NS Department of Natural Resources

[Unnamed layer] [Unnamed layer] [Unnamed layer]
Service health Now:
Web Service, ArcGIS MapServer 10.5
wet areas mapping, WAM, NSGI, GeoNOVA
Access constraints
NS Department of Natural Resources
Data provider

NS Department of Natural Resources (unverified)

Contact information:

NS Department of Natural Resources

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This service is comprised of Provincial Wet Areas Mapping (WAM), which is the product of research work carried out by the Nexfor/Bowater Forest Watershed Research Centre at the University of New Brunswick (led by Dr. Paul Arp). This project was funded by several government and industry partners (see list of partners below). The WAM model predicts where water will naturally flow and/or accumulate in the landscape based on digital elevation (DEM) data and the known location of surface water bodies and wetlands. In essence, WAM is a "cartographically derived depth-to-water index." It is important for users of WAM to understand that depth values listed do not represent predicted depth to a water table or ground water, rather they are a relative wetness index which can be related to the likelihood of there being natural water flows (above or below ground) and accumulation of water as reflected by on-site drainage conditions (well, moderately well, imperfect, poor, very poor). WAM does not take into account soil conditions that may further influence drainage conditions (such as soil texture), nor does it predict flows and accumulations that are the result of human disturbance or infrastructure. The WAM project was completed under contract by the University of New Brunswick in 2005-2007. Contributing partners to the project were: - Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources - Bowater Mersey Paper Ltd. - J.D. Irving Ltd. - Neenah Paper Inc. - StoraEnso Port Hawkesbury Ltd. - Nova Forest Alliance Model Forest - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - Parks Canada - Nova Scotia Environment and Labour - Service Nova Scotia WAM products made available here for public use are through the courtesy of project partners.

Available map layers (2)

WAM Predicted Flow (0)

WAM Wetness Index (1)

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