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geonode:multi_hazard_haiti geonode:idn_vam_vulnerability_to_food_insecurity_2009_a geonode:Stock
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Available map layers (694)

Tajikistan Waterlines (geonode:tjk_hyd_waterlines)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Pakistan, Flood Risk, April 2017 (geonode:pak_ica_floods_apr2017)

This layer contains information about the flood risk according to the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed for Pakistan in the month of April, 2017. The indicator used was the number of flood events recorded between 1950 and 2015 and the severity by which they were affected by the super-flood in 2010. Source: National Disaster Management Agency for Pakistan.

ao_1_1 (geonode:ao_1_1)

Nepal Earthquake Epicenters Last 7days (geonode:npl_nhr_eqepicenters_usgs_1)

No abstract provided

Palestine - Partner Warehouses (geonode:pse_wfp_warehouses_wfp_20141224)

No abstract provided

productive_assets (geonode:productive_assets)

No abstract provided

Afghanistan WFP Office Location - March 2015 (geonode:afg_wfp_office_location_mar2015_1)

WFP Afghanistan Office location, sources WFP Area/Sub Offices.

UKRAINE, Food Distribution Points, nov 2014_june 2015 (geonode:ukr_fdps_nov2014_june2015)

No abstract provided

Egypt Drainages (geonode:egy_hyd_drainage)

No abstract provided

Red vial de Guatemala (geonode:gtm_trs_roads)

Roads of Guatemala/ Carreteras y caminos de Guatemala

Zimbabwe, Prevalence of Wasting for the ICA analysis, 2014 (geonode:zwe_wfp_wasting)

This layer contains Malnutrition Wasting data from the National Nutrition Survey in 2010. Sources: ZimVAC, FEWSNET, OMEP, WFP

Philippines Built-up Areas (geonode:phl_poi_builtupareas)

No abstract provided

Límites administrativos municipales de República Dominicana (geonode:dom_bnd_admin2_one_2010)

This shapefile represent the administrative division called "municipalities" in Dominican Republic which is a more disaggrageted level than provinces. The shapefile was extracted from the 2010 National Census available in the ONE website.

Regional Bureau Dakar Population by Country (2015) (geonode:rbd_bdn_countriespop2015_wfp)

No abstract provided

Madagascar IPC Classification (geonode:mdg_wfp_ipcclassification)

Source, WFP

Pakistan, Recurrence of Food Insecurity, April 2017 (geonode:pak_ica_foodinsecurity_apr2017)

This layer contains information about the risk of food insecurity according to the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed in Pakistan in the month of April 2017. Given that no other food security outcome data was available at district level for the whole country, the analysis was carried out using poverty data as a proxy for vulnerability to food insecurity. The selected indicator was the Multi-Dimensional Poverty Index (MPI). Source: UNDP, 2004/05 to 2005/06

multi_hazard_haiti (geonode:multi_hazard_haiti)

No abstract provided

poverty_incidence (geonode:poverty_incidence)

No abstract provided

Afghanistan Access by Air and by Road to the DAC - April 2016 (geonode:afg_wfp_air_road_20162804)

Accessible for WFP to the DAC (District Administrative Center) by Road and Air - April 2016

Egypt river Nile (geonode:egy_hyd_river)

No abstract provided

RBD Administrative Boundaries level 1 - GAUL Revised (geonode:rbd_bnd_adm1_gaul_revised)

This layer contains administrative boundaries level 1. It has been created using as reference gaul and integrating feedback from Country Offices and HDX

Burundi, Natural Shock Risk by Livelihood Zone (geonode:bdi_nhr_risknaturaldisasters)

This layer contains natural shock risk data for each livelihood zone (flood, landslide and drought). Sources: Stratégie Nationale de Prévention des Risques et de Gestion des Catastrophes; Global Risk Data Platform, landslide frequency (UNEP/UNISDR); VAM NDVI. Analysis by OSEP, WFP. Cette couche contient les données sur les niveaux de risque de chocs naturels (inondation, glissement de terrain et sécheresse) pour chaque zone de moyens d'existence.Sources: Stratégie Nationale de Prévention des Risques et de Gestion des Catastrophes; Global Risk Data Platform, fréquence de glissement de terrain (UNEP/UNISDR); IDVN VAM. Analyse par OSEP, PAM.

Límites administrativos provinciales de Bolivia (geonode:bol_bnd_admin2_2003)

Provincial administrative boundaries for Ecuador

Global WFP Refugee and IDP Camps (geonode:wld_poi_refugee_idp_camps_wfp)

This layer contains information regarding the location of the Refugees Camps and IDPs Camps currently open and involved in WFP Operations. Additional information such as the type of camp, the population of refugees in the camp, the existence of nearby warehouse etc. are included. Data Sources: mainly UNHCR and IOM The layer is updated as deemed necessary.

Indonesia, Strength of ENSO signal (geonode:idn_cli_strength_enso_signal_ipb_a)

Change in monthly rainfall in Indonesia region with 1° increase in sea surface temperature of NINO-3.4 region

Syrian Arab Republic Administrative Boundaries Level 3 (geonode:syr_bnd_admin3_a)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

m2504vA022009_HN (geonode:m2504va022009_hn)

Microcuencas abastecedoras de agua legalmente declaradas, digitalizadas por el Instituto de Conservación Forestal (ICF), La última actualización de esta cobertura se realizó en Febrero de 2009.

IRAQ IDPs Concentration December 2015 (geonode:iraq_dtm_poi_idpslocations_19november2015_fn_)

data from IOM

Gambia Food Security CSFVA 2016 (geonode:gmb_rbd_vam_foodsecurity_cfsva_2016)

This layer contains info about food security information in Gambia as part of the CFSVA performed in 2016

Zambia Rivers (geonode:zam_hyd_rivers)

No abstract provided

wheat_self_sufficiency_1 (geonode:wheat_self_sufficiency_1)

No abstract provided

Límites territoriales de Cuba (geonode:cub__bnd_adm0_2002)

Límites nacionales de Cuba/ Country boundary for Cuba

Sudan Settlement (geonode:sdn_poi_settlem_gov)


Yemen Drainages (geonode:yem_hyd_drainage)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Tunisia Administrative Boundaries Level 1 (geonode:tun_bnd_admin1_a)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Availability: Self-sufficiency of wheat, National Statistics Committee 2014 (geonode:wheat_self_sufficiency_2)

No abstract provided

Malawi, Food Insecurity Recurrence (2009 - 2013) & Prevalence of Stunting (2010 - 2011) (geonode:mwi_wfp_foodinsecurity_stunting)

This layer contains an integration of data from a food security analysis which is based on data from different sources in order to triangulate the existing food security information and to validate the ranking of each district based on various indicators, as well as malnutrition stunting data from the National Nutrition Survey in 2010. Sources: FewsNet, ZimVac, MVAC, WFP, LSMS, OMEP

Iraq IDP Locations (geonode:irq_poi_idpslocations_25122014)

No abstract provided

Mozambique, Flooded Areas as of 26 January 2015 (geonode:moz_mwi_dfo_floodextent_20150126)

Detected Flooded Areas within past 14 days from MODIS and ESA Sentinel 1 SAR/Landsat 8 data. Data are based on combination of both sensors. Data source: DFO.

Burundi, Flood Risk by Livelihood Zone (geonode:bdi_nhr_floodrisk_co)

This layer contains a flood risk indicator for each livelihood zone. Source: Stratégie Nationale de Prévention des Risques et de Gestion des Catastrophes Cette couche contient un indice d'inondation pour chaque zone de moyens d'existence. Source: Stratégie Nationale de Prévention des Risques et de Gestion des Catastrophes.

Afghanistan 5km Buffer from Areas of Control (April 2015) (geonode:afg_sec_areacontrolbuffer_wfp_20150401)

Each cluster of settlements which fall under the control of one group (e.g. the eastern part of the district, the central valley in the district), a shaded ‘buffer’ will be generated, with a standardised radial distance of 5km, to help clearer visualisation of areas of control.

nga_state_line_boundary (geonode:nga_state_line_boundary)

No abstract provided

Nigeria Flood risk area 2016 (geonode:nga_nhz_flood_risk_area_2016)

This layer shows areas prone to flooding

Utilization: Level of female population educational attainment, National Demographic and Health Survey 2012 (geonode:proportion_female)

No abstract provided

child_feeding_practices (geonode:child_feeding_practices)

No abstract provided

Límites administrativos provinciales de Cuba (geonode:cub__bnd_admin1_2002)

Provincial administrative boundaries for Cuba

Límites territoriales de Ecuador (geonode:ecu_bnd_adm0_2007)

Límites nacionales de Ecuador/ Country boundary for Ecuador

Zimbabwe, High Flood Risk Areas, 2011 (geonode:zwe_nhr_floodrisk_unep_2011)

This layer contains flood risk data from Global Risk Data Platform. Source: Global Risk Data Platform (UNEP), OMEP.

customtrk_wfp_beneficiaries (geonode:customtrk_wfp_beneficiaries)

No abstract provided

Philippines, Cyclone Rammasun, Affected persons by region (geonode:phl_nhr_tsrammasun_ndrrmc)

No abstract provided

Malawi, Livelihood Zones (geonode:mwi_wfp_livelihoodzones)

This layer contains the twelve main livelihood zones identified in Malawi. Source: WFP-CO, OMEP.

Afgh_Areas_control_ACCESS_prov_diss (geonode:province)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Nigeria, Rivers (line) (geonode:nga_hyd_riversline_dcw)


Iraq Administrative Boundaries Level 0 (geonode:irq_bnd_adm0_a)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

vias_hdx84 (geonode:vias_hdx84)

No abstract provided

Jordan Rivers (geonode:jor_hyd_rivers)

No abstract provided

Nepal Health Facilities from OpenStreetMap (geonode:npl_poi_healthfacilities_osm)

Nepal Health Facilities updated daily from OpenStreetMap

Malawi, Vegetation Loss between 1990 - 2010 (ICA Analysis) (geonode:mwi_phy_vegetationloss)

This layer contains vegetation loss data that has been selected from ESA landcover change data between 1990 to 2010. For each district the surface and percentages of vegetation loss was calculated and then the two variables were combined in order to understand the overall severity of vegetation loss between 1990 and 2010. Values from each variable were added and reclassified into a vegetation loss score. Sources: ESA, OMEP, WFP

Departmental boundary division in Haiti (geonode:hti_ad2_2008_2)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Pakistan, Natural Shocks Risk, April 2017 (geonode:pak_ica_naturalshocks_apr2017)

This layer contains information about the reclassification of the natural shocks risk (floods and drought) into a single combined score according to the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed in Pakistan in the month of April, 2017.

Puntos críticos EJEMPLO (geonode:_2_puntos_criticos_junio_8)

No abstract provided

Malawi, Drought Risk, June 2014 (geonode:mwi_ica_npgs_20170531)

This layer contains information about the drought risk in Malawi, as analysed by the ICA. The key indicator used for the analysis was the number of poor growing seasons in the period between 2004 and 2013. Source: Malawi CO VAM, MEPED & DoDMA

RBD Administrative Boundaries Level 2 - GAUL Revised (geonode:rbd_bnd_adm2_gaul_revised)

This layer contains administrative boundaries level 2. It has been created using as reference gaul and integrating feedback from Country Offices and HDX

Armenia, Land Degradation (geonode:arm_phy_landdegradation_wfp)

No abstract provided

Sudan Food Distribution Points (geonode:sdn_poi_fdp_wfp_2014)

No abstract provided

Algeria Administrative Boundaries Level 0 (geonode:dza_bnd_adm0_a_gaul)

World Countries 2002 represents the boundaries for the countries of the world, as they existed in September 2002.

Límites administrativos municipales de Guatemala (geonode:gtm_ad2_ing_2014_1)

Límites de Area Area SIG Base Cartografica Nacional Guatemala 1:250,000

Liberia, main roads practicability (geonode:lbr_trs_roads_wfp_osm)

Road data is based on an extraction of OpenStreetMap data from 4 March 2015. Information about main road seasonability, road condition and general practicability has been added according to the SDI-T standard. The geometry and the classification of the roads come directly from OpenStreetMap and have been used as is. Please note that only main roads until 'tertiary' have been used. The information regarding practicability come from the Logistics Cluster in Liberia.

Nigeria, BH Presence (geonode:nga_poi_bhpresence_adm2_042016)

BH presence by LGA as of 10 February 2016.

Burundi, Livelihood Zones (8) (geonode:bdi_wfp_livelihoodzones8_co)

Burundi Livelihood Zones provided by Country Office. 8 zones according to FSMS classification. Zones de moyens d'existence du Burundi, fourni par le bureau du pays. 8 zones selon la classification de FSMS (système de suivi de la sécurité alimentaire).

Access, Poverty rate (geonode:kgz_bnd_adm3_fsa_bazarkorgon_13)

No abstract provided

División administrativa por provincias en Rep. Dominicana (geonode:dom_admbnd1_2010)

This shapefile represents the administrative division called "provinces" in Dominican Republic which is a more dissagregated level than regions. This shape was extracted from the 2010 National Census available in the ONE website.

Demography, Number of poor households (geonode:kgz_bnd_adm3_fsa_bazarkorgon_12)

No abstract provided

Demography, Number of households (geonode:kgz_bnd_adm3_fsa_bazarkorgon_11)

No abstract provided

WFP Emergency Level (geonode:wld_bnd_crisislevels_wfp)

Provide the level of emergency (L1 to L3) for WFP Values for the "level" field: 1=>L1 2=>L2 3=>L3 99=>Monitoring

Jordan Administrative Boundaries Level 4 (geonode:jor_bnd_adm4_co)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Demography, Population (geonode:kgz_bnd_adm3_fsa_bazarkorgon_10)

No abstract provided

Zimbabwe, Administrative Boundaries Level 1 (Provinces) (geonode:zwe_bnd_admin1_cso)

This layer contains administrative boundaries at the Province level. Source: WFP

Central America Rivers (geonode:camer_hyd_rivers_vm0_2007)

Source: VMap0 (2007)

Philippines_pop_region1_admin4_psa_2010 (geonode:phl_pop_region1admin4_psa_2010)

Compilation of population data at Admin 4 (barangay) level for the years 2000, 2007 and 2010.

Burundi, Settlements (ICA Categories) (geonode:bdi_pop_settlements_gd_icacategories)

This layer contains settlements from Global Discovery, with data on the ICA Category and Area of the Livelihood Zone in which they are located.

vegetable_self_sufficiency (geonode:vegetable_self_sufficiency)

No abstract provided

average_annual_vegetable_production (geonode:average_annual_vegetable_production)

No abstract provided

Philippines Flood prone areas in Atok, Benguet, Philippines (geonode:phl_atok_nhr_floodpronearea_atoklgu)

Flood prone areas in the municipality of Atok, Benguet, Philippines.

Central America Admin 2 Boundaries (geonode:camer_bnd_adm2_gaul_2015)

Admin 2 boundaries, GAUL 2015

Pakistan, Drought Risk, April 2017 (geonode:pak_ica_drought_apr2017)

This layer contains information the drought risk according to the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) performed in Pakistan in the month of April, 2017. The three indicators used were a drought hazard index based on mean annual rainfall, a drought hazard index based on SPI data from 1981 to 2015 and the number of poor growing seasons according to the rainfall estimates between 1981 and 2015. Source: National Disaster Management of Pakistan, National Drought Monitoring Centre of the Pakistan Meteorological Department and CHIRPS.

Availability, Net per capita vegetable production / Per capita normative consumption (geonode:kgz_bnd_adm3_fsa_bazarkorgon_16)

No abstract provided

Availability, Net vegetable production per capita per day (gram) (geonode:kgz_bnd_adm3_fsa_bazarkorgon_15)

No abstract provided

Malawi, Landcover in 2010 (geonode:mwi_phy_landcover_esa_2010)

This layer contains data from a deforestation analysis which was performed using remotely sensed land cover data for 1990 and 2010 from the European Space Agency (ESA). Sources: ESA, WFP, OMEP

Stability, Number Flood mudflow, landslide risk areas (geonode:kgz_bnd_adm3_fsa_bazarkorgon_14)

No abstract provided

Malawi, Number of Flood Events between 2000 and 2013 (geonode:mwi_nhr_flood)

This layer contains data based on historical flood data from the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA), providing information on the number of flood events by district between 2000 and 2013. The analysis identified districts regularly affected by floods and provided additional information on long -term trends. These were computed and results placed in 3 classes. Sources: VAM - MEPED & DoDMA, OMEP, WFP.

Global WFP IPC Phases (geonode:wld_wfp_ipc_phases)

This layer depicts information for Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) worldwide. The classification has six levels from 0 to 5 (none, minimal, stressed, crisis, emergency, famine). The data are updated as deemed necessary.

Global Airports (geonode:wld_trs_airports_wfp)

This layer contains airports locations. This dataset brings together various public sources such as OpenStreetMap or with WFP logistics information. It is updated regularly with inputs from WFP aviation unit but also from many partners through the Logistics Cluster and the Logistics Capacity Assessment (LCA: The information is compiled at a global level by the Emergency and Preparedness Geospatial Information Unit at the World Food Programme Headquarters in Rome, Italy.This dataset is at a global scale and is updated country by country. The last update date can be retrieved from the data of the country of interest.Feel free to contribute to this dataset by contacting

Suelos (FAO) escala 1:1,000,000 (geonode:i2202va001996_hn)

Este mapa fue digitalizado en CIAT, tomando como base "Soil Mapping Units" - Leforrest Miller de la Direccin Ejecutiva del Catastro - Departamento de Recursos Naturales. Por la tanto la clasficacin de suelos es segun Leforrest Miller. En el manual se incluye una descripcion detallada de cada uno de los tipo de suelos utilizados en esta clasificacion. MANUAL_ATLAS.PDF

Límites territoriales de Bolivia (geonode:bol_bnd_adm0_2003)

Límites nacionales de Bolivia/ Country boundary for Bolivia

Afghanistan Border Crossing Points (geonode:afg_poi_bcp_wfp)

The data shared by HQ -GIS Unit and shared with WFP Afghanistan Security Focal point for the final update March 2015.

Tajikistan, Drought Frequency 1998 - 2011 (geonode:tjk_nhr_droughtfrequency_co_19982011)

This layer contains the number of drought events by Admin 2, according to national records.

average_annual_potato_yield (geonode:average_annual_potato_yield)

No abstract provided

Afghanistan District Accessibility for WFP and WFP Partners - July 2015 (geonode:afg_wfp_dist_access_20151107)

Areas access to CP’s and PAT’s without Escorts, Cooperating Partners (CP’s) and Programme Assistance Teams (PAT’s) Accessibility information - WFP Operation/Security Units, July 11, 2015

Madagascar VAM Zone Boundaries (geonode:mdg_bnd_vamzones)

Source, WFP

bgd_admin1 (geonode:bgd_admin1)

No abstract provided

ipc_lzsra2015 (geonode:ipc_lzsra2015)

No abstract provided

Global Earthquakes Buffers - Last 14 Days (geonode:wld_nhrpub_adameqbuf14days_wfp)

This layer contains the buffer zones of earthquakes of the last 14 days. The layer its produced through ADAM and gets updated every five minutes. There are three distinguished buffers zones of 15km, 30km and 50km. In combination with the "Global Earthquakes Epicenters - Last 14 Days" layer we can represent the affected population on its of this buffer zone.

Sao Tome and Principe, Food Consumption Score by Administrative Level 2, 2007 (geonode:stp_wfp_adm2_foodsecurity_fcs_2007)

This layer contains Food Consumption Score data collected by WFP VAM, by second level administrative units.

Afghanistan Areas of control by settlement - May 2016 (geonode:afg_wfp_poi_ares_control)

Security issue by settlement

World Humanitarian Topographic Layer (geonode:wld_grid_100ka1_wfp)

No abstract provided

border_crossing_points (geonode:sdn_trs_bcp_wfp_1)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

border_crossing_points (geonode:sdn_trs_bcp_wfp_2)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Vanuatu Road Network (geonode:vut_trs_roads_osm_wfp_20150319)

Road data is based on an extraction of OpenStreetMap data from 19 March 2015. The geometry and the classification of the roads come directly from OpenStreetMap and have been used as is. The attributes codification has been converted according to SDI-T standards.

Chad streets and pathways (geonode:tcd_trs_streets_osm)

This dataset is an extraction of streets and pathways from OpenStreetMap data made by WFP that follow UNSDIT standards. The data is updated in near-real time from OSM servers and include all latest updates. NOTE: this dataset doesn't include main roads that have been published on a separate dataset (Chad Road Network (main roads)).

Burundi, Projected Population Figures 2013 (geonode:bdi_pop_populationfigures_co_2013)

This layer contains projected population data for 2013 by livelihood zone. Source: Census 2008. Cette couche contient les données sur la population projetée pour 2013 dans chaque zone de moyens d'existence. Source: Recensement 2008.

m1104va002001_hn (geonode:m1104va002001_hn)

Zimbabwe Focus Areas for the ICA analysis (geonode:zwe_wfp_icafocusareas_2014)

This layer contains the Focus Areas of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA).The Focus Areas are the results of combining food insecurity trends, risks to shocks and degradation. Sources: VAM, OMEP and WFP.

Nigeria, Northeast area, Areas of Control, April 2016 (geonode:areas_control_town)

Areas of control by different actors in northeast Nigeria. This information is from 2016 and needs to be updated.

Afghanistan Health Facilities (geonode:afg_health_facilities_pnt_msource)

Sources; HMIS, Health Cluster, WHO, OCHA

Kyrgyzstan, School Meal Project, Targeted schools (1-6 Rounds) (geonode:kgz_smp_schools_16_1)

No abstract provided

Philippines_poi_dprsystem_wfp_2015 (geonode:phl_poi_dprsystem_wfp_2015)

Points showing the municipalities where WFP provided assistance to help them setup and build disaster preparedness and response (DPR) systems for the local government units (LGUs).

sudan_final (geonode:sudan_final)

No abstract provided

Tunisia Administrative Boundaries Level 3 (geonode:tun_bnd_admin3_a)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Liberia Entry Point (geonode:lbr_ltsh_entry_point)

No abstract provided

South Sudan Recurrence of Child Malnutrition prevalence above 15% from 2010 - 2013 (geonode:ssd_wfp_nutrition)

This layer contains mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) data which was used to identify areas of recurring high levels of child malnutrition. The recurrence of global acute malnutrition (based on MUAC) rates above 15% (emergency level) was considered for the analysis. For each county, the number of times out of nine a county was found to have MUAC prevalence above 15% was counted and classified into three groups. Sources: FSMS 2010 - 2013, OMEP.

Burundi, Population Distribution 2011 (geonode:bdi_pop_distribution_landscan_2011)

This layer contains population density data, displaying the number of inhabitants in each pixel of approximately one square kilometer. Source: LandScan 2011. Cette couche contient les données sur la distribution et la densité de population. Chaque cellule (d'à peu près un kilomètre carré) indique le nombre d'habitants y compris. Source: LandScan 2011.

Nigeria, Land Cover 2012 (geonode:nga_phy_landcovernestates_2012)

Land cover classes extracted from MODIS 2012 imagery for North-Eastern Nigeria.

sdn_poi_fsms_wfp (geonode:sdn_poi_fsms_wfp)

No abstract provided

Global Snow Depth (water equivalent) Forecast 1 Day (geonode:wld_cli_sd_1d_ecmwf)

This layers depicts global coverage of snow depth (water equivalent). The values correspond to the total snow depth of the last day. Unit: meters Source: ECMWF Resolution: pixel size 0.125x0.125 degrees

Indonesia Admin Level 2 Capital (geonode:idn_a2_admincapital_2014_518_p)

No abstract provided

Utilization: Prevalence of chronic malnutrition among children under five years old, National Demographic and Health Survey 2012 (geonode:chronic_malnutrition)

No abstract provided

Nigeria, Digital Elevation Model (geonode:nga_phy_srtm)

No abstract provided

Burundi, Administrative Level 2 Boundaries (geonode:bdi_bnd_admin2_co)

Administrative level 2 boundaries provided by Country Office, with Livelihood Zone information.

Límites administrativos departamentales de Guatemala (geonode:gtm_bnd_admin1_ing_2002)

Departmental administrative boundaries for Guatemala

Sierra Leone, main roads practicability (geonode:sle_trs_roads_wfp_osm)

Road data is based on an extraction of OpenStreetMap data from 4 March 2015. Information about main road seasonability, road condition and general practicability has been added according to the SDI-T standard. The geometry and the classification of the roads come directly from OpenStreetMap and have been used as is. Please note that only main roads until 'tertiary' have been used.

Philippines_bnd_wfpprogrammeareas_sorsogon_wfp_2015 (geonode:phl_bnd_wfpprogrammeareas_sorsogon_wfp_2015)

Administrative boundary of WFP disaster preparedness and response (DPR) programme areas in the Province of Sorsogon, Philippines.

Central America Admin 0 Boundaries (geonode:camer_bnd_adm0_gaul_2015)

No abstract provided

Yemen, ICT status of services (geonode:yem_ict_services_20150402_3)

ICT status of services in Yemen.

Timbuktu, Areas of Control by Settlement (geonode:mli_poi_areasofcontrol)

No abstract provided

export_output (geonode:export_output)

No abstract provided

Iran Drainages (geonode:irn_hyd_drainage)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Burundi, Livelihood Zones (9) (geonode:bdi_wfp_livelihoodzones9_co)

Burundi Livelihood Zones provided by Country Office. 9 zones according to FEWS NET classification. Zones de moyens d'existence du Burundi, fourni par le bureau du pays. 9 zones selon la classification de FEWS NET.

Utilization: Proportion of children under two years old fed with IYCF practices, National Demographic and Health Survey 2012 (geonode:proportion_child)

No abstract provided

Timor-Leste: Health Facilities (geonode:hf_bobonaro)

This data from WHO represents health facilities in East Timor.

Haiti Hurricane map (wind Damages) (geonode:wind_damage)

This map provides information on the historical hurricanes from 1851 to 2012. The data have been downloaded on the NOAA website. This product will aid in the visualization of the frequency of the tropical cyclones which cross Haiti.

Límites territoriales de El Salvador (geonode:slv_bnd_adm0_digestyc_ign)

Límites nacionales de El Salvador/ Country boundary for El Salvador. El mapa ha sido digitalizado a partir de hojas heliogrficas a escala 1:200,000 proporcionadas por la Direccin General de Estadsticas y Censos (DIGESTYC) y levantado originalmente por el Instituto Geogrfico Nacional (IGN).

Liberia Connections (geonode:lbr_ltsh_connections)

No abstract provided

Integrated Context Analysis: Categories of areas based on poverty and exposure to natural shocks, National Statistics Committee 2014, Ministry of Emergency Situations 2009, NDVI analysis by OMEP WFP 2012 (geonode:integrated_context_analysis_1)

No abstract provided

Lakes (geonode:sdn_hyd_lakes_imwg_2)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Lakes (geonode:sdn_hyd_lakes_imwg_1)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Portsudan (geonode:sdn_trs_ports_wfp)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Indonesia Admin Level 1 Capital (geonode:idn_a1_indonesia_capital_bps_p)

No abstract provided

Central America Main Land Cover Change (2001-2012) (geonode:camer_phy_mainlandcoverchange_20012012)

Top 10 land cover change types in Central America, identified through comparison of 2001 & 2012 MODIS land cover data.

Global Supply Routes (geonode:wld_trs_supplyroutes_wfp)

Global supply routes for Transportation of Food and Non Food Items - Roads, Railways, Waterway, Airways. This layer is built by linking origin/destination locations using the most direct route on main roads. In reality, the supply routes can divert from the ones displayed here depending on many local factors. The routes shown in this dataset are only indicative and have to be used as such. The dataset is made by the combination of various sources such as OpenStreetMap, GoogleMaps Digital Cartography,YahooMaps or from partners through the Logistics Cluster.

Sudan lakes (geonode:sdn_hyd_lakes_imwg_3)

This layer contains lakes in Sudan.

Iraq IDPs as of 02 July 2015 (geonode:irq_dtm_idps_iom_20150702)

IDPs in Iraq - data from IOM DTM database as of 02 July 2015

Pakistan Road Network (geonode:pak_trs_roads_wfp)

This dataset contains the roads data from WFP in Pakistan.

Timor-Leste: International Boundaries (Lines) (geonode:tls_country_adm0_ln)

This dataset represents the international boundaries of Timor-Leste. This dataset contains only lines, with no attribute data. It is used by the United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs mainly for cosmetic/graphic purposes.

Afghanistan Accessible to WFP by Air and Road to the DAC - October to December 2016 .. (geonode:afg_wfp_accessairroad20161220)

Accessibility information by WFP Operation/Security Units, November 16, 2016

Nepal Earthquake Epicenters Last 7days (geonode:npl_nhr_eqepicenters_usgs)

This layer contains locations of earthquakes occurred in Nepal in the last 7 days. Source: USGS

Red Vial escala 1:50,000 (geonode:m3101vl001970_hn)

Red víal (asfaltada, no asfaltada y veredas) del territorio nacional digitalizada a partir de 279 hojas cartográficas escala1:50,000 del Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN). La digitalización fué realizada en 1994 por el Proyecto Forestal (PROFOR) de la cooperación Alemana y contraparte de la Administracin Forestal del Estado (AFE-COHDEFOR). Estas hojas cartográficas fueron restituidas en 1970 por el método estereofotogramétrico "MULTIPLEX" y "KELSH". basado en fotografías areas tomadas en el año 1954. Clasificación de campo (toponimia) efectuada en 1958 - 1959 y 69.

polbndA_Division (geonode:div)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Burundi, Expected Landslide Frequency (geonode:bdi_nhr_landslidefrequency_unep_2011)

This layer contains the expected landslide frequency. Sources: Global Risk Data Platform, landslide frequency (UNEP/UNISDR). Cette couche contient les données sur la fréquence attendue de glissements de terrain. Source: Global Risk Data Platform, fréquence de glissement de terrain (UNEP/UNISDR).

Lesotho, Flood Risk, July 2015 (geonode:lso_ica_floodrisk_jul2015)

This layer contains information on the risk of flooding by district level, as analysed by the ICA. The key parameter used for the analysis is the percentage of surface district area affected by flood risk. Sources: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013.

Availability, Domestic production of wheat (geonode:kgz_bnd_adm3_fsa_bazarkorgon)

No abstract provided

Ecuador, UNOSAT Damage Assessment, 22 April 2016 (geonode:ecu_poi_damageassessment_unosat_20160422)

This layer contains the results of the damage assessment done by UNOSAT as of 22 April 2016.

Tunisia Administrative Boundaries Level 2 (geonode:tun_bnd_admin2_a)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Zimbabwe Landcover 2009 (geonode:zwe_phy_landcover_meris_2009)

This layer contains MERIS landcover data from 2009. Similar landcover classes have been grouped by OMEP to simplifiy the classes. Sources: MERIS, OMEP.

afgh_roads (geonode:afgh_roads)

No abstract provided

Global WFP Warehouses (geonode:wld_poi_warehouses_wfp)

This layer contains locations and additional information of WFP warehouses worldwide Any attributes which are blank or '0' had no data entered at the time of release. Its possible to contribute by giving your inputs at

AO_All (geonode:aoshapefile)

Community level shapfile of the Kyrgyz Republic

Nigeria, Administrative 3 Boundaries (Wards) (geonode:nga_bnd_adm3wards_062015)

No abstract provided

RBC Roads (geonode:rbc_trs_roads_wfp)

No abstract provided

Malawi, Number of Poor Growing Seasons between 1999 to 2013 (geonode:mwi_nhr_npgs_vam_19992013)

This layer contains data from a NDVI analysis conducted by VAM between 1999 to 2013 for the number of poor growing seasons. Sources: VAM, OMEP.

Ecuador, Road Access Constraints, 20 April 2016 (geonode:ecu_trs_roadaccess_wfp_1)

Road data is based on an extraction of OpenStreetMap data from 18 April 2016. Road condition and general practicability has been added according to the SDI-T standard. The geometry and the classification of the roads come directly from OpenStreetMap and have been used as is. Please note that only main roads until 'tertiary' have been used.

Burundi, Number of Poor Growing Seasons by Livelihood Zone (1999 - 2013) (geonode:bdi_nhr_drought_vam_19992013)

This layer contains data from a 15-year (1999 - 2013) trend analysis of NDVI to determine the severity of drought risk in each livelihood zone. Sources: VAM NDVI, OSEP, WFP. Cette couche contient les données d'une analyse de tendance sur 15 ans (1999 - 2013) de l'indicateur différentiel de végétation normalisé afin de déterminer les niveaux de risque de sécheresse pour chaque zone de moyens d'existence. Sources: VAM IDVN , OSEP, WFP.

Less roll out status (geonode:wld_wfp_lessrollout)

This layer depicts the status of LESS roll out project around the world

Nigeria, Administrative 2 Boundaries (LGAs) (geonode:nga_bnd_adm2lgas_salb)

OCHA 2016

Utilization: Maternal mortality, Ministry of Health 2013 (geonode:maternal_mortality_1)

No abstract provided

Afghanistan Food Dispatch Locations (geonode:afg_wfp_loghubs)

WFP Logistics Network

Límites administrativos municipales de Cuba (geonode:cub__bnd_admin2_2002)

Municipal administrative boundaries for Cuba

recurrence_of_floods_and_mudflows (geonode:recurrence_of_floods_and_mudflows)

No abstract provided

Burundi,Number of Poor Growing Seasons 1999 - 2013 (geonode:bdi_nhr_npgs_ndvi_vam_19992013)

This layer contains data from a 15-year (1999 - 2013) trend analysis of NDVI to determine the number of poor growing seasons. Sources: VAM NDVI, WFP. Cette couche contient les données d'une analyse de tendance sur 15 ans (1999 - 2013) de l'indicateur différentiel de végétation normalisé afin de déterminer le nombre de saisons qui ont connu une sécheresse. Sources: VAM IDVN, WFP.

Armenia, ICA Categories and Areas (geonode:arm_wfp_icacategories_20160708)

This layer contains results of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) carried out by WFP OSEP. The ICA found five distinct patterns based on the convergence of recurring food insecurity and exposure to shocks (floods, landslides and droughts) classified as Categories 1 - 5. The ICA was conducted by marz (admin 1) in summer 2016.

Global UNHAS Routes (geonode:wld_trs_unhasroutes_wfp)

This dataset contains the current UNHAS (United Nations Humanitarian Air Service) routes for passenger and cargo air transport services provided by WFP. The routes displayed are only the current ones with status= 'Open'.

ssd_bnd_adm2_co_2013 (geonode:ssd_bnd_adm2_co_2013)

This layer contains administrative boundaries at the County level. Source: WFP CO

Philippines_pop_region3admin4_psa_2010 (geonode:phl_pop_region3admin4_psa_2010)

Compilation of population data at Admin 4 (barangay) level for the years 2000, 2007 and 2010.

Límite exterior del Perú (geonode:per_bnd_adm0_inei_2000)

Límite administrativo del Perú. Límites nacionales de Perú/ Country boundary for Peru

Egypt School Feeding project (geonode:egy_wfp_schoolfeeding)

map shows the schools location under EU fund

Iran Lakes (geonode:irn_hyd_lakes)

World Lakes represents the major lakes and inland seas within the world.

Nigeria Road Network (main roads) (geonode:nga_trs_roads_osm)

This dataset is an extraction of roads from OpenStreetMap data made by WFP following UNSDI-T standards. The data is updated in near-real time from OSM servers and include all latest updates. NOTE: this dataset doesn't include streets that have been published on a separate dataset (Nigeria Road Network (streets)).

Afghanistan Accessible to WFP by Air and Road to the DAC - July to September 2016 (geonode:afg_wfp_access_byair_road_20160720)

Accessibility information by WFP Operation/Security Units, July 20, 2016

Afghanistan Project Coverage 2014 (geonode:afg_wfp_project_types)

The layer depicts the distribution of the 8 broad project types in Afghanistan in 2014 by district.

Utilization: Number of medical practitioners per 10 000 people, Republican Medical Information Center of Ministry of Health 2013 (geonode:medical_partitioners)

No abstract provided

Global Total Precipitation Forecast 7 Days (geonode:wld_cli_tp_7d_ecmwf)

This layers depicts global coverage of rain precipitation. The values correspond to the total rain precipitation of the last 7 days. Based on ECMWF data model Units: meters Data Model Starts at 00 GMT Resolution: pixel size 0.125x0.125 degrees

ssd_ica_categories_wfp_2013 (geonode:ssd_ica_categories_wfp_2013)

This layer contains results of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA). The ICA found five distinct areas based on the convergence of similar patterns of recurring food insecurity and exposure to shocks (floods and droughts), and placed each of these geographical areas into Categories 1 through 5. No counties were found in Category 4, although in time counties would be expected to shift from Categories 2 and 1 as food insecurity is reduced and resilience to natural shocks is built through longer-term programmatic efforts. Sources: FSMS 2010 - 2013, VAM-HQ, MODIS NDVI, Global Risk Data Platform (UNEP), OMEP.

Nigeria_accesslevels (geonode:request_access_shapefile)

Accessibility levels in three Northern States in Nigeria: Adamawa, Borno and Yobe. Source: OCHA, FEWS NET,SEMA -- July 2016

Suda,Darfur FSMS Locations (geonode:sdn_poi_fsms_wfp_1)

WFP IMWG and VAM Unit khartoum,Sudan.

Malawi, Combined Drought and Flood Risk for the ICA analysis, 2014 (geonode:mwi_nhr_droughtfloodrisks)

This layer contains reclassified data from the drought and flood recurrence data. Flood recurrence data is based on historical flood data from the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA), providing information on the number of flood events by district between 2000 and 2013. The analysis identified districts regularly affected by floods and provided additional information on long -term trends. Drought recurrence data is based on MEPED National level data on drought occurrences by district from 2004 to 2013. VAM - MEPED & DoDMA, OMEP, WFP.

Indonesia Administrative Boundary Level 1 (geonode:archive)

Indonesia Administrative Boundary Level 1 in 2014. Indonesian territory is composed of 34 provinces. A province (Indonesian: provinsi) is the highest tier of the local government divisions of Indonesia (Daerah Tingkat I - level I region). Provinces are further divided into regencies and cities (Daerah Tingkat II - level II regions), which are in turn subdivided into districts (kecamatan).

Global Total Precipitation Forecast 3 Days (geonode:wld_cli_tp_3d_ecmwf)

This layers depicts global coverage of rain precipitation. The values correspond to the total rain precipitation of the last 3 days. Based on ECMWF data model Units: meters Data Model Starts at 00 GMT Resolution: pixel size 0.125x0.125 degrees

Guinea, Ebola Emergency, Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) Operation (geonode:gin_etc_ebolaemergency_services)

Services provided by the ET Cluster in Guinea. MLB/FLB services are provided by UNMEER and UNMIL with support from ET Cluster.

Global Total Precipitation Forecast 1 Day (geonode:wld_cli_tp_1d_ecmwf)

This layers depicts global coverage of rain precipitation. The values correspond to the total rain precipitation of the last day. Based on ECMWF data model Units: meters Data Model Starts at 00 GMT Resolution: pixel size 0.125x0.125 degrees

Cameroon beneficiaries figures currenth month (geonode:cmr_poi_beneficiaries_wfp)

No abstract provided

Pakistan, ICA Lenses, April 2017 (geonode:pak_ica_lenses_apr2017)

This layer contains information about all the aggravating factors to be overlaid on the ICA Areas & Categories deriving from the Integrated Context Analysis performed in Pakistan in the month of April, 2017. The aggravating factors analysed are erosion, negative ecological change, earthquake risk, landslide risk and glacial lake overflow flood risk,

polbndA_Division (geonode:div_1)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Mali, Roads (geonode:mli_trs_roads_adc_2009)

Source: ADC 2009

Egypt Lakes (geonode:egy_hyd_lakes)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Afghanistan Zones covered by WFP Office (geonode:afg_wfp_officescoverage)

No abstract provided

Availability: Self-sufficiency of vegetables, National Statistics Committee 2014 (geonode:vegetable_self_sufficiency_1)

No abstract provided

Global Main Populated Places (geonode:vw_wld_pop_maincities_gnm_wfp)

WFP has created a copy of the geonames database that is synchronizing with the geonames server twice a day. However, as the amount of points is significantly big, WFP had to create a classification used for mapping at a country scale and display only relevant towns/villages. The geonames settlements have been classified using population within each country independently. The population data in Geonames is not complete so another source of information for population has been used: It contains census data with population for cities and districts. Having done this, additional columns have been added to add WFP points of interest, using partly other WFP global datasets such as airports and ports (also available on the WFP geonode).

Mali, WFP Road Network (geonode:mli_trs_roads_wfp)

This dataset contains the WFP road network for Mali. Some road practicability information has been added to the main road network (see srftpe column). Check attributes description for more information.

Afghanistan District Boundaries (geonode:afg_bnd_admin2_cso)

No abstract provided

IDP Camps Assisted with Food Rations (geonode:idp_camps_fdps_december2015_fn)

No abstract provided

Global Snow Depth (water equivalent) Forecast 7 Days (geonode:wld_cli_sd_7d_ecmwf)

This layers depicts global coverage of snow depth (water equivalent). The values correspond to the total snow depth of the last 7 days. Unit: meters Source: ECMWF Resolution: pixel size 0.125x0.125 degrees

Armenia Lakes (geonode:arm_hyd_lakes)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Tajikistan, ICA Categories & Areas (geonode:tjk_wfp_ica_categoriesareas)

The ICA found five distinct patterns based on the convergence of recurring food insecurity and exposure to shocks (floods, mudflows, droughts) classified as Categories 1 to 5. Each category was further sub-divided into two Areas, based on the level of recurring food insecurity and risk of shocks.

Afghanistan Fleet Routes (geonode:afg_trs_supplyroutes_wfp)

This layer shows roads used to transport food in Afghanistan

Ukraine,Non governmental controlled areas (geonode:non_governmental_controlled_areas)

No abstract provided

Nepal Border Crossing Points (geonode:nepal_border_crossing_points)

This layer contains major Border Crossing Points/Entry Points to Nepal. The status of crossing points are collected from different sources that includes, Log Cluster GIS Maps, LCA Report Nepal 2016, to the best available information from the EPR team. The data set is compiled by GIS team at CO in Nepal. The precision of the border crossing points is correspond to city/town/village.

Global Snow Depth (water equivalent) Forecast 3 Days (geonode:wld_cli_sd_3d_ecmwf)

This layers depicts global coverage of snow depth (water equivalent). The values correspond to the total snow depth of the last 3 days. Unit: meters Source: ECMWF Resolution: pixel size 0.125x0.125 degrees

Availability: Average annual vegetable yield, National Statistics Committee 2014 (geonode:average_annual_vegetable_yield_1)

No abstract provided

division_prj (geonode:division_prj)

No abstract provided

Access: Proportion of MBPF recipients, Ministry of Social Development (2014) (geonode:proportion_of_mbpf_recipient_2)

No abstract provided

Global Earthquakes Epicenters - Last 14 Days (geonode:wld_nhrpub_eq14days_usgs)

No abstract provided

Malawi, Prevalence of Stunting (2010 - 2011) (geonode:mwi_wfp_stunting)

This layer contains Malnutrition Stunting data from the National Nutrition Survey in 2010. Sources: FewsNet, OMEP, ZimVac, WFP.

Afghanistan WFP Projects Sites (geonode:afg_wfp_projects_wfp)

No abstract provided

proportion_of_mbpf_recipient_1 (geonode:proportion_of_mbpf_recipient_1)

No abstract provided

World Administrative Boundaries Level 0 (Countries) - Centroids (geonode:wld_bnd_adm0centroid_wfp)

World Countries Centroids. Used by WFP CommonAPI

Ethiopia Administrative Boundaries Level 2 (geonode:eth_bnd_adm3_wfpco)

This layer shows administrative boundaries level 2 (Zones) for Ethiopia. Data source: WFP Country Office

Actividades de Asistencia del PMA en Colombia por Municipio, (5 actividades) (geonode:col_admin2_asistencia_wfpco_5act)

WFP Assistance Assistance Activities in Colombia, by municipality (5 Activities)

Mozambique, Flooded Areas as of 17 February 2015 (geonode:moz_mwi_dfo_floodextent_gn_20150217)

Detected Flooded Areas within past 14 days from MODIS and ESA Sentinel 1 SAR/Landsat 8 data. Data are based on combination of both sensors. Data source: DFO.

Malawi, Population Density (# of People per km2), 2011 (geonode:mwi_pop_popdensity_landscan_2011)

This layer contains population density data from LandScan 2011. Sources: LandScan, OMEP.

Access: Road availability, Ministry of Transportation and Communication 2013 (geonode:road_density_1)

No abstract provided

Cote d'Ivoire, Food Consumption Score by Administrative Level 1 (Region), 2009 (geonode:civ_wfp_adm1_foodsecurity_fcs_2009_2)

This layer contains Food Consumption Score data collected by WFP VAM, by first level administrative units (2008 GAUL).

Límites administrativos provinciales de Ecuador (geonode:ecu_bnd_admin1_2007_2)

Provincial administrative boundaries for Ecuador

Afghanistan Accessible to WFP by Air and by Road to the DAC - April 2015 (geonode:afg_wfp_access_byair_byroad)

WFP Afghansitan Accessibility by WFP Area/Sub Offices/ Operation/Security Units.

Cameroon streets and pathways (geonode:cmr_trs_streets_osm)

This dataset is an extraction of streets and pathways from OpenStreetMap data made by WFP that follow UNSDIT standards. The data is updated in near-real time from OSM servers and include all latest updates. NOTE: this dataset doesn't include main roads that have been published on a separate dataset (Cameroon Road Network (main roads)).

Somalia, Road network and access constraints (geonode:som_trs_roads_wfp)

This dataset is an extraction of the WFP database following UNSDI-T standards. See "Attributes" tab for more information on the data structure. Roads are displayed here according to their functional class (fclass). It contains as well information on current status of the roads, as per latest Road Access Constraints map from Logistics Cluster. The dataset was updated on 11 April 2017.

Global Security Levels - UNDSS (geonode:wld_bnd_securitylevel_wfp)

This layer depicts information related to the security level of countries where WFP operates. The classification of security level is from 1 to 6 (Minimal, Low, Moderate, Substantial, Hight, Extreme). The source of the data is UNDSS. The layer is updated as deemed necessary.

Syrian Arab Republic Administrative Boundaries Level 0 (geonode:syr_bnd_admin0_a)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Ukraine, Roads Classification, Practicability and Status as of 14 December 2015 (geonode:ukr_trs_roadnetwork_osm_wfp_20151214)

Road data is based on an extraction of OpenStreetMap data. The information regarding road status and practicability come from the Logistics Cluster

Afghanistan Percentage of Food Insecure Population Based on Combined Food Consumption Score and Coping Strategy Index by Province - ALCS 2013/14 (geonode:afg_wfp_fi_prov_alcs_2014)

ALCS 2013/14 (CSO

Chad Road Network (main roads) (geonode:tcd_trs_roads_osm)

This dataset is an extraction of roads from OpenStreetMap data made by WFP following UNSDI-T standards. The data is updated in near-real time from OSM servers and include all latest updates. NOTE: this dataset doesn't include streets nor pathways that have been published on a separate dataset (Chad streets and pathways).

wld_nhrpub_adameqepic14days_wfp (geonode:wld_nhrpub_adameqepic14days_wfp_2222)

Madagascar Road Network (main roads) (geonode:mdg_trs_roads_osm)

This dataset is an extraction of roads from OpenStreetMap data made by WFP following UNSDI-T standards. The data is updated in near-real time from OSM servers and include all latest updates. NOTE: this dataset doesn't include streets that have been published on a separate dataset (Madagascar Streets).

Zimbabwe Combined Drought and Flood Risk for the ICA analysis (geonode:zwe_nhr_riskflooddrought)

This layer contains reclassified data from the Global Risk Data Platform flood frequency data (UNEP), and the reclassified values from WRSI & NDVI analysis. Source: Global Risk Data Platform, VAM, OMEP, WFP.

Tajikistan, Population 2013 (geonode:tjk_pop_population_urbalrural_co_2013)

This layer contains 2013 population figures by Admin 2, broken down by urban and rural.

ukr_ocha_contact_line_20160121 (geonode:ukr_ocha_contact_line_20160121)

No abstract provided

Total population in food insecurity (2016) by Country (in 3-5 phases) current (geonode:rbd_pop_fsecurrent_wfp)

No abstract provided

Access: Recurrence of food insecurity, WFP HPSA 2014 (geonode:food_insecurity)

No abstract provided

South Sudan Security Level (geonode:ssd_adm_seclevel_dss)

Security level from UNDSS for SOuth Sudan. Use the field "cur_seclev" for the last up-to-date information

drought_risk (geonode:drought_risk)

No abstract provided

Afghanistan Drought Affected Areas (based on HydroSHEDS, DFO and LandScanTM - 1999/2010) (geonode:afg_drought_affected_sqkm_1999_2010)

Based on Percentage of High Drought Frequency (*SPI between 10 and 13) *SPI (Standardized Precipitation Index) From 1999 to 2010 and average by District. For Afghanistan, Drought frequency SPI is from 1951 to 2004

West Africa, Ebola Emergency, Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) Operation (geonode:wafr_etc_ebolaemergency_services_20141218)

Services provided by the ET Cluster in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. MLB/FLB services are provided by UNMEER and UNMIL with support from ET Cluster.

Nigeria, Logistics Supply Routes (by Waypoint), January 2017 (geonode:nga_trs_supplyroutesbywaypoint_20170127_shp_1)

This layer highlights the major logistics supply routes of Northern Nigeria. Based on OpenStreetMap data, the dataset has been created according to the inputs from the Logistics Sector active within the Country. Road connections are divided by waypoint (Settlements of reference) and for each one has been calculated the lenght (km/km rounded/m). The dataset can be updated or improved whenever is needed.

Global Administrative Boundaries - Regions, Gaul 2015 (geonode:adm1_gaul_2015)

This layer contains regions of countries from GAUL 2015. The GAUL compiles and disseminates the best available information on administrative units for all the countries in the world, providing a contribution to the standardization of the spatial dataset representing administrative units.

Mozambique Administrative Boundaries level 3 (geonode:moz_bnd_adm3)

Source, WFP

Active Tropical Storm Wind Buffers (geonode:wld_nhr_adamtsbufferscurrent_wfp)

This layer depicts active tropical storms. Each buffer has information related to the wind speed and the affected population at three distances from the tropical storm's track. The data come from GDACS (European Commission Joint Research Center) and further analysis is applied by the WFP OSEP GIS. The layer is updated automatically. If there are no active storms, no data are displayed (pink tiles).

Mozambique Administrative Boundaries level 4 (geonode:moz_bnd_adm4)

Source, WFP

amenaza_inundaciones (geonode:amenaza_inundaciones)

No abstract provided

Madagascar streets and pathways (geonode:mdg_trs_streets_osm)

This dataset is an extraction of streets and pathways from OpenStreetMap data made by WFP that follow UNSDIT standards. The data is updated in near-real time from OSM servers and include all latest updates. NOTE: this dataset doesn't include main roads that have been published on a separate dataset (Madagascar Road Network (main roads)).

DRC, Markets (geonode:cod_poi_markets_2016)

Markets in DRC with a description of market function and days open. (Incomplete: 109 of 209 sites localized)

Iraq Education Facilities (geonode:irq_poi_educationfacilities_2007)

No abstract provided

Tajikistan, Administrative Boundaries Level 2 (geonode:tjk_bnd_adm2)

Provided by CO, 2014. These boundaries were used for the mapping of natural shock frequencies and for the elaboration of ICA Categories and Areas.

Kyrgyzstan Rivers (geonode:kgz_hyd_rivers)

No abstract provided

Tajikistan, Administrative Boundaries Level 3 (geonode:tjk_bnd_adm3)

Provided by CO, 2014.

Global Ports (geonode:wld_trs_ports_wfp)

This layer contains ports locations. This dataset brings together various public sources with WFP logistics information. It is updated regularly with inputs from WFP logistics but also from many partners through the Logistics Cluster and the Logistics Capacity Assessment (LCA: The information is compiled at a global level by the Emergency and Preparedness Geospatial Information Unit at the World Food Programme (WFP) Headquarters in Rome, Italy. This dataset is at a global scale and is updated country by country. The last update date can be retrieved from the data of the country of interest. Feel free to contribute to this dataset by contacting

Sudan Nutrition Locations (geonode:sdn_poi_nutrition_wfp)

No abstract provided

kyg_bnd_adm3_wfp (geonode:kyg_bnd_adm3_wfp)

No abstract provided

Afghanistan District Accessibility (geonode:afg_sec_accessibility_wfp)

WFP Accessibility by district, sources Operation Unit and Area/Sub - Offices Security Unit.

Nepal Landuse from OpenStreetMap (geonode:npl_phy_landuse_osm)

Nepal Landuse updated daily from OpenStreetMap

Availability: Domestic production of vegetables, National Statistics Committee 2014 (geonode:average_annual_vegetable_production_4)

No abstract provided

average_annual_vegetable_production_1 (geonode:average_annual_vegetable_production_1)

No abstract provided

average_annual_vegetable_production_2 (geonode:average_annual_vegetable_production_2)

No abstract provided

Access: Average daily per capita protein consumption, National Statistics Committee 2013 (geonode:protein_consumption)

No abstract provided

nga_markets_functioning_activity (geonode:nga_markets_functioning_activity)

No abstract provided

Democratic Republic of the Congo, WFP Road Network (geonode:cod_trs_roads_wfp)

This dataset is made from various sources of data: RGC, OpenStreetMap, GPS tracks from logistics cluster partners,... It is compiled by the logistics cluster GIS unit in Kinshasa.

Zimbabwe Food Insecurity 2009 - 2013 (geonode:zwe_wfp_nutrition)

This layer contains food insecurity data from the ZimVAC Rural Food Security Assessment from 2009 - 2013 and FEWSNET Quarterly Food Insecurity Outlooks. Sources: ZimVac, FEWSNET, OMEP,

Nigeria, IDPs sites, 29.02.2016 (geonode:nga_poi_idpsites_iom_round8_20160229)

IOM, round 8

border_crossing_points (geonode:sdn_trs_bcp_wfp)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Syrian Arab Republic Administrative Boundaries Level 1 (geonode:syr_bnd_admin1_a)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Lesotho, Population, July 2015 (geonode:lso_ica_population_jul2015)

This layer contains information about the district population in Lesotho, as analysed by the ICA. Sources: LandScan 2013

Locality_Boundaries_Poly_2013 (geonode:sdn_bnd_admin2_a_gov_1)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Afghanistan Rivers (geonode:afg_hyd_rivers_aims)

This layers show rivers in Afghanistan. source: Aims

Límites administrativos municipales de Nicaragua (geonode:nic__bnd_admin2_2002)

Municipal administrative boundaries for Nicaragua

Lebanon Administrative Boundaries Level 0 (geonode:lbn_bnd_admin0_a)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Límites territoriales de Honduras (geonode:hnd_bnd_adm0_2008)

Límites nacionales de Honduras/Country boundary for Honduras

Availability: Domestic production of potatoes, National Statistics Committee 2014 (geonode:average_annual_potato_production_1)

No abstract provided

Tajikistan, Administrative Boundaries Level 1 (geonode:tjk_bnd_adm1)

Provided by CO, 2014.

Zimbabwe Focus Areas and Categories for the ICA analysis (geonode:zwe_wfp_icacategories_2014)

This layer contains results of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) created by VAM, OMEP and WFP. The ICA found five distinct patterns based on the convergence of recurring food insecurity and exposure to shocks (floods and droughts) classified as Categories 1 - 5.

Sea (geonode:egy_hyd_sea)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Límites territoriales de Nicaragua (geonode:nic__bnd_adm0_2002)

Límites nacionales de Nicaragua/Country boundary for Nicaragua

Warehouses_capacity_Aug_2013 (geonode:sdn_poi_warehouses_wfp)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Jordan Lakes (geonode:jor_hyd_lakes)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Pakistan Food Insecurity Data 2014 (geonode:pak_wfp_foodsecurity_2014)

This layer contains information regarding food insecurity, wheat production, IPC phases, and poverty data sources: VAM Pakistan, BISP

Central America Inland Water Bodies (geonode:camer_hyd_inlandwater_vm0_2007)

Inland water bodies, VMap0

Indonesia Administrative Boundary Level 2 (geonode:idn_bnd_a2_2013_bps_a)

No abstract provided

Límites territoriales de Colombia (geonode:col_bnd_adm0_igac)

Límites nacionales de Colombia/ Country boundary for Colombia

idn_poi_communityhealthcenter_moh_p (geonode:idn_poi_communityhealthcenter_moh_p)

No abstract provided

cyclone1 (geonode:cyclone1)

No abstract provided

geocoding_result_5 (geonode:geocoding_result_5)

No abstract provided

Global Earthquakes Epicenters - Last 14 Days (geonode:wld_nhrpub_adameqepic14days_wfp)

This layer contains earthquake epicenters of the last 14 days. The layer its produced through ADAM and gets updated every five minutes. Among other, it contains information related to the magnitude of the earthquake, the depth of the epicenter, the place, the nearest WFP facility and an estimate of the population affected in 15, 30 and 50 km radius.

Global Temperature 2 Meters Forecast 1 Day (geonode:wld_cli_2t_1d_ecmwf)

This layers depicts global coverage of temperature at 2 meters altitude. The temperature is an average of the last day. Units: K (1 Kelvin = -272.15 Celsius) Source: ECMWF Resolution: pixel size 0.125x0.125 degrees

Afghanistan Provincial Boundaries (geonode:afg_admbnd_adm2_pol)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Global Stations (geonode:wld_trs_stations_wfp)

This layer contains information about train stations, bus stations and ferry terminals in some countries where WFP operates. The data are collected and reported either by the COs officers or other external sources (OSM data, Bing maps, Global Discovery etc.) Along with the location the dataset contains information related to the current status of each station/terminal (Open, Unknown), the size of the station etc. *IMPORTANT*: Note that the location precision and the date of the obstacles is described in the attribute table for each feature. Please use this information carefully and check that the information is up-to-date. Feel free to contribute to this dataset by contacting

Landslide suceptibility in Port-au-Prince, Haiti - CNIG, 2010 (geonode:hti_landslidesusceptibility_cnigs_2010)

No abstract provided

Global WFP Facilities (geonode:wld_poi_facilities_wfp)

This layer contains the WFP Facilities such as Country Offices, Sub-Offices, Field Offices, Area Offices, Humanitarian Response Depots etc. Along with the location of the Facilities other information are provided such as WFP Region, status (open/closed), location precision etc. Any attributes which are blank or '0' had no data entered at the time of release. Its possible to contribute by giving your inputs at

Philippines_pop_region2admin4_psa_2010 (geonode:phl_pop_region2admin4_psa_2010)

Compilation of population data at Admin 4 (barangay) level for the years 2000, 2007 and 2010.

Iraq Settlements (geonode:irq_poi_settlements_gov)

No abstract provided

Indonesia, FSVA 2015, Ratio per capita normative consumption to net cereal production (geonode:idn_wfp_fsva_2015_21_ncpr_a)

The single indicator in the FSVA measuring food availability is the ratio of per capita cereal consumption to per capita production. This indicator focuses on the production of selected cereal and tuber crops – rice, maize, cassava and sweet potatoes in 398 rural districts. These crops were selected because they provide almost 50 percent of the daily calorie intake in the average Indonesian diet, and data on their production are reported regularly at the district level. This ratio indicates the degree to which an area is self-sufficient in cereal and tuber production. While the cereal availability indicator measures whether a district produces sufficient quantities of calorie-rich food, it does not provide information on the local availability of nutrient-rich foods because it does not analyse foods from animal sources, pulses, fruits, vegetables and other nutritious foods produced within the district. Cereal production in the 398 districts was calculated by computing the average production of rice, maize, cassava and sweet potatoes over the three production years of 2011–2013. Net average production in cereal equivalents was calculated for each crop using standard conversion factors of one-to-one for rice and maize and three-to-one for cassava and sweet potatoes – 3 kg of cassava or sweet potatoes is equivalent to 1 kg of rice or maize in terms of calorific value (FSA, 2012). The four components were then added together to calculate total production in cereal equivalent. Net cereal availability per capita was calculated at the district level by dividing the district’s total production in cereal equivalent by its estimated population for the middle year of the three-year period, i.e. 2012. Data on trade and imports were not considered because they were not available for the district level. Based on the Indonesian consumption profile, the normative recommended per capita cereal consumption is 300 g per day, which was used to compute the per capita normative consumption to production ratio.

Iraq Refugee Camps (geonode:irq_poi_refugeecamps_idp_wfp_20150303)

No abstract provided

State of Palestine Administrative Boundaries Level 1 (geonode:pse_bnd_admin1_a)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Límites administrativos parroquiales de Ecuador (geonode:ecu_bnd_admin3_2007)

Administrative boundaries for Ecuador at parish level

Portsudan (geonode:sdn_trs_ports_wfp_2)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Availability: Average annual potato yield, National Statistics Committee 2014 (geonode:average_annual_potato_yield_1)

No abstract provided

Divisions administratives en Haïti par sections communales/ Administrative boundaries by communal sections in Haiti/ División administrativa por secciones comunales en Haití (geonode:hti_bnd_admin3_cnigs_2013)

Administrative boundaries by communal sections in Haiti/ División administrativa por secciones comunales en Haití FR : Couche des 570 sections communales (dit niveau admin 3) créée le 21/02/2010 à partir de deux couches : - l'ancienne couche admin3 utilisée depuis 01/2010 qui comportait, en ce qui concerne le nom des sections communales, des erreurs et/ou des obsolescences - la nouvelle couche admin3 fournie par le CNIGS le 20/02/2010 comportant les dénominations officielles adoptées par un décret officiel de 2007 Les quelques erreurs géométriques ont été corrigées, et l'information attributaire comporte l'ensemble des dénominations, celles de 2007 et celles de la version plus ancienne, ces dernières placées dans des champs se terminant par "OLD". Pour des raisons de continuité (de nombreuses d'organisations travaillant déjà avec), les ID des sections n'ont pas été modifiés, de sorte que les deux derniers numéros de l'id_Section peuvent ne pas correspondre avec le numéro indiqué dans le nouveau nom de sections communales. Par exemple, le "17ème Procy", qui s'appelait auparavant "4ème Procy", a toujours comme id_Section "113-04". EN : layer of the 570 "sections communales" (also called admin3) created 21/02/2010 from two layers : - the former admin3 layer used from 01/2010 which had mistakes and/or obsolete attributes among the names of the sections communales - the new admin3 layer supplied by the CNIGS 20/02/2010 containing the new names, adopted by a 2007 official decree. The few geometric mistakes have been corrected, and the attribute spreadsheet contains all the names of the sections communales, the new ones and the old ones. These latter ones have been placed in name fields ended by "OLD". For continuity reasons (a lot of organizations working already with them), the ID of the sections communales has not been modified. In a matter of fact, the two final numbers sometimes do not match with the number appearing in the new name of the sections communales. For example, the "17ème Procy", previously called "4ème Procy", always maintains this id_Section : "113-04".

Armenia Administrative Boundaries Level 1 (geonode:arm_bnd_adm1_a)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Philippines Sinking Areas in Atok, Benguet (geonode:phl_atok_nhr_sinkingarea_atoklgu)

Locations showing sinking areas in the municipality of Atok, Benguet, Philippines.

Afganistan Roads (geonode:afg_trs_roads_wfp)

This layers shows roads in Afghanistan

Nigeria, Population Density (geonode:nga_pop_landscan_2013)

Data from LandScan 2013.

Burundi, Extent of Land Degradation by Livelihood Zone (geonode:bdi_phy_landdegradation_icpac_2011)

This layer contains data on the extent of land degradation for each livelihood zone, based on the percentage of area with high or very high land degradaton. Sources: ICPAC & RCMRD 2011; analysis by OSEP, WFP. Cette couche contient les données sur les niveaux de dégradation des terres pour chaque zone de moyens d'existence, basés sur le pourcentage de surface avec un niveau élevé ou très élevé de dégradation des terres. Source: ICPAC & RCMRD 2011; analyse par OSEP, PAM.

Active Tropical Storm Tracks (geonode:wld_nhr_adamtstrackscurrent_wfp)

This layer depicts active tropical storms. The track shows the estimated direction of the tropical storm's track. The data come from GDACS (European Commission Joint Research Center) and further analysis is applied by the WFP OSEP GIS. The layer is updated automatically. If there are no active storms, no data are displayed (pink tiles).

Philippines Landslide Prone Areas in Atok, Benguet (geonode:phl_atok_nhr_landslidearea_atoklgu)

Areas considered as landslide-prone in the municipality of Atok, Benguet, Philippines.

Syrian Arab Republic Administrative Boundaries Level 2 (geonode:syr_bnd_admin2_a)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

m1103va002001_hn (geonode:m1103va002001_hn)

Malawi, Focus Areas for the ICA analysis, 2014 (geonode:mwi_wfp_icafocusareas_2014)

This layer contains the Focus Areas for the Malawi Integrated Context Analysis (ICA). Each category in the ICA is sub-divided into two Focus Areas, based on the level of recurring food insecurity and risk of shocks. Sources: VAM-MEPED & DoDMA, VAM-MVAC, OMEP, WFP.

nga_poi_ls_msus_mod (geonode:nga_poi_ls_msus_mod)

No abstract provided

export_output_3 (geonode:export_output_3)

No abstract provided

Yemen Road Network and Access Constraints (geonode:yem_trs_roads_wfp_1)

This dataset is based on an extraction of OpenStreetMap. In addition, it contains access constraints status in the column "status" and is edited regularly. This dataset is the same as used on the Logistics Cluster Access Constraints map published here:

World Humanitarian Topographic Layer (geonode:view_wld_grid_100ka1_wfp)

No abstract provided

Ukraine, MSNA Assessmnet, march 2015 (geonode:ukr_msna_assessmnet_march2015)

No abstract provided

Availability, Net per capita wheat production / Per capita normative consumption (geonode:kgz_bnd_adm3_fsa_bazarkorgon_2)

No abstract provided

Availability, Net wheat production per capita per day (gram) (geonode:kgz_bnd_adm3_fsa_bazarkorgon_1)

No abstract provided

Límites administrativos distritoriales de República Dominicana (geonode:dom_bnd_admin3_one_2010)

This shapefile represents the administrative division called "districts" in Dominican Republic which is a more disaggrageted level than municipalities. The shapefile was extracted from the 2010 National Census available in the ONE website.

Malawi Landcover Change between 1990 to 2010 (geonode:mwi_phy_landcoverchange_wfp_19902010)

This layer contains data from a land cover change analysis from 1990 to 2010 which was conducted in order to understand change patterns in land cover and deforestation trends over time. Sources: ESA, OMEP, WFP

Availability, Net potato production per capita per day (gram) (geonode:kgz_bnd_adm3_fsa_bazarkorgon_4)

No abstract provided

El Nino Risk Monitoring (geonode:wld_bnd_admin0_elninomonitoring)

The layer shows which Countries might be affected by El Nino.

Availability, Domestic production of potatoes (geonode:kgz_bnd_adm3_fsa_bazarkorgon_3)

No abstract provided

Lesotho, ICA Categories & Areas, July 2015 (geonode:lso_ica_categories_areas_jul2015)

This layer contains the final ICA classification (Areas & Categories), which defines areas of convergence between levels of recurring food insecurity and risk to exposure to natural shocks. Sources: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013 & WFP VAM Analysis of NDVI Drought data, 1998-2013 (natural shocks), LVAC 2011-2015 & CHS 2011-2014 (food security).

Zimbabwe, Number of Poor Growing Seasons from 1998 to 2012 (geonode:zwe_nhr_npgs_19982012)

This layer contains data from a 15-year (1998-2012) trend analysis of NDVI which identify which areas in the last 15 years experienced more frequent below-average vegetation growth. Sources: NDVI - VAM, OMEP

Access: Poverty incidence excluding income from remittances, National Statistics Committee 2013 (geonode:poverty_incidence_exc)

No abstract provided

WFP ICT Projects Rollout (geonode:wld_ict_projectsrollout_wfp)

This layer depict countries where LESS, COMET, PRING projects have been rolled out

Availability, Domestic production of oil seeds (geonode:kgz_bnd_adm3_fsa_bazarkorgon_9)

No abstract provided

Geocoded WFP Warehouses (geonode:geocoded_warehouses)

No abstract provided

Availability, Domestic production of vegetables (geonode:kgz_bnd_adm3_fsa_bazarkorgon_6)

No abstract provided

Cote D'Ivoire Food Consumption Score by Admin 1 (geonode:civ_wfp_adm1_foodsecurity_fcs_2009)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Availability, Net per capita potato production / Per capita normative consumption (geonode:kgz_bnd_adm3_fsa_bazarkorgon_5)

No abstract provided

Availability, Domestic production of corn (geonode:kgz_bnd_adm3_fsa_bazarkorgon_8)

No abstract provided

Availability, Domestic production of barley (geonode:kgz_bnd_adm3_fsa_bazarkorgon_7)

No abstract provided

Nigeria Road Network (geonode:nga_trs_roads_osm_wfpschema_sep2016)

Road data is based on an extraction of OpenStreetMap data from 07 September 2016. The geometry and the classification of the roads come directly from OpenStreetMap and have been used as is. The attributes codification has been converted according to SDI-T standards.

wld_wfp_lessrollout_status_October_2015 (geonode:wld_wfp_lessrollout_1)

No abstract provided

Divisions administratives en Haïti par communes/ Administrative boundaries by communes in Haiti/ División administrativa por comunas en Haití (geonode:hti_bnd_admin2_cnigs_2013)

Administrative boundaries by communes in Haiti/ División administrativa por comunas en Haití

Nigeria Trade Route Activity (geonode:nga_trade_route_activity)

Source: FEWS NET, October 2016

tjk_pop_populationdistribution_landscan_2013 (geonode:tjk_pop_populationdistribution_landscan_2013)

No abstract provided

Global Railways (geonode:wld_trs_railways_wfp)

This layer contains the railway network. This dataset brings together various sources such as OpenStreetMap, American Digital Cartography, Global Discovery, VAM data from different COs etc. It is updated regularly with inputs from WFP logistics but also from many partners through the Logistics Cluster and the Logistics Capacity Assessment (LCA: The information is compiled at a global level by the Emergency and Preparedness Geospatial Information Unit at the World Food Programme (WFP) Headquarters in Rome, Italy. This dataset is at a global scale and is updated country by country. Feel free to contribute to this dataset by contacting

six_three (geonode:six_three)

No abstract provided

Iraq Admin Boundaries Level 1 (geonode:irq_admbnda_adm1_ocha_20140717)

No abstract provided

Philippines Halls in Atok barangay (geonode:phl_atok_poi_brgyhalls_atoklgu)

This layer contains locations of halls in the Atok barangain

Liberia, Ebola Emergency, Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) Operation (geonode:lbr_etc_ebolaemergency_services)

Services provided by the ET Cluster in Liberia. MLB/FLB servics are provided by UNMEER and UNMIL with support from ET Cluster.

landslide (geonode:landslide)

No abstract provided

Lugares poblados de Guatemala (geonode:gtm_pop_settlem_adm5_gov_2002)

Populated places of Guatemala

Malawi, ICA Categories and Areas (geonode:mwi_wfp_icacategoriesareas_2014)

This layer contains results of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) created by OSEP and WFP. The ICA found five distinct patterns based on the convergence of recurring food insecurity and exposure to shocks (floods and droughts) classified as Categories 1 - 5.

Municipios asistidos por el PMA Nicaragua durante 2015 (geonode:nic_ad2_asistenciaop_pmaco_20160113_v2)

Esta capa cuenta con el listado de los municipios asistidos en Nicaragua durante el 2015, según datos de la Oficina del Programa Mundial de Alimentos (PMA) en Nicaragua.

Nepal Main Bridges of strategic road network (SRN) (geonode:npl_trs_mainbridgesrn_dor)

This layer contains the location of main bridges of strategic road network of Nepal. The cordinates and attributes of bridges are taken from SSRN Report 2013/14 prepared by Department of Road, Government of Nepal under Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport and published by HMIS Unit, Department of Roads.

Armenia Drainages (geonode:arm_hyd_drainage)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Water bodies Dominican Republic and Haiti (geonode:dom_hyd_water_osm_061016)

Open Street Map layer of hidrological features poligons from Dominican Republic and Haiti that includes: - Reservoir - River - Water body - Wetland

Afghanistan Conflict Hot spots Areas (geonode:afg_conflicthotspots_wikileaks)

Areas reporting conflict over past decade Public Sources including ACLED and WIKILEAKS

Afghanistan - Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC)- Acute Food Insecurity Phase - Current & Projected Phase (geonode:afg_ipc_curent_projected_sept2014)

Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC)- by Afghanistan IPC team -Septemeber 2014

Philippines_pop_regionNCRadmin4_psa_2010 (geonode:phl_pop_regionncradmin4_psa_2010)

Compilation of population data at Admin 4 (barangay) level for the years 2000, 2007 and 2010.

DRC Administrative Boundaries level 0 (geonode:cod_bnd_adm0_rgc)

Source, RGC

lugares_poblados_final_spati (geonode:lugares_poblados_final_spati)

No abstract provided

Límites administrativos cantonales de Ecuador (geonode:ecu_bnd_admin2_2007)

Administrative boundaries for Ecuador at third level or "canton"

Lesotho, Natural Shocks, July 2015 (geonode:lso_ica_naturalshocks_jul2015)

This layer contains information about the risk of natural shocks occurrence, as analysed by the ICA. Sources: UNEP/UNISDR GAR 2013 (floods), WFP VAM Analysis of NDVI Drought data, 1998-2013 (drought).

Frontières territoriales d'Haïti/ Country boundary for Haiti/ Límites territoriales de Haití (geonode:hti_bnd_adm0_cnigs_2013)

Country boundary for Haiti/ Límites territoriales de Haití

Jordan Administrative Boundaries Level 0 (geonode:jor_bnd_adm0_goul)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Trend Analysis in Guatemala - PRRO areas (geonode:gtm_ad2_prroareasfocus_wfprbp_20130515)

The information presented in this shapefile represents the results of the Trend Analysis Study on Food Security and recurrence of natural shocks carried out in Guatemala in 2012. The last column of the shapefile contains the category in which each focus area of the PRRO, falls in. On next, please see the definition of each value: 1 - Municipalities with recurrence of at least 2 natural shocks, medium-high food insecurity, and 3 or more environmental degradation factors. 2- Municipalities with recurrence of at leas 2 natural shocks, medium-high food insecurity, and at leas 2 environmental degradation factors. 3- Municipalities with recurrence of at least 1 natural shock, medium-high recurrence of food insecurity; and 3 or more factors of environmental degradation. 4- Municipalities with recurrence of at least 1 natural shock, medium-high food insecurity, and at least 2 factors of environmental degradation. 5- Municipalities with recurrence of at least 2 natural shocks, low food insecurity, and 3 or more factors of environmental degradation. 6- Municipalities with recurrence of at least 2 natural shocks, low food insecurity, and at least 2 factors of environmental degradation. 7- Municipalities with recurrence of at least 1 natural shock, low food insecurity, and 3 or more factors of environmental degradation. 8- Municipalities with recurrence of at least 1 natural shock, low food insecurity, and at least 2 factors of environmental degradation. 9- Municipalities without recurrence of natural shocks.

Yemen Flood Streams (geonode:yem_hyd_floodstream)


Ukraine, Roads Classification, Practicability and Status as of 18 March 2016 (geonode:ukr_trs_roads_1)

Road data is based on an extraction of OpenStreetMap data. The information regarding road status and practicability come from the Logistics Cluster

Burundi, Land Degradation (geonode:bdi_phy_landdegradation_icpac_2011_1)

This layer contains data on land degradation. Source: ICPAC & RCMRD 2011. Cette couche contient les données sur la dégradation des terres. Source: ICPAC & RCMRD 2011.

Guinea main roads practicability (geonode:gin_trs_roads_wfp_osm)

Road data is based on an extraction of OpenStreetMap data from 4 March 2015. Information about main road seasonability, road condition and general practicability has been added according to the SDI-T standard. The geometry and the classification of the roads come directly from OpenStreetMap and have been used as is. Please note that only roads until 'tertiary' have been used. The information regarding seasonability, road condition and practicability come from the Logistics Cluster in Conakry.

Lebanon Administrative Boundaries Level 2 (geonode:lbn_bnd_admin2_a)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Philippines_pop_regioncaradmin4_psa_2010 (geonode:phl_pop_regioncaradmin4_psa_2010)

Compilation of population data at Admin 4 (barangay) level for the years 2000, 2007 and 2010.

State of Palestine Health Facilities (geonode:pse_poi_helthfacilities)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

districta_c (geonode:districta_c)

No abstract provided

Tajikistan, Historical Reccurence of Food Insecurity 2008 - 2012 (geonode:tjk_wfp_histfoodinsecurity_cari_20082012)

This layer contains a classification of the recurrence of CARI food insecurity prevalence >20% between 2008 and 2012. The data was collected by livelihood zone and re-aggregated to Admin 2 boundaries based on the most prevalent livelihood zone in each unit.

District Accessibility for WFP and WFP Partners - January 2016 (geonode:afg_wfp_access_20161801_1)

Accessibility information by WFP Operation/Security Units, January 15, 2016

Pakistan ICA Collecting Table (Focus Areas and Categories for the ICA analysis) (geonode:pak_ica_collectingtable_apr2017)

This layer contains results of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) created by VAM, OMEP and WFP. The ICA found five distinct patterns based on the convergence of recurring food insecurity and exposure to shocks (floods and droughts) classified as Categories 1 - 5.

Philippines_pop_region6admin4_psa_2010 (geonode:phl_pop_region6admin4_psa_2010)

Compilation of population data at Admin 4 (barangay) level for the years 2000, 2007 and 2010.

adm_municipios_v3 (geonode:adm_municipios_v3)

No abstract provided

Central America Land Cover 2012 (geonode:camer_phy_landcover_2012)

Main land cover classes, based on NASA MODIS 2012 satellite data.

Límite del Territorio Nacional escala 1:50,000 (geonode:m1101va001970_hn)

Límites del territorio nacional digitalizados a partir de 279 hojas cartográficas escala1:50,000 del Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN). La digitalización fué realizada en 1994 por el Proyecto Forestal (PROFOR) de la cooperación Alemana y contraparte de la Administración Forestal del Estado (AFE-COHDEFOR). Estas hojas cartográficas fueron restituidas en 1970 por el método estereofotogramétrico "MULTIPLEX" y "KELSH". basado en fotografías aéreas tomadas en el año 1954. Clasificación de campo (toponimia) efectuada en 1958 - 1959 y 69.

ukr_trs_roads_osm_20160406 (geonode:ukr_trs_roads_osm_20160406)

Ecuador, Earthquake Shaking Classes (geonode:ecu_nhr_shakemap_usgs_20160418)

The areas show the degree of intensity of the Earthquake in Ecuador that occurred on the 17 April 2016.

Afghanistan Access Issues since September 2015 (geonode:afg_wfp_access_may2016)

Analysis of access constraints, accessibility & (when available) the predominant groups of control.

State of Palestine Lakes (geonode:pse_hyd_lakes)

Polygon layer of Eastern Mediterranean, Dead Sea, Lake Tiberias and Gulf of Aqaba

Railroad (geonode:sdn_trs_railways_wfp)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Conflict Data ACLED Africa January 2017 (geonode:acled_jan_2017_1)

ACLED (Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project) is designed for disaggregated conflict analysis and crisis mapping. This dataset codes the dates and locations of all reported political violence and protest events in over 60 developing countries in Africa and Asia. Political violence and protest includes events that occur within civil wars and periods of instability, public protest and regime breakdown. The project covers all African countries from 1997 to the present, and South and South-East Asia in real-time. These data contain information on: Dates and locations of conflict events; Specific types of events including battles, civilian killings, riots, protests and recruitment activities; Events by a range of actors, including rebels, governments, militias, armed groups, protesters and civilians; Changes in territorial control; and Reported fatalities. Data is updated weekly

Global Obstacles (geonode:wld_trs_obstacles_wfp)

This dataset contains points of physical obstacles limiting the physical access of roads, railways or waterways. The locations contained are mainly reported by the Logistics Cluster IM officers, WFP staff or any other external sources. *IMPORTANT*: Note that the location precision and the date of the obstacles is described in the attribute table for each feature. Please use this information carefully and check that the information is up-to-date.

Tajikistan, Average Ecological Change 2001 - 2012 (geonode:tjk_phy_averageecologicalchange_nasa_20012012)

This layer contains the average of the difference in ecological value by Admin 2 from 2001 - 2012.

Burundi, Roads (geonode:bdi_trs_roads)

No abstract provided

Nigeria streets and pathways (geonode:nga_trs_streets_osm)

This dataset is an extraction of streets and pathways from OpenStreetMap data made by WFP that follows UNSDIT standards. The data is updated in near-real time from OSM servers and include all latest updates. NOTE: this dataset doesn't include main roads that have been published on a separate dataset (Nigeria Road Network (main roads)).

moz_sec_conflicts_2016 (geonode:moz_sec_conflicts_2016)

No abstract provided

División administrativa por provincias en Cuba (geonode:cub_ad1_2002_1)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Philippines_pop_region4Badmin4_psa_2010 (geonode:phl_pop_region4badmin4_psa_2010)

Compilation of population data at Admin 4 (barangay) level for the years 2000, 2007 and 2010.

Philippine Administrative Boundaries Level 4 (geonode:phl_atok_bnd_admin4_atoklgu)

Administrative boundary of the barangays in the municipality of Atok, Benguet, Philippines.

Zambia streets and railway (geonode:zam_trs_streetsandrailway)

No abstract provided

Regional Bureau Dakar Boundary level zero (geonode:rbd_bnd_adminzerolm_wfp)

No abstract provided

Stability: Recurrence of mudflows, Ministry of Emergency Situations 2009 (geonode:recurrence_of_mudfloods)

No abstract provided

Lebanon Lakes (geonode:lbn_hyd_lakes)

No abstract provided

Algeria Lakes (geonode:dza_hyd_lakes)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Active Tropical Storm Nodes (geonode:wld_nhr_adamtsnodescurrent_wfp)

This layer depicts active tropical storms. Each node has information related to the wind speed of the storm at certain location. The nodes are categorized based on wind speed and past/future nodes. The data come from GDACS (European Commission Joint Research Center) and further analysis is applied by the WFP OSEP GIS. The layer is updated automatically. If there are no active storms, no data are displayed (pink tiles).

Límites administrativos sectoriales de República Dominicana (geonode:dom_bnd_admin4_one_2010)

This shapefile represents the administrative division called "sectors" in Dominican Republic which is a more disaggrageted level than districts. The shapefile was extracted from the 2010 National Census available in the ONE website.

ukr_trs_mainroads_osm_20150211 (geonode:ukr_trs_mainroads_osm_20150211)

No abstract provided

bgd_nhr_stormtracks_sparsso (geonode:bgd_nhr_stormtracks_sparsso)

No abstract provided

Centros poblados de Colombia (geonode:col_bnd_admin5_dane_2012)

Populated places for Colombia

Sudan Lakes (geonode:sdn_hyd_lakes_imwg)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Deslizamientos EJEMPLO (geonode:_1_deslizamientos_1)

No abstract provided

Iran Administrative Boundaries Level 0 (geonode:irn_bnd_adm0)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Sudan admin boundaries level 1 (geonode:sdn_bnd_admin1_a_gov_1)

Government Source

Egypt Governorates (geonode:egy_bnd_admin1)

Egypt governorates

StateBoundaries_Poly_2013 (geonode:sdn_bnd_admin1_a_gov_3)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Nigeria, Cellular Coverage (geonode:nga_poi_cellularcoverage_wwhgd_2015)


Central African Republic WFP Food Distribution Points (geonode:caf_poi_fdp_wfp)

Food Distribution Points layer for CAR Interactive Map - These locations are not based on exact geographic coordinates, They have been located by using sub prefectures names

Tanzania Livelihood Zones (geonode:tza_vam_livelihoodzones)

No abstract provided

Departmental boundary division in Jamaica (geonode:jam_adm1)

No abstract provided

Less roll out status - Missions (geonode:wld_wfp_lessrollout_1_1)

This layer depicts the status of LESS roll out project around the world including actual and planned missions.

Zimbabwe, Prevalence of Stunting, 2010 (geonode:zwe_wfp_stunting)

This layer contains Malnutrition Stunting data from the National Nutrition Survey in 2010. Sources: FewsNet, OMEP, ZimVac, WFP

Zimbabwe, Livelihood Zones, 2012 (geonode:zwe_pop_livelihoods_co_2012)

This layer contains livelihood zone data collected by the Zimbabwe Country Office. Livelihood Zones can be viewed as the livelihood zone name, as well as the generalized livelihood zone which groups similar livelihood zones together. Sources: OMEP, WFP.

RBD Administrative boundaries level 1 - GAUL Revised (geonode:rbd_bnd_adm1_l_gaul_revised)

This layer contains administrative boundaries level 1. It has been created using as reference gaul and integrating feedback from Country Offices and HDX

Sudan Administrative Boundaries Level 0 (geonode:sdn_bnd_admin0_a_gov)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Flood susceptibility mapping for Haiti, CNIG, 2010 (geonode:hti_floodssusceptibility_cnigs_2010)

No abstract provided

Lebanon Administrative Boundaries Level 1 (geonode:lbn_bnd_admin1_a)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Capacidad de uso de la tierra escala 1:500,000 (geonode:usotierrahnd)

Este mapa proviene de una copia digital de la Organizacin de los Estados Americanos, se desconoce una informacin ms detallada solo que fue digitalizado por el SIG/PNMC de Honduras, se cree que la informacin data de 1985. Se convirti a un formato shapefile de ArcView para ser integrado a la interface.

Timbuktu, Areas of Control by Settlement 10km Buffer (geonode:mli_poi_areasofcontrol_buffer10)

No abstract provided

idn_poi_hospital_moh_p (geonode:idn_poi_hospital_moh_p)

No abstract provided

Kyrgyzstan Administrative Boundaries Level 3 (geonode:kgz_bnd_adm3_gov)

No abstract provided

Sudan Basins (geonode:sdn_hyd_basins_gov)


Nigeria: accessibility over Borno State as of august 2016 (geonode:lga_borno_access_august2016_20161003)

Accessibility levels in Borno State. Source: UNDSS/WFP -- August 2016

Kyrgyzstan, School Meal Project, Targeted schools (1 - 6 rounds) (geonode:kgz_smp_schools_16)

No abstract provided

Haiti Road Network, Access Constraints (geonode:hti_trs_roads_osm)

This dataset is based on an extraction of OpenStreetMap data made on the 7 October 2016. In addition, this dataset contains access constraints status in the column "status" and is edited frequently. This dataset is the same as used on the WFP Access Constraints map published here:

transp (geonode:transp)

No abstract provided

Municipios asistidos en el 2015 bajo el PRRO en Honduras (geonode:hnd_ad2_finalprroassistedareas2015_wfpco_20160303_v2)

Esta capa te muestra las municipalidades que fueron asistidas durante el 2015 bajo la Operación Prolongada de Socorro y Recuperación (PRRO) en Honduras. Muestra además las actividades que fueron implementadas en cada uno de los municipios.

Ethiopia Administrative Boundaries Level 1 (geonode:eth_bnd_adm2_wfpco)

This layer shows administrative boundaries level 1 (Regions) for Ethiopia. Data Source: WFP Country Office

m3701vp001970_hn (geonode:m3701vp001970_hn)

maternal_mortality (geonode:maternal_mortality)

No abstract provided

Lesotho, Drought Risk, July 2015 (geonode:lso_ica_droughtrisk_jul2015)

This layer contains information about the drought risk by district level, as analysed by the ICA. The key parameter used for the analysis is the average number of poor growing seasons in the reference time period. Sources: WFP VAM Analysis of NDVI Drought data, 1998-2013

Barrios populares o parajes de República Dominicana (geonode:dom_bnd_admin5_one_2010)

This shapefile represents the administrative division called "neighborhoods" in Dominican Republic which is a more disaggrageted level than districts. The shapefile was extracted from the 2010 National Census available in the ONE website.

Yemen Administrative Boundaries Level 1 (geonode:yem_bnd_adm1_a)

Governorate administrative boundaries

Zambia Farmers (geonode:zambia_farmers)

No abstract provided

ukr_trs_mainroads_wfp_20150211 (geonode:ukr_trs_mainroads_wfp_20150211)

Malawi, Administrative Boundaries, Level 1 (Provinces) (geonode:mwi_bnd_admin1)

This layer contains administrative boundaries at the Province level. Source: WFP

Malawi, Administrative Level 2 Boundaries (District) (geonode:mwi_bnd_admin2)

This layer contains administrative boundaries at the District level. Source: WFP

Simulation Hurricane Honduras Indicators (geonode:hnd_sim_crx_wfp)

No abstract provided

Kyrgyzstan Flood Streams (geonode:kgz_hyd_floodstream)

No abstract provided

Malawi, Estimated (Average) Number of Food Insecure Population between 2009 - 2013 (geonode:mwi_pop_population)

This layer contains estimated food insecure population data from MVAC based on a 5-year average (2009 - 2013), percentage of estimated food insecure population, and 2014 population figures. Food insecure populations were estimated by applying the total average percent of food insecurity of the 5 rounds of the MVAC assessments (from 2009 to 2013) to the 2014 population estimates for each district. Source: VAM-MVAC, OMEP

Armenia, Food Security Trend Analysis (2010 - 2014) (geonode:arm_wfp_foodsecuritytrend_20102014)

This layer contains the ICA trend analysis of food insecurity, based on the recurrence of food insecurity above 15%. The data utilized was taken from the 2015 CFSVNA. The population figures for planning and preparedness are also included.

Tajikistan, Natural Shocks Risk (geonode:tjk_nhr_shockriskscore)

This layer contains a classification of risk to natural shocks, based on the nationally recorded number of flood, mudflow and drought events by Admin 2.

Sudan boundaries Abyei (geonode:sdn_bnd_abyei_gov)

source government

Central America Admin 1 Boundaries (geonode:camer_bnd_adm1_gaul_2015)

Admin 1 Boundaries, GAUL 2015

ao_2 (geonode:ao_2)

No abstract provided

Yemen WFP Food Distribution Points (geonode:yem_poi_fdp_wfp)

Food distribution point layer for Crisis Interactive Map

RBD Country Boundaries - Lines GAUL Revised (geonode:rbd_bnd_adm0_l_gaul_revised)

This layer contains country boundaries level 0 as lines. It has been created using as reference gaul and integrating feedback from Country Offices and HDX

Philippines_pop_region8admin4_psa_2010 (geonode:phl_pop_region8admin4_psa_2010)

Compilation of population data at Admin 4 (barangay) level for the years 2000, 2007 and 2010.

World Administrative Boundaries Level 0 (Countries) (geonode:wld_bnd_adm0_wfp)

World Countries. Used by WFP CommonAPI

Nigeria, Settlements (geonode:nga_pop_settlements_ocha)

Data from OCHA HDX

proportion_of_mbpf_recipient (geonode:proportion_of_mbpf_recipient)

No abstract provided

Afghanistan District Accessibility for WFP and WFP Partners - April 2016 (geonode:afg_wfp_access_20162804)

Accessibility information by WFP Operation/Security Units, April 26, 2016

WFP Warehouse,Nepal (geonode:npl_warehouse_wfp_20170110)

This layer contains location of WFP Warehouses. The data set is compiled by GIS team at CO in Nepal. The precision of the warehouse location is correspond to city/town/village.

Límites administrativos municipales de Honduras (geonode:hnd_bnd_admin2)

Municipal administrative boundaries for Honduras Límites de los 298 Municipios de la República de Honduras (año 2001) generados a partir del mapa de aldeas que fue digitalizado a partir de los mapas de los segmentos censales de 1988 de la Dirección General de Estadísticas y Censos. Para obtener los municipios al año del censo de población y vivienda de 2001, al mapa generado se le actualizaron los límites de nuevos municipios creados en el período de 1988 - 2001.

Afghanistan Settlements by Area of Control January 2016 (geonode:afg_poi_areasofinfluence_wfp_1)

Information by WFP Operation/Security Units,

Sierra Leone, Ebola Emergency, Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) Operation (geonode:sle_etc_ebolaemergency_services)

Services provided by the ET Cluster in Sierra Leone. MLB/FLB servics are provided by UNMEER and UNMIL with support from ET Cluster.

Global Administrative Boundaries - Provinces, Gaul 2015 (geonode:admin_2_gaul_2015)

Provinces of countries from Gaul 2015. The GAUL compiles and disseminates the best available information on administrative units for all the countries in the world, providing a contribution to the standardization of the spatial dataset representing administrative units.

Utilization: Proportion of population without access to improved water sources, National Demographic and Health Survey 2012 (geonode:proportion_households)

No abstract provided

Nigeria, Administrative 1 Boundaries (States) (geonode:nga_bnd_adm1states_salb)

Boundaries from OCHA, 2016.

Mali, Accessibility for WFP Staff March 2016 (geonode:mli_wfp_zonesaccessiblesstaffpam_co_032016)

Accessibility for WFP, as of March 2016. Data provided by Mali CO (VAM & Field Security).

Swaziland Administrative Boundaries level 0 (geonode:swz_bnd_adm0)

Source, WFP

Mali, Supply Routes (geonode:mli_trs_suuplyroutes_wfp)

No abstract provided

Swaziland Administrative Boundaries level 1 (geonode:swz_bnd_adm1)

Source, WFP

Swaziland Administrative Boundaries level 2 (geonode:swz_bnd_adm2)

No abstract provided

State of Palestine Education Facilities (geonode:pse_poi_educationfacilities_gaza_2012_moe)

Locations of governement schools in the Gaza strip as delivered by the Ministry of Education

Global Temperature 2 Meters Forecast 7 Days (geonode:wld_cli_2t_7d_ecmwf)

This layers depicts global coverage of temperature at 2 meters altitude. The temperature is an average of the last 7 days. Units: K (1 Kelvin = -272.15 Celsius) Source: ECMWF Resolution: pixel size 0.125x0.125 degrees

road_density (geonode:road_density)

No abstract provided

Áreas prioritarias del PRRO en El Salvador (geonode:slv_ad2_prroareas_wfp_20130515)

Esta capa busca mostrar las áreas prioritarias del PRRO con base en los resultados del análisis de tendencias de eventos naturales e inseguridad alimentaria, que se llevó a cabo enel 2012.

Egypt Governorates school feeding (geonode:egy_bnd_sf2015)

No abstract provided

Global Bridges (geonode:wld_trs_bridges_wfp)

This dataset contains location of bridges with information related to the current status of each bridge (Open, Closed, Damages, Restricted etc.). The bridges status are mainly reported by the Logistics Cluster IM officers, WFP staff or any other external sources (OSM data etc.) The layer contains a variety of information including the type of the bridge (Concrete, Steel, Wood etc.) and the precision of the registered location (Accurate, Approximate, Bad, Unknown). *IMPORTANT*: Note that the location precision and the date of the obstacles is described in the attribute table for each feature. Please use this information carefully and check that the information is up-to-date. Feel free to contribute to this dataset by contacting

DRC Administrative Boundaries level 1 (geonode:cod_bnd_adm1_rgc)

Source, RGC

Philippines_pop_region4aadmin4_psa_2010 (geonode:phl_pop_region4aadmin4_psa_2010)

Compilation of population data at Admin 4 (barangay) level for the years 2000, 2007 and 2010.

Markets (geonode:markets)

No abstract provided

Philippines_pop_region7admin4_psa_2010 (geonode:phl_pop_region7admin4_psa_2010)

Compilation of population data at Admin 4 (barangay) level for the years 2000, 2007 and 2010.

Nepal, Natural Hazard, Earthquake epicentres 15-29 April 2015 (geonode:npl_nhr_eqepicenters201504_usgs)

Earthquake epicentres in Nepal, from 15 to 29 April 2015. Source USGS

IRAQ Beneficiaries Figures Current Month (geonode:irq_poi_beneficiaries_current_wfp)

No abstract provided

Afghanistan District Accessibility for WFP and WFP Partners - January 2016 (geonode:afg_wfp_access_20161801)

Accessibility information - WFP Operation/Security Units, January 15, 2016

Railroad (geonode:sdn_trs_railways_wfp_1)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

idn_phy_volcano_big_p (geonode:idn_phy_volcano_big_p)

No abstract provided

Zimbabwe Population Density (# of People per km2), 2011 (geonode:zwe_pop_popdensity_landscan_2011)

This layer contains population density data from LandScan 2011. Sources: LandScan, OMEP

Nigeria, Logistics Waypoints (for Supply Routes), January 2017 (geonode:nga_pop_waypoint_gnm_20170127)

This layer highlights the waypoints of the major logistics supply routes of North-East Nigeria. Based on Geonames data, the dataset has been created according to the inputs from the Logistics Sector active within the Country. The dataset can be updated or improved whenever is needed.

Railroad (geonode:sdn_trs_railways_wfp_2)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Zonas PRRO Honduras 2013 (geonode:hnd_zonasprro_wfpco_20130523)

Esta capa muestra las áreas que fueron definidas como prioritarias para el PRRO según el análisis de tendencias de eventos naturales e inseguridad alimentaria, llevado a cabo en el 2013.

Availability: Domestic production of wheat, National Statistics Committee 2014 (geonode:average_annual_wheat_production_1)

No abstract provided

Integrated Context Analysis: Recurrence of poverty, National Statistics Committee 2013 (geonode:six_one_1)

No abstract provided

Philippines_poi_infraequipments_wfp_2015 (geonode:phl_poi_infraequipments_wfp_2015)

Points showing the municipalities where WFP helped build disaster preparedness and response (DPR) infrastructures and provided equipments for the local government units (LGUs).

Armenia, Natural Shocks (geonode:arm_nhr_naturalshockrisk_wfp)

This layer contains information on the risk of natural shock occurence by marz, as analyzed for the ICA. Sources: UNISDR GAR 2013 (flood probability), National Meteo-Hydrological Services (muflow risk), WFP HQ VAM (number of poor growing seasons 2011-2015)

DRC, Food Distribution Points (geonode:cod_wfp_fdpactivities_2016)

WFP Food Distribution Points in DRC with a description of activity type and modality. (Incomplete: 175 of 358 sites localized, comprising 427 out of 723 activities)

Syria WFP Food Distribution Points (geonode:syr_poi_fdp_wfp)

Syria WFP Food Distribution Points

Nepal Education Facilities from OpenStreetMap (geonode:npl_poi_educationfacilities_osm)

Nepal Education Facilities updated daily from OpenStreetMap

Madagascar Administrative Boundaries level 0 (geonode:mdg_bnd_adm0)

Source, WFP

Malawi, Landcover, 1990 (geonode:mwi_phy_landcover_esa_1990)

This layer contains data from a deforestation analysis which was performed using remotely sensed land cover data for 1990 and 2010 from the European Space Agency (ESA). Sources: ESA, WFP, OMEP

Madagascar Administrative Boundaries level 2 (geonode:mdg_bnd_adm2)

Source, WFP

Yemen Livelihood Zones (geonode:yem_wfp_livelihoodzones)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Madagascar Administrative Boundaries level 1 (geonode:mdg_bnd_adm1)

Source, WFP

Madagascar Administrative Boundaries level 4 (geonode:mdg_bnd_adm4)

Source, WFP

Madagascar Administrative Boundaries level 3 (geonode:mdg_bnd_adm3)

Source, WFP

Global Earthquakes Buffers - Last 14 Days (geonode:wld_nhrpub_eqbuf14days_usgs)

No abstract provided

Burundi, Stunting Prevalence (geonode:bdi_wfp_stunting_mics_2014)

This layer contains chronic malnutrition (stunting) prevalence data at first-level administrative unit. The stunting prevalences are classified according to WHO cut-offs. Source: MICS 2014. Cette couche contient les données sur la prévalence de la malnutrition chronique (retard de croissance) selon les divisions administratives du premier niveau. Les prévalences de retard de croissance sont classifiées selon les limites de l'OMS. Source: MICS 2014.

Syrian Arab Republic Refugee Camps (geonode:syr_poi_camps_hcr_201212)

No abstract provided

Nepal Road Network from OpenStreetMap (geonode:npl_trs_roads_osm)

Nepal Road Network updated daily from OpenStreetMap

Ethiopia Markets monitored by WFP (geonode:eth_poi_monitoredmarkets_wfp)

No abstract provided

mdg_trs_roads_osm (geonode:mdg_trs_roads_osm0)

Stability: Number of Poor Growing Seasons, Ministry of Emergency Situations 2009 (geonode:poor_growing)

No abstract provided

flood_prone_area_v1 (geonode:flood_prone_area_v1)

This layer was created as Prone Flood Area developed as an assessement tool to assist the public and emergency officials with planning and response to high water episodes near a river forecast point.

Stability: Floods and mudflow risk, Ministry of Emergency Situations 2009 (geonode:recurrence_of_floods_and_mudflows_1)

No abstract provided

Lesotho, Recurrence of Food Insecurity, July 2015 (geonode:lso_ica_foodinsecurity_jul2015)

This layer contains information about the recurrence of food insecurity by district level, as analysed by the ICA. Sources: rural Vulnerability Assessments (LVAC), 2011-2015 & Community and Household Surveillance (CHS), 2011-2014. The key indicators used for the analysis are the percentage of food insecure population (LVAC) and the proportions of households with poor and borderline Food Consumption Score (CHS), with a food security threshold set at 20%.

average_annual_potato_production (geonode:average_annual_potato_production)

No abstract provided

Kyrgyzstan Rivers (geonode:kgz_hyd_rivers_gaul)

World Rivers represents the major rivers within the world.

Iran Rivers (geonode:irq_hyd_rivers)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Municipios asistidos bajó el PRRO durante el 2015 en Guatemala (geonode:gtm_ad2_prroassistedareas2015_wfpco_20160303_wgs84)

Esta capa muestra el número de familias que fueron asistidas durante el 2015 bajó la Operación Prolongada de Socorro y Recuperación (PRRO), según datos de la Oficina del Programa Mundial de Alimentos (PMA) en Guatemala.

Lebanon Administrative Boundaries Level 3 (geonode:lbn_bnd_admin3_a)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Zimbabwe Drought Assessment - WRSI and NDVI (geonode:zwe_nhr_drought)

This layer contains data from the Water Requirement Satisfaction Index (WRSI) from 2000 - 2013 from USGS and a 15-year (1998 - 2012) trend analysis of NDVI to determine the severity of drought risk in each district. Source: USGS, VAM, OMEP, WFP.

Malawi, Number of Poor Rainfall Seasons within the last 19-years (geonode:mwi_nhr_numpoorrainfall_vam_19942013)

This layer contains data from an analysis conducted to identify which areas in the last 19 years experienced more frequent below-average rainfall seasons and therefore possible below-average vegetation growth. This is used a proxy to identify those areas experiencing more drought-like conditions. Sources: VAM, OMEP

Mozambique, People Affected by Flood, 26 January 2015 (geonode:moz_fl_peopleaffected_admin2_20150126)

Estimation of People Affected by Flood in Mozambique. To improve the accuracy of the the analysis, the Landscan 2013 population density raster was used to weigh the spatial distribution of 2007 Census total population figures.

ssd_nhr_drought_vam_20082012_1 (geonode:ssd_nhr_drought_vam_20082012_1)

No abstract provided

fsp_midmarch_to_midjuly_2016 (geonode:fsp_midmarch_to_midjuly_2016)

Food security phase classification generated by DFSNs of Nepal Khadhya Surakshya Anugaman Pranali (NeKSAP) of Ministry of Agriculture Development of Government of Nepal.

Afghanistan: Percentage of population consumed less than 2,100 Kcal/PER/DAY in Districts with food insecurity prevalence >30% (NRVA 2011/12) (geonode:afg_foodinsecure_above_30percent_nrva2011_12)

NRVA 2011/12 final data set and the source is Central Statistics Organization(CSO)

Límites administrativos departamentales de El Salvador (geonode:slv_bnd_admin1_digestyc_ign)

Departmental administrative boundaries for El Salvador

womens_empowerment (geonode:womens_empowerment)

No abstract provided

Global Border Crossing Points (geonode:wld_poi_bcp_wfp)

This layer contains data about Global Border Crossing Points used for humanitarian operations. It provides information related to the current status of the crossing point (open/closed/unknown), WFP usage of the point, related RB etc. The layer is updated as deemed necessary.

Iran Administrative Boundaries Level 1 (geonode:irn_bnd_admin1)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Iran Administrative Boundaries Level 2 (geonode:irn_bnd_admin2)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Nigeria Elevation Model (geonode:nga_phy_srtm_reduced)

No abstract provided

Global Administrative Boundaries - Countries, Gaul 2015 (geonode:wld_bnd_adm0_gaul_2015_1)

Country boundaries from Gaul 2015. The GAUL compiles and disseminates the best available information on administrative units for all the countries in the world, providing a contribution to the standardization of the spatial dataset representing administrative units.

Afghanistan: Level of Exposure to Floods, Droughts & Environmental Degradation-2011 (geonode:afg_exposure_drought_flood_envdegradation)

ODEP WFP HQ, GIS processing UNEP/GRID-Europe: USGS EROS Data Center, Dartmouth Flood Observatory 2008, GIST, GAUL, VMAP0 and Afghan Geodesy & Cartography Head Office (AGCHO)

Afghanistan Watershed (geonode:afg_hyd_watershed)

No abstract provided

Límites administrativos municipales de Bolivia (geonode:bol_bnd_admin3_2003)

Municipal administrative boundaries for Bolivia

Ukraine bridges (geonode:ukr_trs_bridges_wfp_20151214)

This layer contains information about bridges

Stability: Land degradation, Ministry of Emergency Situations 2009 (geonode:drought_risk_1)

No abstract provided

Malawi, Recurrence of Food Insecurity about 30% (2009 - 2013) (geonode:mwi_wfp_histfoodinsecurity_cfsva2009_lsms2011_efsa2013)

This layer contains data from a food security analysis which is based on data from different sources in order to triangulate the existing food security information and to validate the ranking of each district based on various indicators. Sources: MVAC, WFP, LSMS, OSEP

Early warning risks by Country for IASC 6-month (geonode:wld_bnd_ewrisk6month_wfp)

This layer depicts the main risk with impact trends

Utilization: Level of male population educational attainment, National Demographic and Health Survey 2012 (geonode:proportion_male)

No abstract provided

Stability: Recurrence of floods, Ministry of Emergency Situations 2009 (geonode:recurrence_of_floods)

No abstract provided

disaster_risk_management (geonode:disaster_risk_management)

No abstract provided

Cuerpos de Agua escala 1:50,000 (geonode:m2302vl001970_hn)

Cuerpos de agua (lagos, lagunas, embalses) del territorio nacional digitalizada a partir de 279 hojas cartográficas escala1:50,000 del Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN). La digitalización fué realizada en 1994 por el Proyecto Forestal (PROFOR) de la cooperación Alemana y contraparte de la Administracin Forestal del Estado (AFE-COHDEFOR). Estas hojas cartográficas fueron restituidas en 1970 por el método estereofotogramétrico "MULTIPLEX" y "KELSH". basado en fotografías areas tomadas en el año 1954. Clasificación de campo (toponimia) efectuada en 1958 - 1959 y 69.

Global WFP Presence by Regional Bureaux (geonode:wld_bnd_presence_wfp)

This layer provides information for the WFP presence on different counties, as well as the distribution of countries by RB. Any attributes which are blank or '0' had no data entered at the time of release. Its possible to contribute by giving your inputs at

fnsdi.DBO.Honduras_Admin0_GAUL2008 (geonode:honduras_livelihoods_2014)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

WFP Evaluation Projects (geonode:wld_bnd_evaluations_wfp)

No abstract provided

Límites administrativos municipales de Colombia (geonode:col_bnd_admin2_wfpco)

Municipal administrative boundaries for Colombia

Philippines Halls in Atok municipalities (geonode:phl_atok_poi_municipalhalls_atoklgu)

This layer contains location of halls by municipalities

integrated_context_analysis (geonode:integrated_context_analysis)

No abstract provided

Philippines_poi_ccaprojects_wfp_2015 (geonode:phl_poi_ccaprojects_wfp_2015)

Points showing the municipalities where WFP implemented climate change adaptation (CCA) projects as part of the disaster preparedness and response (DPR) programme of the local government units (LGUs).

International_Boundaries (geonode:sdn_bnd_admin0_a_gov_2)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

International_Boundaries (geonode:sdn_bnd_admin0_a_gov_4)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

International_Boundaries (geonode:sdn_bnd_admin0_a_gov_3)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Utilization: Prevalence of acute malnutrition among children under five years old, National Demographic and Health Survey 2012 (geonode:acute_malnutrition)

No abstract provided

Afghanistan Provinces and Districts Centers (geonode:afg_poi_districtprovincecenters_wfp)

No abstract provided

Malawi, Livelihood Zones (geonode:mwi_wfp_livelihoodzones_1)

This layer contains the fourteen main livelihood zones identified in Malawi. Source: WFP-CO, OMEP.

Límites administrativos provinciales de República Dominicana (geonode:dom_bnd_admin1_one_2010)

This shapefile represents the administrative division called "provinces" in Dominican Republic which is a more dissagregated level than regions. This shape was extracted from the 2010 National Census available in the ONE website.

Western Asia Roads Network (geonode:was_trs_roads_wfp)

No abstract provided

World Weather Risk (geonode:wld_bnd_wxrisk_wfp)

No abstract provided

Liberia Warehouses (geonode:lbr_ltsh_warehouses)

No abstract provided

Indonesia Volcano Density (geonode:idn_phy_volcanodensity_smithsonian_a)

This layer shows density of volcanic eruptions based on the explosivity index for each eruption and the time period of the eruption. Eruption information is spread to 100km beyond point source to indicate areas that could be affected by volcanic emissions or ground shaking. The original source of the data is a point dataset of worldwide historical volcanic eruptions occurring within the last 10,000 years (to 2002). The volcanic eruptions were rated using the Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI). The VEI is a simple 0-to-8 index of increasing explosivity, with each successive integer representing about an order of magnitude increase. The data is come from Smithsonian Institution, Global Volcanism Program

rbd_bnd_adminzerop_wfp (geonode:rbd_bnd_adminzerop_wfp)

Nepal Airports (geonode:npl_trs_airport_wfp)

This layer contains Domestric Airports of Nepal. The data set is created by WFP and updated by GIS team at CO in Nepal. The status of Airport are based on the best information available. GPS coordinates, digitized from an high resolution satellite imagery and the acurracy is at street level. NOTE: users are recommended for timely rechecking the status of domestic airports by visiting the official website of Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal

Egypt Administrative Boundaries Level 2 (geonode:egy_bnd_adm2_gov)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Malawi, Flood Risk, June 2014 (geonode:mwi_ica_floodrisk_20170531)

This layer contains information about the flood risk in Malawi, as analysed by the ICA. The key indicator used for the analysis is the flood frequency between 2000 and 2013. Source: CO VAM Malawi - MEPED & DoDMA

average_annual_wheat_production (geonode:average_annual_wheat_production)

No abstract provided

idn_poi_tradecenter_sumba_rbi25k_big_a (geonode:idn_poi_tradecenter_sumba_rbi25k_big_a)

Market location in Sumba island

RBD Food security current March-May 2016 and projected situation June-August 2016 (geonode:rbd_vam_foodinsecurity_ch_201603)

The layer shows the food security current situation phases for RBD region March - june 2016

Áreas prioritarias PRRO - Nicaragua (geonode:nic_ad2_prroareas_wfprb_corredigo_20160519)

Esta capa muestra las áreas prioritarias para el PRRO, según los resultados del análsis de tendencias cualitativo sobre recurrencia de eventos naturales e inseguridad alimentaria, el cual se llevó a cabo en el 2012.

ssd_whlocation (geonode:ssd_whlocation)

No abstract provided

Yemen Administrative Boundaries Level 2 (geonode:yem_bnd_adm2_a)

District adminsitrative boudaries

Lake Chad Basin, Conflict Incidents 2016 (geonode:wafr_poi_conflictincidents_acled_20160101to20160326)

ACLED data from 01.01.2016 to 26.03.2016

Límites administrativos departamentales de Bolivia (geonode:bol_bnd_admin1_2003)

Departmental administrative boundaries for Bolivia

average_annual_vegetable_yield (geonode:average_annual_vegetable_yield)

No abstract provided

Afghanistan: Access By Air and By Road- January 2016 (geonode:afg_wfp_acces_byair__byroad_20161801_1)

WFP Access by Air and Road to the DAC (District Administrative Center) - January 2016

Límites administrativos de Honduras a nivel de aldeas (geonode:hnd_bnd_admin3_2008)

Administrative boundaries for Honduras at village level

Mozambique WFP Programmes (geonode:moz_wfp_programmes)

Source, WFP

Integrated Context Analysis: Combined levels of natural shocks, Ministry of Emergency Situations 2009, WFP OMEP 2012 (geonode:six_two_1)

No abstract provided

Afghanistan District Accessibility for WFP and WFP Partners - July to September 2016 (geonode:afg_wfp_access_july2016)

Accessibility information by WFP Operation/Security Units, July 20, 2016

Afghanistan Security (Threat) Level District - September 2015 (geonode:afg_sls_sept2015)

UNDSS Afghanistan, September 2015

Lesotho, Land Degradation, July 2015 (geonode:lso_ica_avgecologicalchange_jul2015)

This layer contains information about the average ecological changes by district, as analysed by ICA. In absence of national data, the changes in land cover change between 2001 and 2012 were used as a proxy for land degradation. Sources: WFP OSEP Analysis of NASA MODIS data, 2011-2012.

Lesotho, First-Level Administrative Boundaries (Districts) (geonode:lso_bnd_admin1_wfp_co)

This layer contains the information about the first-level administrative boundaries (Districts) in Lesotho. SOURCE: WFP Country Office, 2014

Afghanistan Area of Influence by Settlement (geonode:afg_poi_areasofinfluence_wfp)

No abstract provided

Ethiopia Administrative Boundary Level 3, as of June 10, 2016 (geonode:woreda)

This dataset contains 805 Woreda (Admin 3) names and boundaries, along with their corresponding Regions (Admin 2) and Zones (Admin 1).

wetlanda_1 (geonode:wetlanda_1)

No abstract provided

Bosques Tropical 1996 (WCMC) escala 1:1,000,000 (geonode:i2402va001996_hn)

Este mapa fue tomado del C-D. Tropical Moist Forest and Protected Areas the digital files. Version 1-1996. World Conservation Monitoring Center (WCMC) and Center for International Forestry Research, y ajustado a los bordes administrativos de Honduras.

Tajikistan, Mudflow Frequency 1998 - 2011 (geonode:tjk_nhr_mudflowfrequency_co_19982011)

This layer contains the number of mudflow events by Admin 2, according to national records.

mgd_trs_roads_osm (geonode:mgd_trs_roads_osm)

Malawi, Prevalence of Wasting (2010 - 2011) (geonode:mwi_wfp_wasting)

This layer contains Global Acute Malnutrition Wasting data from the National Nutrition Survey in 2010. Sources: VAM, LSMS, OMEP, WFP.

Central America Elevation (geonode:camer_phy_dem_gtopo30_2)

Digital Elevation Model GTopo30

Mozambique, Estimated People Affected by Flood, 04 February 2015 (geonode:moz_fl_peopleaffected_admin2_20150204)

Estimation of People Affected by Flood in Mozambique. To improve the accuracy of the the analysis, the Landscan 2013 population density raster was used to weigh the spatial distribution of 2007 Census total population figures.

Early warning risks by Country (geonode:wld_bnd_ewmcountries_wfp)

This layer depicts the main risk with impact trends

Zimbabwe Severity of Tree Cover Decrease Between 2000 - 2010. (geonode:zwe_phy_deforestation_20002010)

This layer contains deforestation data from National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) from 2000 - 2010 and the analysis was conducted by OMEP. Source: NASA, OMEP, WFP.

Egypt Rivers (geonode:egy_hyd_rivers)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Nigeria, main rivers and water bodies (geonode:nga_hyd_riverspolygon_dcw)

No abstract provided

Ecuador, Copernicus Damage Assessment, 22 April 2016 (geonode:ecu_poi_damageassessment_copernicus_20160422)

This dataset shows the damage assessment done by Copernicus EMSR159 after the recent earthquake in Ecuador.

Kyrgyzstan Lakes (geonode:kgz_hyd_lakes)

No abstract provided

LESS Warehouses for editing (geonode:wld_poi_warehousesless_wfp)

This layers contains warehouses information that can be edited by WFP employee working on the LESS project

Burundi, ICA Categories and Areas (geonode:bdi_wfp_icacategoriesareas_2015)

This layer contains results of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) carried out by WFP OSEP. The ICA found five distinct patterns based on the convergence of recurring food insecurity and exposure to shocks (floods and droughts) classified as Categories 1 - 5. The ICA was conducted by livelihood zones in February 2015. Cette couche contient les résultats de l'Analyse du contexte intégré (ACI) réalisé par la division OSEP du PAM. L'ACI a cédé 5 catégories basées sur la convergence de la récurrence de l’insécurité alimentaire ainsi que l'exposition aux chocs naturels (inondations, glissements de terrain, sécheresses). L'ACI a été conduite selon les zones de moyens d'existence, en février 2015.

Límites administrativos municipales de El Salvador (geonode:slv_bnd_admin2_digestyc_ign)

Municipal administrative boundaries for El Salvador

Haiti drought prone area (geonode:haiti_drought_prone_area)

This shape file have been created by WFP by combining the agro-ecologic zones provided by CNSA and the dry zones provided by NATHAT.

Zimbabwe Flood Occurences - Percentage of Areas at Risk by District (geonode:zwe_nhr_floods)

This layer contains data from the Global Risk Data Platform flood frequency data (UNEP). Source: Global Risk Data Platform, analysis by OMEP, WFP.

Sea (geonode:wld_hyd_oceansea)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Límites administrativos departamentales de Honduras (geonode:hnd_bnd_admin1_2008)

Departmental administrative boundaries for Honduras

Tajikistan, Flood Frequency 1998 - 2011 (geonode:tjk_nhr_floodfrequency_co_19982011)

This layer contains the number of flood events by Admin 2, according to national records.

m2501vA042008_HN (geonode:m2501va042008_hn)

Área Protegidas del país digitalizadas por el Instituto de Conservación Forestal (ICF), La última actualización de esta cobertura se realizó en Abril de 2008.

Afghanistan District Accessibility for WFP and WFP Partners - April 2015 (geonode:afg_wfp_dist_access)

Accessible district by WFP and WFP partners by WFP Area/Sub Offices/ Operation/Security Units.

Rios de Guatemala (geonode:gtm_hyd_inlandwater_rios)

Rivers of Guatemala/ Ríos de Guatemala.

A F G H A N I S T A N : L I V E L I H O O D Z O N E S (geonode:afg_livelihoodzones_fews_net)

Data from FEWS NET- 2010 .Livelihoods Highlights  In a normal year, livelihood zones 15, 12, 27, 26, 25, 17, 18, and 11 are considered chronically food insecure. Contributing factors to food insecurity include limited market access, particularly during winter, isolated from rest of the country, and with harsh terrain. Finally, these zones are all at high elevation where only one crop grows per year.  In a bad year livelihoods zones 1, 2, 6, 10, 14, 20, 24, and 28, are considered at risk of food insecurity due variously to erratic or insufficient rainfall, obstructed market access and dependence on cross-border trade that may fluctuate.  The prolonged conflict in Afghanistan has impacted a number of zones, the most at risk of which are 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 25, 28, and 29. There are a large number of internally displaced people in these zones and conflict continues to impact households.  Price competition with neighboring countries is steep, and producers in Afghanistan receive a small profit as imported agricultural commodities are often cheaper.tan.

Departamentos escala 1:50,000 (geonode:m1102va001970_hn_1)

Límites de los 18 Departamentos de la República de Honduras, digitalizados a partir de 279 hojas cartográficas escala1:50,000 del Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN). La digitalización fué realizada en 1994 por el Proyecto Forestal (PROFOR) de la cooperación Alemana y contraparte de la Administración Forestal del Estado (AFE-COHDEFOR). Estas hojas cartográficas fueron restituidas en 1970 por el método estereofotogramétrico "MULTIPLEX" y "KELSH". basado en fotografías areas tomadas en el año 1954. Clasificación de campo (toponimia) efectuada en 1958 - 1959 y 69.

DRC Food Distribution Point (geonode:cod_poi_fdp_wfp)

Food Distribution Point for DRC

Sudan Livelihood Zones 2013 (geonode:sdn_wfp_livelihoodzones_2013)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Malawi, Number of Drought Events between 2004 and 2013 (geonode:mwi_nhr_drought)

This layer contains data based on MEPED National level data on drought occurrences by district from 2004 to 2013.. Sources:VAM - MEPED & DoDMA, OMEP, WFP.

Sudan Nile river (geonode:sdn_hyd_rivers_imwg_4)

WFP IMWG and VAM Unit Khartoum,Sudan

Central America Hydrological Basins (geonode:camer_hyd_basins_vm0_2007)

Source: VMap0 (2007)

South Sudan Categories for ICA analysis (geonode:ssd_ica_categories_wfp_2014_1)

This layer contains results of the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA). The ICA found five distinct areas based on the convergence of similar patterns of recurring food insecurity and exposure to shocks (floods and droughts), and placed each of these geographical areas into Categories 1 through 5. No counties were found in Category 4, although in time counties would be expected to shift from Categories 2 and 1 as food insecurity is reduced and resilience to natural shocks is built through longer-term programmatic efforts. Sources: FSMS 2010 - 2013, VAM-HQ, MODIS NDVI, Global Risk Data Platform (UNEP), OMEP.

Swaziland Mountains (geonode:swz_phy_mountains)

Source, WFP

Nigeria, Livelihood Zones 2014 (geonode:nigeria_livelihoods_2014)


River_Nile (geonode:sdn_hyd_rivers_imwg_1)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

River_Nile (geonode:sdn_hyd_rivers_imwg_2)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Sudan Rivers (geonode:sdn_hyd_rivers_imwg_3)

This layer contains rivers in Sudan

Mozambique WFP Vulnerability (geonode:moz_wfp_vulnerability)

Source, WFP

Nigeria, Roads (geonode:nga_trs_roads_osm_20160318)

Main roads from OSM, March 2016

intl_zone (geonode:iz_shape)

Shapefile created by UNAMI-SSI in 2010.

Iran Lakes (geonode:irq_hyd_lakes)

No abstract provided

Availability: Average annual wheat yield, National Statistics Committee 2014 (geonode:average_annual_wheat_yield_1)

No abstract provided

Philippines_pop_region5admin4_psa_2010 (geonode:phl_pop_region5admin4_psa_2010)

Compilation of population data at Admin 4 (barangay) level for the years 2000, 2007 and 2010.

Actividades de Asistencia del PMA en Colombia por Municipio (combinación de actividades) (geonode:col_admin2_asistencia_wfpco_11catact)

WFP Assistance Programs in Colombia, by municipality (combination of activities)

WFP Office Locations (geonode:wfp_officep)

With the current conflict, Taizz field office office moved to Ibb. There are no Sub offices in Yemen, only country office and 5 Field Offices.

Zimbabwe Estimated Number of Food Insecure People (2013 Population Figures) (geonode:zwe_pop_population)

This layer contains estimated food insecure population data from ZimVac based on a 5-year average (2009 - 2013), and 2013 food insecure population figures. Source: ZimVac, VAM, OMEP

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Administrative Boundaries Level 0 (geonode:lyb_bnd_adm0_a)

No abstract provided

Nigeria, Number of IDPs by LGAs (geonode:nga_poi_idpsadm2_iom_round8_20160229)

IOM round 8

DEV Project Locations (geonode:dev_loc_geonode)

No abstract provided

Sudan Rivers (geonode:sdn_hyd_rivers_imwg)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

average_annual_wheat_yield (geonode:average_annual_wheat_yield)

No abstract provided

Availability: Self-sufficiency of potatoes, National Statistics Committee 2014 (geonode:potato_self_sufficiency_1)

No abstract provided

Global Temperature 2 Meters Forecast 3 Days (geonode:wld_cli_2t_3d_ecmwf)

This layers depicts global coverage of temperature at 2 meters altitude. The temperature is an average of the last 3 days. Units: K (1 Kelvin = -272.15 Celsius) Source: ECMWF Resolution: pixel size 0.125x0.125 degrees

Nigeria, LGA Accessibility, March 2016 (geonode:nga_poi_accessibilityadm2_032016)

Parameters of accessibility to be defined.

Activités PAM Nord Kivu, Septembre 2014 (geonode:cod_poi_wfpactivitiesnk_sept14_wfp_20141004)

Ces données représentent les activités du PAM au Nord Kivu en Septembre 2014

Palestine - WFP Office Locations (geonode:pse_wfp_offices_wfp_20151001)

No abstract provided

Afghanistan Digital Elevation Model (geonode:afg_phy_dem_nasa)

No abstract provided

Somalia Regions by Population (geonode:somalia_somalia_regions_by_population)

No abstract provided

Egypt Administrative Boundaries Level 1 (geonode:egy_bnd_adm1_gov)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

adm_departamentos (geonode:adm_departamentos)

No abstract provided

Nigeria, Ethnicity (geonode:nga_pop_ethnicity_greg)

Harvard GREG

Zimbabwe Wards Boundries (geonode:zwe_bnd_wards_region)

No abstract provided

zam_bnd_neighboringcountries (geonode:zam_bnd_neighboringcountries)

No abstract provided

RBD Markets locations with Food Prices (Average 5 years) (geonode:rbd_vam_markets_avgm5year_201702)

This layer contains information about commodity prices at markets monitored by the VAM team

Philippines Hagupith Typhoon Wind buffer (geonode:wld_nhr_tsbuffers_gdacs)

No abstract provided

Timbuktu, Predominant Ethnic Groups (geonode:mli_pop_ethnicgroups_hgis_timbuktu)

Source: Global Discovery Humanitarian GIS

Philippines_poi_dprcapbuild_wfp_2015 (geonode:phl_poi_dprcapbuild_wfp_2015)

Points showing the municipalities where WFP provided capacity building projects and activities for disaster preparedness and response (DPR) programme of the local government units (LGUs).

Jordan Administrative Boundaries Level 3 (geonode:jor_bnd_adm3_co)

REQUIRED: A brief narrative summary of the data set.

Afghanistan: District Accessibility for WFP and WFP Partners - October to December 2016 (geonode:afg_wfp_acces20161220)

Accessibility information by WFP Operation/Security Units, November 16, 2016

Access: Poverty incidence, National Statistics Committee 2013 (geonode:poverty_incidence_inc)

No abstract provided

Red Hídrica escala 1:50,000 (geonode:m2301vl001970_hn)

Red hídrica (ríos y quebradas) del territorio nacional digitalizada a partir de 279 hojas cartográficas escala1:50,000 del Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN). La digitalización fué realizada en 1994 por el Proyecto Forestal (PROFOR) de la cooperación Alemana y contraparte de la Administracin Forestal del Estado (AFE-COHDEFOR). Estas hojas cartográficas fueron restituidas en 1970 por el método estereofotogramétrico "MULTIPLEX" y "KELSH". basado en fotografías areas tomadas en el año 1954. Clasificación de campo (toponimia) efectuada en 1958 - 1959 y 69.

Límites administrativos departamentales de Colombia (geonode:col_bnd_admin1_igac)

Departmental administrative boundaries for Colombia

Lebanon Rivers (geonode:lbn_hyd_rivers)

No abstract provided

six_one (geonode:six_one)

No abstract provided

South Sudan WFP Food Distribution Points (geonode:ssd_poi_fdp_wfp)

South Sudan WFP Food Distribution Points

wheat_self_sufficiency (geonode:wheat_self_sufficiency)

No abstract provided

Projected Food Security Phases from March 2017 (geonode:rbd_ch_mar_2017_sahel)

Projected Food Security Phases from March 2017 Cadre Harmonise & 2016 EFSA (Cameroon).

Swaziland Towns (geonode:swz_poi_towns)

Source, WFP

wetlanda (geonode:wetlanda)

No abstract provided

Lesotho, Livelihood Zones, July 2015 (geonode:lso_ica_livelihoodzones_jul2015)

This layer contains information about the most predominant livelihood zones in Lesotho, defined as "geographical areas where people generally have the same opportunities for obtaining food and income and engaging in trade to meet their life and livelihood needs". Source: FEWSNet 2011

Sudan GFD (geonode:sdn_poi_gfd_wfp)

WFP IMWG and VAM Unit Khartoum,Sudan.

income_diversification (geonode:income_diversification)

No abstract provided

Madagascar WFP Activities (geonode:mdg_wfp_activities)

Source, WFP

zwe_wfp_livelihoodzones_co_2012 (geonode:zwe_wfp_livelihoodzones_co_2012)

No abstract provided

Límites territoriales de Guatemala (geonode:gtm_bnd_adm0_ing_2002)

Country shapefile/ boundary for Guatemala

potato_self_sufficiency (geonode:potato_self_sufficiency)

No abstract provided

Mali WFP Food Distribution Points (geonode:mli_poi_fdp_wfp)

Mali WFP Food Distribution Points

six_two (geonode:six_two)

No abstract provided

Afghanistan Border Crossing Points (geonode:border_crossing)

Border crossing point for the Map of Areas of control

Burundi, Landslide Risk by Livelihood Zone (geonode:bdi_nhr_landsliderisk_unep_2011)

This layer contains landslide risk data for each livelihood zone, based on the percentage of area at risk of landslides and the maxmimum annual frequency of landslides. Sources: Global Risk Data Platform, landslide frequency (UNEP/UNISDR); analysis by OSEP, WFP. Cette couche contient les données sur les niveaux de risque de glissement de terrain pour chaque zone de moyens d'existence, basés sur la pourcentage de surface à risque de glissements de terrain et la fréquence annuelle maximale de glissements de terrain. Source: Global Risk Data Platform, fréquence de glissement de terrain (UNEP/UNISDR); analyse par OSEP, PAM.

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Administrative Boundaries Level 1 (geonode:lyb_bnd_adm1_a)

No abstract provided

Access: Proportion of the population consuming less than 2100 kcal per day (average of 2011-2013), National Statistics Committee 2013 (geonode:proppop_less2100kkal)

No abstract provided

Límites territoriales de República Dominicana (geonode:dom_bnd_adm0_one_2010_diss)

Límites nacionales de República Dominicana/Country boundary for Dominican Republic

Mali, Localities Accessible by Air March 2016 (geonode:mli_wfp_localitesaccessiblesvolaerien)

Localities of Northern Mali accessible to WFP by air, as of March 2016. Data provided by Mali CO (VAM & Field Security).

Algeria Administrative Boundaries Level 1 (geonode:dza_bnd_admin1_a_gaul)

World Administrative Units represents the boundaries for the first-level administrative units of the world.

Límites administrativos departamentales de Nicaragua (geonode:nic__bnd_admin1_2002)

Departmental administrative boundaries for Nicaragua

Pakistan Bridges (geonode:pak_trs_bridges_wfp_1)

Bridges layer from Pakistan CO

Burundi, Historical Food Security by Livelihood Zone (geonode:bdi_wfp_histfoodsecurity_fsms_20092013_cfsva_2014)

This layer contains data from a 6-year (2009 - 2014) trend analysis of food security in each livelihood zone. Sources: FSMS 2009 - 2013, CFSVA 2014; analysis by OSEP, WFP. Cette couche contient les données d'une analyse de tendance sur 6 ans (2009 - 2014) de la sécurité alimentaire pour chaque zone de moyens d'existence. Sources: FSMS 2009 - 2013, CFSVA 2014; analyse by OSEP, WFP.

Divisions administratives en Haïti par départements/ Administrative boundaries by departments in Haiti/ División administrativa por departamentos en Haití (geonode:hti_bnd_admin1_cnigs_2013)

Administrative boundaries by departments in Haiti/ División administrativa por departamentos en Haití

Guinea Bissau Activities Country Program 2016-2020 (geonode:gnb_wfp_cp200846_activities_2016_2020)

This layer contains activities in Guinea Bissau as per Country Program 2016-2020

Extent of WFP Logistics involvement in Cash & Vouchers Programs (geonode:wld_pgr_logsincv_wfp)

This layer represent with different colors the level of involvement of WFP logistics in C&V programs

Timbuktu, Second-Level Administrative Units (Cercles) (geonode:mli_bnd_adm2timbuktu_gaul_2015)

No abstract provided

Zimbabwe Administrative Boundaries Level 2 (Districts) (geonode:zwe_bnd_admin2_cso)

This layer contains administrative boundaries at the District level. Source: WFP

RBD Food security current March 2017 and projected situation June-August 2017 (geonode:rbd_vam_foodinsecurity_ch_201703)

The layer shows the food security current March 2017 and projected situation June-August 2017

Límites administrativos cantonales de El Salvador (geonode:slv_bnd_admin3_digestyc_ign)

Administrative boundaries for El Salvador at third level or "cantón". El mapa contiene la División Política Administrativa a nivel de cantón. Esta versión no es de carácter oficial. Este contiene información del área, perímetro, código y nombre de cantón y municipio y departamento. El mapa ha sido digitalizado a partir de hojas heliográficas a escala 1:200,000 proporcionadas por la Dirección General de Estadísticas y Censos (DIGESTYC) y levantado originalmente por el Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN).

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