
Germany overview provided by powered by MapServer 6.2

Topographie Topographie Topographie
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Web Service, OGC Web Map Service 1.3.0
metaspatial, ogc wms, wms, germany, overview map, topography, railroads, roads, streets, cities, postal codes, postleitzahlen, plz, watercourses, settlements, free data, free geodata, freie geodaten, as-is
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Supported languages
No INSPIRE Extended Capabilities (including service language support) given. See INSPIRE Technical Guidance - View Services for more information.
Data provider

metaspatial (unverified)

Contact information:

Arnulf Christl


Heerstr. 162, 53111 Bonn, Germany


Phone: +491722958004

Service metadata
No INSPIRE Extended Capabilities (including service metadata) given. See INSPIRE Technical Guidance - View Services for more information.

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This service provides topographic, infrastructure and ordnance data for Germany. The data has been collated form different sources including the CIA factbook and postal codes Germany available at This service and contained data are intended for demonstration purposes and can be changed or decommissioned at any time and without prior notice. Please use as is. Nobody will take any responsibility for what you do. Have fun. For further information or professional use please visit

Available map layers (13)

Germany overview provided by powered by MapServer 6.2 (germany)

This service provides topographic, infrastructure and ordnance data for Germany. The data has been collated form different sources including the CIA factbook and postal codes Germany available at This service and contained data are intended for demonstration purposes and can be changed or decommissioned at any time and without prior notice. Please use as is. Nobody will take any responsibility for what you do. Have fun. For further information or professional use please visit

Höhenklasse (Hoehenklasse)

Staatsgrenze (Staatsgrenze)

Bundeslaender (Bundeslaender)

Staedte (Staedte)

Postleitzahlbereiche (Postleitzahlbereiche)

Flüsse (Fluesse)

Bahnlinien (Bahnlinien)

Strassen (Strassen)

Staedtepunkte (Staedtepunkte)

Postleitzahlen (Postleitzahlen)

Staedtenamen (Staedtenamen)

Bundeslaendernamen (Bundeslaendernamen)

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