_001)

OSPAR Monitoring Sites used to assess Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Concentrations in Sediment [Version 001]

OSPAR Liquid Discharges from Nuclear Installations - 2001 (odims:ospar_discharges_nuclear_2001_01_001)

Location of Nuclear Facilities in OSPAR countries discharging directly or indirectly to the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Lophius Budegassa (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1985_06_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Salmo Trutta Trutta (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1986_01_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Offshore Renewable Energy Developments 2013 (odims:ospar_offshore_renewables_2013_01_002)

Details of the location and status of offshore renewable energy developments in the OSPAR region [Version 002]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Trachyrincus Scabrus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2018_05_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Offshore Renewable Energy Developments 2013 (odims:ospar_offshore_renewables_2013_01_001)

Details of the location and status of offshore renewable energy developments in the OSPAR region [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Dasyatis Pastinaca (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2014_09_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Argyrosomus Regius (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1997_01_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR TBT in Biota Assessment Units (odims:ospar_tbt_biota_au_2022_06_002)

OSPAR Tributyltin (TBT) in Biota Assessment Units [Version 001]

OSPAR Concentration of Dissolved Oxygen - Confidence - COMP4 (odims:ospar_dissolved_oxygen_conf_2020_06_001)

OSPAR PAHs in Biota - Monitoring Sites (odims:ospar_pahs_biota_sites_2022_06_001)

OSPAR Monitoring Sites used to assess Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Concentrations in Biota [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Anarhichas Lupus (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1983_03_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Polyprion Americanus (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_1999_02_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR TBT in Biota Assessment Units (odims:ospar_tbt_biota_au_2022_06_001)

OSPAR Tributyltin (TBT) in Biota Assessment Units [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Brama Brama (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_2005_01_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Cyclopterus Lumpus (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2014_08_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Scyliorhinus Canicula (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2017_09_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR OECMs - 2021 (odims:ospar_oecms_pg_2021_02_001)

A geographically defined area other than a Protected Area, which is governed and managed in ways that achieve positive and sustained long-term outcomes for the in situ conservation of biodiversity, with associated ecosystem functions and services and where applicable, cultural, spiritual, socio–economic, and other locally relevant values [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Dicentrarchus Punctatus (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2017_08_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Liquid Discharges from Nuclear Installations - 2012 (odims:ospar_discharges_nuclear_2012_01_001)

Location of Nuclear Facilities in OSPAR countries discharging directly or indirectly to the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

OSPAR TBT in Sediment Assessment Units (odims:ospar_tbt_sediment_au_2022_06_001)

OSPAR TBT in Sediment Assessment Units (odims:ospar_tbt_sediment_au_2022_06_002)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence - Merluccius Merluccius (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1985_05_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Concentration of Dissolved Oxygen - Ecological Quality Ratio Scaled - Gridded COMP4 (odims:ospar_dissolved_oxygen_eqrs_2020_08_001)

OSPAR Dumping and Placement of Wastes or Other Matter at Sea - 2018 (odims:ospar_dumping_at_sea_2018_01_001)

Dumping and Placement of Wastes or Other Matter at Sea monitoring

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2016 (odims:ospar_biota_2016_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 001]

IA2017 Seabed Litter - Relative number of litter items per square km (odims:ospar_ia2017_seabed_litter_2017_01_001)

Intermediate Assessment 2017 - Seabed Litter Assessment Product - Monitoring of seafloor litter on the back of existing fish stock assessments.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Cetorhinus Maximus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2016_02_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Pomatomus Saltatrix (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_2018_02_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2016 (odims:ospar_biota_2016_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota

OSPAR Risk Map - Risk of Impact from Anthropogenic Impulsive Sound - Harbour Porpoise - Monthly Average, June 2015-2019 (odims:ospar_risk_map_2019_06_001)

OSPAR Concentration of Chlorophyll - Ecological Quality Ratio Scaled - COMP4 (odims:ospar_chlorophyll_eqrs_2020_01_001)

OSPAR Plastic Particles in Fulmar Stomachs - 2016 (odims:ospar_plastic_fulmars_2016_01_001)

Locations of Fulmarus glacialis reporting, together with the birds sex, age and the numbers and mass of plastic particles found [Version 001]

OSPAR Risk of Impact from Impulsive Underwater Noise - Assessment Units (odims:ospar_risk_noise_au_2022_06_002)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence - Etmopterus Pusillus (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_2007_02_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Risk of Impact from Impulsive Underwater Noise - Assessment Units (odims:ospar_risk_noise_au_2022_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Mustelus (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2013_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Probability of Hauls containing a Litter Item - Celtic Seas - 2018 (odims:ospar_seabed_litter_probability_2018_07_001)

Smoothed map for the Celtic Seas of the probability that hauls contain a litter item [Version 001]

OSPAR Marine Litter Beach Monitoring - 1km sampling units - 2017 (odims:ospar_marine_litter_2017_04_001)

Monitoring of litter on beaches in the OSPAR Maritime Area. Data and analysis tools available from: https://beachlitter.ospar.org/ [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Galeorhinus Galeus (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2015_11_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Dasyatis Pastinaca (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1997_02_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Condition of Benthic Habitat Communities - Benthic Vegetation - WFD 2016 Quality Status (odims:ospar_cond_ben_habs_veg_2016_01_001)

EMODnet Human Activities Aggregate Extraction - Polygons (odims:ospar_aggregate_extraction_2020_10_001)

EMODnet Human Activities Aggregate Extraction Areas/Points - Web Feature Service

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Epigonus Telescopus (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2012_04_001)

ICES DATRAS Data. For the short-term assessment the reference period is created from the six years previous to the assessment period (the last six years of the available survey data).

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Petromyzon Marinus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2018_12_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Amblyraja Radiata (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1983_02_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Sebastes (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1986_02_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Lampetra Fluviatilis (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2015_06_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Surface 2018 (odims:ospar_bottom_f_intensur_2018_01_001)

OSPAR request to generate swept-area and abundance index outputs for all otter and beam trawl surveys in the North-East Atlantic and regional seas based on DATRAS data as input to OSPAR common indicator. https://doi.org/10.17895/ices.advice.8300 [Version 001]

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2016 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2016_02_002)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 002]

OSPAR PBDEs in Sediment - Monitoring Sites (odims:ospar_pbde_sediment_sites_2022_06_001)

OSPAR Monitoring Sites used to assess Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) Concentrations in Sediment [Version 001]

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2016 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2016_02_001)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 001]

IA2017 Status and Trend for Heavy Metals in Sediment - Monitoring sites (odims:ospar_ia2017_metals_sediment_2017_01_001)

Status and Trend for Heavy Metals (Cadmium, Mercury and Lead) in Sediment

OSPAR PAHs in Biota and Sediment Assessment Units (odims:ospar_pahs_biota_sediment_au_2022_06_002)

OSPAR Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)in Shellfish and Sediment Assessment Units [Version 001]

OSPAR PAHs in Biota and Sediment Assessment Units (odims:ospar_pahs_biota_sediment_au_2022_06_001)

OSPAR Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)in Shellfish and Sediment Assessment Units [Version 001]

OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Surface 2010 (odims:ospar_bottom_f_intensur_2010_01_002)

ICES response to OSPAR request to support the development of common and candidate OSPAR biodiversity indicators for benthic habitats: fishing intensity/pressure per gear type for surface abrasion, in OSPAR regions. [Version 002]

OSPAR Risk Map - Risk of Impact from Anthropogenic Impulsive Sound - Harbour Porpoise - Monthly Average, May 2015-2019 (odims:ospar_risk_map_2019_05_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Myliobatis Aquila (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2013_02_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Zoarces Viviparus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2018_06_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Concentration of Nutrients - Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen Confidence - COMP1 (odims:ospar_din_confidence_2000_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Mora Moro (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_1999_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Condition of Benthic Habitat Communities: Margalef diversity in Region II (Greater North Sea) Assessment Units (odims:ospar_cond_ben_habs_margrii_au_2023_06_001)

OSPAR Condition of Benthic Habitat Communities: Margalef diversity in Region II (Greater North Sea) Assessment Units (odims:ospar_cond_ben_habs_margrii_au_2023_06_002)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Raja Clavata (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2015_05_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Non-Indigenous Species Thematic Assessment Units (odims:ospar_nis_ta_au_2023_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Pomatomus Saltatrix (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2018_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Sebastes (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1986_02_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Salmo Trutta Trutta (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2011_01_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise - Activity Type of Pulse Block Days 2019 (odims:ospar_underwater_noise_2019_03_001)

OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise Registry, managed at ICES. The data are collated nationally from registers of licenced events such as pile driving, controlled explosions from naval operations and other activities that release energy. This registry is specifically purposed with supporting OSPAR and HELCOM in providing information that will feed regional assessments, and in reporting by its contracting parties to MSFD descriptor 11.1.1 (Low and mid frequency impulsive noise). https://www.ices.dk/data/data-portals/Pages/impulsive-noise.aspx

OSPAR PCBs in Sediment - Monitoring Sites (odims:ospar_pcbs_sediment_sites_2022_06_001)

OSPAR Monitoring Sites used to assess Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) Concentrations in Sediment [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Sebastes Viviparus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1986_03_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Scymnodon Ringens (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2012_07_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

IA2017 PAH in Sediment - Monitoring Sites (odims:ospar_ia2017_pah_sediment_2017_04_001)

Monitoring sites used to assess IA2017 Indicator Assessment Status and Trends in the Concentrations of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Sediment. [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2005 (odims:ospar_biota_2005_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 002]

OSPAR Concentration of Chlorophyll - Confidence - COMP3 (odims:ospar_chl_confidence_2014_01_001)

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2005 (odims:ospar_biota_2005_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2005 (odims:ospar_biota_2005_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 001]

OSPAR Risk Map - Risk of Impact from Anthropogenic Impulsive Sound - Harbour Porpoise - 2017 (odims:ospar_risk_map_2017_01_001)

OSPAR Offshore Renewable Energy Developments - 2018 (odims:ospar_offshore_renewables_2018_01_001)

Position of offshore renewable energy developments

OSPAR Marine Litter Beach Monitoring - 1km sampling units - 2016 (odims:ospar_marine_litter_2016_06_001)

Monitoring of litter on beaches in the OSPAR Maritime Area. Data and analysis tools available from: https://beachlitter.ospar.org/ [Version 001]

OSPAR Offshore Renewable Energy Developments - 2018 (odims:ospar_offshore_renewables_2018_01_002)

Details of the location and status of offshore renewable energy developments in the OSPAR region [Version 002]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Anarhichas Lupus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1983_01_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Non-Indigenous Species Assessment Units (odims:ospar_nis_au_2022_06_002)

Assessment Units for the QSR2023 Trends in New Records of Non-indigenous Species Introduced by Human Activities Indicator Assessment [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence - Centrophorus Granulosus (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_2018_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Liquid Discharges from Nuclear Installations - 1998 (odims:ospar_discharges_nuclear_1998_01_001)

Location of Nuclear Facilities in OSPAR countries discharging directly or indirectly to the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

OSPAR Probability of Hauls containing a Litter Item - Celtic Seas - 2015 (odims:ospar_seabed_litter_probability_2015_07_001)

Smoothed map for the Celtic Seas of the probability that hauls contain a litter item [Version 001]

OSPAR Probability of Hauls containing a Litter Item - Celtic Seas - 2013 (odims:ospar_seabed_litter_probability_2013_07_001)

Smoothed map for the Celtic Seas of the probability that hauls contain a litter item [Version 001]

OSPAR Non-Indigenous Species Assessment Units (odims:ospar_nis_au_2022_06_001)

Assessment Units for the QSR2023 Trends in New Records of Non-indigenous Species Introduced by Human Activities Indicator Assessment [Version 001]

OSPAR Concentration of Nutrients - Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus Ecological Quality Ratio Scaled - COMP2 (odims:ospar_dip_eqrs_2006_06_001)

OSPAR Inventory of Offshore Installations - 2019 (odims:ospar_offshore_installations_2019_01_001)

Details of the location and status of Offshore Installations within the OSPAR maritime area, together with the water depth, operator, installation type and weight [Version 001]

OSPAR Inventory of Offshore Installations - 2019 (odims:ospar_offshore_installations_2019_01_002)

Details of the location and status of Offshore Installations within the OSPAR maritime area, together with the water depth, operator, installation type and weight [Version 002]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Amblyraja Radiata (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2015_02_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Liquid Discharges from Nuclear Installations - 2006 (odims:ospar_discharges_nuclear_2006_01_001)

Location of Nuclear Facilities in OSPAR countries discharging directly or indirectly to the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

OSPAR Encounters with Dumped Chemical and Conventional Munitions - 2016 (odims:ospar_encounters_2016_02_002)

Locations of encounters with dumped chemical weapons and munitions in the OSPAR maritime area [Version 002]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Hippocampus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1997_03_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Concentration of Dissolved Oxygen - Confidence - Gridded COMP4 (odims:ospar_dissolved_oxygen_conf_2020_08_001)

OSPAR Encounters with Dumped Chemical and Conventional Munitions - 2016 (odims:ospar_encounters_2016_02_001)

Locations of encounters with dumped chemical weapons and munitions in the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Tetronarce Nobiliana (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2018_03_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2003 (odims:ospar_seawater_2003_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2003 (odims:ospar_seawater_2003_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 002]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence - All hauls (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1983_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2003 (odims:ospar_seawater_2003_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 001]

OSPAR Concentration of Dissolved Oxygen - Confidence - COMP2 (odims:ospar_dissolved_oxygen_conf_2006_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Scophthalmus Maximus (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2017_05_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Munition Encounters - 2006 (odims:ospar_encounters_2006_01_001)

Locations of encounters with dumped chemical weapons and munitions in the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Raja Montagui (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1984_09_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Plastic Particles in Fulmar Stomachs 2002 (odims:ospar_plastic_fulmars_2002_01_001)

Locations of Fulmarus glacialis reporting, together with the birds sex, age and the numbers and mass of plastic particles found [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Leucoraja Fullonica (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1985_04_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Galeus (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2015_10_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Mean Total Abundance of Beach Litter Items 2018 (odims:ospar_mean_total_abu_litter_2018_12_001)

The mean total abundance of litter items on survey sites (100m of coastline) in the period 2012 - 2018 [Version 001]

OSPAR Risk Map - Risk of Impact from Anthropogenic Impulsive Sound - Harbour Porpoise - Monthly Average, April 2015-2019 (odims:ospar_risk_map_2019_04_001)

OSPAR Plastic Particles in Fulmar Stomachs - 2013 (odims:ospar_plastic_fulmars_2013_01_001)

Locations of Fulmarus glacialis reporting, together with the birds sex, age and the numbers and mass of plastic particles found [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Helicolenus Dactylopterus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2015_09_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2003 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2003_01_002)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 002]

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2003 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2003_01_001)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2019 (odims:ospar_seawater_2019_02_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2019 (odims:ospar_seawater_2019_02_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 001]

OECMs - 2023 (odims:ospar_oecms_pg_2023_02_001)

A geographically defined area other than a Protected Area, which is governed and managed in ways that achieve positive and sustained long-term outcomes for the in situ conservation of biodiversity, with associated ecosystem functions and services and where applicable, cultural, spiritual, socio–economic, and other locally relevant values [Version 001]

OSPAR Plastic Particles in Fulmar Stomachs - 2018 (odims:ospar_plastic_fulmars_2018_01_001)

Locations of Fulmarus glacialis reporting, together with the birds sex, age and the numbers and mass of plastic particles found [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2014 (odims:ospar_seawater_2014_02_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2014 (odims:ospar_seawater_2014_02_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 002]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2014 (odims:ospar_seawater_2014_02_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 001]

OSPAR Changes in Plankton Diversity - Most important variables addressing changes in phytoplankton diversity during the assessment period (2015-2019) (odims:ospar_changes_plank_div_var_2023_06_001)

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2008 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2008_01_001)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 001]

OSPAR PBDEs in Biota and Sediment Assessment Units (odims:ospar_pbde_biota_sediment_au_2022_06_001)

OSPAR Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs)in Biota and Sediment Assessment Units [Version 001]

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2008 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2008_01_002)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 002]

OSPAR PBDEs in Biota and Sediment Assessment Units (odims:ospar_pbde_biota_sediment_au_2022_06_002)

OSPAR Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs)in Biota and Sediment Assessment Units [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Mola Mola (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2012_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Munition Encounters - 2005 (odims:ospar_encounters_2005_01_001)

Locations of encounters with dumped chemical weapons and munitions in the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

OSPAR Plastic Particles in Fulmar Stomachs Assessment Units (odims:ospar_plastic_fulmar_au_2022_06_001)

OSPAR Plastic Particles in Fulmar Stomachs Assessment Units (odims:ospar_plastic_fulmar_au_2022_06_002)

OSPAR Probability of Hauls containing a Litter Item - Greater North Sea - 2013 (odims:ospar_seabed_litter_probability_2013_06_001)

Smoothed map for the Greater North Sea of the probability that hauls contain a litter item [Version 001]

OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Subsurface 2018 (odims:ospar_bottom_f_intensubsur_2018_01_001)

OSPAR request to generate swept-area and abundance index outputs for all otter and beam trawl surveys in the North-East Atlantic and regional seas based on DATRAS data as input to OSPAR common indicator. https://doi.org/10.17895/ices.advice.8300 [Version 001]

OSPAR Harbour Seal Assessment Units (odims:ospar_seal_au_2021_03_001)

OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise - Pulse Block Days 2019 (odims:ospar_underwater_noise_2019_02_001)

OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise Registry, managed at ICES. The data are collated nationally from registers of licenced events such as pile driving, controlled explosions from naval operations and other activities that release energy. This registry is specifically purposed with supporting OSPAR and HELCOM in providing information that will feed regional assessments, and in reporting by its contracting parties to MSFD descriptor 11.1.1 (Low and mid frequency impulsive noise). https://www.ices.dk/data/data-portals/Pages/impulsive-noise.aspx

OSPAR Marine Litter Beach Monitoring - 100m sampling units - 2020 (odims:ospar_marine_litter_2020_01_001)

Monitoring of litter on beaches in the OSPAR Maritime Area. Data and analysis tools available from: https://beachlitter.ospar.org/ [Version 001]

OSPAR Marine Birds Breeding Productivity Assessment Units (odims:ospar_marine_birds_bree_au_2022_06_002)

OSPAR Concentration of Dissolved Oxygen - Ecological Quality Ratio Scaled - COMP4 (odims:ospar_dissolved_oxygen_eqrs_2020_06_001)

OSPAR Marine Birds Breeding Productivity Assessment Units (odims:ospar_marine_birds_bree_au_2022_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Pollachius Pollachius (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2015_03_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Condition of Benthic Habitat Communities - Benthic Invertebrates - WFD 2016 Quality Status (odims:ospar_cond_ben_habs_inv_2016_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Acipenser Sturio (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_2019_01_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Torpedo Marmorata (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2018_04_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2014 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2014_01_002)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 002]

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2014 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2014_01_001)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 001]

OSPAR Plastic Particles in Fulmar Stomachs 2007 (odims:ospar_plastic_fulmars_2007_01_001)

Locations of Fulmarus glacialis reporting, together with the birds sex, age and the numbers and mass of plastic particles found [Version 001]

OSPAR Concentration of Nutrients - Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus Ecological Quality Ratio Scaled - COMP1 (odims:ospar_dip_eqrs_2000_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Sebastes Viviparus (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2017_12_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Probability of Hauls containing a Litter Item - Iberian Coast - 2015 (odims:ospar_seabed_litter_probability_2015_09_001)

Smoothed map for the Iberian Coast of the probability that hauls contain a litter item [Version 001]

OSPAR Concentration of Chlorophyll - Confidence - COMP4 (odims:ospar_chl_confidence_2020_01_001)

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 1998 (odims:ospar_biota_1998_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 1998 (odims:ospar_biota_1998_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 002]

OSPAR Encounters with Dumped Chemical and Conventional Munitions - 2022 (odims:ospar_encounters_2022_01_001)

Locations of encounters with munitions [Version 001]

OSPAR Marine Birds Breeding Productivity - Breeding colonies and sites for assessment (odims:ospar_breeding_productivity_2022_06_001)

OSPAR Munition Encounters - 2011 (odims:ospar_encounters_2011_01_001)

Locations of encounters with dumped chemical weapons and munitions in the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Alosa (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1984_01_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Changes in Plankton Diversity - Most important variables addressing changes in zooplankton diversity during the assessment period (2015-2019) (odims:ospar_changes_plank_div_var_2023_07_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Scophthalmus Rhombus (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2017_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Hexanchus Griseus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2015_08_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Inventory of Offshore Installations - 2013 (odims:ospar_offshore_installations_2013_01_001)

Details of the location and status of Offshore Installations within the OSPAR maritime area, together with the water depth, operator, installation type and weight [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Leucoraja Circularis (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1985_03_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Munition Encounters - 2000 (odims:ospar_encounters_2000_01_001)

Locations of encounters with dumped chemical weapons and munitions in the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

OSPAR Risk Map - Risk of Impact from Anthropogenic Impulsive Sound - Harbour Porpoise - Monthly Average, March 2015-2019 (odims:ospar_risk_map_2019_03_001)

EMODnet Waste Disposal - Treatment Plants (odims:ospar_waste_treatment_plants_2021_12_001)

EMODnet Human Activities Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive, Treatment Plants - Web Feature Service

OSPAR Offshore Renewable Energy Developments 2011 (odims:ospar_offshore_renewables_2011_01_001)

Details of the location and status of offshore renewable energy developments in the OSPAR region [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Mustelus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1988_01_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Leucoraja Circularis (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1985_03_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2002 (odims:ospar_biota_2002_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2013 (odims:ospar_seawater_2013_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2013 (odims:ospar_seawater_2013_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 002]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2013 (odims:ospar_seawater_2013_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 003]

OSPAR Concentration of Nutrients - Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen Spatial Confidence - COMP4 (odims:ospar_din_sc_2020_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Labrus Bergylta (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2015_07_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2006 (odims:ospar_biota_2006_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2002 (odims:ospar_biota_2002_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2006 (odims:ospar_biota_2006_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 002]

OSPAR Risk Map - Risk of Impact from Anthropogenic Impulsive Sound - Harbour Porpoise - 2018 (odims:ospar_risk_map_2018_01_001)

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2002 (odims:ospar_biota_2002_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 002]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2006 (odims:ospar_biota_2006_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 001]

IA2017 Distribution of Reported Impulsive Sounds - Total Pulse Block Days (odims:ospar_ia2017_impulsive_noise_2015_02_001)

Intermediate Assessment 2017 - Impulsive Underwater Noise Assessment Product - Common Indicator of the distribution of low- and mid-frequency impulsive sound sources in OSPAR Regions II and III

OSPAR Seal Indicator Assessment Units (odims:ospar_seal_au_2021_02_002)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Trachyrincus Scabrus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_2005_04_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Trachyrincus Scabrus (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2018_05_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Molva Macrophthalma (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1997_04_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Polyprion Americanus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_1999_02_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2020 (odims:ospar_biota_2020_07_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2020 (odims:ospar_biota_2020_07_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 1998 (odims:ospar_biota_1998_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 001]

OSPAR Seal Indicator Assessment Units (odims:ospar_seal_au_2021_02_001)

ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2018_01_001 (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2018_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Scophthalmus Rhombus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2017_06_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise - 2019 (odims:ospar_underwater_noise_2019_01_001)

OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise Registry, managed at ICES. The data are collated nationally from registers of licenced events such as pile driving, controlled explosions from naval operations and other activities that release energy. This registry is specifically purposed with supporting OSPAR and HELCOM in providing information that will feed regional assessments, and in reporting by its contracting parties to MSFD descriptor 11.1.1 (Low and mid frequency impulsive noise). https://www.ices.dk/data/data-portals/Pages/impulsive-noise.aspx

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Polyprion Americanus (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_2001_03_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Cyclopterus Lumpus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2014_08_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Lophius Piscatorius (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2022_10_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Common Procedure - Confidence - COMP4 (odims:ospar_comp_confidence_2020_06_001)

OSPAR Condition of Benthic Habitat Communities (in relation to nutrient and/or organic enrichment) Assessment Units (odims:ospar_cond_ben_habs_nut_au_2022_06_001)

Condition of benthic habitat communities: assessment of some coastal habitats in relation to nutrient and/or organic enrichment

OSPAR Condition of Benthic Habitat Communities (in relation to nutrient and/or organic enrichment) Assessment Units (odims:ospar_cond_ben_habs_nut_au_2022_06_002)

Condition of benthic habitat communities: assessment of some coastal habitats in relation to nutrient and/or organic enrichment

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Sebastes (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2017_11_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2017_12_001 (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2017_12_0010)

OSPAR Concentration of Nutrients - Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus Ecological Quality Ratio Scaled - COMP4 (odims:ospar_dip_eqrs_2020_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Mustelus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2016_12_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Cyclopterus Lumpus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1983_07_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Helicolenus Dactylopterus (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1985_02_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

IA2017 Distribution of Reported Impulsive Sounds - Source category "High" (odims:ospar_ia2017_impulsive_noise_2017_06_001)

Intermediate Assessment 2017 - Impulsive Underwater Noise Assessment Product - Common Indicator of the distribution of low- and mid-frequency impulsive sound sources in OSPAR Regions II and III

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Raja Brachyura (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1985_10_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Tetronarce Nobiliana (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_2016_03_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Litter in Sea Turtles Assessment Units (odims:ospar_turtles_litter_au_2022_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Sparus Aurata (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2013_03_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Litter in Sea Turtles Assessment Units (odims:ospar_turtles_litter_au_2022_06_002)

OSPAR Concentration of Chlorophyll - Ecological Quality Ratio Scaled - COMP3 (odims:ospar_chlorophyll_eqrs_2014_01_001)

OSPAR Munition Encounters - 2013 (odims:ospar_encounters_2013_01_001)

Locations of encounters with dumped chemical weapons and munitions in the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Phycis Blennoides (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2015_02_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Epigonus Telescopus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2012_04_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Pollachius Pollachius (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1984_07_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Probability of Hauls containing a Litter Item - Celtic Seas - 2012 (odims:ospar_seabed_litter_probability_2012_07_001)

Smoothed map for the Celtic Seas of the probability that hauls contain a litter item [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Alopias Vulpinus (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2016_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Synaphobranchus Kaupii (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2012_08_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2018 (odims:ospar_seawater_2018_02_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 001]

OSPAR Concentration of Nutrients - Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen Accuracy Class Confidence - COMP4 (odims:ospar_din_acc_2020_06_001)

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2018 (odims:ospar_seawater_2018_02_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater

OSPAR PAHs in Bile Metabolites in Biota - Monitoring Sites (odims:ospar_pahs_in_bile_metabolites_2022_06_001)

OSPAR Monitoring Sites used to assess Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Concentrations in Bile Metabolites in Fish [Version 001]

OSPAR Fishing for Litter - 2021 (odims:ospar_fishing_litter_2021_01_001)

Locations of Harbours in the OSPAR area where participating fishing vessels deposit bags filled with litter recovered in hauls [Version 001]

OSPAR Marine Litter Beach Monitoring Areas - 2020 (odims:ospar_mlbm_areas_2017_01_002)

Areas used for marine litter beach monitoring within the OSPAR maritime area

OSPAR Marine Litter Beach Monitoring Areas - 2020 (odims:ospar_mlbm_areas_2017_01_001)

Areas used for the monitoring of marine litter in the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

OSPAR Inventory of Offshore Installations - 2021 (odims:ospar_offshore_installations_2021_02_001)

Location of offshore installations

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Scorpaena Scrofa (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1991_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Leucoraja Fullonica (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1985_04_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Concentration of Nutrients - Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus Confidence - COMP4 (odims:ospar_dip_confidence_2020_06_001)

OSPAR Dumping and Placement of Wastes or Other Matter at Sea - 2015 (odims:ospar_dumping_at_sea_2015_01_001)

Locations of dumping or placement of waste or other matter activities [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2018 (odims:ospar_biota_2018_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 001]

OSPAR Offshore Renewable Energy Developments - 2021 (odims:ospar_offshore_renewables_2021_07_001)

Details of the location and status of offshore renewable energy developments in the OSPAR region. Details on the agreed monitoring and assessment approaches can be found at https://oap.ospar.org/en/ospar-monitoring-programmes/cemp/cemp-appendices/theme-b-biodiversity-and-ecosystems/theme-b-eiha/be6-offshore-renewable-energy-developments/ [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Pomatomus Saltatrix (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2018_02_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Concentration of Dissolved Oxygen - Confidence - COMP3 (odims:ospar_dissolved_oxygen_conf_2014_06_001)

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2018 (odims:ospar_biota_2018_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2021 (odims:ospar_biota_2021_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota

OSPAR Marine Litter Beach Monitoring - 100m sampling units - 2019 (odims:ospar_marine_litter_2019_02_001)

Monitoring of litter on beaches in the OSPAR Maritime Area. Data and analysis tools available from: https://beachlitter.ospar.org/ [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Mora Moro (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1985_09_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2021 (odims:ospar_biota_2021_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 001]

OSPAR Probability of Hauls containing a Litter Item - Greater North Sea - 2015 (odims:ospar_seabed_litter_probability_2015_06_001)

Smoothed map for the Greater North Sea of the probability that hauls contain a litter item [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Mora Moro (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_1999_01_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Zoarces Viviparus (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2018_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Raja Clavata (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1985_11_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Pollachius Pollachius (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1984_10_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Scophthalmus Maximus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2017_05_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Munition Encounters - 2009 (odims:ospar_encounters_2009_01_001)

Locations of encounters with dumped chemical weapons and munitions in the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Dasyatis Pastinaca (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2014_09_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Phycis Blennoides (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1992_02_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Hydrolagus Mirabilis (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2012_05_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

IA2017 Distribution of Reported Impulsive Sounds - Source category "Very High" (odims:ospar_ia2017_impulsive_noise_2017_07_001)

Intermediate Assessment 2017 - Impulsive Underwater Noise Assessment Product - Common Indicator of the distribution of low- and mid-frequency impulsive sound sources in OSPAR Regions II and III

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Deania Calcea (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1999_01_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Concentration of Dissolved Oxygen - Accuracy Class Confidence - Gridded COMP4 (odims:ospar_dissolved_oxygen_acc_2020_08_001)

OSPAR Fishing for Litter - 2020 (odims:ospar_fishing_litter_2020_07_001)

Locations of Harbours in the OSPAR area where participating fishing vessels deposit bags filled with litter recovered in hauls [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence - Galeus Murinus (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_2004_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Cetorhinus Maximus (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2016_02_001)

ICES DATRAS Data. For the short-term assessment the reference period is created from the six years previous to the assessment period (the last six years of the available survey data).

OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Surface 2015 (odims:ospar_bottom_f_intensur_2015_01_002)

ICES response to OSPAR request to support the development of common and candidate OSPAR biodiversity indicators for benthic habitats: fishing intensity/pressure per gear type for surface abrasion, in OSPAR regions. [Version 002]

OSPAR Probability of Hauls containing a Litter Item - Iberian Coast - 2014 (odims:ospar_seabed_litter_probability_2014_09_001)

Smoothed map for the Iberian Coast of the probability that hauls contain a litter item [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Cetorhinus Maximus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_2016_02_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Liquid Discharges from Nuclear Installations - 2013 (odims:ospar_discharges_nuclear_2013_06_001)

Location of Nuclear Facilities in OSPAR countries discharging directly or indirectly to the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Galeus (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1985_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2013 (odims:ospar_biota_2013_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2013 (odims:ospar_biota_2013_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 002]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2013 (odims:ospar_biota_2013_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 003]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Dipturus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2014_10_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2013 (odims:ospar_biota_2013_01_004)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Pollachius Virens (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1984_08_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Concentration of Dissolved Oxygen - Confidence - COMP1 (odims:ospar_dissolved_oxygen_conf_2000_06_001)

OSPAR Probability of Hauls containing a Litter Item - Greater North Sea - 2012 (odims:ospar_seabed_litter_probability_2012_06_001)

Smoothed map for the Greater North Sea of the probability that hauls contain a litter item [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Alosa (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2015_01_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise - Activity Type of Pulse Block Days 2016 (odims:ospar_underwater_noise_2016_03_001)

OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise Registry, managed at ICES. The data are collated nationally from registers of licenced events such as pile driving, controlled explosions from naval operations and other activities that release energy. This registry is specifically purposed with supporting OSPAR and HELCOM in providing information that will feed regional assessments, and in reporting by its contracting parties to MSFD descriptor 11.1.1 (Low and mid frequency impulsive noise). https://www.ices.dk/data/data-portals/Pages/impulsive-noise.aspx

OSPAR Marine Litter Beach Monitoring - 100m sampling units - 2021 (odims:ospar_marine_litter_2021_01_001)

Monitoring of litter on beaches in the OSPAR Maritime Area. Data and analysis tools available from: https://beachlitter.ospar.org/ [Version 001]

OSPAR Abundance and Distribution of Cetaceans Assessment Units (odims:ospar_abun_dist_au_2022_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Scyliorhinus Stellaris (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2017_10_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Abundance and Distribution of Cetaceans Assessment Units (odims:ospar_abun_dist_au_2022_06_002)

OSPAR Inventory of Offshore Installations - 2017 (odims:ospar_offshore_installations_2017_01_001)

Details of the location and status of Offshore Installations within the OSPAR maritime area, together with the water depth, operator, installation type and weight [Version 001]

OSPAR PBDEs in Biota - Monitoring Sites (odims:ospar_pbde_biota_sites_2022_06_001)

OSPAR Monitoring Sites used to assess Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) Concentrations in Biota [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Conger Conger (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1983_06_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Concentration of Nutrients - Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus Spatial Confidence - COMP4 (odims:ospar_dip_sc_2020_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Dipturus Nidarosiensis (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_2007_01_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Scyliorhinus Canicula (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1984_11_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Lepidorhombus Whiffiagonis (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1984_06_001)

ICES DATRAS Data. For the long-term reference period all years before the assessment period are used (assessment period: the last six years of the available survey data)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Hydrolagus Mirabilis (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_2007_02_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Mola Mola (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_2005_02_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR TBT in Sediment - Status and trends of Organotin in Sediments - Monitoring Stations (odims:ospar_tbt_in_sed_2022_06_001)

OSPAR Concentration of Chlorophyll - Ecological Quality Ratio Scaled - COMP1 (odims:ospar_chlorophyll_eqrs_2000_01_001)

OSPAR Concentration of Nutrients - Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus Confidence - COMP2 (odims:ospar_dip_confidence_2006_06_001)

OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Subsurface 2009 (odims:ospar_bottom_f_intensubsur_2009_01_002)

ICES response to OSPAR request to support the development of common and candidate OSPAR biodiversity indicators for benthic habitats: fishing intensity/pressure per gear type for subsurface abrasion, in OSPAR regions. [Version 002]

OSPAR Concentration of Dissolved Oxygen - Temporal Confidence - COMP4 (odims:ospar_dissolved_oxygen_tc_2020_06_001)

OSPAR Common Procedure - Ecological Quality Ratio Scaled - COMP3 (odims:ospar_comp_eqrs_2014_06_001)

OSPAR Fish Thematic Assessment Units (odims:ospar_fish_ta_au_2023_06_001)

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2009 (odims:ospar_biota_2009_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 002]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2009 (odims:ospar_biota_2009_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota

OSPAR Risk Map - Risk of Impact from Anthropogenic Impulsive Sound - Harbour Porpoise - 2015 (odims:ospar_risk_map_2015_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Scophthalmus Rhombus (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1985_12_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2017 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2017_03_001)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 001]

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2017 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2017_03_002)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 002]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Helicolenus Dactylopterus (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2015_09_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Myliobatis Aquila (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2013_02_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Offshore Renewable Energy Developments - 2016 (odims:ospar_offshore_renewables_2016_01_001)

Details of the location and status of offshore renewable energy developments in the OSPAR region [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Scyliorhinus Canicula (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2017_09_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Petromyzon Marinus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1992_01_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence - Molva Dypterygia (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1983_12_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

IA2017 Distribution of Reported Impulsive Sounds - Source category "Low" (odims:ospar_ia2017_impulsive_noise_2017_04_001)

Intermediate Assessment 2017 - Impulsive Underwater Noise Assessment Product - Common Indicator of the distribution of low- and mid-frequency impulsive sound sources in OSPAR Regions II and III

OSPAR Probability of Hauls containing a Litter Item - Celtic Seas - 2017 (odims:ospar_seabed_litter_probability_2017_07_001)

Smoothed map for the Celtic Seas of the probability that hauls contain a litter item [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Dalatias Licha (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_2001_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Alopias Vulpinus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_2016_01_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Subsurface 2010 (odims:ospar_bottom_f_intensubsur_2010_01_002)

ICES response to OSPAR request to support the development of common and candidate OSPAR biodiversity indicators for benthic habitats: fishing intensity/pressure per gear type for subsurface abrasion, in OSPAR regions. [Version 002]

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2012 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2012_01_002)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 002]

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2012 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2012_01_001)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Raja Clavata (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2015_05_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Pollachius Virens (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2015_04_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Dipturus Oxyrinchus (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2014_11_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Probability of Hauls containing a Litter Item - Greater North Sea - 2017 (odims:ospar_seabed_litter_probability_2017_06_001)

Smoothed map for the Greater North Sea of the probability that hauls contain a litter item [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Pomatomus Saltatrix (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_2018_02_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Risk Map - Risk of Impact from Anthropogenic Impulsive Sound - Harbour Porpoise - Monthly Average, September 2015-2019 (odims:ospar_risk_map_2019_09_001)

OSPAR Changes in Phytoplankton and Zooplankton Communities Assessment Units 2023 (odims:ospar_changes_phy_zoo_au_2023_01_001)

Changes in Phytoplankton and Zooplankton Communities Assessment Units - based on Assessment Units for the fourth application of the OSPAR Common Procedure. The environmental conditions used in defining assessment units were physical (depth, mean surface salinity and duration of stratification), chemical (nutrients) and biological factors (phytoplankton dynamics:biomass and primary production). [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Mola Mola (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2012_06_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2010 (odims:ospar_biota_2010_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2010 (odims:ospar_biota_2010_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 002]

OSPAR Changes in Phytoplankton and Zooplankton Communities Assessment Units 2023 (odims:ospar_changes_phy_zoo_au_2023_01_002)

Changes in Phytoplankton and Zooplankton Communities Assessment Units - based on Assessment Units for the fourth application of the OSPAR Common Procedure. The environmental conditions used in defining assessment units were physical (depth, mean surface salinity and duration of stratification), chemical (nutrients) and biological factors (phytoplankton dynamics:biomass and primary production). [Version 002]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2010 (odims:ospar_biota_2010_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota

OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Surface 2012 (odims:ospar_bottom_f_intensur_2012_01_002)

ICES response to OSPAR request to support the development of common and candidate OSPAR biodiversity indicators for benthic habitats: fishing intensity/pressure per gear type for surface abrasion, in OSPAR regions. [Version 002]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Molva Molva (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1985_08_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long term - Chelidonichthys Lucerna (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1987_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence - Somniosus Microcephalus (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1998_03_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise - Pulse Block Days 2016 (odims:ospar_underwater_noise_2016_02_001)

OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise Registry, managed at ICES. The data are collated nationally from registers of licenced events such as pile driving, controlled explosions from naval operations and other activities that release energy. This registry is specifically purposed with supporting OSPAR and HELCOM in providing information that will feed regional assessments, and in reporting by its contracting parties to MSFD descriptor 11.1.1 (Low and mid frequency impulsive noise). https://www.ices.dk/data/data-portals/Pages/impulsive-noise.aspx

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Lampetra Fluviatilis (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2015_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Molva Macrophthalma (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2016_10_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Inventory of Offshore Installations - 2015 (odims:ospar_offshore_installations_2015_01_001)

Details of the location and status of Offshore Installations within the OSPAR maritime area, together with the water depth, operator, installation type and weight [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Dicentrarchus Punctatus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2017_08_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Munition Encounters - 2002 (odims:ospar_encounters_2002_01_001)

Locations of encounters with dumped chemical weapons and munitions in the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Hexanchus Griseus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1999_02_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Radioactive Substances Committee Sub-Regions (odims:ospar_assessment_areas_2015_07_001)

A shapefile describing the areas used in OSPAR assessments

OSPAR Concentration of Nutrients - Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus Ecological Quality Ratio Scaled - COMP3 (odims:ospar_dip_eqrs_2014_06_001)

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2016 (odims:ospar_seawater_2016_02_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2016 (odims:ospar_seawater_2016_02_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Hexanchus Griseus (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2015_08_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2006 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2006_01_001)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Scorpaena Scrofa (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1991_07_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Liquid Discharges from Nuclear Installations - 2014 (odims:ospar_discharges_nuclear_2014_01_001)

Location of Nuclear Facilities in OSPAR countries discharging directly or indirectly to the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

OSPAR Liquid Discharges from Nuclear Installations - 2019 (odims:ospar_discharges_nuclear_2019_01_001)

Liquid discharges from nuclear installations - Values from discharge monitoring

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2001 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2001_01_002)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 002]

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2001 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2001_01_001)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 001]

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2006 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2006_01_002)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 002]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Galeorhinus Galeus (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1984_05_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

IA2017 OSPAR Outer Boundary (odims:ospar_ia2017_boundary_2017_01_001)

A polyline shapefile containing the boundary lines to describe the OSPAR area, used in the Intermediate Assessment 2017

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 1997 (odims:ospar_seawater_1997_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 1997 (odims:ospar_seawater_1997_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 002]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence - Macrourus Berglax (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1998_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 1997 (odims:ospar_seawater_1997_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Amblyraja Radiata (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1983_04_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

IA2017 Distribution of Reported Impulsive Sounds - Source category "Medium" (odims:ospar_ia2017_impulsive_noise_2017_05_001)

Intermediate Assessment 2017 - Impulsive Underwater Noise Assessment Product - Common Indicator of the distribution of low- and mid-frequency impulsive sound sources in OSPAR Regions II and III

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Leucoraja Naevus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2009_02_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Plastic Particles in Fulmar Stomachs 2010 (odims:ospar_plastic_fulmars_2010_01_001)

Locations of Fulmarus glacialis reporting, together with the birds sex, age and the numbers and mass of plastic particles found [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Torpedo Marmorata (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2018_04_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Seabed Litter Sampling Points - Greater North Sea - 2015 (odims:ospar_sl_sampling_points_2015_06_001)

Location of sampling points in the Greater North Sea, by the survey type [Version 001]

IA2017 - Status and Trends for Heavy Metals in Fish and Shellfish - Monitoring sites (odims:ospar_ia2017_metals_biota_2017_01_001)

Status and Trend for Heavy Metals (Mercury, Cadmium, and Lead) in Fish and Shellfish

OSPAR Hazardous Substances Thematic Assessment Units (odims:ospar_hazsubs_ta_au_2023_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Leucoraja Naevus (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1983_11_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Condition of Benthic Habitat Communities - Benthic Vegetation - WFD 2010 Quality Status (odims:ospar_cond_ben_habs_veg_2010_01_001)

OSPAR Extent of Physical Disturbance to Benthic Habitats Assessment Units (odims:ospar_phys_dist_habs_au_2022_06_001)

OSPAR Extent of Physical Disturbance to Benthic Habitats Assessment Units (odims:ospar_phys_dist_habs_au_2022_06_002)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence - Centroscyllium Fabricii (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_2001_02_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Salmo Trutta Trutta (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2011_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Probability of Hauls containing a Litter Item - Bay of Biscay - 2012 (odims:ospar_seabed_litter_probability_2012_08_001)

Smoothed map for the Bay of Biscay of the probability that hauls contain a litter item [Version 001]

OSPAR Liquid Discharges from Nuclear Installations - 2008 (odims:ospar_discharges_nuclear_2008_01_001)

Location of Nuclear Facilities in OSPAR countries discharging directly or indirectly to the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Hippoglossus Hippoglossus (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1983_10_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Lophius Piscatorius (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1985_07_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 1998 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_1998_01_001)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 001]

OSPAR Risk Map - Risk of Impact from Anthropogenic Impulsive Sound - Harbour Porpoise - Monthly Average, August 2015-2019 (odims:ospar_risk_map_2019_08_001)

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 1998 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_1998_01_002)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 002]

OSPAR Probability of Hauls containing a Litter Item - Bay of Biscay - 2017 (odims:ospar_seabed_litter_probability_2017_08_001)

Smoothed map for the Bay of Biscay of the probability that hauls contain a litter item [Version 001]

OSPAR Liquid Discharges from Nuclear Installations - 2003 (odims:ospar_discharges_nuclear_2003_01_001)

Location of Nuclear Facilities in OSPAR countries discharging directly or indirectly to the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

OSPAR Offshore Renewable Energy Developments - 2022 (odims:ospar_offshore_renewables_2022_01_001)

Details of the location and status of offshore renewable energy developments in the OSPAR region. Details on the agreed monitoring and assessment approaches can be found at https://oap.ospar.org/en/ospar-monitoring-programmes/cemp/cemp-appendices/theme-b-biodiversity-and-ecosystems/theme-b-eiha/be6-offshore-renewable-energy-developments/ [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence - Coryphaenoides Rupestris (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1987_02_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR PCBs in Biota - Monitoring Sites (odims:ospar_pcbs_biota_sites_2022_06_001)

OSPAR Monitoring Sites used to assess Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) Concentrations in Biota [Version 001]

OSPAR Fishing for Litter - 2017 (odims:ospar_fishing_litter_2017_01_001)

Locations of Harbours in the OSPAR area where participating fishing vessels deposit bags filled with litter recovered in hauls [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Pollachius Pollachius (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2015_03_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Fishing for Litter - 2017 (odims:ospar_fishing_litter_2017_01_002)

Locations of Harbours in the OSPAR area where participating fishing vessels deposit bags filled with litter recovered in hauls [Version 002]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Lampetra Fluviatilis (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1999_03_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Fishing for Litter - 2017 (odims:ospar_fishing_litter_2017_01_003)

Locations of Harbours in the OSPAR area where participating fishing vessels deposit bags filled with litter recovered in hauls [Version 003]

OSPAR Concentration of Chlorophyll - Confidence - COMP2 (odims:ospar_chl_confidence_2006_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Etmopterus Spinax (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2014_12_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Molva Molva (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2016_11_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2005 (odims:ospar_seawater_2005_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Scymnodon Ringens (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2012_07_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2005 (odims:ospar_seawater_2005_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2009 (odims:ospar_biota_2009_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2005 (odims:ospar_seawater_2005_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 002]

OSPAR Common Procedure - Ecological Quality Ratio Scaled - COMP4 (odims:ospar_comp_eqrs_2020_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Scorpaena Scrofa (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2017_07_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Seabed Litter Counts - Greater North Sea - 2018 (odims:ospar_seabed_litter_counts_2018_09_001)

Smoothed map for the Greater North Sea of the total litter counts [Version 001]

OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise 2016 (odims:ospar_underwater_noise_2016_01_001)

OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise Registry, managed at ICES. The data are collated nationally from registers of licenced events such as pile driving, controlled explosions from naval operations and other activities that release energy. This registry is specifically purposed with supporting OSPAR and HELCOM in providing information that will feed regional assessments, and in reporting by its contracting parties to MSFD descriptor 11.1.1 (Low and mid frequency impulsive noise). https://www.ices.dk/data/data-portals/Pages/impulsive-noise.aspx

OSPAR Plastic Particles in Fulmar Stomachs 2004 (odims:ospar_plastic_fulmars_2004_01_001)

Locations of Fulmarus glacialis reporting, together with the birds sex, age and the numbers and mass of plastic particles found [Version 001]

IA2017 Distribution of Reported Impulsive Sounds - Source category "Very Low" (odims:ospar_ia2017_impulsive_noise_2015_01_001)

Intermediate Assessment 2017 - Impulsive Underwater Noise Assessment Product - Common Indicator of the distribution of low- and mid-frequency impulsive sound sources in OSPAR Regions II and III

OSPAR Liquid Discharges from Nuclear Installations - 1995 (odims:ospar_discharges_nuclear_1995_01_001)

Location of Nuclear Facilities in OSPAR countries discharging directly or indirectly to the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

OSPAR Outer Boundary - QSR2023 (odims:ospar_outer_boundary_2023_01_001)

A polyline shapefile containing the external boundary to describe the OSPAR Convention area

EMODnet Aquaculture - Shellfish (odims:ospar_aquaculture_shellfish_2020_08_001)

EMODnet Human Activities European Shellfish production sites and locations - Web Feature Service

OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Subsurface 2017 (odims:ospar_bottom_f_intensubsur_2017_03_001)

ICES response to OSPAR request to support the development of common and candidate OSPAR biodiversity indicators for benthic habitats: fishing intensity/pressure per gear type for subsurface abrasion, in OSPAR regions II and III. [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Dicentrarchus Punctatus (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1998_02_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Plastic Particles in Fulmar Stomachs - 2015 (odims:ospar_plastic_fulmars_2015_01_001)

Locations of Fulmarus glacialis reporting, together with the birds sex, age and the numbers and mass of plastic particles found [Version 001]

OSPAR Concentration of Dissolved Oxygen - Temporal Confidence - Gridded COMP4 (odims:ospar_dissolved_oxygen_tc_2020_08_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Raja Microocellata (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1990_02_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2004 (odims:ospar_biota_2004_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2004 (odims:ospar_biota_2004_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 002]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2004 (odims:ospar_biota_2004_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Etmopterus Spinax (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1984_05_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Synaphobranchus Kaupii (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_2003_03_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Lepidorhombus Whiffiagonis (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2016_05_001)

ICES DATRAS Data. For the short-term assessment the reference period is created from the six years previous to the assessment period (the last six years of the available survey data).

OSPAR Munition Encounters - 1999 (odims:ospar_encounters_1999_01_001)

Locations of encounters with dumped chemical weapons and munitions in the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Etmopterus Spinax (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1984_04_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Plastic Particles in Fulmar Stomachs 2001 (odims:ospar_plastic_fulmars_2001_01_001)

Locations of Fulmarus glacialis reporting, together with the birds sex, age and the numbers and mass of plastic particles found [Version 001]

OSPAR Seabed Litter Counts - Greater North Sea - 2017 (odims:ospar_seabed_litter_counts_2017_09_001)

Smoothed map for the Greater North Sea of the total litter counts [Version 001]

OSPAR Probability of Hauls containing a Litter Item - Bay of Biscay - 2019 (odims:ospar_seabed_litter_probability_2019_08_001)

Smoothed map for the Bay of Biscay of the probability that hauls contain a litter item [Version 001]

OSPAR Marine Birds - Non-breeding Abundance - Colonies and Sites (odims:ospar_non_breeding_abundance_2021_07_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Dipturus (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2014_10_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Lophius Budegassa (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2016_08_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Dalatias Licha (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2012_01_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Change in Mean Trophic Level of Marine Consumers Assessment Units (odims:ospar_change_mtl_consumer_au_2022_06_002)

OSPAR Change in Mean Trophic Level of Marine Consumers Assessment Units (odims:ospar_change_mtl_consumer_au_2022_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Amblyraja Radiata (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2009_01_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Anarhichas Minor (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2001_01_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

IA2017 TBT in Shellfish - Monitoring Sites (odims:ospar_tbt_shellfish_2017_01_001)

Status and Trends in the Levels of Imposex in Marine Gastropods

OSPAR Marine Litter Thematic Assessment Units (odims:ospar_ml_ta_au_2023_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Raja Undulata (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1990_03_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Chelidonichthys Lucerna (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2014_05_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

Eurostat - Gross weight of goods handled in all ports by direction - annual data (mar_go_aa) - Polygon (odims:ospar_transport_2020_11_001)

Data sourced from the transport section of the Eurostat database

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2015 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2015_01_002)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 002]

OSPAR Fishing for Litter - 2019 (odims:ospar_fishing_litter_2019_01_001)

Locations of Harbours in the OSPAR area where participating fishing vessels deposit bags filled with litter recovered in hauls [Version 001]

OSPAR Liquid Discharges from Nuclear Installations - 2005 (odims:ospar_discharges_nuclear_2005_01_001)

Location of Nuclear Facilities in OSPAR countries discharging directly or indirectly to the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

OSPAR Plastic Particles in Fulmar Stomachs 2009 (odims:ospar_plastic_fulmars_2009_01_001)

Locations of Fulmarus glacialis reporting, together with the birds sex, age and the numbers and mass of plastic particles found [Version 001]

OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Subsurface 2011 (odims:ospar_bottom_f_intensubsur_2011_01_002)

ICES response to OSPAR request to support the development of common and candidate OSPAR biodiversity indicators for benthic habitats: fishing intensity/pressure per gear type for subsurface abrasion, in OSPAR regions. [Version 002]

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2015 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2015_01_001)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 001]

OSPAR Offshore Renewable Energy Developments - 2020 (odims:ospar_offshore_renewables_2020_01_001)

Details of the location and status of offshore renewable energy developments in the OSPAR region. Details on the agreed monitoring and assessment approaches can be found at https://oap.ospar.org/en/ospar-monitoring-programmes/cemp/cemp-appendices/theme-b-biodiversity-and-ecosystems/theme-b-eiha/be6-offshore-renewable-energy-developments/ [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Epigonus Telescopus (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_2006_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Anguilla Anguilla (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2014_02_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

IA2017 PCB in Fish and Shellfish - Monitoring Sites (odims:ospar_pcb_fish_and_shell_2017_01_001)

Monitoring sites used to assess IA2017 Indicator Assessment Status and Trends of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) in Fish and Shellfish. [Version 001]

EMODnet Aquaculture - Finfish (odims:ospar_ha_aquaculture_finfish_2020_08_001)

EMODnet Human Activities European Finfish production sites and locations - Web Feature Service

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Raja Montagui (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2017_03_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 1996 (odims:ospar_biota_1996_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 003]

OSPAR Common Procedure - Ecological Quality Ratio Scaled - COMP1 (odims:ospar_comp_eqrs_2000_06_001)

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 1996 (odims:ospar_biota_1996_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 002]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 1996 (odims:ospar_biota_1996_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2004 (odims:ospar_seawater_2004_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 002]

IA2017 Beach Litter - Average Number of Items (odims:ospar_ia2017_beach_litter_2017_01_001)

Indicator assessment describing status and changes in abundance and composition of litter washed up or deposited on beaches in the OSPAR area [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2004 (odims:ospar_seawater_2004_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater

OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Surface 2017 (odims:ospar_bottom_f_intensur_2017_01_001)

ICES response to OSPAR request to support the development of common and candidate OSPAR biodiversity indicators for benthic habitats: fishing intensity/pressure per gear type for surface abrasion, in OSPAR regions II and III. [Version 001]

OSPAR Common Procedure Assessment Units (odims:ospar_comp_au_2023_01_001)

Assessment Units for the fourth application of the OSPAR Common Procedure. The environmental conditions used in defining assessment units were physical (depth, mean surface salinity and duration of stratification), chemical (nutrients) and biological factors (phytoplankton dynamics:biomass and primary production). [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2004 (odims:ospar_seawater_2004_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 001]

OSPAR Risk Map - Risk of Impact from Anthropogenic Impulsive Sound - Harbour Porpoise - 2016 (odims:ospar_risk_map_2016_01_001)

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2015 (odims:ospar_biota_2015_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2015 (odims:ospar_biota_2015_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 001]

OSPAR Concentration of Dissolved Oxygen Assessment Units (odims:ospar_dissolved_oxygen_au_2022_06_002)

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2015 (odims:ospar_biota_2015_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 002]

ospar_offshore_renewables_2017_01_001 (odims:ospar_offshore_renewables_2017_01_001)

OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Subsurface 2019 (odims:ospar_bottom_f_intensubsur_2019_01_001)

OSPAR request to generate swept-area and abundance index outputs for all otter and beam trawl surveys in the North-East Atlantic and regional seas based on DATRAS data as input to OSPAR common indicator. https://doi.org/10.17895/ices.advice.8300 [Version 001]

OSPAR Offshore Renewable Energy Developments - 2017 (odims:ospar_offshore_renewables_2017_01_002)

Details of the location and status of offshore renewable energy developments in the OSPAR region [Version 002]

OSPAR Probability of Hauls containing a Litter Item - Greater North Sea - 2014 (odims:ospar_seabed_litter_probability_2014_06_001)

Smoothed map for the Greater North Sea of the probability that hauls contain a litter item [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Dalatias Licha (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_2001_01_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise - Activity Type of Pulse Block Days 2018 (odims:ospar_underwater_noise_2018_03_001)

OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise Registry, managed at ICES. The data are collated nationally from registers of licenced events such as pile driving, controlled explosions from naval operations and other activities that release energy. This registry is specifically purposed with supporting OSPAR and HELCOM in providing information that will feed regional assessments, and in reporting by its contracting parties to MSFD descriptor 11.1.1 (Low and mid frequency impulsive noise). https://www.ices.dk/data/data-portals/Pages/impulsive-noise.aspx

OSPAR Liquid Discharges from Nuclear Installations - 1997 (odims:ospar_discharges_nuclear_1997_01_001)

Location of Nuclear Facilities in OSPAR countries discharging directly or indirectly to the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Squalus Acanthias (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1987_03_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2015 (odims:ospar_seawater_2015_02_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2015 (odims:ospar_seawater_2015_02_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 002]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2015 (odims:ospar_seawater_2015_02_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2004 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2004_01_001)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 001]

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2007 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2007_01_001)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 001]

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2004 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2004_01_002)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 002]

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2007 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2007_01_002)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 002]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Synaphobranchus Kaupii (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_2003_03_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Fishing for Litter - 2022 (odims:ospar_fishing_litter_2022_01_001)

Locations of Harbours in the OSPAR area where participating fishing vessels deposit bags filled with litter recovered in hauls [Version 001]

OSPAR Changes in Phytoplankton Biomass and Zooplankton Abundance - Most important variables addressing changes in zooplankton abundance during the assessment period (2015-2019) (odims:ospar_plankton_variables_2019_09_001)

OSPAR Size Composition in Fish Communities Assessment Units (odims:ospar_size_comp_fish_au_2022_06_002)

OSPAR Size Composition in Fish Communities Assessment Units (odims:ospar_size_comp_fish_au_2022_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Chimaera Monstrosa (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1984_04_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Dumping and Placement of Wastes or Other Matter at Sea - 2017 (odims:ospar_dumping_at_sea_2017_01_001)

Locations of dumping or placement of waste or other matter activities [Version 001]

OSPAR Levels and Trends in Marine Contaminants and their Biological Effects Assessment Areas (odims:ospar_assessment_areas_2017_05_002)

A shapefile describing the areas used in OSPAR assessments

OSPAR Heavy Metals in Biota - Monitoring Sites (odims:ospar_heavy_metals_biota_2022_11_001)

OSPAR Levels and Trends in Marine Contaminants and their Biological Effects Assessment Areas (odims:ospar_assessment_areas_2017_05_001)

A shapefile describing the areas used in OSPAR assessments

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Leucoraja Fullonica (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2016_07_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Munition Encounters - 2007 (odims:ospar_encounters_2007_01_001)

Locations of encounters with dumped chemical weapons and munitions in the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 1996 (odims:ospar_seawater_1996_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 1996 (odims:ospar_seawater_1996_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 002]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 1996 (odims:ospar_seawater_1996_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 001]

OSPAR Concentration of Nutrients - Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen Ecological Quality Ratio Scaled - COMP3 (odims:ospar_din_eqrs_2014_06_001)

OSPAR Munition Encounters - 2010 (odims:ospar_encounters_2010_01_001)

Locations of encounters with dumped chemical weapons and munitions in the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

OSPAR Encounters with Dumped Chemical and Conventional Munitions - 2018 (odims:ospar_encounters_2018_01_001)

Locations of encounters with dumped chemical weapons and munitions in the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Leucoraja Circularis (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2016_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Scyliorhinus Stellaris (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2017_10_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

Eurostat - Gross weight of goods handled in all ports by direction - annual data (mar_go_aa) - Point (odims:ospar_transport_2020_12_001)

Data sourced from the transport section of the Eurostat database

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 1999 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_1999_01_001)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 001]

OSPAR Inventory of Offshore Installations - 2001 (odims:ospar_offshore_installations_2001_01_001)

Details of the location and status of Offshore Installations within the OSPAR maritime area, together with the water depth, operator, installation type and weight [Version 001]

OSPAR Inventory of Offshore Installations - 2009 (odims:ospar_offshore_installations_2009_01_001)

Details of the location and status of Offshore Installations within the OSPAR maritime area, together with the water depth, operator, installation type and weight [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Chimaera Monstrosa (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1984_03_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Argyrosomus Regius (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2014_03_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2010 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2010_01_001)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 001]

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2010 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2010_01_002)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 002]

OSPAR Concentration of Dissolved Oxygen - Ecological Quality Ratio Scaled - COMP1 (odims:ospar_dissolved_oxygen_eqrs_2000_06_001)

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 1999 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_1999_01_002)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 002]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Raja Undulata (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2017_04_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2018 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2018_01_001)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 001]

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2018 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2018_01_002)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 002]

OSPAR Fishing for Litter - 2016 (odims:ospar_fishing_litter_2016_01_001)

Locations of Harbours in the OSPAR area where participating fishing vessels deposit bags filled with litter recovered in hauls [Version 001]

OSPAR Concentration of Nutrients - Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus Confidence - COMP3 (odims:ospar_dip_confidence_2014_06_001)

OSPAR Concentration of Nutrients - Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen Ecological Quality Ratio Scaled - COMP4 (odims:ospar_din_eqrs_2020_06_001)

OSPAR Maritime Area (odims:ospar_maritime_area_2020_10_001)

A polygon file representing the extent of the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Sebastes (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2017_11_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Munition Encounters - 2004 (odims:ospar_encounters_2004_01_001)

Locations of encounters with dumped chemical weapons and munitions in the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

OSPAR Encounters with Dumped Chemical and Conventional Munitions - 2015 (odims:ospar_encounters_2015_01_001)

Locations of encounters with dumped chemical weapons and munitions in the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

OSPAR Marine Mammal By-catch Assessment Units (odims:ospar_mm_by_catch_au_2022_06_001)

OSPAR Concentration of Nutrients - Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen Ecological Quality Ratio Scaled - COMP2 (odims:ospar_din_eqrs_2006_06_001)

OSPAR Marine Mammal By-catch Assessment Units (odims:ospar_mm_by_catch_au_2022_06_002)

OSPAR Changes in Phytoplankton Biomass and Zooplankton Abundance - Most important variables addressing changes in zooplankton abundance during the assessment period (2015-2019) (odims:ospar_plankton_variables_2019_08_001)

OSPAR Underwater Noise Thematic Assessment Units (odims:ospar_noise_ta_au_2023_06_001)

OSPAR Outer Boundary (odims:ospar_outer_boundary_2016_01_001)

Outer boundary of the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Brama Brama (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2014_04_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise - Pulse Block Days 2018 (odims:ospar_underwater_noise_2018_02_001)

OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise Registry, managed at ICES. The data are collated nationally from registers of licenced events such as pile driving, controlled explosions from naval operations and other activities that release energy. This registry is specifically purposed with supporting OSPAR and HELCOM in providing information that will feed regional assessments, and in reporting by its contracting parties to MSFD descriptor 11.1.1 (Low and mid frequency impulsive noise). https://www.ices.dk/data/data-portals/Pages/impulsive-noise.aspx

OSPAR Liquid Discharges from Nuclear Installations - 2020 (odims:ospar_discharges_nuclear_2020_07_002)

OSPAR - Liquid discharges from nuclear installations

OSPAR Dumping and Placement of Wastes or Other Matter at Sea - 1995 (odims:ospar_dumping_at_sea_1995_01_001)

Locations of dumping or placement of waste or other matter activities [Version 001]

OSPAR Liquid Discharges from Nuclear Installations - 2020 (odims:ospar_discharges_nuclear_2020_07_001)

OSPAR - Liquid discharges from nuclear installations [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Scymnodon Ringens (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_2003_02_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Anguilla Anguilla (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1984_03_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2001 (odims:ospar_biota_2001_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2001 (odims:ospar_biota_2001_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 002]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Scyliorhinus Stellaris (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_2022_11_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Surface 2009 (odims:ospar_bottom_f_intensur_2009_01_002)

ICES response to OSPAR request to support the development of common and candidate OSPAR biodiversity indicators for benthic habitats: fishing intensity/pressure per gear type for surface abrasion, in OSPAR regions. [Version 002]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2012 (odims:ospar_seawater_2012_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 002]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2012 (odims:ospar_seawater_2012_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 001]

OSPAR Risk Map - Risk of Impact from Anthropogenic Impulsive Sound - Harbour Porpoise - 2019 (odims:ospar_risk_map_2019_01_001)

OSPAR Concentration of Nutrients Assessment Units (odims:ospar_nutrient_concentrations_au_2022_06_001)

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2001 (odims:ospar_biota_2001_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 001]

OSPAR Concentration of Nutrients Assessment Units (odims:ospar_nutrient_concentrations_au_2022_06_002)

OSPAR Concentration of Nutrients - Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus Confidence - COMP1 (odims:ospar_dip_confidence_2000_06_001)

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2007 (odims:ospar_biota_2007_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2007 (odims:ospar_biota_2007_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 002]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2007 (odims:ospar_biota_2007_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota

OSPAR Maritime Area for Assessments (odims:ospar_maritime_area_2022_10_001)

The OSPAR Region boundaries defining the extent of the OSPAR maritime area and the region divisions, in polygon form, for assessments. "Holes" in the file below 1000km^2 have been eliminated. [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2012 (odims:ospar_seawater_2012_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Labrus Bergylta (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1990_01_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Munition Encounters - 2021 (odims:ospar_encounters_2021_01_001)

Locations of encounters with munitions

OSPAR Offshore Renewable Energy Developments 2014 (odims:ospar_offshore_renewables_2014_01_001)

Details of the location and status of offshore renewable energy developments in the OSPAR region [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Galeus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1985_01_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Liquid Discharges from Nuclear Installations - 2000 (odims:ospar_discharges_nuclear_2000_01_001)

Location of Nuclear Facilities in OSPAR countries discharging directly or indirectly to the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

OSPAR Offshore Renewable Energy Developments 2014 (odims:ospar_offshore_renewables_2014_01_002)

Details of the location and status of offshore renewable energy developments in the OSPAR region [Version 002]

OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise - Activity Type of Pulse Block Days 2015 (odims:ospar_underwater_noise_2015_03_001)

OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise Registry, managed at ICES. The data are collated nationally from registers of licenced events such as pile driving, controlled explosions from naval operations and other activities that release energy. This registry is specifically purposed with supporting OSPAR and HELCOM in providing information that will feed regional assessments, and in reporting by its contracting parties to MSFD descriptor 11.1.1 (Low and mid frequency impulsive noise). https://www.ices.dk/data/data-portals/Pages/impulsive-noise.aspx

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Dipturus (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1983_08_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Offshore Renewable Energy Developments 2009 (odims:ospar_offshore_renewables_2009_01_001)

Details of the location and status of offshore renewable energy developments in the OSPAR region [Version 001]

OSPAR Beach Litter Survey Sites (odims:ospar_beach_litter_survey_sites_2022_06_001)

Location of survey sites for the monitoring of litter [Version 001]

OSPAR In Situ Time Series Sites (odims:ospar_in_situ_sites_2022_06_001)

OSPAR Marine Litter Beach Monitoring - 1km sampling units - 2019 (odims:ospar_marine_litter_2019_01_001)

Monitoring of litter on beaches in the OSPAR Maritime Area. Data and analysis tools available from: https://beachlitter.ospar.org/ [Version 001]

OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Subsurface 2014 (odims:ospar_bottom_f_intensubsur_2014_01_002)

ICES response to OSPAR request to support the development of common and candidate OSPAR biodiversity indicators for benthic habitats: fishing intensity/pressure per gear type for subsurface abrasion, in OSPAR regions. [Version 002]

OSPAR Marine Litter Beach Monitoring - 100m sampling units - 2015 (odims:ospar_marine_litter_2015_04_001)

Monitoring of litter on beaches in the OSPAR Maritime Area. Data and analysis tools available from: https://beachlitter.ospar.org/ [Version 001]

OSPAR Probability of Hauls containing a Litter Item - Bay of Biscay - 2014 (odims:ospar_seabed_litter_probability_2014_08_001)

Smoothed map for the Bay of Biscay of the probability that hauls contain a litter item [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Anguilla Anguilla (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1984_02_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2007 (odims:ospar_seawater_2007_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2007 (odims:ospar_seawater_2007_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 002]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2007 (odims:ospar_seawater_2007_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater

OSPAR Marine Litter Beach Monitoring - 100m sampling units - 2016 (odims:ospar_marine_litter_2016_03_001)

Monitoring of litter on beaches in the OSPAR Maritime Area. Data and analysis tools available from: https://beachlitter.ospar.org/ [Version 001]

OSPAR Fishing for Litter - 2014 (odims:ospar_fishing_litter_2014_01_001)

Locations of Harbours in the OSPAR area where participating fishing vessels deposit bags filled with litter recovered in hauls [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Gadus Morhua (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1983_09_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 1999 (odims:ospar_biota_1999_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota

OSPAR Concentration of Dissolved Oxygen - Spatial Confidence - COMP4 (odims:ospar_dissolved_oxygen_sc_2020_06_001)

OSPAR Probability of Hauls containing a Litter Item - Iberian Coast - 2016 (odims:ospar_seabed_litter_probability_2016_09_001)

Smoothed map for the Iberian Coast of the probability that hauls contain a litter item [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Mustelus (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2016_12_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Torpedo Marmorata (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_2016_04_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Hippocampus (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2016_03_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Dipturus Oxyrinchus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2014_11_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 1999 (odims:ospar_biota_1999_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 1999 (odims:ospar_biota_1999_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 002]

OSPAR Concentration of Nutrients - Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen Confidence - COMP2 (odims:ospar_din_confidence_2006_06_001)

OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise - 2018 (odims:ospar_underwater_noise_2018_01_001)

OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise Registry, managed at ICES. The data are collated nationally from registers of licenced events such as pile driving, controlled explosions from naval operations and other activities that release energy. This registry is specifically purposed with supporting OSPAR and HELCOM in providing information that will feed regional assessments, and in reporting by its contracting parties to MSFD descriptor 11.1.1 (Low and mid frequency impulsive noise). https://www.ices.dk/data/data-portals/Pages/impulsive-noise.aspx

OSPAR Marine Litter Beach Monitoring - 1km sampling units - 2021 (odims:ospar_marine_litter_2021_02_001)

Monitoring of litter on beaches in the OSPAR Maritime Area. Data and analysis tools available from: https://beachlitter.ospar.org/ [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Raja Brachyura (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2017_01_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Galeus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2006_01_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Plastic Particles in Fulmar Stomachs 2006 (odims:ospar_plastic_fulmars_2006_01_001)

Locations of Fulmarus glacialis reporting, together with the birds sex, age and the numbers and mass of plastic particles found [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Raja Undulata (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1990_03_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Proportion of Large Fish (Large Fish Index) Assessment Units (odims:ospar_lfi_au_2022_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Leucoraja Naevus (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2009_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Marine Birds Thematic Assessment Units (odims:ospar_birds_ta_au_2023_06_001)

OSPAR Plastic Particles in Fulmar Stomachs - 2017 (odims:ospar_plastic_fulmars_2017_01_003)

Locations of Fulmarus glacialis reporting, together with the birds sex, age and the numbers and mass of plastic particles found [Version 003]

OSPAR Proportion of Large Fish (Large Fish Index) Assessment Units (odims:ospar_lfi_au_2022_06_002)

OSPAR Plastic Particles in Fulmar Stomachs - 2017 (odims:ospar_plastic_fulmars_2017_01_002)

Locations of Fulmarus glacialis reporting, together with the birds sex, age and the numbers and mass of plastic particles found [Version 002]

OSPAR Plastic Particles in Fulmar Stomachs - 2017 (odims:ospar_plastic_fulmars_2017_01_001)

Locations of Fulmarus glacialis reporting, together with the birds sex, age and the numbers and mass of plastic particles found [Version 001]

IA2017 Distribution of Reported Impulsive Sounds - Source category "Not Reported" (odims:ospar_ia2017_impulsive_noise_2017_08_001)

Intermediate Assessment 2017 - Impulsive Underwater Noise Assessment Product - Common Indicator of the distribution of low- and mid-frequency impulsive sound sources in OSPAR Regions II and III

OSPAR Liquid Discharges from Nuclear Installations - 2016 (odims:ospar_discharges_nuclear_2016_01_001)

Location of Nuclear Facilities in OSPAR countries discharging directly or indirectly to the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

OSPAR TBT in Biota - Status and Trends in the Levels of Imposex (odims:ospar_tbt_biota_status_trend_2022_06_001)

Status and Trends in the Levels of Imposex in Shellfish for each Monitoring Site [Version 001]

OSPAR Liquid Discharges from Nuclear Installations - 2011 (odims:ospar_discharges_nuclear_2011_01_001)

Location of Nuclear Facilities in OSPAR countries discharging directly or indirectly to the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2009 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2009_01_002)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 002]

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2009 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2009_01_001)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 001]

ICES Seabed Litter Data - 2021 (odims:ospar_seabed_litter_2021_01_001)

ICES Seabed Litter Data - Litter Exchange Format [Version 001]

OSPAR Risk Map - Risk of Impact from Anthropogenic Impulsive Sound - Harbour Porpoise - Monthly Average, October 2015-2019 (odims:ospar_risk_map_2019_10_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Trachyrincus Scabrus (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_2005_04_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 1999 (odims:ospar_seawater_1999_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 1999 (odims:ospar_seawater_1999_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 002]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 1999 (odims:ospar_seawater_1999_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 001]

OSPAR Concentration of Dissolved Oxygen Assessment Units (odims:ospar_dissolved_oxygen_au_2022_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Deania Calcea (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2012_02_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Labrus Bergylta (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1990_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Zoarces Viviparus (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1986_05_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Surface 2020 (odims:ospar_bottom_f_intensur_2020_01_001)

OSPAR request to generate swept-area and abundance index outputs for all otter and beam trawl surveys in the North-East Atlantic and regional seas based on DATRAS data as input to OSPAR common indicator. https://doi.org/10.17895/ices.advice.8300 [Version 001]

OSPAR Dumping and Placement of Wastes or Other Matter at Sea - 2019 (odims:ospar_dumping_at_sea_2019_01_001)

Locations of dumping or placement of waste or other matter activities [Version 001]

OSPAR Dumping and Placement of Wastes or Other Matter at Sea - 2014 (odims:ospar_dumping_at_sea_2014_01_001)

Locations of dumping or placement of waste or other matter activities [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Conger Conger (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2014_07_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Gadus Morhua (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1983_09_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Sparus Aurata (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1997_05_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Torpedo Marmorata (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_2022_12_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Acipenser Sturio (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2019_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Inventory of Offshore Installations - 2007 (odims:ospar_offshore_installations_2007_01_001)

Details of the location and status of Offshore Installations within the OSPAR maritime area, together with the water depth, operator, installation type and weight [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Scymnodon Ringens (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_2003_02_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Plastic Particles in Fulmar Stomachs 2012 (odims:ospar_plastic_fulmars_2012_01_001)

Locations of Fulmarus glacialis reporting, together with the birds sex, age and the numbers and mass of plastic particles found [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Raja Microocellata (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1990_02_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Marine Birds Abundance Assessment Units (odims:ospar_marine_birds_au_2022_06_002)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Helicolenus Dactylopterus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1985_02_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Marine Birds Abundance Assessment Units (odims:ospar_marine_birds_au_2022_06_001)

OSPAR Probability of Hauls containing a Litter Item - Celtic Seas - 2019 (odims:ospar_seabed_litter_probability_2019_07_001)

Smoothed map for the Celtic Seas of the probability that hauls contain a litter item [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Molva Molva (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2016_11_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Liquid Discharges from Nuclear Installations - 2022 (odims:ospar_discharges_nuclear_2022_01_001)

OSPAR - Liquid discharges from nuclear installations [Version 001]

OSPAR Common Procedure - Ecological Quality Ratio Scaled - COMP2 (odims:ospar_comp_eqrs_2006_06_001)

OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Subsurface 2013 (odims:ospar_bottom_f_intensubsur_2013_01_002)

ICES response to OSPAR request to support the development of common and candidate OSPAR biodiversity indicators for benthic habitats: fishing intensity/pressure per gear type for subsurface abrasion, in OSPAR regions. [Version 002]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Dipturus Oxyrinchus (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_2003_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Probability of Hauls containing a Litter Item - Greater North Sea - 2019 (odims:ospar_seabed_litter_probability_2019_06_001)

Smoothed map for the Greater North Sea of the probability that hauls contain a litter item [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Hippoglossus Hippoglossus (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2016_04_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Chimaera Monstrosa (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2014_06_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Surface 2014 (odims:ospar_bottom_f_intensur_2014_01_002)

ICES response to OSPAR request to support the development of common and candidate OSPAR biodiversity indicators for benthic habitats: fishing intensity/pressure per gear type for surface abrasion, in OSPAR regions. [Version 002]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Etmopterus Spinax (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2014_12_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2012 (odims:ospar_biota_2012_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 002]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2012 (odims:ospar_biota_2012_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2012 (odims:ospar_biota_2012_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 001]

OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Surface 2019 (odims:ospar_bottom_f_intensur_2019_01_001)

OSPAR request to generate swept-area and abundance index outputs for all otter and beam trawl surveys in the North-East Atlantic and regional seas based on DATRAS data as input to OSPAR common indicator. https://doi.org/10.17895/ices.advice.8300 [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Sparus Aurata (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1997_05_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Dipturus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1983_08_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2002 (odims:ospar_seawater_2002_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 002]

OSPAR Marine Litter Beach Monitoring - 1km sampling units - 2015 (odims:ospar_marine_litter_2015_03_001)

Monitoring of litter on beaches in the OSPAR Maritime Area. Data and analysis tools available from: https://beachlitter.ospar.org/ [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term – Alosa (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1984_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2002 (odims:ospar_seawater_2002_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2002 (odims:ospar_seawater_2002_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Raja Microocellata (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2017_02_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2017 (odims:ospar_biota_2017_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2017 (odims:ospar_biota_2017_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Dipturus Nidarosiensis (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2012_03_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2013 (odims:ospar_seawater_2013_01_004)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater

IA2017 Distribution of Reported Impulsive Sounds - Activity Type (odims:ospar_ia2017_impulsive_noise_2017_09_001)

Intermediate Assessment 2017 - Impulsive Underwater Noise Assessment Product - Common Indicator of the distribution of low- and mid-frequency impulsive sound sources in OSPAR Regions II and III

OSPAR Offshore Renewable Energy Developments - 2019 (odims:ospar_offshore_renewables_2019_01_001)

Details of the location and status of offshore renewable energy developments in the OSPAR region. Details on the agreed monitoring and assessment approaches can be found at https://oap.ospar.org/en/ospar-monitoring-programmes/cemp/cemp-appendices/theme-b-biodiversity-and-ecosystems/theme-b-eiha/be6-offshore-renewable-energy-developments/ [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Acipenser Sturio (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_2019_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Probability of Hauls containing a Litter Item - Celtic Seas - 2014 (odims:ospar_seabed_litter_probability_2014_07_001)

Smoothed map for the Celtic Seas of the probability that hauls contain a litter item [Version 001]

OSPAR Seabed Litter Sampling Points - Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast - 2018 (odims:ospar_sl_sampling_points_2018_07_001)

Location of sampling points in the Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast, by the gear types [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Anarhichas Lupus (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2014_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Dipturus Oxyrinchus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_2003_01_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence - Oxynotus Paradoxus (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_2011_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Liquid Discharges from Nuclear Installations - 1999 (odims:ospar_discharges_nuclear_1999_01_001)

Location of Nuclear Facilities in OSPAR countries discharging directly or indirectly to the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Raja Clavata (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1985_11_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Phycis Blennoides (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1992_02_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Conger Conger (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1983_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Risk Map - Risk of Impact from Anthropogenic Impulsive Sound - Harbour Porpoise - Monthly Average, November 2015-2019 (odims:ospar_risk_map_2019_11_001)

OSPAR Changes in Phytoplankton Biomass and Zooplankton Abundance - Most important variables addressing changes in phytoplankton abundance during the assessment period (2015-2019) (odims:ospar_plankton_variables_2019_06_001)

OSPAR Concentration of Nutrients - Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen Confidence - COMP3 (odims:ospar_din_confidence_2014_06_001)

OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise - Assessment Units (odims:ospar_imp_uw_noise_au_2022_06_002)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence - Rostroraja Alba (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_2005_03_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise - Assessment Units (odims:ospar_imp_uw_noise_au_2022_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Tetronarce Nobiliana (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_2016_03_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR PCBs in Biota and Sediment Assessment Units (odims:ospar_pcbs_biota_sediment_au_2022_06_001)

OSPAR Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) in Biota and Sediment Assessment Units [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence - Squalidae (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1986_04_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR PCBs in Biota and Sediment Assessment Units (odims:ospar_pcbs_biota_sediment_au_2022_06_002)

OSPAR Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) in Biota and Sediment Assessment Units [Version 001]

OSPAR Fishing for Litter - 2013 (odims:ospar_fishing_litter_2013_01_001)

Locations of Harbours in the OSPAR area where participating fishing vessels deposit bags filled with litter recovered in hauls [Version 001]

OSPAR Marine Litter Beach Monitoring - 100m sampling units - 2022 (odims:ospar_marine_litter_2022_02_001)

Monitoring of litter on beaches in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Zoarces Viviparus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1986_05_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Plastic Particles in Fulmar Stomachs 2003 (odims:ospar_plastic_fulmars_2003_01_001)

Locations of Fulmarus glacialis reporting, together with the birds sex, age and the numbers and mass of plastic particles found [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Anarhichas Lupus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2014_01_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Molva Macrophthalma (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2016_10_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Chelidonichthys Lucerna (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2014_05_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Hippoglossus Hippoglossus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2016_04_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Probability of Hauls containing a Litter Item - Iberian Coast - 2013 (odims:ospar_seabed_litter_probability_2013_09_001)

Smoothed map for the Iberian Coast of the probability that hauls contain a litter item [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Molva Macrophthalma (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1997_04_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Beach Litter Assessment Units (odims:ospar_beach_litter_au_2022_06_002)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Raja Montagui (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1984_09_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Beach Litter Assessment Units (odims:ospar_beach_litter_au_2022_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Mora Moro (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1985_09_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Galeorhinus Galeus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2015_11_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Concentration of Chlorophyll - Confidence - COMP1 (odims:ospar_chl_confidence_2000_01_001)

OSPAR Concentration of Nutrients - Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen Temporal Confidence - COMP4 (odims:ospar_din_tc_2020_06_001)

OSPAR Offshore Renewable Energy Developments - 2023 (odims:ospar_offshore_renewables_2023_02_001)

Details of the location and status of offshore renewable energy developments in the OSPAR region [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Raja Montagui (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2017_03_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Dalatias Licha (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2012_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Encounters with Dumped Chemical and Conventional Munitions - 2017 (odims:ospar_encounters_2017_01_001)

Locations of encounters with dumped chemical weapons and munitions in the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

OSPAR Encounters with Dumped Chemical and Conventional Munitions - 2017 (odims:ospar_encounters_2017_01_002)

Locations of encounters with munitions

OSPAR Encounters with Dumped Chemical and Conventional Munitions - 2017 (odims:ospar_encounters_2017_01_003)

Locations of encounters with dumped chemical weapons and munitions in the OSPAR maritime area [Version 003]

OSPAR Encounters with Dumped Chemical and Conventional Munitions - 2017 (odims:ospar_encounters_2017_01_004)

Locations of encounters with dumped chemical weapons and munitions in the OSPAR maritime area [Version 004]

OSPAR Munition Encounters - 2020 (odims:ospar_encounters_2020_01_001)

Locations of encounters with dumped chemical weapons and munitions in the OSPAR maritime area. [Version 001]

OSPAR Munition Encounters - 2020 (odims:ospar_encounters_2020_01_002)

Locations of encounters with munitions

OSPAR Concentration of Dissolved Oxygen - Ecological Quality Ratio Scaled - COMP3 (odims:ospar_dissolved_oxygen_eqrs_2014_06_001)

OSPAR Condition of Benthic Habitat Communities - Benthic Invertebrates - WFD 2010 Quality Status (odims:ospar_cond_ben_habs_inv_2010_01_001)

OSPAR Concentration of Nutrients - Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen Ecological Quality Ratio Scaled - COMP1 (odims:ospar_din_eqrs_2000_06_001)

IA2017 PCB in Sediment - Monitoring Sites (odims:ospar_ia2017_pcb_sediment_2017_01_001)

Monitoring sites used to assess the IA2017 Indicator Assessment Status and Trends of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) in Sediment. [Version 001]

IA2017 OSPAR Region Boundary (odims:ospar_boundary_ia2017_2017_01_001)

A polyline shapefile containing the boundary lines to describe the OSPAR area, used in the Intermediate Assessment 2017

OSPAR Concentration of Nutrients - Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus Temporal Confidence - COMP4 (odims:ospar_dip_tc_2020_06_001)

OSPAR Probability of Hauls containing a Litter Item - Celtic Seas - 2016 (odims:ospar_seabed_litter_probability_2016_07_001)

Smoothed map for the Celtic Seas of the probability that hauls contain a litter item [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Scophthalmus Maximus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1984_02_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2002 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2002_01_001)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 001]

OSPAR Changes in Phytoplankton Biomass and Zooplankton Abundance - Most important variables addressing changes in phytoplankton abundance during the assessment period (2015-2019) (odims:ospar_plankton_variables_2019_07_001)

OSPAR Liquid Discharges from Nuclear Installations - 2018 (odims:ospar_discharges_nuclear_2018_01_001)

Location of Nuclear Facilities in OSPAR countries discharging directly or indirectly to the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

OSPAR Plastic Particles in Fulmar Stomachs - 2019 (odims:ospar_plastic_fulmars_2019_01_001)

Locations of Fulmarus glacialis reporting, together with the birds sex, age and the numbers and mass of plastic particles found. Details on the agreed monitoring and assessment approaches can be found at https://oap.ospar.org/en/ospar-monitoring-programmes/cemp/cemp-appendices/theme-b-biodiversity-and-ecosystems/theme-b-eiha/be3-monitoring-plastic-particles-stomachs-seabirds/ [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Raja Brachyura (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1985_10_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Liquid Discharges from Nuclear Installations - 2015 (odims:ospar_discharges_nuclear_2015_01_001)

Location of Nuclear Facilities in OSPAR countries discharging directly or indirectly to the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2002 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2002_01_002)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 002]

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2005 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2005_01_001)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 001]

OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Subsurface 2020 (odims:ospar_bottom_f_intensubsur_2020_01_001)

OSPAR request to generate swept-area and abundance index outputs for all otter and beam trawl surveys in the North-East Atlantic and regional seas based on DATRAS data as input to OSPAR common indicator. https://doi.org/10.17895/ices.advice.8300 [Version 001]

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2005 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2005_01_002)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 002]

OSPAR Benthic Habitats Thematic Assessment Units (odims:ospar_bhabs_ta_au_2023_06_001)

OSPAR Liquid Discharges from Nuclear Installations - 2010 (odims:ospar_discharges_nuclear_2010_01_001)

Location of Nuclear Facilities in OSPAR countries discharging directly or indirectly to the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Scophthalmus Rhombus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1985_12_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 1998 (odims:ospar_seawater_1998_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 002]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Deania Calcea (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1999_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 1998 (odims:ospar_seawater_1998_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 001]

OSPAR Changes in Phytoplankton Biomass and Zooplankton Abundance Assessment Units (odims:ospar_plankton_mass_abundance_au_2022_06_002)

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 1998 (odims:ospar_seawater_1998_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater

OSPAR Changes in Phytoplankton Biomass and Zooplankton Abundance Assessment Units (odims:ospar_plankton_mass_abundance_au_2022_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Hippocampus (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1997_03_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2001 (odims:ospar_seawater_2001_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater

OSPAR Seabed Litter Sampling Points - Celtic Seas - 2019 (odims:ospar_sl_sampling_points_2019_06_001)

Location of sampling points in the Celtic Seas, by three gear types [Version 001]

OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise - Pulse Block Days 2015 (odims:ospar_underwater_noise_2015_02_001)

OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise Registry, managed at ICES. The data are collated nationally from registers of licenced events such as pile driving, controlled explosions from naval operations and other activities that release energy. This registry is specifically purposed with supporting OSPAR and HELCOM in providing information that will feed regional assessments, and in reporting by its contracting parties to MSFD descriptor 11.1.1 (Low and mid frequency impulsive noise). https://www.ices.dk/data/data-portals/Pages/impulsive-noise.aspx

OSPAR Munition Encounters - 2012 (odims:ospar_encounters_2012_01_001)

Locations of encounters with dumped chemical weapons and munitions in the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

OSPAR Heavy Metals in Sediment - Monitoring Sites (odims:ospar_heavy_metals_sediment_2022_11_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Epigonus Telescopus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_2012_04_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Plastic Particles in Fulmar Stomachs - 2014 (odims:ospar_plastic_fulmars_2014_01_001)

Locations of Fulmarus glacialis reporting, together with the birds sex, age and the numbers and mass of plastic particles found [Version 001]

OSPAR Sand and Gravel Extraction - 2014 (odims:ospar_sand_and_gravel_extraction_2014_01_001)

Extraction of sand and gravel activities [Version 001]

OSPAR Sentinels of the Seabed Assessment Units (odims:ospar_sentinels_seabed_au_2022_06_002)

OSPAR Sentinels of the Seabed Assessment Units (odims:ospar_sentinels_seabed_au_2022_06_001)

OSPAR Plastic Particles in Fulmar Stomachs - 2014 (odims:ospar_plastic_fulmars_2014_01_002)

Locations of Fulmarus glacialis reporting, together with the birds sex, age and the numbers and mass of plastic particles found [Version 002]

EMODnet Human Activities Aggregate Extraction - Point (odims:ospar_aggregate_extraction_2020_11_001)

EMODnet Human Activities Aggregate Extraction Areas/Points - Web Feature Service

OSPAR Inventory of Offshore Installations - 2003 (odims:ospar_offshore_installations_2003_01_001)

Details of the location and status of Offshore Installations within the OSPAR maritime area, together with the water depth, operator, installation type and weight [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Cyclopterus Lumpus (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1983_07_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Munition Encounters - 2001 (odims:ospar_encounters_2001_01_001)

Locations of encounters with dumped chemical weapons and munitions in the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Cetorhinus Maximus (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_2016_02_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Mola Mola (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_2005_02_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Sebastes Viviparus (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1986_03_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Phycis Blennoides (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2015_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Probability of Hauls containing a Litter Item - Bay of Biscay - 2013 (odims:ospar_seabed_litter_probability_2013_08_001)

Smoothed map for the Bay of Biscay of the probability that hauls contain a litter item [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Scophthalmus Maximus (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1984_10_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Probability of Hauls containing a Litter Item - Bay of Biscay - 2016 (odims:ospar_seabed_litter_probability_2016_08_001)

Smoothed map for the Bay of Biscay of the probability that hauls contain a litter item [Version 001]

OSPAR Liquid Discharges from Nuclear Installations - 2004 (odims:ospar_discharges_nuclear_2004_01_001)

Location of Nuclear Facilities in OSPAR countries discharging directly or indirectly to the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

OSPAR Pelagic Habitats Thematic Assessment Units (odims:ospar_phabs_ta_au_2023_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Gadus Morhua (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2015_12_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Liquid Discharges from Nuclear Installations - 2007 (odims:ospar_discharges_nuclear_2007_01_001)

Location of Nuclear Facilities in OSPAR countries discharging directly or indirectly to the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

OSPAR Plastic Particles in Fulmar Stomachs 2008 (odims:ospar_plastic_fulmars_2008_01_001)

Locations of Fulmarus glacialis reporting, together with the birds sex, age and the numbers and mass of plastic particles found [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Dipturus Nidarosiensis (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_2007_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Petromyzon Marinus (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2018_12_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2009 (odims:ospar_seawater_2009_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater

OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise 2015 (odims:ospar_underwater_noise_2015_01_001)

OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise Registry, managed at ICES. The data are collated nationally from registers of licenced events such as pile driving, controlled explosions from naval operations and other activities that release energy. This registry is specifically purposed with supporting OSPAR and HELCOM in providing information that will feed regional assessments, and in reporting by its contracting parties to MSFD descriptor 11.1.1 (Low and mid frequency impulsive noise). https://www.ices.dk/data/data-portals/Pages/impulsive-noise.aspx

IA2017 Seabed Litter - Total Count of Plastic Items Caught in Trawls (odims:ospar_ia2017_seabed_litter_2017_05_001)

Intermediate Assessment 2017 - Seabed Litter Assessment Product - Monitoring of seafloor litter on the back of existing fish stock assessments.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Hippocampus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2016_03_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Liquid Discharges from Nuclear Installations 2021 (odims:ospar_discharges_nuclear_2021_01_001)

OSPAR - Liquid discharges from nuclear installations [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 1997 (odims:ospar_biota_1997_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Pollachius Virens (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1984_08_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 1997 (odims:ospar_biota_1997_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 002]

IA2017 PBDE in Fish and Shellfish - Monitoring Sites (odims:ospar_ia2017_pbde_fish_shell_2017_01_001)

Monitoring sites used to assess IA2017 Indicator Assessment Trends in concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in biota. [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 1997 (odims:ospar_biota_1997_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2006 (odims:ospar_seawater_2006_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2009 (odims:ospar_seawater_2009_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Mustelus (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1988_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2006 (odims:ospar_seawater_2006_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 002]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2009 (odims:ospar_seawater_2009_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 002]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2001 (odims:ospar_seawater_2001_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 002]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2006 (odims:ospar_seawater_2006_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2001 (odims:ospar_seawater_2001_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 001]

IA2017 PBDE in Sediment - Monitoring Sites (odims:ospar_ia2017_pbde_sedment_2017_01_001)

Monitoring sites used to assess IA2017 Indicator Assessment Trends in polybrominated flame retardants (PBDE) concentrations in sediments. [Version 001]

OSPAR Plastic Particles in Fulmar Stomachs 2000 (odims:ospar_plastic_fulmars_2000_01_001)

Locations of Fulmarus glacialis reporting, together with the birds sex, age and the numbers and mass of plastic particles found [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Raja Undulata (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2017_04_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Offshore Renewable Energy Developments 2015 (odims:ospar_offshore_renewables_2015_01_001)

Details of the location and status of offshore renewable energy developments in the OSPAR region [Version 001]

OSPAR Plastic Particles in Fulmar Stomachs 2011 (odims:ospar_plastic_fulmars_2011_01_001)

Locations of Fulmarus glacialis reporting, together with the birds sex, age and the numbers and mass of plastic particles found [Version 001]

OSPAR Marine Litter Beach Monitoring - 1km sampling units - 2018 (odims:ospar_marine_litter_2018_01_001)

Monitoring of litter on beaches in the OSPAR Maritime Area. Data and analysis tools available from: https://beachlitter.ospar.org/ [Version 001]

OSPAR Offshore Renewable Energy Developments 2010 (odims:ospar_offshore_renewables_2010_01_001)

Details of the location and status of offshore renewable energy developments in the OSPAR region [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Chelidonichthys Lucerna (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1987_01_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Marine Protected Areas Network (odims:ospar_mpa_2021_07_003)

Marine Protected Areas (MPA) Network. These data are presented as a live feed from the MPA Web Feature Service http://mpa.ospar.org/

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Conger Conger (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2014_07_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Marine Protected Areas Network (odims:ospar_mpa_2021_07_001)

Marine Protected Areas (MPA) Network. These data are presented as a live feed from the MPA Web Feature Service http://mpa.ospar.org/

OSPAR Marine Protected Areas Network (odims:ospar_mpa_2021_07_002)

Marine Protected Areas (MPA) Network. These data are presented as a live feed from the MPA Web Feature Service http://mpa.ospar.org/

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Leucoraja Fullonica (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2016_07_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2003 (odims:ospar_biota_2003_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2003 (odims:ospar_biota_2003_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 002]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2003 (odims:ospar_biota_2003_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 001]

OSPAR Concentration of Chlorophyll - Ecological Quality Ratio Scaled - COMP2 (odims:ospar_chlorophyll_eqrs_2006_01_001)

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2010 (odims:ospar_seawater_2010_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 001]

OSPAR Changes in Plankton Diversity Assessment Units (odims:ospar_changes_plank_div_2023_06_001)

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2010 (odims:ospar_seawater_2010_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 002]

IA2017 PAH in Shellfish - Monitoring Sites (odims:ospar_pah_shellfish_2017_01_001)

Monitoring sites used to assess IA2017 Indicator Assessment Status and Trends in the Concentrations of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Shellfish. [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2010 (odims:ospar_seawater_2010_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Hexanchus Griseus (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1999_02_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2021 (odims:ospar_seawater_2021_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Molva Molva (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1985_08_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2021 (odims:ospar_seawater_2021_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 001]

OSPAR Median Total Counts of Beach Litter Items per Survey Site (odims:ospar_median_total_counts_beach_2022_05_001)

Median total counts of Beach Litter for the 114 OSPAR survey sites over the period 2018 - 2020 [Version 001]

OSPAR Concentration of Dissolved Oxygen - Ecological Quality Ratio Scaled - COMP2 (odims:ospar_dissolved_oxygen_eqrs_2006_06_001)

OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise - Activity Type of Pulse Block Days 2017 (odims:ospar_underwater_noise_2017_03_001)

OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise Registry, managed at ICES. The data are collated nationally from registers of licenced events such as pile driving, controlled explosions from naval operations and other activities that release energy. This registry is specifically purposed with supporting OSPAR and HELCOM in providing information that will feed regional assessments, and in reporting by its contracting parties to MSFD descriptor 11.1.1 (Low and mid frequency impulsive noise). https://www.ices.dk/data/data-portals/Pages/impulsive-noise.aspx

OSPAR Liquid Discharges from Nuclear Installations - 2002 (odims:ospar_discharges_nuclear_2002_01_001)

Location of Nuclear Facilities in OSPAR countries discharging directly or indirectly to the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Alopias Vulpinus (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_2016_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Liquid Discharges from Nuclear Installations - 1996 (odims:ospar_discharges_nuclear_1996_01_001)

Location of Nuclear Facilities in OSPAR countries discharging directly or indirectly to the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

OSPAR Offshore Renewable Energy Developments 2012 (odims:ospar_offshore_renewables_2012_01_001)

Details of the location and status of offshore renewable energy developments in the OSPAR region [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Dasyatis Pastinaca (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1997_02_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Changes in Plankton Diversity Assessment Units (odims:ospar_changes_plank_div_2023_06_002)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence - Rajella Bathyphila (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1999_05_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Inner Regions (odims:ospar_inner_boundary_2016_01_002)

The inner boundary line defining the extent of the OSPAR regions [Version 002]

IA2017 Seabed Litter - Total Counts of Litter Items Caught per Trawl (odims:ospar_ia2017_seabed_litter_2017_04_001)

Intermediate Assessment 2017 - Seabed Litter Assessment Product - Monitoring of seafloor litter on the back of existing fish stock assessments.

OSPAR Inner Regions (odims:ospar_inner_boundary_2016_01_001)

Inner boundaries of the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Brama Brama (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_2005_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Marine Birds - Breeding Abundance - Colonies and Sites (odims:ospar_breeding_abundance_2021_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Sebastes Viviparus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2017_12_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Fishing for Litter - 2018 (odims:ospar_fishing_litter_2018_01_001)

Locations of Harbours in the OSPAR area where participating fishing vessels deposit bags filled with litter recovered in hauls [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Lepidorhombus Whiffiagonis (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1984_07_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Brama Brama (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2014_04_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Probability of Hauls containing a Litter Item - Bay of Biscay - 2018 (odims:ospar_seabed_litter_probability_2018_08_001)

Smoothed map for the Bay of Biscay of the probability that hauls contain a litter item [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 1995 (odims:ospar_biota_1995_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 1995 (odims:ospar_biota_1995_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 001]

OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Surface 2016 (odims:ospar_bottom_f_intensur_2016_01_001)

ICES response to OSPAR request to support the development of common and candidate OSPAR biodiversity indicators for benthic habitats: fishing intensity/pressure per gear type for surface abrasion, in OSPAR regions. [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 1995 (odims:ospar_biota_1995_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 002]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Leucoraja Circularis (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2016_06_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Argyrosomus Regius (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2014_03_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Dipturus Nidarosiensis (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2012_03_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Concentration of Nutrients - Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen Confidence - COMP4 (odims:ospar_din_confidence_2020_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Anarhichas Minor (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2001_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Marine Litter Beach Monitoring - 100m sampling units - 2018 (odims:ospar_marine_litter_2018_02_001)

Monitoring of litter on beaches in the OSPAR Maritime Area. Data and analysis tools available from: https://beachlitter.ospar.org/ [Version 001]

OSPAR Concentration of Chlorophyll Assessment Units (odims:ospar_chlorophyll_au_2022_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Scyliorhinus Canicula (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1984_11_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Concentration of Chlorophyll Assessment Units (odims:ospar_chlorophyll_au_2022_06_002)

OSPAR Seabed Litter Assessment Units (odims:ospar_seabed_litter_au_2022_06_001)

OSPAR Seabed Litter Assessment Units (odims:ospar_seabed_litter_au_2022_06_002)

OSPAR Inventory of Offshore Installations - 2011 (odims:ospar_offshore_installations_2011_01_001)

Details of the location and status of Offshore Installations within the OSPAR maritime area, together with the water depth, operator, installation type and weight [Version 001]

OSPAR Seabed Litter Sampling Points - Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast - 2016 (odims:ospar_sl_sampling_points_2016_07_001)

Location of sampling points in the Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast, by the gear types [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2017 (odims:ospar_seawater_2017_02_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2017 (odims:ospar_seawater_2017_02_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Petromyzon Marinus (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1992_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Lophius Budegassa (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2016_08_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Argyrosomus Regius (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1997_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2000 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2000_01_001)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 001]

OSPAR Chlor-alkali data - 2000 (odims:ospar_chlor_alkali_data_2000_01_002)

Location and status of mercury-based chlor-alkali plants in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 002]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Brosme Brosme (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1983_05_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Food webs Thematic Assessment Units (odims:ospar_fw_ta_au_2023_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Polyprion Americanus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_2001_03_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Hydrolagus Mirabilis (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_2007_04_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Munition Encounters - 2014 (odims:ospar_encounters_2014_01_001)

Locations of encounters with dumped chemical weapons and munitions in the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise - Pulse Block Days 2017 (odims:ospar_underwater_noise_2017_02_001)

OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise Registry, managed at ICES. The data are collated nationally from registers of licenced events such as pile driving, controlled explosions from naval operations and other activities that release energy. This registry is specifically purposed with supporting OSPAR and HELCOM in providing information that will feed regional assessments, and in reporting by its contracting parties to MSFD descriptor 11.1.1 (Low and mid frequency impulsive noise). https://www.ices.dk/data/data-portals/Pages/impulsive-noise.aspx

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2014 (odims:ospar_biota_2014_01_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Lampetra Fluviatilis (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1999_03_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Anguilla Anguilla (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2014_02_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2014 (odims:ospar_biota_2014_01_003)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Biota - 2014 (odims:ospar_biota_2014_01_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Biota [Version 002]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Chimaera Monstrosa (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2014_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Galeorhinus Galeus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1984_06_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

OSPAR Marine Litter Beach Monitoring - 1km sampling units - 2022 (odims:ospar_marine_litter_2022_01_001)

Monitoring of litter on beaches in the OSPAR Maritime Area [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Lophius Piscatorius (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1985_07_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2020 (odims:ospar_seawater_2020_07_002)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater

OSPAR Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances - Seawater - 2020 (odims:ospar_seawater_2020_07_001)

Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in Seawater [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Alosa (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2006_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Munition Encounters - 2003 (odims:ospar_encounters_2003_01_001)

Locations of encounters with dumped chemical weapons and munitions in the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

IA2017 Eutrophication status in areas assessed in Arctic Waters, the Greater North Sea, Celtic Seas, and the Bay of Biscay, 2006–2014 (odims:ospar_eut_status_2017_06_001)

Integrated Report on the Eutrophication Status of the OSPAR Maritime Area

OSPAR Inventory of Offshore Installations - 2005 (odims:ospar_offshore_installations_2005_01_001)

Details of the location and status of Offshore Installations within the OSPAR maritime area, together with the water depth, operator, installation type and weight [Version 001]

OSPAR Median Total Counts of Beach Litter Items per Region (odims:ospar_median_total_counts_beach_2022_06_001)

Median total counts of Beach Litter in the five OSPAR Regions over the three year period 2018 - 2020 [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Raja Brachyura (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2017_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Dicentrarchus Punctatus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1998_02_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

IA2017 Seabed Litter - Modelled Probability That a Haul Will Contain Plastic (odims:ospar_ia2017_seabed_litter_2017_03_001)

Intermediate Assessment 2017 - Seabed Litter Assessment Product - Monitoring of seafloor litter on the back of existing fish stock assessments.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Raja Microocellata (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2017_02_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence - Lamna Nasus (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_2000_01_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Subsurface 2016 (odims:ospar_bottom_f_intensubsur_2016_01_001)

ICES response to OSPAR request to support the development of common and candidate OSPAR biodiversity indicators for benthic habitats: fishing intensity/pressure per gear type for subsurface abrasion, in OSPAR regions. [Version 001]

OSPAR Concentration of Nutrients - Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus Accuracy Class Confidence - COMP4 (odims:ospar_dip_acc_2020_06_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Myliobatis Aquila (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1999_04_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Non-Indigenous Species - Locations of new records - 2003-2020 (odims:ospar_locations_of_new_records_2003_01_001)

OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Surface 2011 (odims:ospar_bottom_f_intensur_2011_01_002)

ICES response to OSPAR request to support the development of common and candidate OSPAR biodiversity indicators for benthic habitats: fishing intensity/pressure per gear type for surface abrasion, in OSPAR regions. [Version 002]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Anarhichas Minor (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1983_04_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Long-term - Scyliorhinus Stellaris (odims:ospar_occurrence_long_term_1984_12_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Encounters with Dumped Chemical and Conventional Munitions - 2019 (odims:ospar_encounters_2019_01_004)

Locations of encounters with munitions

OSPAR Encounters with Dumped Chemical and Conventional Munitions - 2019 (odims:ospar_encounters_2019_01_002)

Locations of encounters with dumped chemical weapons and munitions in the OSPAR maritime area. [Version 002]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Acipenser Sturio (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2019_01_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Encounters with Dumped Chemical and Conventional Munitions - 2019 (odims:ospar_encounters_2019_01_003)

Locations of encounters with dumped chemical weapons and munitions in the OSPAR maritime area. [Version 003]

OSPAR Probability of Hauls containing a Litter Item - Greater North Sea - 2016 (odims:ospar_seabed_litter_probability_2016_06_001)

Smoothed map for the Greater North Sea of the probability that hauls contain a litter item [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Deania Calcea (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2012_02_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

OSPAR Encounters with Dumped Chemical and Conventional Munitions - 2019 (odims:ospar_encounters_2019_01_001)

Locations of encounters with dumped chemical weapons and munitions in the OSPAR maritime area. [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Long-term - Hippoglossus Hippoglossus (odims:ospar_survey_areas_long_term_1983_10_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, long-term assessment.

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurrence Short-term - Lophius Piscatorius (odims:ospar_occurrence_short_term_2016_09_001)

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Occurence [Version 001]

Recovery of sensitive fish species - Survey areas Short-term - Lepidorhombus Whiffiagonis (odims:ospar_survey_areas_short_term_2016_05_001)

Location of groundfish surveys, short-term assessment.

OSPAR Munition Encounters - 2008 (odims:ospar_encounters_2008_01_001)

Locations of encounters with dumped chemical weapons and munitions in the OSPAR maritime area [Version 001]

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