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P05-7 Area Decreased NDVI Levels [Rapid Mapping Product - Forest Snowstorm] (EUFODOS_2012_shp:P05_7_Area_Decreased_NDVI_Levels)
P05-7 Area Decreased NDVI Levels [Rapid Mapping for Disaster Management Products - Forest Snowfall/Snowstorm, Sredets]. The product provides detailed enough information to better assess the real damages in the forest stand in terms of area and location.The forest biome under investigation is located in the Nord Strandzha (village of Gorno Yabalkovo and village of Belevren) and including coniferous forest (spruce, white and black pine) and deciduous forest (oak, Quercus petraea, Quercus pubescens, Carpinus orientalis, Quercus cerris). Geographic location of the study area: South East Bulgaria, Nordeast Strandzha Mountain. Mapping Classes and Definition: One thematic classes: area with decreased value in NDVI index (area of snowfall/snowstorm). Update Frequency: The product could be produced after natural and man made disaster – fire, flood, snow fall, and do not have frequency parameter. Geographic Reference System: ETRS_1989_LAEA (EPSG:3035). Spatial Representation: Geo-referenced raster layer. Spatial resolution: based on VHR data 5m by 5m pixel. Minimum Mapping Unit: 0.1ha: Thematic vector layer (ArcGIS Shape-Format). Metadata: INSPIRE compliant metadata ISO19115 as Annex to the product.
RO_NUTS3_pgn (CBC:RO_NUTS3_pgn)
BG_Soil_pgn (CBC:BG_Soil_pgn)
cbc, soil data, BG, wgs84,utm35n
CBC, BG_CDDA_pgn -data
municipalities_layer (BG_UTM35N:municipalities_layer)
CBC_Boundary (CBC:CBC_Boundary)
CBC, Boundary
P05-6 Area Decreased NDVI [Rapid Mapping Product - Snowstorm] (EUFODOS_2012_shp:P05_6_Area_Decreased_NDVI_Snowstorm)
P05-6 Area Decreased NDVI [Rapid Mapping for Disaster Management Products - Forest Snowfall/Snowstorm, Sredets]. The product provides detailed enough information to better assess the real damages in the forest stand in terms of area and location.The forest biome under investigation is located in the Nord Strandzha (village of Gorno Yabalkovo and village of Belevren) and including coniferous forest (spruce, white and black pine) and deciduous forest (oak, Quercus petraea, Quercus pubescens, Carpinus orientalis, Quercus cerris). Geographic location of the study area: South East Bulgaria, Nordeast Strandzha Mountain. Mapping Classes and Definition: One thematic classes: area with decreased value in NDVI index (area of snowfall/snowstorm). Update Frequency: The product could be produced after natural and man made disaster – fire, flood, snow fall, and do not have frequency parameter. Geographic Reference System: ETRS_1989_LAEA (EPSG:3035). Spatial Representation: Geo-referenced raster layer. Spatial resolution: based on VHR data 5m by 5m pixel. Minimum Mapping Unit: 0.1 ha. Thematic vector layer (ArcGIS Shape-Format). Metadata: INSPIRE compliant metadata ISO19115 as Annex to the product.
BG_LAU2_pnt (CBC:BG_LAU2_pnt)
cbc, BG-LAU2, wgs84, utm35n
P01 Reference Image RapidEye 2009/06/16 Tran (EUFODOS_2012_raster:P01_2009-06-16_Rapideye_Tran)
P01 - Reference Image RapidEye - 2009/06/16, of the municipality of Tran [Forest Area Products]. The product provides detailed enough information to better assess the forest inventory information about the forest extent and different forest types (coniferous and deciduous). Geographic location of the study area: West Bulgaria, Tran DGS. Mapping Classes and Definition: Satellite image form German satellite RapidEye from 16th of June 2009, presenting the study area of DGS-Tran, bands: Green, Blue, Red, Red-Edge, NIR. Update Frequency: The product could be produced after natural and man made disaster – fire, flood, snow fall, and do not have frequency parameter. Geographic Reference System: ETRS_1989_LAEA. Spatial Representation: Geo-referenced raster layer. Spatial resolution: VHR data 5m by 5m pixel. Minimum Mapping Unit: pixel basis. Format: Raster layer (GeoTIFF file format). Metadata: INSPIRE compliant metadata ISO19115 as Annex to the product.
BG_Natura2000_pgn (CBC:BG_Natura2000_pgn)
P05 Reference Image RapidEye 2011/04/11 Gostun (EUFODOS_2012_raster:P05_2011-04-11_Rapideye_Gostun)
Reference Image RapidEye 2011/04/11 of the municipality of Bansko, village Gostun [Rapid Mapping for Disaster Management Products - Forest Fire, Gostun]. The product provides detailed enough information to better assess the real damages in the forest stand in terms of area and location. The forest biome under investigation is located in the Western Rhodope coniferous forest belt including spruce, white and black pine and fir. Geographic location of the study area: South West Bulgaria, West Rhodope Mountain. Mapping Classes and Definition: Satellite image form German satellite RapidEye from 11th of April 2011, presenting the burned area of the forest aroud Gostun village immediately after putting out the fire, with spectral bands: Blue, Green, Red, Red-Edge, NIR. Current band combination RGB: NIR, RedEdge, Blue. Update Frequency: The product could be produced after natural and man made disaster – fire, flood, snow fall, and do not have frequency parameter. Geographic Reference System: ETRS_1989_LAEA (EPSG:3035). Spatial Representation: Geo-referenced raster layer. Spatial resolution: VHR data 5m by 5m pixel. Minimum Mapping Unit: pixel basis Format: Rster layer (ERDAS Imagine - GeoTIFF file format). Metadata: INSPIRE compliant metadata ISO19115 as Annex to the product.
BG_LAU1_pgn (CBC:BG_LAU1_pgn)
CBC, LAU1 data, BG
Fires 30 days back (BG_UTM35N:fire-lastmonth)
Fires for the territory of Bulgaria detected from Riskwath, for the period of 30 days back from today. Riskwatch - is a system (aggregator), which monitors continuously, filter and extract disaster news happened over the territory of Bulgaria in 20 - Bulgarian news sites. The system uses RSS technology (Really Simple Syndication), which is a software mechanism for exchanging news between two sites or between site and user.
Disasters 30 days back (BG_UTM35N:bedstvia-lastmonth)
Disasters for the territory of Bulgaria detected from Riskwath, for the period of 30 days back from today. Riskwatch - is a system (aggregator), which monitors continuously, filter and extract disaster news happened over the territory of Bulgaria in 20 - Bulgarian news sites. The system uses RSS technology (Really Simple Syndication), which is a software mechanism for exchanging news between two sites or between site and user.
BG_LandCover_pgn (CBC:BG_LandCover_pgn)
cbc, land cover, wgs84, utm35n
RO_Natura2000_pgn (CBC:RO_Natura2000_pgn)
CBC, Natura2000, RO
BG Municipalities Polygons (EUFODOS_2012_shp:BG_mun)
BG Municipalities Polygons; Municipalities in Bulgaria, 256, in ETRS_1989_LAEA (Lambert_Azimuthal_Equal_Area), EPSG:3035
P05-8 Damaged Forest Type [Rapid Mapping Product - Forest Snowstorm] (EUFODOS_2012_shp:P05_8_Damaged_Forest_Type)
P05-8 Damaged Forest Type [Rapid Mapping for Disaster Management Products - Forest Snowfall/Snowstorm, Sredets]. The product provides detailed enough information to better assess the real damages in the forest stand in terms of area and location.The forest biome under investigation is located in the Nord Strandzha (village of Gorno Yabalkovo and village of Belevren) and including coniferous forest (spruce, white and black pine) and deciduous forest (oak, Quercus petraea, Quercus pubescens, Carpinus orientalis, Quercus cerris). Geographic location of the study area: South East Bulgaria, Nordeast Strandzha Mountain. Mapping Classes and Definition: The map shows area with decreased value in NDVI index (area of snowfall/snowstorm)in different forest type (coniferous and deciduous). Update Frequency: The product could be produced after natural and man made disaster – fire, flood, snow fall, and do not have frequency parameter. Geographic Reference System: ETRS_1989_LAEA (EPSG:3035). Spatial Representation: Geo-referenced vector layer. Spatial resolution: based on VHR data 5m by 5m pixel. Minimum Mapping Unit: 0.1 ha. Thematic vector layer (ArcGIS Shape-Format). Metadata: INSPIRE compliant metadata ISO19115 as Annex to the product.
P05-1 Forest Cover Map [Rapid Mapping Product - Forest Fire] (EUFODOS_2012_shp:P05_1_Forest_Cover_Map_Rapid_Mapping_Product)
P05-1 Forest Cover Map [Rapid Mapping for Disaster Management Products - Forest Fire, Gostun]. The product provides detailed enough information to better assess the real damages in the forest stand in terms of area and location. The forest biome under investigation is located in the Western Rhodope coniferous forest belt including spruce, white and black pine and fir. Geographic location of the study area: South West Bulgaria, West Rhodope Mountain. Mapping Classes and Definition: Two thematic classes - No Tree Cover (all pixels with 0% Tree Cover Density), Tree Cover (all pixels with 1% to 100% Tree Cover Density)Update Frequency: The product could be produced after natural and man made disaster – fire, flood, snow fall, and do not have frequency parameter. Geographic Reference System: ETRS_1989_LAEA (EPSG:3035). Spatial Representation: Geo-referenced thematic raster. Spatial resolution: 2m by 2m pixel. Minimum Mapping Unit: 0.1 ha. Format: Thematic vector layer (ArcGIS Shape-Format). Metadata: INSPIRE compliant metadata ISO19115 as Annex to the product.
P01-1-1 Forest Area Mask [Forest Area Product] (EUFODOS_2012_shp:P01_1_1_Forest_Area_Mask)
P01-1-1 Forest Area Mask [Forest Area Products, Tran]. The product provides detailed enough information to better assess the forest inventory information about the forest extent and different forest types (coniferous and deciduous). Geographic location of the study area: West Bulgaria, Tran DGS. Mapping Classes and Definition: Two thematic classes - Forest and Non-Forest Area. Update Frequency: The product is with yearly update. Geographic Reference System: ETRS_1989_LAEA. Spatial Representation: Geo-referenced vector layer. Spatial resolution: based on VHR data 5m by 5m pixel. Minimum Mapping Unit: 0.1 ha. Format: Thematic vector layer (ArcGIS Shape-Format). Metadata: INSPIRE compliant metadata ISO19115 as Annex to the product.
P05-4 Fire Type Map [Rapid Mapping Product - Forest Fire] (EUFODOS_2012_shp:P05_4_Fire_Type_Map)
P05-4 Fire Type Map [Rapid Mapping for Disaster Management Products - Forest Fire, Gostun]. The product provides detailed enough information to better assess the real damages in the forest stand in terms of area and location. The forest biome under investigation is located in the Western Rhodope coniferous forest belt including spruce, white and black pine and fir. Geographic location of the study area: South West Bulgaria, West Rhodope Mountain. Mapping Classes and Definition: Two thematic classes - Crown fire and Surface fire. Update Frequency: The product could be produced after natural and man made disaster – fire, flood, snow fall, and do not have frequency parameter. Geographic Reference System: ETRS_1989_LAEA (EPSG:3035). Spatial Representation: Geo-referenced vector layer. Spatial resolution: based on VHR data 2m by 2m pixel. Minimum Mapping Unit: 0.1 ha. Format: Thematic vector layer (ArcGIS Shape-Format). Metadata: INSPIRE compliant metadata ISO19115 as Annex to the product.
P05 Reference Image RapidEye 2012/05/02 Sredets (EUFODOS_2012_raster:P05_2012-05-02_Rapideye_Sredets)
Reference Image RapidEye 2012/05/02 of the municipality of Sredets [Rapid Mapping for Disaster Management Products - Forest Snowfall/Snowstorm, Sredets]. The product provides detailed enough information to better assess the real damages in the forest stand in terms of area and location. The forest biome under investigation is located in the Nord Strandzha (village of Gorno Yabalkovo and village of Belevren) and including coniferous forest (spruce, white and black pine) and deciduous forest (oak, Quercus petraea, Quercus pubescens, Carpinus orientalis, Quercus cerris). Geographic location of the study area: South East Bulgaria, Nordeast Strandzha Mountain. Mapping Classes and Definition: Satellite image form German satellite RapidEye from 2nd of May 2012, represents the snowfall/snowstorm area of the forest around the village of Gorno Yabalkovo and village of Belevren after disaster, with spectral bands: Blue, Green, Red, Red-Edge, NIR. Current band combination RGB: NIR, RedEdge, Blue. Update Frequency: The product could be produced after natural and man made disaster – fire, flood, snow fall, and do not have frequency parameter. Geographic Reference System: ETRS_1989_LAEA (EPSG:3035). Spatial Representation: Geo-referenced raster layer. Spatial resolution: VHR data 5m by 5m pixel. Minimum Mapping Unit: pixel basis. Format: Raster layer (ERDAS Imagine - GeoTIFF file format). Metadata: INSPIRE compliant metadata ISO19115 as Annex to the product.
P05-3 Fire Extent Map [Rapid Mapping Product - Forest Fire] (EUFODOS_2012_shp:P05_3_Fire_Extent_Map)
P05-3 Fire Extent Map [Rapid Mapping for Disaster Management Products - Forest Fire, Gostun]. The product provides detailed enough information to better assess the real damages in the forest stand in terms of area and location. The forest biome under investigation is located in the Western Rhodope coniferous forest belt including spruce, white and black pine and fir. Geographic location of the study area: South West Bulgaria, West Rhodope Mountain. Mapping Classes and Definition: One thematic classe including Burned Forest and Non Forest Area. Update Frequency: The product could be produced after natural and man made disaster – fire, flood, snow fall, and do not have frequency parameter. Geographic Reference System: ETRS_1989_LAEA (EPSG:3035). Spatial Representation: Geo-referenced vector layer. Spatial resolution: based on VHR data 2m by 2m pixel. Minimum Mapping Unit: 0.1 ha. Format: Thematic vector layer (ArcGIS Shape-Format). Metadata: INSPIRE compliant metadata ISO19115 as Annex to the product.
P05-5 Damaged Forest Map [Rapid Mapping Product - Forest Fire] (EUFODOS_2012_shp:P05_5_Damaged_Forest_Map)
P05-5 Damaged Forest Map [Rapid Mapping for Disaster Management Products - Forest Fire, Gostun]. The product provides detailed enough information to better assess the real damages in the forest stand in terms of area and location. The forest biome under investigation is located in the Western Rhodope coniferous forest belt including spruce, white and black pine and fir. Geographic location of the study area: South West Bulgaria, West Rhodope Mountain. Mapping Classes and Definition: The map shows the impact of fire on forest vegetation. The fire is categorized by crown and surface type. Affected areas including crown and surface fires in forest vegetation and fire in other vegetation (grasses and shrubs). Update Frequency: The product could be produced after natural and man made disaster – fire, flood, snow fall, and do not have frequency parameter. Geographic Reference System: ETRS_1989_LAEA (EPSG:3035). Spatial Representation: Geo-referenced vector layer. Spatial resolution: based on VHR data 2m by 2m pixel. Minimum Mapping Unit: 0.1 ha. Format: Thematic vector layer (ArcGIS Shape-Format). Metadata: INSPIRE compliant metadata ISO19115 as Annex to the product.
P03 Forest Density (EUFODOS_2012_raster:P03_Forest_Density)
P03 Forest Density Map. The product provides detailed enough information to better assess the forest inventory information about the forest extent and different forest types (coniferous and deciduous). Geographic location of the study area: West Bulgaria, Tran DGS. Mapping Classes and Definition: Forest Density - ten thematic classes representing different crown cover density from 10% to 100%. Update Frequency: The product is with yearly update. Geographic Reference System: ETRS_1989_LAEA (EPSG:3035). Spatial Representation: Geo-referenced raster layer. Spatial resolution: based on VHR data 5m by 5m pixel. Minimum Mapping Unit: 0.1 ha. Format: Thematic raster layer (GeoTIFF - file format). Metadata: INSPIRE compliant metadata ISO19115 as Annex to the product.
P01-1-2 Forest Type Map [Forest Area Product] (EUFODOS_2012_shp:P01_1_2_Forest_Type_Map)
P01-1-2 Forest Type Map [Forest Area Products, Tran]. The product provides detailed enough information to better assess the forest inventory information about the forest extent and different forest types (coniferous and deciduous). Geographic location of the study area: West Bulgaria, Tran DGS. Mapping Classes and Definition: Three thematic classes: Non-Forest Area, Coniferous Area, Deciduous Area. Update Frequency: The product is with yearly update. Geographic Reference System: ETRS_1989_LAEA. Spatial Representation: Geo-referenced vector layer. Spatial resolution: based on VHR data 5m by 5m pixel. Minimum Mapping Unit: 0.1 ha. Format: Thematic vector layer (ArcGIS Shape-Format). Metadata: INSPIRE compliant metadata ISO19115 as Annex to the product.
BG_WaterBody_pgn (CBC:BG_WaterBody_pgn)
CBC, Water Body, BG
BG_Road_pln (CBC:BG_Road_pln)
cbc, roads, BG, wgs84, utm35n
BG_Railway_pln (CBC:BG_Railway_pln)
CBC, RAilways, BG
BG_NUTS3_pgn (CBC:BG_NUTS3_pgn)
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