
Web Map Tile Service - GeoWebCache

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Available map layers (342)

Vipava Valley, cultural heritage, castles and mansions (geonode:vipava_valley_cultural_heritage_castles_and_mansio)

Vipava Valley, cultural heritage, castles and mansions

Corfu : Good building condition (geonode:corfu_identification_and_analysis_of_pressures_and_2)

No abstract provided

Corfu : Mediocre building condition (geonode:corfu_identification_and_analysis_of_pressures_and_3)

No abstract provided

Vipava Valley: Natura 2000 (geonode:arso_nat_2000)

Izpolnitev obveze iz 5. člena Uredbe o posebnih varstvenih območjih (območjih Natura 2000) in seznanitev javnosti z območji NATURA 2000. Podatkovni niz je del evidence območij, ki so pomembna za ohranjanje biotske raznovrstnosti.Natura 2000 je evropsko omrežje posebnih varstvenih območij, razglašenih v državah članicah Evropske unije z osnovnim ciljem ohraniti biotsko raznovrstnost za bodoče rodove. Posebna varstvena območja so torej namenjena ohranjanju živalskih in rastlinskih vrst ter habitatov, ki so redki ali na evropski ravni ogroženi zaradi dejavnosti človeka. Podatkovni niz je uraden podatek za veljavna območja NATURA 2000, ki so bila sprejeta z Uredbo o posebnih varstvenih območjih (območjih Natura 2000), Uradni list RS, št.49/04, 110/04 in 43/08. Podatkovni niz ni identičen tistemu, ki je bil julija 2004 posredovan Evropski komisji - izvedena sta bila dva tehnična popravka. Vir podatka: MOP - Agencija RS za okolje

Hurezi_Monastery: hydrography (geonode:hurezi_monastery_hydrography)

Base layer: rivers within Valeca County, Romania

Historical sites (geonode:Historical_sites)

No abstract provided

Vipava Valley, selected cultural heritage, settlements (geonode:vipava_valley_selected_cultural_heritage_settlemen)

Vipava Valley, selected cultural heritage, settlements

Corfu : Excellent building condition (geonode:corfu_identification_and_analysis_of_pressures_and_1)

No abstract provided

Venice and Lagoon: Museum Buildings (geonode:museums)

Major Museums in Venice

Berat: Abandoned historic buildings (geonode:berat_abandoned_historic_buildings)

The location of different abandoned historic buildings in historic area

Hurezi_Monastery_route_5_Points of interest (geonode:hurezi_monastery_route_5_points_of_interest)

No abstract provided

Vipava Valley, cultural heritage, memorials (geonode:vipava_valley_cultural_heritage_memorials)

Vipava Valley, cultural heritage, memorials

Corfu: Land Ktima (geonode:eidiko_ktima)

No abstract provided

Ohrid buffer zone Archeological sites (geonode:Archeological_sites)

No abstract provided

Hurezi_monastery_Buildings (geonode:Hurezi_monastery_Buildings)


Corfu : cycling root points (geonode:corfu_cycling_root_points)

No abstract provided

Venice and Lagoon: Historical Centers (geonode:historical_centers)

No abstract provided

Ohrid Cultural Heritage Thematic route 6 point (geonode:ohrid_cultural_heritage_thematic_route_6_point)

No abstract provided

Bacau: green areas (geonode:green_area)

Bacau Green Areas

Corfu:lakes (geonode:eidiko_ktima_limnes)

No abstract provided

Venice and Lagoon: cisterns (geonode:cisterns)

No abstract provided

Hurezi_Monastery: roads (geonode:hurezi_monastery_roads)

Base layer: roads within Valcea County, Romania

Hurezi_monastery: railways (geonode:hurezi_monastery_railways)

Base layer: railways within Valcea county, Romania

Vipava Valley: land use (geonode:vv_sustcult_landuse_2012)

Land use for Vipava Valley as published on national level ( and Data date is 2012-09-10. Land use is grouped by attribute RABA_ID. Code list is available on government web site

Hurezi_Monastery_Urban_Plan_classification_areas (geonode:hurezi_monastery_urban_plan_classification_areas)

No abstract provided

Ohrid Bufer Zone (geonode:Ohrid_buffer_zone)

No abstract provided

Venice and Lagoon: Museum Location (geonode:museums_point)

Major Museums in Venice

Vipava Valley: Cultural heritage - Castles (geonode:VV_cultural_heritage_castles)

Vipava Valley, Cultural heritage, Castles

Hurezi_monastery: railway_stations (geonode:hurezi_monastery_railway_stations)

base layer: railway_stations within Valcea County, Romania

Venice and Lagoon: bike tour Chioggia Lagoon (geonode:venice_and_laggon_bike_tour_chioggia_lagoon)

bike tour Chioggia Lagoon

Corfu : Bad building condition (geonode:corfu_identification_and_analysis_of_pressures_and)

Bad building condition

Berat_Cultural_life (geonode:berat_cultural_life)

Cultural events in different part of the city

Hurezi Monastery_buffer_zone (geonode:hurezi_monastery_buffer_zone)

Hurezi Monastery_buffer_zone

Vipava Valley, selected cultural heritage, religious buildings (geonode:vipava_valley_selected_cultural_heritage_religious)

Vipava Valley, selected cultural heritage, religious buildings

corfu: old fortress (geonode:corfu_old_fortress)

No abstract provided

Venice and Lagoon: buffer zone (draft) (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_buffe_rzone_draft)

This is a draft version of the buffer zone

Hurezi Monastery Historical monument (geonode:Hurezi_Monastery_Historical_monument)

Hurezi Monastery Historical monument

Berat natural risks (geonode:berat_natural_risks)

Berat natural risks

Corfu: Line8 Bus Stops Agios Ioannis-Afra, L11 Pelekas (geonode:corfu_line8_bus_stops_agios_ioannis_afra_11_peleka)

Bus Line 8 - Bus Stops Agios Ioannis-Afra Bus line 11 - Bus Stop Pelekas

Hurezi_monastery: Valcea_county_limit (geonode:hurezi_monastery_valcea_county_limit)

Base layer: Valcea county limit

Bacau: old town (geonode:bacau_old_town)

No abstract provided

Berat_Landuse (geonode:Berat_Landuse)

Land-use information according the latest regulatory plan of the city

Berat: Public institution (geonode:berat_public_institution)

public institution and handcraft

Corfu:Addresses Streets (geonode:eidiko_ktima_dromoi)

No abstract provided

Vipava Valley, selected cultural heritage, others (geonode:vipava_valley_selected_cultural_heritage_others)

Vipava Valley, selected cultural heritage, others

Cultural Heritage Thematic route 1 (geonode:cultural_heritage_thematic_route_1)

No abstract provided

Bacau: monuments (geonode:bacau_monuments)

Registered monuments

Bacau: main site (geonode:bacau_main_site)

Royal Court is the main site of the project. The Royal Court was built at the initiative of Stefan cel Mare's son, Alexandrel, around 1490. It was used as the residence of Alexandru, in his capacity as ruler of "Low Country". This was discovered by archaeologists in 1967.

Venice and Lagoon: buffer zone draft (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_buffer_zone_draft)

No abstract provided

Corfu: Health (geonode:corfu_health)

Health centers and points of interest

Venice and Lagoon: Austrian Cadastre - S. Croce (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_austrian_cadastre_s__croce)

No abstract provided

Hurezi Monastery_core area (geonode:hurezi_monastery_core_area)

Hurezi Monastery_core area

Venice and Lagoon: areas of archaeological interest (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_areas_of_archaeological_interest)

No abstract provided

Vipava Valley, cultural heritage, Villages (geonode:vipava_valley_cultural_heritage_villages)

Vipava Valley, cultural heritage, Villages

Corfu: Interesting Buildings (geonode:corfu_interesting_buildings)

Buildings of various interest.

Corfu: Education & Sports (geonode:corfu_education_sports)

Education & Sports points of interest.

Bacau: church_locations (geonode:bacau_church_locations)

Church locations in Bacau

Bacau: railroads (geonode:bacau_railroads)

Railroads crossing Bacau City

Venice and Lagoon: Coordination Regional Plan (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_coordination_regional_plan)

No abstract provided

Corfu: Values (geonode:axies)

No abstract provided

Corfu : ownership churches (geonode:corfu_ownership_churches)

No abstract provided

Venice and lagoon: canals lagoon (geonode:canals_lagoon)

No abstract provided

Corfu : Byzantine walk points (geonode:corfu_byzantine_walk_points)

No abstract provided

Bacau: cultural-religious thematic route1 (geonode:bacau_cultural_religious_thematic_route1)

Cultural-Religious thematic route 1

Hurezi_monastery_Private_property (geonode:hurezi_monastery_private_property)

Private properties

Corfu: Cultural Elements (geonode:corfu_cultural_elements)

Elements of Cultural points of interest.

Hurezi monastery_special_protection_avifauna_areas (SPA) (geonode:special_protection_avifauna_areas)


Venice and Lagoon: historical paths (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_historical_paths)

No abstract provided

Corfu: Religion (geonode:corfu_religion)

Religion points of interest (Churches etc)

Vipava Valley: Protected Areas (point) (geonode:arso_protected_areas_point)

Podatkovni niz prikazuje prostorsko razporeditev območij v Sloveniji, ki so zavarovana po predpisih o ohranjanju narave. Zavarovana območja se po Zakonu o ohranjanju narave delijo na ožja zavarovana območja (naravni spomenik, strogi naravni rezervat in naravni rezervat) in širša zavarovana območja (narodni, regijski in krajinski park). Območja zavarovana s predpisi lokalnih skupnosti so informativnega značaja.

Bacau: cultural-religious points of interest (geonode:bacau_cultural_religious_points_of_interest)

cultural-religious thematic route 1 points of interest

Corfu : jewish walk ghetto (geonode:corfu_jewish_walk_ghetto)

No abstract provided

Corfu : church after (geonode:corfu_church_after)

No abstract provided

Venice and Lagoon: hight soil salinity (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_hight_soil_salinity)

hight soil salinity

Hurezi_Monastery_route 2 Points of interest (geonode:hurezi_monastery_route_2_points_of_interest)

No abstract provided

Venice: archaeological sites (geonode:venice_archaeological_sites)

No abstract provided

Bacau: administrative limits (geonode:bacau_administrative_limits)

The limits of administrative limits for Bacau City and neighborhood.

Hurezi_Monastery_alleys (geonode:Hurezi_Monastery_paths)


Corfu: Modules (geonode:enotites)

No abstract provided

Berat: CURRENT SITUATION (geonode:berat_current_situation)

Identification and analysis of pressures and issues

Corfu: unesco walk points (geonode:corfu_unesco_walk_points)

No abstract provided

Bacau: Bird areas (geonode:bacau_bird_areas)

Bird Areas

Corfu: Βuildings (geonode:ktiria)

16954 buildings with the calculated area of each building.

Bacau: royal court objectives (geonode:bacau_royal_court_objectives)

No abstract provided

Corfu: Cycling Tour (geonode:corfu_cycling_tour)

No abstract provided

Venice and Lagoon: Area Plan for the Lagoon and the Area of Venice (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_area_plan_for_the_lagoon_and_the)

No abstract provided

Berat: Historical Buildings (geonode:Berat_Historic_Buildings)

No abstract provided

Hurezi_Monastery_special_conservation_areas (geonode:special_conservation_areas)


Venice and Lagoon: insdustrial areas enviromental risk (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_insdustrial_areas_enviromental_r)

insdustrial areas enviromental risk

Venice and lagoon Landscape Plan (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_landscape_plan)

No abstract provided

Corfu:Names of places (geonode:TOPONYMIA)

121 places with their names per geographical area such as Corfu, Alepou and Kavalia. Layer has an embedded table with 121 rows one for each of the above places.

Vipava Valley, selected cultural heritage, ethnological houses (geonode:vipava_valley_selected_cultural_heritage_ethnologi)

Vipava Valley, selected cultural heritage, ethnological house

Venice and Lagoon: Important Bird Areas (geonode:c1101031_IBA)

An Important Bird Area (IBA) is an area recognized as being globally important habitat for the conservation of bird populations. The program was developed and sites are identified by BirdLife International. These sites are small enough to be entirely conserved and differ in their character, habitat or ornithological importance from the surrounding habitat. In the United States the Program is administered by the National Audubon Society. Often IBAs form part of a country's existing protected area network, and so are protected under national legislation. Legal recognition and protection of IBAs that are not within existing protected areas varies within different countries. Some countries have a National IBA Conservation Strategy, whereas in others protection is completely lacking.

Venice and Lagoon: Palladian Villas (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_palladian_villas)

No abstract provided

Corfu : cycling root path (geonode:corfu_cycling_root_path)

No abstract provided

Bacau: universal values (geonode:bacau_universal_values)

Points of interest inside the site

Vipava Valley: Natural values (poly) (geonode:arso_natural_values_poly)

Podatkovni niz prikazuje prostorsko razporeditev območij naravnih vrednot v Sloveniji, kot so določene s Pravilnikom o določitvi in varstvu naravnih vrednot (Ur. l. RS, št. 111/04), Pravilniki o spremembah in dopolnitvah Pravilnika o določitvi in varstvu naravnih vrednot (Ur. l. RS, št. 70/06, 58/09 in 93/10) izdanih na podlagi 6. odstavka 37. člena Zakona o ohranjanju narave ( Ur. l. RS, št. 96/04 - uradno prečiščeno besedilo). Naravna vrednota je po Zakonu o ohranjanju narave poleg redkega, dragocenega ali znamenitega naravnega pojava tudi drug vredni pojav, sestavina oziroma del žive ali nežive narave, naravno območje ali del naravnega območja, ekosistem, krajina ali oblikovana narava. Med objekte in območja naravnih vrednot štejemo predvsem: geološke pojave, minerale in fosile ter njihova nahajališča, površinske in podzemske kraške pojave, podzemske jame, soteske in tesni ter drugi geomorfološke pojave, ledenike in oblike ledeniškega delovanja, izvire, slapove, brzice, jezera, barja, potoke in reke z obrežji, morsko obalo, rastlinske in živalske vrste, njihove izjemne osebke ter njihove življenjske prostore, ekosisteme, krajino in oblikovano naravo. Pravilnik o določitvi in varstvu naravnih vrednot predpisuje izdelavo dveh variant GIS slojev z mejami naravnih vrednot. Sloj območij naravnih vrednot je eden od treh slojev variante za javno uporabo, izdelane v skladu s 7. odstavkom 5. člena citiranega Pravilnika. Opisni podatki dopolnjujejo prostorsko opredelitev naravnih vrednot, tako da za vsak element ali območje podajajo atributne podatke, kot jih predpisuje Pravilnik: evidenčno številko naravne vrednote, ime naravne vrednote, kratko oznako, razvrstitev med naravne vrednote državnega ali lokalnega pomena in zvrst oziroma zvrsti naravne vrednote.

Venice and Lagoon: archaeological museums (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_archaeological_museums)

No abstract provided

Corfu: churches (geonode:corfu_churches)


Corfu : Churches before 17th path (geonode:corfu_churches_before_17th_path)

No abstract provided

Vipava Valley: cultural heritage villages test (geonode:vipava_vallery_cultural_heritage_villages_test)

No abstract provided

Hurezi_monastery_detailed_land_use (geonode:hurezi_monastery_detailed_land_use)

Horezu commune land use

Venice and lagoon: Roman Roads (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_roman_roads)

No abstract provided

Vipava Valley: Protected Areas (poly) (geonode:arso_protected_areas_poly)

Izpolnitev 53. in 111. člena Zakona o ohranjanju narave, Uradni list RS, št. 96/04 – ZON-UPB2 in 61/06 – ZDru-1 in seznanitev javnosti z zavarovanimi območji.Podatkovni niz zavarovanih območij narave se uporablja za izvajanje ukrepov ohranjanja narave, kot podlaga za načrtovanje in odločanje v prostoru ter pri izvajanju ukrepov drugih sektorjev. Ker Agencija RS za okolje po nobenem predpisu ni dolžna voditi registra območij zavarovanih na nivoju lokalnih skupnosti, so meje teh območij informativne.

Bacau: secondary sites (geonode:bacau_secondary_sites)

Secondary sites of the project consist in all registered historical monuments of the Bacau City.

Hurezi monastery scientific_reservations_natural_monuments_and_natural_reservations (geonode:srnmnr)

Hurezi monastery scientific_reservations_natural_monuments_and_natural_reservations

Venice and Lagoon: Inner Canals (geonode:inner_canals)

Venice Town Center Inner Canals

Venice and Lagoon: flooded areas last 60 years (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_flooded_areas_last_60_years)

flooded areas last 60 years

Corfu : Byzantine path_new (geonode:corfu_byzantine_path_new)

No abstract provided

Venice and Lagoon: relevant subsidence (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_relevant_subsidence)

relevant subsidence

Corfu: Line2 Bus Stop Kanoni (geonode:corfu_line2_bus_stop_kanoni)

Bus Line 2 - Bus Stop Kanoni

Hurezi Monastery: parcels (geonode:Hurezi_monastery_parcels)

test upload

Corfu : ownership public legal entities (geonode:corfu_ownership_public_galentities)

No abstract provided

Corfu: Line4 Bus Stop Potamos_Europouli (geonode:corfu_line4_bus_stop_potamos_evropouloi)

Bus Line 4 - Bus Stops Potamos_Evropouloi

Corfu : Church after path (geonode:corfu_church_after_path)

No abstract provided

Venice and Lagoon: boat stops (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_boat_stops)

No abstract provided

Venice and lagoon: Provincial Coordination Plan - PADOVA (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_provincial_coordination_plan_pad)

No abstract provided

Venice and Lagoos: polluted places (geonode:venice_and_lagoos_polluted_places)

polluted places

Berat-Castle (geonode:castle_perimeter_Export_Output)

Berat Castle was called from the Romans "Albanorum Oppidum" (Albanian Fortress) During the second Bulgarian occupation, 960-1018 the town was named Belgrad (White Castle)

Bacau: route 5 (geonode:bacau_route_5)

route 5

Venice and Lagoon: Austrian Cadastre - Cannaregio (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_test)

No abstract provided

Bacau: Route 4 (geonode:bacau_route_4)

Route 4

Venice and lagoon: urban plan (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_urban_plan)


Bacau: route 7 (geonode:bacau_route_7)

route 7

Berat-Castle (geonode:castle_perimeter_Export_Output_1)

Berat Castle was called from the Romans "Albanorum Oppidum" (Albanian Fortress) During the second Bulgarian occupation, 960-1018 the town was named Belgrad (White Castle)

Bacau: route 6 (geonode:bacau_route_6)

Route 6

Bacau: route 8 (geonode:bacau_route_8)

route 8

Berat; Buffer area (geonode:Berat_buffer_4)

Berat buffer zone include all the historical monuments

Corfu : jewish walk path (geonode:corfu_jewish_walk_path)

No abstract provided

Berat_buffer zone (geonode:Berat_buffer_1)

Berat buffer zone include all the historical monuments

Hurezi_monastery_Regional_Plan (geonode:hurezi_monastery_regional_plan)

No abstract provided

Berat_Buffer zone (geonode:Berat_buffer_2)

Berat buffer zone include all the historical monuments

Corfu:municipal level (geonode:dimot_diamerismata)

No abstract provided

Hurezi_Monastery_Tourist route 7 (geonode:hurezi_monastery_tourist_route_7)

Hurezi_Monastery_Tourist route 7

Bacau: green areas 2 (geonode:bacau_green_areas_2)

Land use: green areas

Hurezi_Monastery_Tourist route 6 (geonode:hurezi_monastery_tourist_route_6)

Hurezi_Monastery_Tourist route 6

Venice and Lagoon: bike tour from Treviso to Portegrandi (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_bike_tour_from_treviso_to_porteg)

bike tour from Treviso to Portegrandi

Hurezi_Monastery_Tourist route 5 (geonode:hurezi_monastery_tourist_route_5)

Hurezi_Monastery_Tourist route 5

Corfu : churches after 17th points (geonode:corfu_churches_after17th_points)

No abstract provided

berat_tourist_services (geonode:berat_tourist_services)

No abstract provided

Berat: Tourist Services (geonode:berat_tourist_services_1)

Berat: Tourist Services

Venice andl Lagoon: public art elements (geonode:venice_andl_lagoon_public_art_elements)

No abstract provided

Corfu: Points of Cultural and other Interest (geonode:corfu_points_of_cultural_and_other_interest)

Various points of cultural and other interest such as : Cultural Elements, Archeological places, Interesting Buildings, Parks, Public Parkings, Public Authorities & Services, Health and Churches.

Venice and Lagoon: Austrian Cadastre - S. Marco (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_austrian_cadastre_s__marco)

No abstract provided

Bacau: historical monuments (geonode:bacau_historical_monuments)

No abstract provided

Hurezi monastery_natural_protected_areas_sites_of_community_significance (SCI) (geonode:protected_natural_areas_sites_of_community_significance)


Venice and lagoon: Site of Community Importance (geonode:c1101011_SIC)

A Site of Community Importance (SCI) is defined in the European Commission Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) as a site which, in the biogeographical region or regions to which it belongs, contributes significantly to the maintenance or restoration at a favourable conservation status of a natural habitat type or of a species and may also contribute significantly to the coherence of Natura 2000, and/or contributes significantly to the maintenance of biological diversity within the biogeographic region or regions concerned. They are proposed to the Commission by the State Members and once approved, they can be designated as SACs by the State Member.

Hurezi_Monastery_gates (geonode:Hurezi_Monastery_gates)


Berat_Buildings (geonode:Berati_buildings)

Berat Buildings

Hurezi_monastery_Protected_Area (geonode:Hurezi_monastery_Protection_zone_claimed_by_PUG_2009)


Corfu: unesco walk layer (geonode:corfu_unesco_walk_layer)

No abstract provided

Corfu: Bus Lines (geonode:corfu_bus_lines)

Bus Lines

Vipava Valley, cultural heritage, settlements (geonode:vipava_valley_cultural_heritage_settlements)

Vipava Valley, cultural heritage, settlements

Venice and Lagoon: relevant accident risk factories (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_relevant_accident_risk_factories)

relevant accident risk factories

Vipava Valley, selected cultural heritage, castles and mansions (geonode:vipava_valley_selected_cultural_heritage_castles_a)

Vipava Valley, selected cultural heritage, castles and mansions

Venice and Lagoon: natural oasis (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_natural_oasis)

No abstract provided

Hurezi_Monastery_land_use (geonode:Hurezi_Monastery_land_use)


Venice and Lagoon: Austrian Cadastre - S. Polo (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_austrian_cadastre_s__polo)

No abstract provided

Sacral Monuments Ohrid Macedonia (geonode:Sacral_Monuments_Ohrid_Macedonia)

No abstract provided

Corfu : Byzantine points (geonode:corfu_byzantine_points)

No abstract provided

Venice and Lagoon: hydraulic hazard (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_hydraulic_hazard)

hydraulic hazard

Berat:MANGALEM ROUTE (geonode:beratmangalem_route)


Berat_cult_objects (geonode:berat_cult_objects)

Berat cult objects, include the different categories of religious objects like churches, mosques, teqe ect

Berat:INVESTMENT (geonode:beratinvestment)


Venice and Lagoon: Lighthouse (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_lighthouse)

No abstract provided

Venice and Lagoon: Palaces (geonode:palaces)

Venice town center Palaces

Venice and Lagoon: WHL site location (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_whl_site_location)

No abstract provided

Venice and Lagoon: managment plan municipalities (geonode:managment_plan_municipalities)

No abstract provided

Ohrid Streets (geonode:Streets_Ohrid)

No abstract provided

Hurezi_Monastery_Tourist route 4 (geonode:hurezi_monastery_tourist_route_4)

Hurezi_Monastery_Tourist route 4

Hurezi_Monastery_Tourist route 3 (geonode:hurezi_monastery_tourist_route_3)

Hurezi_Monastery_Tourist route 3

Hurezi_Monastery_Tourist route 2 (geonode:hurezi_monastery_tourist_route_2)

Hurezi_Monastery_Tourist route 2

Hurezi_Monastery_precinct walls (geonode:Hurezi_Monastery_precinct_walls)

Hurezi_Monastery_precinct walls

Hurezi_Monastery_Tourist route 1 (geonode:hurezi_monastery_tourist_route_1)

Hurezi_Monastery_Tourist route 1

Corfu : Church points_new (geonode:corfu_church_points_new)

No abstract provided

Vipava Valley Thematic Cohesive Routes (geonode:vipava_valley_thematic_cohesive_routes)

Vipava Valley Thematic Cohesive Routes

Cycling Tour points (geonode:cycling_tour_points)

No abstract provided

Hurezi_Monastery_Accomodation (geonode:accomodation)

Accomodation units in the area of Hurezi Monastery.

Ohrid: city blocks (geonode:City_Blocks_Ohrid_1)

No abstract provided

Venice and Lagoon: Austrian Cadastre - Castello (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_austrian_cadastre_castello)

No abstract provided

Venice and Lagoon: Palladian monumental architecture (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_palladian_monumental_architectur)

No abstract provided

Hurezi_Monastery_spring (geonode:Hurezi_Monastery_spring)


Ohrid: Core area (geonode:Ohrid_core_area)

No abstract provided

Bacau: traffic stations (geonode:bacau_traffic_stations)

Traffic stations in Bacau City

Vipava Valley, cultural heritage, religious buildings (geonode:vipava_valley_cultural_heritage_religious_building)

Vipava Valley, cultural heritage, religious buildings

Corfu: Parking (geonode:epitrepomeni_stathmeusi)

No abstract provided

Corfu : ownership secular buildiings of 19th and 20tcentury (geonode:corfu_ownership_secular_buildiings_of_19th_and_20t)

No abstract provided

Berat: Hstorical Zone (geonode:hitorical_zone_1)

The Historical Zone regroup the most important historical building like: The castle who gives the origin of the city name, for the Romans called it "Albanorum Oppidum" (Albanian Fortress). During the second Bulgarian occupation, 910-1018 the town was named Belgrad (white castle). Inside of the historical zone is located "Mangalem" quarter, a pearl of the art of construction, a quarter is shaped the like a piramid, on top of wich resides the castle. In front of "Mangalem" from the other side of the river is located "Gorica" another characteristic monument building ensemble.

Venice and Lagoon: Italy WHL Sites (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_italy_whl_sites)

No abstract provided

Venice and Lagoon: urban cycle paths (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_urban_cycle_paths)

urban cycle paths

Venice and Lagoon: Municipal Urban Plans (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_municipal_urban_plans)

No abstract provided

Venice and Lagoon: Bridges (geonode:bridges)

Bridges Venice historical Center

Venice and Lagoon: risk relevant accident sure impact (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_risk_relevant_accident_sure_impa)

risk relevant accident sure impact

Bacau: lakes (geonode:bacau_lakes)

Main lakes around Bacau

Venice and Lagoon: Churches (geonode:churches)

Venice Town center Churches

Hurezi_monastery_State_property (geonode:hurezi_monastery_state_property)

State properties

Corfu : jewish walk points (geonode:corfu_jewish_walk_points)

No abstract provided

Venice and Lagoon: fortification (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_fortification)

No abstract provided

Bacau: residential areas (geonode:bacau_residential_areas)

Land use: residential areas

Hurezi_monastery_water_mil (geonode:Hurezi_monastery_water_mill)


Venice and Lagoon: historical works coastal defense (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_historical_works_coastal_defense)

No abstract provided

Venice and Lagoon: boat lines (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_boat_lines)

No abstract provided

Hurezi_monastery: museum_buildings (geonode:Hurezi_monastery_museum_buildings)

Hurezi_monastery: museum_buildings

Ohrid_Museum (geonode:ohrid_museum)

No abstract provided

Bacau: museums (geonode:bacau_museums)


Hurezi_Monastery_secundary_roads (geonode:Hurezi_Monastery_secundary_roads)


Corfu : ownership public (geonode:corfu_ownership_public)

No abstract provided

Corfu:coastline (geonode:eidiko_ktima_aigialos_paralia_)

No abstract provided

Venice and Lagoon: old Mills (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_old_mills)

No abstract provided

Corfu Churches of Old Town (geonode:corfu_churches_of_old_town)

No abstract provided

Corfu : ownership secular buildiings (geonode:corfu_ownership_secular_buildiings)

No abstract provided

Corfu: Line14 Bus Stops Kanalia, Kompitsi (geonode:corfu_line14_bus_stops_kanalia_kompitsi)

Bus Line 14 - Bus Stops Kanalia, Kompitsi

Hurezi_monastery: location (geonode:Hurezi_monastery_location)

Hurezi_monastery: location

Corfu: Service Bureaus (geonode:corfu_service_bureaus)

Service Bureaus

Ohrid City Blocks (geonode:City_Blocks_Ohrid)

No abstract provided

Goriška region (geonode:goriska_region)

Goriška region

Berat; buffer zone (geonode:Berat_buffer)

Berat buffer zone include all the historical monuments

Corfu: old town unesco walk path (geonode:corfu_old_town_unesco_walk_path)

No abstract provided

Lake Ohrid (geonode:Lake_Ohrid)

No abstract provided

Venice and Lagoon: bike Jesolo tour (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_bike_jesolo_tour)

bike Jesolo tour

Venice and Lagoon: potentially contaminated places (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_potentially_contaminated_places)

potentially contaminated places

Corfu : ownership municipal (geonode:corfu_ownership_municipal)

No abstract provided

Berat:ECONOMICAL BUILDINGS (geonode:berateconomical_buildings)


Corfu: Values I (geonode:axies_l)

No abstract provided

Hurezi_monastery: communes (geonode:hurezi_monastery_communes)

Base layer: communes of Valcea County, Romania

Hurezi_Monastery_route 6 Points of interest (geonode:hurezi_monastery_route_6_points_of_interest)

No abstract provided

Hurezi_Monastery_route 4 Points of interest (geonode:hurezi_monastery_route_4_points_of_interest)

No abstract provided

Bacau: main roads (geonode:bacau_main_roads)

Main roads of Bacau City

Hurezi_Monastery_main_roads (geonode:Hurezi_Monastery_main_roads)


Venice and Lagoon: wells (geonode:wells)

Venice Town Center Wells

Venice and Lagoon: risk storm vulnerability (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_risk_storm_vulnerability)

risk storm vulnerability

Hurezi_Monastery_Buildings_whitin_the_site (geonode:Hurezi_Monastery_Buildings_whitin_the_site)


Corfu : churches before 17th points (geonode:corfu_churches_before_17th_points)

No abstract provided

Corfu: Line5 Bus Stops Kouramades, L6 Benitses, L10 Achilio (geonode:corfu_line5_bus_stops_kouramades_l6_benitses_l10_a)

Bus Line 5 - Bus Stop Kouramades Bus Line 6 - Bus Stop Benitses Bus Line 10 - Bus Stop Achilio

Ohrid_Museums (geonode:ohrid_museums)

No abstract provided

Venice and lagoon: Special Protection Area (SPA) (geonode:c1101021_ZPS)

A Special Protection Area or SPA is a designation under the European Union Directive on the Conservation of Wild Birds.Under the Directive, Member States of the European Union (EU) have a duty to safeguard the habitats of migratory birds and certain particularly threatened birds.Together with Special Areas of Conservation (SACs), the SPAs form a network of protected sites across the EU, called Natura 2000.

Corfu: Settlements (geonode:Oikismoi)

17 settlements across the municipality area with the following titles : Kommeno, Tzavaratika, Temploni, Gouvia, Kontokali, Danilia, Kira Hrisikou, Potamos, Agia Eleni, Alepou, Evropouloi, Mantouki, Katakalou, Kanoni, Analipsi, Garitsa, Kanali.

Venice and Lagoon: islands lagoon (geonode:island_lagoon)

No abstract provided

Bacau: buffer zone (geonode:bacau_buffer_zone)

This layer contains the buffer zone

Venice and lagoon: Buffer Zone (geonode:ipotesi_buffer_zone)

The perimeter of the buffer zone is being defined and evaluated by the institutions responsible for the management of the site

Berat:CASTEL ROUTE (geonode:beratcastel_route)


Hurezi Monastery Ensemble (geonode:Hurezi_Monastery_Ensemble_1)

Hurezi Monastery_Ensemble

Ohridf Cultural Heritage Thematic route 5 (geonode:ohridf_cultural_heritage_thematic_route_5)

No abstract provided

Venice and Lagoon: Austrian Cadastre - Dorsoduro (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_austrian_cadastre_dorsoduro)

No abstract provided

Venice and lagoon: Corine Land cover land use (geonode:clc_soil_use)

Land use

Cultural Heritage Thematic route 3 point (geonode:cultural_heritage_thematic_route_3_point)

No abstract provided

Ohrid_Land_Use (geonode:ohrid_land_use)

OHRID_Land_Use Population: 55 749 Total area: 389,93 Км2 Inhabited places: 29

_test (geonode:_test)

No abstract provided

Corfu:population distribution-demography (geonode:blocks_ESYE)

No abstract provided

Hurezi Monastery_National Natural Parks (geonode:national_natural_parks)


Berat natural location (geonode:berat_natural_location)

Diferent natural location in the city

Ohrid Bufer Zone (geonode:Ohrid_buffer_zone_2)

No abstract provided

Ohrid_buffer_zone (geonode:Ohrid_buffer_zone_3)

No abstract provided

Hurezi_Monastery_route 3 Points of interest (geonode:hurezi_monastery_route_3_points_of_interest)

No abstract provided

Ohrid Bufer Zone (geonode:Ohrid_buffer_zone_1)

No abstract provided

Hurezi_Monastery_route_1_Points of interest (geonode:hurezi_monastery_route_1_points_of_interest)

No abstract provided

Hurezi_Monastery_River (geonode:river1)


Bacau: cultural-scientific points of interest (geonode:bacau_cultural_scientific_points_of_interest)

cultural-scientific points of interest

Vipava Valley: Natural values (point) (geonode:arso_natural_values_point)

Podatkovni niz prikazuje prostorsko razporeditev območij naravnih vrednot v Sloveniji, kot so določene s Pravilnikom o določitvi in varstvu naravnih vrednot (Ur. l. RS, št. 111/04) in Pravilnikom o spremembah in dopolnitvah Pravilnika o določitvi in varstvu naravnih vrednot (Ur. l. RS, št. 70/06), izdanim na podlagi 6. odstavka 37. člena Zakona o ohranjanju narave ( Ur. l. RS, št. 96/04 - uradno prečiščeno besedilo). Naravna vrednota je po Zakonu o ohranjanju narave poleg redkega, dragocenega ali znamenitega naravnega pojava tudi drug vredni pojav, sestavina oziroma del žive ali nežive narave, naravno območje ali del naravnega območja, ekosistem, krajina ali oblikovana narava. Med objekte in območja naravnih vrednot štejemo predvsem: geološke pojave, minerale in fosile ter njihova nahajališča, površinske in podzemske kraške pojave, podzemske jame, soteske in tesni ter drugi geomorfološke pojave, ledenike in oblike ledeniškega delovanja, izvire, slapove, brzice, jezera, barja, potoke in reke z obrežji, morsko obalo, rastlinske in živalske vrste, njihove izjemne osebke ter njihove življenjske prostore, ekosisteme, krajino in oblikovano naravo. Pravilnik o določitvi in varstvu naravnih vrednot predpisuje izdelavo dveh variant GIS slojev z mejami naravnih vrednot. Sloj točk naravnih vrednot je eden od treh slojev variante za javno uporabo, izdelane v skladu s 7. odstavkom 5. člena citiranega Pravilnika. Opisni podatki dopolnjujejo prostorsko opredelitev naravnih vrednot, tako da za vsak element ali območje podajajo atributne podatke, kot jih predpisuje Pravilnik: evidenčno številko naravne vrednote, ime naravne vrednote, kratko oznako, razvrstitev med naravne vrednote državnega ali lokalnega pomena in zvrst oziroma zvrsti naravne vrednote.

Ohrid Cultural Heritage Thematic route 2 point (geonode:ohrid_cultural_heritage_thematic_route_2_point)

No abstract provided

Corfu: Cycling Tour (geonode:cycling_tour)

No abstract provided

Venice and Lagoon: archaeology route I (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_archaeology_route_i)

No abstract provided

Venice and Lagoon: historical works Venice Republic (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_historical_works_venice_republic)

No abstract provided

Bacau: rivers (geonode:bacau_rivers)

Rivers near Bacau City

Venice and Lagoon: Historical works Piave Lake (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_historical_works_piave_lake)

No abstract provided

Hurezi_Monastery_route 7 Points of interest (geonode:hurezi_monastery_route_7_points_of_interest)

Route 7 Points of interest

Venice and Lagoon: bike tour from Chioggia to Venice (geonode:venice_and_laggon_bike_tour_from_chioggia_to_venic)

bike tour from Chioggia to Venice

Corfu: streams (geonode:eidiko_ktima_remata)

No abstract provided

Venice and Lagoon: historic fishponds (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_historic_fishponds)

historic fishponds

Corfu: Green Recreation Areas (geonode:corfu_green_recreation_areas)

Green Recreation Areas

Venice and lagoon: industrial archaeology (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_industrial_archaeology)

No abstract provided

Venice and Lagoon: Sestieri (geonode:sestieri)

A sestiere (plural: sestieri) is a subdivision of certain Italian towns and cities. The word is from sesto, or sixth; and is thus used only for towns divided into six districts.

Venice and lagoon: Public Art Elements (geonode:public_art)

Public Art, Monument, Venice

Berat_Osum_river (geonode:Osumi_river)

Osum river

Corfu: Core Zone (geonode:_stmap)

The Old Town of Corfu is located on the Island of Corfu (Kerkyra), off the western coasts of Albania and Greece. It is an ancient site, which was in a strategic position at the entrance to the Adriatic Sea. The fortifications of Corfu were designed by renowned Venetian engineers, and they were used for four centuries to defend the maritime trading interests of the Republic of Venice against the Ottoman Empire. In the course of time, the fortifications had to be repaired and partly rebuilt several times, more recently under the British rule in the 19th century. The mainly neoclassical housing stock of the Old Town is partly from the Venetian period, partly of later construction.

Venice and lagoon: old rural buildings (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_old_rural_buildings)

No abstract provided

Venice and Lagoon: naturalistic itineraries (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_naturalistic_itineraries)

No abstract provided

Venice and Lagoon: old military structures (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_old_military_structures)

No abstract provided

Hurezi_monastery_Local_Urban_Plan (geonode:hurezi_monastery_local_urban_plan)

No abstract provided

Venice and Lagoon: bike Jesolo Lagoon (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_bike_jesolo_lagoon)

bike Jesolo Lagoon

Venice and Lagoon: smaller islands (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_smaller_islands)

No abstract provided

Venice and Lagoon: archaeological sites (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_archaeological_sites)

No abstract provided

Venice and Lagoon: biotopes (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_biotopes)

No abstract provided

Berat; Buildings (geonode:buildings_1)

Berat buildings

Old Town Of Corfu: Universal Values (geonode:old_town_of_corfu_universal_values)

No abstract provided

Venice and Lagoon: archaeology route II (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_archaeology_route_ii)

No abstract provided

Venice and Lagoon: aquifer vulnerability (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_aquifer_vulnerability)

aquifer vulnerability

Venice and lagoon: Provincial Coordination Plan - Venice (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_provincial_coordination_plan_ven)

No abstract provided

Ohrid Cultural Heritage Thematic route 4 point (geonode:ohrid_cultural_heritage_thematic_route_4_point)

No abstract provided

Corfu: Line7 Bus Stop Dasia (geonode:corfu_line7_bus_stop_dasia)

Bus Line 7 - Bus Stop Dasia

Bacau: industrial areas (geonode:bacau_industrial_areas)

Land use: industrial areas

Ohrid Cultural Heritage Thematic route 7 (geonode:ohrid_cultural_heritage_thematic_route_7)

No abstract provided

Cultural Heritage Thematic route1 point (geonode:cultural_heritage_thematic_route1_point)

No abstract provided

Corfu:Road Network (geonode:streets)

No abstract provided

Berat:GORICA ROUTE (geonode:beratgorica_route)

touristic route in Gorica

Venice and lagoon: venetian villas (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_venetian_villas)

No abstract provided

Ohrid Cultural Heritage Thematic route 7 point (geonode:ohrid_cultural_heritage_thematic_route_7_point)

No abstract provided

Wter Flow Ohrid (geonode:Water_Flow)

No abstract provided

Vipava Valley, cultural heritage, others (geonode:vipava_valley_cultural_heritage_others)

Vipava Valley, cultural heritage, others

Bacau: cultural-scientific thematic route 2 (geonode:bacau_cultural_scientific_thematic_route_2)

cultural-scientific thematic route 2

Berat: New projects in the buffer area (geonode:berat_new_projects_in_the_buffer_area)

The project aims the rehabilitation of a very important zone of the city. The location in the Buffer Zone makes this project a delicate one regarding the urban and architectural points of view. The project aims in the creation of a pedestrian axe from the old stadium until the Bachelors’ Mosque. Urban mobility, stone tiles’ layers, and the composition of the main square aim to create an unique urban space, thus having as an objective not only the improvement of the actual image of the walkway, but as well as the exaltation of the visual cone that has in the scenery the excellent ensemble of Mangalemi quarter. The walkway will have two pedestrian lanes, divided each from the other from stone seats. The involvement in a part of the Park, aims the integration in a green space typical English, thus allowing a sight without obstacles towards the Historic Center. In the project are included the rehabilitation of the infrastructure networks, and the modern system of the walkway and the main square.

Venice and lagoon: cisterns v2 (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_cisterns_v2)

No abstract provided

Hurezi monastery: museums location (geonode:Hurezi_monastery_museums_location)


Venice and Lagoon: risk relevant accident (damage) (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_risk_relevant_accident_damage)

risk relevant accident (damage)

Bacau: protected parks (geonode:bacau_protected_parks)

Protected Parks

Corfu:Land parcels (geonode:geotemaxia)

No abstract provided

Ohrid Cultural Heritage Thematic route 3 (geonode:ohrid_cultural_heritage_thematic_route_3)

No abstract provided

Ohrid Cultural Heritage Thematic route 4 (geonode:ohrid_cultural_heritage_thematic_route_4)

No abstract provided

Historical Zone bounder (geonode:hitorical_zone)

The historical zone of Berat, include the fortress part wich give the origin of the name during second Bulgarian occupation 960-1018 The town was named Belgrad (white castle)

Vipava Valley: Area for collecting data (geonode:sust_cult_area)

Vipava Valley: SUSTCULT AREA

Ohrid Cultural Heritage Thematic route 6 (geonode:ohrid_cultural_heritage_thematic_route_6)

No abstract provided

Hurezi_Monastery_parking (geonode:Hurezi_Monastery_parking)


Hurezi_monastery_cultural_heritage (geonode:hurezi_monastery_cultural_heritage)

Hurezi Monastery_Cultural Heritage

Ohrid Cultural Heritage Thematic route 2 (geonode:ohrid_cultural_heritage_thematic_route_2)

No abstract provided

Corfu: unesco walk path (geonode:corfu_unesco_walk_path)

No abstract provided

Berat_Hotels_&_Restaurant (geonode:berat_hotels__restaurant)

Diferents hotels, guest house, and restaurants in the city

Hurezi_Monastery_Regional_Development_Plan (geonode:hurezi_monastery_regional_development_plan)

No abstract provided

Corfu: Public Parking (geonode:corfu_public_parking)

Public Parking places

Venice and Lagoon: Rii Terà (silted up canals) (geonode:rii_tera)

Rii Terà: silted up canals

Venice and Lagoon: lagoon landscape valley (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_lagoon_landscape_valley)

No abstract provided

Bacau: cultural-historical points of interest (geonode:bacau_cultural_historical_points_of_interest)

cultural-historical points of interest

Corfu: Bus Stops (geonode:bus_stops)

No abstract provided

Hurezi_monastery_Buffer_zone_draft_claimed_by_local_urban_plan (geonode:hurezi_monastery_buffer_zone_draft_claimed_by_loca)

No abstract provided

Bacau: route 5 points of interest (geonode:bacau_route_5_points_of_interest)

route 5 points of interest

Bacau: route 4 points of interest (geonode:bacau_route_4_points_of_interest)

route 4 points of interest

Bacau: ownership (geonode:bacau_ownership)

Bacau site ownership

Bacau: route 7 points of interest (geonode:bacau_route_7_points_of_interest)

route 7 points of interest

Corfu: Cycling Tour 2 (geonode:corfu_cycling_tour_2)

No abstract provided

Bacau: route 6 points of interest (geonode:bacau_route_6_points_of_interest)

route 6 points of interest

Bacau: route 8 points of interest (geonode:bacau_route_8_points_of_interest)

route 7 points of interest

Ohrid Cultural Heritage Thematic route 5 point (geonode:ohrid_cultural_heritage_thematic_route_5_point)

No abstract provided

Corfu:Sea Coves Lakes (geonode:thal_ormoi_limn)

11 locations across the municipality area for ports, coves, lakes, lagoons and marines : New Port, Old Port, Lagoon Halkiopoulou, Cove Garitsa, Marine Gouvies, Lake Skotini, Lake Mandrakiou, Marine etc

Vipava Valley, cultural heritage, museums and galleries (geonode:vipava_valley_cultural_heritage_museums_and_galler)

Vipava Valley, cultural heritage, museums and galleries

Bacau: cultural-historica thematic route 2 (geonode:bacau_cultural_historica_thematic_route_2)

cultural-historica thematic route 2

Hurezi_monastery: localities (geonode:hurezi_monastery_localities)

Base layer: localities within Valcea County, Romania

Venice and Lagoon: core zone (geonode:core_area_venice_lagoon)

Core area Venice and its Laggon

Corfu: Beaches (geonode:paralies)

10 Beaches : Agia Ekaterini, Mon Repo,Kanoni, Sotiriotisa , Gouvia, Kommeno, Bania tou Alekou etc.

Venice and Lagoon: Relevant Projects (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_relevant_projects)

No abstract provided

Corfu : Byzantine monument walk (geonode:corfu_byzantine_monument_walk)

No abstract provided

Corfu: Archeological Places_Museums (geonode:corfu_archeological_places)

Archeological points of interest and Museums..

Venice and Lagoon: Austrian Cadastre - Giudecca (geonode:venice_and_lagoon_austrian_cadastre_giudecca)

No abstract provided

Vipava Valley: Municipalities in Slovenia (geonode:municipalities)

Municipalities in Slovenia.

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